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A young Welsh boy discovers the Master PC program
Dylan Davies woke up, as usual, with a boner. At his age, morning wood was a fact, but it didn’t really matter. He’d started sleeping naked, partly so that his cock could be free to move around, but also because he discovered that he rather enjoyed it, something which probably only served to increase the amount of boners he got. It wasn’t a particularly large boner, but then, he wouldn't expect it to be.

Today was Thursday the 31st of August 2017; Dylan’s birthday. He didn’t like his date of birth, as it meant that he was the youngest in his year at school. The sun was streaming from behind his blinds into his bedroom, and now he was ready to get up. Normally his weekend and school holiday mornings were spent jerking off, but today he wanted to get up to open his presents.

Dylan and his father lived alone in a reasonably small house in Cardiff. Dylan’s mother died when he was little, so the two of them just had each-other. It was after 10, so his dad would definitely be at work, so he’d be opening his presents alone. Dylan slipped on his boxers, followed by a t-shirt and jog pants, and headed downstairs. There he saw a few birthday presents waiting for him.

Dylan unwrapped the presents in front of him. It was mostly just cash from relatives, with the DVDs he’d asked his dad for. But one present took his interest. It was a small-medium box, and according to the label was from his grandparents, his maternal ones. Unwrapping it, Dylan found that it was a shoebox. Assuming they’d bought him a new pair of shoes, Dylan opened it, but instead he found a load of CDs in their cases.

“Oh cool!” Dylan exclaimed. Granted in 2017 CDs weren’t a thing he particularly collected, but he figured he could rip them and see if there was anything good. There were a few things in there he recognised, most of the CDs being over a decade old from the looks of things. One CD however was different. It was the box of a CD-R, and the label on it just said “Master PC V1.0”.

“What’s a Master PC?” Dylan asked to no-one in particular. Deciding that breakfast could wait, Dylan went to fetch his laptop, and sat on the sofa with it. He opened the disk drive, and inserted the mysterious disk. A few seconds later, and the usual Windows menu came up, asking if he wanted to run something called mpcinstaller.exe, or if he wanted to just open the contents of the disk. Dylan chose the latter, but he was surprised to find that the only file on the disk was the installer.

Dylan was curious now, and perhaps not as cautious as one should be with a strange program. So he click the installer, and after giving Windows permission, the program began installing. It was a reasonably small install, and it finished within several minutes. What it produced was a shortcut on his desktop simply called “Master PC”, the logo being a rather low-res image of a 90s PC.
Dylan double clicked on the icon, and a window came up which apparently was the program. He only got a brief moment to look at it however, as a notice came up on his screen.
“A newer version of Master PC is available, version 10.1. Would you like to download and install?”

Figuring he had nothing to lose, Dylan clicked yes, and the programme closed, being replaced with a progress bar. It was estimating about half an hour, so Dylan took the opportunity to pull down his trousers and boxers, open up his web browser, and indulge in a little bit of birthday porn. Of course, he didn’t last particularly long, and he was jizzing after about 10 minutes of browsing. Dylan blew his load into his hand, and went off to the bathroom to wash up. Once he was done, he made himself a bowl of cereal, and sat eating it and watching TV.

Just as he finished eating, Dylan heard his laptop beep. He turned the TV off, and went back to a message that Master PC 10.1 had finished installing. He looked at his desktop, and the icon had changed to the image of a much more modern PC, with the letters MPC on the screen. Dylan double clicked on the icon, and this time the thing opened full screen, like he was playing a game. Maybe that’s what this was. The words “Master PC: V10.1” appeared on the screen, with all sorts of assorted colours swirling in the background and Dylan really began to wonder what exactly he’d installed.
“Welcome to Master PC,” came a voice from his speakers. It was female, and sounded reasonably young. She spoke with an upper-class English accent, something Dylan had always found very sexy. “Master PC allows you to become a virtual god to those around you. You are the Master’s representative.”

The text then disappeared, and was replaced by a young girl. She looked maybe a year or two older than him, and had long, brown hair. It was only a head shot, but from what he could see she appeared to be naked, or at least topless. And she was absolutely gorgeous.

“Welcome, Dylan Davies,” the girl smiled.
“What the fuck!?” Dylan exclaimed. “Who are you!?”
“I am the user interface for the Master PC programme,” the girl replied.
“User interface?”
“Yes, Dylan. I added in as part of the version 10 patch, as it was determined that I was a quicker and more enjoyable input method than sliders and text boxes.”
“This is a fucking joke, right? I mean, no offense, but you’re not some user interface. What, are you stood on a green screen or something?”
“Dylan, I can assure you that I am no joke. I am the user interface for the Master PC program. I chose this appearance and personality based on a deep analysis of your mind, to find what you would find the most pleasurable.”

