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Nancy finds herself enjoying the company of a new man in her life and spends a second day with him
Paul had a small convertible sports car and because the weather was so nice, he put the top down for the short ride to his place. The wind and road noise tended to discourage much conversation, so Nancy took some time to review the events of the last day in her mind to try and make sense of everything that happened. She felt surprised at herself for having sex with a man she barely knew and equally surprised at how much she enjoyed his attentions. After so many years of little or no sexual activity, she seldom thought of it and no longer missed it - until now. Paul's kindness, humor, wit and easy charm made her enjoy his company. There was no awkwardness about talking to each other about their lives, and she found herself telling him things about herself that she shared with only her closest friends and family. He listened to her with patience and interest, and his responses were far from being condescending or flippant. He actually seemed to take an interest in what she had to say and showed real concern about her. She smiled at herself when she remembered how much she suddenly began thinking about how she looked and what she'd wear when they got out of the shower earlier. She remembered blushing a bit as she decided to wear the same sun dress she'd worn the previous night and also deciding to remain bra-less, something she never did when going out in public.
As he drove, Paul was also thinking of the strange series of events that culminated in making love to a woman he'd just met and who was completely different from the younger "hotties" he was used to dating. Nancy was certainly not a woman whose appearance would warrant a second look; but after talking to her for a few moments, he found her to be engaging, lively, and a lot of fun. The sex wasn't the most exciting that he'd ever had, but from what he gathered, she never had much opportunity to explore that side of life. What she lacked in experience though, she certainly made up for in energy and effort. All of that was part of what he found so intriguing about her and why he found himself enjoying her company so much.
Paul's home was in a small gated community on the outskirts of town. He lived on a cul-de-sac in the last phase of the development and when the property developer went bankrupt from the housing market implosion, the unsold lots remained undeveloped. As they turned into his driveway, Nancy noted that the lots on either side of Paul's home were still heavily wooded and he explained about the developer's problems.
"On the bright side, I don't have to worry about any annoying neighbors or bothering anyone with my activities ", he said.
He showed her inside and gave her a brief tour of the house. It was furnished in a somewhat contemporary style and had a very open room layout. She gave him points for his tasteful decor and noticed that he had a lot of black and white prints in frames along the walls. They were mostly landscape scenes and a couple looked like an eerie winter scene. When she asked about them, he told her they were pictures he had taken a few years ago when he was getting into photography as a hobby. The odd-looking prints she saw were actually photos taken with infrared film which made all the green plant life look white.
"Do you still do much photography?" she asked.
"Every now and then I'll get out and look for something nice to shoot, and I've taken wedding pictures for a couple of my friends. My darkroom is still set up, but these days with digital photography, I only use it for developed IR film", he replied.
At the back of his house was a large sunroom area and a screened-in porch overlooking the salt marsh area the development backed up against. He had a small pool in the backyard as well, and he explained he had just finished opening it up and cleaning it after it was closed for winter. The recent hot weather had gotten the water temperature to a pretty comfortable level, and it was no longer like jumping into an ice bath.
"Maybe later we can go for a swim, if you'd like", he offered.
"That's okay. I don't have a swimsuit to wear and would need to go out to the store and buy one", Nancy said.
"You don't need to wear a swimsuit. I almost never wear one when I go in. With all the trees around here and no neighbors nearby, no one can see what's going on back there anyway."
Nancy just smiled a little and shook her head, but secretly was still intrigued at the thought. As they continued the tour, Paul showed her his office area and the two guest rooms. One of the guest rooms had been converted into an exercise room and he had an impressive collection of dumbbells, a small bench, an elliptical trainer, a couple of fitness balls, and some other pieces scattered around the room.
"Wow! Do you use all this stuff?" she asked.
"I try to work out 3 or 4 times a week, but I hurt my knee playing basketball at the 'Y last month, so I'm still a bit limited on how much I can do."
They finished up in his master bedroom. She was impressed with the size of the room and noticed some kind of frame leaning up against the far wall with a series of straps attached to it.
"What's that thing?" she asked.
With a slight hint of embarrassment he answered, "It's a love swing my ex bought just before she left. I’m not sure why she didn’t take it along with all the other stuff, but it pretty much just stands there gathering dust."
"What the heck is a love swing?" Nancy asked.
"It's kind of hard to explain but basically, you set it up and can arrange yourself in different positions with your partner to make love," he answered. "It's a good thing it came with a DVD that shows most of the things you can do with it, because I never would have thought of all the possibilities. If you want, I can put the DVD on and you can watch it while I catch up on some work in my office, then we can head into town and find something to do there."
Without waiting for her reply, he took her back to the living room and set up the DVD on his TV. Once it started up, he turned to give her the remote with a short description of how the controls worked.
"I'm not sure I want to watch this," she said.
"That's ok," Paul replied. "You can turn it off and watch one of the movies in the cabinet or switch to watch a TV show. I should only be about an hour or so with my work." She didn't move to change anything and as the product video started up, she sat back and began watching it while Paul retired to his office.
