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Two half black twins have a white father who has a debt towards his own racist father. The father has to allow the grandpa to do whatever he wants with his sweet daughters, and ends up committing incestuous rape himself.
When I had married Therese, about 19 years ago, there had been a lot of agitation in my family. Indeed, Therese was a sculptural Black from Martinique, who had lived in France for some years. She was a breathtaking beauty: 1m80, breasts like bombshells, an ass a saint would kill for, broad hips and a nice little belly. I still do not understand how she looked at a guy like me. The problem is that my parents were racist. My father had not dared to protest, but when my mother learned that I was going to marry Therese, and that she was pregnant, she had a very violent reaction, screamed ugly racist insults, said she was going to disinherit me (it was she who had all the money in her couple with). She was not very healthy, she had a heart attach the next week and died a few hours later.

However, my father told me that my mother had left a will, which disinherited me completely, and he shown me a copy of it. But she had not had time to have it registered by the notary public, and I was still legally her heir, unless somebody (my father, for example) went to the notary. With his usual cynicism, my father then offered me a perfectly disgusting contract. He would not show the contract to the notary if my wife agreed to replace his. Very clearly, he wanted Therese to sleep with him. He despised her because of her skin color, but he wanted to fuck her! I was furious, and I left him without answering. However, when I spoke of his attitude to my wife, Therese, although she was disgusted, told me that we could not afford to lose the inheritance: We would lose the house, and if I lost my mother's shop, I would be unemployed. And we could not afford it, my wife was pregnant, we were going to have huge expenses.

That's how my wife ended up giving in to my father's desires. From time to time, even today, she receives a call from my father, and I know that she goes home to make love. Once, he even gave me a CD on which he recorded her having sex with him. At first I was terrified to see her like that, naked, reluctantly offered to him, letting my father insult, caress, penetrate and cumming on her, but it ended up exciting me and from time to time, I watch the CD in secret before making love to my wife, it makes me damn hard !
Despite everything, I feel that even if she does not talk about it, if she is as discreet as possible about what she does with my father, the situation weighs on my wife and my couple. I think that's why she did not want to have other children. Yet, our two twins, Beatrice and Berenice, are a great source of joy. They have just turned 18, and they are beautiful as the day. Light skin, long curled hair, angel faces, curious about everything, always smiling ... At that age, they are curious and they ask, from time to time questions about boys, about love, especially Berenice, to which my wife tries to respond as best she can, without cynicism, despite a situation that weighs on her. Berenice is the most adventurous, the most curious, Beatrice is more in withdrawal but she does not lose anything of the explanations, she is interested despite her shyness. Béatrice and Bérénice are little women. Although my wife and I keep them as far away from the small as possible, My father clearly saw them changing. A few weeks ago, while he was asking me for news of my daughters (not of my wife, he had just shagged her), he added: "Your daughters are very cute... I would like to suggest you something ... ". I knew perfectly well what my father was referring to. "Dad, we have a contract, remember, Thérèse regularly honors this contract!"

"Well, quite rightly, I want to propose to you ... an amendment! Your two little niggers, I want them! Otherwise, do not forget that I have your mother's will in my possession, I still can show it to a notary!"

Suddenly resigned, I understood that he continued to hold me by the balls. I had no way to protect my little girls. My father even asked me to be his accomplice, he let me decide when he would deflower them. I could not believe my ears, but I had to obey.

