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Father and son bonding with the magic computer program.
“UI, can you hear me?” Dylan asked in panic.
“Yes Dylan,” replied the girl on the screen.
“It responded to you?” Asked Dylan’s father Gareth. “Dylan, what is this?”
“UI, make my dad sleep!”
“At once, Dylan.”

Instantly, Gareth Davies fell into a deep sleep, and Dylan went to retrieve his laptop from him. He sat down at the dining room table with it.
“Oh this is bad, this is very bad,” Dylan said.
“Why?” The UI asked, sitting cross-legged, giving Dylan a good view of her pussy.
“What do you think!? My dad knows about you!”
“He knows I exist, but he doesn’t know what I am. You could just not tell him. Or you could erase his memory of me.”
“I don’t really wanna mess with my dad though.”
“You’ve already given him an orgasm with my power. And altered his mind to approve of some of your actions.”
“I guess…is a computer program seriously judging me?”
“I am programmed to appear in the form you find the most appealing. You desired a girl who is mildly assertive.”
“I guess…”

“What do you think I should do then?”
“Whatever you desire. I am Master PC. I am here to obey you.”
“Alright, well…I’m going to tell dad about you then.”
“If that is what you wish.”
“Alright, wake him up.”

Gareth awoke, confused why he’d apparently fallen asleep on the sofa.

“What? Where…Dylan? Why am I here?” He asked, before looking over at his laptop, where the naked UI was smiling back at him. “What? Dylan, what is that thing? It looks like porn, but it’s a computer program. What is it, some kind of game?”
“No dad, it’s…it’s magic.”
“This is a magic computer program. It lets me control people.”
“So, what? It’s a game where with naked girls in it?”
“No dad. It’s real life. UI….make dad orgasm.”
“As you wish, Dylan.”

Gareth immediately cried out in pleasure, and Dylan saw a bulge appear in his trousers as his cock shot to full mast, and began to shoot out cum.
“UH! Oh God! What’s happening to me!? I can’t stop!” Gareth moaned, a very visible wet patch forming.
“Make it stop, UI,” Dylan ordered, and Gareth relaxed as his cock began to calm down.
“WHAT THE FUCK!?” Gareth exclaimed.
“I told you, it’s magic. I can do whatever I want to whoever I want.”
“So it was you! Last week when I randomly came at work!”

“Wait wait wait, let me get this straight. That computer program can make people have orgasms?”
“It can do anything to them. I can control people’s minds and their bodies in any way I want.”
“So how many girls have you shagged with it?”
“Dad…” Dylan said, suddenly embarrassed.
“Oh don’t look like that. You expect me to believe my teenage son gained complete control over people and didn’t use it to get laid?”
“Well…I did it with some girls at school…and Becky and Olivia.”

“That’s my boy,” Gareth said, giving his son a proud pat on the shoulder. “So….how’s about helping your dad out?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I’ve not really gotten any since your mum died…”
“Dad…I really didn’t need to know that…”
“Oh what? You’re fine zapping your dad with orgasms but you get embarrassed when he mentions his lack of sex life? Come on, help me out here.”
“Alright, alright, what did you have in mind?”
“At the pub I go to, there’s a really nice barmaid. Can you make her want to shag me?”
“What’s her name?”
“Abbie, I think. I don’t know her last name.”
“UI, can you search for someone just by their first name?”
“Yes Dylan,” she replied.
“In that case, search for all girls named Abbie within a 100-mile radius. And show their images.”

The UI changed to a list, slowly scrolling through them.
“Oh wow, so many naked girls,” Gareth said, seeing the 3D-models of the people. “There! That’s her!”
“That one, UI.”

The screen changed to this particular Abbie’s profile, with her naked model.
“Abigail Elizabeth Brown, aged 20 years, 1 month, 4 days, 3 hours, 2 minutes and 6 seconds,” the UI said.
“Woah, she’s got a nice body,” Gareth said.
“Go to a live feed,” Dylan ordered, and the model was replaced by footage of Abbie sat at what looked like her dining room table, eating breakfast with another girl.”
“You can even spy on people? This thing’s amazing,” Gareth said. “Who’s that other girl?”
“Sally Maria Marsden, aged 19 years, 11 months, 6 hours, 52 minutes and 41 seconds,” the UI replied. “Analysis of the girls’ minds suggest that they are students at Cardiff University, living together.”

