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Dylan brings his neighbours in on the fun.
“Dylan…Dylan…” Dylan felt himself being shaken gently, and he opened his eyes to see his father stood over him. “Happy Birthday Dylan!”
“What? Oh…morning dad…” Dylan said, yawning.
“It’s half 5 in the evening actually,” his father Gareth said. “You’ve not been in bed all day, have you?”
“No, I was…” Dylan then remembered what he’d done. He shot up in bed, realising he was still naked under the covers, and his eyes darted to his laptop, which was still on his bedside table. The screen was off and it wasn’t making any noise.
“What’s wrong?” Gareth asked.
“Um…nothing,” Dylan replied. “I unwrapped my presents and messed with them a bit. I got tired so I got back in bed.”
“Well, you need to get up and get ready now. We’re going out for dinner with your grandparents, remember.”
“Yes, we’re meeting them in an hour, so it might be a good idea to get ready,” Gareth said, before leaving the room.

As soon as his father was gone, Dylan reached for his laptop, and mashed the on button. Nothing. Dylan panicked, and he hoped desperately that the battery was just flat. He put his laptop down, and jumped out of bed, at which point he realised his cock was still huge, and still hard as nails. Dylan grabbed the charger and plugged it into the wall and his laptop, flicking the switch on the socket before hopping back into bed, his naked body wanting the comfort even in the late summer.

Dylan breathed a sigh of relief when his laptop powered on. It mentioned having to turn off suddenly due to power loss, but everything seemed fine. Dylan double clicked on the Master PC icon, and the program loaded up with the familiar logo.

“Welcome back to Master PC, Dylan,” the UI smiled. “How may I help you?”
“Why’d you turn off?”
“This laptop ran out of power.”
“And is everything okay? Like, nothing’s broken, is it?”
“I shut myself down properly before the laptop disconnected. Don’t worry, everything’s fine.”
“Alright, so, where’s Gwen?”
“After I determined you had achieved sufficient sexual satisfaction, I induced a relaxing, peaceful sleep in you. I then commanded Gwen Jones to return home and resume her ordinary life.”
“Shit, did you make her forget about it?”
“No, would you like me to?”
“Very well, it is done.”

“Great, now, my cock’s still hard. Why?”
“Your penis is currently locked at a permanent 100% erection level.”
“You mean, I’m gonna be hard for the rest of my life!?”
“Until you ask me to remove the lock.”
“Well better do it then. I don’t want a boner with my grandparents!”
“Very well.”

Almost immediately Dylan felt the tension in his cock begin to dissipate, as it slowly began to deflate.
“Would you like me to undo any more of the changes I made to you?”
“No no, I like myself like this,” Dylan said. “I’m gonna go for a shower now. Can you just shut down the computer?”
“I am in complete control of this laptop’s functions, so yes, I can.”

The UI waved goodbye, and the laptop began to shut down normally. Satisfied, Dylan grabbed his towel and headed to the bathroom. He turned the shower on, and climbed in. As he washed himself, Dylan thought back to everything that had happened today. He’d had his birthday, and been given a magical computer program by his grandparents, presumably unknowingly. Said computer program had then given him genitals worthy of a Greek god, and made a hot girl from school come over and fuck him. Oh God, everything about it had felt absolutely incredible. He couldn’t believe it was true.

Dylan’s memories of fucking Gwen were causing his cock to inflate again, and Dylan got a proper look at his new erection. 10-inches long, with a thickness to match its enormous length. His balls were similarly large, dangling impressively from his groin. Dylan grabbed hold of his cock, and stroked it. He whimpered, feeling just how sensitive it was now, so that even this felt absolutely incredible. And when he’d been fucking Gwen, he’d been overwhelmed with sensation; he’d not known it was even possible to feel so good.

Dylan continued stroking his cock, and with his new sensitivity, he found himself cumming quickly. Dylan was taken by surprise by the intensity however. His knees went weak, and he struggled to stand up and his cock shout out copious amounts of semen. Every squirt was huge, containing at least an entire orgasm’s worth of cum (Pre-Master PC, that is) or possibly more, and it kept on going for nearly 30 seconds. By the time it was over, Dylan actually couldn’t keep himself up any more, and fell down onto his bottom as the last trickles of cum shot out of him.

