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More past worries
0001 - Tempro
0003 - Conner
0097 - Ace - Zimmel
0098 - Lucy
0101 - Shelby (mother ship) - Derrick
0125 - Lars
0200 - Ellen
0301 - Rodrick
0403 - Johnathon
0667 - Marco - Brown
0778 - Jan
0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human)
0908 - Tara - Mara
0999 - Zan
1000 - Sherry - Lucie (for the moment)

Derrick looked up a moment as Tara watched him. If she didn't know better the man was an Elite Imperial Guardian Prime. That was impossible! She knew all of the primes that were left with the ships they were on.
"I don't know just who you are but it appears that you are also EIG personnel. Though for the life of me I don't know just who you are." A perplexed Tara told Derrick.
Again sighing Derrick looked up again then nodded. "In a way I am a prime, though at the moment I do not exist. I.."
"My god! You are on the time EIG some time in the future! That ship was destroyed hundreds of years ago. Wait! If you are telling me this then I cannot go home. So you intend to kill me. Why then tell me what you have?" A now defiant and proud Tara asked of Derrick.
"Really! Do I look as if I wish to kill you? As I was about to explain I can't actually tell you who I am or where I am. I am here to give you another chance to live. I am not so cruel as to just erase you completely from time. Though I am afraid that is almost what I will have to do." Derrick said as he tried to explain.
Tara's eyes narrowed as she looked closer at Derrick. "Your manner of speech, the way you carry yourself. If I didn't know better than I'd say you are an emperor."
Derrick could only look at the woman before him; damn she was almost as perceptive as he was. No wonder Callie and her father were like they were. Again Derrick looked up then nodded, "I was advised that I cannot tell you much. I am a fair man, I thought I'd get any input into the new person you will be."
Tara's eyes got large then she bowed to Derrick. "I am honored that you as an emperor are giving me this privilege. I take it you are here because of children in the future that are linked to me and my line?" When Derrick nodded Tara smiled, "it is good to know that I wasn't as useless as I thought I was."
For the next few hours Derrick and Tara discussed what and who she might be when she was released back into life.
"Sire?" Tempro stated after they were done. "I really must protest you going yourself to do this. I cannot maintain as good a lock on your bio signature as I did before. You are closer to being in sync with those here than you were in Emperor Gregor's time."
"I know Tempro but if we let her wander then she could be killed or taken. There is a heavy slave trade at this time." Derrick advised Tempro.
"Yes Sire, that also goes for you too. I have read they were usually in groups. From what I have read they were rather large groups." Tempro advised Derrick.
"Yes I know Tempro, I will use precautions. We have to go as soon as we are finished with her reset." Derrick replied.
Derrick, Shelby, and Tempro were monitoring Tara the whole time that she was out. As of yet none of them had detected anything wrong. They were almost done with the process when several alarms went off. As the machinery started to shut off Tempro threw a worried look at Derrick.
"It appears that the last little bit of her old self is resisting far harder than we thought it would." Tempro reported with a worried look.
"Yes, I was afraid that something like this might happen. We are going to have to incorporate it into her new memories." Holding up his hand Derrick nodded. "I know this is unknown to you Tempro." Walking to a console Derrick started to type at an almost blurring speed. Tempro watched for a moment then his eyes flew wide as the new information inundated his circuits.
Finally nodding Tempro spoke. "I will do all I can Sire, it will not be easy though I think not impossible."

