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Just a brief story of how my real sexual journey began.
My name is Karen. I am mixed white and hispanic, from a small community close to San Antonio, Texas. I will be writing real stories regarding my life. How I became what I am now. My experiences have been more sexual than most girls due to various circumstances, and I have well earned the title being a whore. I mean that literally. I am not ashamed of this anymore, but I can't really say I am looking forward to a happy ending. My story is written as a way for me to vent, and meant for pure entertainment. I highly recommend other girls DO NOT follow my path, as it leads to many upsets and disasters. At the time of this story, I was 18 years old. It might be kind of long because of the back story to it, but I am hoping my story writing gets better as we go.

I had seem my then husband throughout High School a few times before we actually knew each other formally. He went to another High School nearby, but we had friends in common. His name was Eric, he was a white man who was very athletic. He took off to Marine Corps boot camp, and we met when he came back right after that. He was a good looking guy, and kind of the talk amongst friends since he was the first guy to graduate and do something, while everyone else was thinking about college or partying. It was through partying with mutual friends that we formally met, and hit it off. I was fascinated by the uniform, his attitude, his confidence. Guys around him looked up to him, and girls around him were looking at him. Naturally, at that age, I was in love. A mutual friend said he thought I was hot, in particular that he liked my boobs. At 18, I was 34 D and weighed about 115 lbs, so I was very used to guys staring or overhearing comments about my boobs. I was still flattered. I knew what I had, and used them to my advantage. We eventually started talking, and I kept catching him staring down my blouse, which I had opened up a bit lower to show off my boobs to him. I knew he wanted me, and I wanted him. I slept with him that same night.

We started hooking up and having sex almost daily. I loved how he lusted after me. He could not keep his hands off my boobs of ass, even in public. It felt like an uncontainable love. I had been in a few relationships before that had been similar, as it is common amongst teens, but as always, I was convinced this was love. After a couple of weeks, he went back to California and it was all done. We stayed in touch talking and texting when he could. I missed him a lot and he said he missed me, and it often led to really long conversations over the weekends. He completed some training he had to do, and came back home for a short vacation. We started hooking up again and he proposed. We got married that same week, and eventually flew out to California with him.

We got a small military house in Camp Pendleton. I was fascinated with the base, seeing uniforms everywhere and just the totally different landscape from San Antonio. Everything was exciting and exotic about my marriage, the location, the freedom of being away from family, even the amount of sex. I felt like I had been missing out on so much by not being married earlier in life.

My husband liked me dressing a bit more provocative then I could get away with back home, so he got me into wearing really small clothes. My underwear slowly changed to mostly thongs and push up bras. Short skirts, shorts, tight pants, and a whole lot of tank tops and stuff that showed off my boobs. It was kind of odd at first, but I knew he and his friends had this thing for trying to show off how hot their wives were, so it felt exciting. I would often catch some of his friends staring me down, specially when my husband was groping me, and I knew it excited him that I was being lusted after. It excited me as well. We would go to bed and have really load sex all night after drinking with friends, while they were downstairs staying for the night. We knew they could hear us, but it seemed exciting to feel so sexual and carefree. He would whisper in my ear, telling me how all his friends wanted to fuck me, and that would often help get me to orgasm. He would often have me pose in slutty clothes, lingerie, or naked for pictures. He said they were for himself, but would joke and comment all his friend had seen those pictures also, and in a way that turned me on. He would often tell me to pose for pictures for his friends. At that time, I thought it was just sex talk.

Sexually, I started experimenting a lot more than I had in my teens. I had become really good at giving blowjobs and deepthroating in my teens, but having a husband allowed me to practice every day. There was an amateur porn girl called Heather Brooke. Her specialty was deepthroating, and it was rumored she was a Marine's wife. She only gave him bj's in the videos, but would sometimes feature other girls with her. Anyways, her videos were going around the base and most guys claimed she gave the best bjs. I had been watching and studying her videos many times over, I looked up to her. I imagined what it would be like to feel so wanted and known for being the best at something so sexual. I even thought she was hot herself, and looked up to her while being and but envious. Every time I gave my husband a bj, I did my best to outdo her. Sometimes, I would even give him bjs while watching her videos. I would mimic what she did, but tried doing it better. I would try going deeper, holding it for longer, talking dirtier, being more submissive, and I say try because she was really good and she is hard to beat. Needless to say, my husband was really happy on how much dedication I had towards blow jobs.

