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The Grinning Man is being reintroduced and rebooted. Darker then past Grinning Man stories of mine. And more sadistic. The way I always the monster faceless man to be.
Shadows of Fright: The Grinning Man.

Meadow shut the door. Feeling a bit ashamed. She didn't like closing the door on strangers in need.
Especially in the rain.
However she had a wretching gut feeling on this particular stranger.
She removed her circular glasses for a moment and rubbing her eyes delicately. A low rumble of thunder rolled outside.

"Babe, who was that?" her boyfriend andy asked from the kitchen.
She snapped back to, putting her glasses on quick and headed into the kitchen.
"Yeah!" she said inconspicuously, a hand pulling through her curly strawberry hair, "just a guy looking for some help." she explained her eyes looking to the vegetables he was chopping up. A towel on his left broad shoulder.
"What did he need?" he asked popping a carrot into his mouth lifting the cutting board with assorted veggies on them.
"He wanted to come in for a while. He said he wanted to call some friends. That and his car broke down." she replied.
Andy slid all of the veggies into a silver pot of boiling water.
"Why not invite him in?" he asked giving her a quick glance.
She started to feel wormy. The same way she felt talking to the stranger.
"I. I got a bad feeling about him."
"Like police are after this guy, or he's gonna 'borrow' some stuff?" he asked trying to gain perspective on this man who had obviously frightened his girlfriend.
"Like I wanted to run."
He slowly looked over to her.
"I don't know. He was super eerie. Tall and sorta gangly. He never let me see his face. Just came flashing me that damned smile. That damn grin." she said with her arms safely crossed.
"Well he's gone now right? It ok. Wait till you try this stew meadow. You'll feel better." he said trying to calm her down.
"Mikey in his room?"
Andy nodded, "yep, and didn't go to work today. Unlike you."
She sighed. "Well ours step dads death has been really hard on him."
"Well I'm just saying out of the two of you. You're so much more responsible and--" Andy began when Meadow gave him a sharp look.
"Not tonight Andy. Please."
Andy scoffed and then gave a reluctant few nods.

Meadow was in her mid twenties. With long stern eyebrows and a straight narrow nose Meadow was an auction house consultant. She had a love for old artifacts. Her cheekbones were narrow but high. She wore garnet red lipstick same shade as her nails. Her skin was a creamy white and commanded a dress suit.
She knocked on her brothers room.
"Go away Me-me." a voice called from the otherside. "I'm not in the mood."
She gave a sigh but threw her hands up.
She walked back through the kitchen.
"Hey hun, I'm going to go get changed for date night." she said walking past him a bit flustered.
"Babe?" he stopped her gently.
She turned to regard him.
"Once we start eating. I'm pretty sure you'll feel better." he promised.

Meadow had her outfit all ready. She knew there wasn't anyone to impress just eating in. However she loved feeling beautiful and dressing up for him.
She was in the shower getting ready and planning and thinking.
"Ok Meadow. Just a little foundation. Lipstick and a little eye liner. All I need."
However she still didn't clean. Her mind still not at rest.
As much as she was trying to block that man out. His image kept flashing in her mind. And every time the memory faded to black those teeth were the last to go.
His wet pinstripe suit. His red gums and pale white skin.
She still felt her skin crawling from just being near him. She couldn't explain it. However this guy was different.

She got out of the shower fumbling the nozzle. She walked into the room from the small bathroom. She picked up a pair of red satin thong and bra.

Andy was stiring the stew. Meadow had been up stairs for almost an hour. He knew she loved these nights. But she was always to wiped out to go out. But she still made the effort of dressing up which he loved.
He turned around and walked to the fridge. He pulled a beer and cracked it open looking from his right down the hall. He was mainly regarding her brothers door to think for a minute.
Then he noticed something. A smiley face on the door. Two 'X's for eyes. An inverted triangle for a mouth and 'V's for teeth. He got closer to the door.
"Mikey? did you draw that on the door? You realise were renters right?" he asked with irritation in his voice.
He came up to the door seeing it was slightly open. He inspected the smiley closer seeing it was engraved deeply into the wood.
"What the hell? How did I not hear that?" he pushed on the door.

