A mom and sister use there bodies to try and stop a son from joinning up.
Danny has fun with Mom and Older Sister
Wendy Sylvester just stared at the ceiling and tried to think about anything but what was happening to her at the moment.
Her husband Robert was laid on top of her and he was pumping away into her pussy.
Robert was grunting like a pig as his fat belly slapped against her.
When he thrusted deep into her.
Only every now and again when he got his rhythm right, did he caused her to moan out a little bit.
She was only getting a little bit of pleasure out of this.
But to Robert every time she moaned; he figured in his brain that he was doing something right and she really loved with he was doing to her.
Wendy now braced herself her husband was grunting very loud now and she could tell he was about to cum.
Robert now moaned out loud and he thrust deep into her.
He now started to fill her up with his cum.
He then collapsed on top of her; nearly crushing her.
Eventually he rolled off her and his cock came out of her pussy with a loud popping sound.
Wendy now looked over at her husband his body was covered in sweat and he was finding it difficult to catch his breath.
5 minutes of fucking had nearly killed him.
She sighed to herself and remembered when they were courting and he took his time when he fucked her.
He always made her cum, before he did himself.
But that was a long time ago.
Wendy now slipped out of bed.
She pulled her nightie up covering her boobs and pulled it down covering her pussy.
She could feel her husband’s cum running out of her pussy and down her legs.
Wendy now opened her bedroom door.
She looked back at her husband and could not help but feel disgusted by him.
She then said to him as she could tell he was about to fall back to sleep.
“That he better get up and get a shower, otherwise he would miss his train.”
She told him.
“She was going into their daughter’s room to use her shower.”
With that she left the room closing the door behind her.
Wendy was now in her daughter’s room.
Her daughter was a way with her college class.
And she would not be back for a couple of days; she was on a field trip as she was studying to be an archaeologist.
Wendy now slipped out of her nightie and got into her daughter’s shower.
She had the shower as hot as she could possibly stand it.
She wanted to wash the stink of her husband off her.
She also wanted to wash his come out of her pussy.
When Wendy got out of the shower, she felt refreshed and clean. She now used some of her daughter’s body spray and she sprayed it all over her body.
She was just about to go back into her own room to get dressed.
But she could hear her husband still in it and she didn’t want him to start groping her.
She had let him have sex with her this morning because it was her duty and he was going away for a couple of days but she never looked forward to it anymore.
Wendy now decided to borrow some of her daughter’s underwear.
She and her daughter were nearly the same size.
But her daughter was just a little bigger in the breast department, but not much more.
Wendy now opened her daughter’s under-wear draw.
She saw that the draw was full of Lacey and rather saucy underwear.
Wendy had no idea that her daughter wore these kinds of things.
As she looked for some plain underwear to wear she found two big black vibrators.
Her curiosity now got the better of her and she picked up one of the big black vibrators.
She now ran her hands up and down it.
The vibrators felt nice in her hands.
Wendy often considered buying one to satisfy herself seeing her husband never did any more. But she was too embarrassed to go into a sex shop.
She knew she could order them via the Internet.
But she was too ashamed to have one sent to her house.
For some reason she brought it up to her lips and started to lick around the tip of it.
She imagined she was licking a big hard cock.
She used to love sucking on her husband’s cock before he got big and fat.
Now she never got the chance and to be perfectly honest with herself.
She would not want to suck him off any more anyway.
Very reluctantly she put the vibrators back in her daughter’s under-wear draw.
She now found a plain pair of panties and a plain bra.
She quickly put these on.
Wendy now got a blue summer dress out of her daughter’s wardrobe which she quickly put on as well.
Wendy now slipped out of her daughter’s room and knocked on her son’s door.
She could not hear any sound of life from inside.
She smiled to herself and opened the door and she went inside.
Yes he was still asleep.
Wendy was now stood over her son; he was sound asleep and snoring a little bit.
She smiled to herself then moved to the bottom of his bed and took hold of his quilt and in one swift motion she pulled his quilt off his bed.
Danny now woke up instantly and turned over and looked at his mother at the same time she let out a little shocked scream.
Wendy was just stood transfixed looking at her son.
He had a huge morning hardon.
Wendy had never seen a more beautiful cock than the one she was now looking at.
