Terms Used and Equivalent
Specton - 2 1/2 minutes
Toton - 2 1/2 hours
minton - 2 1/2 days
daycon - 2 1/2 weeks
quant - 2 1/2 years
gallant - 2 1/2 centuries
heckson - 2 1/2 miles
tetson - 2 1/2 acres
Cast of Characters
Bill Axor - Lion clan and main character, born name Ambrose Axor
King Tomco Traxor - Bill's father
King Tobias Traxor - Bill's dead brother
Queen Niaco Traxor - Tiger clan and Tobias’ mate
Twitty Glax - Grey Tabby clan, Bill’s bodyguard and mate
Glenna Nox - Bengal clan, Bill’s bodyguard and mate
Mikos - Chartreux clan
Commander of star cruiser - Wire hair clan
General Roth - Leopard clan
Theta Panadon - Cheetah clan
Cornelius Glax one of Bill's Uncles - Grey Tabby clan
Conrad Nox - Bill's other Uncle Bengal clan
Assassin group - Jaguar clan
Second assassin group - Ocicat clan
Gregor - Cougar clan
Gwayne - Panther clan
Thomas - Lynx clan
Mileen - Lynx clan Thomas's mate
Bill's eyes went wide as he walked to Thomas's mate. "Mi-lee'?" He said a little uncertain as he grasp the female Lynx's face tilting it upward to stare into her eyes. "By the great feline! It is you!"
Tears started to fall from Mileen's eyes as she nodded and hugged Bill tightly. "I lost track of you after I left the palace all those years ago. Well, 'til I heard that you had left and went to live on that primitive mud ball. Is it true that they do not hunt there at all? How do they survive?" Mileen said as she shivered at the thought.
Releasing her Bill replied, "They do a great many strange things there. Had it not been for the mind shield I might have gone mad, as I remember I felt I was slightly. Their world is nothing like ours that is for sure."
Everyone but Roth was staring with wide eyed wonder and gaping mouths at the familiarity between the two. Thomas of course was the most shocked, he'd no idea that his mate had known the king elect long before now. "Uh..." Thomas tried to start. "Alright I am at a complete loss mate. You both know each other?"
Mileen took her mates face in hers as she purred and rubbed her face to his. "Yes mate, when he was still an older kit. For a short time after his mother had passed, I was his companion you might say. A few months after this I met you, with a mate I was no longer able to attend to Ambrose."
"Until I am crowned I prefer that you refer to me by my earth name." Bowing to Mileen he stated, "for the time being I am simply Bill, though that, I am afraid is nearing an end."
Roth walked up a huge smile on his face, "I still think that you should go through with the coronation."
Bill was nodding a moment then he walked past Roth to where Niaco was discussing something with Glenna and Twitty. Bill also noticed that Niaco was doing a damn fine field dressing on Twitty's left arm.
"It appears I was distracted, I have to ask Queen Niaco, why are you here placing yourself in danger." Bill asked perplexed.
Niaco smirked then turned back to Twitty when she gasped because Niaco had drawn the dressing too tight. "As you can see King elect, I am no weak female that you can dismiss. If you still think so, I suggest that we have a go at each other. I'm sure that your," here she slightly snickered, "superior ability would easily overcome me."
Bill growled menacingly advancing upon Niaco who gasped and fell at Bill's paws. "I do not find your levity at this situation or that of your safety humorous." Grabbing Niaco roughly by the shoulders, Bill softened quickly when she did not move and bowed her head.
"My apologies king elect I cannot take much more of being locked away in that place. I have yearned for the open skies and land. Please forgive this one." Niaco said the last part whispered so low that only Bill heard it.
Giving Niaco another stern hard look he said, "Arise Queen Niaco, mate."
Rising, her head still bowed, a slow smile started to spread across her face. "Thank you king elect. To answer your last question I had to come, it appears that the outer system planets are trying to declare independence. Unless they gain support from the king they intend to be a separate power in half a daycon."
“Damn it!” Bill growled at the thought that the outer system planets were forcing his hand so soon. "I take it they were suspicious about many of the recent decisions you made?" Bill asked.
