I was 13 when I got into VooDoo. I had watched a movie on it, and being that I was young it interested me. So I had started reading about it slowly, then got more into it with every book I read. My parents didn’t approve when I started gathering VooDoo items and pretended to have rituals in my room. They thought it was unnatural and inappropriate for a teenage girl. They took my books and dolls I had made resembling others in my class. It wasn’t hurting anyone, and nobody else knew about what I was doing. It took me months to get back all the different books, candles, dolls, and satanic phrases back. I of course had to hide all of this new stuff from my parents. (Really good actually) I changed how my room was set up and arranged so that I may disguise the fact I was disobeying them. I ripped off the lining on the underside of my box spring to hide all of the stuff.
By the time I was 15, I had no more space for new items. My parents had come close to catching me during rituals, but was lucky enough to sneak it away. I tried to find other places to hide my things, but then I was afraid of being able to get it back into two hiding places quickly. So my collection had to cease expanding for the time being. One day that summer my mother and myself were going through old junk in the attic, and throwing out useless stuff. During the day we went through a lot of boxes. One of which contained old house papers. Sifting through these papers with my mom, I came across blue prints of the house. There were two different sets, one as old as the house, (1930) and a newer one from 16 years ago. And I asked about it and she said my father had updated and changed floor plans throughout the house while my mom was pregnant with me. I noticed a void on the new set of prints, the outside of the house stayed the same, but the interior shifted almost 75% from original. The void manifested when he changed the layout of a room at the last minute. The room right next to mine. The room my little brother sleeps in. The house had a small extension added in the 70’s and gave the back of the house an offset from the original. So when they added the new roof section, it created and small walled off area directly above me. My dad removed an old heating shaft that was in a corner of my room that went floor to ceiling. But when he patched the hole in the ceiling, he only used drywall. This left a one by one square foot hole in the floor of the attic. I knew if I could get into the hidden room above me, I would have plenty of privacy for my VooDoo.
Summer turned into fall, and I still had not found a way into the attic without creating a huge hole in my ceiling. I was 16 and a sophomore in high school now. While picking classes for the next semester, I thought it would a good idea to pick wood working. I figured it could show me how to hide the entry way into the space. While in the class, I befriended a boy named Todd. Cute and shy, but very smart with class. So I thought if I could get him to do it for me, it would look perfect. My ability with wood working wasn’t gonna cut it. But I knew how to work other wood. LOL I had experimented before and knew I had become very good at giving head. So I figured maybe I could persuade him to do it for me! It only took about 5 mins for him to agree to my terms. And after he fucked me in the ass and I let him cum on my face, I finally had a completely hidden entryway above my dresser. LOL. So glad my dad had paint left over from spring painting. Now I had an area for everything I wanted hidden from the parents.
Fast forward to winter break from school, and I was spending half my time in the attic. I had made another deal with my friend, and he installed a heater that had wires running behind the framing and into the regular attic for power. And after almost falling off my dresser a few times while trying to escape quickly when one of my parents knocked, he installed a small rope and handle bar for quick and silent access. I also realized that I would be totally BUSTED if my mom decided to walk right while I was inside, or especially when I was trying to leave or enter. Both my parents bitch if I lock the door, so that was out of the question. Even though they knocked 99% of the time, it would only take once to have it all come crashing down. So, I had Todd snag me his sister’s old video baby monitor. I placed it under the hallway lamp table so I can see down the steps, and since I am down at the end of the hall, I have at least 15 seconds to slip down into my room safely.
Being 16, I am always horny now, always playing with myself. Or if Todd is around getting fucked. He isn’t hung at all, but it makes me cum. I never feel satisfied fully after being with him, but it’s manageable. After the last few years of practicing my VooDoo, I am perfecting it. I have cursed people who have wronged me, or are bad people. I have made about 8 dolls, none of them are of family members or friends. The old neighbor guy next door has a bad luck curse on his. Caught him peeping on my way to many times. LOL. Todd’s has a sex curse attached to his, and anytime I need to get off, I just play with his crotch and a few minutes later I get a text message. HA. Now, I have been practicing with different curses or rituals. Some basic and others rather complicated. But the one that is really giving me a fit is a summoning. Some words differ when trying to summon certain creatures or people. Every line stays the same except for one line that changes almost completely.
I am always trying to add on to my collection, from books, supplies for dolls, candles, incents, and oils. I know I don’t have everything I need for all rituals. But I thought I had everything I needed for the ones I was attempting. But after many failed attempts, I realized that I might be missing key herbs and oils. And it was back to the drawing board, I needed a way to get more. Which brought me to present day.
“Sidney, wake up sweetheart, I am going to a new Sundays Market.”
“What?” groggy and rubbing my eyes. My mother standing over me.
“There is a new Sundays Market downtown, I thought maybe you would like to tag along?”
It was 8 am on a Sunday, I didn’t want to get up, but remembered I needed supplies. “Yea, sure I’ll go.” Hoping that I could find a decent witchcraft store somewhere.
