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Even gerald isnt trusted. a woEven some likeman in a tank. evil manifested.
Far off in a distant dark land. In a castle perched high in a hill. There stood that man. And there stood the sister. And under foot there stood an army of soldiers from the legion and of mutations created through science. "We will bend this land to a knee and we will kill those who appose us. We sling this world into darkness. We will bring the other world to us and make it our own!"
"Sir what if hes go-" "He isnt an issue. He cant become stronger than me." "But sir." "Enough my child. He isnt a concern. He will fall as they all will."

I was in the fields pushing boulders and exercising when a messanger on a horse approached me.

"For you sir." "thank you."

I opened the letter and read over it.

"Fighting to the east. A monster?"

I ran into the castle and grabbed my gear.

"where are you going?"

"South post. Theres trouble."

I got changed into a white cloak, I was already wearing a white and gold light armor set. I rode off south and saw a huge minotaur. Almost twelve feet high, slaughtering guards.

"EXCUSE ME!!" I saw him turn to look at me and I waved. "Please stop. I don’t wanna have to fry your ass." The thing roared at me and I laughed.

"Game on!" I ran at him full speed and was met with a blade to blade lock. "My master will find his foothold and reclaim his lands." I pushed back and began studying his moves. I pulled my bow out and put an arrow through his dome and he dropped. "Easy." I walked up to a wounded solider.

"What went on here?"

"We heard a rumbling and the earth shook."

The man died before he could finish. So I took my time searching. I walked into the south post and headed to the basement. As I walked down I felt warm. "What do we ha-" I ran up on a huge tank of green liquid with a body inside. "Oh shit!" I looked around and found a panel. "Project 806126.." I began pressing buttons. Soon enough the tube opened and she gasped. I ran over and wrapped her in my cloak.

"Where am i?"

"South guard post. Im torl. I saved you."


"Well dawn. Lets get you into some clothes."

"I was naked!?"

I felt her hand across my cheek. "Yes. But I didn’t look I swear."

I got her into my chambers and gave her some clothes.

"I remember it all. I was bred and built for basically killing you if needed."

"Really now? Some one kill me?"

"Yes. Mother is what you call her."

I threw a butter knife out a window and glared. "What abilities do you posses?"

"Fire magic ultimate defense and offense capabilities. Also im faster."

"That smug bitch though I was a threat."

"She knows you are. But now that im here…I might as well make myself at home."

"You do that. Im going to have a talk with…mother…" I stormed off and found her in her throne room. "Kill me!?"

"What again?"

"You built a girl…of all things. To kill me?"

"How do-" "If you thought I posed a threat keep me in check with your own hand not the hands of some one else."

"You foolish boy. You sho-"

"Last time I checked I was the only one who could kill whats knocking on our door and secondly I got rid of my demons."

"All true but."

"But what? Case closed."

"No. you shouldn’t have gone there let alone prowl…."

I walked up to my room and saw dawn wearing my old hat.

"Whats this?" I grabbed it and clutched it.


"Oh so secretive."

"Is it the fact that your real name is gerald? Or that your own sister hates you?"

"Were you built to anger me? Or are you just enjoying me getting this mad?"

"Both really."

"Out. Now. Were settling this."

I walked into the courtyard and tossed her one of my swords and a sheild. "We will settle this here and now."

I saw just a white flash and she was on me.

"Lets play little man!"

I swung at her rapidly. She was good at this. Really good. I went faster. I used my magic and sped my body to ungodly speed. All the while the girl just took it all like a champ. I saw her eyes go bright red and I let a stream of lightning out just in time.

"Come on now boy i know youre better than this."

I jumped away and closed my hands. "I will kill you. Do not make me do this torl."

"Doubt it." I ripped them apart to reveal a huge, almost sixfoot bolt of lightning. "This will obliterate everything in a four mile radius. But fuck it." I chucked the bastard as hard as I could and she caught it. "Well Ill be fucked." She threw it back at me before I had time to even begin to draw breath and it hit me center mass. *BOOM!!!!*

I went flying into a near by mountain and laid in the rock. "Better. Faster. Stronger."

I groaned. "Cunt bitch." I felt her grab my neck.

"And far classier." I grabbed her wrists and eyed her down. "That’s enough. Ive seen what I needed."

I got off the mountain and headed home. I got my ass whooped good and long. I went straight to my room and locked my self in. "Im replaceable. Its like im just a broken cog or outdated software."

I played with some lightning in my hands for hours. I heard a knock on my door.

"Leave. I don’t want any well wishers, vagabonds, pity parties or apologetics."

"What about old friends?" I heard a soft voice on the other end. I walked up and opened the door. "Hello gerald." "So-" she tackled me and gave me the best hug ive ever had.

"Its so good to see you."

