Angelika - Like an angel
Truda - Fighting woman
Varick - Protecting Ruler
Harman - Man of the army
"You cannot win," the voice from the speakers yelled as soon as the screaming stopped. "You may have placed blocks in me it won't help you escape. This entire room is a prison for you. Nothing you can do will allow you to make it out of here!" An evil laugh sounded as Alan felt a strong probing then an almost titanic force start to push him from his mind!
"You obviously haven't looked at all I did to you. There is a hell of a lot more than just blocks. Did you forget? I have a lot more abilities than you at first thought. I have seen the future, a lot of them actually and none of them include you!" Alan said then felt the Doctor withdraw.
"What in the hell is this!? NO! Get away from me!" The bolts holding Alan faltered a moment as he tried to flash out to no avail. Still backing Alan felt the hard, cold rungs of the ladder he had descended. Grasping one Alan started to pull himself up. Suddenly the floor felt as if it were electrified! Pulling with the last of his strength Alan hung over the rungs just inches off the floor. Problem was his skin was crawling from the shock that he'd just received.
"Yes! I see that you are far stronger than I had hoped for! Yours will be the perfect container for me! Now be a good little boy and DIE!" The Doctor's voice was screaming at him. Still fighting Alan had actually grasped another rung further up but movement was becoming harder and harder. Looking up he saw that he was several feet from the opening.
Dropping his head Alan looked at the floor. If I fall he thought, I am dead, if I don't get out of here I am dead. Shaking his Alan again tried to fight the numbness that was starting to creep up his body.
Suddenly a rope swung next to his arm. "Grab it Alan! We'll pull you out!" What the hell? Was that Harman? Wrapping his arm around the rope Alan felt the Doctor trying to push harder into his mind.
"NO! I will not be denied! His mind and body are mine! Go away you little bastards! You will never measure up to what Alan is!" the Doctor was screaming.
"You will find we are far stronger than we were you pathetic ass!" Alan heard Varick's voice say. Then he felt Varick release a physical energy wave toward the Doctor.
The Doctor laughed as the wave was absorbed, then the Doctor was screaming again this time, in pain. Wait a minute! There had been two waves behind the first! "We are here Alan," Alan heard Truda say. "Together there is no way he can beat us!"
"I agree! You are dead you sadistic son of a bitch!" Alan heard Angelika's voice say.
Behind him Alan heard several machines as they powered down. As fast as they could they pulled Alan up out of the hidden room. Gasping for breath Alan could only lay there as the four around him each took an arm and leg blinking out.
<This isn't over you rejects! I will have Alan's body. I will take it even if I have to kill all of you to do it!> The Doctor's thoughts assailed them.
<As if,> Varick's thoughts snarled back. <You have been trying to kill us for years. Now we are beyond you! You are but a dusty useless piece of a failed past!"
<I will kill you for that you disrespectful pup! I will, NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!> Was the last thing they all felt from the Doctor as Varick and Truda had sent another wave toward him. Looking around Alan saw that they were back in the village. Madde ran up helping them as they put Alan down.
"That should hold him for a while. Well, I hope it does," then Alan looked at the others. "I am sorry I put all of you in danger, hell the entire world. I should have known it was a trap. I just never expected what was waiting for me." Hanging his head tears falling from his eyes Alan turned away from them. "You all were right I am far too impatient and rash. You had to save me, again. How in the hell can you put up with me?"
"Well I for one," Harman said surprising all of them speaking up, "have had far more fun since you have joined us, than I’ve had in a long time. The fact that we kicked the assistant’s ass as we did was the most enjoyable feeling I've had in a very long time. So you've got my support." All of them looked at Harman with shocked looks Truda more than the others.
"There are times brother, not many but sometimes, that you make me so damn proud to be your sister." Truda said surprising Harman.
'Uh...." was all he could get out so surprised at the praise his sister had showered him with.