He was completely shaved clean.
Danny could see what his mother was looking at and he quickly grabbed the quilt back and covered himself with it.
Wendy now came back to her senses and apologised to him.
She now turned around and left his room closing the door behind her.
Just then her husband came out of there room.
He looked at her oddly and just said to her.
“Had she started his breakfast yet?”
Wendy just cast him a vicious glance.
Robert looked at her not knowing what he had done to deserve such a glance.
But he didn’t say anything and he just followed her down stairs.
Wendy now banged around in the kitchen as she made him his breakfast.
He just red his paper and tried his best not to draw any attention to himself.
Danny waited a few more minutes until he was sure.
His mother would not come back into his room.
He now reluctantly got up and went down the hallway to the bathroom.
His bedroom did not have a shower.
Only his sister and parents rooms had an on-suite shower.
When Danny walked into the kitchen his father had just finished his breakfast and his mother was washing up the plates.
Wendy turned when she heard him enter the kitchen.
Suddenly she felt her nipples go rock hard and her pussy start to leak juices into her borrowed panties as she looked at her son.
She saw in her mind’s eye him laid naked on his bed with that huge rock hard cock.
She then turned back to her washing up and tried to gather her thoughts and dismiss the image of her naked son from her mind.
Wendy was finally master of herself.
She turned back to her son and husband and smiled warmly at her son.
She then asked him.
“If he wanted any breakfast?”
Danny just nodded his head to her.
Then he was now aware that his father was talking to him so he turned his attention back to his dad.
His dad was asking him.
“What was he going to do today and when was he going to find a job?”
Wendy was just about to tell her husband to lay off the boy.
When Danny said two them both.
“Well he had something he needed to tell them.”
He now smiled at his mother and said to her.
“That she had better sit down.”
Wendy just looked at her husband but he just shook his head.
Wendy now sat down at the table opposite her son.
Danny just looked at his father and said to him.
“Well for today and the rest of the week I promise to build a tree house for next door.
Then after that I will probably get a couple of weeks free before I have to report to the training centre.”
Wendy looked at her son then said to him.
“We don’t understand sweetheart what do you mean by training centre?”
Danny had not been looking forward to this moment.
He had put it off as long as possible and everything he had done. He had done in secret.
But today was the time to tell his parents his plans.
Danny knew that they would not be happy.
He knew his father would blow his top and his mother would be very upset with him.
Danny now said to his parents.
“Do you both remember a couple of weeks ago?
When I just turned 18 and I asked if I could go on that week long survival course as my birthday present.”
His parents just looked at him and nodded their heads.
Danny now took a deep breath before he continued.
Danny now said to them both.
“Well it was a survival course, but it was also an entrance exam.
You see I applied to join the Royal Marines and it was the entrance survival course that I did. I had already taken the exams a few months ago.
I did them over a couple of Saturday’s at the army careers centre.
I did not tell you both.
But I passed them all.
So the survival course was the last thing I needed to do and I passed it.”
Danny’s father now stood up from the table.
He had a very angry look on his face.
He told his son.
“That they would discuss this when he came back from his business trip.”
Danny looked at his father and told him.
“There was nothing to discuss he was over 18 and he could do what he wanted.”
His father nearly busted he was so mad.
He told him.
“In that case he could pack a bag and get out now.
He was not to set foot in his house ever again.”
Wendy tried to tell her husband to stop being silly.
But her husband had a vicious temper and she knew when to speak and when to be silent and now was a time for silence.
Danny was no fool and he was prepared for his father’s reaction in fact he had brought down his rucksack filled with his clothes just in case.
It was outside in the hallway.
Danny now got up and he put on his jacket.
Danny now picked up his rucksack and started to go out the front door.
He left his keys on the small table next to the front door before he left.
Now Wendy turned on her husband and they had a vicious fight.
After about 15 minutes of fighting Wendy was crying her eyes out on the kitchen table and Robert left the house in a foul mood?
He drove to the station and took the train for his business trip.
Before He went he warned Wendy that Danny was not to come back into the house.
Danny was now knocking on his next door’s front door.
His neighbour Caroline now opened the door.
When Caroline saw that he was upset she quickly asked him in.
Danny now explained everything to her that had happened.
Danny now asked her.