The “camera” on the girl zoomed out, and Dylan got a good look at her nude form. Perfect boobs, perfect pussy, perfect bum, perfect everything. She was his dream girl.
“Your increasing erection suggests you are happy with my chosen form,” the girl said as the camera zoomed back in on her face.
“What? Uh…how’d you know that?” His webcam was only pointing at his face, so there’s no way he could have given it away with a bulge.
“Because I know everything about you,” the girl replied, still smiling and friendly. “Dylan Mark Davies. Current erection level 36.4%...and rising.”

“Okay, you need to explain yourself. Who the fuck are you?”
“I told you, I’m the user interface for Master PC, silly,” she giggled. God she was hot. And she was right, his penis definitely was rising.
“Alright, what’s Master PC?”
“Master PC is a program which allows you to become a God to those around you.”
“So what, it’s like a god sim?”
“Not at all. That would require simulation.”
“What do you mean?”

“Well, in short, I am capable of controlling the minds and bodies of whomever you choose, in whichever way you choose.”
“You what?”
“Have you ever wished to be a god? Well now you can be?”
“You can make me a god?”
“I can make you a god to others. I can alter you and others to your whims. I can make them do or be anything you desire.”
“You can control people?”
“That’s impossible.”
“With me, very little is impossible.”
“Alright then, if you’re some sort of magic program, prove it. You say you’re designed to be pleasurable, so give me pleasure. Make me cum.” Dylan expected her to start making excuses as to why she couldn’t do it, so he was surprised at her response.

Dylan winced, as he felt his semi shoot up to an instant, rock-hard boner, pressing against the underside of his laptop. Dylan put the laptop down, and looked down at his groin. He’d never been so hard in his life. Dylan was about to pull it out and examine it, but he suddenly found himself leaning his head back in pleasure. His cock exploded, a thick wad of cum instantly shooting out into his pants. He was experiencing the greatest orgasm of his life. Dylan made quite the mess in his pants, but even when he ran out of semen, he continued to orgasm, the feeling no less pleasurable.

After nearly a minute, Dylan felt his cock begin to calm down and soften, while he just laid there, panting. When he mind cleared, he heard the girl on the screen, giggling.
“Did you enjoy that, Dylan?” she asked.
“What…what the fuck did you just do to me?”
“I made you cum, as you instructed me to. Your semen supply was depleted from having last cum less than an hour ago, but I think you’ll agree it was still a satisfactory climax.”
“You…you weren’t joking about being able to control me.”
“You bet!”

Dylan stared into space for a moment, before standing up to remove his jizzy trousers and pants. Wearing only his t-shirt, he sat back down and pulled his laptop back up, its warmth feeling nice on his now-damp genitals.
“So what else can you do?” He asked.
“I am capable of controlling and altering the minds and bodies of all animals within a 100,000 mile radius of the device on which I’m installed, a large improvement on my previous versions. There is very little which I cannot do to these people.”
“So you can, like, change me?”
“Yes. To whatever form you’d like.”

The girl’s screen shrunk to only fill the corner of the screen. The rest of the display was replaced by a photo-realistic 3D model of Dylan. His full name was shown, along with a huge number of stats. Physical age, which was constantly counting up in seconds. And lots of others, such as intelligence, muscle density, skin colour, sexual orientation, penis length, penis girth, penis sensitivity, maximum semen supply, average percentage of supply ejaculated, average orgasm intensity, average orgasm strength, and hundreds more.
“This is how users used to edit reality, using these options, and a text box to enter commands,” the girl explained, returning to full screen. “My purpose it to replace these cumbersome menus. Just tell me what you want to do, and I will do it. Like your own personal genie.”
“And I can edit other people too, can I?”
“Yes, anyone within 100,000 miles. As this radius included the entire planet Earth, this shouldn’t be an issue however.”
“Can you bring up my dad?”
“Of course.”

The UI was minimised again, and the familiar stats screen came up, only this time the nude model was one Gareth Davies, aged 39 and some.
“Woah,” Dylan said.
“I also have the ability to go live to the person, letting you see exactly what they’re doing. Would you like me to?”
“Uh, sure.” Dylan wasn’t entirely sure what she meant, but his questions were soon answered when the screen turned into crystal clear footage of his father sat at work, typing away on his computer. “He can’t see me, right?”
“Correct. This is a completely live image of your father right now. Completely adjustable, of course.” At this, the camera rotated around the small office where Mr Davies was sat, alone, before returning to its original position.
“Oh God, this thing’s amazing! Uh…I mean you’re amazing, Master PC. Or User Interface, or whatever you’re called.”
“Call me whatever you want.”
“Alright, well, UI, can you make my dad cum like you did to me?”
“Certainly, Dylan.”