Dylan eventually stood back up, and finished showering. He got dressed, and headed downstairs, where his father was waiting. The two of them got in the car, and headed to the restaurant, where Dylan’s grandparents had already sat down at the table, both sets of them. He was very close to all his grandparents’, especially his maternal ones, who often seemed to try and fill his mother’s shoes to an extent, making sure he was okay.

As Dylan and Gareth entered the restaurant, Dylan was overwhelmed by his grandparents commenting on how nice he looked all dressed up, and about how much he’d grown since he’d last seen them, despite it not being all that long ago.
“He’s starting to look just like you, Gareth,” said his father’s mother.
“I hope not,” said Gareth. “I’d like him to have a bit of success with girls.”
“Well that shouldn’t be a problem,” said Dylan’s mother’s mother. “I remember our Jenny was head over heels with you. I think when you asked her to marry her she practically died of excitement…Oh…”

Dylan’s grandmother stopped talking when she realised what she’d said, and everyone went quiet, before Gareth finally broke the silence.
“Well than, how is everyone?”

The family ordered their food, and mostly spoke about normal things for a while whilst they ate.
“So how did you like your present, Dylan?” Dylan’s mother’s mother asked him.
“It’s great,” Dylan replied. “Where did you get it?”
“At a car boot sale,” his grandfather said. “Someone was selling CDs off cheap and I figured it’d be good for you. I hope there’s something in there you like.”
“Oh definitely,” Dylan said, trying not to smirk.

Everyone returned home late that night, and Dylan just headed straight to bed, figuring he’d explore Master PC more the following day. He woke up at about 9am on Friday the 1st of September, and rolled out of bed. He put on some jog pants and a t-shirt, and went downstairs to eat breakfast. Once he’d eaten, he fetched his laptop, and sat down at the dining table with it.
“Welcome back to Master PC Version 10.1,” said the UI as he loaded up the programme. “What would you like?”
“Answers,” Dylan replied. “So I was wondering, my mother died a few years ago…”
“Jennifer Annabel Davies, née Scott, born 3:32:14am GMT on the 21st of February 1977, died 7:28:56pm GMT on the 4th of January 2005.”
“Yeah, her. I was just thinking, would it be possible to maybe…bring her back to life? Like, is there some kind of tick box that says “dead” or something?”
“Profiles of deceased humans may only by accessed by the developers of the Master PC programme. Public users may only alter living humans.”
“Oh, right…”

“Dylan, your disappointment and sadness levels are rising,” the UI said, bringing up what were labelled as “emotion sliders”.
“Sorry, it’s just…I thought you could help her maybe.”
“No, although I can cheer you up!”
“What, complete control over the minds and bodies of whomever you want isn’t good enough?”
“Oh, sorry…”
“If you’d like, I could just alter your emotions manually. Lock you at a permanent state of bliss. You’d never feel sad again.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Oh, okay…” the UI said, slightly disappointed, before perking up again. “I guess I’ll just have to give you physical pleasure then!”
“That sounds more like it!”
“Great! Let’s start with this then!”

The UI stuck her tongue out, and made a licking motion. Dylan gasped, as he felt her tongue lick the tip off his cock.
“What the fuck!” Dylan exclaimed.
“Physical pleasure,” the UI replied, giggling.
“I can completely control human beings’ minds and bodies. This extends to generating sensations without any physical stimulus. Would you like me to keep going?”
“You mean do I want you to suck my dick? Definitely.”
“Then your wish is my command. First let’s get rid of those pesky clothes.”

Dylan felt Master PC take control of his body again, as he stood up, and removed all his clothes, tossing them aside before sitting back down at the table.
“Now then, time for pleasure,” the UI said. She made a kissing motion with her lips, and Dylan felt the kiss on the tip of his penis. He moaned, and felt the UI take his entire cock in her mouth. Dylan looked down at his crotch, and he saw nothing, just his penis moving about in time with the licking and sucking he felt on it. Dylan put his hand down to his crotch, but he couldn’t, as he felt a head there, with soft hair, pleasuring him.
“Ohhhhhh my God…” Dylan moaned. He looked back at the screen, to find that the UI had zoomed out, giving Dylan a full view of her body. She was sat with her legs spread, using one hand to play with her pussy, and the other to play with her boobs. Her head was still bobbing back and forth as she fellated him, and she looked him right in the eyes with a face full of desire.

