Life was good in the village that year. Mark had everything a young worrier would want for himself.
He had a new sword. A beautiful, and comfortable, new cummling that he had inherited from an uncle that died of an infection, and he had a new lover to be with.
He thought about Shasta now, and about how they had met. Which had not been one of the most pleasant ordeal. It had been three months ago in a training session.
Worriers were grouped in sets of five and in the later years they would be put against each other in mock battles for more extreme training. Back then Mark had had another person he was in love with. It was his group captain Shamus.
Shamus had been hotheaded and irresponsible at the worst of times and not much better in the good times. But Mark had been inexperienced when it came to men so he had taken to Shamus out of sheer desperation for some understanding and guidance. Shamus had been more than happy to teach Mark about his place when it came to sex between men. He was a very dominant being and loved to play with younger inexperienced men.
Shamus’s troop had been very effective in their bouts against other troops so far. But that was mainly due to their ability to crush an enemy quickly. But tat day was a different story. They were to be put into a maze each at different entrances. Mark quickly spotted that this would defeat their main strategy of attacking as a group and moreover pummeling the enemy into the ground.
What was worse was the stories of their opponents captain. It was common knowledge that the man was a genius when it came to strategy especially against troops like Mark’s. But no amount of fussing would ever get Shamus to think of a strategy so Mark had felt no need to point out that their enemy would have one. The point of the maze was to get the enemies scroll at the other side and then make your way back and to yours. If you met anyone during you could defeat them by disarming and they were knocked out of the game. Mark knew he would be alone in the maze with no help from anyone but himself.
He was correct. His troop was completely destroyed except for himself. He was the only one who got through the enemies strategy by sticking to the south wall while going through the whole maze. When he got to the other side he took the scroll and started his way back.
He was halfway through before he met anyone and much to his dismay it was the other teams captain. He had the red armor that all the captains wore and the helmet that covered his entire head but his eyes. Mark did the only thing he could do in the situation. He ran as fast as he could before he turned the corner into a dead end. Knowing he was stuck he drew his sword and redid himself for a fight. The man was right behind him when he turned and he already had his sword drawn.
To his credit the man was good but Mark was much better when it came to a sword. He disarmed the man after a minuet and ran on past him. After another two minuets of searching he found an exit and left the maze and won the game.
After a match the two teams were expected to dine together out of respect but the winning team got to drink at the losers expense.
Mark didn’t rely like to drink but he would if others were. So he got himself a few shots of liquor and was done after that. Shamus on the other hand had brew after brew of mead and was roaring drunk in about an hour.
Shamus got horny when he was drunk so he was hitting on every man at the bar most of whom didn’t like men. But most of them let it pass because Shamus was as big as an ox.
While Shamus was walking around like an idiot Mark was getting to know their opponents. There was Grayum who was almost as big as Shamus himself with very short dark hair and light brown eyes. Then Jared who had to have the foulest mouth on this green earth. Every word he said seemed to be a curse at something or other. Mitch, who was also a heavy drinker. His words were slured and almost always not understood. Then Sam who was prettier than any man Mark had ever seen and had the eye of ever women in the place. Finally there was Shasta. He was he captain that Mark had met in the maze and he was only a year older than Mark at 17. The man had piercing green eyes and exotic looking black hair that he kept at shoulder length. Everything about him was handsome and powerful. He was very quick of mind and he was wordy as Mark liked to call it.
He and Mark had been discussing the game very intently. Going over strategy and the maze itself.
“Your a very good swordsman,” Shasta said looking at Mark, “I rely didn’t expect it after I had gotten your captain so easily.”
Mark grinned wickedly, “I’m better than most that I meet when it comes to weaponry,” their was a bowl of grapes in front of him so he plucked one up on tossed it into his mouth, “Shamus prefers to beat people into submission when it comes to fighting, or just about anything else, so he isn’t that good in a situation that requires one to think and plan.”
“Yeah I got that when he tried to take my head off and looked bewildered when he realized he didn’t have a sword anymore,” Shasta replied mimicking Marks actions towards the grapes. Mark grinned again in response.
It was about then that Shamus came over to their table and bellowed out, “So any of you pretty boys want to have another go around,” he winked at mark sloppily, “I won’t bring Mark this time so there’ll be just us, and the winner get to choose the reward.”
“I thing the bloody ass wants to bugger us,” Jared said with mock astonishment. Grayum just stared with a raised eyebrow. Sam’s only response was to roll his eyes at Jared’s comment and while Shasta and Mitch both laughed at it.
“Well then if ur all nots in for its I’lls just takes my Mark and we’ll goes have sum fun,” he said grabbing Marks shoulder. Mark on the other hand wasn’t in the mood to have to deal with a drunk Shamus shrugged him off.
He looked around at the table and saw that Shasta was staring at him in what appeared to be shock. This made Mark redden because he liked Shasta and having his sexuality thrown out in the open like that was embarrassing for him.
“That’s rights little Marky here likes swords a whole lots,” Shamus’s words kept getting worse as he kept speaking, “I has ta beats hims sometimes justs to keep hims off of mes.”
Mark got ever redder but he kept his back straight and his head up. Shasta kept switching back and forth between Mark and Shamus. Then he said, “I don’t think Mark wants you to be talking about this here and now,” and smiled as Mark looked at him in shock, “and I don’t think anyone here cares about what you want including him, so why don’t you leave.”
Shamus looked confused and then walked away and out of the bar.
“Well that’s fucking better,” Jared said with a smile and he downed another drink then yelled for another.