Gareth Davies groaned, and gripped hold of his desk, before moaning loudly. For no apparent reason, his cock went completely hard, and began to convulse and contract in an intense orgasm, leaving a similar mess in his trousers to the one his son had produced mere minutes before. Gareth came for just as long as Dylan had, before running off to the bathroom to clean up before someone saw the mess he’d made.
“Would you like me to alter your father further?” The UI asked.
“No. Actually, I want you to bring up a girl from my school.”
“Which girl?”
“Gwen Jones. She, uh…she’s kind of pretty.”

The UI brought up Gwen’s profile, and Dylan was treated to the sight of the photo-realistic 3D model of the naked Gwen. She had small but lovely boobs, and a nice patch of hair on her pussy. More importantly, he was seeing a gorgeous girl from school naked, a think he’d masturbated over countless times.
“Go to live feed,” Dylan ordered, and the screen switched to a shot of Gwen, laid in bed in her pyjamas, watching TV. Dylan just sat watching her for a while, while the UI remained in the corner with a friendly smile. “Um, UI?”
“Yes Dylan?”
“Can you make Gwen orgasm like you made me and dad orgasm?”
“By that, would you like me to give her male genitalia and cause her to ejaculate?”
“No! I just mean give her a really big orgasm. Please?”

Gwen gasped, and then let out a loud, high-pitched moan as she orgasmed. She rolled over, and buried her face in her pillow to prevent her parents hearing her, and she humped the bed as she came, and came, and came.
“Oh my God…” Dylan just said, his cock starting to return to full mast. He waited until she finished cumming before speaking again. “Can you…make her have sex with me?”
“I can make her do whatever it is you desire her to do.”
“Alright…do it. Make Gwen come over and have sex with me.”
“Would you like me to make her mother drive her over? It would speed up her arrival, and I will cloud her mind to prevent her questioning this.”
“Alright, yes.”

Dylan watched as Gwen ran downstairs to put her shoes and socks on, desperate to get over to Dylan’s house right away. Dylan went over to unlock the front door, and then he picked up his laptop, and took it up to his bedroom. He set it down on his bedside table, then removed his t-shirt, leaving him completely nude. He was a little embarrassed to be exposed to the UI like this.
“Can you make her not notice you?” He asked her.
“Done,” she smiled.
“Alright, good.”

Dylan sat down on his bed to wait. He then looked down at his groin however, and realised something.
“Wait, how am I gonna fuck her like this?” Dylan asked. And he was right. His balls were empty, and despite his current semi, he could tell his cock was in no mood for more stimulation right now.
“I assume you are referring to your exhausted genitals?” The UI asked.
“Remember, I can alter you according to your desires. In order to maximise the pleasure received from your upcoming sexual encounter, I advise the following changes: Increased genital size, removal of refractory periods, removal of genital soreness, increased erogenous zonal sensitivity, permanent 100% erection level, unlimited semen supply, removal of sperm fertility, immunity from disease, increased volume of semen ejaculated per contraction, increased average orgasm length and intensity.”

Dylan wasn’t sure he understood what all of those things meant, but he trusted the UI.
“Alright then, do it all.” Dylan then groaned, as he felt a rush of wonderful sensations consume his groin. The first thing he noticed was all the fatigue vanishing from his cock. And then, he felt blood rush into his cock, as he became harder than he’d ever been in his life. But his cock didn’t stop there, and he felt a pleasant stretching sensation. Dylan stared at his penis, as the organ because to grow before his eyes, until it was quite the beast. The then felt his balls tingle too, and they expanded too until he had monster junk between his legs.

The sensations between his legs began to increase, until just the breeze on it felt wonderful. He grabbed hold of it, and moaned.
“I have one more suggestion,” the UI said.
“Which is?”
“During intercourse, allow me to take control over your body. You wouldn’t have to do anything, just relax and let me guide you to the most pleasurable actions for you both.”
“That sounds okay I suppose.”
“Very well. Now then, Gwen Jones has arrived.”

Dylan heard the front door open and shut, and a set of footsteps running up the stairs. His bedroom door opened, and there was Gwen, wearing nothing but her pyjamas, and a look of lust in her face.
“Um, hi Gwen,” Dylan said. He stood up to face her, embarrassed about being naked and hard in front of her. Gwen didn’t waste any time, and in two swift motions, her pyjamas were off, and Dylan’s cock twitched at the sight of the naked girl right in front of him. Gwen just approached him, and kissed him hard. Dylan didn’t really know how to react, and his eyes edged over to his laptop screen.
“Relax Dylan, and let me take control…” she said sensually. Dylan then put his hands on Gwen’s bottom. He didn’t mean to, he just did it. He kneaded it playfully, and slid his tongue into her mouth, causing her to moan. He wasn’t doing this willingly, Master PC taking control of body. He didn’t mind though, because it felt just as good as promised.

