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For wicked, short stories lovers
One big wicked family

Chapter 1

Fira was lying down in her bedroom. It was the middle of the night. Small, single uncomfortable bed. A bed where You can't invite anyone else, because there is not enough room. It's good that she`s slim, or better to say, in a good shape, not like her friend, Cloe. There is no way her friend would fit there. Cloe would definitely need double, or maybe even king size bed, to fit her big fat ass.
Fira remembered her fat friend and smiled a bit. She was reading some stuff on the internet. Some really wicked stuff. About things what she likes. How women dominate other women. Lesbians and stuff. People were posting their stories. Some were true, some, just a fantasies. You would never know.
Fira has a lot of fantasies. She always wanted to be Dominant and have her own slaves.
She felt horny tonight. Pussy was wet from all the stories she read that evening. And memories... memories...
It happened on the last semester. Her classmate, Tanya, was submissive little girl and sure enough, Fira, with the help of her big friend Cloe, who was always looking for ways to bullying other people, they fed Tanya shit. It was something Fira loved to do... dominate other human beings. It was so sweet. Tanya was crying, multiple times saying no. Cloe held Tanya's hands tight from behind.
It was happening just outside the school. In the park. Many people were passing by, which made the situation only more interesting.
“Open your mouth cunt. Open your dirty mouth and eat that fucking shit”, commanded Fira.
“Yeah! You heard what Fira said. Open your mouth bitch”, screamed Cloe, she was holding Tanya tight form behind and with all her strength squeezed Tanya as a balloon.
Tanya just screamed:
“Uff...”, and that`s all.
Fira quickly forced shit straight in to her open mouth. Tanya, tried to spit it out, but Fira held Tanya's mouth with her dirty palm tight.
“Don't even think about spitting it. Don't you even think about that girl. Swallow it. Swallow!”, commanded Fira.
“You heard what Fira told you, do you? Swallow it bitch! Common. Swallow it!”, repeated her friend commands Cloe.
And it happened. Fira was holding her dirty, all shitty palm on Tanya’s mouth so tight, Tanya couldn't breathe. And by fighting for her life, she swallowed that smelly peace of shit.
Fira face shined from delight and poor lust. She did it. She fucking did it. She felt horny as hell, but it was something more. She was like in heaven or better to say down in the hell, and fuck, she loved that.
“Oh fuck Cloe... Oh fuck. She did it. She fucking did it. She swallowed it!”, said Fira, she couldn`t believe her own words.
“Tanya is a good girl. But don't you think vomiting it out. Don't even think about it!”, said Cloe in a bully tone voice and let go of Tanya.
Tanya fell down on the ground. She was looking totally sick, face was completely white and looked like trying to vomit what Fira forced her to eat.
“No no no. Don't even think about that. Stand up! Just like that. Now you`re going home. Your stomach will have to digest it. All what you ate today. You don't want us to be disappointed, do you? Come on girl. Be a good shit eater. Go home, and don't even think about vomiting out that piece of shit I fed you. You are a shit eater. Remember that. From now on, you will eat shit, wherever I tell you. Do you get it? Did massage got to your cunt head?!”, said Fira in a strong dominating voice.
Tanya said nothing. She was looking completely crushed. Tears were running from her eyes.
“I feel sick. Pain in my stomach”, after some time said Tanya showing in bottom of her stomach.
“No. It's not pain. You just feel horny bitch. You liked it. Tell us. Did you like it?”, said Fira and laughed.
“I hate it. I hate you. I feel sick. I need to visit a doctor.”
“You ain't gonna see any doctor. You ain't gonna take any medicine. You just gonna digest it. Do you understand bitch?”, said Fira.
After Firas words, Tanya almost blew up. In the last second catching her self up with both palms of her hands.
“What did I just tell you. You blow up, and I feed you more of this stuff. Don't even try it. Look at me. Look. Look me in the eyes. Don't even try to vomit it out. Read my lips bitch. You are shit eating cunt. You will do as I say and whatever I say, do you understand?!”, Fira said in dominating matter.
To all surprise Tanya just answered:
“Yes. Can I go now? I really have to go now. I feel terrible.”
“You forgot to say mistress Fira, you forgot to say, "PLLEEAAASEEE”, told her Fira.
“Please mistress Fira, I need to go now. Please, please please...”, cried Tanya.
“OK. And now fuck off from my sight. Jesus you smell bad. Get out of here. And don't forget, you have to digest it. This piece of shit you ate, have to become a part of you now”, said Fira.
“Oh fuck”, quietly said Fira coming back from her memories to her bedroom. She was soaked down there. Her night clothes, white pyjamas were totally wet. She checked on her sister which was also in the same bedroom. As always, late at night she was asleep, holding her elephant toy which was given by her grandfather.
Fira carefully put her laptop on top of the small drawer beside the bed, she got free from bed covers and spread her legs. She needed some release. Needed now more than ever.
With one of her hand she gone under her pyjamas in the private space. There no one has ever been yet. Yes, she was still a virgin.
“Fuck”, she said feeling uncomfortable with wet panties.
She checked once again on her sister. Aline face was to her side. Eyes closed. Face is peaceful. Fira was sure, Aline is asleep.
“Fuck it”, said Fira and got rid of pyjamas pants and panties.
Now she was lying exposing her cunt. Someone could walk in, but it was small chance for this to happening. Mother doesn`t do that at night and her brother, he probably busy with his computer as always. He probably plays his stupid games. Father? The least Fira was worried now about her sweetheart father. She carefully took back laptop on her knees. Once again checked on her sister. Everything was OK. Fira found on laptop another story. This one was special. About two sisters. One dominated other one. Story started with one sister not letting other to wear any panties. Latter she put on her some chastity device with lock on it. Interesting thing, enslaved sister could not piss or shit with that device and only could do toilet things when sister dominator took that device off. Both sisters were going to school. To same school. WOW!!!
Fira let loud moans as she reached the highest point. Her orgasm. She tried to be silent, but it was no longer possible when she arrived at the last station of lust.
For a few seconds she laid quietly. After she turned to check back on her sister. She froze. Her sister was now facing to the other side.
“Did I waked her up?” Thought to herself Fira.
She switched off laptop. Put it on the side and checked her pyjama pants which were lying beside the bed on the ground. Still soaked.
“Fuck it”, said to herself Fira. If pyjamas wet, she will sleep naked. She checked on her watch. It was a bit past midnight. Time to sleep. Today she is going back to school after summer holidays, same as her brother and sister. Today she`s gonna see her best friend Cloe. And today... today she will see her favorite shit eater, Tanya. With these thoughts Fira fell down to sleep.

If You want more of this, please leave your comment and pres like. I be happy to write chapter 2.


2017-11-08 03:17:32
Separate the paragraphs love the story

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