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Welcome and let your memories flow
Prologue: This is a story of discovery. It centers on some young teens with little sexual experience other than a natural exploration of their individual bodies. They have reached a point of comfort with self (but private) masturbation but are still easily embarrassed by anyone knowing even this much about them. The story is written in a way that people who grew up in the seventies might remember their own adventures into sexual activity. The parents in this story are pretty liberal and supportive when learning of their children's puberty or the natural feelings that they have. There is honest teenage angst, worry, excitement and love. I hope you enjoy this series. It is both sweet and at times humorous. This is an eight part story. If you would like more, let me know.

First Look - Part 1 - Daryl

Daryl sat on his bed and looked out at the neat yards across the road. He was a little bored and was contemplating whether to ride to town or just ride around in general. It was summer. His friends were off on vacations for at least two weeks and maybe longer. His own parents were working class and as unusual as it was in the 70's, his mom worked too. She didn't when he was too young to look after himself, but when he was older, she was off to work. His family needed the money. He was now 14 and used to being on his own.

During the summer, and living out of town a ways didn't make for a lot to do. There were neighbors around, and he kept busy with chores, but sometimes he got a bit lonely. He would ride his bike down the road and just kind of look around to see other people once in a while. Cindy lived at the end of the cul-de-sac and she was his age.

Cindy was nice enough, but he thought she was more interested in older boys. She had more noticeable boobs than many other girls her age, a nice slim waist and long blondish brown hair. She kind of carried herself more like a woman than a girl. She was quiet and kept to herself a lot. He thought she was kinda stuck-up and a bit intimidating, but at least she was someone to talk too once in awhile. Daryl was a bit taller than Cindy, and was quite thin, though strong from working around the farm. He was beginning to mature also. His stomach was showing signs of definition, his shoulders were squaring off, his legs were beginning to thicken and of course he had been getting frequent erections for no apparent reason. This was quite embarrassing sometimes.

One time, when his mom and dad were out, he went to bed and woke up when he heard them come home. It was late and he was awake, but still very groggy. The summer heat had caused him to kick off his covers. He was in his underwear. His mom, as usual opened his bedroom door to check on him, which wasn't unusual, but this time he heard a small gasp from her and she beat a hasty retreat.

He wondered what she gasped at and could hear her talking to my dad. "Daryl is most definitely becoming a man!" she whispered to his dad.

"How do you know" his dad chuckled.

"He's in his underwear on his back and his penis is most definitely pushing up on them" countered his mom.

His dad was very relaxed about this and in a calming voice asked why she was shocked. "Well, there you go. He is 14 you know, and getting erections is just part of his maturing. You know about this stuff. Why are you so surprised?"

Daryl could almost see his mom thinking as she finally asked. "Do you think he's masturbating?"

"Probably, but so what? All boys masturbate and even if they don't, he might just cum in his sleep. Don't be shocked to find stains on his underwear or sheets, and for Christ's sake, don't mention it too him. He's probably very worried about being caught or confronted. If he has questions, he'll ask."

"Do you think you should talk to him about girls?"

"Baby you know much more about girls than I do. You talk to him if you want."

He was sooo embarrassed that his mom had seen his erection and that they were talking about him jacking off. He'd been jacking off for several months. It was the talk of all the boys he hung out with. Some even proudly boasted about how far they could shoot their stuff from their cocks. Daryl knew that their 'stuff' was actually their semen. He could tell when he was getting close to needing to do something when he got hard. He'd get a sort of urgency down there that both aroused and frustrated him. He knew that 'masturbating' was same thing as 'jacking off, but he wanted to find out more about sex in general. It was summer, and the girls anywhere near his age that he did see, were wearing summer clothing and bathing suits that proudly displayed their assets. He would find himself staring at their breasts imagining his latest vision standing before him naked and proud and smiling at him as he shot his ropes of cum into the air. He loved looking at their nakedness even if only in his imagination. Of course never having actually seen a naked girl for real, he wasn't absolutely certain he had it right. The chance to find out came a few days later. He was on one of his little trips down to Cindy's house when he saw her riding her bike up the road towards him. As she got closer, she waved and stopped.