Luck was with me (rather with my father). Two weeks later, my wife had to come back to Martinique, her mother was sick. She would stay there for at least a month. The summer break of the girls had just begun. So very quickly, I sent my daughters to my father's. I explained to them that since I was working, it was their grandpa who would take care of them. They were surprised, because we hardly ever went to Grandpa's, whereas we lived nearby, and because they had never spent their holidays at his home. To prevent them from asking too many questions, I gave them new clothes to put on, according to the instructions that my father gave me. They were all excited, and for good reason! I had bought very sexy outfits, like the ones their mothers refused to buy. When they came out of their room with these clothes, I was breathless! My two little girls had the body of two little whores, and kept their angelic face! A t-shirt tight, very décolleté, let appear the birth of their breasts that promised to become two pretty apples. The t-shirts were short, I almost could see their navels! And their bottoms ! They wore ultra-tight shorts, and had two lovely little asses! At every step they made, I almost could see the moon! Spontaneously, they rushed towards me to kiss me (on the cheek, alas!) and, without afterthoughts, plated their little titties against me. It gave me a hard-on, and I was ashamed. Having a hard-on in front of such an innocent gesture, when they were going to have such a hard time ... From then on I remained silent, while getting in the car and during the short trip separating us from the house of Papa. I continued to have a hard-on. A new desire, as obscene as that of my father, was beginning to agitate me.

Finally, we arrived at Dad's. When the girls got out of the car, they rushed to their grandfather to kiss him. He acted like a good grandpa for five minutes, and sent them play in the garden. They started laughing. I told him :
- Those girls love you. Are you sure that's what you want? !
- of course ! Look at their asses!
- All right, but I want to protect them. I know you're not going to take precautions. Berenice is strong, she will endure. But Beatrice ... She's still so ... innocent, so ... fragile.
- Yes, that's why I want it! Come on, it will not kill her to be raped by her grandpa!
- But ... I cannot stop you from raping her. The only thing I beg you ... is ... to let me ... take ... her virginity ... "
My father looked at me for a few seconds with bulging eyes. I was afraid of his reaction, and he had to feel it. Then he started laughing: "Ah, son, you're no better than me! I thought you let your nigger wife rule you, but you're just starting to understand what to do with your cock ... Come on, we're going to celebrate!"
Half an hour later, he finally came back with his bottle of champagne and four flutes. I told him, defeated:
- You've put the time!
"It's because ... I've prepared the guest room for you to be at your ease when the time comes ... Girls, come to me, Grandpa is offering you champagne!"

I wanted to kill him. Bantering, he kept on talking to them, but meanwhile he was looking at me: "Girls, you are women, taste this delicious champagne".

More excited than ever, the girls drank their champagne almost dry, while Papa tasted it with a salacious look that oscillated between me and the girls, and that I scarcely touched the contents of my glass. When I got up, my erection hurt. Dad said, "Beatrice, your father has something to tell you, follow him." "Berenice, come with me, I'll show you a very fun game!" Troubled, I went with Beatrice to the famous guest room. When we both entered, I closed the door (while realizing the absurdity of this precaution, there is no lock). She was a little drunk, cheerful, relaxed. I took the opportunity to sit Beatrice on the bed and on my knees. I think she could feel my erection, but a as she was a little drunk she did not really care. I gave her a kiss on the forehead, and I started to talk to her: "Beatrice my dear, listen to me very carefully, I'll talk to you like a woman." She is very a very intelligent girl, she immediately understood that I had something very important to tell her. Again I kissed him on the right cheek. "You know, a long time ago, Mom and I fell in love with one another, and that's how you and your sister came to the world." I kissed her on the other cheek, and placed my hands on her shoulder. Of course, I did not withdraw them. "But there is a problem, some white people do not like blacks, they are stupid and evil, but that's how it is." I kissed her little nose, while stroking her neck. I felt Beatrice shuddering, but she didn't said anything, I do not think she saw more than a gesture of paternal affection. "You see them every day at school, your grandmother was one of those people, I think your grandfather too." Slowly, I slid the hand that was on her neck on one of her breasts, through her clothes, and I laid her on her hip. "Your grandfather can ruin us, he can fire us from our home" She looked at me, straight in the eye. "He is blackmailing me. If we do as he wants, he won't take us whatever we have...
"What are you talking about, Dad?" I slid the hand that had remained on her shoulder, on her other breast, on her other hip, but I continued until the birth of her naked thigh. I answered her : "It's very simple darling. He wants ... (at that moment I put my hand on her hip around her belly, my hand resting on her thigh around her chest as a safety belt, I squeezed my daughter around me like in an affectionate gesture and I whispered in her ear:) "He wants us to make love, and make love with you". At that moment I felt my daughter stiffen, as if she suddenly understood the trap she was into. She tried to free herself, of course without success, and I pressed her a little harder, taking advantage of one of my hands against one of her breasts. "Shhhh but it's natural, you know, it happens to every girl one day, OK, not with their father for most of them, but you can imagine that I am, I don't know, a boy that you like, or that supervisor whom you find cute.
"But Daddy," she said, with tears in her eyes and sobs in her voice, "it is not possible, this is incest, and I'm too young!"
"I know all this, dear, but if I could do otherwise, I would do otherwise. If you prefer, I can leave you alone with your grandfather, but I'm afraid he's not as nice as I am! "

