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I just want to say I apologise for the build up, in my stories I prefer build up. They didn't know each other so had to build up the meeting. This is my first ever story, if you want a second part I will happily carry on the story and please do give some feedback, would love some advice.
PLEASE NOTE: I will be using terms from vampire shows such as the ability to "Compel" people from TVD. Vampires have hypnosis abilities, just feel compel is the best word to call it.

Raining heavy, being thrown at the earth. It was cold but Matt needed to get home as fast as he could, driving over the limit before the storm fully hit him. He slammed his foot down but the road was becoming less visible as he got closer to home. The car sliding about on the dirt road, he tried to hit the brakes but once he did the car slid even more. The back of his SUV slid to the right towards a ditch in the road, he lost control of the car. As the car slid into the ditch he knew this would end badly and most likely result in his death. He was right, the emergency services would not reach him in time.

He felt like he was too young to die, at the age of eighteen… this was his last year in high school, he didn’t want it to end here, being found dead in a “shitty SUV” as he would call it. His life didn’t flash his eyes as most people think it would, but he just thought about his Aunt and his Uncle and how happy they were when they realised he survived the car crash ten years ago. You see, Matts parents were in a car crash when he was eight years old. He watched his parents die, slowly and painfully from their injuries. Luckily it didn’t scar him or leave any mental impact, not that he didn’t love them, he had his Aunt Katie and his Uncle James to help him through the loss.

As he came back to reality and realised this may be death catching up to him after ten years, his vision slowly blacking out, he could feel his body about to give up trying to fight it. The pain was excruciating and the thought of the emotional pain his family will feel almost made him want to die and forget all about it, what happens on the other side? What happens when he dies, will he go to heaven, or hell. Nobody knows, but he was soon going to find out. The suddenly as he closed his eyes and bright flash of white started to approach him and his breathing got heavier and his heart started to pound through his chest. This was it, this was the end for him. He closed his eyes and awaited death.

He then opened his eyes and found himself staring at his bedroom wall, his heart still pounding, and his was drenched in sweat. A sigh of relief left him as he realised it was just a simple nightmare, but he didn’t feel the same… the loss of his parents began to hit him again. The emotional pain came flooding back to him. He got a hold of himself and sat up and staring at the wall. He wondered what the hell actually just happened, making him wonder if he had this dream for a reason.

He got up, got some clothes on and headed downstairs to the smell of bacon and eggs. His Aunt cooking breakfast as usual and his Uncle reading the paper, “That doesn’t seem good...” he said as he nodded to his Uncle’s paper. James turned his paper to look at the front page, it read “3 Girls MURDERED out by Chalk Riverside Park!” his Uncle looking at the title with pain. “It’s a shame this is happening in a town like this” his Aunt uttered. You see the thing about this town is that the crime rate is so low, almost no crime in fact. Which was surprising because there is a lot of gang violence just outside of it.

“We’re investigating it; not much else I can give you I’m afraid…” his Uncle responds. You see, Uncle James was not simply Uncle James, he was also Sheriff James Guildsworth of the stunning little town named Louville, Louisiana. The town was about twenty-five minutes away from New Orleans, which made it a very popular place to live but didn’t suffer from any crime. His Uncle being the Sheriff didn’t keep him from his rebellious side of being a typical teenager. From the age of fifteen to around seventeen Matt wasn’t over the death of his parents and found comfort in drug use and alcohol, but as he reached eighteen he got sick of waking up with a headache from the devil himself.

Matt finished up his breakfast and headed back upstairs to take a shower, get dressed and head off to school. As he headed out the door he grabbed his jacket and the keys for his truck, he heard a truck pull up the road. He opened the door even further to see a moving truck for the house two doors over. He glanced over to see a family moving boxes into the front door, he also noticed a young girl among them. She looked as if she was around seventeen or eighteen so she must be new girl next door. She was around 5ft 5 or maybe 6, bright red hair and her face was the most beautiful face he had ever seen. His heart skipped a beat and a smile came across his face, one of which he could not control.

Her sight landed on him as she was glancing around the neighbourhood. She smiled as their eyes locked onto one another, he smiled back and headed to his truck shutting the door behind him. As he opened the door to his truck he took another look at the new neighbours, he saw a fairly large muscular man staring at him, as if he was ready to kill him. “Maybe it’s her brother, or Dad… fuck it, who knows” he thought to himself.

