Mrs. Hernandez, a sexy high school teacher. Chaperones the school dance, along with another teacher, who's also her best friend. They smoke a little pot, then Mrs. H ends up in the shower with one of her students.
Ms. Hernandez has to chaperone
I was on my way back to the school campus when I received a text from my best friend, Nicole. The text read: "I brought a surprise for you...xoxo" I wasn't sure what kind of surprise she had in store for me, but knowing Nicole, as I do. It was probably something bad.
I arrived at the dance at 6:30, about a half hour before the dance was to start. As I was grabbing my purse from the front seat, I heard Nicole's voice coming from behind me. "Check you out, Chica. Your ass looks AMAZING in that dress" I was wearing a little black dress, that hung to my curvaceous 36-24-40 Latina frame. The dress was low-cut in the front, showing off my ample cleavage. But the slit along the side, that stopped right below my butt, is what made the dress look really hot. I was hot and I knew it. So I put my hands on my hips, and struck a pose for my friend: "Not too shabby for a 33-year old Latina, huh?" We both laughed as we made our way into the school's gymnasium.
I was watching the DJ set up up his equipment. When Nicole approached me: "I hope you haven't forgotten about my little surprise?" I really had forgotten all about her surprise. But I was curious to find out what shenanigans she had planned for the night: "Ok, ok...what is it?" She looked around the room, before grabbing me by the shoulders: "Shhhh.....I can't tell you here. Let's go around the back of the building"
When we arrived at the back of the building, Nicole reached into her purse and pulled out a joint: "Ta-da" I was in total shock: "Is that a joint?" Nicole was smiling while she nodded her head: "Yes, it is. It's called Trainwreck. Just a little something for us, since we have to chaperone a bunch of horny teenagers. This way we'll be able to enjoy ourselves as well" I was a little skeptical at first: "I don't know, Nicole. What if we get caught?" But Nicole was persistent: "Come on, live a little for once." I knew she was right. So I said: "Fuck it. Spark it up, Chica"
I watched as Nicole lit up the joint, then she blew on the tip, before passing it to me. I really didn't feel anything after the first hit, but by the third hit, I was on cloud nine. I was beginning to giggle like a little school girl when Nicole looked over at me: "I don't know about you, Chica. But, I'm high as shit right now." Since this was my first time getting stoned. I was feeling kind of nervous. So I put on some more perfume and popped a couple of breath mints into my mouth: "I don't think that we should do this, Nicole. I think I'm too high" Nicole just smiled at me, with her glossy brown eyes: "You're just tweaking a little since this was your first time. But you'll relax once we get back inside.
I'm not sure if it was the weed, but I was highly aroused. I was watching Nicole as she walked in front of me, letting her round hips sway from side to side. And the way her ass had a slight giggle to it. I've always thought Nicole was a cute black girl. But now I understood why all of the boys were attending her choir classes. With her petite 5" 2', 120 lbs, 32-22-36 frame. She was an absolute knockout.
I was already starting to feel more relaxed and at ease, as we entered the gym. I caught a few of male students checking us out. Which was quite flattering. As I thought to myself: "Why should these young girls garner ALL the attention"
It wasn't long before the loud music had me ready to dance. So I grabbed Nicole, and we made our way to the dance floor.
We were having a great time to ourselves, just dancing with each other. But when the DJ played Migos - Bad & Boujee, the crowd went wild. Soon all of the student's were grinding on each other, as they sang the words to the song. Normally, I would've protested such a thing. But tonight I was high and was enjoying myself. And so was Nicole.
I was still dancing, when out the corner of my eye. I saw Justin, who's one of my favorite students. Standing up against the wall all by himself, with a sad look on his face. So I approached him to see what was wrong: "And why aren't you out there dancing, young man?" He answered: "Because no one want's to dance with me" I felt bad for the poor fella. Not only was he a bit of a geek. But he was freakishly big and tall for a 15-year old kid. At 6" 4', 250 lbs. He dwarfed little old me at 5" 6', 135 lbs. But he was also a "gentle giant" Which is why I've always adored him.
After watching him sulk. I made up my mind that my pal Justin was going to have a good time as well. So I batted my eyes as I grabbed his massive hands and said: "Well, I'm asking you for a dance, now. That is if you're not too cool to dance with a little old lady like me" Justin, almost immediately snapped out of his funk, and followed me to the dancefloor.
Of course, all eyes were on the two of us, as we moved to the dancefloor. But I didn't care. Justin deserved to have a good time, just as much as any other kid. So when the DJ played another hip-hop song, Justin and I threw our hands in the air and started to dance. To my surprise. Justin was a very good dancer. Not only was he dancing to the beat, but he knew all of the latest dances. Something that I wasn't expecting from a goofy white kid. I was really enjoying dancing with him until I bumped my back up against his crotch and felt the huge bulge in his pants. I thought to myself: "Was that his cock? That thing must be HUGE" He didn't let it happen again. So I didn't think anything of it.