"Hi Daryl, whatcha doing? She asked. She was riding a newer 10 speed, and was now standing astride it with both feet firmly on the ground. It was only 9:00 am and the sun was already hot. Her hair was drawn back in a pony tail and she was wearing short blue jean cutoffs and a pop top patterned in the paisley art style predominant at the time. Her tummy and belly button were showing and her boobs were well defined. Her blue eyes were locked on his as she waited for an answer.

"Hi Cindy. Actually I was just riding around to see what's happening. What are you up to?"

Cindy looked almost reluctant at first, but she decided that she may as well tell him the truth. "Don't laugh but I was going to the library to look for a book. I am soooo bored. I know…kinda lame hey?

Seeing her discomfort, he put her at ease. "You know what? That's a great idea. Want some company?

"Really? You want to go to the library with me?

"Sure. Why not? I'm not doing anything and maybe there's a book I'd like."

Cindy relaxed her shoulders and he could see a smile form. "Ok, sure. C'mon then."

The library was only a mile or so down the road in the small downtown area. It was Wednesday and pretty quiet even in town. As they rode, Daryl couldn't keep his eyes off her butt and boobs. Her but would wiggle provocatively as she peddled and her boobs, which were not huge, but still very evident, would hang down and jiggle slightly as she leaned forward. They parked their bikes in the bike stand and went in. The place was dead empty. Cindy kind of led the way and then stopped at an area called 'Romance'. She started pulling out books one at a time, looking at the covers and thumbing through the pages scanning them a bit. Daryl just stood there watching her. One book in particular seemed to interest her in a bit of a different way. She colored a bit in her neck and face and her breathing seemed to become a bit deeper and ragged. She looked at him, got redder and said "Daryl, why don't you look around a little. I know boys aren't interested in romance books. I'll find you when I'm ready to go."

Daryl was very interested in why Cindy had become so obviously flustered but wandered slowly away and began looking at what was where in the place. In an aisle that held suspense books there was also a long with a section on health and self-help. He started by looking at the suspense books slowly working his way down from the beginning of the aisle to the end. When he began moving from suspense into the health and self-help area, he noticed a few books there that had the word 'sex' on them. Ding, ding, ding!

He remembered then wanting to see if he could find about more about sex, and girls in particular He found a book called 'Everything You Want to Know about Sex' with a pencil type drawing of a man and a woman on the front. Opening it up, this book was like nothing he could have ever imagined. It showed naked men and women in all kinds of sex acts and explained it all. Though the pictures were just drawings, they were very detailed and he found himself looking at naked pussy's and boobs and erections all over the place. He found out that even girls masturbated, and about them getting wet and their vulva and clitoris. He saw pictures of girls getting their pussy's licked and how important it was to pay attention to their clitoris and to be gentle. He saw pictures of girls giving blow-jobs and of couples giving each other oral sex at the same time. He saw cocks in pussies in all kinds of wonderful ways. He became absolutely fascinated and without even realizing it, he was soon sporting his own very hard and sensitive erection. He was looking at a picture of a naked man kneeling behind a naked woman and his penis was pushed inside her pussy. Daryl didn't hear Cindy behind him, until she loudly gasped.

"God Daryl! What the frigging hell are you reading? "

He snapped the book shut and turned to face her. She had been peeking over his shoulder. She was wide- eyed, mouth open, and hands on hips staring at him. She was also very red faced. He dropped the book at his feet and she literally dove for it. She grabbed it and as she rose up, her face bumped into his crotch and the very evident hard-on held in tightly by his shorts. She naturally glanced at what she'd hit, gasped, and fell back on her butt to get away from it. From her sitting position, book in hand, she covered her mouth with one hand, stared up at him and then down at his boner and up at him again. She was beet red, flustered and maybe even a bit angry. She scrambled to her feet, pushed the book at him, turned and hurried out of the library. He put the book back, wandered for a minute so his erection would subside, and rode home. He was very embarrassed. He had not only gotten caught looking at sex pictures, but Cindy had seen and actually touched his hard-on…with her face! As he thought about this, he remembered the electric shock he felt when she touched his penis, and remembered the intense pleasure it caused.