“Ok great, we leave in 30. Bring some babysitting money if you want.”
The ride there was about a 20 minute drive, I had my list in my pocket and was ready to go. But I had to work fast, if I was going to get the stuff I need, in a bathroom break time frame. The market was huge, and my luck the bathrooms and witchcraft store are on opposite ends! But I was going to achieve my mission. After shopping for an hour or so, and both having a bag or two. I mentioned that I needed the bathroom.
“Hey mom, I need to hit the bathroom.”
“Oh, good, I’ll go with you!”
FUUUCCKK! How am I to sneak off with her in there with me!? Damn it! New plan.
“Oh look at this antique store, Sid. So much neat stuff.”
“Mom, I need to go real bad, I can’t hold it! I’ll just go without you.”
“Oh ok hun, I’ll be here.”
I walk out the door, and make a right, but I need to go left. I run to the steps to the first floor, then run down and up the other end. Come up to the top, and check for my mom, then dart into the witchcraft store. ‘Whew, now lots move fast.’ This store was pretty big, and had lots of interesting things. I grab all my herbs and oils and then some. Then, a new book catches my eye. I open it up and glance through it quick. It is full of potions, love spells, magic ritual spells, lots of herbs and oils, how to make spirit candles, and tons more. The price tag? $80. FUCK! I brought $50! I needed this book and everything else I had picked out. So I used the cash for the cheap items, and my dad’s credit card for the book. I consider this an emergency. I need this book! NOW! I grab my bags and walk out of the store. FUCK! My mom is coming out of the bathroom just at that moment. Shit. I run down the steps and around the corner, and start walking towards other stores. Right as I am shoving my bag into my purse, my phone rings.
“Hey mom, I am downstairs, leaving another store.”
“Oh, I see you. Are you ready to go?”
“Yep, I sure am if you are.” I through my bags in the trunk, and when she wasn’t looking, I adjusted my bag as to conceal it more. The trip home was talkative, and were excited about what we had purchased today. Me especially! I was dying to read this book, the anticipation was killing me! The lady at the store said it was a great book, and the spells and herbs used are actually real. As soon as we got home, she asked if I wanted lunch, and where I wanted to order from. All I wanted to do was read my book, but I didn’t want it to seem like something was off with me, so I agreed. But after a nice lunch and good talk, I was in my room. Dad works as a warehouse supervisor, and is third shift for the time being. Mom is a head nurse for an ER, and is on call for the weekends. And after dinner we were cleaning up the kitchen, when her work cell rang. BINGO!
“This is Karen………yes, I will be right in, tell him to wait there.”
“So I guess I am home alone tonight?” Jumping up and down in my mind.
“Sorry Sid, you know when work calls, I need to be ready. It stinks I know.”
“It’s ok, I will just hang out and watch some tv, maybe read a book. Actually, yea I’ll read.”
“That’s my girl! Get smart so you can take care of me one day.”
“Hahahaha” Both started laughing with that, mainly because I was reading ‘The Satan Journal’ as my dad calls it. Which is everything having to do with VooDoo. I hung out with her for a few minutes helping her get ready for work, then walked her out.
“Bye mom, see you in the morning.”
“Bye sweetheart, call if you need me.”
And with that she backed out of the driveway and drove down the street. I was jumping with glee, I ran into the house and right into my room, got my new favorite book and all my other items, and went right into my VooDoo den. I started reading page after page for hours. By midnight, I was a few chapters in. I came across a spell about raising the dead, I was thrilled and needed to try it out. The spell called for 5 candles in a circle, lit counterclockwise. In a bowl I mixed Absinthe, Betel Nut, Witches Grass, Blood Root, and Hemlock Oil. Blending together and making into a paste. While mixing I noticed that it turned dark green, reading in the book that this was fine, but spirits would be stronger upon manifestation. Since the attic was really warm by now, I decided to undress down to my panties and tank top. The book instructed me to sit in the middle of the circle and to smear the mixture of herbs onto the floor in the form of a pentagram. I then read from the book the spell to summon the dead.
I repeated the saying three times, each time getting louder. Then complete quiet. For five seconds the room felt cold, and eerie. Then a cold breeze blew, and all 5 candles were out. Complete darkness around me, I felt a presence in the room. I felt for the lighter, and lit the candles in front of me. By the third candle I noticed two sets of bare pale white feet. I slowly look up to find two skinny men looking down at me. Their eyes were a blank white, and their skin looked dry and rough. Both stood about 5 foot tall, they were toned, with small muscle detail. No hair on the face or head. I am a petite girl, 4’8’’ about 110 pounds, a nice ass, perky C cup breasts, and long red hair. Im toned and tan, with a belly button ring. I was looking at them for a minute, then my eyes moved down their bodies. They are smooth and hairless everywhere. And both of their cocks were about 7 ½ inches long and ROCK HARD. I went from scared to teenage horny in a second. I don’t know why, but their bodies and cocks had me soaked.
