There is not as much sex in this one as there is drama, sorry about that, but if you are following these stories this is an important moment. Things will pick up again after this one.
In the weeks after that party, I would see Morgan at school almost every day. She would always run up to greet me and throw her arms around me and kiss me. I of course didn’t mind this so much, who doesn’t like having a beautiful sexy girl throw herself at you? Especially when half of my friends were trying to find girlfriends, and I was now looking like I had two. Her and her friends would all join my friends and I at lunch, all of a sudden it was a big, and very flirty crowd. My friends didn’t mind suddenly having all these cute sexy girls hanging around all the time. Even the guys with girlfriends would be flirting with all of them. Our girlfriends on the other hand, did not like it as much. Alyssa especially. She really did not like Morgan flirting with me all the time. There was always so much tension between the two of them. A couple of times I had to separate them to prevent actual physical fighting.
I had to talk Morgan into keeping it low-key at school. There would still be a lot of flirting. One time we were sitting at the lunch table and she practically had her hand on my pants. I wanted to just take her right then and there on the lunch table! My friends knew, her friends knew, but everyone just kept their mouths shut about it. I would always grab her ass when I passed her in the hall. She would whisper the naughtiest things in my ear, or slip the sexiest notes into my hand. Every time she walked by I had to stop and watch her as she continued on her way to class.
Alyssa of course, hated this. She would just growl and call Morgan the nastiest names anytime she caught something going on. To counter that, I did the same thing with Alyssa. This wasn’t new of course, Alyssa and I had been doing that since the Halloween party. I would pin her up against her locker and slide my hand up her leg and under her skirt. She would stop me almost immediately since we would probably get expelled if any of the teachers caught us like that in the halls. I’d whisper in her ear “You have no idea how much I want to fuck you right now”. She would just giggle, push me away, and make her way off to class, leaving me in the hall with a raging boner.
On at least one occasion we managed to skip class and sneak off to our secret spot. There is a closet in the back of one of the stage dressing rooms in the auditorium. It was a big room full of curtains and drapes and such for the stages, and costumes and such that the drama clubs use. We got in there and she was all over me. I had her skirt up and was sliding her panties down in seconds. The next thing I knew she’s got her hands on my cock and sliding it right inside her. We fucked fast and furious, and she was grunting and moaning like never before. I had to put a hand over her mouth to quite her down. I told her I was going to cum and started to pull out. She reached behind me, grabbed my ass, and pulled me as deep into her as I could get. I just exploded and let everything loose inside her. Over and over I thrust into and just shot all of it up inside her. I still wasn’t used to this thing where she wanted me to cum inside her every time now, but I did love doing it. There’s just nothing more satisfying than cumming inside her. Feeling it fill in around my cock deep inside her, mingling with her own juices. It got both of us off so hard, we could have just kept going until we came a second time. I finally pulled out and said to her “we can’t keep doing that, I love cumming inside you, but you’re gonna end up pregnant if we keep it up.” Then she explained to me that after our last time, after the party, she talked with her mom and they went to the doctor and put her on birth control. Needless to say, I liked that idea.
One day the next week, I realized that I needed one of my books that I had left in Alyssa’s locker at the other end of the school. Between classes, I ran all the way down to her locker to get the book. When I got to Alyssa’s locker, there she is, standing at her locker – kissing one of the Lacrosse goons. I was floored. I didn’t even know what to say, or do, or think. This was not the kind of kiss that Morgan would lay on me in the halls, but full on tongue kissing in front of everyone. I stopped before she could see me and waited for everyone to move on to the next class. Once they were gone, I went into her locker, got my book and made my way to my class.
I spent the rest of the day trying to wrap my head around what I just saw. How long has this been going on? How MUCH of this is going on? Is she dating him? Is she fucking him? Is he the only one? Is she just complaining about Morgan, looking for a reason to break up with me and make it MY fault? I was so angry right then.
At the end of the day I decided to skip gym and go check out the lacrosse team practice to see if I could find out what’s going on. I got there in the middle of their practice and stayed back looking around. Sure enough, there was Alyssa sitting in the stands with a couple of her friends watching the practice and talking. Alyssa would think I was at the gym working out right now so probably figured there’s no way I’d find out. I know that one of her friends was dating one of the other players. Once the practice ended, I stood there and watched as a couple of the guys walked over to Alyssa and her friends, and sure enough she greets one of them with a big hug and a kiss that I know all too well. Busted! To think she’d been giving me so much shit about Morgan. Here she was making a complete fool of me in front of the whole damned school!
I wandered toward the exit from the field. Just before I made my way out, I made sure to make eye contact with Alyssa’s friend. I had hoped to catch Alyssa’s eye, but this was close enough. Her friends’ eyes went wide, her mouth opened, so I was sure she knew that they were busted. I turned and left, not offering any chance for any of them to say anything or catch up to me.