Kimison and Rayburn were going through everything that they had worked on. They were still at a loss as to what they could do to help the commander. Kimison sighed then suddenly grabbed Rayburn as he pointed at a list of things from the past. Even as they were watching they saw that the history was changing, what the hell?
"Empress?" Kimison called when he saw that it was happening again. "Could you look at this please?" He shouted.
Shaking her head she was almost glad of the diversion. Drawing close she saw that something was obviously spooking both of the men as they wore shocked looks on their faces. "What seems to be the problem," she asked as she looked over their shoulders.
"I was doing a scan of history trying to see if there was anything I could do to help the commander. I noticed that history was different than what I remembered it being. Then as I watched it started to slowly change back to what it should be. I am at a loss as to why though." Kimison explained to Shelby.
Shelby's eyes went wide then she thought a moment. "Celeste, when Tempro entered the time rift was there any side effects?"
A tall fiery red head appeared, "I have been going over when Tempro entered the rift Empress. It appears when he activated his portal he also released energy that covered all the ships. It also appears he affected all the ships that were in orbit of the imperial planet."
"What were the effects of this energy?" Shelby asked of Celeste.
"It appears that the energy allows us to exist outside of normal time though I am unsure of how long. As of this moment I am not reading any decrease in the magnitude of it." Celeste told Shelby.
"There gentlemen I think that explains why you are able to see what you have. If you see anything else please advise me. Now then from what you have seen can you tell where they are?" Shelby asked.
"At first we thought it was all the way back to Emperor Gregor's time. Then we started to get hits from five hundred years ago. It appears he's half way back." Kimison told her.
"Five hundred years," Shelby shook her head. "It might as well be a thousand." She whispered.
Suddenly a signal was received. "Empress I am receiving a call from Lucie Hartwell."
"Put it through." Shelby advised.
"This is Lucie Hartwell. Requesting permission to return. May I?" Lucie's voice stated causing Shelby to chuckle a moment.
"Yes you may Lucie. I forget that you aren't military. It's fine dear return with the two." Shelby replied.
"Oh thank you ma’am! It's so empty out here, alright Sherry!" There was a windup then a moment later they were appearing not far from the others.
Onboard, Lucie was doing a double take. Where was the emperor's ship there were only ten here there should be eleven! "Are my eyes playing tricks on me?" Lucie asked.
"Is there a problem prime Hartwell?" Sherry asked.
"Prime? I can't be a prime Sherry I haven't been assigned to one of you." Lucie told Sherry astonished.
"I'm sorry pr... Miss Hartwell. We worked so well together, I had started to think of you as a prime I apologize." Then in an almost whispered voice Sherry continued on, "I will miss you ma’am."
Lucie's head snapped around as she stared at the now tear laden hologram. "I will miss you also Sherry."
Sherry's head nodded then her eyes opened wide, "I see of what you were talking of! Mother! Shelby is not here!"
"WHAT!" Lucie said as she started Sherry scanning the area. "You're right there's no sign of her!"
"It's alright Lucie, we know where they are at the moment. Though it might be a bit before they are back." Came the voice of the Empress behind them.
"They?" Asked Lucie.
"Yes," Shelby said her voice breaking. "The emperor was onboard when she vanished. Plus it appears that the emperor put orders into Tempro after he was built. Tempro is also back there."                            
Shelby was about to disconnect when Kimison and Rayburn started to shout that they found a way to help.                         