“Well here’s an idea,” Gareth said. “How about we have some father-son bonding? As in, a foursome?”
“Dad, I don’t want to have sex with you.”
“I don’t mean sex with me. I mean I have Abbie, you have Sally, and we go upstairs and do them both on my bed.”
“That sounds…okay I suppose.”
“Great, so what are we waiting for?”
“Alright. UI, I want you to make changes to Abbie and Sally,” Dylan said.
“Yes, Dylan?”
“Make both of them come over here to our house. And make Abbie lust after my dad, and make Sally lust after me.”
“Yes Dylan.”
“Alright, let’s go!”

For Gareth, the wait was almost unbearable. Then, finally, there was a knock at the door. He rushed to open it, and there they were, Abbie and Sally, with lustful looks on their faces.
“I don’t know why, but we need to have sex with you!” Abbie declared.
“Fine by me,” Gareth said, and in under a second he was making out with Abbie. Sally then walked in too, and ran over to the sofa where Dylan was, forcing him into a make-out session too.

Within a few minutes everyone was naked, and making out on the sofa.
“Oh God…” Gareth moaned. “It’s been so long since I’ve done this…” Dylan tried to ignore the sounds of his father’s loud kissing, and instead focused on sticking his tongue inside of Sally’s mouth, and enjoying their make-out session.
“Ohhh…” Gareth moaned. “I think it’s time for a dick sucking. Don’t you think so, son?”
“I guess,” Dylan said.

Father and son sat down next to each-other on the sofa, while the girls got down on their knees before them.
“Ohhhh…oh God…that’s the stuff…” Gareth moaned. “Fuck, I forgot how good this felt. This is the life, eh son?”
“I guess,” Dylan said, mostly trying to ignore his father and enjoy his own blowjob.
“Your mum was really good at this you know,” Gareth said. “She loved sucking me.”
“DAD! I really didn’t need to know that either!”
“Dylan, we’re naked together getting our dicks sucked. I think we’re beyond that.”

Unable to argue, Dylan went back to simply trying to ignore the presence of his naked father next to him, and focus more on the girl on her knees in front of him. This got especially difficult however when his father’s groaned increased in volume, and he knew with absolute certainty that he was cumming.
“AHhh…..ghhhgaaaa…” he groaned, squirming on the sofa. “Fuck that was good.”

Abbie moved off of Gareth, and climbed up onto him. She sat on his lap, his softening cock rubbing against her ass cheeks while he looked over at Dylan.
“Having fun there, son?” Gareth asked.
“Yeah…” Dylan moaned.
“I’m surprised you lasted longer than me. I suppose 12 years without sex leaves you out of practice. You’ve been getting it all week though.”

Gareth sat and watched his son get fellated for a few more minutes, before Dylan’s moaning started to increase.
“I know that sound, you’re about ready to blow,” Gareth smiled. “Let it all out son…ahhh…AHHHHH!”

Dylan hit orgasm, but what Gareth wasn’t expecting was a sudden rush to his cock as it went back to full mast, mushing against Abbie’s ass as he shot out more cum. But that was fine, because both girls also began orgasming at the exact same moment, meaning all 4 of the got to enjoy their pleasure together.
“FUCK! What was that?” Gareth asked when it was over.
“I made it so my sexual partners cum when I do,” Dylan replied. “I suppose Master PC considers you and Abbie my sexual partners right now.”
“What’s Master PC?” Sally asked, releasing Dylan’s cock from her mouth.
“Everyone, shut up!” Abbie shouted. “I wanna have more sex! You, fuck me.”