Gwen pushed Dylan down onto the bed, and climbed on top of him. They continued making out, Dylan enjoying toying with her bottom. The feeling of his boner rubbing on her tummy was ecstatic.
“Dylan, would you also like me to control Gwen’s actions?” The UI asked.
“Uhhh, sure,” Dylan said between kisses. At this, Gwen broke the kiss, and moved down his body. Was she going to…

Dylan groaned as Gwen ran her tongue up the entire length of his cock. The sensations were absolutely incredible, presumably down to Master PC reading his mind. It seemed to know him better than he did. Gwen kissed the tip of his cock, and then slid his entire length into her mouth, the head of his penis being wedged up against Gwen’s tonsils. Gwen held him there for a while, and Dylan tried to get to grips with the feeling. He looked to his side, and saw that the UI had a big grin on her face.

Dylan then shut his eyes, as he felt Gwen begin to bob her head up and down.
“Ohhh my God…” he moaned. He spread his legs, and continued moaning and groaning as he was expertly fellated. Master PC was making Gwen a master cocksucker, although between Dylan’s heightened sensitivity and lack of experience, just about anything she did would have been Heaven on Earth for him. Master PC had given Dylan back control of his body, although right now it mostly consisted of him just gripping his sheets, and occasionally shuddering from his truly spectacular blowjob.

Dylan blew his load down Gwen’s throat, and it was at this point he realised what Master PC was truly capable of. Because this was, hands down, the single greatest experience of his entire life. Hot, thick semen flooded out of his cock and filled Gwen’s mouth faster than she could swallow it. A normal girl would have chocked on it, but Gwen was under the control of Master PC, and she/it wouldn’t let her do anything unless it was pleasurable for Dylan. Which was probably why his orgasm lasted for several minutes non-stop, and why every second was like high-fiving God himself.
Gwen finished swallowing Dylan’s load, and pulled her mouth off of his cock. But Master PC wasn’t giving him a rest, and Gwen immediately climbed up Dylan’s body, kissing him hard. Dylan felt Master PC re-take control of him, and his kissing skill increased significantly, becoming a master maker-outer, at the same time returning his hands to her bottom.

And then, it happened. Gwen lowered her hips, and in that instant, Dylan was no longer a virgin. Not that he got a lot of time to contemplate the feeling of his cock being buried inside Gwen, as almost instantly she raised her hips again, and he was only in her in the very tip. And then she slammed down again. And up again, and down again. Gwen was riding Dylan with all her might, and he was loving every second of it.
“Dylan, you will reach your next orgasm exactly 14 seconds from the end of this sentence,” the UI told him, giggling a little at it. “Would you like me to make Gwen Jones orgasm when you do?”
“Uhhhh…yeah…” he replied between kisses.
“And would you like to extend this command to any future sexual partners?”
“As you wish.”

Dylan came right on cue, blasting yet another hot, creamy load into Gwen’s body. If his last orgasm felt like high-fiving God, this one felt like, well, fucking him. Dylan had barely finished jizzing when he squeezed Gwen’s ass hard, and rolled the two of them over, so he was on top. Without thinking, he began thrusting rhythmically and hard. Of course, none of this was Dylan’s doing; everything was in fact Master PC taking control of his body. It was a strange experience for Dylan to essentially be a passenger in his own body, but it was certainly an enjoyable one. He didn’t have to do anything, just relax and enjoy the feelings of fucking Gwen.

Dylan moved his hands to Gwen’s boobs, and played with them, even more ecstatic at touching boobs for the first time. Between his cock in Gwen’s pussy, tongue down her throat, hands on her boobs and her hands on his ass, Dylan was overwhelmed with full-body pleasure. Pleasure which only got better when he had yet another orgasm.

Dylan kept on fucking Gwen for hours, never removing his cock. His jizz began overflowing from her pussy, though just enough for it to be fun; Master PC had Gwen absorb the rest. Still though, Dylan didn’t have any particular chance to care as his brain was too busy thinking about all the pleasure he was feeling. It was only after more than a dozen orgasms that Dylan and Gwen finally passed out, the UI just smiling.


Author's message: Chapter 2 is done and will be up just as soon as this is approved. Full author's message will be in there.


2018-10-14 15:24:12
Very good


2018-10-14 15:24:12
Very good


2018-10-14 15:24:05
Very good


2018-02-06 14:57:30
Thank you DragoTime. Another excellent genie story. Please let this one be unselfish


2017-04-07 10:19:45
Chapter 2 has been submitted.

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