But after dancing with Nicole, then dancing with Justin for three songs. I was beginning to feel dehydrated. So I asked Justin to bring me a cup of punch from the refreshment table: "Be a dear and get me a cup of punch, with plenty of ice, please" Which Justin seemed almost too eager to do. "No-no problem, Mrs. H" Then he sped off to the refreshment table.
Then as he made his way back to where I was standing. One of the other student's stuck out their foot, tripping Justin. Causing him to not only to fall, but he also spilled punch all over my dress. So while the other student's laughed and mocked Justin. I helped him pick up the cups, and told him not to worry about it: "Don't worry, Justin. It's really not a big deal. In fact, I keep an extra outfit in my locker for such occasions" But Justin continued to sulk: "I'm such a jerk, for ruining your pretty dress" I tried to console him as best I could: "No, you're not a jerk at all, Justin. But the person who tripped you, they're the real jerks" That seemed to cheer him up a bit.
My little black dress was still saturated with a punch, causing it to cling to my skin. I knew that the shower stalls would be empty. So I told Justin that I had to go and get changed: "I'll be back in a few minutes. You stay here and enjoy yourself" Justin just nodded his head: "Ok, Mrs. H"
When I made it into the teachers' lounge, I immediately went to my locker and pulled out my blue sundress. After undressing in the teachers' lounge, I went into the girl's locker room, to take a hot shower. I could still hear the loud music coming from the gym. Which is why I didn't hear Justin when he entered the girl's locker room right behind me.
I was in the middle of rinsing myself off when Justin moved in behind me and started squeezing my breasts: "Let me make it up to you, Mrs. H" I was terrified about being groped by some stranger in the shower. But when I heard Justin's voice, and the feeling of his massive hands squeezing my breasts, it triggered something deep inside me. My mouth was saying: "No, Justin, this is wrong" But my body was yearning to be ravaged by this hulk of a young man.
As I gave way to my inhibitions. Justin caressed my breasts while kissing my neck. "Oh, Mrs. H. You taste so sweet" Soon I felt his 12-inch cock sliding in between my legs, rubbing along my clit: "Please, Justin, don't stop" I knew at that moment, that I wanted Justin's big cock deep inside of me.
That's when Justin lead me back into the running shower, where he kissed me from behind, before turning me around to face him. I felt the pressure from his throbbing cock, pushing up against my stomach, causing my cunt muscles to contract. I was used to my husband's big 8-inch cock. But knowing that I was about to be impaled by a giant 12-inch cock, was making me hotter than ever before.
With the hot water from the shower, raining down on us. Justin, very easily, lifted me up, until his cock was right at the entrance of my dripping cunt. And as his huge hands were cupping my ass, he lowered me down on his massive unit. Causing my body to tremble: "Ooooohhhh, ooohhhh, Justin. Fuck me, fuck your naughty teacher" I swear, I could feel every inch of Justin's thick and veiny cock, as he penetrated my womb. Justin's big cock was about to reach spots inside my cunt that I never knew I had. Making me cum like never before. And as I rocked my hips back and forth on Justin's big teenage cock, I came: "Oh, God. I'M-GONNA-CUM"
While I was having the biggest orgasm of my life. I could feel Justin's hard cock, start to jump and twitch. Soon, I felt jet after jet of his warm seed, flooding my cunt. He continued to stuff me with his hard cock until every drop of cum was buried inside my cunt. When he finally raised me up off his cock. I could feel his warm cum slowly dripping out of me.
As I climbed down from his cock. I looked up at Justin. Who looked so big and masculine. Standing there letting the hot water run all over his body. Bringing out my submissive side. And since his big cock was still hard. I dropped to my knees and took it into my mouth.
There I was, a 33-year old teacher, in the girl's locker room shower, on my knees, with a student's cock in my mouth. When I heard the voice of my friend, Nicole: "I hope you don't mind if I watch"
For me it was Mrs. Russel. 7th grade. She was short appx. 4ft.7inc.brunette round butt honestly can not remember her boobs. I do remember the sock hop and making the wrong turn on purpose. I caught Mrs.R mid blow job with one of the coaches. When she heard me behind her, she lifted her head and swiveled it my direction. Busted... she said nothing just looked at me, the smile she gave me as I unzipped pants was priceless. And follows me to this day. She set a very high bar for future blow jobs. Very high. Your story stirred deep and very powerful memories. Thank you.
For me it was Mrs. Russel. 7th grade. She was short appx. 4ft.7inc.brunette round butt honestly can not remember her boobs. I do remember the sock hop and making the wrong turn on purpose. I caught Mrs.R mid blow job with one of the coaches. When she heard me behind her, she lifted her head and swiveled it my direction. Busted... she said nothing just looked at me, the smile she gave me as I unzipped pants was priceless. And follows me to this day. She set a very high bar for future blow jobs. Very high. Your story stirred deep and very powerful memories. Thank you.