I was a bit ashamed of the stratagem, because after all I had this idea that would allow me to take pleasure where it was not planned, but I was not lying either. Beatrice looked at me, she was lost, I pushed the advantage by lying on the bed, still dressed. "Yes, Mom has already explained to you, the first time it can hurt, but Daddy is going to be very nice to you." Delicately, I untied, one after another, her sandals. I began to lick the soles of her feet with the tip of my tongue. I know her mother loves this, and apparently, it does not leave indifferent our daughter, whom I felt shivering despite the tears on her beautiful face. I continued by massaging her calves, and giving small kisses on her knees. Beatrice was almost calm, she continued to sob but less strong. When I came to her thighs, I eagerly licked them inside while stroking them outside. Her skin was so soft, so satiny, so amber! I could see by her eyes that Bea was lost, that she did not want this but that she did not see how to resist, that it was disgusting but that it began to tingle! I caressed her hair, played with them, and covered her face with kisses, before planting one on her fleshy lips! In spite of herself, I felt thar she closed her lips on my tongue when I pushed my tongue into her mouth. After this French kiss, the little one I gave her on the lips seemed almost chaste in comparison. Then my kisses continued, in her neck, on her bare shoulders, on her décolleté. I stroked her stomach after putting my hand under her t-shirt, and I quickly reached her left breast, which I flattened against her chest while I made it swing from the right to the left and from the left to the right. Through the fabric, I gave her other breast the same treatment. Her areolas hardened, no doubt in spite of herself, they now pointed through her t-shirt that my strokes had deformed, and that almost left naked her left bosom with such a light skin and a dark brown head. After kissing her, I thought she was ready for more. I told her to lift her buttocks, and I took off her shorts, uncovering her childish panties concealed by her whorish shorts. I kissed her little ass through the fabric, then decided to devote myself to ... the essential! Always through the fabric, not to intimidate her too much, I began to kiss and lick her little vulva. Then I lowered the panties and continued this cunnilingus on her naked pussy, dotted with an already particularly fuzzy cunthair, exquisite pink lips and clit like a rose bud that my saliva and maybe even a bit of cyprin began to lubricate. The smell and taste of my daughter was exquisite. Bea sprung between two sobs, something that resembled a sigh of contentment. At the very same moment, Berenice, entered the room without a warn, she was handcuffed, and she shouted: "Dad, look at the magic trick that Grandpa taught me to do with handcuffs! ".