Again Mark was socked. He looked around the table and no one besides Shasta seemed to care that he liked men at all. Shasta was the only one who seemed effected by the news but he was actually acting warmer towards Mark than he was before. What is going on Mark wondered.
Shasta smiled again and said sarcastically, “So you like swords that much do you?” Everyone at the table laughed including Mark and the conversation and drinking continued.
After midnight they headed back to the worrier cottages. Each worrier had his own, but the were small. No bigger than the size of a bedroom, but they were their own and no one had to share.
Mark’s was next to a great old willow tree that he often climbed at night. Just to sit and listen and think. Since he was not in the least bit tired he did so that night. He was very familiar with the tree and probably could have climbed it with his eyes closed. When he reached his usual spot his mind wondered with thoughts of Shasta. The guineas captain that was very attractive.
He sat thinking and fantasizing for half an hour when he herd someone coming towards his cottage. He looked through the branches that surrounded him and saw Shasta only wearing a black cloak and tanned slacks moving in line to his cottage.
His chest was cut, Mark noted, and there was a thin scar across his ripped stomach. He moved with confidence and an underlying power that made Mark shudder with lust and want.
When he had reached Mark’s door and knocked Mark had slipped out of the tree with all the grace and speed of a cat and walked up behind him quietly and quickly.
Mark then crossed his arms across his chest and said in an amused voice, “So you like swords that much too?”
Shasta turned around with a smile and confirmed, “Actually I do, I your willing.”
Marks brown eyes flashed golden then he said, “Yes I am. Lets go inside,” and he walked past Shasta and opened the door for him.
Shasta walked past and looked around at Marks cottage. There was nothing much besides the bed and a cabinet where Mark kept his clothes, armor, and weapons. Except over by a window there was a basin and a pitcher of water with a bottle of oil.
When Shasta turned around again to look at Mark, Mark rushed him. They kissed greedily and Mark put his arms inside Shasta’s cloak and hugged his bear chest. They walked slowly backwards towards the bed and Mark untied Shasta’s pants and looked down. Shasta groin was seven inches long and three inches wide. He was already raging hard and just seeing him got Mark hard to.
Shasta had looked down at Marks pants then and gulped in anticipation as Mark untied the knot at the top. Mark being younger was only six inches long but still as wide as Shasta. Mark took off his shirt as he stepped out of his pants and Shasta shed his cloak.
Mark pushed Shasta onto the bed and they started kissing again more paced now. While they were still kissing Shasta grabbed marks shaft and began pulling on it. Mark groaned and did the same to Shasta. Shasta moved to Marks balls then. He messaged and fingered the area between them and Marks anus. Mark couldn’t take it and he started to rub his body against Shasta’s.
They continued kissing until Shasta got up and pushed Mark beneath him and against the headboard. Shasta put his groin into Marks face then and Mark took him into his mouth. Mark licked and sucked and used his hands to massage Shasta’s balls and Shasta started to move his hips back and forth into Marks face.
When they worked out a pace Mark had an idea. He reached over to the wash basin and grabbed the bottle of oil. He poured some on his fingers and felt it trickle down onto his hand. Then he rubbed it all over Shasta’s back and buttocks and then he started in on Shasta’s anus with his wet fingers. Shasta let out a guttural moan and started to quicken his pace into Marks mouth. Not done yet mark thought and he slid a finger in.
Again Shasta’s pace quickened and this made makes finger start to slide in and out. Shasta was quickly loosing control so Mark acted fast now. He slid a second then a third finger in. Shasta was through then and there and came with a loud gasp into Marks mouth. Mark quickly spit it out and said, “Sorry I don’t like to swallow.”
In short words between gasping breaths Shasta said, “Its alright,” though Mark could tell he was a little disappointed.
“Well what are we going do about me love,” Mark asked nodding to his still throbbing shaft.
“I think I have an idea,” Shasta said with a smirk. Then he grabbed the oil from Mark and poured it onto Mark’s shaft until it was covered. Then he eased himself down till his anus was resting right atop of him. The slowly he continued down until Mark was all the way inside him.
Mark was breathing quickly now as Shasta started to move up and down. Marks eyes rolled up into his head as Shasta continued his slow pace. Shasta loved it also and moaned every time he eased himself down. It wasn’t long before Mark started to rise and meet Shasta in order to go faster. They went fast and faster till Mark came with a deep thrust that made Shasta come again and he sprayed onto Mark’s chest as mark was in his stomach. Both of them shuddered a few times more and they collapsed.
Then had gotten up and pulled his slakes back on along with his cloak. Then he looked back at Mark who was quickly falling asleep and left the cabin closing the door behind him.
That was how Mark remembered it as he walked stone path through the park. On one side there was a wall for people to sit on and on the other was a hill that lead down into a valley that was covered in an old forest with big trees.
That were he saw him. Shasta was walking on the wall the same direction Mark had been going. Mark was hardened by the memories that had been running through his head and he decided to take advantage of the situation and walked up behind Shasta on the wall and grabbed him.
He pressed his groin against Shasta’s backside and whispered in his ear, “You know I rely want you right now Shasta.”
Shasta chuckled and said, “I can tell,” and he pushed Mark off the wall, “You know I’ve never been in those woods down there,” he said nodding to the valley.
“Rely,” Mark asked enjoying the game.
Shasta nodded and Mark took the objective, “Well then I will have to show you,” and they raced down the hill and into the woods…
k, dont listen to the haters, this was an amazingly written story. neat universe, great description and word flow, good sex scenes!... watch the spelling, and separate the long paragraphs into smaller ones.