Daryl settled on the couch with a can of pop, and started thinking about the whole thing. Cindy and her red face, the pictures in the book, and her face hitting his penis. Yup… once again he had a raging hard-on. This time though, he undid his shorts and released his cock from its confines. He grabbed his cock gently and moved his hand up and down, slowly at first. The feeling was wonderful and seemed to get very intense as he went along. Within seconds he could barely stand it. He started to increase his speed substantially. He thought of Cindy and in his mind he pictured her naked. She was standing in front of him cupping her breasts and pinching her hard little nipples. Her mouth formed a pouty oh as she traded sultry glances between his hard pulsing cock and his yearning eyes. She licked her lips and said "Cum for me baby. Cum hard!" His breathing became heavy, and he found himself groaning. He moved his hand faster and faster. All of a sudden, just when he thought he'd have to stop from the intensity, his butt hole clenched tight and his penis shot out his sperm at an incredible velocity. He shot stuff up to his own chin. He was euphoric, and became very relaxed and tired. He looked down at his penis and it was softening into the puddle of warm sticky cream that lay on my stomach. Wow! He really did love doing this.

Part 2 - Cindy

Cindy was in the shower and was daydreaming a bit. As she washed herself, she unconsciously ran the wash cloth over her small nipples and was pleasantly surprised that they became hard and that the rough cloth kind of felt nice. She could also feel her pussy tingle a bit and moved a hand down to give it a bit of a rub. What she found was a very wet pussy, and not from the water. As she rubbed herself, she began to get wetter and wetter and soon she felt some urges that prohibited her from stopping. With one hand rubbing and lightly pinching her nipples and the other rubbing her pussy, she felt like she was on a hill, climbing to some unknown top. Her breathing became ragged; she was making involuntary moaning sounds. When she focused her rubbing on her clitoris, her legs were actually trembling. She found herself thinking of the only boy around, Daryl, and his bum. He had a great bum. It was nice and tight and for some reason, she was very attracted to it. Just when she thought of seeing his bum naked a feeling of great intensity overwhelmed her and she felt her pussy pulse and gush more wetness. She stopped breathing and knitted her brow as she had her wonderful orgasm. She was exhausted. Cindy had learned about masturbation from her girlfriends, and she had enjoyed frequent and very satisfying bouts for some time now. After she calmed a bit, she wondered if Daryl masturbated pictured him stroking his penis. Blushing at her own naughtiness, she shut off the shower and grabbed a towel. As she dried herself she noticed that her breasts and pussy were very sensitive.

At five feet four inches and 110 pounds, Cindy was in nice condition. For a girl of 14, she did have above average sized boobs that were a solid and firm 34B with nice small nipples. It seemed to her like the things just popped out starting when she was 12. She also had a slim waist and long brownish hair that reached to the middle of her back. She had a sparse patch of pubic had that was still thin and silky. She used tampons and so of course she knew what her pussy looked like and smelled like, and she knew through girl talk about her clitoris. She found hers and learned how she liked it to be touched. Cindy wasn't perfectly comfortable with the changes taking place in her body. They made her self-conscious. She was self-conscious in the school showers because many of the other girls would stare at her boobs, and she was really self-conscious around boys. Even so, Cindy did take notice of boys more than she had before and viewed them quite a bit differently that when she was a kid. She sometimes wondered why she liked to check out their bums so much. She also noticed that boys seemed to look at her differently. More like she was someone they wanted to be with, but not to play games with. She knew they were very much infatuated with her chest. They would always try to stare and not get caught.

Daryl was the neighbor boy. He was her age, and she thought he was kind of cute, and pretty shy. She never felt self-conscious around Daryl. He was always polite and she never felt like he was trying to undress her with his eyes. He would often ride his bike down to her house and sit on it by the driveway. She guessed he was bored and just looking for some conversation so she didn't think he was weird or anything. On the hotter days, he rode over shirtless, and she saw that he was becoming quite well defined. He was tight and he had a nice tight butt. His little boy nipples were cute too. Cindy kind of wanted to touch them.

