im discovers that the pleasures of the rural North are greater than he expected. .
From the Diary of a very Happy and Fortunate man.
Date: January 2013.
I have been seriously ill which delayed what was to have been my last chapter, but then my world stopped spinning for a while.
Date: 7th February 2013.
Pat died peacefully, during her after-lunch sleep.
I lost a mother, a lover and a friend and life ceased to be the wonderful experience it had become.
I know it is inevitable that, as time goes by, one starts to lose ones oldest friends and relatives, but it still comes as a shock when the time between each occurrence gets shorter, and it doesn't lessen the pain.
Date: 10th April 2013
I decided not to write part three up to the present day as all the people concerned are very much alive. Sally and Brian are quite happy about my writing Parts 1 & 2 as they can't be identified from the contents, but, the remainder became increasingly concerned about their exposure and I agreed with them that if I was around, the likelihood of anyone in this area who has read my story realizing where we were was high. Therefore, I was going to remove myself from the scene. I've had a fantastic life and wanted to make sure that no one suffered on my account.
This part of my story ends with my having split all my/our assets equally amongst the group. I sold the house and we moved to somewhere warm. Once everything was settled, I moved away. I ring regularly to keep up with their lives but I don't interfere.
I now own a cottage; actually, it was an ex-farmhouse in a remote location by the sea. I bought it at an auction and as no one wanted a remote farm next to the sea, it was relatively cheap. It came with an old, but serviceable Land Rover, parked in a barn behind the house, which also has my motor home parked in it. Electricity is laid on and I have 'phone and broadband, my water is pumped from a deep well. It is twenty miles to the nearest town and my nearest neighbour is half a mile away. I love it.
However, events would soon unfold to prove that although my life may have changed, "Pleasuring Granny" has merely taken a new direction.
Date: July 2013
Three weeks after moving into my cottage, I met my next-door neighbour and she is some woman. She is 5' 9", slim, short hair, with, as I soon discovered, a pair of small, firm breasts on a hard, agile, body. I did notice a missing finger and a crooked finger on her left hand, but other than that, she looked in fine shape.
I had been sitting outside with my laptop, reading a story from this site when she came up from the beach to say hello.
I had had no idea that anyone was around so, being startled, I just turned round to face her and forgot to close the screen.
We did the usual exchange of names; hers is Brenda. When I told her that I was now the owner of the cottage she told me that she was my neighbour. She did not mess about which was refreshing; she was straight forward and to the point.
I soon learned that she lived with her daughter who worked for a cruise company and therefore was absent for long periods. She had some very good friends in the South, but preferred to live where she did although the remoteness was sometimes a downer, as she did rather like a little company occasionally.
I hadn't noticed that she could see the screen until she stared at it and finally sat beside me and read until she exclaimed:
"Wow, do you have any more like that?"
I showed her the website and how to choose a story to read then I waited until she'd glanced through a few after which she was looking flushed and kept running her tongue over her lips.
"Are you shocked?"
"No I'm not shocked, obviously I knew that there was tons of porn on the web but I never knew that it was also in text form from peoples own imaginations, that is very erotic."
Once she'd recovered her composure, I admitted that I'd submitted two parts of a story and asked if she'd care to read it. Of course, she would so I called it up and went to make some tea for us as she read it.
On my return, I received the 3rd degree.
"How old are you Tim?"
"Ha! I thought I'd found a toy-boy and it turns out I'm the toy. I'm 58. Are you married?"
"This will probably freak you out but I have to act now or chicken out. I like you, I'm not a slut, and I know we hardly know each other, but I haven't had a man inside me for a long time and those stories have lit a fuse. There is no other way to say this and I'm now bloody desperate, would you please take me inside and demonstrate your ability to make a woman scream with pleasure?"
I would, I could, and two hours later, I had.
She had pulled her clothes off as soon as we got into the bedroom therefore I was presented with the view of a lovely tight backside, firm and pert which, for someone of her age, was good going. She had a hard body, but she was a needy, willing female, and I was going to possess her.
I shed my clothes, reached round her and fondled her breasts with my left hand until I felt her nipples stiffen; I could have hung my hat on them. With my right hand I'd stroked her flat stomach and then lower down to feel her completely smooth mound.
She was in front of a very erect penis, which was digging, between her tight bum cheeks. Oh, this brought back so many memories of past times. I had a lovely sense of impending penetration and she had her first inkling of what was to come!
I reached lower down with my right hand to press a finger against her clitoral hood and caress the pulsing bud beneath it. Brenda whimpered and pressed backwards against me.
"Please Tim, do it now, please."
I hooked my fingers hard against her pubic bone then pressed her upwards and backwards so that the head of my rigid cock slid forward and raked across her anus and on towards her, by now, very moist vagina. That was when it finally dawned on her that what she was about to receive was more than she had bargained for.
She pulled forward and turned round to see my cock.
"Tim! It's huge! I can't take that."
"I've heard that before, you can and you will, happily. I promise to go really slowly, I want to have this just as much as you do."