Derrick unlocked the door drawing a weapon before he moved within. Damn it this was a really bad area that Callie's ancestors were moving into. No wonder they were all so damn tough! Tempro had been running scenarios for the last few hours still he had no real answer for Derrick. It appeared that this place was not in Tempro's records.
"I am sorry Sire it appears that this one time that I am really unable to help." Tempro told Derrick before he'd left.
So Derrick thought, I am just here to make sure I could actually get her in here safe before the others arrived discovering her. Sighing Derrick shook his head, how in the hell was he going to do this without killing a few people?
As he was moving forward Derrick recalled that Daniel used to regale him with stories of his ancestors. Shocked a moment there was something that Daniel had said that was at the edge of his mind. Damn it! The harder he thought about it the harder it was to remember anything the man had told him.
Damn it! Derrick could only shake his head all this smartness and he couldn't recall a conversation from a few years ago!
Tempro was keeping a tight watch on Derrick as he could. Shelby was also though for some reason she was having a far better time of it than her brother. Tempro was trying to recalibrate when he detected a small fissure like rift open not far from where he was. Checking again he blinked again rereading what he saw. 
"Sister, are you able to keep a lock of the emperor? I am detecting a time anomaly. Apparently someone else is traveling through time." Tempro advised Shelby.
"Please keep a scanner on it I am having no trouble following Derrick brother. As Derrick said he will have to set rules about time travel when we are back. From what both of you have stated it is extremely dangerous. Especially if they are not as well equipped as you are." Shelby replied.
"I have to completely agree with him, wait something is emerging it appears..." Tempro was quiet for more than a few minutes leading Shelby to think Tempro might be damaged.
"Brother Tempro, are you damaged? I am reading all your systems are functioning at optimum levels. Do you require assistance?" Shelby asked starting to become worried.
A moment later Tempro shook his head then his eyes flew wide. "I am functional. That was a data stream from our time! Somehow Corporal Kimison and Sergeant Rayburn were able to open a small rift. It appears that bathing them all with Anti-Chronoton energy had the desired effect. I am integrating the data no... Oh my! We have to call the emperor right now there isn't much time!" Shelby nodded as she thought of Derrick.
Sighing Derrick could hear several voices further within the structure. How in the hell was he supposed to clear the place so they could safely deposit Tara Devonnie now as a new person as Ara Tade?
[Derrick?] Came Shelby's thoughts.