Once he arrived at school he did his usual routine and head to the school’s gym. He met up with his best friend Will and they both headed to the weights and proceeded to do their daily workout. Matt was a fairly large guy, standing at 5ft 11 and is a very muscular person, he is captain of the football team for his school, he wasn’t massively into football but he wanted to impress his Dad by getting into it and kept a promise that we would always play throughout high school, he kept that promise after they had died.

As he lifted his weights all he could focus on was the girl that he had seen moving in earlier, he tried to focus on what he was doing but he was being extremely unsuccessful. He decided to give up for five minutes and decided to chill out for a minute to catch a breath. “You okay man?” Will muttered with a look of confusion on his face. Matt nodded his head and just explained the dream he had last night about the car crash, as his best friend Will is always there to listen to him about his problems and they’ve been best friends since they were little children, both families are friends and have been for a very long time.

Will and Matt’s families have lived in this town for many generations, Matts parents had owned a branch of sports equipment stores and Wills Dad was their accountant. Their parents were also friends since children, it seemed to be a never ending cycle, not a bad cycle, but a cycle nonetheless. The business was left with Matts Uncle but he didn’t want any part of it so he gave it to Katie to look out for it because she has experience in running a business. It’s supposed to be passed down to Matt when he reached the age of twenty-one.
Time seemed to pass very quickly as he had to rush to class after getting changed. He grabbed his gym bag and headed towards his locker, he opened his locker to find a note from Will telling that he had a new stash of weed that he brought. Matt chuckled, put his bag in his locker, and headed off to class. On the way to the classroom he passed the Principles office and he had a little glance in and saw the big guy and the girl that were moving into his street. A feeling of excitement fell upon him as he realised it could be a way to see her more and be able to talk to her.
Matt was no stranger to the ladies and always had the confidence to talk to them to. He looked at the brute sitting next to her, he chuckled at the fact he was probably right, it was either her father or her brother. He shrugged it off and moved on with what he was supposed to be doing, and that was going to class. He sat down at his desk, got out his pen, book and then checked his phone before class was in full swing. He received a text from his Aunt saying “Hey sweetie, mind picking up some milk on your way home? I’ve got to go to the Cadvilles at lunch and I’ll be there all day” he replied saying that he would and then switched off his phone.

“Ugh, I hate biology” Will whispered to him, “maybe that’s because you’re a pussy bro” Matt replied with a grin on his face. Will flipped him off then threw this pen at him which caught Mr Garrets attention, Mr Garret being the biology teacher that is. “Quiet down you lot, we got a new student coming in today so Principle Titchborne will be bringing them in, so let’s make a first impression” he gave the class a ‘I give up on you guys’ look and said “we all know how you can be when the new kid arrives” the class laughed and he began to write on the blackboard. He paused and turned around “Oh and Will, pick your god damn pen up will ya” and resumed writing the title of the class for today, which was “Biology”. “Well no shit” Matt thought to himself, then his thoughts went back to the girl he saw today, her fiery red hair, it was astonishing. His thoughts were soon disrupted by a knock on the door and Principle Titchborne was standing there, with the exact same girl at his side.

“Mr Garret, this is Kera Pitslow, she’ll be here for the rest of the year, hope you can help her settle in” with that he tapped Kera on the shoulder and left. “Hey Kera, welcome to Louville High School” he said with a smile on his face. “Thanks Mr Garret” she replied with a nervous chuckle. He gave her a little introduction while the class was distracted by their phones except Matt, he was just in a world of his own, looking at the wondrous beauty standing before him. He then assigned her a seat and pointed to the desk to the right of Matt, right next to him. She started to walk over, “keep it cool” Matt thought to himself.

As she sat down Will leaned over and whispered in his ear, “She’s hot, maybe I should ‘show her around’, if you get what I mean”. Matt chuckled then shook his head no “Will, get on with your work like a good little boy” and with that Will once again threw his pen at Matts head. “WILL!” shouted Mr Garret from across the room, “Stop throwing your god damn pens about, before I throw one at you” with that everybody laughed, except Matt. He wasn’t paying much attention to what was happening around him, he was just trying to work up the courage to speak to this girl, he couldn’t seem to get any words out.

