I loved my life.
It was hard most of the time, uncomfortable much of the time, dangerous frequently, and humbling more often than not. In this environment, the evolved human of the 21st century was not the top predator, even with my bow. There were times when I thought I might never be warm again. There were times when I thought my body would never stop hurting after falls, scrapes, cuts, and the general physical challenge of keeping up with the pack. There were times when my raging body made me feel like more of a wolf bitch than the other females around me.
My mind continued to work on analysis and solutions in ways foreign and beyond the abilities of the wolves, but it wasted little time any longer on embarrassment, modesty, or timidity. I still had a long way to go, but I accepted my role as a unique animal amongst them. I provided strategic thinking, hunting skills from a safe distance, and the ability to provide fire, tools, and coverings.
We had made it through the heats of all three of the adult females. It wasn’t nearly the abstinence plan I had devised. Once we opened mating to the new three, there was no stopping them. Grey going into heat just magnified it. Somehow the others managed to limit their activity, but not completely eliminate it. It was the point of surrender for me. The demands of nature would take its course. I had opened up mating among the adults as a free-will activity. The wolf culture had a control on the breeding by limiting it to the alpha and beta. Time would tell what I had sowed for the pack. The one consolation to me was that the pack and I had shown ourselves capable of finding meat nearly any time we needed it. If the pack was to grow substantially, however, I did have a concern about depleting the game within our narrow valley.
It was time to re-explore the larger valley and the plain to the east. The previous attempt was unsatisfactory now that I look back on the effort. Before winter came upon Bo and me, it was a desperate search for any sign of civilization. I now realized that my focus was on what I had known, not on what might be before me. It wasn’t only that earlier exploration, it was also finding the cave that told me that any signs of humanity would not be the civilization I had once known, but much more primitive. The real reason for this re-exploration, though, was scouting out food sources. I was actively fighting within myself about what I would do at this point if I were to discover humans. I might be tempted to hide and move away like I expected the pack to do. No, my interest was different this time; I was looking for game. The short days and long nights of winter gave me time to muse as I worked on my coverings, tools, and weapons. If this land was like 400 to 500 years before my time, pre-Columbian, pre-Columbus, the plains of the west were covered with large herds of animals. I had seen small herds of deer and elk in our narrow valley, but this valley seemed more of a retreat for a few than for a large massing of animals. I remembered another valley over the short mountains to the east, a rise of a string of hills, with a large prairie, lake and rivers beyond it.
I had imposed my will of humanity on the pack by insisting on the cave. It was a savior for the winter, but the wolves would normally range further. Our valley gave enough game for the winter, but we needed to extend our range so as not to deplete our valley for the coming winter. Although the pack would feed on my dried jerky, they preferred fresh meat. We couldn’t afford to over-hunt our protected valley and, in so doing, drive the game out. Our valley was a unique environment, protected, and abundant in resources.
I took in the benefits of our valley over the winter. It was milder in temperature and received less snow than it might have. The tall, jagged mountains forming the west side of the valley stopped many a storm. Not literally, of course, but they acted like some gigantic snow fence. You could watch the storm clouds butting into the mountains, struggling to get past the high obstruction, finally oozing around the peaks very much like the fog created by dry ice for the high school drama club. But, by that time, the worst of the storm was deposited on the other side, the clouds released of the moisture and the surging wind jetting what remained over our narrow valley and over the low mountains to our east. We got snow, but the snow we received was the gentle kind, covering the world with an even blanket, creating a world of white hush, as if the valley itself was holding its breath in hopes of once again escaping the fury of the storm flying overhead.
As a result of the benefits I saw in our valley, the pack was vital, healthy, strong, and robust. Other predators might happen through our valley, but they noticeably passed through or turned around. We were a strong and secure pack despite the size. The valley was effectively marked and other wolf packs knew this territory was occupied. Wolves are territorial, but not exclusively so. Wolf pack territory can sometimes overlap without conflict, especially where food resources are plentiful. That was the case in our valley; we didn’t mind sharing, but all intruders were made aware that we were allowing it and this was accomplished by discreetly following from the other side of the river or lake, or from positions elevated along the mountain slope. Every occurrence of this action I had witnessed left an unmistakable impression of the superior healthy and vibrant appearance of our pack. It reflected the benefit of a bountiful territory, my ability to prepare and store dried meat for consumption when needed, and having a warm, dry, and secure den to weather the worst conditions.
