After retirement and the passing of my wife, I moved into a Retirement Village out in the southwest. If you think old people don't enjoy sex, you are mistaken.
I’m a 59-year-old retired police detective who enjoys extreme jogging, reading mystery novels, listening to music and dancing. I have been described as loveable and generous, but I can also be described as very suspicious minded and a bit stern. I’m a Patriotic American who defines myself as straight. I have a degree in criminal justice, politics, and economics. I’m obsessed with running and physical fitness.
After my retirement from the police department and the passing of my wife, I moved into a Retirement Village out in the Southwest. If you think old people don't enjoy sex, you are mistaken. I’m currently single. My most recent romantic relationship was Katelyn, my deceased wife who was the same age as me. She's been gone three years, and I miss her very much. My best friend is a retired municipal judge named Howard Cook. We get on well most of the time when we are not arguing politics. I also hang around with Gordon Thomas and Milford Graham. They are both retired cops, and we enjoy cycling together.
Physically, I’m is in pretty good shape. I’m tall with bronze skin, Gray hair and Blue eyes. I grew up in a middle-class neighborhood. My father was a police officer like myself. He died in the line of duty when I was young. I was raised by my mother who was a registered nurse.
I have been a widower for the past three years. My first year living alone I knocked around in my big empty two-story, four-bedroom home located in an upscale neighborhood. My two daughters, Karen and Susan, kept close tabs on me. They worried I wasn't eating right and taking care of myself correctly. I received phone calls every day from them checking to see if I was taking my medication, eating properly and getting enough rest. I appreciated their concern, but it was getting annoying. I told them I never got bored because I was spending most of my time answering their phone calls. They eventually convinced me to sell the house and move in with one of them.
I moved in with Karen for a year, but she drove me crazy fussing over me day in and day out. I couldn't take the constant attention, so I moved in with Susan, my youngest. Susan and her husband Mike have four young children, and I was definitely interfering with their family routine; not to mention the wear and tear on my nerves. I decided, for the sake of everyone's sanity, it would be better for all if I moved into a retirement village where I could hang out with people my own age. I chose 'The Meadows' because I was able to have my own one-bedroom apartment complete with kitchen and laundry room.
'The Meadows' was built around a golf course and several small lakes. I think the total acreage was around three thousand. There were other amenities such as a gym, hiking and jogging trails, recreation hall, a movie theatre, bowling lanes, support groups, social groups and special events. The village was made up of both married couples and singles. A little more than half were married couples. Of the single residents, three quarters were single widows and the rest single widowers like me. The single women more than outnumbered the single men.
My first week at 'The Meadows', I met Monica while out for an early morning jog. Monica is a 59-year-old retired college professor who enjoys learning new languages, sailing and horse racing. She is energetic and smart, but can also be very selfish and a bit standoffish. She is a liberated woman who defines herself as bisexual. She was quick to tell me she was bi-sexual when I noticed her eyeing other women. She has a degree in philosophy, politics, and economics.
Physically, Monica is in good shape. She is average height with a medium complexion, chestnut hair, and green eyes. She is a young-looking woman with an athletic body. I would say she was 5' 4", 110 pounds. It is obvious she takes great pride in her appearance. She could easily pass for a woman in her forties.
Monica has lived at 'The Meadows' for a year. The morning we met, we spent five hours talking, walking and generally getting to know one another. Those five hours flew by, and Monica invited me to dinner at her apartment that night, and I gladly accepted. She grew up in a wealthy neighborhood. Her father was a prominent criminal defense attorney, and her mother was a socialite. Her father died fifteen years ago of a heart attack while she was on vacation at Disney World with her two teenage children. He died while arguing a high-profile case in court.
She was married to Arthur Charley Cooke who was also an attorney in her father’s law firm. He was killed two years ago when a drunk driver slammed into his car on a rain-slick road. Monica had two children with husband Arthur: Alannah now aged 28 and Kristin aged 32. They are both happily married with young children.
Monica turned out to be an excellent cook. I brought a bottle of wine, and we finished it off after dinner. We kissed and cuddled for over an hour. Monica is an old-fashioned, woman and clung to her family values. In spite of that, I was able to cop a feel of her breast before the evening was over. We agreed to see each other again, but Monica asks that I take it a bit slower. I think I upset her by being too hands-on during our first date. However, on our third date, Monica finally allowed me to fondle and suck her naked breast. I was not used to moving that slowly, but I felt obliged to honor Monica's wishes. I knew that in time I could eventually entice her into my bed.