Meadow wore a long red elegant dress with a slit up the side of her thigh. She had black stockings with shiny heels inches long.
Her hair was tussled up in a bun. Bangs hanging loose.
She stood up in the tight dress and inspected herself. She loved the way it made her butt pop. The diamonds cut out of the sides. The dress let her C cleavage breath. She felt like this dress was more for a gala. But she had only worn it so far for auction sales.
She smiled at herself satisfied with her look when the lights went dark with a mighty crash from the lightning outside.
Meadow was startled her heart suddenly racing. She picked up her cell phone from her bed. After a couple seconds a light illuminated her way.

She made her way downstairs. The only sound was her heels clicking and the patting of rain against the house.
"Baby?" she called.
She made it down stairs and walked into the dining room seeing the table set. Two bowls of stew across from eachother with four tall candles in the middle.
She smiled.
"Honey? Are you checking the breakers or diner by candle light?" she called out.
A roll of low thunder answered her.
"Honey?" she called again.
She walked past the table lifting her cell.
She saw a light coming from her brothers room.
"Mikey? You have power in there?" she asked. She stopped at his door to regard the engraving of the smiley face. Pressing the door open she peered in.
There he was.
Mikey sitting on the edge of his bed. The T.V. a white static. His back to her.
"Meadow?" he called. Pain and tears in his voice. An arm wrapped around his other shoulder.
"Yeah buddy. What is it?" she asked with concern.
"I'm falling apart." he said
"Oh mikey. I know. I know its been rough." she started.
"No." he snipped. "I mean," she began to explain as he stood up slowly he turned around slower as Meadow gasped with wide eyes.
Blood leaked to the wooden floor.
"I'm litterly falling..." his arm fell to the floor from the shoulder. His guts spilled out next as Meadow screamed. He keeled over as one of his legs fell away from his body.
Meadow began to hyperventilate backing away.
She spun around from the mangled mess that was her brother.

She ran awkwardly to the front door. She nearly ran out when she heard Andy's voice upstairs.
"Andy! We have to go!" she called panicked.
She waited for a response when she heard him yell.
"No dammit! He's bleeding. He needs an ambulance now! We need cops!" he yelled from up stairs.
She shined her light around the room quick and then ran up the stairs. She went as fast as she could. She got to the top and looked around for an open door with her light.

"Andy?" she called no longer hearing his voice.
She noticed however a dim orange glow from the hall bathroom. She approached it cautiously. The sound of the shower blending with the sounds of the rain.
"I'm not sure if he has five minutes. Just, just get here." she heard his voice say suddenly.
She took a minor breath of relief and hurried in. She shut the door behind her and locked it with haste.
She turned around drawing a long breath.
"Honey." she started. She realised at that moment something was wrong.
There were at least five candles in the room. One on the small window ceil behind the tub making Andy a black silhouette. The shower was on and steam filled the room. It looked like he was bending his knees but only halfway standing in the shower. Ropes on his silhouettes.
She gulped once.
"Honey?" she asked hesitantly taking a step forward. "Baby? The police are coming?" she continued taking another step.
She kept getting closer trying to get him to answer at all.
She grabbed the stark white shower curtain feeling the hot droplets from the shower pattering against the surface.
She pulled the curtain away.
Andy's head turned toward her at an awkward angle. Blood draining with water.
"Oh my god." she said mortified, a hand over her mouth.
"Baby? What is it?" he asked as blood leaked from his mouth. He began to stand up with a bloody smile. The ropes on him were tendons and intestines.
She started backing away completely slackjawed.
His whole midsection was gone except his lungs. A few of his ribs were even gone.
As he stood up it looked like she just kept getting taller and taller. Thats when she noticed his spine unfolding the missing ribs in a zigzag fashion.
"It's ok honey. Help's coming." he said. His eyes dead and glossy yet the rest of his face moved normally. It sounded just like him. A drenched dead cell phone fell from his hand.
"And he's going to help you. I promise."
Her back was against the door. Sweat and steam combining on her skin.
Suddenly behind the tub. Another silhouette slowly rose.
Tall. Thin. Gangly.
She was nearly bug eyed shaking like a leaf.
"I hope you liked the puppet show." *click* "I hope you don't mind me borrowing your friend." *click*
She screamed as the horrid marionette collapsed in the rub with rattling bones, sticky squishes and a fleshy thump.
She unlocked the door and ran from the room.
The silhouette moved fast.
Inhumanely fast as it crawled through the window in less then a second.