Reaching over Truda punched her brother in the arm, "Don't let that go to your head! It's already huge as it is already!" Truda said as she, Angelika and Madde all burst out into laughter.
Harman smirked as he rubbed where his sister had punched him. "You sure have a strange way of showing you are proud Truda." Harman told her.
"As I said I have to keep you from getting a far more swollen head. Any bigger and we might have problems!" Truda said with a serious face. Angelika and Madde were both holding their sides as they couldn't contain their laughter.
Alan tried to smile still feeling regret for putting all of them in danger again. "What of the rest of you? Are you as happy to have me with you?" Alan asked.
Angelika's face got suddenly serious as she placed a hand on his face. "Even though you were stolen from me, I still have a bond with you Alan. Something, that, I can't even begin to describe. What you have done for me, for all of us can never be truly repaid. I just want us to be something like a family if that is possible, ok? So to answer you, it is easy to as you say put up with you."
"I would have to kick your ass if you tried to run again Alan." Truda said a wide grin on her face. "You might be far stronger but as we both know I've got a few tricks of my own. So I suggest you stay with us, unless you REALLY are wanting to find out!" Truda said a sly almost wicked smile on her lips. Nodding Alan turned toward Varick.
Varick was watching everything that was going on. The simple fact that they had actually found that sadistic son of a bitch spoke volumes to him. As soon as Alan, then the rest of them turned to see what he had to say, Varick only nodded for a few moments.
"Brother, you aren't really thinking that we'd be better off without Alan are you?" Angelika voice cut through his musings.
"Better off? No I don't think we would be. We are far more powerful now; we are also more like normal people. I for one don't wish to go back to less than half a life. Though I do think that we need to think over everything, before we make a move like Alan did. Especially now that we know what the Doctor's true intentions are." Turning more toward Alan, Varick asked, "You think that you can defend against that attack he did against you?"
Alan looked up suddenly realizing that Varick in his own way had just accepted him, fully into the group. "I'm not really sure Varick. I've never experienced anything like that. I felt completely at his mercy, not sure if it was the shocks that helped or not. It was almost like I was watching it happen to someone else. Now that I think about it I am starting to feel that the shocks did help him access my mind."
"I kind of had a feeling it was something like that. As you told all of us before, once you feel it the first time you can usually combat it. Do you feel it is the same this time?" Varick asked as a light seemed to fill Alan's eyes.
Nodding Alan told all of them. "I think it might be a good idea if all of us work on this. I've got a feeling that if he wants me that bad he might try to get to me through one of you!" Looking at Angelika he nodded again. "Especially you mother. For some reason I feel that you may be the key to a lot of this. May I look again? I've got a feeling I missed something."
A wide eyed Angelika nodded as Alan delved into her mind. Even as he was moving far deeper than he'd been, he was beginning to see a few things in her that were more than peaking his curiosity. It appeared that all of her mental pathways had been restructured. Alan began to gently push on each of them he found. The way she was right now the doctor could have taken her over with no problem. Could have being the operative word, problem was ALL of her pathways were wide open.
Withdrawing Alan shook his head he'd secured part of her mind but there was so much. He wasn't that sure he could keep her safe if they were in a fight. Sighing he sat back shaking his head just the little he'd done would help, some. Sitting back he looked inside at his own pathways shocked when he saw that they were almost identical to his mother's! Going as deep as he could Alan started to close everything that he could, realizing that he'd have to be at this for a long time.
After an hour Alan could feel his energy starting to falter. He'd barely gotten a fifth that wasn't going to be much help if the bastard tried to attack again. Withdrawing he found Angelika was sitting beside him a worried look on her face. "Damn it Alan! You have to stop doing this! You are going to deplete yourself then he'll be able to just walk in." Angelika told him.
Alan's tired smile let her know he hadn't gone as far as she thought he had. "I've learned my lesson from working on Helga. Being that weak is not a situation I wish to repeat." Alan told a nodding Angelika.