About 30 minutes later, he was finished reviewing his emails, had sent off a couple of replies and had reviewed all his reports for the week. He could hear the video in the other room winding down and smiled to himself that Nancy had decided to watch it to the end. Shortly after that, she came in the office to see how he was doing and Paul decided he'd done enough for the time being.
"So, what did you think of the video?," he asked with a wicked smile.
"My God! I couldn't believe it. I've never seen or heard of anything like that before. It was almost like watching a porn film at times," she said. "Have you actually used that thing very much?"
"My ex and I tried it a few times when I first got it, but then things started going sour between us and I haven't opened it up since she left." At that point, Paul decided to change the subject and asked Nancy if she was ready to head into town.
"You bet!" she said.
They drove into town and parked near the historic district where they could walk around and enjoy the weather while wandering through the area. At noon, they stopped in a small wine and cheese shop that also served deli sandwiches. Paul picked out a bottle of red wine to go with their lunch and they sat outside with their meal, sipping wine and watching the people going by. It also gave them a chance to talk more and learn about each other. When they finished, they explored more of the outdoor shopping area before the heat began to take its toll and they decided to head back.
When they reached Paul's home, they went inside and he made up a small pitcher of margaritas. They went to the back deck and sat under the shade of the table's umbrella to enjoy their drinks and cool off. It didn't take too long to finish the pitcher, so Paul went in to make up another batch. Coming back out, he asked "Are you ready for a swim, now?"
"No, I don't think so. I haven't been skinny dipping since I was a teenager and that was in a lake where you really couldn't see anything below the surface of the water."
"Look", he said, "you don't have anything to be embarrassed about, especially around me. You didn't seem to mind too much last night and I was seeing a lot more of you then!"
She didn't respond, but he went ahead and before she knew it, he was diving in the water without a stitch of clothing on. He came to the surface and lazily swam around a bit while she watched from the deck. "Come on in!", he called. Instead, she came over and sat down by the side of the pool with her legs in the water still sipping her drink. Paul splashed her a couple times to try and convince her to come in, but she refused his requests. He went to the other side of the pool and pulled in a floating lounge chair sitting on the concrete deck. Hoisting himself up into it, he paddled it over towards her and asked if she could bring his margarita over to him. After she did, she sat back down along the side of the pool and dangled her legs in the pool again while they chatted.
Nancy couldn't help but notice how attractive Paul was and tried not to be too obvious in staring at his crotch, but the more she tried to not look, the more she found herself stealing glances at his small soft cock and balls sitting just below the surface of the water. He noticed her glances and playfully asked, "See anything you like?"
She looked down and felt her face reddening as she ignored his question and asked, "Aren't you afraid of getting sunburned down there?"
"That hasn't happened yet, and I've been swimming like this for more than five years", he replied.
Noticing her drink was finished, he slipped out of the lounger and pulled himself up out of the pool. Moving around next to her he took her glass and walked over to refill both of their drinks while she watched him with fascination. She's never met anyone so unconcerned with nakedness. When he returned, he set the drinks down and pulled her up next to him. Holding her against him, he felt the heat from the sun and her body against his chilled skin and leaned down to kiss her.
He was still dripping wet, but Nancy didn't seem to mind. Her eyes closed as their lips met and her lips parted to meet his tongue. They stood like that for a minute, kissing and holding one another tightly. She felt his hands caressing and kneading her bottom, then sliding up along her back to rub and massage her. Her hands responded by grasping his ass and pulling him up against her, feeling his cock beginning to stir. Paul's hands reached back down and lifted up her dress to move under the hem and rise up over her hips. They slid up under her panties and she felt a tingle of excitement as they moved over her skin and then down below her ass to find her moist pussy from underneath.
His fingers tried to work between her labia, but her legs were too close together and her clothing proved to be too restricting. Paul pulled his hands out from between her legs and in one quick motion, he raised her dress up over her head, trapping her arms until she wriggled them free. Clutching her arms across her chest she exclaimed, "What are you doing? People could see us like this!"
"What people?" Paul asked and then he swept her up in his arms and walked to the side of the pool with her.
"Don't! I don't have any clothes on!" she cried just before he walked down the steps and into the water with her. The shock of the cool water against her bottom startled her, but her body quickly adjusted to it as Paul lowered her deeper into the water. After getting her wet, he released her and she quickly found her footing in the pool to stand up before going under completely. Nancy didn't resist as Paul then pulled down her panties and tossed them to the side of the pool. She took a minute to adjust to the situation and relaxed more as Paul took her back in his arms in a loose embrace.
"That's not so bad now, is it?" he asked.
She tried to muster up an intimidating glare , but failed miserably and her arms slowly dropped from her chest as she submerged herself for a few seconds, then stood back up wiping the water from her face with a smile. "I guess not", she said.