“My dick’s a little worn out for now, Abbie,” Gareth said. “Why don’t we go to my bedroom and I lick you for a bit until it’s back up?”
“Fine, but I’m not leaving without you fucking me.”
“I have no problem at all with that. You two joining us?”
“No, we’ll stay here,” Dylan replied.
“Suit yourself,” Gareth said, heading off to his bedroom with Abbie. Sally meanwhile looked up at Dylan’s still-erect dick.
“You look ready for more,” she grinned.
“I’m always ready for more,” Dylan said.
“Suits me.”

Sally climbed up onto the sofa, mounted Dylan, and slid her pussy down onto his cock.
“Ohhhh…” Dylan moaned. “Fuck…” Sally bounced up and down on Dylan’s cock, and the boy grabbed hold of her boobs, squeezing them playfully as he was ridden. For the next several minutes, all that could be heard in the living room were the sounds of teenage fucking; moans and groans, and the sound of flesh against flesh. Eventually Dylan went over the edge, sending Sally over too as they came and came.

Meanwhile, Abbie was laid on Gareth’s bed, her legs spread wide, and being eaten out by Mr Davies. Gareth was racking his brain, trying to remember the sort of things his wife had enjoyed him doing to her. So he licked away, trying to pleasure her, while he thought sexy thoughts, willing his cock to re-harden despite having had two orgasms in 5 minutes.

Eventually he managed it, and moved up Abbie’s body, kissing her deeply. He then thrust forwards, and slid inside Abbie, going balls deep into her.
“Ohh fuck…I’ve missed that feeling…” he moaned. Gareth grabbed hold of Abbie’s boobs, and got to work on fucking her. He closed his eyes, completely ignoring the girl under him and focusing entirely on how happy he was to be having sex again. Fortunately, his previous pussy licking and the huge dose of horniness Master PC had given her meant that Abbie came easily. He felt her pussy contracting around his cock, but he wasn’t quite ready yet, so he continued pounding her.

“Ooo yeah mister, give it to me,” Abbie moaned, kissing the man whose name she didn’t even know while he fucked her. Abbie came again, which was enough for Gareth. He hit his third orgasm, releasing the last of his cum into Abbie. There wasn’t much of it, the rest having already been released, but there was enough for it to be pleasurable enough for him.
“Thanks, that was great,” Gareth said, kissing Abbie.
“Yeah, but I gotta go,” Abbie said, pushing him off of her.
“Oh, um, okay.”
“See ya.”

Abbie left, leaving Gareth laid on his bed, his exhausted cock softening. He let out a chuckle, apparently his reaction to his first sexual encounter in 12 years. Eventually he got out of bed, and headed into the bathroom for a shower, the perfect place to contemplate life. His son was now a god. Or at least, was effectively one. He’d claimed he could control people’s minds and bodies however he wanted, and he was now inclined to believe him. Especially seeing the size of his son’s dick.

Gareth rubbed his genitals, washing off the remnants of Abbie’s pussy juices. Man that girl was good. Or maybe it was just his recent inexperience and in fact any girl would have been good. He’d definitely have to ask Dylan to get him laid again in future. Sooner rather than later.

Gareth got out of the shower, dried off, and got dressed. He went to check on Dylan, and saw that he was no longer in the living room, but he quickly found him asleep in his own bed, Sally apparently also having left. Gareth shook him gently.
“Dylan…Dylan…” he whispered.
“Hmmm…” Dylan groaned. “What?”
“I’m gonna ring a takeaway. You want Chinese?”
“Alright…” Dylan yawned. “You know what I like.”
“Alright. Now go have a shower. I can smell the sex on you.”

Gareth left Dylan, who rolled out of bed, giving himself a few seconds to wake up properly. Once he was awake, he got out of bed, and headed into the shower to wash off. About an hour later, the two Davies boys were sat at the dinner table, eating their food.
“So go on then, you’ve still not told me how you ascended to godhood,” Gareth said. How’d you get this magic computer program?”
“For my birthday.”
“Your birthday? Who from?”
“Grandma and granddad.”
“Your grandparents gave you a supernatural PC program?”
“The installation CD was in that big box of disks they got me. I ran the programme and this is how I ended up with it.”
“So by pot luck you became a god? That’s slightly worrying.”
“I suppose so. I’m not complaining though.”

