A little iver a year ago is when it happened. Im 17 and my sister is somewhat younger than me. Not by much, maybe a year. Ut started when she fell asleep in the living room. I noticed she was in a pair of white panties an i just couldnt resust. I crawled in the floor next to her and removed the part of the blanket that was over her ass, my god her perfect ass. Shes a heavy sleeper so i didnt need to worry to much. I started groping her ass and felt my dick rise. Then i took it a step further and moved her panties over to revel her plump pussy. I just stared in aw for a moment before realising what i was doing and stopping for the night. The next night i creeped silently 8 to her room and put my hand on her ass just feeling it for a while before leaveing the room. This went on for a while. On time i even went behind her and stuck mh hand under her bra and cupped her nice tits. The 5th or 6 th time is when i took it my farthest. While feeling her ass i decided to rub my thumb on her panties over her pussy. I just rubbed it back an ld forth and back and forth, untill i decided to slide the panties over and feel her for real. Than, acting foolish, i stuck my index finger as far into her as she would let me before moanining and turning over. Some nigbts i even put my dick on her feet and gave myself a foot job. It felt so wrong and right at the same time. When she was awake on day i took a risk and put my hand near her ass while she was bending over. I wanted to grab it so badly. I did get caught however, and my relationship with m ly sister will never be the same. Even after i got caught i always umagined fucking her in the most sexual ways, I even jerked off to her voice while she would talk to me on the shower. I know im a monster and i wont deny that. Theres a special place in hell for me
A little iver a year ago is when it happened. Im 17 and my sister is somewhat younger than me. Not by much, maybe a year. Ut started when she fell asleep in the living room. I noticed she was in a pair of white panties an i just couldnt resust. I crawled in the floor next to her and removed the part of the blanket that was over her ass, my god her perfect ass. Shes a heavy sleeper so i didnt need to worry to much. I started groping her ass and felt my dick rise. Then i took it a step further and moved her panties over to revel her plump pussy. I just stared in aw for a moment before realising what i was doing and stopping for the night. The next night i creeped silently 8 to her room and put my hand on her ass just feeling it for a while before leaveing the room. This went on for a while. On time i even went behind her and stuck mh hand under her bra and cupped her nice tits. The 5th or 6 th time is when i took it my farthest. While feeling her ass i decided to rub my thumb on her panties over her pussy. I just rubbed it back an ld forth and back and forth, untill i decided to slide the panties over and feel her for real. Than, acting foolish, i stuck my index finger as far into her as she would let me before moanining and turning over. Some nigbts i even put my dick on her feet and gave myself a foot job. It felt so wrong and right at the same time. When she was awake on day i took a risk and put my hand near her ass while she was bending over. I wanted to grab it so badly. I did get caught however, and my relationship with m ly sister will never be the same. Even after i got caught i always umagined fucking her in the most sexual ways, I even jerked off to her voice while she would talk to me on the shower. I know im a monster and i wont deny that. Theres a special place in hell for me
A little iver a year ago is when it happened. Im 17 and my sister is somewhat younger than me. Not by much, maybe a year. Ut started when she fell asleep in the living room. I noticed she was in a pair of white panties an i just couldnt resust. I crawled in the floor next to her and removed the part of the blanket that was over her ass, my god her perfect ass. Shes a heavy sleeper so i didnt need to worry to much. I started groping her ass and felt my dick rise. Then i took it a step further and moved her panties over to revel her plump pussy. I just stared in aw for a moment before realising what i was doing and stopping for the night. The next night i creeped silently 8 to her room and put my hand on her ass just feeling it for a while before leaveing the room. This went on for a while. On time i even went behind her and stuck mh hand under her bra and cupped her nice tits. The 5th or 6 th time is when i took it my farthest. While feeling her ass i decided to rub my thumb on her panties over her pussy. I just rubbed it back an ld forth and back and forth, untill i decided to slide the panties over and feel her for real. Than, acting foolish, i stuck my index finger as far into her as she would let me before moanining and turning over. Some nigbts i even put my dick on her feet and gave myself a foot job. It felt so wrong and right at the same time. When she was awake on day i took a risk and put my hand near her ass while she was bending over. I wanted to grab it so badly. I did get caught however, and my relationship with m ly sister will never be the same. Even after i got caught i always umagined fucking her in the most sexual ways, I even jerked off to her voice while she would talk to me on the shower. I know im a monster and i wont deny that. Theres a special place in hell for me
If you want to be a writer, I would suggest that you take a course in creative writing, along with English composition, grammar, and literature (learn from the masters). Try to find a friend who will be honest with you to read your story before you go public. Don't pick someone who will just kiss your ass to make you go away; you won't learn anything from that. Also, take a hint from a prolific writer in the first century BC, Cicero. He advised that when you write something, put it away for a while before you put it out. You will be surprised at how bad that first draft is which will allow you to fix it. I am embarrassed for you! If you aren't willing to do this, find another hobby, please!
Yes, there are many grammatical errors. But, I can see a good story line developing. Perhaps you could have a friend do some proofreading next time.
I've been guilty of feeling up sleeping females, too.
I've been guilty of feeling up sleeping females, too.