All of that found us on the down side of winter and a desire to begin exploration. It would be tentative, a probe into the land to the east to gain better understanding of the region for the transition I was anticipating to come with warmer weather and a pursuit of game on the other side.
But, first, there were pressing needs, pent-up needs to be satisfied and released. We came through the period of the three females going through heat with mixed results or success, at least from my silly perspective, my hopeless attempt at controlling natural urges that I had also earlier released. Grey was the first to enter heat, but she, Tre, and Qua had no understanding of what I had attempted to accomplish with the others. As a result, the three of them rutted like wild animals. As if the experience of freely mating previously wasn’t enough, they now had the added hormonal influence of Grey’s heat.
Bo, Uno, and Dos actually resisted very well as Grey was in heat. Then Dau entered and was immediately followed by Ma. For a period of time, all three females were in heat at the same time. I could see the struggle in the three males, trying to follow the direction I had given earlier. There were moments of weakness when the males couldn’t resist any longer and Ma and Dau couldn’t stand the hormonal impulses, presenting themselves to the males, asses exposed, and tails lifted, begging for satisfaction. Towards the end of heat, it all fell apart and I was just as relieved as they were. I was in my period at the end of the heat and I said, ‘screw it!’, to myself, naturally. Maybe I thought it more than said it, but the effect was the same. The hormones were rampant and it shouldn’t have made any difference for me, a human, but it seemed to. Perhaps, another example of my slip into animal behavior. I presented myself to Bo, in my period but after the heavy flow, and I wanted it. If he didn’t care about my period, I was ready.
It didn’t happen often, though. After the period of heat, we found ourselves, me included, waiting for the signal and I knew what would follow would be a sight of all sights. Then, it occurred to me that they were watching me for the signal. I was the one who had attempted to control the mating, they still were trying to follow my intent, even if sometimes we had all failed.
I went to my hands and knees, naked, swaying my body among them. I presented my ass to each of the males, swaying my body, swinging my long hair that was now down to my waist when I stood, my breasts swinging below me, my nipples hard and erect, and my eyes glassy with need and desire. I exposed my ass to one male as I went to the snout of another, licking him, his snout, his lips, and his tongue, if it came out to me. I performed this dance to each and all the males, enticing them and myself in the process. I felt a body alongside me, its head near mine. I swung my hips back and forth, bumping into the body next to me. I turned my head, my eyes barely focused, and found Ma. She turned her head to me and we shared a lick, a lick that became a kiss, exactly like I had shared with all the males over time. I was initially shocked by her action for it was her tongue that found my mouth, first. Yes, I responded, immediately and willingly, but she initiated it. I supported my upper body with one hand and arm while using the other to hold the side of her head as I encourage the exploration of our tongues.
That surprising action lit a bon-fire inside me. I was sure my pussy was drooling at this point and I spread my knees further to let my need and desire be known and obvious. I felt a lick at my open pussy and another. Then I was mounted. At the same time, I felt Ma push alongside me and saw that Uno had mounted her. I made a last eye contact with Ma and knew she was at the same desperate point of need and arousal that I was. I dipped my head and moaned out my relief at being penetrated deeply. I saw the black fur hold me tightly and knew that Bo had been first to take me. I smiled at the thought that I was still his favorite and I moaned out his name and hugged the strong front legs gripping me because he would always be my first and best, no matter how large the pack might someday become.
Our mating went well into the night. I remember being mated three times that night. I know the other females were mated multiple times, but I was not keeping track of them; I was lost in an isolating state of bliss and orgasmic overload.
I had thought that a night of debauchery would return us to more normal conditions, but I was very wrong. Delightfully wrong.
The next day, in the middle of the day, I could see in eyes and posturing the continuing desire for mating. Another example of being careful what you wish for. In my mind, at the time of introducing free mating of the adults in the pack, it was to feel comfortable mating with Bo, to possibly experience the other males, and Bo experiencing other females. All of the that in addition to opening up the experience to the adults in general. All of that was certainly realized, every bit of it. In addition, a nine-headed sexual monster seemed to be formed. If it were possible to survey the pack, I sincerely doubted that any of the us nine would voice anything other than rousing support of the freedom that existed.