“M-m-my name’s Matt, welcome to Louville” he blurted out. “Thanks Matt, yeah I just moved here from Texas” she replied. He smiled and the two got talking about Texas and why she moved to Louisiana. As the class had ended, Matt tried to be cheeky and make the comment “Hey, if you need a tour or need help catching up with everything we’ve done in class you can text me”, he then handed her a piece of paper with his number on. “Matthew Guildsworth, are you trying to ask for my number?” his face when red and he shrugged and replied “May as well try I guess”, she giggled and wrote her number on a piece of paper and gave it to him. “Text me” she said as she left the classroom.

“Don’t scare her off just yet” Mr Garret said. They both laughed and Matt waved him goodbye and left the room, Matt didn’t see her again until the last class which was gym class. She was wearing a kit that seems a little tight for her, which made Matt appreciate her body, he hadn’t noticed it before and he glad he did. She had a tight ass and C cup breasts, and they were all squashed into tight clothing. Her breasts were squeezed together by the top creating a mass amount of cleavage which she was clearly trying to hide.

Matt ran over to her and offered her his gym sweater, “but won’t you get cold?” he shook his head “nah, I’ll be ok… I do a lot of running about so I get warmed up” he smiled and jogged back over to the football pitch. He huddled up into his team for practice, as they were getting ready to play he glanced over at Kera to see her doing track, he watched her ass as she ran by and wanted to get the pure thoughts back into his head so he focused on the game. “Bro she’s got your sweater? Smooth motherfucker” Will said as he got in position. Matt just patted Wills back and with that the whistle was blown.

After class, the team showered but Matt realised what the time was and he had to go to the store before he went home. He headed out the school and got into his truck, as he pulled out of the student parking lot he saw Kera walking home, he pulled up beside her and rolled down the windows. “Hey, need a ride?” she grinned and got in the truck, “Thanks Matt, also I have your sweater still” as she started to take the sweater off Matt stopped her and told her to keep it for gym on the cold days.

“I just have to head to the store and grab something for my Aunt if that’s ok”, she nodded and claimed she didn’t have to be home straight away as her parents work until around 8PM. As they headed to the store Matt revisited the conversation about why they moved from Texas to Louville. She told the story of how her family a long time ago were originally from Louville but moved to Texas and have stayed there ever since. “Yeah but why Louville, I mean I know there are some pretty big houses, like we both live in one but why not New Orleans or Baton Rouge for that matter?” he said as they pulled into the parking lot. “I guess it’s nostalgia, I have no idea.”

They both got out the car and headed into the store, both went strolling down the aisles looking for anything they fancied buying. Kera walked down the candy aisle as she looked at all the different chocolates there were. “Look tasty, don’t they” Matt said with a childish tone in his voice. “Hey fuck you man, I happen to like chocolate” he laughed at her response and claimed he did too but he likes to tease. She looked at him and cracked a little smile “I bet you’re a good tease” she winked, picked up the chocolate and walked off. “God damn she is hot” he thought to himself.

After they had finished up buying what they had to buy, they both headed to the truck and got in. “I’m hungry, you hungry?” he said as he searched around for his phone. “I am but I haven’t got much money and I have food at the house” she said in a soft voice while looking out the window. “Good thing my family seem to be rich and do nothing good with it, so why not help a fast food place get some business” she giggled and said “Is this a date?” she asked sarcastically. “I mean if it were it’d be our third” she looked at him with confusion, “look, first we met, first date, gym class, second date and now, third date. You know what happens on a third date” he said as he turned on the engine to his truck. She went from giggling to laughing. “I admire your boldness.” He smiled at her comment.

The drove off, grabbed some food, and headed back home. Kera admitted she had been really down lately and told Matt that he made her day a little brighter. As they pulled up to his house in his usual parking spot he walked her up to her front door. “You want to come in and hang out?” he nodded his head and told her why not. As he headed inside, he couldn’t help but admire the house, it was old fashioned but yet so modern. They headed upstairs into Keras room, which was surprisingly not what he expected, she had a lot of gaming posters up on her walls, she had a Halo poster, a Call of Duty poster, you name it, she had it.
“I’m kind of a gamer, just saying” he laughed “I figured” he said. They both sat down on the bed and she began to kiss him. He pulled away and asked what she was doing, “This is what you want right? Like the whole plan, be nice, get my number” he was slightly disappointed that he came across as someone who was just trying to get inside her pants. “No Kera, I enjoyed today… didn’t you?” she nodded and a tear rolled down her cheek. “I just figured that you made an effort so I thought I’d give you what you wanted” he stood up off the bed “No Kera, I mean you’re really fucking hot and trust me I wouldn’t turn you down, but if we were together I wouldn’t, not now.”