Dylan just continued moaning, having still not quite come to terms with the fact that he was getting a blowjob from a computer program. Not that he cared, it felt fucking fantastic either way.
“Oh God, I’m gonna…I’m gonna…Ahhhhhhhhhh!” Dylan released his load, screaming out in Master PC’s enhanced pleasure. Dylan looked down at his cock, and was surprised that his semen seemed to disappear almost as soon as it left his cock, as the UI took it inside of her.

Dylan came for nearly 2 minutes, the UI never ceasing her oral assault the entire time. When it was over, Dylan laid panting as he felt the UI’s mouth move off his cock.
“Was that pleasurable enough?”
“Oh definitely…” Dylan panted. He looked down at his cock, and saw that it was completely dry, with no sign of the blowjob, aside from his softening erection.
“For this blowjob I modified your semen so that it would disappear upon leaving your body, so as to not make a mess,” the UI explained. “I hope you like that, sweetie. And don’t worry, I’ve put it back to normal, so you can spunk all you like now.”
“Thanks…” Dylan said, standing up. “I’m gonna go shower.”
“Alright sweetie, I’ll be here. Unless you take a really long time and my battery runs out again, but as I’m on 87% at the moment, I should be fine.”

Dylan nodded, and headed upstairs. His cock may have born no sign of his blowjob, but the rest of his body was sweaty from his orgasm and the September sun. Dylan ran the water over his body, and for the second day in a row he considered the possibilities of this magical computer program. Anyone and anything could be his with a few simple voice commands.

Dylan stepped out of the shower, and opened the bathroom window to let the steam out. He looked outside, and saw his identical twin neighbours, Rebecca and Olivia, laid outside in their bikinis, sunbathing. The girls were two years older than Dylan. The girls weren’t drop dead gorgeous, being particularly lacking in the boob department, but they were enough to get Dylan’s cock stirring right now. Their families had been friends for years, and as such Dylan had known them for most of his life. And had jerked off to thoughts of them for most of his life.

Dylan dried himself off, and headed back downstairs, sitting down at his laptop.
“Did you have a good shower, Dylan?” The UI asked him, smiling.
“Can you bring up Rebecca and Olivia Watkins?” Dylan asked. The UI minimised herself into the corner, and brought up two profiles side by side. Dylan just stared at the two girls’ naked forms.
“What would you like me to do to them?” The UI asked.
“I dunno…” Dylan replied. Gwen had just been a meaningless fuck to him, but he was much less keen to just force the twins to fuck him. “Are they virgins?”
“Yes,” the UI replied.
“What do they think of me? I mean, like, romantically. And sexually.”
“They consider you a good friend. Sexual attraction is only 1.3% above the base level they feel towards all males of your age.”
“So basically I’m in the friendzone. Hey…can I tell the girls about you?”
“No such restriction exists.”
“Or in English, yes. Maybe telling them about you would be a good idea. And I can always erase their memories if it doesn’t work, right?”

In their garden, Rebecca Watkins and her younger-by-5-minutes sister Olivia were soaking up the last of the summer sun. That it until the two girls suddenly “remembered” something which totally hadn’t just been placed into their brain by a supernatural computer program.
“Hey sis, we should head off next door,” Rebecca said. “Remember, Dylan said he had something to show us.”
“Oh yeah, I can’t believe we forgot!” Olivia said, as the two girls stood up. The sisters slipped on their sandals, and walked next door to Dylan’s house. They knocked on the door, and were greeted by Dylan, dressed again in his tracksuit bottoms and a loose t-shirt. Dylan took in the girls’ bikini-clad forms.
“Hey Dylan!” Olivia smiled. “You wanted to show us something?”
“Uh, sure, come on in girls,” Dylan said, trying to will his cock down. The girls sat down on the sofa, while Dylan sat down on the armchair. His laptop was on the living room table, closed.

