This Story is set in England of the 1950’s.
In a small village just outside of London.
A Big black man comes to a small village and enjoys himself screwing around with the village women
A Black Man Comes To Stay
This Story is set in England of the 1950’s.
In a small village just outside of London.
A Big black man comes to a small village and enjoys himself screwing around with the village women.
Chapter 1
Caroline Hunter was working in her kitchen as usual.
She was busy making bread.
She was making the daily bread for her village.
Caroline had taken over as the local baker.
The village bakery had been destroyed when a lost German bomber had dropped a bomb on it.
Caroline had a rather large kitchen so she had volunteered to take over the role of Baker.
The village Baker and his entire family had been killed when the German bomber bombed the bakery.
Caroline looked out of her kitchen window and saw Joshua Wilson the local Farmer and miller as he approached her house.
She watched as he tied up his horse and with a great effort, he lifted two big bags of flour off his cart and started to carry them one on each shoulder up to her back door.
Caroline now got a small beer out of her icebox and poured it into a glass.
She then opened the back door just as he put the two sacks down just next to her back door. He then got up and stretched.
He moaned a little as he stood back up.
He then gladly accepted the glass of beer that she now offered him.
He downed the beer in one go.
He then wiped his lips with the back of his hand.
He now gave her a big toothless grin.
Caroline was always amazed by his strength.
He was in his 60's but he was still as strong as a bull.
Joshua now lifted the sacks of flour into her kitchen and put them down where she told him.
He then did his usual flirting with her, telling her that she was too good of a woman to be left alone.
Caroline just smiled at him and politely and declined his offer of a night out at the local pub. Caroline’s husband had been a rear gunner on a Wellington bomber and he had been killed just two weeks before the war ended.
Caroline now laughed; at his silly jokes.
She also put a firm hand on his broad back and guided him towards the door.
Telling him.
“That she still had a lot of baking to do.”
He smiled at her and told her.
“That she would eventually go for a drink with him.”
He was now whistling to himself as he walked down her path to his horse and cart.
He now untied his horse and climbed back up onto his cart.
Still whistling to himself, she watched as he disappeared down the lane, which led to the village.
Caroline just smiled to herself as she went back to making some more bread.
Caroline had been feeling very frustrated as of late.
When her husband was alive and home on leave from the Air Force.
They had a very active sex life, they would send the boys out, and she and her husband would spend nearly the entire day in bed.
However, he was a good family man as well and he spent the rest of his leave as a family doing things with her and his sons.
He just took care of his wife’s needs first.
Caroline now started to roll out some flower; she had a good solid heavy-duty wooden rolling pin.
As her hands ran up and down the rolling pin.
It started to remind her of her husband. Moreover, how she loved to touch and play with his huge cock. Her husband was very big in that department and she missed him very much. She could not say that their marriage was perfect but she did miss the sex part.
Caroline now had an overwhelming desire to satisfy herself.
She did satisfy herself when it was too much for her to endure.
She usually just used her fingers.
However, because she was holding the rolling pin she decided to use it for the first time to get herself off.
Caroline now started to undo the top buttons of her dress so that she could play with her ample breasts.
She used to love her husband kissing, sucking, and biting on her nipples.
It used to drive her crazy.
Caroline now pulled her big boobs out of her corset, which she was wearing.
She now started to play with them.
She had flower on her hands and within a few seconds, her breasts were covered in flour. However, she did not care as she tweaked and rubbed her own breasts.
Her breasts were so big that she could even suck on her own nipples.
Which she now started to do.
Nevertheless, the more she did this the more her pussy needed some drastic attention.
She could feel her juices running into her panties as she sucked and rubbed her ample breasts.
Caroline now pulled up her dress to her waist and while holding up her dress with one hand she used her other hand to tug down her panties.
Caroline now used her hand to rub her own clit.
She rubbed her clit until she was nice and wet.
She then pushed two of her fingers into her pussy.
Caroline now slowly started to work her fingers in and out of her very wet pussy.
This is how Caroline usually brought herself off.
However, today she needed something more.
Caroline grabbed the rolling pin off the kitchen table and sat herself down in one of her wooden kitchen chairs.
She now parted her legs as wide as she could and still holding her dress up out of the way.
She positioned the rolling pin at the entrance to her pussy.
Her breathing was coming hard and fast now.
She had never dreamed she would do anything like this.
Nevertheless, she had gone without something inside of her for far too long, she did not really want to let the old Farmer get inside of her, and he was really the only bachelor in the village.
She would rather sort out her own needs herself.
Caroline now let out a loud moan of pleasure as the wooden rolling pin slipped into her wet pussy inch after inch of solid wood.
Her neglected pussy clamped tightly around the wooden rolling pin.
Caroline now brutally thrusted the rolling pin in and out of her pussy.
It felt wonderful it felt like her husband was back from the dead and fucking her with his huge hard cock.
Caroline now regretted not trying this sooner.
It was heaven having this large wooden object ramming in and out of her wet pussy.
It was sending her to heaven and back.
Caroline wanted it even deeper in her pussy.
So she got up off her chair, went over to the sink, and bent over holding onto the sink with one hand and with the other hand she continued to thrust the wooden rolling pin deeper into her wet pussy.
It nearly all disappeared into her cunt and her juices were now flowing freely and running down her legs and onto the kitchen floor.
She could feel her orgasm about to burst and she quickly thrust the pin deeper into her cunt.
This was all she needed as she now gripped the sink with both hands as she had an orgasm. Her orgasm was so strong and powerful it pushed the pin completely out of her pussy and sent it flying across the kitchen floor.
Caroline was now exhausted and she collapsed back down onto the kitchen floor.
Where she remained for several minutes, eventually she got herself up having made herself decent once more.
She retrieved and cleaned the wooden rolling pin.
Then smiling to herself and whistling a soft little tune she went back to her work.
Chapter 2
Joe Fitzgerald was looking out of the window of the small bus that he was now riding on as it traversed its way down the small twisty country Lanes.
Joe was a little familiar with this part of the country, as he had been stationed not too far away during the war.
Joe had been an army Ranger.
Not many black men had been army Rangers.
Joe puffed away on his American cigarette and blows smoke circles out of the open window much to the entertainment of a small boy who kept looking back at him.
The boy was travelling with his mother by the look of it.
In addition, she kept telling him.
“To look to his front.”
Nevertheless, the boy kept looking back at Joe.
Joe now blows him an even bigger smoke ring that drifted out of the open window.
There were only about a dozen people on the bus.
They were mainly old women apart from the woman with her child and a couple of old men.
The bus now entered a small village and the driver called out its name.
Joe now put out his cigarette and grabbed his kit bag from the overhead luggage compartment.
The woman and her child also got off at this stop.
The woman was struggling with her heavy suitcases.
Joe flung his kit bag over his shoulder, picked them up for her with ease, and carried them off the bus.
A man was waiting for her.
The woman now looked at Joe and she gave him a genuine smile and.
“Thanked him for his kindness.”
The boy asked him.
“If he could blow him some more smoke circles.
Joe just ruffled his blond curly hair and told him.
“Maybe some other time.”
The man now took both the suitcases off Joe without saying a word of thanks to him.
Joe smiled to himself as the man struggled with both of them.
Joe had lifted both of them with ease.
The woman also noticed that this big black man was much stronger than her own husband was.
They walked off, but the woman looked back at him and gave him a big smile once more.
The bus now headed out of the village.
He turned to find his bearings.
He now saw what he was looking for the Black Bull pub.
He had drunk in it on many occasions, when he had been on leave from the army.
He now set off in the direction of the pub.
The noise in the pub instantly died away as Joe entered.
However, Joe was used to this and it did not intimidate him at all.
Joe was not really intimidated by anything.
Joe had seen many terrible things in the war.
He had personally killed many a German soldier and captured many others.
However when he came across any SS troops.
He always killed them.
No black soldiers took SS soldiers prisoners they were killed on the spot.
The SS now started to fear the black American soldiers because they knew they would not receive any mercy at their hands.
Joe now tossed his kit bag into an empty corner and walked towards the bar.
A thin looking man with grey hair was stood watching him from behind the bar.
Joe gave him a big smile showing off his perfect white teeth.
Joe now slapped down a new white five-pound note and he then said to the barman who turned out to be the proprietor.
“Whiskey and keep them coming and drinks for the house.”
This now was received by a loud cheer from the few men who were in the bar even the barman smiled as he poured him his whisky.
A middle-aged woman slightly overweight with huge boobs and wearing too much make-up now appeared from the kitchen. She wanted to know what all the noise was about.
Her heart nearly missed a beat when she saw Joe stood at the bar drinking with several of the locals who stood around him drinking beer and talking to him like he was one of their long lost friends.
Joe saw her out of the corner of his eye and he gave her a little wink and a smile, which nearly melted her heart.
The woman quickly recovered herself as her husband was now looking at her.
The woman now approached her husband and smiled at Joe.
She then said.
“Who is making all this noise?
Are we having a party and someone has forgotten to invite me?”
Joe now found it quite hard to pretend not to know this woman.
Her green eyes were shining down at him and her red curly hair bounced about her pretty face. Joe now said to her.
“That he apologised for causing too much noise and to make it up to her and her husband would they please join him in a drink.”
Before her husband could say anything, she gladly accepted his offer.
Joe had to really hold back a laugh when she introduced herself and her husband to him. Joe just gave her a knowing little smile.
The woman told him.
“Her name was Polly and this was her husband Walter.
Polly and Walter Potter Land Lord and Land Lady of the Black Bull Inn."
Joe told them both.
“That it was a pleasure to meet them.”
He then added.
“You said Inn?
Does that mean you have rooms to rent?”
Walter was just about to tell him that they were full up when Polly stood on his foot and smiled at Joe.
She then said to Joe.
“We do have several rooms available, would you like to book in?”
Her eyes burned with lust now as she looked at Joe.
Joe smiled back at her and then said to her.
I have business in the area and a room would be very agreeable.
Thank you for your kindness.”
Polly now asked Joe.
“If he would like to go up to his room and put his bag away?”
Joe told her.
“That would be most agreeable; he also asked her if there was any chance of any dinner?”
Polly smiled and told him.
“That she would show him up to his room then she would sort him out something to eat.” Walter just looked at his wife.