“If he could start on the tree house?”
Caroline said to him.
“Under the circumstances he really didn’t have to do it.”
Danny smiled at her and he told her.
“That he wanted to do it.
And it would help him take his mind off things.”
Caroline just smiled to herself as she watched Danny going through her kitchen and into the back garden.
All the wood had already been delivered within minutes Danny was up the tree with a tape measure.
He was soon measuring things.
He then got to work cutting the wood to the right sizes.
Caroline stood and just watched Danny for the next hour.
She then went next door to see if Wendy was ok.
Caroline just walked into the house without knocking.
She had seen Robert drive off and she knew it was safe to go in.
She found Wendy in the kitchen crying her eyes out.
Caroline just put her arms around her friend and comforted her.
Caroline stayed with her friend for a few hours before she had to go.
All the time Danny kept working and did not stop once.
Wendy was now watching her son working hard from his bedroom window.
Which overlooked the back gardens?
She wanted him to come home, but she knew he would not.
Wendy watched her son work on the tree house until it started to get dark.
He had completely finished the floor and he had attached it to the tree very securely.
He had even finished the back wall of the tree house.
Caroline had told Wendy not to worry he could stay at her house Caroline was divorced and she had two young boys.
They were both away on holiday with her ex-husband and his new wife.
The tree house was going to be a surprise for when they came back home.
The next couple of days were the same Danny would start on the tree house as soon as Caroline went to work.
Wendy would sit and watch her son working on it.
It was now Thursday and the tree house was nearly complete.
All it needed was the glass to be put in the windows which Danny had cut out.
Caroline had been given the sizes for the glass by Danny and she was going to bring some safety glass back home with her.
So Danny could finish off the tree house.
Caroline was running a little late tonight, so by the time Danny had put the glass in the windows and secured them it was already dark.
However the tree house looked very impressive it was very large and could easily hold four kids. So her son’s friends could also play in it.
It also had a proper stairs leading up to it, so there was no danger of anybody falling while trying to get in it.
Caroline now came out to Danny and told him.
“That she had to go and see a sick friend, but she could leave the back door open for him.” Danny told her.
“That he was going to stay at a friend’s house tonight, so there was no need.”
Danny was now in Caroline’s back garden looking up at the tree house. He was very pleased with himself. He had even fitted lights powered by batteries with all the wiring safely hidden.
Danny now set off to go to his friend’s house.
However when he got to his mate’s house.
It was all locked up and in darkness.
The woman from next door told him.
"That they had gone away unexpectedly, something about a sick grandad."
Danny was now homeless for the night, so he decided to go stay in the tree house.
It was finished and it was warm inside.
And it was a nice summer night.
Danny now headed back to Caroline’s house.
Wendy was sat in her living room the TV off and no lights on.
When she heard the front door open, she instantly jumped up and she hoped it was her son coming home.
However it was her daughter coming home a few days early.
Kate now looked at her mother; she could tell by her mom’s puffy eyes that something had happened.
The first thing Kate said to her mother.
“Was what is dad done this time.”
Wendy looked at her daughter then burst out into tears.
Kate instantly went to comfort her.
It took her several minutes to calm her mother down; once she had got her to stop crying she then got Wendy to explain everything to her.
Kate was just as surprised as her mother was that he had been on the Royal Marines survival training course.
She then realise that it was her who had taken him.
When she had dropped him off at the training base; she had remembered seeing some signs saying Royal Marines.
Danny had just told her that they shared the training facility from time to time.
And she had believed him.
Now she was really angry with her brother.
She would never have taken him to the base if she had known what he was about to do.
She did not want him joining the army and getting himself killed in some crazy war.
Kate now suggested to her mother that they get themselves ready for bed and maybe make some hot chocolate.
Then they could watch telly in Wendy’s room.
Wendy had a TV bed with a built-in 40 inch plasma TV.
They could have a girlie night in just the two of them.
Wendy smiled at her daughter and told her.
“That was a lovely idea, but she wanted to get a shower first.”
Around 30 minutes later Kate was in her mom’s bed with her and they both started to watch some TV together.
They had both gone and had a shower in their own bathrooms.
Now just dressed in a thin nightie and a pair of panties each they cuddled up in the bed and watched some TV.
Wendy had also made some popcorn.
