Another slave, and the end is kinda bubbling in the back of my mind
Brian went out for a drive, late that night. He needed to think, and he needed to be alone while he did it. He had the Collar on the passenger seat beside him, so that it couldn't be used without his knowledge again. He had given Lilly and the two girls instructions about it, but he still felt better having it with him, where he could keep an eye on it.
He wasn't really paying attention to where he was going; just sort of driving on autopilot while he pondered what to do about the two girls Lilly had enslaved to him. He found himself in the worst part of town, but on Tuesday night, there really wasn't much foot traffic. There wasn't much of any traffic, really. He hadn't seen any other cars in at least forty minutes, now that he thought about it.
The thing that made him think about it was a young woman stepped into the street, half a block up from where he was, jaywalking. He slowed down, then had to stop as she came right up to his window, which he rolled down for her. She stuck her head in, and he was struck by her piercing green eyes, then he saw how strung out she was. This woman had 90 year old eyes in a face that wasn't much more than twenty. The drugs were taking their toll on her face, because she still had the body of a teenager.
“Where ya headed, mister?” she asked, her voice husky and breathy at the same time. “Wanna go on a date?”
He glanced at the Collar, then back at her. Another chance to see what this thing could do. He could see little risk in using it on her. Well, small risk on his part, anyway. He wanted to know if Lilly was in any danger, and testing conflicting commands wasn't something he was willing to do to Lilly, Amber, or Cindy. This girl was a common street whore, with a life expectancy measured in weeks or months, given her choice of lifestyle. If he broke her, the world wouldn't be missing out on much potential.
“Would a hundred bucks be enough to buy me a date for the rest of the night?” he asked. She got a big smile on her face and opened the door, hopping in after he moved the Collar out of the way. “I was about to go get a motel room, and some company would be just the thing. If we get along good enough, I'd even buy you breakfast in the morning.”
“Um, well, the thing is, I need to work some more tonight, if all I'm gonna make is a hundred bucks.” She looked at him and bit her lip. “I need to make at least three hundred before I can call it quits, or Dwayne will beat the shit out of me. He's like, my boyfriend, ya know? Three hundred is what I gotta give him so I don't get a black eye.”
“How about five hundred for tonight, and another five hundred for tomorrow night, too? I'm gonna be in town for a couple of days, and you're kinda pretty. Plus, you told me the truth, and I like that. Deal?”
“Deal.” She smiled, thinking about how nice Dwayne was gonna be tomorrow when she laid the cash in his hand.
“Great, now take your shirt off, give it to me, and put this on.” Brian handed her the Collar after turning it on, which she set in her lap before stripping off her T-shirt without a problem at all. It was nice and warm in his car with the window back up.
This was a nice car, a Mercedes, and she had no doubts he had the money, because of the way he was dressed and, well, just his attitude. She could smell the money on him, almost. An easy mark. The fact that he had so casually tossed her shirt into the backseat didn't concern her at all. She was used to being topless.
The moment she brought the Collar within range of her head, she was suffused with warm, pleasant feeling, because she was obeying his command to put the Collar on. She buckled it and eagerly awaited his next request.
She was surprised that he hadn't opened his fly, yet. Getting her shirt off was the prelude to a blowjob, in her world. She felt the impulse to reach out to his pants and begin, but he hadn't commanded it yet, and instinctively, she knew she had to await his order.
The Collar was on it's highest setting, right where Lilly has left it. Sitting this close to it, in the car, Brian was getting a little feedback from it, too, and he felt a little of the good feelings it generated by just knowing that he was in control. Control of the car, control of himself, and control of this junkie whore sitting next to him.
That last thought caused a slight jolt of pain, because he believed it to be an unkind thought, and instinctively he knew that she was a fellow human and deserved better. Getting addicted to drugs that killed her was a way out of this shitty life she was in, and he could tell she didn't have many moments of pleasure. He could read it in her very aura. Getting high was her only escape, so he didn't really have he right to judge her so unfairly for it.
He looked at her again, and she looked at him. Again, he was struck by the brilliance of her eyes. She wasn't disposable, not at all. There was a real person inside those eyes. He began to feel a distinct responsibility for her, and knew it was the Collar reinforcing the things he already held to be true. Nobody was worthless.
“It would please me if you didn't do any drugs while you're with me. I'll find a place for you to do them, if you require it, but that will end our friendship, right then and there. All you have to do is ask, and you'll be free.” He kept looking at her, knowing that he was making another slave right now. He was making her dependent on him. Lilly wanted him to be a slave master? Bringing home another slave would show her that he could truly be the husband she had married!
