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Daisy betrays me and I take her for a ride before I find salvation

Daisy didn’t have to work, but was bored sitting at home every day. It might have been different if we had children, but we didn’t. After some research she decided on a career selling real estate. She completed the 75-hour licensing course and passed the exam in just a month. The real estate trade was flourishing in Suffolk County so she found a position with a nearby firm easily. I bought her a new Toyota SUV as a present once she had earned her license, knowing that she would have to transport clients throughout the area. Daisy seemed to love her work, especially the flexible hours. She was almost always home before me and she always had dinner ready by the time I returned from my office.

I was in my workshop after dinner one Monday evening working on several birdhouses when the phone rang. I let it go thinking that Daisy would get it upstairs. I did pick up after the third ring and was about to speak when I heard Daisy say, “Hi, Mom—I have to speak quietly because John is downstairs in the basement. You know he doesn’t want me to speak with you. Why didn’t you phone my cell like you usually do?” I immediately pressed the MUTE button and laid the phone on the table top as I listened to the conversation that would change my life.

Mom: Fuck him, Daisy. Who the hell does he think he is? I lost your number so I had to call you here.”

Daisy: Well, he’s going to be my husband, but he’s in for a few big surprises once he is.

Mom: Did you get the gift I sent you?

Daisy: I sure did although I couldn’t open it at work. What would my coworkers think if I pulled a stainless steel cock cage out of a box? I really liked that extra ring that’ll hold his balls locked up nice and tight and no lock, just those bolts with the letter ‘S.’ What will they think of next?

Mom: They’d probably look up to you as an empowered woman. Well…the women would. The men…let them fear you the way that asshole John will. He’ll be just like your wimp father. He’s worn one of those things for years. That’s one of the ways I use to control him other than beating his ass when he fucks up which is almost every day. Well, I do use his cock cage to shock the hell out of him several times a day, too. There’s nothing like burnt balls to make a man cower in fear. You’ll see.”

Daisy: I know, Mom. I remember the last time you beat him with his belt, too. I’m looking forward to doing that to John. I swear…the first time he screws up he’ll be over the arm of the couch with his pants at his ankles. How long has it been since my father last had an orgasm, anyway?

Mom: I’m not sure…three, maybe four years. I do milk him regularly, draining his semen into a wine glass for him to consume as soon as I release him. I have to keep him healthy--after all, I do need him to go to work, don’t I? How is the plan working?

Daisy: Hold on. I want to check on John. I wouldn’t want him to come up while we’re talking.” I heard her place the phone on the counter and walk over to the basement stairs. I was humming a song while sanding a roof for one of the birdhouses when she stepped halfway down. She continued a minute later. “Okay, Mom—he’s down in the basement working away on some stupid birdhouses. Just what I need—bird shit all over the laundry. Although, why should I worry? He’ll be doing the laundry and everything else once we’re married. But, to answer your question—the plan is working great. He is so gullible. He believed all the bullshit I fed him when we were back in school. He thinks I’m his loving wife even though we’re not married yet. He burned the pre-nup when we got engaged. I’m letting him fuck me every night so he’ll be used to cumming often plus he trusts me now. I’ll just drug him and he’ll be locked up when he comes to. Of course, I’ll have to break him like you did with my sperm donor. I’ll have to beat him mercilessly, but he’ll break quickly. He’s no he-man. Then he’ll do anything I tell him to in the futile hope that I’ll let him cum. I’ll probably let him once every two weeks at first just so he’ll have that hope. But, every day? Like that’ll ever happen.

Mom: How is it going with your boss? How often are you fucking him now?

Daisy: Fantastic—I did him twice last week and came home to give John sloppy seconds. He ate me after I’d been with Greg. He really cums a lot—a regular Peter North--so I had to use a maxi-pad to keep it in. Wouldn’t want to deprive my hubby-to-be his special treat, would I?

Mom: No, of course not. That’s just what he deserves for treating me so badly. I can’t wait to beat him and make him eat my asshole. It’ll make what I do to my useless husband look like child’s play.

I’d heard enough. I hit the button on my phone to close the circuit and made a racket as I closed and locked the door to my sanctuary and started up the stairs. I heard Daisy say something quickly as I stepped into the kitchen. I looked at her, but she avoided my gaze. I told her I was filthy with sawdust and needed a shower. Then I turned and walked up the stairs.

Daisy was history, but first I needed some revenge, both on her and on her slimy boss. I’d met him a couple of times—most recently just about a week ago-- and I hadn’t been impressed. Of course, he knew at the time that he was fucking my fiancée and I didn’t. What I did recall from our meeting was how much he loved his brand new BMW 7-series sedan. I had a plan to have some fun and revenge at their expense by the time I reached the top of the stairs.

As part of my graduate studies I had worked with a team to develop a computer-controlled robot. That’s what I had in mind now. Let’s face it, a car is only a bunch of computers with an engine and wheels. I could begin on my plan first thing tomorrow morning. Now all I had to do was avoid eating my girlfriend’s filthy cunt. I might take advantage of her bodily pleasures while I could because I probably wouldn’t see Daisy again once I was done with them.

I had finished my shower by the time Daisy had climbed the stairs. I gave her a questioning look and she smiled. “Oh damn, I wanted to shower with you. Just wait a few and I’ll be right back. She kissed me, but I turned my head so it landed on my cheek. She turned immediately, a worried look on her otherwise beautiful face. I kissed her lips this time and swatted her butt. “Oh…have something special in mind, sailor?”

“Ahoy, matey!” I swatted her butt again and jumped into bed.

Daisy rushed through her shower, intent on leading me even further into her trap. I’d had no idea when I’d met her or even now what an outstanding actress she was. What a fucking bitch! She was even worse than her mother.

Daisy slid into the bed a few minutes later first kissing me and then climbing over my body to “69.” After hearing that phone conversation there was no way I was putting my mouth on her boss-fucking cunt. In fact, I was going to be tested tomorrow right after I made my purchase. I made a mental note to phone Cara, my secretary, from the car to let her know that I would be late.