“That was my first kiss…” she muttered. Matt was filled with shock at what she just said. “Wait… what?” he managed to say. “Yeah I’ve never been with a boy; I’ve been too scared but now I just want to enjoy my life without fear” she began to cry with tears streaming down her face. “I’m sorry Matt, I have no idea what I am doing, just you were so nice to me and I’ve never actually had a real friend before and you were the only one who didn’t seem to make an effort to be nice” He sat back down next to her and held her face in his hands while wiping her tears away and then he lightly kissed her cheek. “It’s also our third date” she said while sniffling. He smiled and looked into her eyes, “Do you like me Matt?” she asked, and all of a sudden he had the urge to just tell her everything. “From the moment I met you I was so intrigued by you, you’re beautiful and I wanted to get to know you, I also think you’re pretty sexy and I wanted to treat you with respect.” She lunged towards him and the two sat kissing, their tongues wrestling for what felt like forever.

The front door had shut and they had realised it was 9PM and her parents must have just got home, they both rushed down the stairs to get Matt out before her Dad decides he wanted to hunt him for sport. As they opened the front door a voice from behind them spoke up “Well, Kera. I didn’t know we were having guests. Who’s this handsome young man” they both turned around to see Keras Dad standing there, he was tall and very neat looking, nice hair style and a nice suit on. “It takes a handsome man to know another, Sir” Matt replied, her Dad smiled. “I like you, my names Jack, Keras father.” He put out his hand for a handshake, Matt responded to the gesture and shook his hand “Matt, sir, Matt Guildsworth… I live just a couple of houses away” he said nervously. “Guildsworth… your Uncle… James is the sheriff?” Matt nodded his head “Ah, thought I had heard that name somewhere… Well Matt Guildsworth, I hope my daughter has found a friend in you because she could do with one” he said as he turned to look at his daughter and she went red with embarrassment. “Yes Sir, I’ll help Kera get comfortable in Louville” he said with a smile

Matt said his goodbyes and left for his house. Jack looked at his daughter and smiled “He’s a nice young boy, maybe you two should get to know each other.” He said as he walked up to her and put his hand on her shoulder “It would be nice to see you happy after all this time my daughter” he then kissed her on the forehead and told her he was going to sleep for the night but has tomorrow off and will spend the day with her. She waited for her Dad to leave before going into the dining room and sitting with her Mother while she did her work. “Hey my love, you alright? I heard some of the chat you and Matt had with your father, hope he didn’t scare him off” she said sarcastically, Kera headed to the kitchen to grab a drink of water and came back to sit with her Mom. “Mom can I ask you a question?” she whispered and her Mom gave her a simple “mhm” and so Kera asked “did you smell Matt?” Her Mom looked up at her with confusion… “No sweetie, why?” she looked down at her glass of water and back up at her Moms face, “he doesn’t smell like most humans do, he smelt really sweet and I was tempted to bite him for a second.”
Her Mom stood up and took Keras hand and let her into the family room and sat her down onto the couch. “Sweetie you are keeping it under control aren’t you?” she looked at her with a stern look on her face, “Yeah Mom, I was more distracted making out with him, but seriously Mom… He smells non-human and it’s confusing me. I don’t know how I can control myself when all I want to do is sink my teeth into his fucking neck!” she started to get frantic and panicky. “KERA! CALM DOWN! It’ll all be ok, you’re just like your Dad… he’ll help you through this situation, I promise Ker.”