Meadow had tears streaming as she reached the bottom step. She ripped open the door to see him. Standing exactly like he was before. Sqaured shoulders. A large unnatural grin with shark like teeth all evenly pressing against eachother. The round dress hat covering most of his face.
"Do you need assistance mam?" he asked. The water from the rain draining off his chin. His grin ceasing only to snap those great white teeth together giving out an audible clicking noise.
She blinked once hearing that click as se shrieked and slammed the door locking it.
She ran towards the back door when she heard the back door open.
Her eyes went wide as she took a few steps back. She turned towards the front door again. She made sure not to run but quickly and stealthily get to the door.
She slowly began unlatching the lock.
"I do believe you are lacking some house manners." it said. She froze. Time felt like it was slowed down until *click*.
The sound reverberated right into her ear and sounded like a clap of thunder. Making her shove the man and run up stairs.

She got to the top of the stairs. She was heading to her room when she heard the window open from it.
"What the fuck?" she questioned.
She jumped up grabbing the ceiling string. She pulled it down. She heard his wing tips clicking in the room as she pulled the ladder down. She ran past the ladder and slammed the door shut taking the key off the top of the door frame. She shakily shoved in the key in and locked the door.
She never noticed the silver streak blur up the stairs.
She turned around and climbed up the ladder hastily. Once up she retracted the ladder and pulled up the string.
She sat there trying to catch her breath.
She cleared her throat and flipped her phone over walking to the old dusty couch up there. She sat down still trying to calm herself. She activated her phone and tried to dial 911 but her fingers shook too much. She rolled her eyes in frustration and panic.
Lightning lit up again illuminating a man in black sitting in the corner with his head in his arms and knees tucked in.
Meadow sat in disbelief as the following thunder grumpled outside.
Her heartbeat was louder then the thunder however. She didn't even want to shine her light on it. She needed this second to last.
Lightning flashed again outlining him in white slowly standing up.
She lifted her light.
He wasn't there anymore. Her breathing began to pick up again.
Her whole body turned to ice suddenly.
Right beside her ear.
"Knows how to run, and how to dress... I like that." *click*

Meadow dropped her phone the light beaming to the ceiling.
A hand grabbed her bun and yanked her back down onto the couch. The thing leaped over the couch and stood over her. Wondering how it was going to torture her. Andy and Mikey running through her mind and couldn't imagine what it had planned for her. This nightmare standing over her.

