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An experience that I had as a senior in high school
This is my first story on here so don’t bash me please. The story im going to write about today is an experience that actually occured to me as I was on my graduation day. I’m also changing the names of the characters.

I’ll be Alex and the girl will be Sarah

Last day of high school. I was happy because I won’t have to wake up early and i can skip class all I want. As I was thinking of this, my close friend Sarah walks by. She was asian, cute looking, smart, and a loving personality. Just seeing her changed my mood because we been friends and stuck through of the experiences in high school. I first met Sarah in freshman year so about 4 years since I’ve known her. Sarah was a girl that wore glasses, wears jeans, dry fit jacket, and liked to draw. As she passed by, I left all my friends and started talking to her. As we started talking to each other, she asks if I could come over to her place.

Alex: How’s your day goong?

Sarah: It’s going fine. How about you?

Alex: Its alright.

Sarah: Hey want to come by and hang out today?

Alex: Sure. I’ll come by after school.

Sarah: Here is my adress.

Sarah and I walked around school for the remainder kf lunch.

The lunch bell rings

Alex: Want to walk to walk together to DMA?(Digital Media Academy)

Sarah: I’ll like to.

5 minutes later. we enter the building. Sarah and I sit in the far back of the classroom. It was the last day of school so the teacher just let us use our phones. Sarah and I just talked and went through pictures on our phones. Fast froward to the my last class of the day. I had physics and Sarah had chemistry next door. I asked the teacher to see if I could go to the bathroom. I was able to go to bathroom and as I was walking to the bathroom, Sarah was walking back to the class. As we were talking, she tells me to lean in. As I leaned in, she gives me a big kiss. I didn’t expect a kiss from her that soon but I took it. When she walked off to class, I texted my cousin to not pick me up because I’m heading over to Sarah’s place.

20 minutes later.

The class ends and school is out. I waited for Sarah to grab her stuff and meet me at the library. I wait at the library. 5 minutes later, Sarah finally came.

Sarah: ready to go?

Alex: yeah.

Sarah: lets go.

We were walking to together to her place. Her place was only down the block from the high school. As were walking, we were talking about which college we plan on attending.

Sarah: which college you plan on going to?

Alex: I’m planning on going to San Francisco or L.A.

Sarah: Thats nice. I want to go to San Francisco with you.

Alex: You can come with me.

We finally reached her house. Her house was a 2 story house with statues on the outside. She has a golding paper on top of the front door.

Alex: what does that paper mean?

Sarah: In Hmong culture, it means good luck, honor, and it keeps out the bad spirits.

Alex: oh.

As we entered the house. Sarah told me that I could put my bag in her room. I took off my shoes and walked up stairs to her room. As I entered her room, I saw a lot of pictures of her and medals. I put my bag down on the ground near her bed. I walk over to the pictures and the medals. “Dang she is so atheletic.” I said to myself. I saw a picture with me and her from junior year. It was at junior prom. She was wearing a red dress and I was wearing a suit.

Sarah walks into her room with sodas in her hand. Sarah gives me a soda and looks over the pictures.

Sarah: Its been a while since I looked at these.

Alex: Really?

Sarah: Did you bring your sketch book?

Alex: Yeah

Sarah: I kind of wanted to you draw me in your sketch book.

Alex: Yeah I’ll do it.

Sarah sits down and has her hair draped over her shoulder. Honestly looking at her while she is smiling, its hard to not say she’s beautiful.

For at least 30 minutes, I was done drawing her. After i showed her the drawing. She leans in, gives me a big kiss on the lips. Overtaken by the kiss, i pulled her in and deepened the kiss. As we were kissing, Sarah pushes me onto her bed.

Sarah: lets take care this first.

Sarah unzips my jeans and started sucking on my member. I just sat there, thinking how good it felt in her mouth. As she is doing this, I bobbed her head up and down. I stopped her. She gets up and whines.

Alex: slow down. I’m going to cum if you keep going on like that.

Sarah just smiles. Sarah takes off her top and jeans. I was in aw. She was more beautiful. I walked over and kissed. As we were kissing, she pushes me onto her bed. She takes off her bra and panties. She climbs onto me and kisses me. She whispers into my ear “dont move”.

I listened as she lowers herself onto my member. She gasps in pain. We sit there for moment so she could get used to it. She slowly bobs up and down. She moans in pleasure. She was so beautiful. I never thought my best friend and I will do it. She slows down and says “fuck me”. I obliged. I flipped her on her back and started thrusting into her. She gasps and moans. Sarah: fuck! Please go faster. Fuck me. Yes. Yes.

I’m continuing to fuck her and she kisses me. She screams as she is kissing me.

In a little bit, she cums and lays her head onto my chest.

Sarah: that was the best feeling i ever had. She kisses me.

After our session, she and I took a shower. She and I asked each other to go out.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. This is my first story so any advices would help. Have a good day.
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