“How long can I stay with you if I don't do any drugs? The way I feel right now, well, I'll never need them again!” She looked at him, hopefully. She would willingly become his slave, his devoted servant, if he could keep her feeling like this!
“Great!” he said, smiling. “But you know this good feeling is going to last longer than you know me, right? I mean, it's something you're going to feel until you do drugs again. You could feel like this the rest of your life, if you don't fuck it up.”
Her face fell. “Oh, that won't be long, then. I've been a fuck-up my whole life.” She looked at him, close to crying. “Everything that's ever happened to me, happened because I deserved it.”
“Do you feel good right now?” he asked her. She looked at him, questioning. “You feel good right now.” he told her, and she smiled.
“Yes, I feel good right now, but I want this feeling to last forever!” she said. “It's better than heroin; it's what I was trying to feel every time I did it. This is better than sex!”
“Imagine how good you'd feel if I gave you sex, then,” he smiled. “I haven't paid you yet, so we don't fuck until you have the cash, right?”
“I could trust you to pay me after,” she said, opening her legs and stroking her pussy through her jeans. She unbuttoned them, but he stopped her before she could unzip.
“Stop.” he said. “Keep your pants on in my car. You can put your shirt back on, too. I've got all of that back at home, more than I can handle, really. I don't need to fuck some junkie whore and bring home some screwed up diseases to my wife.”
“I know what you really want,” she said, reaching over and unbuckling his pants. “Let me give it to you. This one is free.” She bent down into his lap and quickly got his cock out, then wasted no time getting him into her mouth. She was sucking him before he really had a chance to protest, especially as the Collar came closer.
“This is what I really want,” he thought to himself, enjoying the feeling of this beautiful girl deep-throating him about every other time she went down. He really stood no chance against skill such as hers, so she was a little surprised he lasted as long as he did, given the level of ministrations she was using. Usually guys came with two minutes of what she was giving, but he lasted about six or seven.
Just before he came in her mouth, he pulled the car over and parked it along the street. It was a good thing he did, because he blacked out for a long moment. The conflicting emotions he felt were amplified to an extreme by the Collar. He was defiling her by coming in her mouth; he knew how much Lilly hated it, and this girl hadn't been commanded to enjoy the taste.
He was also giving her what she so obviously wanted too, else she would not be doing those things with her tongue, right? He held back as long as he could, but in the end, he succumbed by letting his seed go, letting her taste it it, letting her have all of it. Then he passed out, and let the black have him for as long as it wanted.
He came to when she was shaking him. “Hey, you have to wake up!” she said, and that did the trick. He opened his eyes and saw her wearing the Collar. “Please, mister, you have to tell me what to do!”
“Take that Collar off and give it to me. Don't say another word until it's done.” He knew that proximity to the Collar was affecting him, and he had to stop it. He switched it off the moment it was in his hands.
The words “yes sir” died on her lips as she took it off and gave it to him. She looked at him expectantly, awaiting another command.
“You still feel good, don't you?” It was almost a question, so she nodded eagerly, smiling. He smiled, nodding. “Good, it didn't have anything to do with this, then,” and he slid it under his seat, out of sight, to put it out of her mind. “I'm glad you still feel good, especially after the way you made me feel just now. How long was I out for?”
“I don't know, maybe a minute or so? Long enough to scare me, but you woke right up when I called you,” she said, shrugging. “Are you okay? You really blacked out there.”
“I'm better than okay,” he smiled at her. “Wide awake. I want you to meet the wife, and my two girls. All three of them could use some blowjob lessons from a girl with your skills. And I've got you until day after tomorrow, right?”
“Yes, sir, but nobody has ever taken me to their home to meet their family before, either. How old are your girls?” She looked at him, with hope brimming in her eyes. “I've never really had any family. I was adopted, but not until I was nine...”
“They're both college interns, but I don't know their exact ages.” He smiled at her wryly. “I only met them today, and we didn't get that far into conversation before I started fucking them. About all I really know about them is that one of them was a lesbian until today.”
“What?!” she exclaimed. “Your daughter is a lesbian?”
“No, she's not my daughter; she's my sex slave. My wife brought the two of them home and presented them to me this afternoon. Now I have you, too, and you're going to teach all three of them how to suck my cock properly.”
He said it matter-of-factly, and she just accepted it as a matter of course, because he owned her now, at least for the next two days. It felt good to know that he was going to keep her at least that long.