I put on the bear coat and boots, called the three pups and was pleased to have Bo join me as I led them out into the forest. The pups probably saw it as a time to play and explore. They bounded out of the cave mouth, skidding slightly on the dirt of the ‘patio’, before leaping the gap to the forest beyond. It was hard to even think of them as pups, any longer. At about 10 months old, they were nearly full grown in height. Their bodies were still not carrying the weight and muscle that would come with full development, they had all the appearance of gangly teenagers, slight bodies and leggy. I saw it as an opportunity to gage the approach of spring and the end of winter. I don’t know what Bo’s expectation was, I was just pleased to have him join me. My other intention, however, was to give the others peaceful time to further explore each other without the pups around. By the time we returned, I had established that spring was indeed around the corner. More sections of ground were bare of snow and the low pass over the mountains to the east was noticeably clearing. It was time to consider an early, preliminary exploration to the east.
What I found upon re-entering the cave, however, was reaffirming. The four males and three females were lying around the cave and entry area. Ma raised her head and made a motherly attempt at greeting her pups, but she was clearly exhausted and weary. She raised her head, putting her nose to each of her pups as they passed her, but the look she gave me when I came to her, putting my hand on her head and stroking down her neck was begging for interpretation. I swear she was giving an expression of appreciation and knowing. The females were outnumbered, at that moment I guessed that Ma had been the lucky one.
The real surprise was the next day, however. Bo was resting his head on my lap as I fiddled with a seam for a warmer weather wrap. It was going to be more of a cape than a coat. It would hang from a tie around my neck but would also have slits in the sides that could be worn tied around me and allow my arms full movement. Bo was periodically licking my thighs, then turning his head to lick my stomach. I sensed he wanted more, but it was full daylight and the young ones were running around the cave, out onto the ‘patio’ area, and back inside. I saw Ma rise, caught her staring at me as she walked past, then give a gentle bark to the young ones and an even gentler bark to Dau. I watched at the five of them left the cave and turned for the exit. At the last moment, Ma turned and looked directly me. It might be reading a lot into the look on the face of a wolf, but I was sure I saw what she was indicating … she was returning the favor from yesterday.
The difference, of course, was that by taking Dau with her to manage the young ones, it left only Grey and me with the five males. I looked to Grey and saw that she was already rising to her feet, as were Tre and Qua. There seemed to be a quick realization among all that another opportunity was present. Grey was already lowering her front and raising her tail. ‘What a slut’ was my only thought, combined with a throaty chuckle. I wasn’t far behind her, though, as I scrambled out from under Bo and presented myself to him. ‘We’ll see who rules this pack!’
I took advantage of my human capabilities to maximize the experience and situation. Bo reacted instantly and was on my back almost as soon as I was in position. My initial thought was that he might not be ready for penetration, but that was a needless concern. He penetrated me even before my hand had the chance to go between my legs. He wasn’t far out of his sheath, though, so I moved my hand to his thigh, holding him against me. It had the effect of restricting his movements somewhat, but it kept his growing cock inside me. I arched my back as he grew and his thrusts became stronger and faster. His cock grew longer and thicker, penetrating me deeper and filling me more.
I looked up and found two sets of legs in front of me. Uno and Dos. They sat in front of me and I looked, I purposely looked, under their bellies and through their legs to find their cocks also coming out of their sheaths. I looked over at Grey who was mounted by Qua, Tre walking anxiously around them as they coupled. I returned my attention to my pussy being plowed into, then to the two males in front of me. My human capabilities. I patted Uno to the ground to my left and Dos to my right. They have experienced my mouth before and recognized my intentions. I lowered myself to my elbows, my hands pulling the two closer to me until my hands were resting on their sheaths and emerging cocks. I looked over my shoulder, twisting my face as far as I could, and received the lick from Bo I was seeking. There was no jealousy or controlling possessiveness among us in the pack. There might be favorites, but we shared amongst each.
I moved my mouth to Dos’ cock, touching the tip with my tongue before sucking the pre-cum from the end. I moved to Uno, repeating the identical action. All the while, I was being fucked enthusiastically by my first ever canine lover. I raised my back, arching it, pressing my bare skin into his furry stomach and chest, rotating my pelvis up and down, changing the penetration and depth of penetration. His knot was forming and hitting the outside of my lips, beginning to press against me, spreading my lips and pussy hole, seeking the tie that proper mating demanded. And, while all that was happening to me, my mouth was moving from one cock to the other, seeking pre-cum and more cock exposed for me to take into my mouth. I wanted Bo to cum into me, to fill my pussy with his seed, to breed me if it were ever possible. I didn’t want either of the other two to cum, not in my mouth at any rate. I wanted them in my pussy, too. I wanted to be mated and bred by all three of them.