Polly gave him a very dismissive look.
Polly was the boss in the pub and Walter knew better than to get on the wrong side of her. Walter liked to gamble and Polly held all the purse strings now.
As she did not trust, him with money anymore so he reluctantly.
Had to go along with most of his wife’s wishes.
Joe finished his whisky then he slammed some more money down on the bar and told Walter.
“Drinks all around for his new friends.”
He then picked up his kit bag and followed Polly up the stairs.
Walter was not too happy about having the big American in his Inn.
It was not that he was Black.
He just did not like big handsome men around his wife.
He knew she had a bit of a wandering eye.
It was something he had to learn to put up with.
They both had their own vices.
However, Walter did not care for hers too much.
Joe followed Polly up the stairs.
The men in the bar gave him a cheer as he once again paid for their drinks.
Walter poured himself a large brandy to settle his nerves.
He would have a little word with his wife later on.
When she was in a better humour.
Polly unlocked the door to the room in which Joe would be staying in. It was at the opposite end to her room at the far back of the Inn.
Polly opened the door and Joe followed her inside closing the door with his foot behind him. Polly did not have the chance to turn around before she felt his big hands cupping her big firm breasts.
She just giggled and moaned with pleasure as he squeezed her breasts and pulled her onto him. She could feel him already getting hard as he pushed his growing hardon into her bottom.
Polly now started to giggle as he started to undo the buttons of her white blouse.
Her breathing was coming hard and fast now.
She turned to look at him and she gave him a hot lust full smile and said to him.
“We don’t have time for this.”
However, as she said this her hands were automatically undoing his belt.
He just smiled at her and pressed his lips onto her lips as he gave her a passionate hot kiss.
Joe just started to kiss her harder and eventually Polly stopped her objections and started to kiss him back just as passionately their tongues playing in each other’s mouths.
Her hands had his trousers down now and she had his big huge cock out of his underwear. Her hands were running up and down his big hard cock lovingly.
It had been many years since she had him last in her hands.
When they broke off their kiss.
Joe just smiled at her and said to her.
“Do you remember what I like?”
Polly flushed a little bit with embarrassment and just nodded her head in answer to him.
However just then she heard the sound of her husband coming up the stairs and she glanced angrily at the closed door.
She then looked at Joe and told him.
“He would have to wait till later on.”
She quickly did up her blouse and kissed him one last time.
She then disappeared out the door as she closed the door she told him.
“She would go make him something nice to eat.”
When she met her husband on the landing, she asked him.
“Why he had left the bar unattended?”
He just gave her a silly smile and told her.
“That he needed something from their room.”
Polly told him.
“Not to be too long, she did not like the bar left unattended.”
She then went downstairs into the kitchen and started to prepare Joe something special for his dinner.
Walter giggled to himself as he went into his room.
He had a very good idea that he had just interrupted something.
He was planning on interrupting a lot of things.
He was not going to make it easy for her.
Caroline had just finished all her baking for that day and had just finished cleaning up the kitchen when her two sons walked in.
Caroline just instantly told them both.
“To get out of her clean kitchen and take off their dirty boots.”
She had just cleaned the kitchen floor.
The boys just looked at each other and grinned at their mother.
However, they did take off their boots and put them outside the back door.
She now told them.
“To get their asses in the back she had a bath waiting for them.”
The two boys now tried to beat the other to get in the bath first.
Caroline looked at them and pretended to be angry.
However, inside she found this very amusing.
It was the same thing every day when they came home from work.
She had a hot bath waiting for them and they always fought each other to see who would get into it first.
The boys were quite evenly matched so she could never be certain who would win.
Jonathan got in the bath yesterday first.
However, Timothy had a good start on his brother.
Caroline put a big old kettle on the fire to boil some more hot water.
When Caroline carried the big kettle of hot water into the back room where the old tin bath was. Timothy was in it and Jonathan was sat on a stool smoking a cigarette.
Caroline gave him an unhappy look.
She was not too happy about him starting to smoke.
However, the boys were grown up and it was not up to her.
She poured the hot water into the bath and Timothy complained that it was too hot. Jonathan called his brother a big cissy.
This put a smile on her face.
Caroline went back into the kitchen, refilled the kettle, and put it once more back on the fire so Jonathan would have some hot water when he got his turn to have a bath.
Caroline was now getting their evening tea ready when the kettle started to whistle letting her know that the hot water was ready.
She carefully took the hot water into the back room where her sons were having a bath.
As Caroline entered the back room carrying the kettle of hot water.
Timothy was just getting out of the bath and Jonathan was just getting in.
Caroline just froze in the doorway with the kettle in her hands.
She was now seeing her sons full frontal and completely naked.
She had not seen the boys naked for over seven years and she had to admit they had developed a lot in that time.
When the boys saw their mother, they tried to cover themselves up with their hands. Caroline flushed with embarrassment and apologise to them both.
She put the kettle down and made a hasty retreat back into the kitchen.
Both boys now looked at each other and started to laugh.
Caroline heard the laughter coming from the back room and just smiled to herself.
She was also a little concerned that her nipples had gone rock hard and she could feel herself getting wet with excitement at the sight of her naked sons especially what they had dangling in between their legs.
Both boys looked like they took after her late husband and both boys were packing a decent size cock she thought to herself with a smile on her face.
Later Caroline and her sons were all sat around the kitchen table having their tea the atmosphere in the kitchen was a little awkward. Caroline looked at both her sons and apologise to them.
She then said without thinking.
“I didn’t know you were both so big.”
Both boys now looked at her and burst out laughing.
The atmosphere in the kitchen now changes from one of awkwardness to one of complete amusement as all three now started to laugh.
The boys joked that they must return the favour when she was having a bath.
Caroline smiled to her sons and told them.
“She had good sense enough to lock the door.”
They all now continued to laugh.
The boys were going into the village, as there was a dance in the church hall.
They tried to persuade her to come with them.
Nevertheless, Caroline was tired and wanted to have an early night.
She told the boys.
“Not to be too noisy when they came in and she reminded them that they both had to be up quite early as they were helping one of the farmers with his morning milking.”
The boys hired themselves out to local farms when anybody needed some extra help.
However, no one needed them full time.
Nevertheless, between the several local farms the boys found they had enough work to last them all week and they liked working on the different farms.
Because different farms had, different girls and the boys were no stranger to girls.
However, both boys were still virgin’s.
They were the most handsome boys in the village and all the village girls fancied them including some of the more mature village women.
Who often gave them sly looks when they passed by.
Caroline had now washed up the tea things and she was relaxing in her favourite rocking chair in front of the fire and listening to some music on the wireless as she drank a glass of homemade wine. Both her sons now came downstairs and she gave them both a playful wolf whistle. They both looked very handsome in their suits.
Both boys now flushed and went a little shy.
Which she thought was very amusing for too big and powerful young men.
She now teased them a little bit about not breaking all the girls’ hearts at the dance.
Once again, both boys went red with embarrassment.
She told them.
“Not to be too late home.
Moreover, she watched them disappear out of the house and down the lane.
She finished her wine then got up and got ready for bed, as she had to be up early to start the baking once more.
Jonathan and Timothy were nearly at the village hall when a voice from behind them asked them. “If they had a light.”
As both boys were smoking a cigarette.
Both boys stopped and turned around.
A very large black man wearing a very nice suit was walking up towards them with a great big smile on his face.
Jonathan got out his lighter as the man pulled a cigar from his pocket.
Jonathan lit the cigar for the man as he puffed away on it.
The man now thanked them and introduced himself to the boys.
The boys now introduce themselves to him.
Now they all got talking.
He then ask them both.
“Where they were going all dressed up?”
The boys now told him about the dance and asked him.
“If he wanted to go with them?”
He smiled at both boys and said to them both.
“Why not I do not have anything better to do to night.”
Now all three of them started to walk off towards the village hall and the dance.
When the two boys and Joe walked into the village hall together, everybody turned to look at them.
Joe noticed Polly and her husband in the corner of the hall they had a make shift bar set up and were serving drinks as they had closed the pub for the night.
On the other side of the bar, there were tables with food on them.
A variety of sandwiches and homemade cakes.
A small band was playing music on the stage they were not that good but at least they were in tune Joe thought to himself.
Joe and the boys made their way to the bar.
Joe smiled at Walter and Polly.
Polly returned his smile; Walter just gave him an unhappy look.
Jonathan then said to Polly.
“Three beers please sweetheart.”
He then turned to Joe and said to him.
“I hope a beer will be OK with you.”
Joe just looked at the young man and then he gave him a warm smile. And then he told him.
“That a warm English beer would be just fine.”
Now everyone started too laughed except Walter who did not find it funny.
Polly now added.
“That it was too hard to chill the beer.
However she did have some bottles of beer in a bucket of ice under the counter.”
And she gave them a bottle of beer each from the ice bucket.
The boy’s, Joe and Polly now started to talk together.
However, the bar now started to get busy and reluctantly Polly had to serve some customers. The boys had seen some girls they knew and they wandered off to try and get a dance and maybe a quick feel as well.
Joe now spotted the woman who he had helped with her cases from the bus.
And he decided to go see if she wanted to dance.
Joe looked but he could not see her husband anywhere in the hall.
Joe also noticed that she did not have a drink.
Joe went back to the bar and asked Polly.
“If she knew what she drank?”
Polly looked at the lone woman and then at Joe and just smiled.
Polly was not the jealous type.
She gave Joe a small port and Joe carried it over to the woman.
Polly smiled as she watched Joe walking over to her and she wondered if Joe’s charm would work on her.
Polly was not really that concerned she had plans for Joe herself later on tonight.
Her husband would get drunk as usual.
He always did at the village dance and she would be able to pop to Joe's room later on and continue where they left off this afternoon.
Joe was now stood directly in front of the woman.
He now coughed and she looked up at him.
Joe now gave her a big smile flashing his perfect teeth once more.
He then offered her the drink saying to her at the same time.
“Polly tells me you are rather partial to port.
Please accept this off me.”
At first she was a little hesitant and looked around the room then she smiled back and accepted it with a.
“Thank you.”
Joe now asked her.
“Her name and why she kept glancing to the door at the far end of the church hall.”
The woman smiled a little shyly at Joe and told him.