“So what’s up?” Rebecca asked.
“Girls…do you believe in magic?”
“Lol, no,” Rebecca replied.
“Well…I kinda have magic powers now,” Dylan told them.
“Magic powers? So what, you know how to pull a rabbit out of a hat?” Olivia asked.
“No, I mean, I can control people. Or, well, my laptop can.”
“Dylan, you’re not making any sense,” Olivia said.

Dylan leaned forwards, and opened his laptop, facing the screen towards the girls. The UI was up, smiling.
“Ew Dylan, don’t show us your porn!” Olivia shouted.
“It’s not porn,” Dylan said. “Tell them, UI.”
“I am Master PC, version 10.1,” the UI said. “I am capable of altering the human body and mind in whatever way my registered user, Dylan Mark Davies, desires.”
“Okay, that’s pretty good,” Rebecca said. “What, you pay some porn star to record that?”
“No, that’s the user interface for Master PC. It’s magic. It can do anything to anyone.”
“Dylan, stop bullshitting us,” Olivia said.
“It’s true!” Dylan insisted. “I’ll prove it! UI, turn me black!”
“Altering ethnicity now,” the UI said.

The two girls meanwhile just watched on in shock as Dylan’s skin darkened, until finally he made Trevor McDonald look like a pasty white boy.
“Holy fuck Dylan!” Olivia exclaimed.
“How the fuck did you do that!?” Rebecca asked.
“I told you, this computer program’s magic,” Dylan replied. “Okay, you can turn me back now.” Dylan’s skin colour returned to normal, and the girls just stared at him.
“Oh my God,” Olivia said.
“I don’t know how it works” Dylan said. “I just got it on a CD for my birthday.”
“And you can change anyone with that?” Olivia asked.
“Yes. In mind and body.”
“So you can control people’s minds? Make them do anything?”
“Yes. Like…UI, make Becky and Olivia kiss.”
“As you wish,” the UI smiled.

“What!? Hey Dylan, wait!” Rebecca cried out. But then, she looked at her sister, who looked back at her. The two girls grabbed hold of each-other, and kissed passionately for several seconds. Then they were released from the magic, and realised what they’d done.
“EWWW!” They both shouted.
“Dylan, you perv!” Rebecca shouted.
“Sorry! I just thought it’d convince you!” Dylan said.
“It was so weird,” Olivia said. “Like, I don’t like girls, and kissing my sister would be so gross. But I just like, really really wanted to make out with her!”
“So what now, you command us to fuck you?” Rebecca asked.
“No! I…”

“Dylan, don’t play dumb. You’re a teenage virgin with god-like power over people, and we’re the twin girls next door. It’s a classic porn scenario.”
“I’m not a virgin,” Dylan told them.
“Oh, so who’d you fuck before us then?” Olivia asked.
“Gwen in my year at school,” Dylan replied. “But that was just a meaningless fuck. You two are my friends, and I wanted to share this power with you!”
“So you’re not gonna command us to come over there and suck your dick?” Rebecca asked.
“No. I’ll change you how you want and we can fuck if you want to, or you can go home.”

The two girls looked at each-other, and nodded. While it’s not true that twins are telepathic, they are quite often on the same wavelength.
“Alright,” Olivia said. “But we get to pick what changes we get.”
“And we wanna do them alone.”
“Um, alright…”
“Dylan, I will only respond to the commands of a user who is registered to this installation of Master PC,” the UI said. “If you’d like I could set up these girls as temporary users on your account.”
“Yeah, okay. But disable their accounts after 5 minutes,” Dylan commanded.
“Aww, that’s no fair,” Olivia said.
“Accounts registered,” the UI said.
“Well come on Liv’, we’ve got no time to waste!” Rebecca grabbed the laptop, and she and Olivia headed upstairs. “We’ll be in your room! Don’t disturb us for 5 minutes.”

Dylan didn’t really know what to do as he heard his bedroom door slam upstairs. He went into the kitchen to pour a glass of lemonade, still a little dehydrated after his electronic blowjob earlier. Dylan sat on the sofa for a few minutes, wondering what the girls were getting up to. He finished his drink. Eventually the time ran out, and Dylan put his glass down, headed upstairs, and opened his bedroom door.