Wendy had even found some marshmallows and they were enjoying them with the popcorn and hot chocolate.
But Wendy kept thinking about her son and where he was.
It was obvious he was not next door; because next door was still in darkness.
It was about 2 hours later and they were both getting tired and they both needed to go to the bathroom.
Kate went first then Wendy.
Wendy was just brushing her teeth when she glanced out of the bathroom window and saw that a light had suddenly come on in the tree house.
Now she instantly knew where her son was.
Wendy quickly went into Kate’s room and grabbed her by her hand.
She explained to her as she dragged her along with her.
A few minutes later both of them were stood in their neighbour’s garden looking up at the tree house.
Danny could not sleep that’s why he had turned on the lights so he could watch a film or something on his phone.
Danny was now very surprised to hear his mother’s voice coming from below.
He put his head out of the door and was even more surprised to see his mother and sister stood there staring up at him.
The moonlight was shining and the rays of moonlight made them both very visible.
He could see the shape of their big boob’s through there thin nighties.
Wendy now told her son.
“To come down this instant.”
She had to repeat it a couple of times before he eventually climbed down.
Danny was now just in his boxers and a baggy T shirt.
Before he could say anything.
Each of them took one of his hands and they led him back into their house.
He was then frog marched up the stairs to Wendy’s bedroom.
Wendy now expected Kate to go back to her own room.
But Kate just sat down on her bed.
And it was obvious that she intended to stay.
Now mother and sister tried to persuade him not to join the Royal Marines.
They told him that it was too dangerous and they would be heart-broken if anything happened to him.
The three of them now fought for the next hour.
Now all of them were getting tired.
Wendy realise that this was getting them know where.
So she decided it would be best to pick up this conversation in the morning.
She was determined not to allow him to disappear in the night.
She locked her bedroom door and she put the key inside her panties.
Kate and Wendy now got into bed with him in the middle.
Danny was now squashed up next to his mother with his sister squashed up next to him.
It was impossible for him to move without waking them up and it was very uncomfortable being this close to both of them.
Wendy’s bedroom was only lit by the lamp on her bedside cabinet.
When she had got into bed, she had turned it off so the bedroom was now in darkness and at the same time she had slipped the key out of her panties and into the top drawer of her bedside cabinet without her son and daughter seeing her do it.
Danny now pretended to be asleep; he was not in the mood for another fight in the morning.
And he really did not want to upset both of them.
So he was going to slip out when they were both fast asleep.
He waited until their breathing became deep and regular and they were both sound asleep.
Danny now opened his eyes his mother and sister were both sound asleep.
Very slowly Danny put his hand on his mother’s leg.
She made no movement or sound.
When he put his hand on her leg.
Now slowly his hand started to go down towards her panties.
Because of the position she was sleeping in he had to slip his hand in her panties from the back.
Danny now had his hand completely inside his mother’s panties and he was searching for the key with his fingers.
But he couldn’t find it.
He wondered if she had put it inside herself.
So he put a finger inside her pussy and probed about to see if he could find it.
When he couldn’t find it.
He inserted a second finger in her and put them both deeper inside her pussy looking for the key.
When Danny pushed his fingers deeper into her pussy.
It caused Wendy to wake up; she turned around with his hand still in her pussy and turned on the lights. Kate also woke up and still looking tired she looked at her mother.
Who was looking a little shocked?
Danny now looked like he had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
Kate pulled the quilt back and then she let out a little giggle when she saw her brother’s hand still inside her mother’s panties.
Danny just froze and kept his hand in his mother’s pussy.
Wendy now looked down and saw her son’s hand inside her panties.
Her pussy was now starting to get wet as well.
Danny tried to pull his hand out of her panties.
But she grabbed his hand and kept it in place.
She then looked at him and smiled at him.
She said to him.
“Was he looking for something in particular?”
Kate now started to giggle; she also noticed that Danny also had a huge hardon in his boxer shorts.
Wendy smiled once more at her son and said to him.
“Maybe what he was looking for was further up.”
And still holding his hand in her panties.
She used her other hand to pull up her nightie exposing her big beautiful breasts to him.
Wendy then looked at him once more and said to him, with a wicked look on her face.
“Why don’t you check these out; you may find it’s something you like.”