Looking closer Angelika's eyes narrowed, "I know you far more than you think Alan! I think I can tell when you are lying to me!"
Sighing Alan tried to play it off as nothing but Angelika's continued insistence finally got him to admit it. "Alright! Damn it mother! I have to push some or I'll never increase my stamina and strength."
"I can agree with you on those points Alan. Exhaustion beyond the point of consciousness though is going too far! Remember you have a hell of a lot more people relying on you than just you! If I have to slap you to drive that point home I will!" Angelika warned.
Shaking his head Alan could actually see her point for once, damn it! He hated when she was right, though he was right also. He had to push to secure his mind and hers. Thinking a moment, he also had to consider all the pieces of themselves the Doctor and the assistant had left in all of them. Would they try to interfere? Especially, after he'd destroyed over fifteen of them in each of them, well seventeen in Truda.
Angelika sat back as she watched a war of thoughts reflect across Alan's face. She hated the fact that she was the cause of this. Then again the last time Alan was like this they had defeated that ass assistant. Sighing she hoped that it was the case this time.
Alan knew he wasn't going to get anymore done before he rested more and ate. God now that he thought about it he was starving! "Alright, I say we get a bite then rest so I am at full power to work on both of us again."
Varick had been watching the exchange between the two. He too realized that none of them had eaten all day! It was a wonder any of them were conscious! Finally sated a few hours later Alan sat back feeling a hell of a lot better.
After they all retired to their respective rooms Alan finally laid down more exhausted than he thought. Within moments he was fast asleep entering a dream state almost immediately.
A voice far off in the distance seemed to be calling to him. "Alan, son it is your destiny. Your body was created for me to take over. Come to me son that we will be one. Then we can rule this world!"
Alan felt the thoughts trying to push their way into his head; luckily he'd closed as much as he had. "I don't think so you pathetic ass!" Alan yelled back. "I know what you are trying to do. As you can see I have closed off part of my mind you can't take it now!"
"Ha! As if your pathetic attempt will stop me! What you have closed off to me will be crushed like nothing! You will not stop me from taking what is mine! Now as I said before be a good little boy and DIE!" The Doctor's thoughts screamed at Alan as again the Doctor tried to push Alan out of his mind! This time though Alan had a firmer grasp as he was actually pushing back against the Doctor. "NO! How is this possible!?"
"As I have told you countless times, you should get used to disappointment! I did more than just block you as you are about to find out!" Alan screamed back then smiled as the first he'd planted all that time ago came screaming to the forefront.
"NO! What are you doing here! Stay back! Nooooooo!" Alan heard the Doctor's thoughts scream as they withdrew. That would keep him occupied for a bit. Snapping awake Alan hoped that the piece of himself he'd duplicated and left in the Doctor could delay him long enough. Feeling far stronger Alan looked within as he started to close his pathways at a hell of a lot faster rate. This time after an hour and a half he had just over half defended against the doctor. Pushing on another hour and a half Alan was at three fourths when he finally stopped.
Alan got up walking out his room to his mother's door. Touching her mind he asked, <mother I need to strengthen you more that ass hole tried again. I have secured almost all of my mind, though I am afraid he will try all of you next.>
Angelika sat up seeing that Alan had indeed been busy. <Yes please, I am tired of always being the one who is somehow the weakest. Anything you can do to help me to assist in the defeat of his ass is welcome.>
Walking in Alan sat beside his mother as he delved back in as deep as he could. Shaking his head he could see some of what he'd done had been undone though most of it was intact. He'd just finished a fourth of her mind when he heard an angry voice not too far behind him. "So you really think you can seal her up with us in here? Really you are far more of a novice than we at first thought."
Alan smiled at the visage of the Doctor. "Would you care to try? I doubt if you can truly reopen them even though you are on the inside. You are more of a virus than you are a part of her mind. What I have done should make it far easier for her to expunge you than it was before. You see I learned far more than you thought, please try!"