I played with her cunt with my fingers until she turned around to ask what was wrong. “I feel like I’m coming down with flu. I’m really congested and I feel a bit feverish. Would you mind if we took tonight off? Maybe I should sleep in the guest room. I don’t want to make you sick, too.”

“Oh, poor baby. Let me feel your forehead. Oh…you do feel a little hot. Why don’t you stay here and I’ll get up.”

“Thank you, darling, but you have to get up early for work tomorrow. I’ll send Cara a text that I’m not feeling well so I’ll probably be late. Sorry.”

“Oh…you’re too good to me.” She kissed my cheek and rolled over to sleep. I rose slowly and walked out the door thinking that truer words had never been spoken, especially by a lying cunt like you. Once in the guest room I pulled the comforter down and climbed under it. Unfortunately, I was unable to fall asleep for several hours. My mind was racing a mile a minute.

I was half asleep the following morning when Daisy slipped into the room and placed the back of her hand on my forehead. “I hope you’ll be okay, darling. I love you so much,” she whispered, confusing me even more. Why would she do that if she held me in the total contempt she had so clearly described to her mother? Yes, I was confused. I rarely acted on impulse, preferring to have as much information as possible before acting. That was what I needed now—more information.

I dressed as soon as I knew that Daisy had left for work. My first stop was an automotive supply store where I bought an automotive scanner—an electronic instrument that reads the data output from the assorted computers that controlled a car and its engine. I only wanted it for the multi-pronged plug that connected to the car’s computers. I knew from personal experience that such a port could also be used to feed the computers information and/or instructions.

Once in the office I accessed the internet looking for technical data on the BMW 7-series vehicles. I found it easily enough. It was in German. That was okay with me. My dad and both of my dad’s parents spoke German even though they were from Italy. My grandparents emigrated to the U.S. from an area in northern Italy near Bolzano. That area had been a part of Germany until after World War I when the territory was given to Italy as reparations. Even now residents of the area spoke German as their primary language. I knew that for a fact having accompanied my grandparents on a trip to their ancestral home way back when I was in junior high. I had grown up with my grandparents and had spoken German as well as English as a child. Then I had studied German both in high school and in college. I was fluent. Good thing, too—I needed proficiency in a second language to qualify for my PhD.

My grandfather’s name had been Gottesfreund, but when he passed through Ellis Island the immigration official took one look at his Italian passport and another at his Germanic name and cut it to what he thought was more appropriate—Gotti--and that’s what stuck.

I found the information I was looking for without too much trouble—where was the socket for the computer, what did each pin on the plug service, and what computer language had been programmed into the car’s firmware. Firmware is essentially software that is built into the computer’s motherboard. I’d need that to write my program—the one I would use to take control of asshole’s car. The more I thought about it the more fun I realized I was going to have.

I knew that I could write the program in a day or two, especially after accessing the records of the robotics study in the university’s database. All I needed was acceleration, steering and brakes, although maybe no brakes might be better. Unfortunately, I’d have no opportunity to test it—or would I? Maybe…just maybe I could. I thought I had it mostly done by the end of the day. Next I had to make my control panel. I’d do that tomorrow. I stopped off at WalMart on the way home and bought two phones from Tracfone with 60 minutes of talk time each. I thought that would be plenty especially with triple minutes for each card. I left them in my trunk where I knew they would be secure. Then I drove to Radio Shack where I bought some do-it-yourself electronics, again paying cash so there would be no record of the sale. Damn, I--thought--I forgot to get tested. Okay—tomorrow would be another day.


I managed to nurse my “flu” through the week and I wasn’t at all surprised when Daisy asked me if she could go out for a few drinks with her co-workers Friday afternoon and evening. “Go ahead,” I told her. “After this miserable week you deserve the chance to go out and have a good time. Just be ready to show me your appreciation when you get home. I’m sure I’ll be feeling a lot better by tomorrow night.”

I slept in our bed, but still no sex and we didn’t spoon the way we usually did. I faced away from Daisy instead. I was up early and, skipping breakfast, drove to MacArthur Airport in Islip where I parked my car and rented a pickup truck to use during the day. I wouldn’t want Daisy to recognize my car as I followed her.

Sure enough, she walked out the door arm in arm with her boss, slimy Greg Waterman at just after four that afternoon. I watched her kiss him once they were seated and a minute later I followed in my drab grey Ford truck.

I was wearing a ball cap and sunglasses along with a cheesy fake mustache as a disguise. It must have worked because I drove up right behind them and they never noticed. Of course, Daisy would have had trouble noticing anything with her face in Waterman’s lap. Even from thirty feet behind them I could see her head bobbing up and down. I also saw her wipe a droplet of what I thought was semen from her lips then lick it from her fingers. They stopped at a bar and I assumed that they would be inside for at least an hour. That would be all I would need.

Keyless entry for any automobile relies on radio transmission. All anyone who wanted entry to any car would have to do is duplicate the frequency of the key fob. I had learned the range of frequency from the German language technical data booklet I’d found online. A simple scanning transmitter required less than five minutes to open the door. I pressed the latch that opened the hood and threaded a short length of optic fiber cable past the radiator to the grille where I taped it into place. The other end I threaded through the fire wall between the engine compartment and the dashboard. I connected it to the cell phone via a tiny motherboard that held the firmware I had created. The phone and firmware I had taped to several grouped wires to keep them from falling and being discovered. Both were connected to the computer socket which was, in turn, connected to all of the vehicle’s computers. My control would send what might be considered an electronic text message to the circuit board in the car. The final step was a second fiber optic camera that faced into the cabin. With the two cameras I’d be able to see where they were going and everything that happened between Daisy and Waterman in the car. I was in the clear once I relocked the car doors. I had worn thin vinyl exam gloves like those used by surgeons and my old clothes would find their way to the Salvation Army later tonight. Paying cash for the items purchased meant there was no real way to trace them back to me.

I was back in my rented truck more than twenty minutes before they exited the bar. In that time I had been able to start the car and move it to another parking spot on the other side of the entrance--now for the fun to begin!