She knew that Dwayne was going to be a factor, but she didn't have to worry about that right now, especially since it caused a spike of pain in the middle of her head to think about it. Obeying his commands felt much better.
They were driving through one of the nicer neighborhoods in town, and then they pulled into a two car garage. The door closed behind them, and the lights came on. The other car in there was a black BMW 900 series.
“Come on in and meet everyone, especially my wife, Lilly. I can't wait to see he face when she sees you!”
“Are you sure that's a good idea? I'm a whore.” She looked down at her bare chest, then looked into the backseat where he had tossed her shirt. “A half naked whore.”
“What's your name?” He saw her cut her eyes away and knew she was about to lie. “Tell me the name your they called you when you were nine.”
“Mandy, short for Amanda,” she told him, looking him in the eye. “I've been calling myself Candy. That's my whore name.”
“I'm going to give you a new name, Mandy. I'm going to call you Lisa, and you're going to answer to it. That's how I'm going to introduce you to my wife, as Lisa, and you will never tell her your first name, do you understand? Your slave name is Lisa, forever.”
“I'm your slave forever?” she said, her eyes lighting up with hope. “My name is Lisa!”
“Sometimes you're going to be Candy, too,” he told her. “That part of your life isn't completely over. You're still a whore, not part of my family.” He got out of the car and beckoned for her to follow him as he went into the connecting door and entered the empty kitchen. “Don't worry, I'm going to show them that you're better than them at things I value, and how to do them properly. You're going to be their teacher, and above them in status, at least for a time. Be proud of who you are and the things you've done.”
She took his words to heart and cheered up, knowing that she was going to be corrupting some goody little housewife. There was something twistedly fun about breaking beautiful things. That's what was so fucked up about being a junkie.
He found his wife sitting in her chair, with Amber eating out Cindy on the floor in front of her in the living room. She was stroking her pussy until she saw how strung out the little blonde beside her husband was. He brought home a hooker! Brian could do better than this! Lilly started to get angry until she saw the look in Brian's eyes, warning her not to start.
Lilly took in how underfed this girl was, and nothing could hide the fact that intravenous drugs had ravaged her muscles. Tracks dotted the insides of both her elbows, although, to her credit, she had tried to hide that fact, as if she weren't all that proud of them. She wondered where the girl's shirt was.
Brian cleared his throat, gathering everyone's attention before he spoke. Lilly sat up in her chair, expecting to be introduced first, as his wife, and was a little shocked when he gathered everyone with his gaze and smiled proudly at the skank almost cowering behind him. At least she knew her place, but she allowed Brian to move her in front of him as he beamed his proudest smile at them all.
“Lisa, this is my wife, Lilly, sitting in the chair, and these two on the floor are Cindy and Amber, my sex slaves and mothers to my children. Everyone, this is Lisa, my newest slave. She was the first whore that came up to my car, and she's going to teach all three of you how to suck cock properly.
“All four of you are my slaves, and I am your Master. I'll be having other slaves, and I'll be training other Masters, using you slaves to show them what to do and how to properly do it.
“Every time I give an order and you obey it, you will feel pleasure. That's an order. You will enjoy doing what I tell you to do, and the more wrong you feel it is to do what I'm commanding, the more pleasure you will derive from doing it.
“It is my pleasure to give you pleasure, so take pleasure from obeying my orders.”
He went over and took Lilly by the arm, making her stand up.
“Come to bed with me, wife.” He looked at he two girls on the floor.
“Amber, Cindy, there is a guest room upstairs with two beds in it. You may go to bed after Lisa shows you both how to give me a proper blowjob, using stuff from the fridge.
“Lisa, you will sleep on the couch tonight, and tomorrow, after breakfast, I will take you to give Dwayne his money. Then we will come back here.”
Lilly waited until the two of them were alone in their bedroom, then put her hands on her hips and glared at her her husband. She took in his patient smile with her steely stare and the knowing look in his eyes angered her even more.
Brian was relieved to see that look in his wife's eyes. It meant that somewhere, deep inside, she was still her, Lilly, the beautifully independent girl who had the inner strength to bring her dreams into actuality.
He waited for her to speak first, but she didn't. He watched as all her feelings roiled inside her, showing themselves in every line of her face and the flashing of her eyes, but she couldn't say anything. He was her Master, and it wasn't her place to rebuke him.
However, it was his wife he had ordered into his bedroom, and she was furious! How dare he bring a street whore junkie into their home! He had... profaned it! with her very presence!