Each Saturday night the Retirement village holds a dance for the residents. I invited Monica, but she told me she was spending the weekend with her daughter, Kristin and her three young grandchildren. I decided to go to the dance alone. There were several attractive widows at the weekly dance and only a hand full of single men. One particular widow caught my attention. I ask her to dance, and she accepted my invitation.
Her name was Clara Blurton, and she is also 59 years old, but looked 15 years younger. She grew up in an upper-middle-class neighborhood. Her dad was a doctor, and her mother was a high school biology teacher. She is well educated and energetic. Clara is above average-height with a medium complexion, an oval face, long blond hair that's sleek on top with waves that fall below her shoulders and sparkling green eyes. She was a tall, slender woman with a well-proportioned body due mainly to aerobics classes. I guessed her height to be about 5' 7" and maybe weighing 115 pounds.
She was a retired child psychologist, and she had been married to Thomas Blurton, a successful civil engineer. Thomas died in 2014 at age 61 when a recently constructed bridge collapsed while he was inspecting it. Clara and her husband never had any children of their own, so when Thomas died, she found herself lonely and a little depressed.
We danced together the whole night. I'm in pretty good shape, but Clara loves aerobics and danced circles around me. I walked Clara back to her apartment, and she invited me in for a nightcap. I don't remember how many nightcaps we had, but we woke up naked in her bed around 10 Sunday morning. As it turns out, Clara loves practically everything about sex, and she didn't mind admitting it. She let me know that she was willing to try just about anything at least once. We showered together then went out for Sunday brunch.
Monica returned to 'The Meadows' around six o'clock Sunday evening and called me to go out to dinner. I was exhausted from my weekend with Clara, but I agreed to go. She told me she was excited to see her family but was glad to get back to her normal routine. She told me that she had thought about me the whole weekend and looked forward to spending more time with me. We met the next morning for a jog and then a light breakfast. When I returned to my apartment, I had a message to call Clara. Since both Clara and Monica live in 'The Meadows', I didn't see any possibility of keeping it a secret that I was seeing them both. I didn’t want to stop seeing either one of them. I hoped it would never come to a point where I would have to choose between the two of them. It would be a hard decision to make. I called Clara and invited her to dinner. I told her I had someone I wanted her to meet. She was puzzled but agreed to come. I immediately called Monica and extended the same invitation. They agreed to meet me at my apartment at six o'clock.
Our meeting was very productive. As it turns out, Monica and Clara knew each other by sight, but they were never formally introduced. I explained to them that I enjoyed being with them both and hoped we could all be friends and continue to enjoy each other's company. I was banking on the fact that the single women at 'The Meadows' outnumbered the single men by at least three to one. It took a moment, but their desire to fight off loneliness won out, and they agreed to let me date them both.
The sex was better than I ever dreamed. The two women sort of got into competition with each other over pleasing me. Monica not only agreed to start having sex with me, she often became the initiator of our sexual ventures. It was missionary style only with no oral sex, but at least she was starting to come around. I began to see the possibilities of turning this into a competition between the two women. Monica was still a bit inhibited when it came to sex, but again, I considered myself a fortunate man.
If I did have to choose between the two, it would be challenging because Monica was an excellent cook, but hesitant when it came to sexual exploration. However, Clara wasn't much of a cook but loved nothing better than to fuck my brains out. She was totally uninhibited when it came to trying new things during sex. We fell into a mutually agreeable routine of sharing me. One night I would have a dinner fit for a king at Monica's apartment followed by a roll in the sack with her. And the next night at Clara's I would have a mediocre dinner followed by uninhabited sex. I was having sex like I was the master of a whore house. I had the best of both worlds; good food and good sex.
Every once in a while, I would intentionally spend two nights in a roll at Clara's house just to provoke Monica. She soon got the message and decided she should start having less restrained sex with me if she expected to hold my attention. I started sharing with Monica some of the things that Clara did sexually that pleased me and vice versa with Clara. And as expected they both tried to outdo the other. Monica finally gave me a blowjob and let me finger her pussy and lick her thighs, but when I tried to put my mouth anywhere near her pussy, she pushed me away. She explained that she and her husband never did anything like that and she actually considered it unnatural. I let it go for the time being but started contemplating a way to change her thinking.
One-night Clara started to suck my nipples and lightly tickle my balls at the same time. It brought back memories of my college days. I found the sensation to be so gratifying, I almost orgasm while she did it. I reciprocated by nibbling and sucking on Clara's clit, I could feel her body stiffen and started to orgasm. On a whim, I shoved my finger up her ass while sucking and lightly chewing on her clit. The results were unbelievable. She started shaking and trembling and making sounds that sounded somewhat like a small dog barking. She started gushing pussy juice all over my face and chest. This was the first time I had ever been with a squirter. I liked It! I couldn't wait to tell Monica about it, but to my amazement, Clara told her about it before I had the chance. I guess it had made a more significant impression on Clara than I first thought.