Within five minutes of leaving the practice field, my phone started blowing up with texts from Alyssa. “Where are you?” “What were you doing here?” “Why weren’t you at practice” “It’s not what you think it is” “Let me explain”, I ignored them for a while. Then I just sent a quick message back saying “At the gym, can’t talk right now”. She knows that we’re not allowed to have our phones with us while practicing at the gym, so I’d sent her that text lots of times before. After all, it was her friend who saw me there, not her. She could have been mistaken. I decided to let her feel guilty for a while.
The next day we talked, or more accurately, argued. I told her all about how I’d seen her kissing the guy in front of her locker. I told her I went to the field and what I had seen there. She actually started yelling at me, saying it wasn’t fair for me to spy on her like that and then not say anything. I was stunned by that. “I wasn’t spying on you, I came to your locker to pick up a book, and her you are sucking face with some freaking lacrosse ape. You’re the one making me look like a jackass in front of the whole school!” She then said “You’re the one with Morgan and all her little slut friends throwing themselves all over you and kissing and grabbing in front of everyone, you think that doesn’t make ME look like a fool in front of the whole school?” I explained to her that Morgan was the only one who had thrown herself at me, and she was drunk at the time, and that wasn’t even at school. She had never done it at school, and I stopped it anytime she tried to. We’d already talked about that, and Alyssa hadn’t seen anything happen since then. Even if she had seen Morgan or her friends flirting with me, I wasn’t kissing any of them in the middle of the hallways. There was no accident that Alyssa was standing in the halls, and out on the game field with her arms around some goon and kissing him in front of everyone. This argument continued through the whole day, any time we had the chance to talk. Finally at the end of the day I just told her I had to go. I left to go home. On the way home, I stopped into the local store for something to drink and who should I run into but, Morgan and her friend. We talked for a bit. I told her what was going on. She offered to come home with me and make me forget all about it, heh heh, but for once I turned her down. I couldn’t even think right now.
Finally on the Friday, Alyssa and I had a chance to talk alone for a short while. We spent a long time accusing each other of cheating, asking each other how long this has been going on, who else it was going on with, all with no constructive answers at all. She kept accusing me, I kept accusing her, neither of us were happy. This wasn’t working. At some point we just stopped talking and sat there. After a while, I asked “are you really on birth control now?” She said, “I wouldn’t let you touch me without a condom for six months, and last week I made you shoot every last drop inside me. Do you think I would do that if I thought you were gonna get me pregnant? We were both quiet again for a while after that, but we still didn’t resolve anything about what was going on between us.
The next day I was feeling guilty about everything. I mean how could I be mad at her when, let’s face it, I’m the one who had been fucking around on her pretty much through our entire relationship. I was fucking Julie. I was fucking Kassidy. I fucked Morgan. How could I be mad at her for a couple kisses? Even if she was fucking this guy, I was still way worse. I made my way to Alyssa’s house so that we could talk it out some more. When I got there, Alyssa wasn’t home from her practice yet, but her mom said I could come in and wait. I went in the living room and sat on the couch, figuring Alyssa would be home soon. Her mom popped in and said “Why don’t you come sit in the kitchen for a minute so we can talk.” Okay, this is something new. I came into the kitchen and sat at the table. Her mom sat down, looked at me, and calmly asked “So Zane, what are we going to do about this situation? Have you told your parents yet?” Confused, I said “No, I’m sure Alyssa and I will work it out. I mean at this point it looks like we might break up, but that’s why I came over to talk”. She just looked at me for a minute and then said “Well it’s hardly the time to break up now don’t you think” I said “She’s kissing and hanging all over all these other guys all over the school! what am I supposed to think! That doesn’t really say to me that she wants to stay together”. Her mom just looked at me. She said “Have the two of you sat down and really talked about what’s going on?” I said “Yeah we talked yesterday for a while. She says it was just kissing, but still…” She paused for a few moments, looking me in the eyes, and finally said very seriously “So, I’m guessing that Alyssa didn’t tell you that she’s pregnant?” My eyes went wide, my jaw hit the floor and I could feel a flood of adrenalin surge through my body. I just sat there for a moment taking that in. Her mom said “Clearly she didn’t tell you. Well now you know, so what are we going to do about this?” Now any male knows at this point just deny deny deny, but I was just a stupid high school kid, so what my brain blurted out was “How can that be possible?” She said “Well you have been having sex haven’t you?” I said “well… yeah but that was just… how could she know that already? How could you know that so fast? She said she was on birth control now” I was panicking, obviously. I was thinking this was from this was from our little adventure in the auditorium, but that didn’t make sense at all, maybe from after the party? I didn’t think there’s any way she could know that she’s pregnant already. Her mom explained that they went to get birth control because Alyssa had said “just in case” we ended up doing it one night. “You know they have do tests before they prescribe birth control. Hers came back pregnant.” Now, I’m a guy, what do I know about these things? Do they really have to do tests? Is that true? Could she really be pregnant? I had no idea what to say or do. Finally her mom looked at me and said “Okay Zane, it looks like you have a lot to think about. I’d suggest you go home and tell your parents what you’ve done. Unless you’d like me to call and tell them for you?” I said “No! no, I’ll tell them myself. I can’t believe this is happening”. She said “You had to know there would be consequences for being careless Zane, you’re not that stupid. It’s not all just about you feeling good” She got up and led me to the door and told me I should go home now.
