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In this chapter, Evan meets someone who is able to stop time, just like him.

When Evan Weiss was fifteen years old, he created a cure for Alzheimer's. His cure was quickly stolen by a large corporation taking advantage of Evan's discovery. Now, one year later, Evan could still remember the name of the company and the people who stole his creation from him. Currently attending Excelsior, a fancy private school far from home, he created a device that allowed him to stop time. Using the device, he got revenge on the people at the school that made his life hell. His next step was to get vengeance on those who stole his creation.

In the last two chapters, Evan and Julianne spent several hours using their new sex slave, Claire, who used to be the most arrogant and bitchy girl in the school. Now, she was curled up in a ball, asleep, at the edge of Evan's bed after being used and abused in their latest fuck session.

Evan was about to fall asleep when he heard a knock on the door. After using his device to stop time, he heard the knock again.


"Holy shit. Did I use my device correctly? I know that for a fact time has stopped," Evan confirmed that the clock wasn't ticking.

Knock knock.

Whoever was on the other side of the door must have somehow stolen Evan's research on time manipulation. Evan had to find out who the person was. He lifted up Julianne's arm and pressed the button on the bracelet on her arm. Then he pressed his own button. These were the buttons for the devices that stopped time. Evan was able to make them small enough that they could fit inside a small bracelet. Now time had resumed.

Knock knock.

The clock was ticking now, and the birds outside were chirping once again. Evan's heartbeat was echoing throughout his body. Julianne was asleep next to him, and Claire was still out cold at the end of the bed. Evan probably couldn't wake up the girls if he tried.

Knock knock.

Evan gulped and got out of the bed. He put on some clean boxers and a pair of jeans. He neglected to put on a shirt. He silently walked to the door.

Knock knock.

Evan's hand reached out to the door knob.

Knock knock.

Without thinking any more about it, Evan pulled the door wide open.

Judging from this person's small figure, Evan guessed it was a girl. He couldn't really tell, though, since they were wearing black clothing, with a black hood and a black bandanna covering their face, so only the eyes were visible. Evan couldn't really tell much else about the person, not even the color of their eyes, because he was too focused on what they were holding in their hand, right in front of him.

A gun. A real gun. Evan had never even seen a real gun before. Now, there was one aimed right at his bare chest. The gun was about three feet away from him, and there would be no time to duck or move away.

Evan's mind was racing.

"If I slam the door closed really fast now, will a bullet be able to go through it? Should I talk to them and find out what they want?" Evan ended up just standing completely frozen and still.

It seemed the person was waiting for something to happen, but after what seemed like several minutes of the two facing off, the person holding the gun sighed. It sounded like a female, mostly confirming Evan's suspicion. Evan stared directly at her eyes, which seemed to be darting around, all over him.

With that, the girl lowered the gun for a second, then brought it up to Evan's chest and pulled the trigger.


"Am I going to die?" Evan shut his eyes when he heard the trigger click. Then again. And again. Three times in total. There were no explosions of a gunshot, though. Maybe dying was a quiet thing.

Evan didn't feel anything. There was no impact.

"I must be dead. I didn't even feel the pain of the bullet."

Strangely enough, he heard a grunt from the girl in front of him. That brought him back to reality. Evan opened his eyes to see the girl running away, going down the hall, then collapsing.

Evan looked at his chest. There was no bullet hole in his chest. No injury that he could see.

Evan slowly stepped out of his room, into the hallway. He turned left, then walked over to where the girl had collapsed. He knelt down next to her and flipped her over. Lodged in her stomach, chest, and leg were three darts. Evan pulled the one out of her leg to see that it had a small needle, connected to a thin metal tube, with markings on it, most likely they were filled with some sedative. He had seen enough movies to know that this was a tranquilizer dart.

"You were gonna tranq me, huh?" Evan asked the girl, "I was worried for a second that you were going to actually kill me." Then he pulled down the bandanna on her face to reveal that it was indeed a girl, and pretty good-looking, too.

"How... did that not... hit you?" She was talking slowly and she was visibly fighting to stay awake.

"Well, let's just say that stopping time isn't the only thing that I've been working on," Evan responded. He pulled the darts out of the girl and slipped them into his pocket. He also picked up the gun she dropped and tucked it into the back of his pants. He bent over to pick the girl up, who wasn't heavy at all, given her tiny size. He carried her back to his room.


Evan made sure to search the girl for anything suspicious, maybe tracking devices or weapons. If this girl could stop time like him, who knows what else she could do.

As the girl was waking up, she heard some voices. They seemed really loud and really close, making her head hurt. It took her a moment to realize what happened, but she soon got her bearings. It was a just a side effect of the darts. The darts were very high-quality, designed to knock someone out for many hours. Once the person awoke, their muscles would be weakened and pretty much useless. Now, the girl was regretting using such powerful darts. It seemed that somehow when she fired the darts, they bounced off of Evan and came back at her.

"I don't know what you've gotten into, but I hope you'll figure it out," a girl's voice said.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, you know me, I just want to make sure you're safe, so I need you to get out of here quickly. I know Claire already left, but I need you to make sure she doesn't tell anyone about this, alright?" It was Evan. The target.