"As it is you."

she rubbed my cut up and bloodied face.

"I saw the fight."

"Wish you hadnt. Im so ashamed."

"Shes just a girl."

"She caught my best move and threw it back at me. Shes built to
be my weakness. Better faster stronger. Its like she was cloned from me then given all my stuff."

"She doesn’t have your heart. Or compassion. Shes only better in some ways. Not all."

I heard a knock and I got up. "What now?"

I saw the sword go through the door and a giggle. "Thanks, gerald! HAHAHAHAHA!" I lunged but soph pulled me back. "Not worth it. Trust me." I felt her rub my chest.

"You’ve gotten bigger since we met last. Youre not the little boy with a stolen horse and chip on his shoulder."

"Im just a-"

"Big burly man. Its intoxicating." I laughed and smiled my goofy smile.

"Don’t do that!" she smiled and blushed. "Oh come on now im just a mortal fool."

"A very perfect mortal." I laid down with her in my bed.

"Sing me the cash song again? Its my favorite song."

"Yes maam." I cleared my throat and began to sing. I felt her curl up close to me. While I sang I felt tears roll off my cheeks.

"Please don’t cry, my mortal fool. Save the tears for joy. Save them for your family."

"I know." I buried my face in her hair and kissed her.

"You know when I lived in the other world, all I ever wanted to do was weld."


"Yeah..its where you fuse metal together using an electrically charged rod."

"Is it fun?"

"Yep. And it pays well too." I yawned and pulled her close to me.

"Were sleeping now."

"Id love to sleep over." I was soon out. I dreamt of the battle. I woke up in a cold sweat.

"almost time to get busy." I slipped out of bed and cleaned up and headed to the courtyard. I was going to meditate and clear my mind of all distractions. Or so I thought.

I walked off and was pulled aside by a young man.

"Torl correct?" I nodded and he pulled me to a floating camera.

"Alright. So the people wanted to know. How will you, the one whos has been unstoppable, fight against this thing out there?"

"Well I want to say that im only mortal. I bleed, cry fall down, all of that like the rest of the people. I don’t intend to boast. But to stop this evil…I will break every bone in my body to do so."

"Ok and this girl you fought with. Why should the public choose you? She clearly beat you in one on one combat an- "

"look im just a human. Im mortal. Nor is this an election. Let the public love whoever they think will keep them safe at night."

"So you should just pack it in then bud."

I saw dawn skipping over. "Ah you must be…" "Dawn." "Well tell us about what YOU can do." before she even spoke I walked off.

"She sure isnt humble."

"Youre right about that soph."

She kissed me on the cheek. "Follow me." she took my hand and lead me through a corridor and into a small room.

"What in he-" she grabbed me and we began kissing. I knew where this was going. I was getting laid..Finally! I ripped her dress off and we moved to the floor. We were both naked, just all over each other.

"Im going to break you."

"You fucking better!"

I bent her over and slammed all of my cock into her. "GOD YES!!!" I pulled her hair back and deepstroked her. I felt her pussy flood. It was like she hadnt been fucked in ages. "Holy shit I missed you!"

"Show me you missed me! Youre fucking like a child!"

I pulled her head back and fucked her as hard as I could. I wanted to break her. She slipped off and spread her ass apart. "Fuck my ass. Ive been wanting it all day." I was flabbergasted. But you might ask me. "Why not? Well why not indeed my fellow." I plunged deep into her ass and she let out the most erotic moan. "That’s such a good boy.!" I fucked her ass as hard I could. I grabbed her cheeks and relished the sights and sounds. I was in heaven. "You dirty little bitch. I love fucking your ass!" "Cum for me baby? I wanna feel you cum in me." I couldn’t hold back. I wouldn’t. I clawed her back and blew a massive load in her. "OH FUCK!" "Mmmmm. Its so warm. I love feeling it in me." I panted hard and she laughed. I got us bothed dressed and we went back to my room and cuddled. "Hey gerald?" "Yeah?" "I have to leave. Ill be back though." "why? Why not just stay here?" "Gerald I need to be with my people. I took the throne from my father." "Well…I see. I will write you." "Id hope you woud." She kissed me on the cheek and walked out.

"Damn.." I got cleaned up and lit my pipe. I wrote in my journal. I was interrupted by a scientist.

"Uh excuse me sir?"


"This is from the R&D Dept. it’s a liquid that Helps ease the power increse and helps tap into some more mana….."

the pause was long before he turned to leave.

"Alright. Ill be-"

"Doc…did you help make that thing?"

"No but my father did. He told me everything. Notes, all of it."


"Weakness? It has none. That….girl…shes what was supposed to stop you. In case you lost control."

"Well thank you."

I went back to writing. I wrote for an hour longer then I stopped. I finished my pipe and laid down.
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