Grey was the newest female into the pack and she seemed to have a voracious appetite for this, but she would see who the real pack bitch was. I might not be a canine, not like them, but I had my own skills, enticements, and attitude.
When Ma, Dau, and the young returned from the forest, I was only partially aware. I was sprawled flat on the floor of the cave, my naked body flat on the irregular floor, my mind functioning, but slowly, aware from the back portion of the brain. Ma approached me from my feet. I was aware of my position, legs straight out, slightly spread. I was aware that she hesitated, approached my spread legs, sniffing up to my ass. I was aware of the small puddle of cum that pooled between my legs underneath my pussy … only just having closed after being tied by three cocks and knots in succession.
It had been days since our last big game kill and feeding. Wolves were canines in the same nature as dogs we treat as pets. All canines are opportunistic feeders. It is the reason that dogs have to be fed and not allowed to self-feed like cats. Canines are like the way I have heard even modern day warriors described: they don’t pass up the chance to eat, drink, or sleep. They never know when their world will erupt into chaos and the next opportunity for any of them could be days away. In the same way, wolves could easily go days, even a week, between good feedings.
It was time for another kill and feeding. It was time with the coming of spring to try the pass above us and investigate what the land to the east might provide for us. If I was right, we would be spending our warm weather largely on that side of the mountain. I imagined that we could be gone for an extended period to cross the pass and spend time on the other side. I debated with myself about what I wanted to take with me for this unknown expedition. My gun, spare magazines, and backpack were safely tucked away at the back of the cave. It had been months since I had even seen any of those items. I had become confident in my developed skills that the bow, quiver of arrows (mine and hand-made), knife, and fire-starter was what I relied on. I finally settled on using this as a test of sorts of how far I had come in this life. I would take the bear fur coat and boots, the combat knife strapped to my right thigh, my quiver and bow, and the fire-starter secured in a pocket I created inside the coat.
On a bright and clear morning, not giving myself any further chance at second-guessing, we left the security of the cave and climbed towards the pass on the eastern side. The snow cover was becoming increasingly sparse in our valley, but as we climbed, the snow cover increased until we were trudging through snow at mid-calf depth. I led the way to break a path for the others. Directly behind me was Bo, then Uno with Ma and the pups. After them came the other adults. This arrangement allowed quick checking to see how the pups were handling the climb and snow. They were nearly full sized in height but lacked the strength and endurance of an adult.
On the other side, our pace picked up sharply and Bo took the lead. It was common to move at a quick pace in the pack. We travelled in single-file and often at a trot or a jog for me. It was something that had simply evolved over time. I hadn’t even been aware of the change, mostly in me. The pack measures their rate of travel and endurance effort by the weakest member. Most packs are limited by aged members who limit both speed and length of time for travel. It was humbling when I realized how much faster the pack was moving and that they had been limited by me. But, over time and not that much time, the pace had increased significantly. It was now common for us to move at a jog for hours at a time. It was something I would never have guess in my prior life. Of course, I remember the surprise to realize what had happened to me body. Some doctors might have said that I was too thin, but I wasn’t too thin. My body weight remained the same, I just didn’t have much body fat, my muscle mass to body fat ratio just went through the roof.
We were near the bottom of the mountain, still having some elevation thanks to a rock outcropping. We stopped behind Bo, I went to his side, crouched next to him, the others crowding around us on all sides. On closer examination, the small valley in front of us was merely the same prairie interrupted by a string of hills covered in trees, a small river running along the side. The prairie behind the hills went on to the horizon. But, the horizon was the range of mountains I had seen the last time. Then, in the late summer, the mountains were still in snow, indicating to me how tall they must be. Now, naturally, they were completely snow covered. I imagined it would take days, maybe weeks, to move across that expanse. Even at our pace, it would take a long time and commitment and a strong desire. The hills in front of us seemed like islands in a sea strung out in a row. It reminded me of the Florida Keys strung out from the tip of Florida and temptingly close to Cuba.