“Her name was Emily and she was looking for her husband. He was outside with some of the other men.
They were playing horseshoes for money and she did not want to get in trouble.
If he came in and saw her talking to a strange man."
Joe now smiled at Emily and introduced himself to her.
He then said to her.
“Now you know my name and I know your name, so I am not a stranger anymore.
So you cannot get into trouble.
I think you need to dance to cheer yourself up a bit.”
And he virtually pulled her onto the dance floor where couples were dancing.
At first, she was very reluctant to dance with him.
But she soon started to relax and she started to enjoy dancing with him.
She loved to dance.
But her husband was a typical Farmer all he thought about was his farm, money and getting pissed. His wife and son were not too high on his list of priorities.
Joe had a gift he was very good it getting what he wanted.
And tonight he wanted some English housewife’s pussy.
And Emily was in his sights.
During the rest of the night, Emily danced a couple more dances with Joe.
Emily also started to dance with some other men including both Jonathan and Timothy. But mostly she danced with Joe.
Joe was also getting her drink after drink and she was now starting to feel the effect of it. Halfway through a dance she complained she was feeling a little light headed and Joe making sure that nobody noticed.
Which nobody did as everybody was now nearly pissed.
He guided her out of a side door and took her for a walk around the corner of the church to where he found some trees that he now led her into.
He now pushed her up against a tree and kissed her.
Emily’s eyes flared open and she tried to fight him off.
However, Joe just grabbed her hands and he just pinned them above her head as he continued to kiss her.
Emily was getting confused her husband had never treated her this way before.
Joe was being so forceful.
But he was also kissing her with so much passion.
Emily had never ever imagined you could kiss someone with so much passion.
Emily had a secret stash of romantic novels at home and she had always dreamed about somebody being so loving with her.
Eventually she started to kiss him back just as passionately.
Joe and Emily were now kissing each other and their hands where roaming over each other’s bodies.
Emily now started to get scared when she felt her dress being lifted up above her waist.
She tried to stop him.
But he was too strong for her.
Joe just slipped his hands into her panties and she gasped with shock as two of his big fingers found their way into her pussy.
Even her husband had never touched her with his fingers.
Her husband just fucked her missionary style every Saturday night. That was if he was not too pissed from being in the pub all night.
Emily now wanted to scream as he rammed his fingers in and out of her pussy.
But she could not because he was kissing her so hard.
Eventually she stopped trying to fight him off and just started to enjoy the feel of his fingers ramming in and out of her pussy.
She could feel herself getting more and more excited as his fingers went deeper and faster into her pussy.
It did not take him long to bring her to her first ever orgasm of her entire life.
Her husband had never been able to get her to come and Infact he was not that bothered as long as he came that was all he ever cared about.
Joe now smiled to himself when his hands got very wet and he knew by the sounds she was making that she had just experienced an orgasm.
He now broke off his kiss and smiled at her.
Joe now shocked her by getting down onto his hands and knees.
He now pushed her legs wide open and for the first time in her life, Emily felt a man’s tongue on her pussy and clit.
Emily now gripped his head and pulled him back onto her pussy when he started to pull away. Joe grinned to himself and stuck his tongue deeper into her tasty pussy.
She tasted wonderful to him.
He loved licking out English women.
He also found out that most of the women he seduced had never been licked out before.
Joe was puzzled why Englishmen did not lick out their wives and girlfriends.
They did not know what they were missing.
He also found out that most English women were very reluctant to suck a cock.
Until he persuaded them and afterwards they loved to do it for him.
Emily now screamed out loud and she now had her second ever orgasm.
Filling Joe’s waiting mouth with her sweet love juices.
Joe now eagerly drank all her juices.
He had his mouth tightly clamped down onto her pussy so no juices would escape him.
He also hoped that nobody had heard her call out.
As her cry of joy had been rather loud.
Joe now got back up onto his feet and just smiled at her.
Her body was still trembling in the aftermath of her orgasm.
He now just held her in his very strong arms and started to kiss her once more.
Joe continued to kiss her and Emily kissed him back.
He now undid his belt and trousers
Joe now started to push both his trousers and shorts down to the ground.
Joe then put his hands firmly on her shoulders and pushed her down onto her knees.
At first, Emily struggled.
But gradually she let him push her down onto the ground.
Emily was now very scared and embarrassed.
She was now eye level with his huge black cock.
She had never been this close to a cock before.
She never touched her husband’s cock and it was very rare that she even saw her husband’s cock. She always closed her eyes when they had sex and she always kept her nightie on so he had never seen her fully naked.
Joe moved a little bit so the tip of his huge cock was only about one inch from her hot red lips. Emily just looked up at him with a very scared expression on her face.
But he could also tell she was also a little excited.
Joe now said to her in a very soft quiet voice.
“Don’t be scared just kiss the head for me.”
Joe just patiently waited and he continued to talk to her gently all the time he was reassuring her.
He continued to give her big warm smiles.
Emily with a shaking hand placed a hand on his cock.
It felt like fire, which raced through her entire body setting off every desire she had wanted to do, and never had.
She now just touched his cockhead with her lips.
Joe moaned out with pleasure as her lips touched his cockhead.
Joe just smiled at her and he now gently put a hand on the back of her head.
So that she could not pull away from his cock.
He now gently reassured her as she opened her eyes and took just his cockhead into her mouth.
Emily had never ever done anything like this before and it was exciting her.
Joe now gently put a little pressure on the back of her head so that she took a little bit more of him into her mouth.
She just looked at him as more and more of his huge cock now slipped into her mouth. When she couldn’t take anymore, he let go of her head and she started to pull back.
He then pushed her head back down onto his cock.
He did this several times until Emily got the idea what he wanted her to do and she slowly started to bob her head up and down on his huge cock.
She even managed to take a couple more inches of his cock into her mouth.
He was now lodged deep in her throat and Emily had no idea that she was now actually deep throating him.
Joe just smiled with pleasure he had never expected her to be this good on her first time.
He now started to thrust his hips forward and he started to enjoy face fucking her.
Emily was also enjoying the sensation of him filling her mouth and throat with his huge cock.
Emily now had her eyes wide open as she continued to give him a wonderful deep throat blowjob.
Joe and Emily kept eye contact as she continued to suck him off.
Joe could see that she had a mischievous look in her eyes and he knew that she was enjoying what she was doing.
He now moaned even more than he had been when she gripped his balls with her hands and she now gently started to squeeze them.
Emily squeezing his balls had taken him by complete surprise.
And he now started to shoot off into her mouth.
Load after load of his thick spunk now started to fill her mouth.
Emily was now herself, taken by surprise.
When he started to cum in her mouth.
She quickly started to swallow his cum.
She then pulled off his cock.
Her mouth and belly now full of his thick black cum.
She still had a mouthful of his cum.
Emily did not swallow this load.
She wanted to savour the taste of his cum.
This was the first time she had a man's cum in her mouth and she liked the taste of it.
She now smiled at him as she now swallowed his last load of spunk with a loud gulping sound.
When Joe finally recovered.
He helped her to stand once more.
They started to kiss and Joe tasted his own cum on her lips.
He had tasted it many times on many different women’s lips and it didn’t bother him anymore.
Joe now stopped kissing her and he now whispered in her ear.
“Was she ready for him to fuck her now?”
Emily’s eyes just lit up and she nodded her head yes to him.
Joe now turned her around and got her to bend over.
He now positioned his huge cock at the wet entrance to her pussy.
Now in one powerful thrust he buried himself completely in her.
Emily now had over ten inches of solid black cock in her white English housewife cunt.
Emily screamed out in pleasure as he thrust into her pussy.
She had never felt so full or so horny as she did now.
Emily just cried out with joy and pleasure as Joe started to brutally fuck her pussy.
Emily had no idea that lovemaking could be so pleasurable.
Then she realized that this was sex brutal and row.
There was no love here he was just brutally using her pussy for his own pleasure.
And this made her even more excited.
Emily was getting even more excited and her pussy.
Now started to literally drip pussy juices out of it.
Joes brutal fucking of her pussy had already given her two small orgasms up to now.
And he was still pounding into her.
Emily continued to moan and scream out with pleasure as his big black cock started to fuck her even harder now.
Emily now had orgasm after orgasm she never believed sex could feel so wonderful.
The sensations that were now going through her body were indescribable.
Emily now wondered if she could die of pure pleasure.
Joe now gripped her hips more firmly and he now thrust his cock deeper into her pussy.
Emily had never had a cock this deep in her pussy before.
Emily now had the biggest orgasm she had ever had up to now.
Joe now screamed out in pleasure as he shot load after load of his thick spunk deep into her pussy.
Emily could feel every load of cum entering her cunt and it made her feel wonderful for the first time ever.
Emily now knew what it felt like to be a woman.
She now started to cry with happiness at least once in her life she had been truly fucked and fucked very well.
Emily knew that her pig of a husband could never make her feel this way.
She now vowed here and now that he would never get in between her legs ever again.
After they had finished they both made themselves more respectable.
They kissed for a few more minutes.
When she told him.
“She had better head off home, she would tell her husband that she got bored and went home. Her mother was babysitting.”
Joe kissed her once more this time very passionately.
Reluctantly she broke out of his embrace and headed off home.
She didn’t feel any guilt for cheating on her husband.
She felt happy and fulfilled for the first time in her entire life.
Chapter 3
Joe Fitzgerald lit a cigarette and rested his back against a tree as he smoked his cigarette.
He now had a huge smile of satisfaction on his face.
Joe remained outside for the next 10 minutes.
Joe smoked two cigarettes before he made his way back into the church hall.
Polly now saw Joe re-enter the hall alone and she just smiled to herself.
Joe came back up to the bar and ordered a large whisky.
Polly now served him with a smile on her face.
She then whispered to him.
“Was everything ok?”
Joe just grinned at her and Polly knew that he had succeeded with Emily.
Polly did not feel jealous she just felt excited that Joe had already fucked one of the village women. Polly would not be at all surprised if Joe did not go through the entire village of women before he left.
The dance was now starting to wind down and people were now starting to drift out of the hall and head home.
Walter and Polly were busy packing up the bar.
Joe also decided he would head back to the pub.
Polly had slipped him a key telling him to let himself in as her and Walter had to sort out the bar before they went home.