Daisy was anything but prudent when they walked out into the fading sunlight. She hung on Waterman’s arm and even leaned up to kiss him passionately as people walked by and I seethed silently only twenty feet away. My relationship with Daisy was dead—deader than dead! All I had to do now was bury it. I was amused when they looked for the car that wasn’t where they had left it. Other than the phone and cameras I’d left a little present for Waterman behind some maps in the door pocket.

Watching through the interior camera I saw Daisy take Waterman’s cock out of his pants. Even hard it was only half of what I had so I wondered what the big deal was. I followed them out of the parking lot, turning right heading eastbound on Route 25A toward Kings Park and the parkway to Commack where I knew there were a host of motels. I waited until they were on the highway before parking and turning on my remote control unit. There was no way I could drive two cars at the same time.

I held it in my lap, watching the car’s progress on my laptop as I used the joystick to drive erratically through Kings Park where there was only a single lane in each direction. It was funny watching their reactions as Waterman tried futilely to control the car. Neither the steering nor the accelerator nor the brakes worked for him. His attempts to push the gearshift lever into park were also useless. I had glanced at the forward camera just in time. Only a few hundred feet ahead of them was a Suffolk County Police car. I steered close enough to sideswipe the car then took off at high speed in an area where the limit was only thirty-five.

Waterman raced eastward with the cop right on his tail, siren blaring and blue and red lights flashing as he apparently paid no attention. Past Kings Park the road turned sharply to the right toward Smithtown. He was hitting seventy when he ran the light at the corner. I made him swerve around several cars, passing in an area marked with a double yellow line and a sign at the roadside that clearly said “NO PASSING.”

Suddenly, I pulled over and slowed down, stopping on the shoulder. I couldn’t see the cop, but I was sure that he was really pissed. I could hear him tell Waterman to lower the window when I pushed the joystick forward, leaving the cop standing there in obvious fury. Seconds later the race was on again.

I felt that I had done enough at this point. I didn’t want any innocent driver injured or killed so I pulled the car over once again and switched my console off, a huge smile on my face. Turning the truck on once again I drove to the airport and turned it back to the rental agency. If asked I could always justify renting it to transport several desks from a nearby Office Depot to my office. That was exactly what I had done earlier in the day. Now I drove to the office where I went to my desk to obliterate any evidence of the programs I had written from my desktop computer. Then I went out to dinner to plan ahead for my future as a single man.


When I was in the shared office suite we had a secretary and mail facility that each office shared. Running the mail room was a real responsibility, making sure that each office was properly billed for anything shipped from the suite. That service was manned by a young black man named Chester. I had seen some of the other business owners treat him badly, but I had always taken the time to speak to him and compliment him on the job he did. Chet and I became friendly and I took advantage of that friendship earlier in the week.

Chet lived in Roosevelt, a predominately black community, many of whom were poor. He had told me several times that he could score some drugs if I was interested. I wasn’t at the time, but I asked Chet to come through for me on Tuesday morning. We met on Wednesday for lunch—my treat—and I paid him handsomely for the favor. “Make sure to keep your fingerprints and DNA off the bottle, John.” I agreed as I took the paper bag from him and slid $3,500 across the table in exchange.

“Thanks, Chet—you’re a real friend. I’ll be careful--in fact I have a couple pair of exam gloves in my car. I can’t get her boss’s prints, but I can rub the bottle against the steering wheel so his DNA is on it. Enough of this, let’s enjoy our meal.” And we did, Chet telling me how much I had been missed. He also told me that his wife was pregnant with their first child. I wished him the very best of luck even as I felt terrible jealousy for the normalcy of his relationship.

I had dropped the plastic prescription bottle in the door bin after rubbing it vigorously into the plush leather steering wheel. No fingerprints, unfortunately, but plenty of DNA to incriminate the bastard. I had thought to frame Daisy with some cocaine, too, but I just couldn’t. I was dumping her for the second time and that was enough.

I returned to my home sometime around eight that evening, going immediately to the shower, seemingly to await the arrival of my spouse-to-be. I did try phoning her cell several times, but both calls went to voice mail. My first just asked where she was—I hadn’t expected her to be so late. The second was a lot more frantic. It was a Friday so I could have stayed up late. Instead, I fell asleep easily, making up for all of the sleep I’d missed out on during the week.


I woke up around nine and, not surprisingly, Daisy was nowhere to be found. I made coffee and sat in the living room to check on the weather and news, relaxing and thinking about making another call when the doorbell rang. There were three men in suits holding badges and police ID’s when I opened the door. I’m nothing if not thorough so I checked each ID carefully with each face then asked them to come in.

“I’m glad you’re here, detectives. My girlfriend supposedly went out with some co-workers last night and never came home. I suppose I should report it. Her name is Daisy O’Neill.”

“Um…you don’t seem to be too upset.”

“Well, if you heard your wife or girlfriend having the conversation with her mother that I heard Monday night you wouldn’t be too upset either. I went to visit her parents a year ago May and once we were back on campus I broke our engagement. Her mother treated her father like he was a servant or worse—like he was a slave. I looked into that poor man’s eyes and all I saw was a hollow shell of a man. As much as I loved her I wasn’t interested in that kind of future for myself. She begged me for another chance about two weeks later. I stupidly agreed with some conditions that she met--at least I thought she did until Monday night.

“I don’t have a recording of the call but I heard enough—drug me, tie me down and beat me into submission, lock my genitals into a monstrosity of a penis cage that I found last night in one of her drawers, and basically make my life a living hell. She thinks I burned our pre-nup, but the lawyer has the original, not that we’ll ever need it. I was just about to box up her things. She can leave with her personal belongings which won’t be too bad—new car, $30,000 diamond ring, about $10,000 in other jewelry, at least $5,000 in clothes and shoes, and whatever she managed to make selling real estate. So…gentlemen, why are you here?”

“We found your girlfriend with her boss. He hit a county patrol car in Kings Park then led the officer on a merry chase. He stopped once then took off when the officer approached the car. Funny! Ha ha! He finally stopped on the side of 25A where the road turns to meet 25 in Smithtown after nearly killing about a dozen motorists. He was arrested, but he claimed that the car was driving itself.”

“I’ve read about that, but from what I have read self-driving cars are supposed to be safe, not reckless.”