Danny was just about to make a break for it when Kate freed his cock from his boxer shorts. Before he could do anything she had his cock in her mouth and was sucking on it hard.
Danny now let out a moan of pleasure as his sister sucked his cock nice and hard.
She also was playing with his balls.
Danny couldn’t believe the sensation now going through his body as his sister sucked on his cock. He was a virgin and he had never had a blow job before.
The feel of her mouth on his cock was unbelievable.
Before Danny could say anything or do anything.
Wendy took his head and pulled it down onto one of her breasts.
He looked up at his mother and then he just started to suck on her nipple like he was a baby.
Wendy now put her hand on the back of her son’s head keeping his mouth on her nipple.
She was now moaning with pleasure as he sucked hard on her sensitive nipple.
Kate was now licking up and down her brother’s cock like it was a lollipop.
She gave them both a little smile; before she took him back into her mouth.
Kate now started to show her brother how good she was at deep throating his cock.
It wasn’t long before Danny bit his mother’s nipple hard.
Causing her to scream out in both pain and pleasure.
He was coming himself.
The sensation of his sister’s throat on his cock was too much for him.
And he was now shooting his incestuous spunk down his own sister’s throat while his mother watched on and smiled approvingly.
Danny now collapsed back onto his back on the bed a huge smile on his face.
Wendy looked down at her daughter who was still licking at his cock and licking up the spunk that was still leaking from it.
Wendy smiled at her daughter then went down to join her licking her own son’s cock and tasting his cum for the first time.
Danny now looked down at his mother and sister who both looked back up at him their lips were now covered with his cum.
Mother and daughter now looked back up at him.
Then they shared a very passionate tongue filled kiss.
They each feed the other the remainder of his spunk.
This was enough to get him instantly hard once more.
Kate now took hold of his shaft and she held it firmly in her hand.
She then said to her mother.
“I think you should go first.”
Danny now watched as his mother positioned herself directly over his cock.
She then slowly lowered herself down until his cock-head was just touching her pussy lips. She then moved her pussy playfully over his cock-head causing them both to moan out with pleasure.
She then gave her son a big smile then said to him.
“Time to become a man.”
She then sat all the way down on him and his cock went all the way into her pussy.
Mother and son now just looked at each other.
Each of them now had a big smile on their faces.
Wendy remained perfectly still.
She was loving the sensation of her son’s big hard cock all the way in her neglected pussy. He was bigger and fatter than his father and it felt wonderful inside her.
Kate now positioned herself behind her mother and helped her mother remove her nightie which she tossed to the floor.
Kate now took hold of her mother’s big firm breasts and she ran her fingers up and down and over her mother’s nipples.
Causing Wendy to moan out in pleasure.
At the same time as Kate started to fondle her breasts, Wendy now slowly started to move up and down on her son’s big wonderful hard cock.
Wendy had her eyes closed and a dreamy expression on her face as she slowly rode up and down on her sons cock.
Kate was continuing to play with her big breasts.
Danny laid on the bed watching his mother ride him while his sister played with her big knockers.
Danny now had a wicked idea.
He roughly grabbed hold of his mother by her hips, which caused her to open her eyes and look at him oddly.
Danny just gave her an innocent smile.
Like he did when he was a little boy.
Then at the same time he thrust up into her cunt with all the power he could muster.
He actually caused her to rise up on his cock and for a second or two she was in mid-air with only his cock keeping her up.
The look of surprise on her face was wonderful so was the look of pleasure which quickly replaced the look of surprise.
Danny took her even further by surprise by flipping her over onto her back.
Which cause Kate to fall off the bed?
Kate landed on her ass on the floor and she couldn’t help giggling to herself.
However Danny didn’t give his mother any time to recover.
He now pushed her legs wider open and pinned her arms behind her head.
He now really started to pound into her pussy.
Her moans of pleasure were so loud that Kate wondered if the neighbours would hear her. But she didn’t really care as she watched her brother’s cock really pounding in and out of her mother’s pussy.
Which was getting so wet that she had now completely soaked the bed sheets beneath her with her cunt juices?
Danny now increased the speed of his fucking he also released her arms which instantly went around his neck.
Wendy was now telling him.
“How wonderful he felt inside of her.”