The second I left her house I started texting her. “Where are you?” “Why - didn’t you tell me!?” “CALL ME!!!” “CALL ME NOW!!” She didn’t. I texted Kassidy to see if she knew where Alyssa was. Kassidy said that her dad had picked her up from practice and that’s the last she had seen of her.
Finally Alyssa called me wondering what was wrong. Why was I getting all crazy? I said “How could you not tell me you’re PREGNANT??!” Silence on the other end of the phone. She said the same thing I said, “WHAT?” I explained the whole situation to her and what her mother had told me. She just groaned and said “Oh my God tell me you didn’t tell her we had sex!” I said “She told me you’re pregnant, how do think that happens? She knows we’ve been having sex”. Alyssa sighed into the phone and so “No, she didn’t, but now she does”.
I was totally confused again. Alyssa went on to explain that when she talked to her mom about birth control after our last time, her mom asked if we were having sex already. Alyssa was afraid to say we had and so told her no, but we had come close a few times and that’s why she wanted birth control, in case we couldn’t control ourselves some night. As far as her mom was concerned, Alyssa was still a virgin. Now she knew otherwise, and now Alyssa had to go home and face her.
Alyssa went home and had the inevitable confrontation with her mom and dad. Her mom was furious with her for lying about us having sex already. Something that important she should have told her, at least to make sure she was doing it safely. She had to explain how long has this been going on, have you been using protection, is he the only one you’ve been having sex with? It was brutal, the fight went on for quite a while.
Eventually Alyssa couldn’t take it anymore and just left. She said she was going to Kassidy’s house, but of course she came to me. She texted me that she was coming over, and I had better be there. At the time I was still trying to figure out how to tell my parents that my high school girlfriend was pregnant, not fully understanding the whole situation and still thinking that she was.
Alyssa arrived at my house crying and angry. She told me that her mom and dad were fuming mad and demanding that we not see each other anymore. Everything we had been going through for the last two weeks was heading straight towards us breaking up, and here she was brought to tears because her parents were demanding that we do just that. I was so confused.
She explained to me that when she asked her mom about getting on birth control, her mom had asked her if we were having sex already. It would have been easy to just say yes, and that we had been using condoms the whole time, but how could she tell her mom this had been going on for six months already? So she said no, we had not had sex yet. She was still a virgin, we had done just about everything but have sex. Then, I showed up at her house and her mom told me she was pregnant. I of course revealed that yes we had indeed had sex already, and that changed everything.
When she got home, her mom had confronted her about it, saying that I had confirmed that we had been fucking around and she was pissed. She even tried to convince Alyssa that the tests had come back and she really WAS in fact, pregnant. Alyssa told her “No mom, that’s not possible”. She said that she in fact had her period in the last week, so she knew she wasn’t pregnant. She said that blew her mom’s little scare tactic, but her mom and dad were still demanding that we not see each other anymore.
Alyssa cuddled up close to me and we just held each other for a few minutes. She started rubbing her hands across my chest, and cuddling up closer. She started kissing my neck, and licking, and then reached up, turned my face to her and kissed me. It was long and passionate. She said to me “You know, I did just have my period, there’s actually no better time for us to do it without the condoms than right now, even if I didn’t have the pill” She smiled as her hand slid down to my pants. I said to her “Really?” (I really didn’t know that at the time, I’m a guy what did I know). She said “Yup” and proceeded to start undoing my pants nice and slow.