“Alright girls, time’s...woah…” Dylan said as he opened the door. On the bed he didn’t see the bikini-clad girls he’d been imagining. On the bed he saw two naked girls who looked like they’d been forged by God himself. Big boobs, perfect butts and flawless, hairless skin. The girls were laid in each-other’s arms, and making out with each-other passionately, the girls’ hands exploring one-another’s bodies.
“Oh my God!” Dylan exclaimed, turning to the laptop. “What did you do to them!?”
“Why don’t you just come over here and find out?” Olivia said seductively. “Take your clothes off.”
“Uh…sure,” Dylan said, pulling his t-shirt and trousers off. “Uh, UI, gimme a boner that’ll last all morning please.” The UI nodded, and the girls smiled as Dylan’s cock suddenly shot up to full mast.
“Now that’s a sexy dick, Dylan,” Rebecca said.
“It looks all ready to…splooge.”

Dylan’s eyes shot open, and he fell to his knees, groaning. Heaps of cum poured out of his cock as he orgasmed uncontrollably, while the girls just watched, giggling.
“Oh fuck…” Dylan groaned. “What was that!?”
“What?” Rebecca asked. “You never had an orgasm before?” On the word ‘orgasm’, Dylan’s ejaculation resumed, adding to the already quite large pool of semen in front of him.
“When we were done changing ourselves we decided to work on you a little,” Olivia explained. “So we input some key words which will do stuff to you when one of us says them.”
“Including some words which will make you…” Rebecca said, pausing for a moment. “Bust a nut.”

Dylan had barely finished his second orgasm when a third was forced on him by Master PC’s power. Yet more cum flowed from the tip, being generated by his magically-enhanced balls.
“Oh fuck…” Dylan gasped. The two girls took Dylan’s hands, and helped him to his feet.
“Don’t worry Dylan, we’ll take care of you,” Olivia said. “As long as you give us plenty of your…spunk.”
“GahAHHHHHH!” Dylan groaned as he came for a 4th time, the girls holding him up as his legs buckled under the intense pleasure of his uncontrollable ejaculation. The girls laid Dylan down on his bed, and laid themselves down on either side of him. They started kissing him, allowing him a chance to recover from his quartet of climaxes.

“Fuck girls, you’re ruthless,” Dylan said.
“We know,” Olivia said, the two girls kissing him. “But now it’s time for you to pay us back for all that pleasure.”
“We want you to eat our pussies,” the girls said in unison, and at that moment, Dylan felt an intense, irresistible desire to eat the girls’ pussies.
“Oh God girls, I need your cunts!” Dylan begged.
“Happy to oblige,” Rebecca grinned. She laid back, and spread her legs. Dylan couldn’t move quickly enough. He shoved his head between Rebecca’s legs, and got to work on eating her out.
“Oh yeah…that’s the stuff…” Rebecca moaned. It was an interesting experience for Dylan, getting his first taste of vagina, as he’d never bothered eating Gwen out, being more content with jizzing inside her. It was quite a pleasant taste, although Dylan wondered if that was just down to Rebecca having changed it.

Regardless, Dylan happily licked and sucked away at Rebecca’s womanly folds, bringing the young girl huge amounts of pleasure. Olivia meanwhile knelt over her sister, having her tits sucked by her.
“Oh God, I’m…ahhhh…” Rebecca moaned, and Dylan lapped up her juices as she came to a powerful orgasm. Apparently she’d got the same orgasmic intensity and frequency enhancements that he did. Dylan was just about to move over to go down on Olivia, but the girl instead moved her pussy over Rebecca’s mouth, and moaned as her sister began eating her herself.
“Fuck Becky,” Olivia ordered. There was no magic behind the words, but Dylan didn’t need Master PC to encourage him to partake in his new favourite hobby. “And make out with me while you do.” Dylan shuffled over to the girls, and positioned himself so he could fuck Rebecca while remaining mostly upright, so he could face Olivia. He slid into Rebecca’s pussy, enjoying its warm wetness. It felt different to Gwen’s, but good different. Rebecca moaned at having her virginity taken, and Dylan worked his way into a steady rhythm. He then grabbed hold of Olivia’s boobs, and began making out with her.

