i am an 18 year old boy telling you a story that happened to me...
i was about 13 years old. i went to jr.high like everyone else but things for me were a bit different. I had a10'inch Cock and when i was little, i was always embarest about it because when i was young(About 6 years old, it was like 7'inches at the time) i would always get an erection and all the kids would make jokes about it. this is a true story.
My dad passed away when i was 5 so it was just me and my mom. My mom, considered to other guys, was extremly hot. She was about 5'10 and weighed 130 pounds. she had Blonde hair and Blue eyes and had C-cup breasts. i even admited she was hot but of course i wasent into my own mom. she once worked as a striper but went back to college and is an acountent now. Most of the time She was always off to work, or decides to just leave for a vacation. my mom always left me at my aunts house. my Aunt...now that is were the story starts. She was a very atractive woman. She was about 32 but looked to be in here early 20's. I always had thoughts about her. She was very hot. She kindof looked like my mom,but had black hair and blue eyes, but she had D-cup breasts, was 5'9, and weighed 125 pounds. You could say she was a model. She would always dress sexy which made me think about her more...She was very fit and had a six pack, but consider her weight, she wasent one of those Buff chicks, she had a reguler womans body,she was fit...very sexy. she had a nice round ass, i was an ass man. She had the body of a Godess...my friends, for a good reason, told me she looked like Chun Li with her Fit and sexy legs, and her short,black hair and even looked like her, and she actualy did dress as Chun li once in a halloween party. My Aunt's name was Sammy
one day i stayed over at her place. She was done working out and said to me, "want a Drink?" i was sweaty and it was hot today, but i said "its okay. Could i go to the hot tub?"
the hot tub was a giant spring my Aunt had in her backyard. it was warm but soothing. we decided on calling it the hot tub for some reason. "Sure" she answered "But im going to join you soon,ok?" i agreed and was off. I wore my Trunks and went to the hot tub. it felt soo good,i thought about my aunt and instantly had a 10'inch hard on, and i closed my eyes and tought about my aunt....
it was about 5 minutes again when i opened my eyes again. I slowly looked up and i saw...my AUNT! i was shocked because she was just standing there looking at my cock for who knows how long. I was extremly embaresed,but,Extremly surprised,she smiled and said, "My,what a little man you've become! Can I touch...?" That cought me with such shock, i noded without knowing it. she went into the hot tub and started Playing with my Cock and it felt soo good. I remembered all the things i thought about her...god, it was coming true! She was Jacking me off for what felt like a minute when she said,"Lets get Cozy inside, and lets have some fun!" i agreed and we went back into the house.
She had a Queen sized bed. i sat down and imediatly she started sucking me off. It was the greatest felling in the world...i just closed my eyes and enjoyed it. but when i opened them again i realized the bikini she was wering, it was silk black, it looked more like a skirt though. after 5 minutes i finaly came in her mouth. imediatly she gave me a deep kiss. i tasted my seamen but didnt care. after a while she said "alright, im going to take of my Bikini Bottem, but your in for a surprise, ill understand if you would want to stop." she turned around and took her bikini top and botom off. Slowly, she turned around and said,"Now, its your turn to suck your Aunti off..." i was face-to-face with an 8'inch COCK! but somhow my lust for her increased and she sat down to the bed, i just stared at it, I wanted to suck it realy bad. Slowly, i put the head,then her whole cock in my mouth. It was strange, if you asked me 15 minutes ago if i would suck a cock it would be a defenety no, but here i am, Giving my aunt a blow job! and again i had a hard on. she then said to me slowly to get up and lye onto the bed with my ass facing her, and i obayed. She started licking my asshole, while Playing with my balls. It felt increadable. i was moaning while she was having her way with me. Then she said, "now open your ass wide, in going to take a run inside!" i opened my asshole and was ready for what was to come and i said,"Aunt, please fuck me!" She just smiled I felt her cock head press up against my asshole. Then slowly she started pushing the head of her cock into my ass. it hurt like hell but didnt care, she let me get used to the feeling and slowly started pushing in-and-out. it felt increadible, it felt so good, i never wanted it to stop, she started talking Dirty to me while doing it. I was in Heaven. She started saying "OH YES! Your ass is so tight and hot! IM GONNA FUCK YOUR BRAINS OUT!" and " does it feal so good that you cant speak!?" After like 20 minetes She finaly said "OH..OH....OH, IM CUUUUUUUUMMMMING! i felt her cum in my asshole and i came ass well. She finaly Pulled it out and said "you litte slut,You LOVED IT!! "we both kissed Deeply and slept in bed.
and that the end, if you all want, ill write down other times me and my aunt slept togeter, once we were role playing. The End
You REALLY need to learn how to spell. It might be a good idea to buy a dictionary. As for the story itself, the idea of having a 10" cock at 13 is highly unlikely. Since, as you grow, your whole body grows your cock would be very disproportionate to your body by the time you reach adolescence. Having an aunt that blows you my not be such a stretch but you would have DEFINITELY noticed something peculiar when she entered the hot tub with you. An 8" cock would not be so easy to hide under a bathing suit.
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