It sat on the couch staring down at the petrified girl. Her chest heaved her beautiful cleavage. The way her arms were in tight fists.
He lifted a finger. The fingernail long thick and sharp.
All of his fingers were this way.
But this one he put to her face. Slowly and carefully sliding the nail down her face. Then her long swan like neck. Then to her clavical. Slower down her chest and between her heaving breasts. It listened to its nail rub against the dresses material til it reached her hips. It slid its claw to her inner right thigh. Her quivers and shaking telling it about her. What she likes and what she fears in intamacy.
It slid its claw to her heels then moved it over to her left leg. Its fingers slid behind her achilles tendon.
"How easy it would be to simply cut your tendon." *click*
Her breaths began to stutter.
It slowly began to slide his hand upwards.
"To grab it and yank it all the way up." he started as his hand slowly went up her tight calf, "from your feet to your hips. Like string through paper." *click*
Its hand got to her thigh. She gasped and flinched a little as his hand began to cup her thigh. It was soft, smooth, with a good amount of muscle.
"Or I could just tear the whole thing off and eat it as you watch. You'd see me finish before you bled out. I do get ever so hungry." *click* it got to the bottom of her butt and suddenly squeezed tight.
She winced and almost screamed again as he held it.
Her imagination taking to it litterly ripping off her leg. Its shark like teeth tearing into it.
Its other hand went to her stomach. "Of course I could just string you up too." it growled and snapping his jaws again.
Her head shook vigorously in fear.
"P-please. Don't." she managed to say to a shaking voice. One she almost lost again as it hand slid over her right ribs. Its hand wide and feeling her posture.
The things hand slid to her collar bone. Then to her throat slowly sliding its fingers around it.
She closed her eyes thinking it was going either choke her or shove those fingernails into her throat. It could read her fear plain as day.
"Do not fear that one dear. If i wanted to use my nails to off you I'd simply dig into your eye sockets and rip your skull in half. That's where all the taste is." *click*
The thing like a spider repositioned himself slowly to her feet. Letting go of her leg with his icy cold hand.

She never saw his face but that grin never stopped facing her.
Slowly its hands touched her knees and slid upward.  She felt his cold hard hands slid over her fleshy thighs. She could feel its hands squeeze slightly as it slid them under her thighs. It grabbed one of her thighs in eat hand. She fought slightly but overall she was too afraid of what would happen if she fought.
His silver like smile began to decend.
"Of course. If you'd perfer I could just eat your meaty thighs still attached. Very slowly." she felt it jaws snap between her legs. The air from its breath breezed against her inner thighs.
"If you're going to kill me or eat me just do it already!" she cried. Her breath erratic. Her head getting dizzy in fear.
The grinning face tilted slightly like it was amused.

"Very well." *click* it opened its maw. But it kept opening further then a human possible could. And the teeth he had rows of them behind the intial set. The wider his mouth became the teeth seemed to extend from his gums.
Suddenly its head honed in chomped down.
Meadow screamed lifting her legs and tightened them around the things head to try and fight it some form.

It lifted its body from the couch knowing she'd clamp her legs around him.
It stood up holding her body to its own gangly physique. It ripped his head upwards as crimson tore away from her body. It bit one more time tearing her panties off almost completely. It looked forward spitting the ripped satin from its teeth. Its looked back down smelling her pussy. Wet from adrenaline, and fear. It widened its mouth again letting a long black tendril of a tongue slither out. Almost eight inches long and able to go longer.
It looked back down to the screaming girl. Her thighs feeling rather comfortable being pressed against the side of his face. Her useless struggling.

Meadow kept trying to fight. Her hands pounded at it legs. Her legs went from inbetween kicking and squeezing its skull.
Suddenly her body felt like it just froze after a short gasp. She heard something. A squish. The feeling came second. Something cold, slimey and big sliding into her garden. Immediately her back arched as another gasp came. She suddenly felt pin pricks right above her privates and right her glutes.
She slowly looked up her breathing getting a little heavier. She saw the hat covered face and the top row of those shark teeth right above her garden.
She let her head lull again, "Oh my god. He's--" the tongue inside of her suddenly twisted and squirmed. "He's-- what the fuck?" she asked in a contorted voice of fear and guilt ridden pleasure.
Her hands grabbed her head at first trying to fight it.

The tongue squirmed and wriggled sending jolts through her body of pleasure. She didn't want to move too much though because those teeth would rip her to shreds. However it was hard not move with this thing in her.
She was absolutely disgusted and revolted. But why did she want to moan?
Her hands were pulling at her hair in resistance but now pushing fingers through her hair. Her glasses nearly falling off her face.