One day, when Cindy was on her way to the library on her bike, she Daryl riding towards her. After a brief hello, she admitted with some embarrassment that she was off to find a book, and he surprised her by not only thinking she wasn't a nerd, but asking if he could come along. She thought that would be fun. Better to have company than not, and she did think he was cute. At this point in her life she had little knowledge of boys. She knew they had penises and testicles, but I had no idea how big they might get when they were aroused. She did know about erections, but had to use my own imagination to see one.

When they got to the library, Cindy walked straight to the Romance Section and started looking through the books. Daryl was beside her glancing at titles but not showing much interest. One book that Cindy was leafing through was called The Harrad Experiment. This book was a very strongly sexually oriented book for its time. As Cindy was reading some of the more explicit passages, she was shocked at the descriptive sexual scenes and felt herself color. There was talk of cocks and pussy and fucking and smelling and OH God! Daryl was still there right in front of her. She wanted to keep reading this wonderous book, but just couldn't let Daryl know about the explicit stuff in it. She told him to go find something he'd like and that she'd find him.

Cindy continued leafing through the book paying close attention to the passages that spoke of cocks and hardons and cumming. She felt her pussy getting wet and would periodically squeeze her legs together. Her nipples became hard and sensitive, and she was hot. She knew about erections and why they existed, but she hadn't really been interested in them until this book spoke of girls adoring them and kissing and sucking on them. It spoke of how the girls loved the feel of them in their pussies and loved watching the men squirt out their cum. Cindy was a bit confused and more than a little curious. She was also hot, wet and horny. She had to find Daryl, go home and masturbate….NOW!

Cindy spotted Daryl engrossed in a book of his own, and crept up behind him. He was breathing sort of loudly and as she peeked over his shoulder, she saw why, and couldn't believe her eyes. There was a very realistic drawing of a naked woman on her knees. Her breasts were hanging down and her legs were open. Directly behind her knelt a naked man. His penis was halfway inside the woman's pussy. Cindy was shocked at the picture and saw that Daryl was looking at it with devout interest. The next few minutes were ones of red faced bumbling with Cindy grabbing the book, falling on her bum, pushing her face into Daryl's obvious erection (accident) and hurrying out of the library. The book's title however, was firmly implanted in her brain.

First Look - Part 3 - Daryl and Cindy

Following the day of the library debacle both Cindy and Daryl, now somewhat calmer after several independent masturbation sessions, were both able to think more clearly. Daryl had stopped getting erections at the thought of Cindy bumping face first into his cock. He was still a bit embarrassed that she had seen it, but he also knew that given the subject matter of the book he was reading, an erection was just a normal reaction. Cindy meanwhile had had time to mull things over herself. She could still feel Daryl's erection firmly smashed into her nose and mouth and now found the whole incident more humorous than horrifying. Poor Daryl. He must have been terribly embarrassed having her face in his crotch. Of course he had an erection. He was looking at people involved in sex. Some of it of kind she might have heard about but certainly had no experience with. She herself had been soaking wet from the book she had been reading and had learned more in her short reading session than she had ever imagined.

Daryl made a decision. He was going to clear the air. He would ride down to Cindy's and apologize for upsetting her. He would explain that he wasn't looking for that book at all. He had just come across it and couldn't seem to put it down. He hopped on his bike and rode down the road. Cindy was in her front yard sun-tanning in her conservative but well fitting two piece bathing suit. She spotted Daryl some distance away and scrambled for her wrap. "Oh God!" she thought. "What am I going to say to him?"When Daryl got to Cindy's driveway, he calmly dropped his bike and began slowly walking towards her. He had seen her put on her wrap, and she was now sitting on her blanket hugging her legs.

"Hi Cindy."

"Hey Daryl."

Cindy looked him straight in the eyes and seemed almost contrite. Daryl felt his confidence crawl back. She didn't seem to be furious or anything.

"Look. I really like you and wanted to come down and apologize for the other day. I don't want you to think I'm some kind of creep or weirdo." said Daryl.