“Yeah, we’ve read about that, too. I’ve actually seen a demo. It was pretty neat. Anyway, it seems that Mr. Waterman was high as a kite—cocaine, as well as alcohol—and so was your girlfriend. We found a good-sized vial of what seems to be cocaine in his car and a plastic bag of what also looks like coke in your girlfriend’s purse. Of course, she told us that it was his.”

“Of course. That’s the kind of thing that happens in junior high school.”

“You’re right. I have two that age. I hear that all the time so Miss Daisy spent the night in the precinct. Boyfriend—boss, or whatever—he’s out in Riverhead in the County Jail. She told us you’re some kind of computer whiz. Mind looking at something for us? Our techs haven’t a clue. But, first--mind telling us where you were last night?” He held out the remote control I had built.

“Knowing that Daisy was going out I worked late then went out to eat at the Waterside. I think I have the receipt in my wallet.” I pulled it out and found the receipt almost immediately. After handing it to the detective, I took the object and looked it over. “Well, this is obviously a cell phone and this is a three-way port that would allow data to go either into or out of the phone. I don’t have the foggiest idea what this other thing is.”

“It’s a plug that connects into the car’s computers. That’s what the department’s mechanics tell us although this thing on the top was added.”

I pretended to examine it closer. “Hmmm…okay, I see. Can I take it apart?” I did once I had permission.

“Is that some kind of control device?”

“You mean software that could control the vehicle through the computers? Maybe, but if you look closely you can see that whatever was in here is burned up. I don’t think you’ll get anything from it. Mind if I look at it under a magnifier? I have one in my office.” They followed me into the small bedroom that was now my office. I turned on the desk lamp and looked closely under the glass. Then I showed it to the detective. “See these tiny lines? They’re some kind of circuit board…really small, but they’re all burned to a crisp. This is a computer chip, but you can see that it’s all melted. I’ve seen this before. Assuming this was built to control the car whoever built this designed it to work once and only once. What was in these other ports?”

“Some kind of what looks like really thin wire.” He held out a piece for me.

I took it into my hand and checked it under the glass. “It’s fiber optic cable. Lots of computer companies use it to transmit data. It’s faster and safer than a regular wire, but as it is I have no idea how it was used. It’s just a conductor with a USB plug on one end. Let’s say you had several offices in buildings around the county. The best way to connect them to a central server would be optic fiber like this except that would be insulated to protect it from the weather.” I handed everything back to the detective. “Anything else I can help you with?”

“No—thanks for your help. You coming to the precinct to pick her up?”

“No. I suspected she was going to cheat on me. I heard that on the phone call, too. It was over then, but I thought I’d fuck her a few more times before I kicked her to the curb. She can take a cab to her office or wherever her SUV is then she can pick her stuff up here. After that I don’t really care. I’ll have her stuff on the porch. The locks will be changed today. I’ll be lucky if I never see her again.

“You can tell her that she really blew it. I’ve been in business less than two years and I’m already a multi-millionaire. She could have had a life of luxury. She killed my love for her with that one conversation—her dastardly plans for me, her cheating. I would have done anything for her before that. Now I’ll do nothing. Tell her that, will you?”

“Yeah, we’ll tell her.” He reached out to shake my hand then turned and the detectives walked away—out of the house and out of my life.


I had all of Daisy’s stuff on the porch by the end of the day. The locksmith had charged me double for immediate service. I paid him gladly, just as I paid the garage door guy to change the code. I changed the alarm code myself then I retired to what had been our room, lay back on the bed and cried my heart out. I was all cried out an hour later. I really had loved Daisy with all my mind, body, and soul. I thought at the time that I was now exactly like Daisy’s father. I used to be a man. Now…who knew?

I fell asleep there fully clothed until Daisy phoned collect Sunday morning. “John, you have to come and bail me out. This is a terrible mistake. Please, I’m at the precinct. I need your help.” I was silent for more than a minute until she continued, “John? John?”

“I suppose we have to speak sometime and now is as good as any other. We’re done, Daisy…finished.”

“But, why? I love you. We love each other.”

“Well, to start with there was the conversation you had with your mother Monday evening. I forgot to mention that I installed a phone in my workshop. I heard all of your plans for me. I’d have to be an idiot to allow that to happen. You know what a memory I have.” I spent the next five minutes repeating everything word for word, hearing Daisy gasp several times. “I found that ‘object’ your mother kindly provided for you to use on me—stainless steel...durable as well as decorative, if you’ll pardon my sarcasm. Unfortunately, it had a terminal accident between my anvil and sledge hammer. You’ll find it in one of the boxes on the front porch right under a check for your earnings. I hope it was for real estate sales and not for fucking your boss.”

“John, please don’t believe anything in that conversation. I have to act that way or my mother won’t talk to me.”

“Would that be so bad? She helped to fuck us up once before and now she’s done it again. If you didn’t mean anything in that conversation why didn’t you mention it to me? Why didn’t you show me that contraption so we could destroy it together? And don’t tell me you didn’t have sex with your boss. I saw you leave your office. I was there in the parking lot when you kissed him and I followed you to the bar. Even in the truck I was driving I could see your head bobbing up and down and I saw you wipe a dollop of semen from your lips. We’re done. I’ve put all of your stuff in boxes on the porch. Pick up your shit and go. You’ve had a profitable year—new car, expensive diamond ring, jewelry, clothes—probably coming to more than a hundred grand. It would have been more if we had been married, even with the pre-nup.”

“We burned that.”

“We burned our copies. The lawyer has the original. I’m not an idiot, you know.”

I could hear the regret in her voice as she spoke, “So…there’s no chance for us?”

“No…none. Goodbye, Daisy—I don’t want to see you again…not even once. If I do I’ll pursue a restraining order. Why don’t you go home to mommy dearest?” I ended the call thinking that I had really dodged a bullet, but where was I going to find a replacement? My skills with women were still nothing to brag about.


I spent a quiet Sunday lolling around the house and thinking that I should get a boat. At least then I could go fishing, something I hadn’t done since I was a teenager. Yes—I could easily afford a boat and maybe even a membership at the yacht club down by the harbor. I could certainly take a look at some during the many spare weekend hours ahead.