As Joe was walking home to the pub, he bumped into Jonathan and Timothy.
Jonathan was trying to help Timothy up off the ground.
However, both of them were totally pissed and they both just kept falling down onto the ground.
Once on the ground they both burst out into fits of giggles.
Joe now left both boys sat on the ground still giggling to each other.
He had seen a large cart when he passed the church.
He now walked back and got the cart.
Joe now pulled the cart back to where the boys were.
Joe now tossed the boys into the cart.
He now took a firm grip on the handles of the cart and set off in the direction of the boy’s home.
While he had been talking to the boys, they had told him where they lived and how to get there. Joe was now headed off in that direction.
He was going to take them home to their mother.
Both boys were now sat up on the cart and both kept bursting out into fits of giggles.
They also started to sing some very naughty songs.
Joe just smiled to himself as he continued to pull the cart down the dark long country lane
Joe was now sweating a little the boys had forgotten to tell him that the lane was up and down hill. He eventually arrived at the boy’s home.
There were no lights on.
However, Joe would have to knock somebody up as it had just started to rain very heavily.
Joe now banged on the front door.
At first Caroline did not know what the noise was that had just woken her up.
Nevertheless, eventually she realized someone was knocking on her front door.
She now got out of bed just in her thin nightie and turned her light on.
She then went to her window and opened it.
Caroline now leant out of the window to see who was there.
Joe now saw a light in one of the top bedrooms come on and he turned to look towards the light. A few seconds later, a window opened and a woman leant out of the open window.
Joe had to catch his breath the woman looking out of the window was beautiful and the nightie she was wearing only just kept her ample breasts in place.
Joe now smiled to himself and he now made a mental note.
That if this was the boy’s mother, he would make it his business to get to know her a hell of a lot better.
Caroline now called down to him asking him.
“Who he was and what the hell he wanted at this time of night.”
Joe now called back to her.
“That he had a special delivery for her.”
And he now pointed to the two drunken lads who were now fast asleep on the cart.
Caroline now saw her son’s on the cart and she got instantly angry.
She told him.
“To hang on a minute.”
The rain was now coming down faster and harder and Joe was now getting quite wet. Caroline opened the front door and said to him.
“Thank you I will get them inside.”
Joe watched as she tried to get the drunken boys one by one off the cart and into the house.
Caroline had put on a dressing gown before she came down stairs.
Joe now smiled to himself as he watched her struggling to move her drunken sons.
Her dressing gown had now fallen open as she tried to move her sons.
And it was getting wet.
Joe could now see her big breasts through her wet nightie.
Joe was quite impressed with her breasts they looked nice and big and firm and he could not wait until he was playing and sucking on them.
Joe just watched her trying to struggle to move her son’s.
He was enjoying the view of her magnificent breasts.
Eventually he coughed and she stopped and looked at him.
Joe moved to the cart and grabbed one of the boys and he now threw him over his shoulder.
Joe then turned to her and told her.
“To lead the way.”
Caroline flushed a little bit with annoyance.
But she went into the house and Joe followed her.
Caroline showed Joe to the boy’s bedroom.
The boys shared a large bedroom.
Joe now carefully put the boy down on his bed.
The boy was now snoring peacefully.
Joe now went back and got the second boy.
Joe now took him up to his room and just like his brother; he carefully put the boy down on his bed.
Joe now came back down the stairs.
He smiled at her and said.
He was just about to step out into the rain.
When she asked him.
“To wait.”
Caroline now smiled at the big black man and said to him.
“I apologise for being a little off with you.
It is not your fault my sons came home drunk.
Please allow me to give you something to warm you up before you go back out into the rain.”
Caroline now went into the kitchen and came back with a large glass of brandy in one hand and an umbrella in her other hand.
Joe now gratefully accepted the brandy and he downed it in one go.
He then took the umbrella.
He told her.
“He would return it tomorrow.”
He now set off into the rain the umbrella giving him a little protection from the heavy rain that was now pouring down onto him.
Caroline now stood in the open doorway watching the big man disappear into the rain and the darkness.
She suddenly realized that she was very cold.
She now glanced down to see her dressing gown was open. She also noticed it was wet and her nipples were quite clearly visible through the thin wet nightie.
She now realized why he had been smiling at her everytime he looked her way.
At first, she was rather annoyed.
But then she just smiled to herself as she closed her dressing gown and tightened her belt around herself.
Caroline now made her way up to her son’s bedroom.
She glanced in on the two sleeping boys.
Both of them were sound asleep.
However, both were still fully clothed and both still had their shoes on.
Caroline let out a low sigh of frustration.
She then went into their room and removed their shoes.
Caroline now removed their jackets, ties, and shirts she even removed their trousers. Caroline now hung up there suits so they would not wrinkle.
The shirts she put into the washing basket.
She now looked at her two sons laid on their backs on their beds fast asleep.
Both boys’ wear now only wearing their shorts.
A very strange sensation now started to go through her.
It was the same sensation she had experienced earlier on when she had seen them both naked.
Caroline did not understand why she did what she did next.
She removed her dressing gown and her wet nightie.
She now quickly slipped out of her panties as well.
Now she was stood naked looking at her two naked sons’.
Both had magnificent bodies and even soft, their cocks looked very large.
Her hands started to play with her own breasts as her nipples became very hard and she could feel her wetness starting to build up in her pussy.
She ran her tongue over her red lips as she looked at her son’s hot bodies.
Caroline now moaned in pleasure as Jonathan turned over in his sleep.
Now his beautiful bum was on display to her.
Both boys bodies where rippling with muscles from the hard outdoor work they did on the local farms.
Caroline now very nervously sat down on Jonathan’s bed and with a shaking hand; she placed her hands on his back and bottom.
She now started to run her hands over his body lovingly.
She instantly stopped when he made a sound in his sleep.
But when she realized he was not going to wake up she continued to run her hands all over his body.
Caroline now lay down next to him and she wrapped her legs and arms around his body. She pressed herself tightly to him.
Her ample breasts were now pressing into her son’s back.
And her hands were lovingly rubbing his strong broad chest.
Caroline held her son for about 15 minutes. But when he started to move.
She quickly got off his bed.
She now looked at Timothy who was still sleeping on his back peacefully.
He too was snoring but not as loud as his brother was.
Caroline now sat down on Timothy’s bed.
She looked at her son lovingly.
She loved her boys very much.
Both of them reminded her daily of her husband especially when they first met they had been schooled yard sweethearts.
Caroline had never been with anybody but her husband.
But her husband had been very passionate and he had showed her many things.
That had shocked her at first.
But gradually she started to enjoy all the things that he did to her.
She knew what her and her husband did in bed was un-usual.
So she never said anything to her friends when the subject of sex was occasionally mentioned.
She just smiled and told them.
That they just did the same as them and their husbands.
She did not want to shock them by telling them the things she let him do to her.
Caroline missed being with a passionate man.
A man who was not afraid to experiment and show her how much he loved her by truly making love to her.
Caroline was lovingly running her hands over his broad chest and just smiling at him, he looked so peaceful in his sleep.
She did not realise that her hands had started to go lower and she was now running them over his cock, which was starting to respond to her touch.
But before she realized what she was doing, her hand had wrapped itself around his hard shaft that was now fully hard.
She was now slowly moving her hand up and down on his big hard cock.
She was now giving her own son a hand-job.
Caroline could see what her hand was doing.
But she was powerless to stop herself.
Her hand seemed to have a mind of its own.
Her son was making strange faces in his sleep and making soft whimpering sounds as her hand started to go faster and faster on his big hard cock.
Caroline just continued to Jack her son off and by the whimpering sounds which were now getting louder and the thrusts that he was making in his sleep.
She knew that he was about to cum any second now.
And this really excited her.
She had loved doing this to her husband.
His first load now burst from his cock-head and hit her in her tits covering them with his hot sweet cum.
She quickly moved her face forward and his second load she took into her mouth.
His third load hit her directly in her face covering her face in cum.
The rest of his sweet cum she directed onto her breasts.
She had loved doing this for her husband.
Caroline was a slut at heart and her late husband knew how to bring her whore side. Out of her.
Caroline now rubbed the cum which he had shot onto her breasts into her skin.
Caroline now used her tongue to lick up all the cum that was now dripping off her face.
She loved the taste of cum.
She now went to his cock and she started to lick up all the left over spunk, which still covered his big cock.
She even took him completely in her mouth several times and sucked him.
She completely licked him clean of his hot cum.
She wanted to sit on him.
But she did not want to take the risk of her getting pregnant or him waking up and being devastated to find her fucking him.
She quickly ran downstairs and grabbed the wooden rolling pin.
Caroline now locked herself in her bedroom where she use the rolling pin to pleasure herself all night as she played with her sons cum which was still on her face and breasts.
Chapter 4
Joe was now very tired he was also wet through by the time he got back to the pub.
He let himself into the pub using the key Polly had given him.
Once in his room Joe took a shower.
He then got into bed and was soon fast asleep.
Joe had been asleep for about 3 hours when Polly slipped into his room.
As she had predicted her husband was fast asleep.
He was drunk as usual.
He always got drunk at the village dance people always bought him drinks and he could never turn them down.
He told his wife he was only being sociable as he accepted drink after drink.
However, this was one night Polly did not mind him being completely passed out on her bed.
Polly was now standing at the foot of his bed in the darkness.
The only light in the room was the Moon light that was now escaping from the storm clouds and illuminating the room a little bit.
She smiled to herself as her dressing gown fell to the floor.
She was completely naked under it.
She now pulled back the covers and got into bed with him.
Joe was sleeping very peacefully.
He was also in a very deep sleep.
Polly rolled him over onto his back.
She now kissed her way down his chest until she found his soft cock.
She now started to kiss and lick it to get it nice and hard.
Polly would have never dreamed of kissing a man’s cock.
However, Joe had taught her how to do it the last time he had come to see her.
That was a few years ago.
Polly had not done this to any other man apart from Joe which was quite a shame because she was very good it sucking cock.
Polly was virtually slavering all over his cock now.
She had longed for him for so long.
It felt incredible how it was getting hard in her hands even though he was still fast asleep.
A few more kisses and he was now fully hard and ready to screw.
Polly now threw back the bed covers and grabbed his huge hardon in one of her hands.