“I hope there’s something stopping someone from taking over the world or something. That could be bad.”
“The UI mentioned something about system developers. They’re the only ones who can alter dead people.”
“Oh yeah. I was gonna ask about your mother, but I figured…you’d have done it if you could. But that makes sense I guess. Software has to have software developers.”

Just then, Dylan heard his phone ringing. He ran off to get it, and walked back into the dining room.
“It’s Becky,” he said, answering it. “Yo.”
“Hey Dylan,” Becky said. “Come over here, we’ve got some stuff to show you.”
“I’m eating.”
“Well finish eating and come over here.”
“Don’t worry Dylan, go over there,” Gareth said. “Don’t let me get between you and pussy.”
“Alright, I’ll be over in a minute.”

Dylan grabbed his phone and put his socks and shoes on, before walking next door. The girls’ mother opened the door for him, and he walked upstairs to Olivia’s bedroom, willing his cock hard as he did.
“Hey Dylan,” said Olivia. “Before you ask, no, we didn’t call you over for sex.”
“Try not to be too disappointed,” Rebecca said.
“Hey, I’m not some sex-mad freak,” Dylan said. “I do have other interests.”
“Like Master PC, so you’ll like this.”

Olivia had her laptop open, on some kind of erotic fiction website.
“What is this?” Dylan asked.
“It’s a story about someone using Master PC,” Olivia said. “It’s presented as fiction. Just someone writing something to wank to.”
“But there’s a lot of these stories,” Rebecca said. “And since we know Master PC is real, we figure at least some of them must be true stories.”
“So what, you want me to write one of these?” Dylan asked.
“No no,” Olivia replied. “Look at this.” She clicked onto another tab. “We did some more googling and we found some other stories of people claiming to have the supposedly-fictional program.”

Dylan looked at the page, with stories going back more than 20 years of people talking about their supposed adventures with the program. There were even some photos, such as an apparently 18-inch dick, a pair of enormous boobs, and even a young girl (Photographed from behind to preserve her identity) covered head to toe in semen, all things supposedly impossible without the program.

“We thought you’d be interested in seeing that there are all these other people out there with Master PC,” Rebecca said. “But we also found something REALLY interesting.”
“There’s this post on here from 1992, in the really early days of the internet,” Olivia said. “It says “I got Master PC back in ’88 from a friend. He says he got it from one of the guys who created it. So potentially we could get in touch with this guy and find the developers through him.”
“Except we have no idea who this guy is,” Dylan said. “And that post’s from 25 years ago. He could be dead by now!”
“If he really does have Master PC, then I hardly think something like old age is gonna be an issue for him,” Olivia said. “He’s almost certainly still alive.”
“So how do we find him?” Dylan asked.
“Well we had the idea of maybe tracking down this guy’s IP address or something, but we wouldn’t know the first thing about how to do that,” Rebecca said. “But with Master PC, all the knowledge we need can be ours.”

“You want me to make you super geniuses?”
“Just smart enough to know how to track down someone over the internet.”
“Alright, but not tonight,” Dylan said. “I’ve had kind of a weird afternoon.”
“What happened?” Rebecca asked.
“I don’t wanna talk about it. Can I sleep here tonight though? I don’t really wanna see my dad again tonight.”
“You’re not just trying to get pity sex out of us, are you?” Olivia said semi-jokingly.
“Girls, if I wanted you to fuck me I could just use Master PC to command you to,” Dylan replied. “But tonight I just wanna relax and watch a movie or something.”
“Alright, but we’re doing it naked. You owe us that.”

Within a few minutes, the three teens were naked, and snuggled up in bed watching movies. Dylan had one girl on either side of him, and he’d locked his cock at full mast. He had no intention of using it, but the girls said they liked the idea of him being hard with them. Sure enough, no sex happened that night, and the three of them eventually drifted off in each-other’s arms.
Sunday morning began with sex, however. Rebecca was on her hands and knees lapping away at her sister’s pussy, while Dylan fucked her from behind. They’d all already cum twice this morning, so their loins were on fire with pleasure, and Dylan could feel his previous two loads of cum sloshing against his cock inside Rebecca’s vagina.