I went to work early Monday morning and every morning for the next month, staying late because I really had no life other than my work. I must confess that I was less than cordial to my employees. Okay, I was a real grouch. Then on Monday morning exactly four weeks later I was in my office well before my secretary, Cara, arrived at 9:00. She looked in, shook her head, and disappeared, returning five minutes later with two cups of coffee, closing the door as she brought them to my desk. “Okay, John, I’ve worked with you for almost two years and I’ve never seen you act like this before. Something’s up with you. What is it? You’ve been a different person for the past month.”

I took a deep breath before speaking. “I broke up with Daisy. I had no choice.” Then I explained about the phone call with her mother.

I could tell that Cara was pissed. “That fucking bitch!”

“I’ve had a few dozen similar thoughts over the past month, but I sort of got even that first Friday night.”


“Yeah, remember that I worked all week with my office door closed and locked? I built a remote control for her boss’s car that week. Then I used that truck I rented to follow them when they left work Friday afternoon. Daisy actually tongue-kissed him in the parking lot not thirty feet from where I was parked. She gave him a blowjob in the car on the way to a nearby bar. That’s when I installed the remote control and two cameras—one to see where they were going and the other to see them in the front seat.

“She took him into her mouth as soon as they were back in the car and I took control while they were driving toward King’s Park. It was actually funny watching him try to control the car. I had him doing sixty through there and I thought I had died and gone to heaven when I saw a cop car ahead. I managed to sideswipe the cop car and speed them away. I led the cop on a merry chase down 25A, passing on a double yellow and at one point I stopped the car until the cop walked up. Then I drove them away again."

“You didn’t!”

“Yeah, I did, but I stopped again and disconnected before they made it to Smithtown. I wouldn’t want to hurt anyone so I just pulled the car over to the shoulder.”

“Damn, John…that’s great. Driving Miss Daisy; kind of like that movie, only better. I like that.”

“It gets better. I managed to score some coke from a guy I used to work with. I couldn’t get her boyfriend’s prints on the bottle, but I did get his DNA before I hid it in his door pocket.”

“What about Daisy?”

“I couldn’t and I didn’t have to. She had coke in her purse; claimed her gave it to her to hold.”

“Damn, even junior high school kids know better than that.”

“Three detectives came to the house Saturday morning to question me. They also asked me to check out the control mechanism which I gladly did. It was cheaply made and had burned up by the time I was done with it.”

“That was lucky.”

I couldn’t resist a smirk. “I’m glad you think so. Anyway, the cops told me they were both stoned and had been drinking heavily. He’s probably going to prison between the vehicular charges and the coke—felony amount—but Daisy will probably get probation. The device was so badly burned there’s no way to get anything out of it so they’ll never trace it to me. I used gloves when making and installing it so no DNA other than what I added when I was examining it for the police.”

“Okay, so why aren’t you happier? You look like you’re really down in the dumps.”

“Perhaps you haven’t noticed how bad I am with women. Before this I had Daisy. With all of her faults she was still hot as hell and she was fantastic in bed. I’m no good at the bar and club scene so I have no idea where I’m going to find another woman who will love me.”

“John, you’re probably the finest man I know. You’re smart as hell—no, you’re even smarter than that--you’re polite and considerate—a real gentleman. I don’t think you’ll have to look too far to find that dream woman of yours. You’re better off without her. Whenever she came here to see you I noticed how much you adored her. I think we all did, but know what we saw from her? Indifference; most of the time it seemed that she didn’t care about you at all.”

“Yeah…I guess. Thanks for the compliments, not that they’ll do me any good. What say we get some work done today?” I immersed myself in work for the rest of the week, starting early and staying late yet again.

I was wrapping up another big contract with the State of Ohio when Cara walked in around 5:30, Friday night, closing and locking my office door. “What’s up? I would have thought you’d have gone by now.”

“No…I have a little more work to do.” She walked behind my desk, turned my chair to face her, and plopped herself down in my lap.

“Cara…what are….?” I never had the chance to finish. She pressed her lips into mine as she gripped my head fiercely. Cara was strong, having played volleyball in high school and junior college wrapped around a three year stint in the U.S. Army. She had an Associate’s Degree in Business Management. She knew how to transcribe machine dictation and she was the only person I knew who could handle steno. That came in handy during meetings or if I was on the run between sessions. She was a valuable asset to my firm, but in all the time we’d worked together she had never once expressed any interest in me.

Cara had what I would call an athletic build. She was tall—almost as tall as I was—and slender with impossibly long legs and smallish breasts and narrow hips. That doesn’t seem like much, but on her it worked extremely well. Now she was feeding me a tongue sandwich after-hours in my office and, even more surprisingly, she had initiated it. Actually, knowing my history with women, that wasn’t all that shocking.
She broke the kiss about two minutes later and I caught my breath before asking, “What was that all about?”

“No wonder you don’t have much success with women. Do I have to spell it out for you? I found you very attractive early on in our relationship. Then as we got to know each other I became very strongly attracted, but I’m not the type of woman who breaks up a couple in a relationship. If Daisy hadn’t screwed up I would never have said a word and I probably would have settled for someone less than you.”

“Less than me?”

“Yes, Dummy; you are a real catch and you still would be even if you weren’t rich. Personally, I don’t care a bit about the money. I’ve never had any and I’ve never missed it. Now…don’t you think you should take me out to dinner and then home where I can show you how athletic I am? I’ll show you positions you never dreamed of. You can have each and every part of me…hopefully many times over the weekend. Shall we?”

She rose from my lap and pulled me from the chair. I followed, still totally dazed by what had happened.
We were in my Civic when Cara asked if I had ever thought of buying a new car. “Why? What’s wrong with this one?”

“How old is it?”

“I bought it when I was a college freshman so it’s…um…nine years old—almost ten--but it still runs great.”

“Maybe, but the upholstery is all stained and you need to realize that you have an image to maintain. You own a company that does almost 100 million in business every year. Overhead—even with all of the fabulous bonuses you give us--is less than half of that so you are earning more than fifty million a year. You need to exude success and a decade-old Honda Civic doesn’t do that. It’s even older than my car.