She had never been fucked so brutally before.
He was not making love to her.
He was just fucking the shit out of her and she loved it.
Kate was now back on the bed behind her brother and she was using her tongue to lick his cock and balls and asshole as he powered in and out of Wendy’s now very wet pussy.
Wendy now screamed out loud and she wrapped her legs and arms around her son and held him so tight.
That she stopped him in mid thrust.
Now she had the best orgasm she could ever remember having.
Kate now bit his left ball which caused Danny to start filling his mother’s pussy with his cum. As he also had a wonderful climax.
He roared like a bear when he came.
Danny now collapsed onto his mother.
Who wrapped her legs and arms tighter around his body?
She now started to run her hands through his hair and she whispered into his ear.
“What a good boy he was and how much she really did love him.”
Wendy finally released him and he rolled off her with a contented look on his face. However Kate was determined that she wanted the same as her mother.
And she quickly had his cock back in her mouth as she sucked him back to full hardness.
She now begged him to fuck her as brutally as he had just fucked his Mother.
Wendy smiled at her son and she got off the bed and just stood watching as her son fucked her daughter brutally.
Danny now fucked his sister just the same as he had just fucked his mother a few minutes before.
Kate also came with a very loud scream.
Wendy just smiled lovingly at her two children as they fucked each other.
There is two things that make a reader (me) to first start reading a story and then continue reading it.
1.) Subject - you selected some of it, and rightfully so, but you may have one or two more to get more readers interested.
2.) The story itself - the story part is also broken down to two(2) things
a.) Content - does the story and characters move me (the reader). This story and characters did, but you may want to expand on why the father was so opposed to the military.
b.) Readability - Spelling, grammar, you the stuff you suppose learn in English composition classes. This is important, but given a choice between a good concept or perfect composition I would have concept.
This is just my opinion though word and grammar check and a week or two before final proofreading may help improve your style without destroying the idea of the plot.
There is two things that make a reader (me) to first start reading a story and then continue reading it.
1.) Subject - you selected some of it, and rightfully so, but you may have one or two more to get more readers interested.
2.) The story itself - the story part is also broken down to two(2) things
a.) Content - does the story and characters move me (the reader). This story and characters did, but you may want to expand on why the father was so opposed to the military.
b.) Readability - Spelling, grammar, you the stuff you suppose learn in English composition classes. This is important, but given a choice between a good concept or perfect composition I would have concept.
This is just my opinion though word and grammar check and a week or two before final proofreading may help improve your style without destroying the idea of the plot.
Your writing style is terrible. You need to go back and read your own stuff BEFORE you post it. Also, have SOMEONE else read it that has at least a rudimentary knowledge of grammar, syntax and flow. WAY too much "Wendy now" or " she now" or "now she", etc. you sound like Sean Hannity in his commercials on the radio.
I like the basis for this story, but there is no structure, no substance. Where is the character development? Some friendly advice, most true readers want to feel like they are in the story witnessing everything through the characters eyes, and the only way they can do that is with proper story development. You seem to fly all over the place here...a good story will flow naturally, you shouldn't force your readers attention to a different subject that isn't on topic at the time in the story. Hopefully you'll see this as constructive criticism.
1.) Subject - you selected some of it, and rightfully so, but you may have one or two more to get more readers interested.
2.) The story itself - the story part is also broken down to two(2) things
a.) Content - does the story and characters move me (the reader). This story and characters did, but you may want to expand on why the father was so opposed to the military.
b.) Readability - Spelling, grammar, you the stuff you suppose learn in English composition classes. This is important, but given a choice between a good concept or perfect composition I would have concept.
This is just my opinion though word and grammar check and a week or two before final proofreading may help improve your style without destroying the idea of the plot.
1.) Subject - you selected some of it, and rightfully so, but you may have one or two more to get more readers interested.
2.) The story itself - the story part is also broken down to two(2) things
a.) Content - does the story and characters move me (the reader). This story and characters did, but you may want to expand on why the father was so opposed to the military.
b.) Readability - Spelling, grammar, you the stuff you suppose learn in English composition classes. This is important, but given a choice between a good concept or perfect composition I would have concept.
This is just my opinion though word and grammar check and a week or two before final proofreading may help improve your style without destroying the idea of the plot.