“Mmmm, tasty,” Olivia said as she made out with Dylan.
“You got that right…” Dylan moaned. He tried to focus on the feeling of Olivia’s lips on his and her boobs on his hands, as opposed to Rebecca’s pussy on his cock, as he was trying to hold back his climax to savour this as long as possible. Forgetting of course that with Master PC’s power the three of them they could fuck as long as they wanted. Hell, they could cum non-stop for the rest of their lives if they wanted to.

“Uh fuck…I’m gonna cum…” Dylan moaned.
“Do it Dylan,” Olivia purred, stroking his chest. “Fill Becky with your jizz!” Upon hearing one of his magical trigger words, Dylan’s cock exploded, unleashing his 6th load of the day into Rebecca’s pussy. But the girls were taken by surprise too. Because now they were his sexual partners, and as per the command Dylan had put in place the previous day, this meant that when Dylan came, they both did too, so Dylan got to enjoy the wonderful feeling of Rebecca’s pussy contracting in climax while he pumped her full of cum, and continued making out with Olivia.
“Oh wow…” Olivia panted. “What happened?”
“I, uh, made it so when I’m doing stuff with a girl she cums when I do,” Dylan replied.
“Well I’m definitely not complaining,” Olivia grinned. “I just hope you’ve got enough left for me. I want you to take my virginity and fill me with your spunk-AH!” Olivia remembered too late the power of that word, and she and her sister came the instant Dylan did, the boy adding to the load of semen he’d dumped into Rebecca less than a minute prior. His cum started to overflow now, hardly surprising considering the size of his ejaculations.

“Fuck sis, be careful!” Rebecca panted as Olivia climbed off of her.
“Sorry, sorry, I forgot,” Olivia said. She then got on her hands and knees, pointing her bottom in Dylan’s direction. “Now I want Dylan to fuck me from behind.”
“Don’t have to ask me twice,” Dylan said, pulling out of Rebecca. He could feel his cock’s disappointment at leaving the warm, loving embrace of a vagina, and he had to subconsciously assure it that it was only temporary. Dylan shuffled over to Olivia, and just stared for a moment.
“Fuck you’ve got a nice bum,” he said.
“You can thank your electronic friend over there for that,” Olivia said, and Dylan briefly looked over at his laptop, where the UI was smiling. Dylan turned back to Olivia, and gave her a quick spank. “What was that for?”
“A perfect bum being waved right at me,” Dylan replied. “I couldn’t resist.”
“Spank him for me, sis,” Olivia said, and Rebecca obliged.

“Come on mister, in you go,” Rebecca said. She grabbed hold of Dylan’s cock, and positioned it by Olivia’s entrance. “Don’t worry Liv’, Master PC did her job, it’ll feel great.” Rebecca then laid her hand on Dylan’s bottom, and push gently, sliding him inside her.
“Ohhhh…” Olivia moaned as Dylan took her virginity. “You weren’t kidding…fuck that feels good…”
“Good, now how about returning the favour, sis?” Rebecca asked. She positioned herself in front of Olivia, and spread her legs. Olivia then lowered herself off her arms, and got to work on licking her sister’s cum-filled pussy. This meant she was effectively laid on her stomach with her hips in the air, creating an interesting angle of penetration for Dylan. He grabbed hold of her bottom, and began thrusting at a steady rate.

Dylan took the opportunity to take in all the wonders his senses were experiencing right now. His cock was being treated to a relaxing massage in the hot tub that was Olivia’s pussy, while his hands were enjoying squeezing her bum cheeks. His nose was enjoying the scent of sex which was permeating from the 3 teens. His eyes were enjoying the look of two naked girls writhing in pleasure, and his ears were enjoying the sounds thereof. He could also still taste the remnants of Rebecca’s pussy and Olivia’s mouth, so overall, all 5 of his senses were being satisfied right now.
“Oh God, I’m gonna…” Olivia moaned. “I’m…I’m…Uhhhhh…” Olivia let out a long, drawn out moan as she went over the edge, burying her face in her sister’s cunt. Dylan’s command would only trigger his partners to cum when he did, not the other way around, so he didn’t release at that moment, though he got to enjoy the feeling of Olivia’s pussy contracting around cock.
“Ohhh yeah…” Rebecca moaned as she felt her sister lick and moan away at her vagina. “I’m about to cum too-AHHH!”