“Okay, for dinner I want a blood rare steak…maybe a filet. Where’s a good place? Spend some money on me.” I had to laugh as I drove her into Mineola where I took her to Ruth’s Chris. We had the filet with shoestring potatoes. Hers did come blood rare, but mine was medium rare. We began with drinks—margaritas on the rocks and salad—lettuce wedge with bleu cheese dressing. Best of all was the way Cara made me smile. I hadn’t smiled or laughed for the past month, not since I had learned of Daisy’s betrayal.

Cara insisted that I take her home with me. “I went home at lunch and picked up a change of clothes and my toothbrush. You never lock your car so I put my paper bag in the trunk. I didn’t think you’d mind.”

“That’s all you brought? What if you had missed me?”

“Okay…birth control pills, hair brush, sexy negligee that I hope not to wear. Anything else will have to be a surprise. And don’t forget that you have to pass my desk when you leave. You weren’t getting away without me.” We were in the Civic driving west on the Northern Parkway then north on the Sunken Meadow Parkway. It sounds funny, but the fastest way to Northport was to go well past the village and come back. Otherwise, I’d have to drive through town after town with slow traffic and lots of lights. Down into the village to the harbor and up the hill to the right and around the harbor—all the way to the end of the road where I pulled into the drive. The sun was just setting to the west with the reddish-orange light reflecting over the tiny wavelets of Long Island Sound. The water was unusually calm this evening, perhaps reflecting my change in mood.

I led Cara to the trunk and was shocked at how little she had brought with her. Closing it I extended my hand to my secretary/lover. She came into my arms as soon as I had turned the alarm off. I barely had to move my head to meet her lips, wrapped my arms around her waist, but she moved them to her ass, rubbing them all over her muscular butt. Her hands…well, one went to my head to sustain the kiss as our tongues dueled while the other went straight to my rigid cock.

“Hmmm,” Cara said, still stroking me, “much nicer than I could have imagined. I can barely wait. Let’s go to the bedroom.”

“Want a drink first?”

“Only if it comes from your balls and through your dick.” I gulped several times at Cara’s audacity, but led her up the stairs to the master bedroom. I turned the overhead lights on, but she flicked on a small table lamp before turning them off. “I don’t think we’ll need that much light except maybe in the shower. Is it big enough for both of us?”

“Yeah… is.” Her hands were already working on my shirt. Our company dress code was…well, we didn’t actually have one. We never had walk-in trade and even when we had customers visit they were more interested in the product than in how we were dressed. We did dress appropriately when we visited a client’s site, but otherwise it was mostly as informal and casual as humanly possible. I often thought that if we didn’t have Cara we’d walk around in our underwear.

My clothes fell like rain and she took care of hers in just seconds. Damn, but her legs went on forever. They were incredibly long and slender. They were as muscular as the rest of her body and the space between her legs was beyond belief, highlighted by a narrow strip of well-trimmed hair just above her labia. She looked to me as though she had no fat at all other than her breasts. Despite their small size I was amazed at the size of her nipples. She noticed me looking and led my mouth to suckle. “I love that, by the way. My nipples and areolas are hard-wired to my cunt. One touch and I’m gushing, but I think you’ll learn that on your own pretty soon.”

I warmed the water and we stepped in. “Nice,” she said, “but it’ll be even better tomorrow.” I confess that I had a confused look on my face, but she just kissed me and grabbed the bar of soap.

I had thought that showering with Daisy was wonderful, but even her lush body couldn’t compare with the love that Cara showed me that night. We spent more time touching and kissing than we did with actual washing, but even then we had a wonderful time. She showed me how much she loved my cock and balls, washing them repeatedly until I turned the water off and dried her incredible athletic body. She was toned everywhere, but her strength never once made me think she wasn’t an unbelievably sexy woman.

Cara dried me quickly then walked me to the bed. Rather than fold down the blanket and sheet she ripped them from the bed in a single sweeping motion then pulled me down on top of her. We kissed like there was no tomorrow and while we did I worried her sensitive nipples while she firmly stroked my cock which felt as though it was made of concrete or steel.

Finally, she rolled me onto my back so she could straddle my hips. Leaning forward, she kissed me again and while I was distracted she slid easily down my shaft. I had thought that fucking Daisy was an incredible experience, but she was nothing in comparison to Cara. She had been right—one touch of her nipples and she was gushing. That was the only way I’d be able to enter her because her cunt was fantastically tight.

She began this circular thing that she did with her hips as she ground her clit into me relentlessly. My cock was spinning so rapidly it was making me dizzy, but in a wonderfully exciting and stimulating way. I had jerked off, of course, over the past month, but my heart hadn’t been in it so I hadn’t any real relief in more than a week. I owed it to Cara to tell her. “Cara…I haven’t…you know…in more than a week. I’m not going to last very long.”

“That’s okay, John; I’m almost there myself. God…your cock is incredible!” Her back arched suddenly and she threw her bead back, too. Her strong slender body shook three times and she emitted a low feral growl that seemed to go on forever. That was just in time because I blew not more than two seconds later, my cock feeling like a super volcano spewing molten lava miles into the air. I was totally drained when it ended. Cara moved down to lie on my chest and nibble my ear.

She was tickling me—making me squirm. I hated being tickled. “Please, Cara; I love your tongue on me, but that tickles and I can’t stand it. Okay?”

Cara backed off so she could look into my eyes. “Sorry, John—I still have a lot to learn about you.”

“Yes, and I still have a lot to learn about you, too. I never imagined that you would be such a sexual animal.”

She laughed. “You haven’t seen anything yet. I bet I can make you cum wildly without even moving. I’ve been doing Kegel exercises ever since I was twelve and I read about them in some magazine. That’s why I’m so tight there—lots and lots of strong muscles. Why don’t we rest a bit and see if we can go again?”

I had to chuckle. “I think you really mean ‘see if I can go again,’ don’t you?”

“No, I’m sure I can get you up at least two more times.” And…damned if she didn’t. Our second time I did her doggie and she did use those powerful muscles on me. I fell onto her back causing her to laugh hysterically. “Good thing I’m really strong, John.” I had to agree.