It could sense her rising pleasure. Feel how it mixed with her fear. It only put in a couple inches of its tongue at first. Slowly sliding it in. It was at six inches. The stranger kept sliding it into her fountain.
Her fits at first was fighting the stranger. Suddenly she was fighting herself more then the thing.
A fight she was losing.
Her pussy was soaking wet.
She was subconsciously rubbing her body against him.
"Oh Jesus! How long is your tongue?!" she cried as an orgasm flushed over her. Her head getting dizzy.
The only thing she could do to fight was not to fondle her own breasts. To not give in fully.
One of its hands lifted sliding downwards. Its hand gliding over the red dress.
It pulled back its head as its tongue slowly retracted. The thickness of the tongue got thinner and thinner.
"Mmmmmmm a meadow indeed." *click*
Its tongue slathered around its twine thick lips. Savoring her flavor.
Its tongue came back out and slid around her butt in its face.

Meadow was trying  regain her senses. The blood rushing to her head wasn't helping. She was barely able to realise the slimey tongue sliding between her ass cheeks.
"W-wait." she said in a dazed whisper. Her hand on her forehead. Her brain pulsing.
Then. She felt a bit of pressure back there. Her body involuntarily reacted more then she did. She was still battling her physical feelings.
A gasp came off her lips when pressure tightened back there. The wet cold slimey tongue slowly started sliding in.
Inch by inch she felt the slick tongue turning her insides with ice almost numbing her ass. She felt a small bit of pain as its tongue didn't feel as thick.
She squirmed her hands on her belly. Her mind had finally come to and the only thing she could say to her defense.
"Oh my god. It's in my ass." with a bit of strain on her face.

It enjoyed her. Her pussy was clean and tasted delicious. Her ass was taut, athletic and tight.
It was about six inches in and still moving. Slowly.
The first involuntary moan breathed from her lips.
It started making its tongue thicker.
Meadows reaction was "Mmmmmm!" biting her lower lip and clamping her eyes shut.
It felt her hand grasp its pant leg. She pulled with all her strength at the awkward angle.
"Jesus fuck!" she cried,
Its tongue eleven inches deep. Nearly as deep as when it was in her vagina.
It slowly began to pull out tilting its head slightly.
She gasped as it ripped its tongue free at the last four inches.
Its tongue was almost warm inside of her. It went back in with its tongue with its freshly freezing tongue. Just as thin as the first time but got thicker faster while it slid its tongue in quicker.
Meadows mouth filled with "oh's" and "mmm's". The creatures hand came back, its middle finger slowly rubbing her clit.

Meadow immediately gave a gasp of pleasure. The finger began to slide up and down her slit. Its finger nail barely grazed her soft folds and it tentilizing her. Soon the two pains began to cancel eachother out.
A wave of pleasure suddenly hit her like a tsumani when its finger dove into her. She suddenly felt like her orgasm was fast tracked.
She did't realise at first how thick the tongue in her ass had gotten.
And it was gaining speed as was its finger.
She began to squirm again.
Her moans had already risen. Her breasts were on fire, her nipples ached.
Her hands went to the things hand at her snatch. She didn't know what she was doing really. But suddenly it felt good to stretch her arms. She touched both thighs slowly sliding them over her bare skin.
Her hands reached her hips feeling like pleasure was following her fingers.
She kept sliding them up her body. She breathed in passing her stomach and exhaled over her ribs.
Her hands got to her breasts immediately cupping them in her hands. She took in a shuttered breath fondling herself. Her finger tips gliding over her cleavage. She dove her finger tips in and ripped down the dress letting her tits free.
She rolled her nipples between her red fingernails.
She moaned louder and louder but rhythmically.
She felt like she about to explode. Every inch of skin full of goosebumps.
"Oh, oh! Oh my! Ah Ga-- Fuck! Oh Fuck!"
It hit her like a brick in the head. The riveting pleasure rippled through. Her eyes rolling back. Her whole body tensed up when suddenly she went limp when it removed itself from inside her.
She was staring at the floor gasping for air. Sweat dripping from her brow. Her finger tips tingled. Her head dizzy and spinning from the blood and the overwhelming pleasure she nearly passed out from.
She noticed the room moving suddenly and felt herself swing one. She grunted lightly suddenly on her back.
Her breasts in the open with one hand hung over them limply. The other hand by her tussled hair. The front of her dress between her quivering legs from the split. Her chest heaving for more  and her face almost as red as her lipstick.