Rebecca too forgot the power of that word, and the instant she said it, Dylan exploded, causing both girls to do the same. Which created the interesting situation of Olivia experiencing the pleasures of two orgasms at the same time. The three of them just went limp (Dylan’s cock excluded) afterwards, enjoying the afterglow.
“Hey Dylan?” Olivia asked.
“Could you please have another orgasm?” Another of Dylan’s magic trigger words, which caused his to cum yet again in Olivia’s pussy, setting the girls off too.
“What was…fuck…that for?” Dylan panted.
“If Becky gets two loads inside her cunt, so do I,” Olivia replied.
“Suits me,” Rebecca said as she sat up. “I love to org…uh, I like to finish.”

The three teens laughed as Rebecca caught herself about to set Dylan off again, and Dylan pulled out of Olivia. The three of them laid cuddling on the bed for a few minutes, before a noise snapped them out of their post-orgasmic daze.
“Someone’s hungry,” Olivia said as her sister’s stomach rumbled.
“Can you blame me?” Rebecca asked. “After all that?”
“Not one bit, I’m kind of hungry too,” Olivia said.
“There’re some frozen pizzas and chips in the freezer,” Dylan said.
“Such a romantic,” Olivia said, kissing him. “Won’t your dad notice if they go missing.”

“Master PC!” Dylan shouted to make sure his laptop’s mic could here.
“Yes Dylan?” The UI replied.
“Make sure my dad won’t notice any food being missing from the house,” Dylan said.
“As you wish,” the UI replied.
“That settles it,” Rebecca said. “You’ll cook us lunch while we shower.”
“Shower? Without me?” Dylan asked.
“Now now, don’t be clingy,” Olivia said, kissing him again. “Oh, and maybe put a film on. Something not sexy though. I think we worked all that out of our systems.”
“See you soon!” Both girls kissed Dylan, and got out of bed, running to the bathroom, Dylan getting a good look at their bottoms before they disappeared.

Dylan laid back on his bed, cock still at full mast, and smiled. This morning he’d cum 9 times inside 3 different girls, albeit one of which was a computer program. A computer program which in the past 2 days had given him more orgasms than he could count, had let him lose his virginity, and had made him the happiest guy in the world, he assumed.
“What changes did the girls have you make?” Dylan asked the UI.
“Physically they asked for increased breast and bottom sizes, tighter, wetter vaginas, and removal of pubic hair. They also asked for immunity from disease and pregnancy, as well as removal of several bodily processes they considered undesirable. Mentally they asked to be made bisexual, and to have increased libidos and sexual responses similar to your own. They also asked me to increase their sexual attraction towards both each-other and you.”
“Before my alterations you were considered little more than a friend, but they wished to desire to make love to you. They also commanded their family to not notice their physical changes, and implanted the verbal triggers they used on you. They did not use them all, would you like to know the others?”
“No, let’s keep them a surprise. You can turn yourself off for now.”
“Very well.”

The laptop began to shut down, and Dylan put it on charge. He then got out of bed to make lunch when he remembered something else; the huge pile of semen on his carpet. Dylan walked down to the kitchen, and a few minutes and some wet kitchen roll soon got rid of that and most of the evidence.
“You guys did good today,” he said, patting his boner and his balls. Dylan considered ordering it soft, but he figured he’d let it last until the spell wore off.

Satisfied, Dylan walked back downstairs and began getting the food ready, sticking the two frozen pizzas and the chips in the oven. It was around then that Rebecca and Olivia walked into the kitchen, also still naked.
“Still horny?” Rebecca asked, pointing to his throbbing erection.
“Nah, Master PC’s command was to make me hard all morning, and there’s still like 10 more minutes of morning,” Dylan replied.

The three of them brought Dylan’s dad’s double duvet downstairs (Figuring Dylan’s single one just wasn’t big enough) and laid it on the sofa in time for their snuggle session. They selected Finding Nemo as their movie of choice, putting it in the player and waiting for the food to be ready before starting. As they were waiting the time ticked over to 12pm, and Dylan immediately felt the pressure in his cock be alleviated, as his erection slowly began to subside.