She now swung her hips over him and positioned herself directly above his hard cock.
She slowly lowered herself down onto him letting out a low moan of satisfaction as his big cock-head pushed its way into her tight pussy.
His big cock was parting her cunt lips to their limit.
He was nearly splitting her in too.
Nevertheless, she kept on going lowering herself down onto him.
Until she had every inch of his big, hard black cock inside of her tight mature pussy.
Polly remained on his cock for several moments.
She was getting her pussy used to his size once more.
It had been a long time since they had last fucked each other.
She had of course fucked other guests who had stayed at her pub.
However, none of them was as well hung as he was and he was the only black man she had ever wanted to screw.
Polly now started to slowly go up and down on his hard cock.
The sensation that was now going through her body was just heaven.
She could not believe she had waited so long for him to come back to her.
He had been the best fuck she had ever had and she had fucked many men in her time.
When she was a barmaid, she used to get fucked by a different man every night.
Moreover, they paid her too.
However, when she met Walter and they both moved to this village.
To take over the Black Bull Inn.
She had to learn to be a little more discreet about whom she screwed.
Usually the men she screwed were just passing through the Inn.
It was also very unlikely that she would ever meet them again.
However, she did like to tease her husband by flirting with her male customers.
It kept him on his toes.
Joe now sleepily opened his eyes the first thing he saw in the moonlight was a set of huge tits bouncing up and down in front of his eyes and the sound of soft moaning coming from above him.
Joe now rubbed the sleep from his eyes and smiled as he recognized Polly.
She was smiling back at him now.
But she had not stopped bouncing on him in fact now that he was awake she started to bounce on him a lot faster.
Joe just lay in his bed and enjoyed the feel of her bouncing up and down on him.
He let her continue to bounce on him for about another two minutes.
Then he gripped her hips tightly and flicked her over so that she was now on her back and he was now in between her legs and once again in command.
Joe preferred to be the one calling the shots when he screwed.
Polly just giggled when he flicked her over.
Because she knew what was to come.
Polly wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his face down onto her’s and she kissed him passionately.
When they broke off their kiss, she told him.
“That she had really missed him.”
Polly now said to him.
“Show me how much you have missed me.”
Joe was still tired from fucking Emily.
However, he just smiled at Polly and then he started to ram his big cock hard and deep into her pussy.
Every time he rammed his huge cock into her.
She would scream out with pleasure.
Joe had to warn her to not scream out so loud.
He did not want her husband waking up.
Polly just laughed out loudly and told him.
“That there was no chance of that he was completely legless.
Therefore, Joe could make as much noise as he wanted and do whatever he wanted to her for at least the next 5 hours or so.
On hearing this news, Joe now had a huge smile on his face.
He now pulled out of her pussy much to her disappointment and he told her.
“To get on all fours.”
Polly now just looked at him with excitement in her eyes.
Once she was on all fours.
Joe told her.
“To stick her ass up in the air.”
Joe now made his hand into a fist and he now thrust his fist deep into her pussy.
Polly could not help but to scream out in both pain and pleasure.
Joe did this a few more times each time she screamed out loudly.
Moreover, it was very lucky that her husband was passed out cold.
And that Joe was the only guest staying at the Inn.
She would have woke them all up by now.
Polly was now on her third orgasm when Joe rammed his cock without warning into her asshole.
Polly really did scream out with pain now.
She felt like he was ripping her ass apart with his huge cock.
Joe just grinned to himself.
She begged him to pull out.
But he just completely ignored her and he kept pounding in and out of her tight asshole.
The more he powered into her ass the more of his cock slipped into her.
Polly continued to scream out in pain, frustration and pleasure as he continued to bury more, and more of his cock into her tight ass.
Eventually her ass gave way and he buried himself completely in her.
Joe now stopped to allow her to get used to her ass being completely filled with his cock.
He then slowly pulled back until only his cock-head was still in her ass.
Joe now powered back into her ass.
Polly screamed out in both pain and pleasure once more.
After doing this for a couple of times the pain had gone and the pleasure was left.
Her pleasure increase the faster he did it.
Her hands were now making fists in the sheets as her pleasure threshold increased every time he thrust back into her asshole.
Polly had really missed her ass getting fucked.
Joe was the only man she had ever let fuck her ass.
3 hours later a very tired and satisfied Polly merged from his room.
She had cum in every hole that it was possible to cum in.
Both her ass and pussy felt like there were on fire.
And she had lost track of the amounts of cum he had shot into her stomach.
She needed to sleep.
She sleepily went back to her own room to sleep.
Once in her own room she saw her husband still fast asleep fully clothed and snoring his head off.
She just stood and looked at him.
She was still completely naked.
She now put a hand under her pussy and some of Joe’s cum ran into it.
Polly now walked over to her husband and rubbed some cum all over his face.
He still did not wake up.
She now got a long and thick nightie out of her draws and she put it on.
She did not want her husband to see the black and blue marks on her body as Joe had not been gentle with her at all.
Polly now got into bed and was soon asleep.
Nearly all the village over slept that morning.
Chapter 5
Caroline now woke up at her usual time.
She wondered why her skin felt sticky. She got out of bed and as she got out of bed, the wooden rolling pin slipped out of her pussy and onto the floor.
Caroline just stood and looked at it for several seconds.
Until her mind flashed back to what had happened last night.
Caroline now felt extremely guilty about what she had done with her son.
She told herself that she was never to do anything like that again, at least he was asleep and he was so drunk that he would never remember what had happened to him.
She hoped.
Caroline now put on her dressing gown and left her room.
She now dashed into the bathroom and locked the door behind her.
She now ran some hot water, once the water was hot.
She cleaned off her son’s cum from her face and tits.
Caroline made sure that she got every-last drop of his cum off her body.
Caroline now went back to her own room and she quickly got dressed.
She then went downstairs.
Caroline filled the kettle with water and then she put the kettle over the fire to boil.
She now did a few other things in the kitchen.
Caroline now went upstairs to her son’s room.
She was now stood outside her son’s bedroom door.
Her hand was on the door handle.
She suddenly felt very nervous about entering the room.
Caroline now took a deep breath.
She now braced herself and opened the door and went inside.
Now inside she was relief to find her sons sleeping normally.
In addition, they had their covers over them too.
They must have woke up in the night and got under their covers.
She did not have to see their naked bodies.
That was what she was afraid of.
She was very afraid that seeing them both completely naked would make her lose control and do something with them.
That she would regret.
Caroline now wakes her sons, which was not easy as they were both in a very deep sleep.
They both mumbled about being left alone.
However, Caroline continues to wake them.
She now tells them.
It’s their own fault for drinking so much last night.”
They both had promised to help with the milking this morning and they must always keep their word and not let the local Farmer down.”
She then went back down stairs to make two very strong cups of tea.
Her sons were going to need it.
She also made them some sandwiches for their dinner, as they would not be back to later on tonight.
About 10 minutes later, her boys came down into the kitchen.
She did feel sorry for them.
They both looked extremely ill.
However, some fresh air and hard work would soon sober them up and she hoped it would teach them a lesson about drinking too much.
Caroline now asked her boys.
“If they wanted her to cook them some breakfast?”
Both boys just looked at each other and then back at her.
Their faces had gone a little green now.
Both boys now ran out of the back door and to the outside sink at the side of the house.
Now both boys were extremely ill.
Caroline watched them being sick and she did feel a little guilty for causing them to be ill.
However, she knew that once they had been sick.
They would start to feel better sooner.
When they came back into the kitchen, she gave each of them a glass of water to rinse their mouths out with.
Jonathan filled a bucket from the outside tap and he now throws the water down the sink to wash away any sick that was still around the sink.
Now he and his brother set off on their 3 mile walk to the farm where there would be working today.
Joe was now woken by someone knocking on his door.
Then his door opened.
Polly now came into his room carrying a tray with his breakfast on it.
She placed the tray down before the half-awake man.
She then went to the window and pulled back his curtains.
Joe squinted a little bit as the bright sunlight now shined into his bedroom.
Polly was whistling a soft tune to herself and she was in a very good mood.
Polly now handed him a cup of strong coffee.
She smiled at Joe and told him.
“That she knew how important it was for Americans to have their coffee first thing in the morning.”
Joe now started to sip his coffee when he felt a strange sensation.
He moved his breakfast tray onto the bedside cabinet and pulled back his covers.
A smiling face was just looking up at him.
Polly had his morning hardon in her hands.
She smiled at him just before she slipped it into her mouth and started to suck him off.
Joe now lay back on his pillows and started to moan as he enjoyed this woman giving him a first class good morning blowjob.
This was definitely the way to start a morning he thought to himself.
Polly now continued to run her tongue up and down his shaft.
She even took his big black balls into her mouth and sucked on them one after the other.
Once she had him good and hard she took off her panties and lifted up her skirt and positioned herself above his cock facing away from him and looking out of the open bedroom door.
Polly now teased him a little bit by rubbing her pussy lips over his big cock-head.
In addition, when Joe tried to thrust his cock up into her pussy.
She lifted herself up out of the way of his cock.
Joe grinned to himself and when she did this again.
He was ready for her.
He now took her completely by surprise.
Joe grabbed her by her hips and it the same time he thrusted his cock up and right into her pussy.
At the same moment, her husband who was feeling very sorry for himself as he had the hangover from hell was just passing Joes open bedroom door.
Walter now just stood frozen to the spot.
As he watched his wife.
Riding on Joe’s big cock.
She had a look of ecstasy on her face now as she started to ride this big black cock and she was now starting to moan louder as she enjoyed fucking herself on Joe’s wonderful big hard black cock.
Polly had her eyes closed as she bounced up and down on Joes cock.
When she opened her eyes.
She saw her horrified husband just stood in the hallway looking at her.
He had a look of complete bewilderment on his face now.
Polly and her husband were now looking into each other’s eyes.
Polly grinned at him but never once stopped bouncing up and down on Joe’s cock.
Finally, she said to him.
“Why don’t you go and sort out the empties from last night, instead of standing there like a fucking statue.”
Walter did not move.
Walter did not say a single word.
However, he did start to cry a little bit.
Polly had never really realized up to this moment how much she despised her husband.
Polly reluctantly got off Joes cock and she walked towards the door.