The visage laughed as it reached out then screamed as part of his mother's mind smacked him back! "It isn't possible! What have you done! Without the restrictions she will be a monster she will..."
"She will be the beautiful person she truly is and not a pawn to a sick piece of filth the likes of you!" Alan shouted as he watched part of his mother's mind start to crush what was left of the visage!
Reaching out Alan started to close more as fast as he could he knew that any moment another might attack. At the half way point Alan had to withdraw, doing over half his mind and almost half hers was wearing him down. Even as he was withdrawing, he thought he saw the visage of his mother as she smiled and continued from where he'd stopped!
Pulling all the way out, he saw that in fact she had continued on. Sitting back Alan nodded then got up leaving her room. The sun was already starting to rise when he lay back in his bed. With any luck the Doctor would be out of their hair a few days. Perhaps they could get this done, then kick his proverbial if none existent ass.
Alan slept a few hours then was up heading out to find the others. Sitting down with the others Alan outlined what he had to do to their minds to protect them against the Doctor's further incursions. Varick listened as Alan told them of the Doctor's latest try for him. "I've already started mother. Apparently she has started to develop an ability to copy what she saw me do. I am hoping that you can also." Alan explained.
Varick nodded, "So you think that I will be the next one?"
Alan shook his head, "No I think he will go after mother, failing that, Truda then Harman. Sorry Harman your mind isn't that weak but compared to his none of ours are."
Harman was nodding, "I know, I also know I am not the smartest among us. The bastard might actually be able to fool me better than you four. Anything you do will make me feel a hell of a lot better!"
"Alright though I know I don't need to I still have to ask. Truda? May I continue?" At her vigorous nodding of assent Alan smiled and delved in.
Going as deep as he could Alan could see that in fact Truda was as open as his mother, perhaps more. Using what he'd accomplished with his mother Alan started to sent out a wider amount of energy. This started to close more than one pathway though at a slower rate. Actually from what he was seeing the gentler energy seemed to make it go faster! Reaching half way almost half an hour sooner Alan smiled. Apparently his control was improving a lot more each time he did this.
Alan stopped as he saw the visage of Truda appear. "I see what you have been doing. I can also sense that the parts they left in me are far less of a worry now. I can finish, thank you Alan!" Then the visage of Truda reached over and kissed Alan a hot molten kiss. Had it been in the real world Alan thought he might have passed out! Giggling Truda said, "Maybe one day dear Alan, I can work up to that in the real world. For now this will suffice though, thank you!"
Alan nodded then withdrew shaking his head he tried to not look at Truda. Catching her eyes a moment Alan and Truda both blushed! None of this was lost on Angelika as she smirked at the both of them. Shaking her head she was sure Truda would tell her later. Then she looked closer, seeing how much Truda was blushing, Truda might not tell.
Alan had to shake his head again as he was still clearing his head. He was about to do Truda's brother's mind, might not be good for Harman to see that his sister had kissed Alan in her mind!
Looking at Haman Alan asked, "You ready Harman? I think your sister is safe now, especially since she has learned to do it herself as has mother."
Harman nodded as Alan delved in. It had been quite a while since Alan had been in Harman's mind. Looking around Alan was impressed at what he saw; apparently Harman really had been working on his mind. It was far more ordered than it had been the last time a few weeks ago. Going deep Alan saw that more than half of Harman's pathways were already closed. Not only closed but they were stronger than his own were! Starting Alan had Harman at three fourths in no time at all! Alan was about to withdraw when Harman appeared.
"I wish to thank you Alan though I do have a request. Please don't tell my sister what you have seen. I am just starting to become who I wish to be, if she knew I might retreat again." The visage of Harman said. Alan nodded assuring Harman he would keep the secret.
Withdrawing the others were staring at him being back as soon as he was. "It would seem that Harman has been trying to close his own for quite a while. Apparently he has been trying to strengthen against his sister." Truda's mouth dropped agape.