We were drinking in our house one night, just partying over the weekend with some of his friends, about 6 total. They were about to take off to some training in north California, and would be gone for a few weeks. Most were single guys also around 18 and 19. Only one guy had a wife, but he was about 26, and so was his wife. She did not take a liking to me since she saw me, she stared me up and down, specially focusing on my boobs. I was wearing a short tight skirt and a cute dress shirt, that husband had opened up buttons to show off my boobs augmented by my push up bra. I knew exactly what she was thinking when she saw me, which was that I was a slut. We were unable to get along and she spent most of the night next to her husband.

At one point, one of the guys pulled out his laptop, and put on a series of Heather Brooke videos. Most of the guys started gathering around to watch her, and my husband made a comment on how I gave better bjs than her, and I agreed. One of the guys screamed out that I had to prove it, and I agreed. My husband said there was a banana in the kitchen I could deepthroat for the crowd. It was a joking drunk comment, that everyone laughed at, except the other girl. She decided to leave, so her husband walked her over to their house which was a few blocks over. Her husband came back though.

The Heather Brooke videos continued, while the comment of me being better kept floating around. We were all a bit drunk and turned on a bit also. So eventually my husband did bring out a banana and asked me to deepthroat it. I had every guy staring at me, and got a bit of stage fright. Eventually, I got over it and let him push the banana into my throat, but it made me gag and pull it out. The guys reacted like they were a bit disappointed, and it seemed my husband was also. I grabbed it myself and went for it again, this time I forced it into my throat past my gagging and an itchy feeling from the peel. I pulled it out to hear the guys clapping. I complained about the banana peel and pulled it back, so I would only swallow the inside. That went a lot smoother, but the banana broke off after I pulled it out. I could tell the guys were getting turned on by this, so decided to stop this.

My husband who was really turned on, started groping at my boobs and ass in front of the guys the rest of the night. He would reach under my skirt to grab my ass, giving the rest of the guys a view. The guys continued lining up shots and I got a bit more drunk, when the comments about my deepthroating came around again. This time, my husband said I could show them with the real thing.

I was reluctant, but he convinced me to give him a blow job in front of everyone. The alcohol and male attention I had around me had me in a very excited stage. I agreed to do it. He sat in the couch and I kneeled in front of him facing him. The rest of the guys sat around and watched. I pulled out his cock which was rock hard, and started kissing and licking it. He grabbed the back of my head and started pushing me down. I took him deep in my mouth and started sucking him off using only my mouth and throat. I made sure to swallow him whole to give everyone a show. I gagged a bit and came back for air, then went straight down again. My husband pulled out his cell phone and began taking pictures, which I was not concerned with as long as it was just him. I continued sucking him off, and he started thrusting his hips upwards fucking my throat. By this point, I had lost control of my positioning, and I felt my skirt ride up exposing part of my thong and ass. I pulled it down again and kept going. My husband kept going deep and hard into my throat, which caused the same effect of me losing control of my positioning. I readjusted, but after a few cycles I gave up. It went from a blow job to a face fuck. I could hear the guys cheering and making comments about me. My ass was high in the air fully exposed, my skirt was really high. My boobs were hanging in the bra outside of my blouse because my husband kept groping them. My husband kept face fucking me harder and harder in front of everyone. I was gagging, drooling, my eyes tearing up, my makeup running, my hair messed up. My husbands phone got passed to another guy so he could continue taking pictures for him. I was too turned on to care at that point. I knew he was close to cumming, I could feel it. He grabbed the back of my head with both hands, and went harder. Occasionally, the phone would come back around and the guys would ask me to pose still with the cock in my mouth, or smile for them as they took pictures. I was not thinking much, and I smiled and posed for them so they could take pictures. One guy asked to to push my ass a bit higher so he could take a picture. I popped it up for him. A little later, a guy asked me to show off my boobs, so I held them up so he could get a good picture. I did bot realize at the time, some of those were not husband's phone. He continued fucking my throat, and I felt like I was about to vomit all my alcohol when I finally felt him shoot his cum in my mouth. I swallowed and kept going until I knew he was fully done.

By the time it was over, I was a bit of a mess. I was really proud of my performance and how all the guys agreed I was better than Heather Brooke. I was really turned on at that point and dragged my husband upstairs for really loud sex that everyone could hear. Unfortunately, it didn't last long, and even though I came, I was far from being satisfied. My husband fell asleep right after.