[I'm a little busy trying to not get killed Shelby. I hope this is important.] Derrick thought back to her.
[Tempro can't connect with you. Apparently Corporal Kimison and Sergeant Rayburn found the missing information that you need. Tempro says that a report from records of Tierra Oculta stated that all but one slaver in the building was found dead. The report was from an hour from now. Tempro says that the one left sounded crazy according to the report. Please...] Suddenly Shelby was silenced as Derrick heard a piece of equipment being switched on.
Shit Derrick thought if they get behind me I am dead. Closing his eyes Derrick recalled the layout of the building. Moving closer to the rear entrance Derrick began to block it with everything he could get his hands on. He'd just finished when he almost felt the eyes that were on him. Nodding Derrick whirled and dived for the floor firing at the same time.
The man across the room had fired as soon as he saw Derrick move. His shot a little high still caught Derrick across his upper arm. Cursing Derrick grimaced when his energy shot caused the man to scream at the top of his voice. Cursing more Derrick hit the badge button waiting for the shield to form. When it did though, it was at only half power, Derrick knew he had to destroy the machine.
Derrick made his way through the house trying to get as close as he could. Almost to the last room Derrick had managed to take out a total of ten. Shaking his head he knew there was more than twice that left. Checking his gun he nodded good it was still at eighty percent.
Rolling across the opening Derrick fired at the machine as he was going past. Stopping on the other side his eyes had gone wide. They were using a static energy grid! No wonder Shelby couldn't contact him, the static energy was interfering with a hell of a lot of things. It had been abandoned as he remembered because it caused insanity in too many that used it.
"Hey ass!" Derrick heard from within the room. "Know you got a few but I highly doubt you can get all of us! Stick your head out we'll make it quick. Hole in the head no problem! We are going to kill you depend on it. So just..." The voice stopped as Derrick had touched off a shot hitting the man in the throat. There was a bunch of shouting as the wall near the door opening was suddenly riddled with holes.
"Hey! Nice shot! Thanks he was an ass anyway. Come on out we'll let you join. Come on..." This time Derrick again rolled across the opening taking out the second speaker, finally hitting the static shield machine.
There was more yelling as a small line of smoke began to drift out of the room. Derrick felt the shield badge hum more as he looked and saw that it was now at three quarters strength. Shaking his head he wasn't sure if that was enough to protect him in a direct assault. It was bad enough he though as he looked at the blood that was slowly oozing down his arm. Crap Shelby was going to have a fit! Then he grimaced more Mary would be far worse!
Taking a deep breath Derrick stood walking into the room aiming at the machine. Several shots hit his shield making it almost all the way through before dropping. Blowing a few holes in it caused it to smoke more as Derrick noticed that his shield was at ninety percent.
Turning toward the slavers Derrick growled as almost all of them had a look of shock on their faces. The few that didn't were still firing at Derrick as fast as they could. "It's just another static shield,” a man said, as he egged the others on.
Derrick just shook his head as he lifted his energy pistol shooting everyone that was firing at least twice. Looking around at the carnage and bodies Derrick saw that there were only a few left. "Quick or slow your choice!" Derrick growled, "I have no pity for flesh peddlers!" 
Three of the four got up to run as Derrick shot all three. Turning back to the last Derrick sided up to the younger man. Aiming the barrel at the head of the last left Derrick was about to pull the trigger when the young man dropped his weapon and ripped his shirt open. "Go ahead! I know you want to!" The man yelled.
Derrick smiled as he tightened his finger on the trigger. Then reached out cuffing the man in the head knocking him out. Turning back Derrick shot more holes in the static machine 'til in grew silent. Good riddance Derrick thought.
[DERRICK!] Came Shelby's thoughts. [You are injured I will IMT you..]
[NO!] Derrick replied. [We have to finish this IMT her to the room beside this one. how long before the Titals arrive?] Derrick asked.
[They have already arrived on planet. They are moving toward where you are at this moment. We haven't much time Derrick.] Shelby reminded him
Derrick got Tara now Ara situated as he awaited the arrival of the Titals. Looking at the brave woman in front of him he wished he could have done more though that would have been disastrous. A few moments later Derrick nodded as he heard them as they started to come in. Flashing out Derrick looked at the information that Tempro provided.
"Alright it appears we are finished here." Derrick stated.
"Yes Sire, I am setting a course for our time once again. If anything is required to repair time I will be pulled out again." Tempro informed Derrick. Derrick sighed maybe they could get home this time.
A red wave of energy started to admit from the front of Tempro then they were moving into it. It seemed they were only in the portal a few minutes when Derrick heard Tempro's engines suddenly shut down.
Tempro appeared beside Derrick as he was laying in the bio-bed, damn he hated the thing! Sighing Tempro gave his report. "I am afraid that the auto shut down was activated again."
"Damn it! What's our position now?" Derrick asked upset they weren't home.
According to my readings we are two hundred ninety nine years, eleven months, three weeks four days further.  The last three days of the empire sire." Tempro sadly stated.
Derrick nodded as both Shelby and Tempro had sad faces. "When are we supposed to carry out this mission?" Derrick asked.