Niaco was nodding then she quietly stated, "They almost went as far as accusing you of hiding behind me to get things done. There was a comment from one world in particular. They said that the king elect was afraid to take charge. Much as he had been afraid and went to hide on earth!" Niaco withdrew knowing that this last comment was really going to piss Bill off to no end.
Roaring in anger Bill turned to Roth who had also backed off a bit. He'd also seen the strength of Bill when he was angered and wished not to be on the receiving end of it. "Alright! Damn it! Have them prepare for my coronation tonight. Then we are going to this planet to crush this rebellion before it starts. The fools have become emboldened with the absence of a king!"
Snatching his com off his belt he bellowed to Mikos to hurry his furry ass up, they had a coronation tonight!
"I'll need a hell of a lot more personnel sir, if we are to finish on time. At present we only have the king's chambers and all the rooms around it done." Mikos told him.
"Get more! Triple the number! We need the palace clear as soon as possible!" Bill was almost roaring into the com.
"Yes sir, though I am afraid that may leave central a little lean." Mikos replied.
"Lock it the hell down; no one in or out after they leave 'til you or I give the all clear!" Bill spit out now completely disgusted that he had to assume command as soon as he was.
"Yes sir!" Mikos snapped out then disconnected to carry out his orders.
Whirling Bill walked to Roth, "You can quit your damn smiling Roth! I am not happy at all with things progressing this fast!" Looking over at Niaco, Bill said, "Have an armed escort go with Niaco and retrieve her belongings. I want everything triple scanned before it is allowed in the palace."
Roth's mouth dropped open, triple scanned! "Are you sure sir? Won't the Queen get upset with this treatment?"
"'Til the danger is past EVERYTHING is to be tripled scanned that enters the palace." Bill growled out.
Roth nodded his head actually that made a hell of a lot of sense. They were just starting to weed out all the traitors. Yes, it made perfect sense.
In a castle like building one hundred hecksons away Bill's uncle Conrad was pacing. What a fool and idiot his asinine brother had been. Caught and executed like a common thief! That bastard son of King Tomco's would pay dearly for sullying the noble family name like that!
An aid got a little too close as Conrad raged about the room and was soon flying backward through a wall from a swipe of Conrad's paw. There had to be something that he could do to remove that bastard permanently! Pacing a few more minutes Conrad suddenly pulled up an evil smile dominating his features.
"Call the Ocicat clan! I believe they still have a debt of death they owe that bastard. Plus they still owe me a blood oath for restoring their home. I intend to collect on it, unlike the other assassin guilds they NEVER miss!" An evil laugh escaped his throat as his com tech made the necessary connections.
It was several hours later when there was an answer to his call. A raspy voice came from the speakers. "Who are you to demand the services of the Ocicat clan? Speak; we are already aware of where you are. You will be dead within a quarter toton if your answer does not satisfy us!"
Conrad stopped pacing his eyes narrowing at the threat the voice had just issued. "One would think that your organization and clan would already know who this is!" Conrad spit with venom.
"Lord Nox," The voice replied. "To what pleasure do we have hearing from you?" The voice said suddenly softening.
"The Ocicat clan owes a blood oath to me for the restoration of their ancestral home. I intend to collect upon that blood oath. I suggest you remember that the next time I call you! I am in need of the services of your clan professionally." Conrad said a hint of delight in his voice.
"For the blood oath we are at your service. How may we serve you to repay the blood oath?" The voice asked.
"I need you to eliminate that bastard Nephew of mine that is claiming to be the king elect. If he ascends to the throne it will be even harder to get to him. I am the rightful king, therefore eliminate him and your clan will be more than rewarded. There are several thousand tetsons of land around yours. If I am king I am sure that quite a few hundred of those tetsons would suddenly be awarded to your clan as a thanks." Conrad said though his words didn't seem to carry much emotion.
"We have been betrayed before by better nobles than you. Know this; if betrayal is a part of this deal then your death will be extremely slow and painful." The voice responded.