It stood over her. Her head was still spinning. She could hardly muster thoughts let alone make any kind of stable move.
She still could only see that same damned toothy grin shining in her phone light. It seemed to be eyeing her up and down however.
It slowly decended over her like a shadow.
She slowly looked up to the wall as she felt a cold hand grasped her breast. It gently squeezed making her body twitch one.
She felt the other hand slowly riding up her thigh.

The creatures tongue slid out licking her neck delicately.
Feeling her warm flesh in its hands. It member long and hard at her already violated folds. It began to enter her stealing another gasp from her.
Its freezing cold cock slipped in naturally into her soaked fountain.
Her pussy was warm and inviting. It began pumping while rolling her nipples and pinching them.
Her legs were spread wide as it violated her. Her hands wrapped around its pelvis beginning to moan again.
Its unnatural tongue slid out and extended to her other breast circling it and squeezing. The tip of its tongue swirling around her nipple and pressing in on it.

She began to gyrate her hips feeling it fat cock penetrating her. It was relentless as it pounded into her hips.
Hard and fast.
Both of her nipples were aching but felt good. The things it was doing to them felt good.
She kept moaning as her impending orgasm began to climb.
"Yes, oh fuck me. I'm so close. I'm almost there!" she pleaded
She started gyrating faster and more intensely.
Her moans climbing.
Her toes curled as it washed over her. Her moans howled as her climax shot through her.
Her hands slowly fall away. It stood up, its cock still hard. She felt it grab her wrist and her waist flipping her over in one quick move.
It lifted her hips off the couch setting her on her knees.
She straightened out her arms. Not sure of any of her movements she just tried to make herself more comfortable.

It stared at hips and how her waist disappeared behind it. How her ass curved into her round fleshy thighs.
It slid its hands over her hips and up her waist. It slid them back down grasping a handful of her ass cheeks ending with a smack. It didn't use much of its strength but it still made her ass red.
It slid its member between her taut cheeks. Once, twice, a third tine before angling its member to her star and shoving it forward. Not harshly but sternly.
She gave a pained gasp grasping the couch.
It slid itself in grasping her hips for leverage.
All eight inches of its thick member was inside of her.
Small moans of pain rose from her.
It began to hump her asshole.
Meadow gritted her teeth but was in no shape to fight back or resist.
It began to get rough with her ass. To the point where it was slamming its pelvis into ass. Her ass cheeks widening with every pump.
Meadow grunted and moaned in pain. The only protests were whispered "no's".
It loved feeling her tight asshole pressing around its member.
One of its hands grasped her other ass cheek. Grasping a handful of flesh and lifting. Ending it in a loud smack.
Again her ass quickly turned red.

She was almost growling now holding fistfuls of the couch cushions. A couple tears slid as her asshole was being torn apart.
It was so big. Cold. Long.
Her ass cheeks however felt worse. She flinched feeling another smack and then another.

It took its member out of her ass slowly. Her body quivering with every centimeter.
It stood back up and walked to her head grasping her hair and yanked her up.
She just went with it as it flipped her on her back. Her neck over the couch arm. Its hand grazed over her throat with its fingernails.
She was gasping her still head lolling.
It grasped her head holding it still. The head of its member touched her lips. It then pushed forward her gasping turned quickly into gagging.