I could hear most of the noise downstairs had died down, and thought most of the guys were probably gone or passed out drunk. I put my underwear back on and my pijamas, which were small pink shorts and a tank top. They were really sexy as per my husband, kind of showed off my boobs and half my ass was exposed. My thong and bra were really visible through them, but they were comfortable. I knew I would not be able to sleep yet, so being drunk and thinking everyone was gone or passed out, I went back downstairs to get a glass of water that I needed really badly. The lights were mostly off, and I creeped up to the kitchen to get my glass of water.

I grabbed a glass and heard a voice behind me,"Is he done already?" I nearly jumped to the roof scared. I turned around and saw Cortez, the husband of the girl that left. He was a mixed black and hispanic man, who was really dark complected. I saw his eyes come up from staring straight at my ass while I was grabbing the glass. "You scared the fuck out of me" I said. His eyes were now focused straight on my boobs. He said, "Don't be scared baby, I wouldn't hurt you." When he said that, chills went through my spine. I felt extremely undressed, and I could tell he was horny for me. He measured about 6 foot 2, and was built like a 220 lbs tank. I am 5 foot 6, felt really vulnerable in that moment. I naturally felt really intimidated. I turned around to hurry and get my water. I knew he would be staring at my ass, but it was too late now. He asked again, "Is he done with you?"
I knew what he meant, but asked "who?" Trying to keep him busy talking to ease the tension I was feeling. "Is he done fucking you already?" I felt him getting really close behind me. I turned my face towards him and smiled and said, "Yeah, we all had a bit too much to drink." He replied, "Not me, I am here to enjoy the show." I was a bit stunned by the comment and felt him really close behind me. His crotch was pressed against my ass, and he felt really hard. I felt a hand creeping up from my inner thigh to my ass. "It is a shame, I would have been fucking you all night if I was him." I took my glass and walked quickly towards the stairs with my heart racing. He walked behind me a few steps still groping my ass. I sped up and said, "Have a good night." He let go of my ass and said, "Have a good night baby, hope to see that ass again soon." He spanked me and I felt my ass jiggle a bit as I raced up the stairs. I could feel his gaze staring at my ass all the way up. As soon as I made it up, I closed the door behind me and finally breathed again. I stood there for a minute feeling my heart about to beat out of my chest.

I stood there thinking about what had happened. How he had approached me, his hand on my ass, the way he spoke to me, how he had spanked me etc. I wondered what the hell he was thinking, was it the alcohol, did I cross the line with my deepthroating exhibition, maybe it was the way I was dressed? I jumped in for a shower to calm down and organize my thoughts. His words,"I would have been fucking you all night if I was him" and "hope to see that ass again soon" kept coming to my mind over and over. It felt like I had survived a very dangerous encounter, but a part of me kept thinking about the possibilities. What if he would have done more? Not with more guys were there laying around. Would he have tried to rape me if we were alone? What would happen if I didn't get away? What if I would have given him what he wanted? The last thought scared me. Why was I thinking that? I imagined his hand going up my ass then his other hand on my boobs. I imagined him kissing my neck as I felt his crotch behind me. Him bending me over and just fucking me relentlessly. His physical superiority being imposed over me, just taking me with pure raw sex. As I had these thoughts, I realized I was touching my boobs, a habit I tend to do when I am turned on, and masturbating slowly. I felt a sense of guilt and excitement about my thoughts, but continued. I imagined him pulling my hair as he pounded away at me. Then he would speed up and cum deep inside of me, all while all the guys that had been around were watching. I orgasmed thinking of him taking me in front of everyone, just him getting what he wanted from me.

I finished my shower and cleaned up. I went back to bed, and a sense of guilt came over me for thinking those thoughts. I was a married girl now, my husband was laying next to me passed out drunk. I blamed him for passing out without satisfying me. "I would have been fucking you all night if I was him" stuck in my head. I hated that my husband would take me for granted while other men fantasized about fucking me all night. It was both flattering and demeaning that Cortez would think like that of me. I felt a lot of it was also my husband's fault.

I contemplated how I should handle this situation. Should I tell my husband about it? Should I tell his wife? Should I confront Cortez? I settled for keeping it quiet for now, thinking the alcohol was probably a big factor in the way the whole night went. Besides, they would be taking off to training soon. I finally drifted to sleep thinking that this would be the end of it. Little did I know, this was just the beginning.

So that completes my first story, kind of an opener for things to come. Hope you all enjoy it and take it for what it is. Let me know what you guys think and feel free to comment. I will be writing the continuation soon.


2018-05-07 05:36:41
Great story look forward to more

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