Lilly was his wife, his willing slave. She had dedicated her life to him with her wedding vows; that's how much being his wife meant to her. Lilly herself had a lot of input in the choosing of these two girls to be the intern volunteers for the project, the two girls she had turned into Brian's slaves in reality, unwilling slaves; that was her gift to him. That was how much she loved him; and this was his choice? It meant that Lilly and the two girls were no better than street whore junkies; is that what he thought of his slaves? Is that what he thinks of his wife?
Brian watched his wife not saying anything to him for a long moment, then decided that maybe her not speaking to him was a good thing. He was tired and he wanted some quiet so he could sleep. He'd come more times that day than he had since he was a teenager, and he definitely wasn't a teenager anymore. He silently got undressed and got into bed.
He awoke the next morning to find that Lilly was sucking his cock. She wasn't doing it with anything close to the fervor and passion Lisa had shown last night, so he ordered her to stop.
She came up and looked at him, disappointed. “I wanted to taste your come more than I wanted to be mad at you.”
“Well, you weren't sucking my cock good enough to earn my come, slave.” He still hadn't gone past the fact that she went to sleep still angry last night. He wanted to resolve that before
She looked hurt. “Am I your wife or your slave?” she asked. “I thought you wanted me to be your wife when we were alone like this.”
“I'm your husband... and I need to be your Master,” he said. “When I put the Collar on Mandy last night... I got some feedback, or something. I could feel it changing me, making me... more of who I already was. Reinforcing the things that defined me as me. I'm stronger today than I was yesterday, and our marriage has reached a milepost. Things will no longer be the same between us as they have been; both of us have changed as people. We are no longer the kids who said those vows to each other in front of their parents, are we?”
“What does that mean? What... what do I say to them when we go downstairs?” She was totally lost, confused and looking to him for definition. She was ready to grasp any straw he threw her, he saw.
There was some sort of price to be paid from wearing the Collar, and he wondered if he'd suffered any damage from last night's exposure. He hoped not, but that was all he could do. All he had were subjective judgments and his own (possibly flawed) recollections.
“I'm your husband. I'm your Master, too. I'm the Master of all those girls downstairs. Your place is up here with me, and it's downstairs, on your knees with them, too.”
“You don't want me to kneel, up here, when I'm with you?” she asked, looking a little hurt.
“You can kneel for me when you've learned to to please me properly,” he said roughly. “You made slaves out of other women who suck my cock better than you do. This is your punishment; you don't get to taste my come again. They do.”
“But...” she was still looking bewildered and confused. She was fighting the Collar; trying to keep her identity. She had put the Collar on and vowed to be his sex slave in order to demonstrate for Amber and Cindy, but she hadn't promised HIM while wearing it. She needed to resolve this in her own mind in order to have any peace.
“Let me make this simple for you, Lilly. When your standing or sitting, or laying down, you're my wife. You're Lilly, with Lilly's thoughts, and job, and life. When you're on your knees, you are a slave. MY slave. When you are on your knees, you are no different than any of my other slaves; you exist solely to pleasure me.
Does that help you understand? Can you go to work today and do your job, without letting them know that the Collar has been built and used?”
“Yes, that helps immensely!” she gushed, looking relieved, then her face screwed up and she began to cry. “I'm sorry I couldn't suck it good enough. What I was doing was always good enough before. If you want me to learn how to do it better, I will. I love you, Brian. I'll do anything so that you love me back. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I'm not good enough!”
She watched his get dressed as she knelt on the floor, sobbing quietly. She could tell from his expression he was weighing his words before he spoke, choosing them carefully.
“Lilly, you're a great wife; the best I could ever hope for. It's slut training you require, but I have full faith that you can learn how to please me in those, areas, as well.” He paused at the door, looking over his shoulder at her. “I know you know to do it already; it's just that you never really yourself go like that. I know you know how to be a bigger slut than any whore I can bring home.”
Love the premise of this series. I have been hoping you would continue with it for some time. I hope you continue with him wrestling with the ethinics of the device. I liked what you did the the drunk in chapter 2, and the two college interns in chapter 3. I also enjoy what you did in this chapter with the drugged out prostitute here, but you now need to deal with her 'boyfriend'/pump. His wife programing needs to be fixed is she his going to be his loving wife slave or will he now become a harden master because of been to close the collar and she just become his head slave that he is married to? Or will Lily somehow arrange to have James reprogrammed to be return to her loving master husband that he was? There is so many way this can go, I can not wait to find out, please continue this series.