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Hunter gets a computer program, and decides to have some fun.
One of my friends came up to me and said "Here, take this flash drive. It has some computer program on it. Can you figure it out for me and give it back? Thanks bro." He handed me a flash drive that was pink and white. I am, of course, really good with computers.
When I got home, I plugged the flash drive into my laptop. It had one file in it. "Master_PC.launcher" I dragged it onto my desktop, and opened the program. It downloaded. I decided to kill time by doing homework. Within a few minutes, it successfully downloaded. I opened up the program, and was met with a "Select User" interface. It was empty, except for a button reading "Search Database". I clicked on it, and was met with search parameters. Name, City, State, Country, etc. I searched up Hunter Thompson, New York City, New York, United States, age 16-20. I found myself. The computer said, set as main user? I clicked yes.
It sprang to life. It said "Hello, Hunter. How may I be of service?" I asked it to go over AI settings, and I selected the likeness of my celebrity crush. I asked the abilities of the program, and she said "MasterPC can alter the minds and bodies of others. It is made to serve the whims of who ever is in possession of the program. There is only one flash drive with my data on it, and that is yours. Should I delete the memory of others about this ever existing?" I said yes, of course. I locked up the flash drive somewhere secret. I had a plan formulating. My crushes/ best friends. I could make them all crave me. Imagine the power! But, I got really guilty about treating my friends like that. I would ask them to join me in a harem. Yes, a harem of my own!
I had MPC (yeah I'm calling it that, what are you going to do about it? You're just reading these logs.) give them the want to meet at my house. I went to pick them up in my car and brought them back to my house. I pulled them into my room and told them about MPC. I asked them to join the harem, and they said yes. Apparently they all liked me, but didn't say anything. SHIT!!! I forgot to mention their names. They are Emma, Fiona, and Alison. Fiona is nice, Alison is a total slut (or at least acts like it) and Emma is really chill. Anyways, I showed them the powers of MPC, and Alison said, "So, we can modify our bodies right? I say we do just that." We got to work on every little detail. They shaped me to their wants, and I shaped them to mine. In the end, I was 5'8", muscular build, 8" cock, with a great tan, steel blue/gray eyes, and light blond hair. Emma was 5'7", pretty muscular, DD boobs, and a big butt. She had brown hair and brown eyes. Fiona was 5'7", medium build, D cup, and a sizable butt. She retained her dirty blonde hair and green eyes. Alison was 5'7", light build, D cup, and a large butt. She kept her blue eyes and blonde hair as well. After this, they all turned to me, and licked their lips. I didn't notice it. "Could you, could you spank me?" Alison asked, walking over to me. I knew she was probably kinky, but damn! I sat down on my bed and motioned her over. She kneeled over my lap, and I brought my hand down. Once. Twice. Thrice. Four times. Five. That five became 10, which became 30. On the 30th slap, she cried out in orgasm louder than she already was being. She climbed off, and rested on my bed. Emma and Fiona walked over. Fiona put her mouth over my cock and started to give me a blowjob. Emma sat next to me and started making out with me. First kiss and first blowjob in one day! We stood up, and Alison said "We should get new clothes." I told MPC to not have anyone react to us being naked. She told me to download me onto a piece of smart technology, so I chose my smart watch. She was downloaded, and we set off. I already knew, this was going to be fun. We walked to my car, and drove to the store.
"Hey, Hunter, I'm looking at info on harems, and it seems that usually there is a master in it, and that should be you." Alison said, from the backseat.
We arrived at the store, and walked in. I asked them where they wanted to go first, and they said underwear. (In my town there are clothing groups then they are divided by gender in the groups.)
We got to the underwear department, and they went to find bras and panties that fit them. I strolled over and grabbed a bag of boxers. I found them in the dressing room. I waited outside the dressing rooms respectively. We finished our shopping up as quick as possible. I finally got a pair of Converse! (My parents don't let me get Converse usually.)
We go home in our new clothes. Alison and Emma were making out in the back of my Toyota.
We got home, and we walked into my room. "We want to live here. We want to be with you all of the time." Fiona said, hugging me. I told MPC to make their new place of residence at my house. "Thank you master." Alison said, getting on her knees. "By the way, all three of us are virgins. Want to change that?" Emma said, walking over to me in a seductive manner. I get out of my clothes, and suggest they do the same. This is going to be fun.
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