She now looked at her husband and told him.
“To go do some fucking work.”
With that she slammed the door closed in his face and locked it.
Walter stood outside the closed bedroom door for a few more minutes.
However, he could not take it when he heard sounds of moaning and giggling coming from inside the room.
He now pulled himself together the best that he could and went downstairs to start sorting out the bottles from last night as his wife had told him to do.
Polly was now riding Joes cock once more.
She was completely naked now.
There was no need for her to sneak about now Walter had seen her fucking Joe.
Therefore, she was determined to enjoy herself to the fullest.
Therefore, she was once more bouncing up and down on his cock.
She was also feeding him his breakfast at the same time.
Walter had now sorted out all the empty bottles and he had put them outside for collection. He had also changed the empty barrels and put the new ones on.
He was just polishing the bar when Polly walked in.
She just looked at him and said to him.
“Have you sorted out the empty bottles yet?”
Walter just looked at his wife and nodded to her.
Polly smiled at her husband then said to him.
“You see you can do it when you really want to.”
She then turned to leave the bar as she was leaving the bar she turned to look at him once more. She then said to him.
“For the rest of Joe’s stay he will be staying in my room with me. You can sleep in one of the guest rooms.
Do you have a problem with that?”
Polly was now looking at her husband intensely.
The last of Walter’s backbone now melted under her intense stare.
He just said.
Whatever you say.
I don’t have a problem with it.”
Polly now smiled to herself and started to leave once again.
She then turned to look at her prophetic husband.
She now said to him with a really wicked smile on her face.
“Maybe I will leave my door open tonight and you can see how a real man satisfies a woman.”
With that, she turned and left the bar.
She now went back upstairs to see if Joe needed anything like a blowjob.
She was in the mood to suck cock and eat cum now.
Chapter 6
Joe enjoyed his morning fun with Polly.
After Polly had, finally she left his room.
Joe slept for a couple more hours.
Joe then took a nice long hot shower. After his shower, he got dressed and went down into the bar.
The Pub was now open with about seven men at the bar drinking and a few more men sitting at a couple of tables.
The men at the tables were playing cards.
Walter was serving behind the bar when Joe came up to him.
Joe now asked him.
“For a large whisky and a beer chaser.”
Walter just looked at Joe his anger building up inside of him.
Walter had been cleaning a glass at the time.
He now pressed down too hard on the glass and it shattered in his hand cutting him.
Just then, Polly walked up to the bar she pushed him out of the way and told him.
“To go in the back and sought his hand out.”
She now smiled at Joe and poured him his large whisky and beer chaser.
Joe just smiled at her.
Joe also approved in what she was now wearing.
She had on a tight black skirt, a very tight white blouse with many buttons undone, and she was flashing a lot of her ample bosom now.
Joe picked up his whisky and beer and walk to one of the tables were some men were playing cards.
He asked.
“If he could join them.”
The men looked at him then gave him a smile and told him.
“To take a seat.”
Joe spent the next hour drinking and playing cards.
He even won a few shillings on the game they were playing.
Joe in turn showed them how to play poker.
They played several hands but just for fun.
He did not want to take their money, as Joe was quite a good poker player.
When he went back to the bar, they were now playing poker instead of the game they had been playing.
Joe told Polly.
“That he would see her later on.”
He now went to the front door and retrieve Caroline’s umbrella from the umbrella stand then he set off to take it back to her.
Polly just watched him go a big smile on her face.
She knew what he had in mind for Caroline.
Caroline was busy as usual in her kitchen.
She was whistling to herself and singing along with the wireless, which she now had on.
At first, she did not hear anyone at the door.
Caroline now stopped her work and listened.
She now could hear someone knocking.
Caroline now wiped her hands on her apron, left the kitchen, went into the hallway, and walked towards the front door.
When she opened the front door, she was very surprised to see the big black American standing outside with a great big smile on his face.
Caroline reluctantly smiled back at him.
She now saw that he had her umbrella in his hand.
Joe told her.
“That he had come to return it to her.”
Caroline took the umbrella and put it away.
She then asked him.
“To follow her into the kitchen, where she would put on the kettle and make him a cup of tea.”
Joe just smiled to himself as he followed her into the kitchen.
Caroline was just about to put the kettle on the fire.
When she turned to Joe and said to him.
“Do Americans really like Tea?”
Joe just smiled at Caroline and replied to her.
“That he was not really a lover of Tea.
And did she have any coffee?”
Caroline just shook her head.
She then said to him.
“She did have some homemade wine, which wasn’t that bad if he cared to have a glass of that?”
Joe readily agreed on condition that she would have a glass with him.
Caroline now poured them both a glass of homemade wine.
They both sat down at the kitchen table and talked.
Joe asked her.
“If her sons had got off to work okay this morning and what kind of state where they in?”
Caroline smiled to herself as she remembered her sons this morning.
She now told Joe everything that had happened this morning.
Joe just grinned at her and topped her glass up from the bottle she had put on the table.
Joe was going to get her drunk and hopefully, get her into bed.
Joe and Caroline enjoyed several more glasses of the homemade wine together.
Caroline was actually correct the wine was not too bad and Joe liked its unique taste.
Everytime Caroline’s glass became empty Joe would draw her attention to something then he would carefully top it up.
He would also top up his own glass as well.
So it did not look like she was drinking more than he was.
Joe could handle his drink and he could probably easily drink her under the table.
And not be drunk.
Caroline was enjoying her time with Joe. He was very funny and he now related several stories of what he had up to in the army.
However, he did not tell her any battle stories as he knew her husband had been killed in the war.
He just told her about things he and his mates got up to at the barracks and when there were on leave.
He also told her a little bit about himself before he came to England.
Caroline now noticed the clock on the wall and she said to Joe.
“You must excuse me now.
I really must make a start on the boys’ tea.
They will be very hungry when they come home.”
Joe did not want to pressure her into doing anything that she did not want to do.
He now got up and before he went, he asked her.
“To have a drink with him tonight at the pub.”
Caroline now looked at Joe. She now realized how handsome he was.
She had never seen many coloured men. And the ones she had seen were not very attractive to her.
However, Joe was a magnificent specimen of a man.
Caroline now said to him.
“That she didn’t like going to the pub.”
She then said to him.
“However you are very welcome to come to tea tonight about 7pm.
I always make too much and you would be more than welcome.”
Caroline instantly regretted her invitation having a man in her house alone; she did not want people to talk.
Caroline quickly said to him.
“Why don’t you bring Polly and Walter with you and if you get board of mine and my son’s conversation you will have someone else to talk to.”
Joe now told her.
“That he would look forward to dinner.”
Joe intended to invite Polly.
But there was no way on this planet he was going to mention it to Walter.
Polly would be able to help him with his plan to get into Caroline’s panties.
Caroline now walked Joe to the door.
Joe now took Caroline completely by surprise.
By bending down and kissing her on her cheek.
He then left telling her.
“He would see her later on.”
Caroline just stood there completely stund and watched him go.
Her cheek still burned from where he had kissed her and she had a funny feeling running through her entire body now.
Caroline now closed the door, went back inside, and started to prepare the meal.
She had a large glass of brandy to settle her nerves now.
Caroline wondered why she was looking forward to him coming to dinner.
Caroline wondered how her sons would react to her having a man in the house again.
That’s was another reason why she had asked him to bring a guest with him.
When Joe got back to the pub, he found Polly behind the bar her husband was nowhere to be seen. Polly told him.
“She had sent him off to do some errands as he was starting to annoy her.”
Joe now told her about the dinner invitation he also told her what he had in mind for the evening’s entertainment.
Polly looked a little shocked when he explained what he wanted her to do.
She then started to think of all the fun she would have and readily agreed to help him with his plan.
Just then, her husband came into the bar.
Polly left him to serve Joe as she was going to have a long bath and get herself ready for tonight’s entertainment.
It was just gone 6pm Joe was now in the bar having a drink when Polly came down.
She looked amazing.
She had her hair up and her makeup was perfect this time.
And she looked beautiful. Her dress was tight and short.
It was tight in all the right places and low in the right places revealing a lot of her ample bosom.
Joe smiled to himself when he saw her.
She would have no trouble seducing Caroline’s sons.
So Joe could concentrate on seducing Caroline herself.
Polly had explained to her husband about her and Joe being invited to dinner at Caroline’s house.
He was not too happy about being left out.
However, there was nothing he could do about it. So he had organized a card game while his wife was out.
Walter loved to gamble.
Polly and Joe now set off to go to Caroline’s house for dinner.
They both whistled and smiled at each other each as they walked to Caroline’s house.
Their own minds were now racing with what they wanted to get up to this evening.
Caroline was just getting her sons bath ready for them. The dinner was in the oven cooking.
When her sons got home, they both looked very tired.
They were so tired that they did not even fight to be first in the bath.
After the boys had their bath and had dressed. They were both sat in the kitchen with her.
Both boys were trying not to fall asleep.
Caroline told them.
“That she had some guests coming over tonight.”
Both boys looked at her a little shocked.
She never invited people over.
They now asked her.
“Who was coming?”
Caroline told them.
Joe and Polly were coming.”
The boys just grinned to themselves.
Caroline saw the smirks on their faces and told them.
“That it was just a couple of friends coming to dinner and they were not to make a big deal of it.”
The boys then told her that.
“They were both too tired to wait for her guests and could they have their dinner now.
As they both wanted to get to bed.”
Caroline had been expecting this and she had made them both something a little different from what she was going to give her guests.
Once the boys had eaten their dinner they kissed her Goodnight and both went off to bed 15 minutes later she checked on them both and they were both sound asleep.
Polly and Joe now arrived at Caroline’s house; Polly had a bottle of fine old Port with her.
Joe had some herbal cigarettes with him that would make her more relaxed and friendly.
Polly now knocked on the door.
Caroline opened the door she had been changed into a nice blue dress the dress was rather safe but pretty.
Caroline smiled but did not say anything when she saw the figure hugging dress that Polly was wearing.
Caroline now thought to herself. It was a good job that her boys had gone to bed early.
They would have spent the entire evening just staring at Polly’s big tits that were nearly bursting out of her dress.
Once Joe and Polly were both seated at the kitchen table. Caroline produced a bottle of homemade wine and three glasses.
Polly quickly said to her.