“Oh God, I’m nearly there,2 Dylan moaned. “You ready girls?”
“Alright. 3…2…1…ORGASM!”

All three of them shouted their trigger words at once, setting each-other off into a fit of orgasmic convulsions, spurting out their respective juice and moaning in bliss. The three of them collapsed, Dylan’s pelvis against Rebecca’s ass, whose mouth was buried in her sister’s groin.

“Alright, my turn, get up, Dylan,” Olivia said, crawling out from under his sister and spreading her legs. “Or are you too worn out to fuck me?”
“No fucking way,” Dylan said, pulling out of Rebecca. He immediately went over to Olivia, and got right on with fucking her before pausing for breath.
“Ooooo fuck…fuck yeah…” Olivia moaned, Dylan playing with her tits. Rebecca meanwhile sat on her sister’s face to receive her own pussy licking.

3 more orgasms later, and Olivia suggested they should go and wash off in the shower, which the others agreed to, given the amount of cum and sweat on their tired bodies. What this amounted to was 3 still-fairly-horny teenagers naked in the shower, soaping each-other up all over, getting into every nook and cranny possible, while occasionally commanding each-other to orgasm.

Finally, when they’d finally had enough, they got out of the shower, dried off, and got dressed.
“I should really be heading off,” Dylan said.
“Alright, but before you go, you gotta make us computer geniuses,” Olivia said.
“Sure thing,” Dylan said, pulling out his phone and opening Master PC.
“Yes Dylan, how may I be of service?” Asked the UI, who was knelt down like some sort of obedient genie.
“Open up Becky and Olivia’s profiles.” She did so. “Alright, now, I want you to make them experts on computers and hacking. Give them all the relevant info.”
“Yes Dylan, as you wish.”

“Woah, this is weird,” Rebecca said. “It’s like, one second I didn’t know it, and now I do.”
“That’s kind of what I was expecting,” Dylan said.
“Well yeah,” Olivia said. “But you know, it’s still weird when it happens. Anyway, we’ll get to work. You go home and do whatever.”

The three of them kissed, and Dylan set off back home. He inserted his key into the door, and entered the house, where he was immediately grabbed.

“HALT TRESPASSER!” Shouted a female voice. Dylan looked around and saw that he was being held by two naked women with reasonably large muscles, and obscenely large boobs.
“None may enter our God’s heavenly realm without his holy permission!” Shouted the other woman.
“What the hell!?” Dylan exclaimed.
“Relax girls, let him go, God gave specific permission for him.”

Dylan felt himself be released, and he looked to see another naked woman coming down the stairs. Dylan recognised her as Caroline Watkins, a woman his father worked with. He’d met her a few times, and she seemed like a nice lady. She’d given him a ride to school a few times when he was little, and he still saw her occasionally. Now though, she looked different. She was younger now, maybe about thirty, with boobs the size of her head, and a bum to match. She was completely hairless except that on her head, and she was completely naked, aside from the clipboard she was holding.

“What the fuck?” Dylan asked. “What’s going on? Where’s my dad?”
“Your holy father is upstairs having sex,” Caroline replied. “He has instructed me to bring you up to date on the situation.”
“The revelation of your father’s divinity,” Caroline said. “Come on, sit down.”
Dylan sat on the sofa with Caroline.
“Your father is a god,” she said.
“A god?”
“Yes. He can do absolutely anything he wants. He revealed this to me, and made me his personal secretary. I’ve been keeping track of his appointments. Mostly sex so far, but he does plan on going to work this week.”

“Master PC…” Dylan said under his breath.
“What was that, Dylan?” Caroline asked.
“While my dad’s been telling you all this, have you seen him working away on his laptop?”
“I’m not allowed near his laptop. He says it’s forbidden.”
“That sounds like Master PC then. Can I see my dad then?”
“He’s very busy right now having sex with some lucky girls. But he instructed me that if you came home while he was busy, I was to pleasure you until he finished.”
“Pleasure me?”