The next time I was making love with Monica I noticed she was more antsy and anxious. Her breathing was short and raspy. I licked down her left thigh, and as I was licking my way back up the right thigh; I felt her hand on the back of my head guiding me to her pussy. I clamped down on her clit, and she started thrashing about so wildly, I was having trouble maintaining contact. Within in minutes, she was Cumming harder than she had in her whole life. When she finally came down from her high, she put her hands on each side of my face and pulled me into the most passionate kiss I had ever experienced. I don’t know what caused Monica to change, but she was finally letting herself escape her strong traditional values and was now enjoying wild, uninhibited raw sex.
Since the Ladies were getting along so well together and not showing any outward signs of jealousy, I started inviting them both to accompany me to events like the movies, to bowling, to local restaurants, and all the Saturday night dances. We were all one big happy family. After our night out, we would all return to the apartment of the one I didn't plan to sleep with that night. We would enjoy a nightcap or two then I would move on to the residence of my intended sex partner and indulge in a night of bliss. I had them trained to my satisfaction and considered myself a fortunate man. I had made a very wise decision when I moved to 'The Meadows'.
Monica and Clara became such good friends, they began going on shopping sprees together at the local Mall. In fact, they started spending more and more time together. I also noticed their hugs were lasting a bit longer than usual. I remembered Monica admitting when we first met that she was bi-sexual and for a fleeting moment, I thought maybe the two of them had discovered the joy of lesbianism. I quickly put that thought out of my mind.
On Thursday night, instead of attending the movie at 'The Meadows', Clara suggested we all go to the local Cinema in town. We all agreed and piled into my car. As I might have expected, Clara had just the movie she thought we would enjoy. The film turned out to be an adult movie with lots of nudity and some of the most explicated sex scenes I have ever seen on the big screen. When we left the theater, I trailed behind the girls trying to hide my massive erection. As we were settling into my car, Clara announced that the movie had her panties soaking wet. And to my surprise, Monica chimed in that her panties were also soaking wet.
When we arrived at Monica's apartment, the girls were still talking about the various sex scenes that had turned them on, and I still had a raging erection. I settled on the sofa next to Clara while Monica fixed us all an extra strong nightcap. I was no longer trying to hide my erection. Monica slid onto the couch on my other side, and we continued chattering about the movie. There was a couple of lesbian scenes in the film, and both women seemed giddy when they discussed them. Monica continued delivering the nightcaps. I would alternate between kissing Clara then Monica. Then out of the blue, Clara suggested we all spend the night together, and without another word, Monica took my hand and led us to her bedroom. In less than a minute we were all nude and cuddling in Monica's bed.
I was lying on my back between to the two girls when I flashed back to an encounter I had while in college. I was at a frat house, naked in bed with two young coeds. One of the coeds asked me if I had ever experienced "nipple ecstasy". I had to admit I had never heard of it. The coeds each took one of my nipples into their mouth and started sucking and chewing on them while taking turns stroking my cock. I recalled how pleasant it had been and I suggested to Clara and Monica we give a try. Clara locked onto my right nipple immediately, and Monica followed by sucking my left nipple into her warm mouth. Monica began stroking my cock as she worked on my nipple and Clara started lightly tickling my balls with her fingertips. After about a minute of this, I shot my load all over my chest and belly. Clara went to work right away cleaning my chest with her tongue. Monica was watching in amazement, but not moving. Clara reached over and put her hand on the back of Monica's head and guided her mouth to a puddle of my cum. She took a little bit on her tongue then rolled it around in her mouth. In the next moment, both girls were busily licking my chest and belly clean.
It was Monica's turn to be in the middle next. I sucked her right breast into my mouth while Clara lunched on her left breast. Monica started to moan and rock her hips. It was then that I looked down and noticed Clara was fucking Monica's pussy with two fingers. I began passionately kissing Monica on the lips while rolling her right nipple between my thumb and index finger. She let out a low moan, and her body stiffened. I knew she just experienced an orgasm.