“Why don’t you open the Port?
It is your favourite brand.
I brought it especially for tonight?”
Caroline now looked at the bottle of Port that Polly had now put on the table.
It was her favourite brand.
She usually got a bottle as a present off her sons at Christmas or on her birthday.
The Port was very expensive and she would not usually buy it unless it was a special occasion.
Before Caroline could make up her mind, Joe grabbed the bottle and opened it.
He now poured it into the three Glasses.
He now picked one up and offered it to Caroline.
He then picked up the second glass and winking at her offered it to Polly.
Both women accepted the glasses off him.
They now talked for around 15 minutes.
When Caroline announced it was time to serve the meal.
Caroline had made her famous meat and potato pie with all the trimmings.
As Caroline, was serving the meal both Joe and Polly told her?
“That it smelled and looked wonderful.”
Joe also said to her.
“That he couldn’t remember the last time he had a proper homemade meal.”
Polly now gave him a hurt look.
Joe quickly corrected himself and added.
“I mean I can’t remember the last time somebody invited me to their house for a meal.”
Polly still looked a little hurt.
However, she let him off with a little sad smile.
Caroline just smiled at Joe; she knew her cooking was a hundred times better than Polly’s.
Polly's husband did nearly all the cooking at the Pub.
They continued to talk and to laugh all the way through dinner.
Joe kept topping Caroline’s glass up whenever she was not paying particular attention to him. Caroline had one weakness and it was this Port she loved it.
However the Port was very strong and it usually only took a few glasses to get her tipsy.
After they had finished the meal.
Polly offered to clear away the dishes and as she was putting the dishes in the sink, she spilled something on her dress.
She asked Caroline.
“If it would be OK for her to pop upstairs and wash her dress out before it stained?”
Caroline smiled at Polly and said to her.
“Of course; do you want me to come and help you?”
Joe quickly shook his head and Polly smiled at Caroline and told her.
“That she would be able to do it herself.”
Joe now asked Caroline.
“If she wanted a cigarette?”
Caroline had always criticised her son’s for smoking. However, she did on occasion like a cigarette so she accepted Joe’s offer.
Polly glanced back at Joe he was just lighting Caroline’s cigarette for her.
Joe winked at Polly who returned his wink then disappeared up the stairs.
Polly knew That Joe would not want disturbing for around an hour or so.
Polly was now determined to go have her own fun upstairs.
Caroline now took several puffs on her cigarette and looked at Joe with an odd expression on her face.
She now took several more puffs and her expression started to change.
She smiled at Joe and then she blue some smoke out of her mouth.
Caroline now said to him.
“These cigarettes taste very funny not unpleasant just funny.”
Joe smiled at Caroline and told her.
“That they were Moroccan.
He had got hooked on them while serving in the Middle East during the war.”
Joe now said to Caroline.
“That she was looking a little hot and would she like to go out for some fresh air.”
Caroline now smiled at Joe and just nodded her head to him.
Joe now opened the back door and they both went outside into the cool night air.
Caroline and Joe continued to talk outside in the cool night air.
Joe now offered Caroline another cigarette as she had nearly smoked the first one.
Caroline never usually smoked more than one cigarette a night.
However, she did like the taste of this cigarette so she accepted it.
Polly was now in Caroline’s bathroom.
She had taken off her dress and she was now soaking it in some warm water and trying to rub the stain out of it.
She was only wearing her suspenders stockings and panties as the dress looked better without a bra.
When Jonathan came wandering into the bathroom.
He wanted a Pee.
When he saw Polly, he just froze in the open door-way.
Polly sensing somebody was behind her now turned around her wet dress still in her hands.
Polly now smiled at the young man and her eyes instantly went down to his groin.
He was completely naked.
Moreover, she could not help noticed that he had a nice size cock on him.
She dropped the dress back into the sink then said to him.
“See anything you like?”
He did not need to answer her as his cock now started to get hard all by itself.
Jonathan now just stood there petrified but completely turned on and now fully hard.
Polly walked up to him and he started to back away from her.
He continued to back away until he bumped into the hallway wall.
She now had him trapped.
One of her hands went to his chest and her other hand grabbed his huge hardon.
She then gave him the most passionate kiss he had ever had forcing her tongue into his scared mouth.
Polly started to kiss him even harder when she felt his hands on her bottom. They were slipping under the thin material of her panties and touching her bare skin. She stopped kissing him and whispered into his ear.
“Why don’t you take them off for me?”
Polly now stepped back to give him a little more room.
She smiled at him once more.
Polly now ran her hand over his cheek fondly.
Jonathan now got down onto his knees in front of her.
He now placed a hand on each side of her small black silk panties.
He now slowly started to pull them down.
He was shaking and sweating nervously now as her panties slowly slipped down her body to reveal her very hairier pussy.
This was the first time.
He had ever seen one for real.
Polly now said to him.
“Here take a better look.”
She now moved forward so that her pussy was in his face.
She took hold of his head and pulled it in between her legs.
She now told him.
“To lick her pussy out.”
Jonathan was just about to freak out when some pussy juice landed on his lips and without thinking about it, he automatically tasted it.
It tasted un-usual but very nice.
Polly now let out a low moan of pleasure and satisfaction. When she felt his tongue start to go up and down her pussy lips.
Her moan now changed to a low groan.
When she felt his tongue slide inside her pussy.
Caroline was feeling very strange she was also feeling very turned on for some strange reason. So when Joe moved towards her and then kissed her full on her ruby lips.
She was too shock to move away from him.
She just looked at him a little confused.
Joe now started to kiss her neck.
Caroline was getting very confused now.
However, her body was now reacting in a completely different way.
Her nipples were now rock hard and she could feel her pussy dripping into her panties.
Joe also started to bite and nibble on her neck making her moan out slightly.
He was also undoing the buttons of her dress as well.
Caroline was now asking him to stop in a very low voice.
She was also trying to slap his hands away from her buttons.
Joe just continued to undo her buttons.
Until he had enough of them undone so that he could now pull her dress down around her arms.
Caroline was now trapped by her own dress.
Joe was now looking at her magnificent breasts encased in her plain white bra.
Her breast flesh was nearly falling out of her bra now.
Caroline was still telling him.
“To stop.”
Joe now pulled her bra up and her big full breasts fell out of it.
She just cried in shame and frustration.
Her cries soon turned to one’s of confused pleasure.
When Joe took her left breast into his mouth.
He now started to suck on her nipple, while his other hand played with her other breast.
Jonathan now brought Polly to an orgasm with his clumsy licking of her pussy.
Polly cried out so loud that Timothy who was fast asleep suddenly woke up at the strange noise.
Timothy grabbed his dressing gown and put it on, as he also slept naked just like his brother. He now walked into the hallway and was confronted by his brother on his knees with his head in between Polly’s legs.
Polly now glanced at the other brother.
His dressing gown was slightly open giving her a little look at what was under it.
She grabbed Jonathan’s hand pulling him up onto his feet and as she passed a very confused Timothy, she grabbed his hand as well and pulled them both into their own bedroom slamming and locking the door behind them.
Joe was now working from one of her breasts to the other.
Caroline was still crying and trying to push him off her.
Nevertheless, her body wanted this and she knew soon she would lose all resistance and let him have his way with her.
Joe now grabbed the rest of her dress and literally ripped it from her body.
She was just stood there now in only her panties.
They looked at each other for a brief second.
Caroline saw her only chance and she dashed into the kitchen.
Joe was taken by surprise at first.
But soon he was in pursuit of her.
Caroline thought if she could get to her son’s room, they would be able to protect her.
She now ran upstairs her big boobs bouncing from side to side, as she ran.
Caroline now reached her son’s room and her hand tried the door handle to her horror,
It was locked.
She was just about to bang on the door.
When a powerful arm wrapped itself around her waist and she was literally lifted up into the air.
The next thing she knew was being tossed down onto her own bed.
She now tried to cover herself with her covers.
Joe just started to laugh.
Caroline started to scream but her screams were quickly cut off when he slapped her fully across her face dazing her for several moments.
While she was dazed, Joe quickly stripped off his clothes and got onto the bed with her.
Polly had both boys now sat on one bed and she was kneeling in front of them.
She had ripped Timothy’s dressing gown from his body.
She now had hold of each of their cocks and she was jacking them both off at the same time.
She then took each of their cocks into her mouth and right down her throat.
Both boys just looked at each other and then back at her and both now started to moan out loudly.
They could not believe they were getting their first ever blowjob off this hot mature married woman.
Polly was now going crazy she needed their big hard cocks inside of her now.
And she wanted them both inside her at the same time; this was something she had always wanted to try.
Joe now ripped her panties from her body.
He smelled them before tossing them across the room.
He now pushed open her legs to reveal her neglected pussy.
Caroline was brought back to reality by a sharp pain in her body.
She lifted her head up wearily to see that Joe was on top of her and his big black cock was just sliding into her pussy.
She looked at him and then she passed out.
Polly now told Timothy.
“To lay down on the bed.”
The boy did as she told him but he was still very nervous and he now glanced over at his brother as he lay down on the bed.
Polly now took hold of his hard cock and positioned it at the entrance to her wet pussy as she now lowered herself down onto it.
Timothy now started to moan as Polly slowly started to bounce up and down on his cock.
Polly now grinned to herself.
His cock felt wonderful inside her pussy.
Now for the next stage of her plan.
She bent forward and told Jonathan.
“To spit on his hands and to rub them all over his cock.”
Jonathan looked at her and she just smiled at him as she continued to bounce up and down on his brother's cock.
His brother continued to wink at him as he moaned out in pleasure as she fucked him hard.
Jonathan just shook his head to himself.
But he did as she told him.
She now stopped fucking Timothy.
She now bends lower over his body.
Timothy now took his chance to suck on one of her big tits, which was now dangling, over his face.
Polly just giggled when she felt his mouth clamped down on her nipple.
She now told Jonathan.
“To get up on the bed and position himself directly behind her.”
She now told him.
“That she wanted him to ram his cock into her asshole in one swift motion.”
He now looked at her shocked and appalled.
Did she really want him to put his cock into her shitter?
Polly now reassured him that it would be OK.
Jonathan now had the tip of his cock at the entrance to her asshole.
He was still not too sure about this.