Our final time we went missionary with those fantastically long legs wrapped tightly behind her head. I knew that I’d never been deeper in a woman before and I couldn’t wait to do it again. The entire evening had been the singular sexual highlight of my life. It was just after one when I placed my head on the pillow to sleep. I barely saw Cara get out of bed, assuming that she was going to use the toilet. I was sound asleep by the time she returned.


The sun was up when I finally regained consciousness. I was lying on my left side with Cara’s arm hanging loosely over me from behind as she spooned closely into my body. I opened my eyes briefly then they were wide open a second later. There in front of me was Cara curled up into a little ball. I turned my head as much as I could and there behind me was…Cara! What the hell! I looked again over my shoulder then back at the woman who was sleeping in front of me. Damn! It was like looking in the mirror. I’d had no idea that Cara was an identical twin.

My moving about must have awakened the woman who was glued to my rear because a moment later she whispered, “Good morning, John.” Then she leaned forward to nibble my ear.

I turned my head to look at my assailant. “You’re obviously not Cara. I told her last night that I didn’t like that.”

“Oops, sorry; I didn’t know. I flipped onto my back and she moved right in, ducking under my arm as her leg found its way over my thigh.

“You two look exactly alike.” I would have continued but for the movement on my other side.

“I see you’ve met my twin sister, John. Remember when she told you the shower would be more fun tomorrow? It will be, but first why don’t you sit up. We need to tell you something…something really important.”

I did, leaning against the headboard while each twin took one of my hands in hers. The twin who had been sleeping behind me spoke first. “We have a confession to make, John. Please hear us out. Okay?” I nodded my agreement and she continued.

“I’m Cara. You already know me well. This is my older sister, Sara. Our dad died about six months before we were born and he left our mother almost penniless. All she had was her job as a secretary in a big office. There was no life insurance and no health, either. Mom couldn’t afford much in the way of prenatal care so she had no idea that she was expecting twins until the moment I was born.

“She had selected the name Sara for her daughter—Sara Elizabeth--then forty minutes later she needed another so she came up with Cara for me. We’re identical twins in almost every way. We’ll let you figure out how we’re different when we get up to shower.

"Sara and I live together in a two-bedroom apartment and I tell her all about you every single night. She knows you almost as well as I do and she’s learned to love you as much as I do from what I’ve told her. She was angry enough to kill Daisy when I told her your story Monday evening. That’s when we began to think of our plan.

“I went to the ladies’ room yesterday around 4:30. Sara was already there waiting for me in the big handicapped stall. That’s where we changed clothes and identities. It was Sara who kissed you and Sara who made love with you all last night. I love you, John, but you are looking to settle down, get married and have a family. I’d like that, too…in about five to ten years. Sara wants that now. She always was more serious about things than I was. I always liked to party and stay out late. Sara wanted to stay in and read or enjoy a concert or movie on TV. We both knew that she was a much better match for you.

“Now…you would never have consented to be fixed up with Sara so we had to trick you. Sara told me last night how much she loved spending the evening with you and I’m pretty sure that you enjoyed it, too.”

Then Sara spoke. “We’re sorry that we tricked you, John. It was the only thing we could think of. Yes, we did it for me, but we also did it for you.” She gripped my hand tightly and, looking into her clear blue eyes, I could see the concern in her face.

“I’m not pleased at being taken advantage of, but you’re probably right that I would have rejected the idea of being fixed up. I did have a great time last night. I do have to admit that, but what am I going to do with two of you?”

They looked at each other and laughed. “We’ll think of something,” they said, speaking as one. Sara moved forward, gripped my head, and pressed her sweet lips into mine. Cara just rubbed her sensitive nipples into my chest. Then, a minute later, they switched positions. They pulled me down onto the bed a minute after that. Cara took my encrusted cock, now swollen with lust, into her mouth as Sara gently massaged my balls.

I was in sexual heaven when Sara moved forward to kiss me again and while our tongues danced wildly Cara rose up to straddle my hips and slowly lower her tight cunt down my shaft. She began slowly, apparently savoring the stretching of her vaginal walls. Like her sister, her tunnel was extremely tight and muscular and, like her sister, she really knew how to use it. I probably would have cum already had I not done so three times last night. Still, Cara showed the same enthusiasm for fucking that her sister had shown.

Now that we were actively engaged Sara moved to straddle my mouth. I had enjoyed the few times I had eaten pussy, but I hadn’t done it often. Rob’s sister had been my first obviously, with Daisy being my only other partner. Strange as it sounds, Daisy wasn’t crazy about it so I only did it occasionally—like once a month or so. Now a delicious moist pussy was only an inch from my mouth so I took every advantage of my limited experience. Starting at her rosebud I licked slowly all the way to her clit, spending a few seconds to tease it mercilessly. Then I did it again and again and again. Sara was groaning and shaking wildly when I shifted my attentions to her cunt. I found her G-spot easily, both by its texture and by her reaction.

I knew just how close Cara and Sara were when they came at exactly the same instant in time. Watching them flop around in random uncontrolled movements was almost funny. They collapsed onto the bed as my still hard cock popped free from Cara’s body. No, I didn’t cum. I’m not Superman, after all. Three times in less than ten hours is just about all I can handle. Truthfully, Daisy had been a “once a night” girl.

I laid back on my pillow and pulled Cara and Sara up with me, covering us with the blanket. Like everything else, it was a soggy and filthy mess. I’d have to wash the whole set before I could use it tonight. Those were my last thoughts before falling deeply asleep a few seconds later. Damn, but these women were exhausting!


I woke up again around ten—9:52, actually. Cara and Sara were still asleep. I woke them by grabbing one of their extremely taut ass cheeks in each hand. They shrieked until they realized where they were and who had grab-assed them. “I think it’s time for that fun shower you promised me.”

“You know, John…in all the time I’ve worked for you I never realized how much fun you are or how wonderful your cock is. I think it’s the biggest I’ve ever had.”

“What about Roy Evjin…you know from the football team in high school?”

“No, not even close, besides he was so fat you could barely see it.”