Cindy smiled up at this boy/man thinking about how brave he was coming down to apologize like this. She scooted over on her blanket and patted the area beside her indicating he should sit. Daryl slowly sat beside her keeping enough space between them that they would need to put in some effort to even touch each other. He did notice her boobs though. Couldn't help it. They were pushing out on her bikini top and looked ridiculously wonderful. He was after all a maturing male, and boobs were beginning to control his life. The two sat in silence for a minute. Then Cindy took a deep breath and turned her head to face him.

"Daryl…let's be honest with each other. Both of us are going through puberty, and I don't know about you but in some ways it's driving me crazy. I know you get curious about girls…I get curious about boys. I mean I know about boys and what happens when they get …say…interested in a girl. Boys just get hard down there (she nods toward his lap) and sometimes they don't even really want to. I was just surprised at the way I fell into yours….oh God…face first!"

Daryl was a bit surprised by Cindy's admission of knowing about erections but for some reason he was more appreciative than embarrassed at her words. "Girls are kinda lucky. They don't show anything when they're horny. Guys are just kinda all out there and it's real awkward sometimes."

Both Daryl and Cindy were now pretty red in the face. Daryl looked at her. "Really, I wasn't out looking for that book….honest. I admit I'm obviously interested in learning more about sex and about girls bodies, but I sure didn't expect to see a book like that! The title on the spine looked ok so I opened it. Cindy I just couldn't seem to put it down. I am so sorry you saw me looking at that." Daryl kind of bowed his head and waited for her to say something.

"Learn anything?" Cindy giggled shyly.


"About girl's bodies?" Cindy said quietly.

Daryl was apprehensive. He didn't want to show Cindy how ignorant he had been but at the same time, he wanted to show her he wasn't a nerd either. "Yeah, I guess I did. I didn't know that girls had a clitoris." Daryl felt his face shade a bit at the mention of such an intimate part of a girl's body.

At Daryl's mention of her most intimate part, Cindy was momentarily at a loss for words. Her own face heated and against her strongest wishes, she began to feel that familiar warmth spreading around her pussy. "Oh God!" She thought in a panic. "I hope I don't soak myself so he can see! I can smell myself for Christ's sake!" She wanted Daryl to keep talking. She wanted to find out how much he knew about sex and whether she knew as much. Sitting away from him a bit, she turned to face him and brought her knees up to her chest. "Daryl, can we maybe play truth or dare or something? It might be easier to find out more about each other if we ask questions."

Daryl thought about this and he too thought it was a good idea. "Ok…you go first."

Cindy looked him right in the eye and boldly asked "Have you ever kissed a girl?"

"Not yet. Ok, my turn. Have you ever kissed a boy?"

"Just some quick kisses during a game of spin the bottle with Marci, Tanya and her brother Ronny. I've never had a real romantic kiss though. I have been thinking about it some."

With who? Daryl asked with a mildly noticeable hint of perhaps jealously.

Cindy giggled and responded "That's two questions and it's my turn. Ok. Do you have any hair…um you know…down there?" She tilted her head towards his crotch as she asked, and he was very caught off guard.

"That's kind of personal isn't it? I mean what would my dare be if I don't want to answer?

Cindy hesitated then said "You have to come in the house with me kiss with me for five minutes"

This was a no brainer for Daryl. "I guess I'll take the dare" he said, purposely sounding mildly reluctant so she wouldn't think he was as thrilled as he really was.

Cindy thought "Yes!" and slowly rose to her feet. Her wrap concealed her crotch so if there was any overt evidence regarding her present aroused condition, it was not visible. She didn't want to hurry like her body was demanding. She wanted to be cool about this very exciting prospect. She grabbed his hand (instant erection for Daryl) and led him to the living room. She stopped in the middle of the room and stood perfectly still directly in front of him. She placed his hands on her hips and lightly wrapped her arms around his neck. Glancing down, she gleefully noticed his erection.

"OK" she said softly as she looked into his eyes. "Let's do this."

Daryl was almost trembling he was so excited. He was touching a girl in a sexy romantic way, and she was tenderly holding him really quite close to her. He bent down, tilted his head and moved in to touch her lips with his. His first attempt was a rather safe, closed mouth attempt, but her lips felt electric. Cindy also liked the feeling but knew that they were still kissing like little kids, only with much more sexual intent. "Daryl." She said softly as she looked at him. "This time let your mouth relax a bit and maybe let's try to French kiss. That's where we kind of let our tongues touch each other but inside each other's mouths. I've heard that that's real grown-up kissing."