Conrad chuckled a moment he knew they were all bluster as long as he still held the ownership to their land. No, they wouldn't make a move on him. Smiling an evil smile he thought they were his to command as long as he held control of their land. Besides he thought even assassins were vulnerable to weapons fire!
The leader of the Ocicat clan grimly shook his head; there was nothing but deceit behind that one’s words. Sighing they had no choice at present. His spy had worked for a almost half a quant to get close to the hated Bengal clan male. Still they hadn't received any word of where the ownership papers were. The leader feared that the spy had been captured at one point. Then two daycons later they reported in they were still searching.
The leader had to decide who would go on this mission. They had the best assassins on the planet. Even the Jaguar clan was still behind them though as the leader had seen they were closing the gap rather quickly. Calling his best two killers he watched as they battled it out to see who would go and who would be near death.
Both combatants came in and bowed to the leader then took a stance against each other. Moving like lightning they each advanced upon each other starting with thrown weapons. Both failing that, they pulled short swords as they again advanced slashing and thrusting. It was half a toton later when the slimmer of the two caught the other on the arm ripping a gash in it.
Undaunted the heavier combatant moved to counter attack only to be rebuffed and drove to the wall. A short sword at the throat and a dagger across the midsection finally put the heavier of the two down. Falling, the heavier combatant opened their arms to await death that never came. Instead the one still standing cuffed the one on the floor with the hilt of the sword effectively knocking them unconsciousness.
Bowing to the leader the male nodded as the victor removed their head and face covering. "You are the victor; you therefore are awarded the mission." As the cover came off it revealed a fiery headed female that was smiling.
"Thank you father. I will not fail you or the clan. If I do I shall accept the consequences of that failure." The female told the leader.
"I realize this daughter though with the shortness of the clan, all will be accepted back, failure or not." Sighing the leader went on to explain at the questioning look on her face. "We have lost many in the last four quants. You are the last of the leader children. If the clan loses you, then the clan will be lost. I have therefore accepted that if there is a failure, the clan member will not be killed but teach the others of their failure so that it will not happen again."
"Father? What of the honor of the clan?" The female asked.
"The honor of the clan is a very fine thing indeed. Though I have to ask, if all are dead then what of the honor would survive?" The leader asked the wide eyed female.
Bowing the female replied, "I understand father, I do not intend to fail. I will kill the one that is the assignment and return. Soon we shall have all our land returned to us."
The leader watched as his daughter left for her mission. You are so naïve my daughter, even if we kill this king elect I fear that we will never be free of the one that held their land.
Bill watched as Mikos and at least fifty others left the palace. In all they had found well over forty thousand devices. Bill could only shake his head the amount of time all four of those that had planted them had to be staggering!
Mikos walked up a moment later a tired, wide smile on his face. "We ran two separate sweeps with two crews. We got at least ninety nine percent of them. It will take a concentrated scan to get the rest but I think we made it a hell of a lot safer than it was."
Bill nodded he'd expected no less from Mikos, the Chartreux clan were nothing if not thorough. "I know you have done an exceptional job." Bill smiled as the young officer snapped off a salute.
Roth walked up a moment later as Mikos gave his report apologizing for not getting all of them. "The work you did Lieutenant Colonel has made the Palace and Central the safest places on the planet right now."
Bill smiled as he looked on while Mikos finished giving his report. Turning toward Bill Mikos saluted, "I will return soon to extract the rest of them sir."
"You made a supreme effort Colonel, I can't ask for more than that." Bill said as he watched first Roth's then Mikos eyes grew wide in surprise.
"Sir?" Mikos asked a look of wonder in his eyes.
"I just wish I had more officers like the two of you." Bill told both of them.
Mikos gulped as he saluted Bill again then stopped a moment. "Uh... sir?"
"Yes Colonel, is there a problem?" Bill asked Mikos wondering what was up.
"Well sir, uh... it's about Sergeant First Class Theta." Mikos started.
Bill turned more toward Mikos trying to figure out where this was going. "Yes? What about her?"
"Well sir, I am of rank now that I may take a second wife." Mikos replied.