“Don’t tell me…you guys pulled the same act in high school?”

“Yeah, John, but we didn’t really love them like we love you.”

“I appreciate that. Now, before we shower I believe you told me that you’re not quite identical so stand up and let me get a good look at both of you.” They were giggling like crazy as they stood at the foot of the bed slowly rotating only two feet away.

“I hope you get it right, John. We have twenty bucks on this.”

“Well, I hope you bet that I’d get it, Cara. You have a tiny birthmark on your right butt cheek. I didn’t see one when Sara and I showered last night.”

She jumped up and down, pumping her fist several times. “You owe me, Sara. I told you!” She leaped forward to hug and kiss me.

“Geez, that’s an awful lot of excitement over twenty bucks. Remind me on Monday morning to give you a raise.”

“Really? How much?”

“Twenty bucks, of course.” I continued after she showed how shocked she was. “Not! Would I do something like that to you? You know better. Let’s say two thousand.” She was back in my lap a second later smothering me with kisses. I pushed her off so I could lead them to the bathroom. They pissed while I shaved then they joined me under the hot spray.

Cara…I mean, Sara, was right. It was much more fun even than last night which had been one of my finest hours. We washed and frolicked until the water ran cold then we frolicked while we dried each other. It was almost time for lunch by the time we had dressed and thrown the bedding into the washer.

Cara insisted on driving. Her car was bigger and newer than mine, but rather than a restaurant she drove us first to a Mercedes dealer. I looked at several cars and, while the styling and performance were impressive, the prices weren’t. Why anyone would pay $175,000 for a car that has “options” that cost an additional ten to twelve thousand was more than I could comprehend. We wasted an hour there before stopping by an Italian restaurant in Smithtown. Heads turned when we entered, but I doubted that anyone even noticed me.

Lunch was good and fun. Sitting between Cara and Sara was…well, it was as informative as it was interesting. Their hands roamed all over my body even as other patrons looked on. I could see the envy in the eyes of some of the men and the anger as many of the women saw their husbands paying us so much attention. One thing I did learn—Sara clearly knew as much about me as Cara did. She knew all about my university experiences and almost as much about my relationship with Daisy. She laughed crazily when she repeated the story of driving Daisy and her asshole boss down the streets of Kings Park.

After lunch Cara drove us to a BMW dealer where the prices were better, but not much. Once again, items that I thought should be included cost thousands extra. I did buy a new car that afternoon, but not a BMW and certainly not a Mercedes. I bought a Toyota SUV—a Highlander that, not surprisingly, included virtually everything anyone could want in a car. They even took my Civic in trade, sight unseen, after I described it to them—mileage and body condition. I wrote a personal check, telling the salesman that I wouldn’t need the car until Wednesday at the earliest. My check would clear by Tuesday at the latest. I agreed to drop off the Civic Sunday afternoon and rent a car until Wednesday when Cara could drive me to the dealer.

“For a brilliant scientist and businessman, John, you don’t have much imagination. Why don’t I drive you to and from work? I could stay overnight with you.”

“I appreciate the offer, but I’ll probably be dead from lack of sleep if you do.”

Sara looked at me coyly as she said, “There are worse ways to go.” I couldn’t help myself. I laughed like crazy until I couldn’t laugh any longer.

“I’ll still need a car to visit some local clients.”

“Does that mean I can’t stay over?” I agreed we’d talk about it tonight.

Cara drove us back to the office so we could pick up Sara’s car. I was surprised when she said she was leaving us. “We did this so you and Sara could get to know each other and see if something develops between you. For that you need to spend some time together and alone. I recognize a third wheel when I see one.” She hugged her sister then came to me. We hugged and she kissed my cheek. “I’ll always treasure our time together, John. Maybe we’ll be able to do it again.”

“I look forward to it, Cara. You’re almost one of a kind and you would be if not for Sara. I’ll always love you no matter what happens.” I hugged her back then kissed her forehead and let her go. Sara held my hand as she drove away. We followed a few minutes later in her car, a small Subaru SUV.

“You know that Cara joined the Army after graduating. I did, too. We needed the GI Bill to pay for college although I got most of my training while I was in the service. I’m a medical imaging specialist. I run all of the equipment at Good Samaritan in West Islip. I love the work, but sometimes my hours can be crazy. I usually work four twelve-hour days a week—seven to seven—sometimes from morning to night and sometimes the opposite. We never have two days alike.

“There are some really good times, but there are also some that are just horrible like car crashes or boat accidents or especially injured children. It takes a while to get used to people dying, but it’s great when you know you’ve helped someone.” She followed the same route I had last night and soon enough we were back at the house. It was a balmy evening so we sat outside in the back yard on the bluff overlooking Long Island Sound.

Long Island was created ages ago by two glaciers that pushed sand and rocks down from New England before receding. The first glacier formed the south fork in Suffolk County that included the Hamptons and Montauk. The second formed the north fork that ended at Orient Point. Just like at the beach when you push your hand through the sand, high cliffs or bluffs more than a hundred feet high were left when the glaciers melted. That also accounts for the billions of rocks on Long Island’s north shore. Most are just pebbles, but some are as big as thirty feet in diameter.

We sat tonight in the lawn swing, my arm around Sara’s shoulders. She eagerly snuggled in close then turned her head and we kissed. It was just as wonderful as the kisses had been last night and early this morning. We kept at it until Sara rose and pulled me up, telling me that we needed to put the sheets and comforter into the dryer. Damn, but I had forgotten all about that.

NEXT: Revenge on Margaret O'Neill then Sara and I get to know each other better.

Hew 180Report 

2017-04-24 20:25:21
Fascinating story. I'll be watching for updates.
I'm a fan of a couple of your series. In fact. You inspired me to use a "smart dog" character in the first chapter of my "State of Affair" series.


2017-04-24 20:07:00
If she was acting when she went back to the room that means his roommate was in on it because who else knew...when she called her mother and cussed her out


2017-04-24 19:06:45
Wonderful, wonderful whatever are you planning to do next ?? I would like to see three of them spend a lot of time together, maybe even a child or two. Keep up the fine writing. THANK YOU !!!!!

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