Of course, she was astonished to see her twin half naked while I licked her pussy ! She stayed quiet for a few fractions of a second, then turned to the door, tried to leave the guest room, but my father had already arrived to block the road. "Do not run away, my dear, interesting things are just beginning!" It was over with the good grandfather, I already knew what was the fate of Berenice. So I started to kiss Beatrice's pussy again. The poor girl was totally bewidered, while Berenice, handcuffed meanwhile her father was raping her sister and her grandfather was holding her firmly, was understanding that this story of magic was just a snare, a pretext for handcuffing her. To prevent Beatrice from panicking, considering the delicate situation, I decided to accelerate the maneuver, and to remove my pants , revealing to the sight of the three people present my erect cock. Anyways, I could not have lubricated Beatrice anymore. My father threw a look of desire on this obscene scene, while Beatrice curled up slightly, and Bere tried to attack me in a desperate attempt to prevent me from taking her sister. Fortunately my father was there to stop her, I think that she could have killed me! Grabbing my lips from the sex of Beatrice with regret, I positioned my cock at the entrance of Beatrice's one. I made the pleasure last a long time by masturbating between her lips, then I penetrated her. Her virginal blood flowed between her thighs, then stained the sheets. She grimaced and wept. That was it, I was for the first time adulterous, incestuous, and a rapist. And I loved it! Berenice was howling like a hysterical, in front the show Beatrice and I were giving her, and also because her grandfather had already torn her t-shirt, stripping her small breasts and mauling them without mercy. "Let me have my way, you filthy nigger, your father decided that for you, he's your master, then obey!". I closed Beatrice's eyes with my hands and told her : "You don't need to see that," and gave a long kiss on her lips, while caressing her breasts, any girl likes it. Once I thought she had gone through the pain of the rupture of her hymen, I began my movement back and forth. It was delicious, I had never made love to a girl so tight, she was my first virgin in addition! My father had hung Bere by her wrists at the door handle with her handcuffs, he had forced her to kneel, lowered her shorts, his own trouser, and I could see by the quick movement of her buttocks that he pounded her doggy style, without any precaution in spite of her virginity, while striking her breasts in rhythm. I would have preferred that Bea did not see that ... I could see by her look that she was anxious that it would end. It fell well, I was eager to enjoy. I felt the sperm rise in my cock, and finally I ejaculated in a loud cry. I imagined my thick, slimy streaks of sperm inside my little girl's vagina. Fortunately, Dad, who is a pharmacist, has stolen from his pharmacy all the necessary contraception! At one moment, among Berenice's heartrending tears, I heard my father utter a cry similar to mine. I realized that Dad had just emptied his balls into Berenice's intimacy. Suddenly nauseated, I got up, I put on my pants, and, lowering my gaze, I muttered to the girls to obey their Grandpa. I ran to the car, tears in my eyes, and I started the car like an automaton. My God, my two little darlings, what horror I have just done? !


For a month, I almost had no news of the girls. I didn't dared to call my father. However, he had the delicacy of sending me a mp4. He had filmed the rape I had given to Beatrice, with a hidden camera, and, I was sure, he would use it to reinforce his blackmail on me and my couple. Yet, I could not help but wank myself by remembering this moment! At the end of the mp4, there was a small bonus. Bea and Bere were alone, facing the camera. Naked. They stared at the camera. In spite of everything, I read fear in Beatrice's eyes, and hatred in Berenice's one. Very quickly, their gaze slightly deviated, and I understood, despite the absence of sound, that they looked at my father who gave them orders. The old bastard was careful not to appear on the screen! The two girls, still sitting on the bed, hugged each other, face to face. Their breasts touched. Then they began to kiss, on the mouth. Small pecks at the start, but I imagine that Dad said something to them since very soon they put the tongue. I could see their two pink tongues touching each other, their lips looking for each other, the filaments of saliva between their two mouths... They stared at the camera, probably their first porn, at least as actresses ! They ended up going to bed. Bérénice began caressing her sister's breasts, then sucking them, running her tongue on the small nipples, small areolas, while spreading her legs and masturbating ... Even if I knew that they did not want this, that it was just one of the many episodes of the forced sexual nurturing that my dad imposed on my daughters, I was hard, and began to masturbate while looking at them. Beatrice, while looking at the camera, caressed the hair of her sister who sucked her breasts. But Berenice did not stop there. After a brief hateful look at the director, she began licking and kissing Beatrice's belly, then kissing the fuzzy hair of her twin's mound ! With her fingers, she spread the lips of her delicious sis, showing the camera her genitalia in all its splendor, and she attacked the vulva with her mouth! In close-up, you could see the tears of rage and humiliation running down her cheeks. With hesitation, she began to lick, with the tip of the tongue, the clitoris of Bea. The little brown pink sex was getting wetter, I think Beatrice could not help but wet a little. Berenice, henceforth, was licking her sister's cunt with all her tongue, no doubt she was following the instructions given by my father, and even dashed a finger into her slit. Meanwhile, the camera was also filming the hand of the cameraman groping Berenice's ass and stroking her little puck ... This same hand made a sign to Berenice, who fell on all fours on the bed, legs well apart, pussy and anus displaying. Meanwhile, Beatrice listened anxiously to the instructions. She raised her hands and shoulders, as a sign of refusal and helplessness, but soon she lowered her head, defeated. She began to stroke her sister's buttocks, then to put her fingers in the line. Looking imploring, she looked at the camera one last time, but her grandfather had to be inflexible. Trembling, she approached her mouth from Berenice's anus, made a timid kiss, then began licking her sister's anus. Lucky Berenice ! When I think Thérèse always refused licking my puck, and that, at 18, she is to enjoy this ! I could not stand it any more ! I accelerated my handjob, and I ejaculated while Beatrice, whithout stopping this anus licking, sticked her fingers in Béré's pussy. Then the girls laid side by side, on their backs, their legs apart. I thought that Dad would fuck them, but this episode was not filmed, or at least not on the file he sent me. But after I came the excitement had subsided, I was disgusted with myself, and I would not have had the guts to watch it.