I moved from her lips back down to continue sucking Monica's' right nipple. I closed my eyes and nestled my face close to her breast and gently sucked and rolled her nipple in my mouth. I felt movement from Clara and opened my eyes in time to see her insert two wet fingers into Monica's mouth; the same two wet fingers she had been fucking Monica' pussy with. Monica licked and sucked Clara's fingers clean. I got an immediate hard-on. I had to begin slowly stroking my cock. I watched as Clara slowly kissed her way down Monica's stomach. Monica opened her legs wide enough to give full access to her crotch. Clara licked the inside of Monica's right thigh down to her knee then switched over to her left thigh and worked back up. When she neared Monica's vagina, I noticed Monica made no effort to push her away.
Clara took her thumbs and spread the lips of Monica's pussy. She ran her tongue up and down the smooth pink walls of her vagina before latching onto her clit. Monica jumped at the first contact but soon relaxed and started raising her hips to meet Clara's tongue. Clara began to lap and chew on Monica's clit eagerly. It didn't take long for Monica's second orgasm to shake her whole body. As Monica recovers from her orgasm, Clara starts to lick Monica’s pussy, while rapidly rub Monica's clit with two fingers. Monica was moaning and writhing as she rushes headlong into her third magnificent orgasm. As soon as Monica was in the middle of her orgasm, Clara shoves her middle finger up Monica's tight little brown asshole. The results were unbelievable. Monica starts trembling and shaking; her body is covered with goosebumps and a light sheen of sweat. She couldn't seem to catch her breath. Monica bolts upright in the bed and puts her hands on each side of Clara's face and pulls her into a passionate kiss. The kiss seems to last forever, and I was sure Clara could feel it throughout her whole body because sexual fluids gush from her vagina. It had to have been one of the most fantastic orgasms Clara has ever experienced.
I tried to work my way back into the mix, but Clara and Monica immediately crawled into the 69 position and began to devour each other's pussy. I was enjoying the lesbian show so much I stroked my cock until I enjoyed two consecutive orgasms. Neither woman showed any sign of giving up the sexual splendor they were both obviously experiencing. I watched for a while longer then slipped off into a peaceful sleep. When I woke up the next morning Clara and Monica were still snuggled in each other's arms. They were resting so serenely, I slid out of bed and quietly made my way back to my apartment. I couldn't help but think my initial suspicions about them and a lesbian affair might be right. It really didn't matter to me, I have always liked watching two women together.
I hadn't heard from Monica or Clara by four o'clock. I didn't know who I would be having dinner with. Would it be with Monica, or would it be Clara? Perhaps I would be dining with the two of them. When I hadn't heard from anyone by five o'clock, I decided to call Monica. She answers on the third ring and offers her apology for not notifying me that she was going to spend the weekend with her daughter and grandchildren. I hung up and called Clara's number but got no answer. At six thirty, I gave up and drove to a local fast food restaurant for a cheeseburger and fries.
Saturday, I went for an early morning jog and showered before walking over to the recreation hall to check the bulletin board for any special events. All I found there were dozens of old ladies playing cards, or checkers, or reading books. I couldn't find Clara anywhere. I decide to pay a surprise visit to my youngest daughter and grandchildren. I returned to 'The Meadows' around nine thirty Sunday night completely wore out from the grandchildren. I showered and fell fast asleep.
Monday morning, I went for my usual jog, hoping to see Monica. When she was a no-show, I went home and showered before going to the recreation hall to check the bulletin board. The first thing on the board to catch my eye was an apartment vacancy that just came available. I went to the office to see who was leaving 'The Meadows'. I was told no one was leaving. Monica had decided to give up her apartment and move in with Clara. I felt a knot in my stomach. I had a distinct feeling that Clara and Monica would no longer be needing me to fulfill their sexual needs. I was sad and despondent all week. Saturday night I had recovered enough to drag myself down to the weekly dance. I didn't see Monica or Clara there. The dance just wasn't the same happy place it once was. I decided to leave. As I made my way to the door, I saw her.
She was a tall strawberry blonde that stood a head taller than the women she was huddled with. She looked to be 5' 10" 135 pounds with green eyes that pierced my soul. This woman had to be one of the most beautiful creatures I had ever seen in my life. She saw me about the same time I saw her. As I moved across the dance floor toward her, she continued to speak with women around her. She would look up occasional to monitor my location. My heart was doing flips as I practiced what I was going to say to her. Everything that came to mind sounded clumsy and amateurish. I felt like an awkward teenager.
I walked up to her and said, "Hi! My name is Henry. Would you like to dance?" She smiled, nodded her head affirmative and told me her name was Pricilla, but her friends called her Prissy. I took her hand and led her onto the dance floor. We spent the rest of the evening in each other's arms. When the dance was over, I walked her back to her apartment and thanked her for a wonderful evening