Meadow didn't really realise what was  her lips. Her eyes still shut.
But when it was down her throat and choking her she got a good idea.
She felt the large member slide up and down her throat.
Her lips sealing around its cock not of choice but its thickness.
She felt one hand on her throat. Its other one her ribs.
It slammed against her face as drool began to leak up her face.
She had to close her eyes when it reached them.
She was trying to breath through her nose but it gave her only a split second to get any air.
Pressure was starting to build in her head. As she gagged and coughed.
Her hands, now having a bit of adrenaline in her system, tried to push it away.
To let her have air.
Her head was pounding and her lungs were on fire. Her eyes watering now. Her vision starting to darken.
She was almost screaming on its cock.
Staring into that fucking grin. No face or eyes to beg.
Suddenly she felt it explode in her throat. Its pelvis against her face she swallowed all of it so it would let her breath.

It stared into her eyes. Though she couldn't see its face, it could see hers.
Her eyes begged.
They said 'I swallowed please! Let me breath."
Her arms and legs widely thrashed. Even punching where a mans testicles are. If it had any, ever, it may have hurt a little.
It just sat there with its dick buried in her face smiling at her.
Until her eyes began to flutter and her limbs went limp.
The thing pulled out suddenly. Drool was attached from her lips to its member.
She still had a heartbeat. It could hear it.
She would just be out for a few hours.
It walked to the torn up panties on the floor.
It picked them up, holding them over its mouth. It opened its maw almost a foot wide dropping them. In one chomp they were gone.
"Time for dinner." *click*

Meadow gasped shooting up. Her head whipped around searching the room. Eye liner melted down her face. H
er eyes bloodshot. She looked down and lifted her dress over her bare breasts.
She breathed in fear and panic thinking about everything and trying to process it. The thoughts sped so fast she began to shake. Until finally she broke into tears.

After an hour she came down stairs to face the gore of her lover and sibling. Her phone dead she held it like it was gold. She walked into the bathroom. Fear already gripping her like a vice on her wrists, legs and chest.
She took one deep breath and opened the door.
The shower curtain was open wide.
The whole shower was clean. No blood. No mangled, mutilated body.
The look of confusion on her face was plastered. She ran down stairs to her brothers room. She burst in.
His game system was gone. As were pictures of his and all of his shoes.
She shook her head searching his room. Clothes. Personal affects. Phone watches wallet were all gone. His weed, his pistol, old marine uniforms, trophies and his bronze metal. Gone.
She went into her room. The story the samw. Almost all of her recent boyfriends effects were gone.
A charger sat on the bed.
It wasn't there the night before.

"When the police arrived they told her, that her brother and boyfriend left after raping her.
They believed she imagined it. That's another person who says they have seen this... Grinning Man." a broad shouldered man with a beard said. An alabama accent and thick beard. He held a shotgun across his shoulder speaking to a group of four.
Two younger men and one female with pigtails and soot black hair.
All of them armed.
One of the guys with spiked hair leaned in.
"Guys we don't even know how to kill this  yet. Its not like a simple zombie or goblin or a cursed pirate we have to simply set one fire."
"We got arsenal to take out any kind of thing that hunts or eats people. Silver, explosives, poison herbs. If it walks crawls or climbs we can kill it. I say we just use everything we have and shove it right up this things ass." The female said.
"By all means. You're welcome to try." *click*
Everyone in the room froze after pulling out guns. They peered around the room. Nothing. The older man suddenly realised.
He started looking upwards. Everyone else followed suit.
There it was. In the corner of the ceiling. Holding itself in the corner with a wide toothy smile.
"Fire!" the older man cried, as the monster dropped down.


2017-11-01 20:56:42
Had to make a acc just for this seeing as its been while since this was made. So far so good, like the darker tone this one. I'd like to see how this will tie into the Shadows of Fright series. I wouldn't mind seeing a mix and match between the monsters so far.

The Midnight ShadeReport 

2017-10-06 05:01:52
So all of my recent stories havent had any comments. The Shadows of Fright that is. Please comment on some of these recsnt stories to tell me how im doing

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