"Alright, so I take it you wish to take her as your second. Are you needing my permission," Bill asked.
"No sir, though that would be fantastic it isn't that simple." Mikos said quietly.
Confused a moment Bill looked at Roth, "alright just what in the hell am I missing here?"
"I believe what Colonel Mikos is trying to express, is that since he is an officer, he can't take her as a mate. Is that about it Mikos?" Roth asked.
"Yes sir," Mikos answered. "She is enlisted; since I wish to take her as a mate I cannot promote her. I knew that the general doesn't usually take care of these things. I was waiting 'til I could ask you sir."
"What in the hell kind of shit are you two talking about?" Bill asked confused now.
"It is simple rules of the military sir. An enlisted cannot nor will not engage in becoming a mate with an officer." Roth explained.
"That's the biggest load of crap I've ever heard." Bill told both of them.
Roth sighed how could he explain it to a non military mind? "Sir it has always been this way. It has been said that at one time this was allowed a very, very long time ago. The distraction proved to be far too much pressure on the both of them. It even became so detrimental that huge numbers of officers were lost in a short time as were their mates. This rule was instated to deter that."
"So what? You want me to make her an officer? Why didn't you say that in the first damn place! God! This going around the long way is tiring." Looking at both of the males before him Bill warned. "This had better be the last time. You got something to say or ask then just do it! I've not the time for games!"
A huge smile lit up Mikos face when Bill finished his last statement. Then he stood back when Roth gave him a look.
"Sir making her an officer is all fine and well but is she ready?" Roth asked a concerned look on his face. "You know sir you could make her the lowest officer 'til you felt she was ready for higher command responsibilities."
Bill thought a moment then nodded toward Roth, "just what is the lowest rank of officer?" Bill asked unable to think of a rank lower than second lieutenant.
"That sir would be a Warrant Officer. It is usually reserved for higher ranking enlisted that are made officers not unlike you are making her one." Roth said a look of relief coming to his face.
"Alright, make her this warrant officer, and then you can take her as a mate. That is if she accepts you. I know for a fact that her and your clan hasn't mated in almost a gallant." Bill said as he eyed Mikos for his reaction.
"Thank you sir, I am confident that she will. I have much to offer her and her clan. I don't foresee a problem." Mikos replied.
Both Roth and Bill shook their heads, god! They had both forgotten the confidence and stupidity of youth! "I really hope that she sees it your way Mikos I really do. Rejection is something I don't think you have had very often."
Mikos could only stare at both of the males as they all made their way to central. Snapping out his com Bill called ahead. Bill was even more surprised when he saw it was Theta that answered.
"Hello sir. We have been awaiting the all clear." She stated, Bill could see that she looked tired almost as tired as Mikos did. They both had obviously been putting in a lot of totons to secure central.
"You have the all clear for now. We will be returning within a few moments. I am appreciative of all the work that you and the Colonel have been doing." Bill told her trying to gauge her reaction through her tired expression.
"Oh good! Finally he can do far more than he was able to. Thank you sir, with him as a Colonel now things should get only better here." Theta told him.
"I'm glad that you feel that way I also feel that he and you are both doing all that needs to be done to secure command. I am glad that I have personnel such as you two, warrant officer Theta. Keep up the good work!" Bill finished as they had entered command and was now in the room with her.
Turning, her mouth hanging open what happened next caught her even more off guard. Mikos walked up to her and took her paw, "Theta Panadon, I claim you as my second mate, to bond our clans together."
Theta tried to speak but nothing was coming out. She was an officer? Mikos was claiming her? It was too much! Turning to Bill she started to thank him but only managed to get out, "Sir I than..." The strain of working as long as she had, and the lack of sleep and now all of this hit her at once. Then the world was spinning as she felt Mikos arms go around her as everything went black.
CLOVER Im just wondering how that would work with a submissive female like me would i be a mate to one or a whore mate to everyone .although the way this world is only the strong females are sought after it seems i would most likely just be a brothel whore and be happy just to get fucked
Clover ErnestReport