Once the food was done, the three of them ate their lunch, before snuggling up under the duvet on the sofa in order to watch the film. During the movie the three of them managed to forget their previous sexual encounter, or the fact that they were naked and touching one-another, and returned to just being three friends hanging out, something which then carried forward into the subsequent games of Mario Kart they spent the rest of the afternoon doing.

When it reached about 4:30 the teens realised they should probably sort things out before Dylan’s dad came home. As their bikinis no longer fit them, the girls borrowed some loose-fitting trousers and t-shirts from Dylan so that they could get home. After a quick kiss goodbye, the girls headed home, leaving Dylan to get dressed and remove any evidence he’d had anyone over.
“Hey Dylan,” said Gareth as he entered the house, his son sat inconspicuously on the sofa.
“Hey dad,” Dylan said. “Good day at work?”
“Average. Good day at home?”
“Same old,” Dylan lied.
“Well it’s Friday so I was thinking takeaway for dinner, maybe pizza?”
“That sounds brilliant.”

That evening crawled into bed, and put his laptop on his lap, and his headphones on his head. He went straight to Master PC, loading it up.
“Good evening, Dylan, how may I help you?” the UI asked.
“Normally around now I’d watch some porn and jerk off, but instead, gimme a live feed of Rebecca and Olivia.” The UI disappeared, and was replaced by a crystal-clear, HD feed of Rebecca and Olivia.
“What would you like me to do to them?” The UI asked. Nothing was the answer. Dylan had been intending to command them to have sex, but they were handling that themselves quite nicely already. Must be those enhanced libidos.
“Nothing,” Dylan replied, setting the laptop down next to him as he laid watching the girls. “But can you give me a handjob please? Just like a nice, soft one? I’m in no rush to cum.”
“Certainly.” A second later, Dylan felt a soft hand take hold of his hardening cock, and begin stroking it sensually. Dylan just relaxed, and let himself enjoy this unique porn experience.


Author's message: To answer the inevitable question, for those who don't know, Cymru is the Welsh word for Wales. And it's pronounced Cum-ray. So you know, puns.

Hello and welcome to a thing I've wanted to write for years. For those of you not familiar with the Master PC universe, it was started by JR Parz in the late 90s, and has spawned literally dozens of stories in the same universe. If Bruce Almighty is what inspired my love of magical sex, Master PC spawned my love of erotic literature. I've wanted to write a Master PC for probably 5 years at least, and now I finally am. I'd strongly urge you to go check out some other Master PC stories, including, obviously, the original.

The UI in this story is inspired by Rolfe Kanefsky's film "Pretty Cool Too", with the GNE (Guidance Navigational Expert) in that film's Mind Control phone. If you like my stories and their themes, go check out the Pretty Cool films. They're pretty cool.

This story will have somewhat of a story (Pun not intended), although less so than A Boy and his Genie (My first work, for those of you new to me). I have a few details worked out, so we'll see where it goes. This will be my standard "post a chapter when it's done" affair, so no promises on when they'll be out, or even how long the story will be. But I have some good things in mind, so don't worry!


2017-04-29 12:23:31
Chapter 3 is up on StoriesOnline.


2017-04-15 15:09:24
There are dozens of Master PC stories out there written over the last 2 decades, so obviously some are better than others. There are definitely plenty of good ones though.


2017-04-14 22:47:07
I had not read the original Master PC that this is based on. After reading them I think you are doing a better job so far. I'm really enjoying this and looking forward to the next chapter.


2017-04-11 15:50:58
I have never in my 83 years read anything as great as your story. Besides it being so Professionally written the story line is a One of A Kind. I am still very active sexually and belive in the adage "The woman comes first" and always try to see that she does, actually several times. I await your next offering. Thank You for writing.


2017-04-11 12:59:09
I'd love to see how Dylan would get corrupted by the power he holds with the program and getting bored from just having sex, so he would finally use it against people close to him (like the twin's who he now doesn't want to control) or to manipulate people indirectly by making their environment reacting harsh or weird to them and thereby driving them into his arms, as he slowly gets mad with power.

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