This is my first story. I welcome all comments. Let me know what you think.
As a married woman, I know I had no business looking at this man. I have been married for 7 years. I love my husband with all my heart, but recently we have seem to be growing less interested in each other. We still sleep together, not as close as usual. We don't even go to sleep at the same time anymore. He has been so busy with this new account at work that he rarely talks to me anymore. I feel like I have been very understanding through this process. The lack of attention is wearing on me. I guess it's more noticeable than I thought. My best friend's best friend had moved back in town about a month ago and he had been trying to fuck since he first met me. Besides the fact that I'm married, my best friend knows how unhappy and untouched I've been. Plus, she feels like he's cheating on me with this young bitch he is supposed to be mentoring. Needless to say, she is doing what any best friend would do. She is trying to even the odds and get me some outside dick. Her best friend Chris was on the menu. I will admit that I've been purposely avoiding him because I can't seem to help myself around him. His smile is hypnotic. The cologne he wears is magnetic. His skin tone reminds me of a Hershey Chocolate bar. He towers over me and I just want to wrap myself up in him.
Out of curiosity, I took him up on his offer to keep me company while my husband spent the weekend out of town. I knew what was gonna happen. I slick wanted it to happen. When he text me that he was on the way, I was just getting out the shower. I lotioned up quickly and put on a comfy pajama set. When he knocked, I felt the butterflies rise. I had not been with another man in 10 years. I opened the door and there he was with two bottles of vodka. He had on a white shirt with gray sweat pants. I wanted to jump his bones right then and there, but I was too nervous to even touch him. We blessed the bottle and started taking shots. By the time the movie started, we were loosened up and having a good time. We forgot the movie and started talking. The conversation became sexual. The tension grew. Instead of tip toeing around the elephant in the room, I blurted out “Chris I think I want to have sex with you.” he paused for a second and let out a small laugh. I bitched up “I'm sorry. I thought…” He interrupted me “Trish, I would love to give you what you called me over here for but I need you know that this is what you want. Not think you want. Because once we're naked, there's no turning back.” I got quiet. That shit made me think. I looked over at him and I could kind of see his dick print through the sweats. I took a another shot and whispered “I want you. Like now.”
His demeanor was confident and his smile was mischievous. I was turned on. He took his shirt off and I followed his lead. Looking at my bra he instructed “take that off.” He seemed to be getting frustrated because I was taking too long. “Just take all that shit off.” I did as I was told. I laid back on the carpeted floor in my living room and he hovered over me completely naked also. We kissed deeply. The tension was too thick for foreplay. As we kissed, he lined himself up for entrance. I looked down as he was inching his way inside. He was about the same length as my husband but thicker. It was a tight fit. Once he pushed all the way in, I gasped, I moaned, I moved my hips, and then I came. Never have I ever came that hard and that fucking quick. The contracting of my pussy muscles made him come too. I felt a little better about my early release.
After a couple of minutes, and a shot or two, we were back in business. I grabbed his flaccid dick and got on my knees in front of him. I licked the tip. Swirled my tongue around the tip and sucked the tip long enough to get him hard and to get the precum to flow. Once I tasted it my appetite grew for more. I started bobbing my head up and down on his dick. Going down a little further each time. By the time I got in my groove, his head was pushing on the back of my throat, making my eyes water. I twisted and turned my head, while using as much suction as I could muster. Every now and then I would rub my tongue on the underside of his dick as I pulled him out of my throat. I was putting in so much work, I started to break a sweat. Just as my jaw was starting to lock up, he stiffed and his dick began to throb. He growled “I'm coming”. He grabbed me by the back of my head and thrusted his dick as far as he could in my mouth as he released. After a few squirts, he pulled himself out of my mouth. “You need a cup or something?” I asked “for what?” he looked at me in in disbelief. “You swallowed my cum?” I smiled and threw back another shot. He smiled again “damn girl….come here.” he pulled me down on his face. I never had the pleasure of riding somebody's face before so I was unsure of what to do. I think he felt my nervousness and he let me lay down. Once he climbed between my legs he took one long lick and then another. He sucked each of my lips and then sucked them both at the same time. He licked and sucked my lips until I started writhing with need. He then found my clit and licked around it with circles. He sucked it and flicked it with his tongue. My body was in pleasure shock and my legs were shaking uncontrollably. Once he realized it he let out a very confident chuckle “ima make this pussy say my name before I leave.” I couldn't talk but I moaned out “un huh.”
He went back to work after I gathered my bearings. He finger fucked me with two fingers while he sucked, flicked, and licked my pussy. I came so hard. If I had to rate him, I’d say he officially became #1 on my list when it comes to head. “Chris I want you inside me.” he lifted his head and wiped my juices away with his hand. “Get on your knees.” I obeyed. He entered me from behind. I damn near howled from the pain. He stayed still until he felt my pussy muscles relax around his dick. He pushed my head down and pulled my hips up bringing my legs closer together. He moaned “just like that. Keep it right there.” I got nervous because in this angle he was gonna bang my pussy out. He pulled out most of the way and slowly pushed inside. I flinched and jerked from the pain “don't you fucking move. I'm about to make this pussy mine tonight.” before I could respond he was full on fucking the shit out of me. Pulling out and slamming back inside. My howls and flinching turned into moans and me throwing it back. My pussy was so wet I could feel my juices dripping down my legs. After a while he pushed me down flat and demanded “open it up.” I reached around and spread my ass cheeks apart. He pushed himself inside my pussy and fucked me fast and hard. I could barely make a coherent sound. His strokes got harder and he began to moan loudly. He quickly pulled out and nutted at the top of my crack. I could feel his juices move over my curves. We both lay there spent.
I didn't realize that I had dozed off until I felt someone shaking me. “Trish.” that was my husband's voice. Still naked, I jumped up as fast as I could. He wasn't due home until Monday morning. All I could think of was him catching me the first time I cheated. “Baby I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting you early.” he smiled at me obviously amused at the sight of me laying naked on the living room floor with a empty bottle of vodka by my head. “Had some fun last night. Huh?” before I could answer he was already in the bedroom. I looked around and saw no trace of Chris. That was a close call and very careless on my behalf. Relieved, thankful, appreciative? I can't explain the feeling. I just know that I have to show him how grateful I am next time I see him.