They both swam around the pool together, frequently grabbing the other and pulling them close for a brief hug or kiss. After a while, she was standing with her back up against him and his arms wrapped around her middle holding her firmly. He would idly play with her breasts and nipples, which by this time were standing out very erect and hard, and every now and then, one hand would disappear between her legs to probe the folds of her pussy. Finally, Paul brought over the lounger and helped her up into it. As she positioned herself to get comfortable, he left the pool to retrieve their drinks in which the ice had melted and were now barely cooler than the air After taking a couple of large swallows her warm watered down drink, she leaned back and closed her eyes to enjoy the heat of the sun across her naked skin.
Paul moved around to position himself between her legs and before she knew it, his mouth was over her pussy and his tongue was probing its depths. "Oh my God!" she exclaimed as he found her tiny clit and began giving it his undivided attention. She would occasionally glance around to make sure no one could see them before closing her eyes and enjoying the moment. Paul moved two fingers up inside her and began working them up and down along her G-spot while his lips captured her clit and held it hostage. As he pulled his head back slightly, it would suddenly pop free only to be captured again as he moved back in.
It took several minutes and Paul felt his tongue getting tired from the constant exertion, but he was finally rewarded with a small moan as Nancy's body arched up and he tasted her juices as she came in one long orgasm. He kept licking and sucking her pussy until after her climax was complete and she began pushing him away because of her hypersensitive clit. Moving alongside her, he leaned down and kissed her mouth. She could smell and taste her own juices on his face which brought back memories of the previous night and caused another small thrill of excitement to rush through her body. He then moved down to kiss and suckle each of her breasts as they lay back flat along the sides of her chest. When she looked down, she immediately felt self-conscious again about the poor appearance of her body, but Paul never seemed to notice or care as he continued enjoying her delights.
"Don't you have another chair you can sit in here with me?" she asked.
"Nope. But maybe we can both squeeze into that one together."
After some bit of struggling and a lot more laughing, they managed to get into the chair together, but it was quite cramped and their combined weight left it mostly submerged and barely keeping their heads above water.
"Well, that didn't work out too well", she said, and Nancy slipped out of the chair to leave Paul as the lone occupant. As soon as he was done getting repositioned in it, she moved between his legs and announced, "Now it's YOUR turn!" With that, she took his soft cock in her hands and mouth and began breathing life back into it. As it warmed and grew in her mouth, she used her lips, teeth and tongue to tease and excite him more. His moans of pleasure encouraged her to continue her technique and gave her a renewed sense of confidence in her ability to please him. Soon, she had him fully erect and when she let it go, she watched as it throbbed and bobbed just above the water. She asked him to slide down in the chair a bit further and after he did, her hands were able to cup under his balls easier to raise them up, lifting his cock up to her lips in the process.
The night before, she hadn't told him everything about her sex life with her ex. One of the things they tried early in their marriage was having her massage his prostate to coax some of his cum out of his cock without cumming completely. It had been years since she had last tried that, but now she decided to try it out on Paul as a surprise.
She teased the swollen head a bit more with her mouth while her hands remained under his balls caressing them and the area just behind them. Without warning, she extended her middle finger out and quickly located Paul's tight hole. He yelped in surprise as she smoothly worked inside past the hard sphincter ring and penetrated his ass.
"Relax", she directed. "I'm sure you'll enjoy this," as her finger continued working its way up inside him until it was fully involved. She began bending it in a "come here" motion and moved it around until she could feel the small lump of his prostate on the other side of the wall. Paul wasn't sure how he felt about this unexpected turn of events. He's never had a woman do this to him and his immediate feeling was one of discomfort as her finger filled his ass and pressed hard up into him. As soon as she found his "g-spot", he felt like he needed to pee and he instinctively tried to hold back. In the meantime, Nancy's mouth was back over his cock and she used her free hand to control it while her right hand remained buried inside Paul.
After a couple minutes, Paul could feel his juice moving up and through his cock. It wasn't the same feeling as when he would cum, but it was a bit exciting. Nancy tasted the first few drops of his cum as they leaked out of his throbbing shaft and she continued her massage to coax out more of his warm juice. It didn't take much longer before he felt a huge orgasm building inside him. Nancy sensed his state and just before he shot his load, she squeezed the base of his cock just under his balls and kept him from releasing into her mouth. Paul groaned in frustration and the head of his cock felt even more sensitive as she maintained her hold on him. In less than a minute, he felt another orgasm building and this time, she let him finish off into her waiting lips.
After she sucked the last drop of his warm juice from his softening cock, Nancy removed her finger from his ass. It took a while for Paul to get used to the strange sensation he was still feeling where she had violated his ass, but he also felt completely spent in a way he hadn't felt in years. Whatever her limitations in sex, she certainly knew how to work a man's cock with her mouth, he thought to himself. While he recovered in the lounger, Nancy moved around to kiss his and as soon as her lips parted, he tasted all of his cum that she had kept in her mouth for him. He found it strangely exciting as the two of them shared his love juice during their kiss and their mouths remained joined until the last bit of it was gone.
"Oh, you're evil!" he said as their lips parted. "I can't believe you did that to me!"
"You didn't seem to mind too much", she replied with a twinkle in her eyes.
They cooled off in the pool from their excitement for a couple minutes more before finally getting out and heading inside to dry off and think about what they were going to do for dinner.
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