Daryl was a bit puzzled, but had seen movies where the stars kissed like that, so he knew that she knew what she was talking about. He also knew that when they did it they should close their eyes. He bent his head down, eyes closed, and as his lips touched hers, they both kind of battled to see whose tongue could get into whose mouth first. In doing so, they ended up kissing perfectly. They also didn't want to stop. This kiss seemed to last forever and as they kissed, their bodies naturally moved together. Daryl could feel his erection pushing slightly on Cindy's stomach, and Cindy could feel her breasts, with their now very hard nipples, pushing into Daryl's chest. They were both very happy with the feelings. Soon, their bodies took over and they found themselves virtually mashing themselves against each other. Cindy could feel Daryl's cock and was secretly wondering what it looked like. It certainly felt big!

Both of them were breathing heavy, sweating a bit, and making the occasional sounds of passion so natural to people. Moans escaped despite their efforts not to show each other they were being affected. Cindy was breathing against Daryl's neck between kisses. Her breath was coming in short hot gasps as she snuggled against him. She was wet and horny and she felt little shocks of absolute urgency when she felt his cock rhythmically press against her pubic area. Daryl felt that he needed more and so he pushed his penis right tight against her tummy and kind of moved it against her in a rolling fashion. Cindy was embarrassed to find that she wanted to push back against his penis but she just couldn't seem to control this need. From her reaction of pushing back against him, he guessed she wasn't opposed to this progression. Then, Cindy moved one of her hands from around his neck and slowly let it drift from his neck, down his back to his butt. That was it. Daryl felt the inevitable. His cock began its familiar pulsing and with a guttural moan, he came in his pants. He was mortified. He quickly separated from her and threw his hands in front of his crotch to hide the wet spot that formed quickly and copiously in his shorts.

Cindy had felt his penis pulsing and thought it felt terrific. She wasn't absolutely positive why it began pulsing, but was pretty sure he'd had an orgasm. She had heard that boys could orgasm quite easily. She was hot before, but this was different. Her pussy was soaking wet, and she really wanted to have her own orgasm. She was surprised and disappointed when Daryl jerked away, and she noticed his hands trying to cover himself. He was blushing from obvious embarrassment as he struggled to hide his crotch. She knew that she would have to work hard at easing his embarrassment. He hadn't seen her glance at his hands, so she moved closer to him, took his face in her hands and kissed him in a deep but shorter kiss.

"Daryl…..did I make you do that? Please don't be embarrassed. We're both growing up. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to explode if I don't do something. I know you had an orgasm and for real, that's fine. I thought it felt really neat. Kind of powerful." She kissed him again and noticed he was still holding his hands over his crotch. "You never have to be embarrassed about anything your body does when you are with me. You can trust me, I promise, and I hope I can trust you too. We're new at this and we're learning. I know I need to learn with someone I trust and you probably do too. So, let me get you some Kleenex so you can mop up your stuff and then maybe we could kiss some more and maybe a bit more?"

Wow! Daryl was amazed at how calm Cindy was. He figured she would be horrified and scared. He had been. Instead, she had totally calmed him. "Cindy, I am really sorry that happened. When you moved your hand to my bum, I just exploded. I didn't even know what hit me. There was just no stopping it."

He moved his hands and looked at his shorts. God, he must have cum in buckets. He saw a huge wet spot that spread over both sides of his zipper. Cindy looked down and giggled. She looked up at him tenderly and said "I think we're too late for Kleenex. Give me your shorts and I'll wash them before you go home. You don't want your mom to see this."

Daryl was wide-eyed as he contemplated what she had just said. How could he just give her his shorts? His underwear got soaked first, and they were really soaked. Cindy could see his hesitation and said "Let's go to the bathroom. You can strip and wrap yourself in a towel and pass me your stuff through the door. You can shower while I get the washing started and then just wait with me till it's done."