Picking her up, I carried her to the bed then positioned myself above her; for the next 30 minutes I smelled, tasted, and chewed her warm sex and then teased her vagina by very slowly easing myself forward until I had half the length of my cock lodged firmly inside her.
Now the real pleasure began. I pumped in and out, getting deeper inside her with every thrust, the feeling of; once again, eating and then sliding into, a hot, wet, and eager vagina was wonderful.
She had shrieked, writhed, and moaned at first until she finally got used to the size of my cock forcing her vagina apart, after which she joined in eagerly. If I'd had any condoms and lubrication in the place, she'd have been shrieking about something else.
Maybe next time, if there was to be a next time, I'd be better prepared, so a trip to town was certainly necessary. It was when I nibbled a nipple that she gasped and then tensed before bucking and screaming through an enormous orgasm and collapsing, sobbing, beneath me.
We had a short, charged, rest, although I did make her keep hold of my cock until it responded to her stroking. Inevitably my cock stiffened an once I could no longer restrain my lust I rolled on top of her, prised her thighs apart and inserted what she wanted into what I wanted and we tried to make each other climax. It was a draw I pumped my semen into her hot, tight, hot, tunnel as she shrieked and wailed through another orgasm.
We had another, longer rest after which I took her downstairs. I had intended to make some refreshment but she had other ideas. She knelt and put my now flaccid cock into her mouth, then; gripping my backside; she proceeded to mouth fuck and suck me until she felt me responding.
As soon as the resultant erection was to her satisfaction she stood, turned round and bent over the back of the couch with her legs wide open. She didn't say anything, words were not necessary; therefore once again I slid into that wonderful, tight vagina.
Just to show her that I could I took my time and enjoyed a long, slow fuck, but I was longing to grasp her hips and just pull her along my cock. I did However, manage to behave myself and leave that delight for another day.
We showered and dressed then sat outside and enjoyed coffee and cake in the afternoon sun.
"Honestly I don't normally behave like that. That was my first screw for years."
"That is a shame because honestly I behave like that every chance I get and my fuse doesn't go out. I reserve that for a few friends though."
"You have amazing stamina, I honestly expected you to be unable to do me from behind, it was lovely feeling you driving into me as if we'd just started, but I thought you said you'd been seriously ill?"
"I did."
"Didn't feel like it in there."
"Which bit of "full recovery" did you not understand?"
"I suppose you’re wondering about my hand?"
"I've been wondering about more exciting parts of your body, but I assumed you'd tell me about it one day."
"It was an accident at work caused by an idiot of a maintenance engineer not fastening everything he should have.
He said he'd finished the work, but he couldn't have tested it because the locks were still in place. One of the team took the locks off and pressed down on the weights bar, there was a loud twang and a crack, and I was hit by a piece of metal."
"That must have been a rough time, did you get compensation?"
"Oh yes, I couldn't have been treated any better than I was, but I couldn't do my job any more. I ended up with a very generous compensation package and a disability pension. We lived in a small two bedroomed town house in a poky street and I didn't want to stay there although it meant leaving two very good friends behind."
"I can't be expected to concentrate if you keep crossing and uncrossing your legs!"
"Sorry. My daughter got a good job with a cruise line, when she was 19, and at 21, she was promoted and offered a place in the purser's office on a liner. She was ready to face the world, I was 43 when she left home, I missed her terribly, but as I said, I have two wonderful friends who kept me sane. The accident happened two days after my 45th birthday. I moved up here two years later."
So you've been here...11 years, yes?"
"Yes, and I love it, mind you the winters are a bit bleak although I've only been snowed in once. The old lady who used to live here was very pleased when I moved into my place because she could no longer drive so I used to take her Land Rover to do the shopping for both of us. It is far safer than my car on the ice."
"It's mine now, you can use it whenever you like."
"Oh that is nice of you, thank you. Is that story of yours really true?"
"Yes it is, so now you know what I'm like. Can I take it that the past couple of hours are an indication that you're happy to know me?"
"Oh yes. After that demonstration, I'm all yours. Those stories are so bloody erotic. I wish I had a computer now, it beats the crossword book."
"If you like them so much you can come and borrow my laptop any time you feel in the mood, you already know the price!"
"I still feel charged up. Do you know I've never seen a cock that size before, can I hold it now?"
Could she? I could hardly get her into the house quickly enough, but soon it was in her hand and being brought back up to a solid shaft again and then her hot mouth was sliding down it until she gagged as the tip reached her throat.
She backed off at that point and concentrated on just bringing me off which she did superbly, but as I had my hands around the back of her head I'm afraid she had some swallowing to do.
"I was going to straddle you, but I'm too sore."
"Never mind, if you're willing there's always another day and you do not have to ask permission to do anything of a sexual nature to or with me, you have full grazing rights."
"I'm soaking."
"I can do something about that."
"Not today you can't. I must go home now; my daughter will be ringing shortly to make sure I'm ok."
"What's your daughter's name?"