The day we had agreed upon, I went back to my father's house to get my daughters. The atmosphere was heavy. When I arrived they were half naked, I asked them to dress quickly. I did not dare to look at them in the face, nor at my father, especially when he told them "See you soon my darlings!", with his usual tone of a good grandfather. In the car, the faces of the girls, full of hatred for Berenice, and of fear for Bea, reminded me of the one they had on their lesbian porn. We did not exchange a word on the whole trip.

What I had not told them was that their mother had extended her stay in Martinique. I did not tell Daddy either, because I knew he would keep them at home, for himself. At the same time, I wanted to protect them from his assaults, and to keep them a little for me. When we arrived, Berenice went straight into her room, without saying anything. Bea asked me "Why?". Then I explained to her all the details, the blackmail her grandpa was doing to my couple, the way he had insisted on sleeping with them and how I had come to rape her to protect her. She had had a hard time understanding how raping her could help, and I reminded her that her grandfather's deprivation of Berenice's virginity had been much more painful than hers and that I wanted to prevent her from such a suffering. She also explained to me that my father told them that it was all my idea, I denied it, but I do not know if she really believed me. Anyway, was that making a difference? In my turn, I asked her if she had not suffered too much. She told me it was horrible, that Dad had done everything to them. That they had to swallow his cum after blowjobs, that they had to be fucked in the ass, to make love to each other, that he had tied them, insulted them, whipped, and that he even talked about making them do things with his dog. Once he had tied them up on the bed, blindfolded them, and she thinks that it was another man who had come to make love to them. I asked her more questions about her first sodomy, she told me that it had been very painful, that she had felt torn, and that it had been the same every time Grandpa had fucked her. I explained her that assfucking can be very nice, if well done, but that she suffered because her Grandpa is a little sadistic. The anxiety in her eyes redoubled, when I told her: "Dad wants it to be a pleasant moment for you, let's go." I took her hand, took her to the room I shared with Therese, and asked her to undress. The poor girl was already crying, but she was used to being rape, and no longer thought of disobeying. When she was naked, I kissed her, and I started to stroke her breasts, I always made a fixation on women's breasts! She shuddered, poor girl ! Then I told her to climb on all fours on the bed, according to what I had seen from lesbian porn she and her sister knew this position well, and I attacked her puck, with my fingers first, caressing it, pretending to finger it, tickling it around. Then I started to lick the little anus, I felt Beatrice contracting under my licks, it was delicious! Then I undressed, completely, for the first time I was naked in front of my little Bea. I asked her to suck my cock, I told her that her saliva would make a little natural lubricant. She grabbed my cock with her mouth, and started sucking, like a real pro. The tongue, the cheeks, the lips, she used as a whore. I wondered how often my father had ade her swallow his cock in order to achieve such a result. I had to hold back so I could not come. I would have liked filling her mouth, but her ass needed a hard cock. I pulled out of the vaseline of my night table, I ordered to lubricate my cock, and I put a considerable amount inside her little ass. With one finger, then two, I lubricated the insides of her rectum. When I felt her puck sufficiently relaxed, I positioned my penis at the entrance, and I pushed. She was afraid, she stretched out, I told her to relax, I put my hand in her hair, on her breasts, but she continued to struggle, to scream. When, with great difficulty, I managed to sink deep inside her, I began to masturbate her, I enjoyed her clit with two of my fingers, to make him get out of its hiding place, pinching it gently, then I played with her lips, I triturated them, to make her squeal, and of course I fingered her. I could feel my cock with my finger through her walls, and it was true that I had to tear her apart. Finally, nothing more than what a woman worthy of the name should be ready to take! With my finger I started to move back and forth inside her cunt, as if it was a small cock, and I think she started to love it, she relaxed a bit and my cock started to go and come carefully into his bowels. I told her little words of love, my beautiful girl, my pretty Beatrice, to change her from her grandfather who ony watered them with racist insults. In any case, even her little pussy was not so tight. I was giviing her long but powerful blows of cock. In the mirror, her eyes silently pleaded for my mercy, but sometimes I had the impression that she wanted me to continue, that pain and pleasure mingled in her. After a month of only handjobs, it was too good, I did not delay to enjoy and I sent my incestuous sperm deep inside her bowels. When I got out of her, I kept caressing her, and I said, "You see it was good," and she said, "Yes Daddy", I don't know whether she was lying or not.