Polly told him.
“To just thrust and keep pushing until he was entirely inside of her.
He was not to stop no matter how much she screamed or begged him to stop.”
Chapter 7
Polly was now in heaven she had a big young cock fucking her pussy and another young hard cock fucking her asshole.
Caroline was still trying to fight Joe off.
He was still pounding into her pussy without mercy.
Caroline now dug her sharp nails into his back hoping it would make him stop.
However, Joe quite enjoyed the sensation of pain and it only made him thrust deeper and harder into her pussy.
Caroline could not help it.
She now was moaning in genuine pleasure.
Her body had not felt this way since she was last with her husband. Just a few days before he had been killed.
She finally stopped trying to fight him off and decided just to enjoy it.
Her nails were now raking up and down his back.
However, this time not to cause him pain.
But to give him pleasure.
Polly was now talking extremely filthy and encouraging the boys on.
She was telling them both.
“How much she wanted them both to fill her ass and cunt up with their young cream.”
She was also telling them.
“That they could watch while she got their mother to lick her pussy and asshole out.”
This turned the boys on and made them fuck her even harder.
Polly and the boys now heard a very loud scream coming from their mother’s room. Both boys now froze and stopped fucking her.
Much to her annoyance.
She quickly told them both.
“That it was just Joe giving their mother a long overdue orgasm.”
Polly now screamed at them both.
“To fuck her harder.”
Both boys were now turned on about Joe fucking their mother next door.
Both of them had secret fantasies about fucking her for years.
Now both boys started to shoot their cream into Polly’s waiting asshole and cunt.
Caroline now turned her head and looked towards her son’s room.
That was where she could hear Polly now screaming her head off.
As Polly herself now came.
Caroline now got instantly jealous.
She did not like the idea of Polly screwing her two virgin sons.
Caroline was now angry and she now demanded.
"That Joe fuck her even harder."
Joe now pulled out of her cunt and he now told her.
“To get up onto all fours.”
Which she did.
He now grinned to himself as he thrust back into her.
This time from the rear.
He grabbed her hips and he really started to thrust into her.
He also grabbed hold of her ample tits as they swung under her.
Caroline now moaned out so loud that Polly and her son’s heard her.
Joe was now thrusting his big black cock brutally in and out of her now very wet pussy. Caroline was moaning, groaning, and saying through clenched teeth.
“We will see who fucks, better me or Polly.
Polly and the boys were now slowly recovering from their orgasms.
Polly could feel the boys cum running out of her holes and it made her feel wonderful to know that she was the first to take their precious spunk in her willing holes.
She now led them by their hands out of their room and into their mother’s room.
Their they stood and watched as Joe continued to ram his big black cock up their mothers very wet pussy and she continued to scream out in pleasure as she let this big powerful nigger.
Fuck her sweet white cunt.
Caroline now screened out in pure pleasure as he thrust deeper into her cunt causing her to have a wonderful orgasm.
Polly, Jonathan and Timothy who had been watching her now started to clap and cheer loudly.
Caroline quickly turned her head to see Polly and her son’s watching her.
At first, Caroline felt ashamed and a little embarrassed to let her son's see her this way.
However when she noticed that they were also completely naked.
She relaxed and smiled at both of them.
Caroline could see small droplets of pre-cum dripping from her son’s big cocks now.
Joe pulled his cock from her pussy and he collapse down onto the bed next to her.
Polly smiled at Joe and within seconds she was up on the bed and she was now sucking his big cock clean for him.
Caroline now moved down to the bottom of the bed.
She was now sat on the edge of the bed.
She now held her hands out for her two sons to come to her.
Caroline’s sons were a little uneasy, but they did walk over to her.
She now put a hand around each of their necks and pulled their faces down to her’s.
She now kissed them both one after the other.
It was not a motherly kiss, but a full on the lips French kiss.
Both boys were a little shocked at first.
Soon they kissed her back as passionately as she had kissed them.
Joe who was now enjoying.
Polly giving him a full on deep throat blowjob.
Pulled her face up off his cock.
He now whispered into her ear.
“Let’s get dressed and go home, they need some privacy and we can carry on at the pub.”
Polly now looked over at the two boys and their mother.
Caroline was now kissing them passionately one after the other.
Her sons hands were now roaming all over her body and her hands were now roaming all over their bodies in turn.
Caroline loved the feel of her son’s young firm bodies.
They did not even notice Polly and Joe gathering up their clothes and slipping out of the house.
Jonathan was the first to notice that Polly and Joe had gone.
They searched the house and could find no sign of them.
Caroline just smiled to herself as she locked the front door.
She then took hold of her sons’ hands and she now led them both to bed and into her bedroom.
From now on.
It would be her and her sons’ bedroom.
Caroline and her boys now screwed the night away.
Walter was just returning to the pub it was around 4am in the morning.
He had been out with a couple of his friends poaching on the local estate.
He was just putting his shotgun back into his shotgun cabinet.
He could hear the sounds of giggling and moaning and the sound of bedsprings springing coming from upstairs.
Walter felt totally humiliated by his wife's actions with Joe.
Moreover, his friends were making him the laughing stock of the village.
They all knew that Joe had now moved into Polly's bedroom.
Moreover, they all knew that Joe was fucking Polly every night.
Just as Walter was closing the gun cabinet.
He glanced down to a box on the bottom of the cabinet.
He now picked up the box and took it to the table, where he sat down and just stared at the box for a few minutes.
The box was just a plain wooden box, which had seen better days.
Walter now looked up towards his bedroom.
The noise was getting louder; and he knew that his wife must have been having an orgasm.
She was always loud when she came.
Walter now opened the box.
He now took the old army service revolver out of the box.
He now loaded six bullets into the gun.
Walter now slowly walked up the stairs to his bedroom.
He had tears in his eyes as he walked up the stairs.
Walter was now stood outside of his wife’s bedroom door.
He had the gun down by his side.
He now pulled back the trigger of the gun.
Walter now turned the door-handle.
The door was not even locked.
His wife did not consider that she had to even lock her door when she was fucking her lover. She considered Walter so prophetic that he would not dare enter her room while she was fucking her lover.
Walter now opened the door and walked into the room.
Polly was bouncing up and down on Joe’s big hard cock.
She was also moaning and groaning with pleasure.
When she heard the door open she looked over her shoulder and saw her husband stood there watching her.
She immediately told him.
“To get out of her room.”
Walter just stood and looked at her.
Polly just laughed at her worthless husband and said to him.
“If you want to watch then watch, it is a pity you can’t do anything else.”
She now turned her attention back to Joe and continued to bounce up and down on his big black cock. She had not seen the gun down by his side.
Joe also started to laugh now at this funny little man.
There wasn’t any woman Joe couldn’t take off any man if he really wanted to.
Walter's tears were now streaming down his face.
He now said to Polly.
“I love you and I’m sorry.”
He then raised the gun and fired twice.
Polly fell forward onto Joe blood pouring from the two wounds in her back.
Joe quickly tossed the dead woman off him and ran to his bag.
Walter was now just looking at his dead wife laid on the bed in a pool of blood.
His hand was now trembling as he looked at his dead wife’s body.
Joe quickly searched through his bag until he found what he was looking for.
A German officer’s service pistol.
He quickly cocked the gun and fired twice-hitting Walter squarely in the chest.
Walter now fell backwards onto the floor.
He had been mortally wounded.
Joe now advanced on Walter the gun aimed at Walters head and a vicious smile on his face. Walter now tried to raise his own gun with the last of his strength.
Joe smiled at Walter and pulled the trigger.
Nothing happened his gun had jammed.
Joe quickly tried to unjam his gun.
Walter just smiled and fired his gun with the last of his energy.
He now emptied his own gun into Joe’s body.
Joe fell to the floor with four bullet holes in him the second bullet had been the fatal shot and had gone straight through his heart killing him instantly.
Walter lasted a few more minutes then he too died.
Caroline and her sons slept late the next morning they were totally exhausted.
When Caroline got up and she saw the time on the clock on her bedside cabinet.
She was very surprised that someone had not been banging on her front door demanding to know why they have not got their morning bread.
However Caroline was in too good of a mood to worry about such matters this morning.
She now glanced back at her two naked sons who were both sleeping peacefully.
Caroline now got dressed.
She put on a dress but didn’t bother with any underwear.
She had a feeling she would not be needing them anymore.
Caroline now filled the kettle and started to make herself a cup of tea while the water was boiling. She made some breakfast for herself and her two sleepy sons.
It was now after ten and her sons were now up.
Still no one had come for any bread.
Her sons were so hungry that they devoured their breakfast within minutes.
While Caroline washed up the dirty plates, the two boys just smoked a cigarette and occasionally tried to grope her.
Caroline playfully slapped their hands away and told them both.
“That there would be plenty of time for that later on.”
It was now well after lunchtime and still nobody had come for any bread and Joshua had not dropped off any more flower.
Caroline’s curiosity was now getting the better of her.
She now told her boys.
“That they were all going down to the village to find out why nobody wanted any bread and why Joshua had not delivered his usual flower.”
When they entered the village, they just stopped dead in surprise there were police everywhere.
Caroline now started to look around.
She then saw Emily Woodly.
Caroline walked over to Emily followed by her sons.
She now asked her.
“What the hell was going on?”
Emily now told Caroline and her sons.
“That they had been a shootout at the pub.”
Caroline and her sons now listened to Emily as Emily told them everything that had happened.
Caroline and her sons now walked back home.
They were completely stunned.
Polly, Joe and Walter were all dead.
Once back home Caroline told her son’s.
“That they were never to mention that Joe and Polly had been here the other night.
She did not want to ruin Polly’s reputation any more than it already has been.”
Her sons agreed that it was best not to say anything about what had happened the other night.
Jonathan then said to her not really knowing if she would go crazy at him for mentioning it.
“But did that mean that they were not allowed to.”
He just stopped and looked at his mother and then he fell silent.
His brother also just looked at the floor.
Caroline just looked at her sons.
She loved them both very much.
She then started to undo the buttons on her dress.
Once the buttons of her dress were undone, she let the dress fall to the floor.
Her sons both just groaned in pleasure as they were now looking at her naked body.
She then said to them both as she walked out of the kitchen and towards her bedroom.
“Does this answer your question?”