My dick started rising instantly, as it always does for her. As she was undoing my pants, I reached down and started pulling her shirt off. She lifted her arms up and I pulled it up and off. She stood up and pulled her own pants and panties off. Standing in front of me naked once again. My favorite vision in the world. She then stripped me down and wrapped her hand around my cock. The next thing I know, I’m sitting on the bed and she’s climbed on top of me and impaled herself on my cock. Heaven once again. She was going nice and slow. Her arms wrapped around me and savoring every moment of my hardness inside her. She said “I so love having you inside me”. I could feel her working those muscles on my cock. It was incredible, almost like she was using her hands. I gave a little push and drove myself into her some more, at the same time I wrapped my hands around her waist and pulled her tight against me. We continued like this for a long time. A long slow grinding session, not our usual motion, but so satisfying. I pulled her to me and put my mouth on her nipples, sucking and biting and teasing. She was getting hotter and hotter and more and more excited. I love sucking her nipples. I loved holding on to her ass while I drove myself into her. Her ass is amazing, so soft and perfect. Finally, almost without warning, I just exploded into her. I started shooting stream after stream into her. This set her off too. Her pussy started to spasm and grip me like never before. She let out a scream and buried her head in my neck as she ground her hips against me. I could feel her juices flowing over and around me. I thrust some more, pumping our juices into her. Mixing us together. She pulled herself close to me and collapsed on top of me. We held each other naked with my cock still inside her and just enjoyed the intimacy of the moment.
Finally we started talking again. I let out a sigh of resignation and asked her “Are you fucking that other guy?” She gave me back an emphatic no. She said all she had done was kiss him, and he had felt her up a little bit, but he’d never gotten far enough to even see anything. She said “I promise you’re still the only guy I’ve had sex with. In fact you’re the only other person who’s ever seen me completely naked besides Kassidy.” She smiled at that. She asked me if I had fucked Morgan and I naturally lied and said “no. …but I probably can pretty much anytime I want” She laughed and said “I know. She’s such a slut”. I said “Hey, you two used to be friends, now she’s a slut?” She said “The instant she started trying to steal my boyfriend, she became a slut”. That got her laughing. I asked her why she was all over this guy. She said “I’m not”. I said “Please, I stood there watching you, you threw yourself all over him”. She said to me “Well have you seen his body? He’s practically a Greek god!” Again I said “Thanks! That makes me feel great too!” She said “Please you know you’re hot. You could take Morgan and her little gang and fuck every one of them. Probably all together! They all want you, don’t you know that?” I asked “How can you know that? Most of them pretty much ignore me any time I try to talk to them” she just looked at me and said “Haven’t you learned anything in the last six months? Girls gossip. I just know”.
Lying there naked, I finally turned and looked at her, taking in her beautiful naked body, and I said to her “We’re breaking up aren’t we?” She looked at me and said “Is that what you want?” I said “of course not, but you want to jump Apollo’s body, Morgan is dying to have me pop her cherry….” She said “Yeah, plus summer is coming and I’m going to be away at camp for two weeks and then on vacation with my family… you’ll never last that long without me” She was right, I’d never last that long without her, I’d be fucking Morgan after two days let alone two weeks. We were silent again for a while. Looking at her lying there naked, I ran my hands across her body and said “But I can’t give THIS up” as my hand found her breast. She closed her eyes and moaned at my touch. She said “you know, every time I see you still reminds me of that first night. I wanted you to fuck me so bad, I wanted to feel what Kassidy had.” and she smiled. She told me that Kassidy had told her about having sex with me and it was so good, and if it wasn’t for her boyfriend she would be all over me too. She said it made her so horny just thinking about it and how it would feel. She said it was Kassidy’s idea to dress up in those sexy outfits, and that when Kassidy came over and told us to “get a room”, she really meant it! She was encouraging Alyssa to take me to her room and fuck me. Then the next thing she knew we were in bed naked, with her legs spread wide and my cock up against her pussy. She just lost control and begged me to do it, even though she was terrified of getting pregnant. I remembered that night too. I told her I’ve felt like that pretty much every time I was with her. I said “so if we both still feel this way, how can we break up?” She said “do you want to fuck Morgan?”… “Or Holly?”… “or Maya?”… “maybe Jadyn, Alex, Linsey…? Seriously any one of them would just jump in bed with you at the drop of a hat, they’re all desperate to lose it.” I said “So I’m guessing that means you really wanna fuck your greek god then doesn’t it” She just smiled and said “yeah I kinda do, he’s so beautiful” I just said “oh jeez. Make me feel inadequate why don’t ya”. She said “Don’t worry, he’s got a lot to measure up to”
After a long time of cuddling, touching, caressing each other’s bodies, we decided that was it. We were officially no long “a couple”. We both seemed okay with it. We realized we really did want to be able to have sex with other people, but I would never turn down a good romp with her. The whole friends with benefits kind of solution, although we didn’t realize that’s what it was at the time. Hopefully we could stay friends and make that work. At that moment I was hard as stone again and started pushing her legs apart and climbing between. Just as my cock was sliding across her lips, we heard my dad’s car pull in. Ugh, such rotten timing. We both scrambled and got dressed. My dad and I gave her a ride home, and that was the end of a very strange couple of weeks, and our boyfriend/girlfriend relationship.
Once I got back home, I went out by the pool and called Morgan…
Red CzarReport