"I had wondered why you were so much harder to read. Nice work brother! As I said before there are times I am so proud to be your sister!" Then she growled at him. "Remember don't get a bigger swelled head. I'd have to smack you more!" Laughing at the startled look on his face Truda leaned over and hugged him.
"Thank you... I think?" Harman said to a scattering of laughter from the others.
Finally all eyes were on Varick. "I am ready," Varick said. Even as Alan started to delve in Varick's face twisted into a sneer. "Now you unworthy piece of crap! I have you!"
Alan was going deep not noticing the dark presence that was following his progress. At the bottom Alan could only stare at how much of his Uncle's mind was wide open to the Doctor. He'd just started to close several pathways when he felt something rushing at him. Caught unaware Alan was knocked to the side still sending out the energy.
"I have you now! There is no way you can escape! With your body empty of your consciousness it will be easy to take it over! You are as much a novice as I thought, so easy to fool!" Just then the Doctor noticed that Alan was still sending out the energy closing more and more of Varick's mind. "You might as well stop that you fool! Your Uncle is long dead! There is nothing of him left! All you are doing is securing an empty mind!"
Alan got off what he'd been lying on. He shook his head, if his uncle was indeed dead, then there was no way that the Doctor could have fooled them. Smiling at what he was starting to feel he nodded. Increasing his energy Alan saw that the entire area around him was secure now as the Doctor was moving away with the rapidly clearing sections. Rapidly? Smiling again Alan looked at the visage of the Doctor. "You obviously forgot that I freed up much of Varick. I know you might fool a lot of people but not his sister."
The Doctor started to smile at Alan. "I know he is gone! I destroyed what was left of him right before you appeared. No he is gone! As you soon will be!"
A hand tapped the Doctor on the shoulder, who turned his mouth dropping open. "I think it is time for you to leave you piece of shit!" Varick's visage said as he slapped the hell out of the Doctor!
"NO! I killed you! There was nothing left! I felt nothing of you!" The visage of the Doctor screamed.
"This is my mind; as such I know all the places to hide. I figured Alan would be here soon when I felt you move through. It was easy to project an image to fool you. I am so going to enjoy killing you!" Varick said, Alan could see that Varick was stalling allowing Alan to seal more of his mind. He was almost at one third now with the progress starting to go faster as he felt Varick starting to add to it.
"Ha!" The Doctor said as he reached out then shouted at them both when a third of the mind was denied to him! "I will kill you! You are far too weak to defeat me!"
"You better look again you ass!" Alan said a moment later when he felt almost half of Varick's mind was sealed. Varick's energy had started to increase as had the speed of what Alan was doing.
"This isn't possible! Fine then DIE!" The Doctor said as he reached for several involuntary systems.
Alan and Varick both smashed into the Doctor as he'd almost reached them, knocking him away.
"More than half of this mind is mine again. I suggest you stay and let us both destroy you!" Varick smiled as he started to hold the Doctor while Alan was powering up several bolts of energy.
"Fine, you will regret this! Release me you putrid reject!" The Doctor shouted as he struggled to get loose.
Varick leaned in close, "I'd rather be a live reject, than a dead asshole!"
Alan released a blue bolt hitting the Doctor's visage blowing an arm off it. Screaming the Doctor kicked Varick getting loose. Alan shot another bolt at the visage blowing a leg away as howling in pain the visage disappeared.
Alan nodded to Varick with a smile then disappeared himself. There were several people around him and Varick as Alan opened his eyes, including an upset Helga.
Pointing a finger at him she shook her head, "Still not listening to your mother are you?" Then she smiled and hugged him. Whispering she said, "Like your mother said, don't you dare die on me. I'd hate to have to bring you back to kick your ass also!"
Alan could only throw his hands up in defeat. It seemed he was never going to win against them.
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