When Matt got home, he headed straight for the kitchen, grabbing himself a beer and sitting down on the couch and switching on the TV. His Uncle came down from upstairs. “Hitting the alcoholism early I see, well I must say it runs in the family.” Matt smiled and continued to drink his beer, almost downing it in one go. “Wanna tell me what’s wrong?” James said as he headed to the fridge to grab a beer for himself. “Not really pops, just feel like watching some TV and chilling, what are you doing up so late? Shouldn’t you be in bed?” his uncle sighed and opened up the beer a took a big gulp. “Yeah I should be, but these poor girls out by CRP are just getting to me. The way they were killed, so brutally.” He turned to look at Matt. “Don’t tell anybody about what I’m telling you but they were tortured before they were killed, we think they may have even been raped as well… this shit doesn’t happen in Louville, the last murder was over 50 years ago and the last rape… well the last rape was about 100 years ago.” I know it may seem to believe that such little crime happens in this place, but it wasn’t a huge town, it was big but not huge. These things didn’t happen, which was making it very confusing for James why all of a sudden, it was happening. “To make matters worse, there were THREE!” Matt put his hand on James’ shoulder and softly replied “You’re a great sheriff pops, you’ll catch the prick. When you do… put a bullet in him somehow” James chuckled and they both sat back and watched some TV.
The next morning Matt awoke to find his Uncle gone and his Aunt in the kitchen making some coffee. He stood up and headed to the kitchen and grabbed a mug out of the cupboard and poured himself some. “You sleep alright on the couch?” he clicked his back and groaned, “Yeah well I mean it would have been nicer to sleep in my own bed but shit happens” she laughed and patted him on the back. Once she had the left the kitchen Tom realised that he had a hard on in his pants. “Holy shit I hope she didn’t see that” he thought to himself. She left the house and into the garage and with that he took advantage and awkwardly ran upstairs to his room, trying not to spill the coffee in the process.

He placed his coffee down onto his desk and went on the internet, he decided he would surf the internet for a little a while. “Matt I’m going to the Cadvilles again, I’ll be home later on this evening” his Aunt shouted up to him, he replied with a loud “OKAY!” back. His dick still hadn’t gone soft so he decided to get rid of it the old fashioned way and went on a random porn site. He pulled his throbbing dick of his pants and a sigh of relief had been released as it was taken out of its tight prison. He found some of his favourite porn and clicked on a random video. He started to jerk and got faster as the video continued, he felt a stirring in his balls as he began to fell himself ready to cum, as he was getting ready to groan and throw his head back from it his phone rang and his balls erupted and he almost screamed as he tried to grab his phone. His sticky load squirted all over his legs and the floor.
He answered the phone trying to not sound out of breath, “Yeah, hello?” he didn’t check to see who it actually was who was calling. “Yeah hi it’s Kera, you wanna hang out today?” a smile crossed his face and he replied “Yeah sure” trying to play it cool even though he could just have easily shat himself there and then. They made arrangements for her to come to his house after she was ready and they would go out. He rushed to clean up his sperm off of his floor and his legs and ran to the shower. After he had showered he dressed up in some casual clothes, nice but casual, he was ready to go out.

He heard a knock on the door and ran down stairs as fast as he could. Once he got to the door he quickly collected his thoughts and opened it. “Hey you” she smiled and said hi, she stood there as if she were waiting permission to enter his home. “Um, wanna come in?” she finally moved and started to walk into the house. They headed up to the bedroom so they could chill out before they went out, once they got into his room Kera could immediately smell his sperm in the room. Wasn’t too easily picked up but her being a vampire helped her pick it up, but it didn’t disgust her or make her feel weird, it actually turned her on slightly. As she walked in before him he felt kinda nervous about what she would think of his room, in all honesty Matt was fairly nerdy with all his gaming stuff and his computer tech. “Yeah I kinda like gaming too”, she turned around, wrapped her arms around his neck and her lips met his.

As they stood there holding each other, Matt stuck his tongue out and touched her lips with it to signal where he wanted it. Kera was more than happy to open her mouth and suck it in. He grabbed her ass and lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around him. “We should be doing this; we’ve only just met” he tried to say. She just nodded and pulled him in harder. He took her over to the bed and placed her down on her back. He broke the kiss and started to kiss down to her neck, making her let out a little moan as he did. As he was sucking on the skin of her neck, his scent started to get to her, she could feel his neck completely exposed and she could easily take a bite right now. Her fangs popped out and she realised what had just happened. “STOP” she shouted and pushed him off of her. “Wh-what’s wrong? Did I make you uncomfortable? Fuck, Kera I’m so sor-“ “No it’s not you” she interrupted. “It’s just that maybe you were right, I felt I may get a bit carried away” he cuddled her to his chest as they lay on their backs. “We won’t do anything until you’re fully ready to, no pressure though alright. I’m willing to wait.” In her thousands of years of being alive, Kera had never felt so safe as she did right there.


2018-07-23 05:06:00
great read so far needs more chapters please


2017-02-22 23:03:28
Thank you.


2017-02-18 21:59:24
I thought I was was to read and follow along with the characters and story. Nice work keep going, I love these type of stories and just can't seem to get enough.

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