"It's Carol and I want to ask your permission to tell her that I think I've met a wonderful lover!"
"Well, it's nice to know that you think I'm wonderful and I don't mind, but why do you want to be so quick to tell her?"
"I have had no secrets from Carol since she was 16, I trust her, and as she sometimes arrives home unannounced it is better that she knows what she might be walking into."
So saying she kissed me and hurried off before my beast kicked in.
Date: August 2013
Brenda walked into my cottage and stopped, she muttered "oh fuck" and dropped her shorts, which was nice as she didn't have anything on underneath. She came to my chair, straddled me then grasping my now erect penis she placed it at her sex opening and lowered herself, slowly, onto me.
"Tim, Unnng, I, oo, oohaa, want to talk to you."
"You are doing."
"I want, Aaahg, to have a serious conversation and, ooug, I can't concentrate with your cock, ooooh, buried inside me."
"Well you're the one that put it in there, I was calmly sitting drinking coffee until you arrived and stopped me."
"What do you, UUGH, expect if you sit about in, oohh, the nude when you, Aaaggh, know you're going to have a visitor?"
"Sex, but it was you who started it! Why is talk more important than that?"
"Please, stop stroking my clit and OOHH fuck, fuck, Nnaggh!!"
She gave up and concentrated on climaxing instead.
"Thank you my sexy lover, I enjoyed that. Now tell me, what was so important that you didn't want what just happened, to happen?"
"Carol is coming home on Friday for two weeks before her next cruise and I want to prepare the ground because there are a few things I haven't told you."
"Should I be worried, scared, or subservient?"
"Don't interrupt and please stop stroking my breasts, I have to concentrate. Carol and I are lovers! We have been since she was 16, and she seduced me, so don't go all tut tut on me."
"I am in no position to judge anyone over their sex lives."
"She has a very close girlfriend called Pauline with whom she went to school. They started a lesbian affair, which then developed into a plan to seduce their mothers, then each other's mothers, and it damned well worked. They were, and are, gorgeous and I was lonely and easy meat.
Because of my job I had certain skills that the girls wanted and that's what gave me the idea to use Pauline to enable me to seduce her mom and then, hopefully, Pauline. Her mom was a push over for all of us, she was ready for soft, female tenderness, and she got it in spades! In fact, she was so ready that I had her before I had her daughter. We didn't know about her problems with her husband until sometime later."
I reached for, found, and caressed, a pert breast.
"Please, I have to tell you this story so you will understand the situation, it is true, and I think it would be a good one to publish on that website, I really would like to see it in print, but if you do decide to tell it, please change all the names and identifying features."
I have done that. It forms Part 4 of Pleasuring Granny, and "Brenda's Story" is the title. What else could it be?
I picked her up and sat her in an armchair with her legs over the arms such that she was displaying her beautiful, smooth pudendum and her tight little anal ring.
“I am now going to fuck you as you have probably never been fucked before. I won’t stop until I can’t raise another erection and even then, I will have your sex until you tell me I own your body. I knelt before her, licked her labia, and pressed my tongue into her sex until her bottom began to lift.
Moving up slightly I began assaulting her clitoris until it was bright red, swollen bud and then I began using my lips to nibble it. Brenda clasped my head to pull me hard against her sex, but I pulled away and moved down so that I could lick the puckered ring of her anus.
Brenda gasped, and then her bottom lifted slightly. I inserted a finger into her vagina to extract some of her juices, then applied it to her anus, and gently pressed. Again, she gasped and again her bottom lifted. I put my finger into her vagina once more and then applied more of her juices to her anus and as I pressed my finger against that little ring, I applied my mouth to her clitoris.
Her sphincter opened, my finger slid into her rear and I suck her clitoris.
Brenda shrieked, she wailed, she bucked, but she also grabbed my head and pulled it hard against her sex. I licked, sucked, and nibbled her dripping labia as I finger fucked her anal passage. Soon I was able to get two fingers into her back passage and I knew that she was completely mine.
I backed away from her and raised myself until I could insert my erection into her vagina and fuck her until she was moaning and sobbing for a rest. I had a rest and brought her a drink of fruit juice, but I insisted that she remained where she was because I wasn’t finished with her.
“Please Tim. I can’t take any more now. You can have me whenever you want; I want to have that done to me again.”
“Do I own you?”
“Yes. Oh Yes.”
“In that case you may get up. I feel that I should tell you that the only reason you’re not still being assaulted is that I don’t have any condoms here. If I had, you would be experiencing anal sex and it would have taken some time. You have a beautiful pudendum, but that bottom is very enticing and I promise you that I will have it and I also promise that you will grow to love having me do it to you.
The End of Chapter 3.
The next parts of my own narrative will be in Part 5 named "A Shopping Trip" and "Carol's Holiday"
I hope you enjoy reading it as much as the characters enjoyed living it.
I've certainly enjoyed the series thus far. I haven't reached the "Granny" status yet, but I hope my sexual appetite stays just as strong until my time on earth is gone.
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