I crawl over to them, still not a word. They stare at me as I go to put my mouth on a cock. Then with lightning speed, they grab me by the throat and lift me to them. The one pulls me close to him, breathing heavy through his nose. The stench and heat from them made my pussy tingle. He stared into my eyes, the deep piercing white eyes felt like they were going to slice right through me.
“Please, don’t hurt me, I brought you back.” He just stared, then without his lips moving he said spoke in a deep raspy voice,
“FOR WHAT REASON?” I was confused, had he just spoke through his mind? His mouth never opened. So, I reach out and grasp his cock.
“For this. You can do whatever you want to me. Both of you.” His cock felt like it was full of concrete, so hard and veiny, and so HOT. It felt like it was on fire on the inside. He let go of my throat and looked at my tank top, my nipples were hard as candy. He reached out and pinched them, then before I could blink, he ripped my shirt off. They looked at each other, and then back at me. Second one grabbed me by the throat and grabbed my lace panties tearing them to shreds.
“OH GODDD, PLEASE DON’T HURT MEEE” and with that plea, he slapped my face. He pushed me to my knees, waving his cock in my face. Without notice, he grabbed a handful of hair and impaled my mouth on his cock. Ramming it balls deep, then with deadly rampage started throat fucking my young teen mouth to his liking. His partner just stood and watched. My pussy was dripping onto the floor. Dripping for this ravaging I was receiving.
“OHHHAARRGGGH….OHH MYY GOOOO….ARRRGGG…” before I could speak anymore a second cock was down my throat. Annihilating my throat with each forceful thrust. Then they stopped everything, and stared down at me. I slowly stood up, and they both grabbed me by the arms, lifting me up over their heads. Lowering me onto their faces, penetrating my ass and pussy with two slimy rough tongues.
“OHHH MYYY GODDD….FUUUUCCKKKK!!!” I felt a wave of warmth consume me, and my body shiver. I’ve never had a tongue in my ass before, but I loved it. Their tongues felt like they were in my womb, like they were all over inside me. They felt warm and tingly, I felt them violating every inch of my inside and I couldn’t hold off anymore.
“HOLY FUUUCCKK, YES OMG…OHHHH SHIIIITT…AARRRGGG EHHH” I came with a rush of energy flowing over me. I bucked and quivered, and finally passed out from pleasure. I came to with my lovers still consuming their prize, lapping at all the juices flowing from within me. “OMG…UGH..EAT IT YOU FILTHY BASTARDS…” I came again.
They lowered me down to their eye level, one spoke, “GET READY SLAVE” “FUCK ME, YOU SON OF A BITCH! RAM THAT COCK IN ME!”
Upon my request, the first one shoved his cock balls deep in one swift stroke. Hitting my g-spot dead on. I could feel his meat throbbing inside me, so warm and solid. I felt another orgasm coming. His pounding was relentless. “GOD I LOVE YOUR FUCKING COCK IN ME!! I WANT IT ALL! I want your friend to fuck my ass…” And with a silent nod, his partner buried his cock inside my tight teen ass. “OHHH MYYYY GOOODD…IM CUMMMMIIINNNGG!!” Wave after wave of convulsions went through my teenage body, never before have I felt such power and lust. Todd was nothing compared to these two. Their cocks throbbed and pulsated inside me, making me moan and whimper in pleasure.
“OH FUUCCK, THAT COCK IS SO GOOOD….MMMMPPPPHH….” I buried my tongue in the mouth of my new lover that was draining my pussy of every drop of juice. His long tongue slithered into my mouth and found its way through every nook and cranny. A strong hand grabbed my chin and turned my head, and both of their tongues pushed into my mouth. One bit my lip as the other withdrew his tongue and started to lick my cheek, working his way to my ear, sucking and nibbling my lobe.
“OH MYYY GOOOOOOOOODD, IM CUUMMMINNNG….UGGGHH MMMMHHHGGG…” my body twitching uncontrollably, shuddering hard, and bucking. I feel them pump their loads into me, stream after stream of hot undead cum. They came for what seemed like minutes, overflowing my pussy and ass. They withdrew from me still rock hard, and cum covered. I laid on the floor and spread my legs. The first came over and crammed his goo covered cock down my throat. The other pushed my legs up, putting my feet over my head, then slid into my sore pussy. Rammed it to the balls with the first stoke. Then he unleashed almighty hell on my pussy, pounding his whole body into me. His friend was gagging me with his sticky cock at the same. I felt another orgasm coming, and I started to quiver. Then it hit me HARD.
“ARRGGHHHUUGHGH…..AHHHHH…..FUUUUUUU…” and with that, my eyes rolled back and I passed out from extreme pleasure. My expert lovers then dumped their huge loads inside my unconscious body. When I woke, my face was crusty and sticky. Covered in delicious cum from my new friends. The room was quiet and warm. No sign of my lovers, except for the cum covered floors, and my teen body. With my pussy and ass gaping, I left my sex cave for a shower. It was 230 when I finished my shower. So I grabbed an ice pack and laid in bed. I plan on bringing my friends back for more pussy ravaging in the future.
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