“Yes. Would you prefer a blowjob or intercourse?”
“Neither really. I’m kind of orgasmed out for the morning.”
“I’m afraid it’s mandatory. God commanded me, and I must obey.”
“So what if I refuse?”
“I’ll have to have you restrained again so I can pleasure you.”
“Well since I don’t have a choice, I’ll go for a blowjob then.”

Caroline nodded, and pulled Dylan’s shoes, socks, shorts and boxers off of him, while he took his T-shirt off. Once he was naked, Caroline began kissing and licking his soft cock and balls. Resigning himself to this blowjob, Dylan concentrated, allowing his cock to begin to harden. Caroline took his hardening member in her mouth, and began sucking him enthusiastically. Dylan closed his eyes, and mostly tried to focus on the pleasure, and forget the strange situation he was currently in.

Fortunately there was plenty of pleasure to focus on, between his sensitivity from the morning’s activities and Caroline’s skill, something he assumed Master PC had given her.
“Ohhhhh…” he moaned, causing Caroline to moan in happiness at knowing she was making the son of God feel good. It didn’t take long for Dylan to cum, and he unleashed his load into Caroline’s mouth. The fact Caroline didn’t cum when he did confirmed for Dylan that someone had used Master PC on her.
“Shall I ride you now?” Caroline asked.
“That won’t be necessary.”

Caroline and Dylan turned to see Gareth walking into the living room. Dylan was shocked to see his father like this, however. He was naked, and seemed to have reduced in age similarly to Caroline. Physically he was a god. He was clean-shaven, and had muscles that would make any bodybuilder jealous. But his cock, oh wow. It was nearly 2 feet long, with a girth to match, and his balls were the size of oranges.

Caroline immediately got down on her knees, and bowed her head to Gareth.
“You’ve done well, Caroline,” Gareth said. He walked over to her, and patted her on the head.
“AHHHHHH!” Caroline squealed as she orgasmed. “Thank you God!”
“Anyone I touch instantly orgasms,” Gareth said proudly.

“Dad, do you have Master PC?” Dylan asked. Gareth just smiled.
“Caroline, go and make us lunch,” Gareth ordered.
“Y…yes Lord…” Caroline said, struggling to stand up as she shook from the aftershocks of her orgasm. She headed off to the kitchen, and Gareth sat down next to his son.
“Yes Dylan, I have Master PC.”
“I borrowed your installation CD. It was pretty scratched, you should really take better care of your things.”

“So what, you made yourself a god?”
“As far as the girls here are concerned. I’ve always liked Caroline, so I figured I’d make her God’s personal secretary. You don’t mind, do you?”
“I didn’t appreciate being hassled at the door.”
“I figured we could use some security.”
“It’s annoying, get rid of them.”
“Fine, but I’m keeping Caroline. She’s living with us now. Think of her as your step mum if you’d like.”
“I’m not calling her that.”
“Hey, do whatever you want, we’re gods now, you and me. Virtual gods to those around us, that’s what Master PC told me.”

“LORD!” Caroline shouted from the kitchen. “Your lunches are ready!”
“Come on son, let’s go eat like gods.”


Author's message: I was going to apologise for how long this took, but then I remembered how long the last chapter took.

I've been looking forward to writing this chapter for a while. I actually hadn't planned to give Gareth Master PC, but I thought it would be entertaining.

I'm thinking 2 or 3 more chapters after this. So not a long story, but really, I don't have much to extend it further. Plus at this stage it feels like I've been working on it forever.

advocatus diaboliReport 

2017-12-05 17:21:27
just want to say, love all your stories, man. if you ever write/have written a legit book, id buy it, your honestly one of my favorite authors on here


2017-08-31 04:27:13
i think you should get dylan to stop gareth before he is driven insane with hunger for power. i think dylan should get some anal. if i had that kind of power i would be having sex with famous people like celebrities and porn stars. dylan should ask master pc how far gareth can go and is there any way to stop him.

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