Below us in the first valley was a herd of animals. The herd seemed amazing to behold. Spread throughout before us to the string of hills was deer, antelope, elk, and dark, massive beasts. My mind was so used to seeing the deer family animals that I didn’t immediately recognize the larger animals. Bison. Mixed in with the other animals, all grazing together, were bison. The stories of hundreds of years ago came to my mind. But, this was a few; a few, maybe hundreds, but not the countless numbers of the stories of long ago.
It might be reasonable to select an elk from the animals below, but I was too curious about what lay ahead, beyond the hills, what might be in the expansive prairie ahead. I had a feeling and it was going to drag me there eventually, it might as well be now. It was mid-afternoon and I could build a fire and make camp at the edge of the trees in the hills. I pointed with my spear to the hills ahead and Bo shifted to his feet, followed by the others as I rose to mine.
Bo took the lead, again. I fell in behind him and the others took up their positions behind. We moved in a straight line across the valley, this time at a slower pace. The animals undoubtedly fell to predators if injured, old, or caught separated from the security of the mass. We showed not aggression in our progress and the animals calmly, if warily, moved together giving us a wide empty avenue to ourselves.
As we moved, I examined my new spear for the thousandth time. The larger animals available on the prairie had me concerned. The arrows had been sufficient in the past for game including elk, but a bison … arrows from one hunter might not be enough. The spear was an adaptation of the one I found in the cave. I changed out the chipped rock on the end and attached my hunting knife. It had a six inch blade and very sharp. It would penetrate hide deeper and easier than a rock point. I used sinew for the wrapping, wetting it as I wound the sinew around the joint, then drying it over the heat of coals. The sinew dries and shrinks, forming a super tight bond. But, it was my own construction and idea and the lives of some member of the pack might depend on it at some time; or, it might my own life depending on it.
We entered the trees of the hill at a location where two hills came together to form a gap to pass through. The valley had been largely bare of snow, existing only in patches. The animals were using hoofs to pull up the matted grass to eat. In the trees, we were again in snow. At ground level, the view was difficult. I looked to each side and found another outcropping of rock about 20 feet above the floor of the prairie. We climbed it and looked out over a view that literally took my breath away.
From the slopes of the mountain, the far prairie we were now looking over appeared to be darkened by shifting shadows. My mind thought of clouds and otherwise bright sun. I looked up to the heavens and laughed wildly. Even Bo looked at me questioningly. The sky was completely clear, the sun shining brightly. There wasn’t a shadow from clouds anywhere on the plains. The shifting shadows I saw were a herd of thousands of animals; antelope, deer, elk, and bison milling and shifting among each other, scraping up bent down grass from the winter snow. Thousands? There could have been tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands. How could anyone put a number to it? They shifted and roamed, mixed together and came apart, they covered from several hundred yards from us to … maybe those mountains in the distance. I could never cross among them to find out.
Then I stood and moved to the very edge of the rocks. Bo was clearly nervous by my reaction, looking for some approaching danger from ahead where my focus was indicated. Not that standing made my vision clearer or my ability to process what I was seeing, but … I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, I had to do something to make myself process the sight.
The scientist in me was working this out as I was trying to come to grips. Our brains form images based on pattern recognition. We don't see images with our eyes; our eyes see line and motion, our brains interpret that to attempt to recognize what sort of thing those lines and motion might represent; and then our brains seamlessly cause us to perceive whatever that object might be. Pattern recognition is learned as we grow from babies. At first, nothing makes sense, and as we learn about the world around us, more and more makes sense until most of us forget what it was like when our visual systems were training.
I don’t know if my brain was having trouble processing or I was having trouble believing. I stared at animals in the herd, staring with all my might, giving my brain every opportunity to correct itself or convince me with the image. I had seen similar creature before, but only in zoos. But, none like this. Before me in the immediate view were hundreds of wooly mammoths. No … the scientist, again … no, not wooly mammoth, but mastodon. I collapsed to my knees and hung unto the shaft of the spear for support. Mastodons! Mastodons?!?
* * * * *
From a small clearing in the trees of the next hill to the south, Taryn and the pack were being watched. They were spotted coming off the mountain slope and observed across the smaller valley to the eastern side of the line of hills. The pack was creating quite a stir among the watchers.
Continued in Chapter 12
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