"According to records she and her son will attempt to flee in three days. They weren't in the palace when most of the family was assassinated. From all I can see there is only one chance to secure them." Sighing Tempro already knew that the emperor was going to once again put his life in danger.
"My time 'til I am released from the bio-bed?" Derrick asked.
Sighing again Tempro informed him, "another two days sire. I already know that you will place yourself in danger for this mission Sire. Might I suggest that you turn the shield emitter on before you go?"
"Yes please Derrick. It would be the end of both of us if something happened to you. Especially if we had a chance to somehow change the outcome!" Shelby said finally voicing her concern.
Derrick smiled realizing that both Shelby and Tempro were worried about him. "I do realize this, both of you. As I remember Tempro if I have the emitter on then you can't IMT me anywhere."
Tempro sighed he'd forgotten that the emperor's mind was far better than a normal human's. "Yes Sire I know."
"Let's get through this so I can check the equipment before I go ok?" Derrick said with a groan god he hated this thing, this was his what; third, or fourth time?
It was a full two days later when Derrick was released. Pouring over every piece of information Tempro had Derrick started to see a pattern. He also began to see the only place he'd be able to rescue the queen and her son. The thing was it was going to take a hell of a lot of great timing.
Finally finished Derrick decided it was time that he got a look at Tempro's systems. As he had said he was having problems detecting Derrick. It wouldn't do for Shelby to not have the power to get him and find out Tempro couldn't either. Spending almost the whole day trying to isolate the problem.
"Tempro are you experiencing slight glitches within your memory? Also along your power matrix concerning detection of living entities?" Derrick asked him after several hours of work.
Tempro appeared beside Derrick with huge eyes. "Yes Sire that seems to be the biggest part of it! Though Sire I have to ask how did you know?"
Derrick's face fell a moment as he thought his answer over. The truth had always done him well he thought. "I am afraid it is a result of something I did to you while your personality was being loaded. I had to make sure that you couldn't detect me, I am sorry that I haven't removed it yet." Derrick pulled a crystal from his pocket. "I learned that they were experimenting with these data crystals. It holds far more information though I found it is time consuming to load. This will affect a start of correcting your systems," Derrick said as he fitted the crystal into a slot.
Tempro's face was in shock as the program started. "I see what you did Sire. It was an extremely good idea."
"I'm afraid it will take some time for it to move through all your systems. Though I am certain you are noticing an effect already." Derrick advised Tempro.
"Yes Sire. I am already starting to be able to detect you. Though I am afraid that I cannot link the IMT as of yet." Tempro replied. Shelby appeared giving Tempro a hug.
"I am glad that you are going to be better brother." Shelby told Tempro. "He will need both of us if he is to accomplish this. Derrick, please be more careful! The last time was far too close."
Several hours later Derrick was on the now war torn Imperial planet. Shaking his head he remembered the beauty that the place had been in Gregor's time. Derrick had been there almost an hour the sounds of explosions, screams and weapons fire drawing ever closer. Then Derrick thought he heard someone running in his direction.
Hiding in the trees beside the path Derrick waited hoping he had calculated correctly for all this. A moment later a woman and a small child broke into the clearing in front of Derrick. Pressing the badge on his left he stepped out.
The woman drew up short then sighed, "thank goodness I thought all of you elite guard were dead. Please help us to hide I am afraid that there is a mob behind us." Derrick nodded as he could hear more than just a few angry shouts not far from where they were.
Grabbing the woman Derrick pulled her into the tree line. Holding a hand over her mouth they both watched as it seemed hundreds stormed past a moment later. "I have to get you to safety." Derrick spoke for the first time in a whisper.
The woman nodded as she tried to adjust her clothes. "Really sir you didn't have to throw me..."
"Look Queen you want to live? You shut up and let me do my job!" Derrick told her afraid that someone might have heard her. Sure enough a moment later a dirty looking man eased back into the clearing.
Cursing to himself he listened to Tempro a moment.  Nodding as he leapt out catching the man from behind snapping his neck. He heard the woman gasp as he lowered the body to the ground. "Alright, now, maximum security little interaction."
There was another gasp then the woman and the child winked out. Nodding Derrick waited a little worried as he heard several people moving back his way. [What do you mean it's down? I thought when you took her it was up!] Derrick thought. Great he thought thousands looking to kill all royalty and here he was dressed as a royal elite guard! 


2017-08-12 11:40:19
Excellent Work, Good Sir! Excellent Work!

I hope your constitution improves by vast measures in the near future!
*Touches helmet brim*



2017-08-10 11:52:50
Hey, pars! not feeling too good, huh? I know the feeling. Plenty of prunes, apples and blueberries, washed down with orange juice and mineral water, that's what you need. And don't neglect the onions, garlic and tomatoes. Take care buddy!

Clover ErnestReport 

2017-08-10 05:35:38
I now see why Shelby had said, "He might as well be a thousand years back." When rod that Derrick was 500 years in the past. In the last 500 years of the timeline is where all the problems started piling up.

Again, great installment, and a lovely change of setting.
Hope you get to feeling better soon, Pars

Blessed be,

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