Doing exactly what she said, Daryl stripped and because he was going to hop in the shower, he just opened the door a crack and passed his shorts and underwear to her. He heard her giggle a bit as she walked down the hall. He already had an amazing erection again, and hopped in the shower to clean himself up. Cindy meantime had been able to glance in the bathroom mirror when Daryl had passed her his shorts and underwear. She was surprised and happy to see he did not have the towel on, and was thrilled with the sight of his bum. It was just as she had imagined. Small, well formed and muscular. She couldn't see his cock, but there was time for that. Cindy started the washing machine and for some reason as she studied the wet shorts and underwear, she felt an urge to take a sniff. There was most definitely an odor. She kind of found the smell intoxicating. A man smell she thought. She was still wet from before, but now she was downright slippery. She could also smell her own unique aroma that she was still self-conscious about. She dropped the soiled cloths in the washing machine and walked back to the bathroom door. She listened to the shower for a second and just had to reach inside her bikini top and tweak at her nipples. She was soooo horny with all that had happened. She thought about how lucky Daryl had been to have an orgasm and was feeling almost envious. She suddenly had an idea. She tapped lightly at the door.

"Daryl, I need to pee. Open the lock, get back in the shower and let me know when I can come in." she said.

After a few seconds that seemed more like an hour, Cindy heard the door unlock. In another few seconds Daryl said come in. Cindy opened the door to a steamy setting. The shower curtain was a solid blue that showed no more than a shadow of the person behind it. The shadow only served to enhance the mystery. She went to the toilet, pushed her bottoms down and sat on the lid. She of course never had to pee. While she was pretending, she began to rub herself. It felt wonderful and illicit. She could see his silhouette and his cock was a very evident and obviously hard appendage. God it looked big. He was moving his hands over his body and she watched as he spent an inordinate amount of time moving around his groin area. Was he masturbating? God, he sure looked like he was! She was sitting on a toilet with her pants and panties around her ankles watching a boy who just came in his pants and was now in the shower next to her masturbating! The air was hot and sultry. She had never been so wet. Her clitoris stood rigid like a tiny cock, and when she rubbed around and on it, she knew she wouldn't last long. She didn't. All at once she had a mind blowing orgasm that caused her to moan loudly and breath in gasps.

"Cindy…are you ok? Did you hurt yourself? Daryl asked out of real concern.

Cindy was sweating, flushed and mortified! He had heard her. What had she been thinking? What could she say? She thought quickly, assessing the whole situation and suddenly panicked. "I'm fine Daryl." she kind of spit out. She quickly flushed the toilet, pulled up her pants and made for the door. "I'll check on your shorts" she muttered as she hurriedly closed the door behind her.

Now clean and dry, Cindy hurried back to the bathroom with his shorts and underwear and passed them to Daryl through a crack he had opened up in the door. Once Daryl was dressed, they headed out to the couch in the living room. "Daryl. Do you think we could maybe go to the library tomorrow? I'd like to look at that book with you."

Daryl was surprised and felt very excited at this prospect. "Gee Cindy, are you sure? That book is pretty much the most 'showy' book I've ever seen. You won't freak out or anything."

She squared her shoulders and looked him in the eye. " Gosh Daryl, I only freaked out because I was so shocked. I really do know that people have sex ya know. I won't be as shocked this time."

" Ok Cindy, I'd like that. Let's go first thing so it's quiet. We can get the book and take it to a section more for us than adults."

Cindy thought this was a good idea and nodded. They had a plan.

White WallsReport 

2018-04-06 02:20:47
Beautiful coming of age story, masterfully written. Bravo.


2018-03-23 19:57:27
from the depths of my memories, 70 years ago, she was Dorothy and I with her were the stars of the little mini movie that just played out before my eyes...thank you.


2018-03-21 00:36:50
This is an absolute fantastic story, because it is lively!
It reflects my own experiences during my 'youth-times' somehow.

Matthew HughesReport 

2018-03-20 16:28:23
Great story I hope this story keeps going, and just thinking make the story not just about their sexual Quest but love story too I feel like Daryl loves her more then he knows and also goes for her too


2018-03-20 14:20:09
The story was good, but it could do with a little bit of editing. I thought some of the adjectives you used were misplaced.

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