This way, trying to be a little sweet, I got to make love, regularly, with Beatrice. I did her all that his grandfather did, but with love. I think she ended up having a little fun. On the other hand, it was impossible to communicate with Berenice. She continued to look at me with the same fierce hatred. I thought "so much the worse for her", I had never tasted her charms, and it was inconceivable that only my father would benefit from them. One evening, therefore, I entered, naked, erect, in the twins'room, and I went to Berenice's bed. I ripped off her blanket, she woke up and began to struggle, shouting. Awakened also, Beatrice lit the light. I gave Berenice a masterful slap : "Well, you are not going to act like a frightened virgin, I do not want anything more than your grandfather." I was much stronger than her, very quickly I took off her pajamas and pants, and I put my dick inside her dry, hot as hell pussy, and I started filing her. She was trying to kick me, punch me, under the bewildered gaze of Beatrice who had never seen me in such a trance. On the one hand it was very nice to kiss a girl who did not want it, it gave spice to the situation, but it was also tiring. I punched each of her breasts, the pain was so strong that she was forced to stop. "That will teach you, little bitch, it would surprise me that you behave like that with grandfather!" She was breathless, which did not prevent me from continuing to sweep her hot little pussy, until, feeling my enjoyment close, I retired and came in her face, to be sure that her humiliation was complete. I told her "go and take a bath, you bitch", and she headed, naked, superb, defeated, towards the bathroom. I said to Beatrice "Go back to sleep, you are my favorite daughter, as long as you will be nice to me I would never do that to you".


And finally, Therese returned from Martinique. The timing, my father had just called me, he wanted to "see her", and demanded that she brought the girls with her. Otherwise, he would give the police the film about Beatrice's rape ... You're so predictable, Papa!

I was obliged to tell Thérèse the events of the past weeks, almost as I have comme from telling you, but omitting certain details. Oddly, Therese was angry, but not surprised. Knowing my father, she knew very well that he could not be held indefinitely far from our daughters, but she would have liked me to trust her enough to talk to her about it. She would also have liked to be able to prepare the girls, at least psychologically, explain the situation to them, show them porn movies so that they knew what was going to happen to them, that it was normal, perhaps offer them a dildo. Finally, she had to accept the situation. She told me she'd go talk to the girls.

On Saturday morning, when Therese called our daughters, and told them "Bea! Bere! Hurry up, we ned to go to grandpa's house, all three of us today!" I saw in their eyes the same flash distress and hatred ...
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