The girl tried to get up, but realized she was tied to a chair, with her legs tied to the legs of the chair, and her hands tied behind the back of it. Normally, she may have been able to get out of these restraints, but her weakened state prevented her from being able to do anything in her tight bonds. Her efforts to escape only brought attention to her.

Evan looked over to see the girl struggling in her chair.

"Go, now," he whispered.

The other girl left the room quickly, and her footsteps slowly faded away, going down the hallway.

"Who's she?" The girl asked, groggily.

Evan stood in front of her, arms folded in front of his chest. He was still shirtless. "I don't think you should be asking questions," Evan said, "Who are you?"

"Fuck you," the girl spat, "You're not getting anything out of me. If you're gonna kill me, then just kill me... Evan"

Evan looked at her quizzically. "Well, I'm not going to kill you, but we're going to get very close, so you might as well tell me what your name is. I mean, you know mine, so it's only polite if I know your name."

The girl waited for a few seconds, thinking, then decided to say, "Rosalina. Call me Rose for short."

"Well, why don't you give me your real name? If you're going to lie, you should do better. Also, anyone that prefers a nickname would give their nickname first."

The girl glared up at Evan. "Isabelle," she grumbled.

Evan stroked his chin, and said, "Alright, sounds real enough. It actually doesn't really matter what your name is anyways. By the way, if you ever lie to me again, I'm going to get mad, and when I get mad, I'll punish you. Sound good?"

Isabelle didn't say anything. She just continued to glare at Evan.

"So, why did you try to tranq me? It's not like you could've kidnapped me," Evan gestured at her small body.

Isabelle didn't say anything.

"Isabelle... I'm waiting for an answer," Evan prompted.

"The darts should've hit you," Isabelle muttered.

Evan chuckled. "You're still on that? Well, it was pretty amazing. I guess this will be my answer to the only question that you've been allotted."

As Evan expected, Isabelle stopped struggling now. But she didn't stop because she was tired. Evan knew she only stopped struggling because she was trying to get her energy back. Her breathing slowed down, and she seemed to be a lot calmer now. Isabelle was probably trying to get her hands out of the rope around her back right now. Evan purposely gave the rope a little slack, hoping she would try to escape.

"So, I don't know if you remember, but right before you passed out, I told you that stopping time isn't the only thing I've been working on. After all, stopping time does give me a lot of... time."

Isabelle clenched her jaw. Evan could tell that she probably wasn't the one who gave herself the ability to stop time. She didn't seem anywhere smart enough to be able to figure out how time manipulation worked.

"Basically, whenever my heart rate gets too high, a device I implanted into my chest releases a small, controlled electromagnetic pulse. When you were pointing that gun at me, it made me pretty nervous, to say the least, and the device activated."

The girl gave Evan a confused look. "A controlled what?"

Clearly she didn't have the intellectual capability to give herself the ability to stop time. Evan sighed.

"Nevermind, I'm not answering your questions, alright?" Evan put his hand lightly on Isabelle's face, "I'm asking the questions, remember?"

Evan could see Isabelle's left arm slowly moving. He looked down to her arm. Her shoulder was just moving up and down slowly.

Suddenly, Isabelle's right hand was coming for Evan's face, balled up in a fist. Evan leaned back, so Isabelle changed her target and hit him in the bare chest. Evan stepped back, shocked.

"I can't believe she tricked me like that. I should have seen it coming," Evan momentarily lost his balance, and took a moment to regroup.

Isabelle just got her left wrist out of the rope and was heading towards the door. Evan shook his head, then ran towards her. As Isabelle fumbled with the door knob, Evan grabbed her wrists from behind her and brought them behind her. He held down both her wrists with his right hand and grabbed her throat with his left. He was hoping to block off her air just enough to stop her from struggling.

"I was hoping you would try to escape. I love it when girls try to fight me."

Isabelle turned her head, with a worried expression on her face. She struggled against Evan, but it was as pointless as fighting a wall. She couldn't move.

With a raspy voice from Evan's grip on her throat, she gasped, "You're not... supposed... to be so... strong."

"So you've been stalking me? Well, let me tell you one more time. Stopping time gives me a lot of time. I've been working out, glad to see you noticed," Evan responded with a smirk.

Isabelle could definitely feel Evan's strong chest against the top of her back. She didn't want to say anything else. Evan was smart. She knew that he would definitely be able to trick her with some mind games to spill more information.

"Not gonna say anything? Well, now I can ask my questions." Evan emphasized that by squeezing Isabelle's throat a bit tighter. "Who gave you the power to stop time?"

Isabelle didn't say anything, she just gasped for breath and continued to struggle.

"I'm only going to ask you this one more time. Who gave you the power to stop time?" Evan's voice turned harsh and loud. Isabelle was intimidated, but Evan definitely wasn't the one she feared most.

"Ok, I guess I'll have to find another way to get you to talk." Evan released his hand off of Isabelle's throat. She dropped her head and gasped for air.

Evan put his now free hand at the top of her black leggings. He started to tug them down.

"I want. To know. Who. Let. You. Stop. Time." With every pause, Evan pulled her leggings down lower.

"You're a sick fuck, you know that?"

"It's never stopped me before. You wanna answer my question?" Evan pushed Isabelle's body harder onto the wall. Isabelle didn't respond.

Evan chuckled. Ever since he had created his device, his life was just so much fun. Evan tugged Isabelle's leggings down so that they fell around her ankles. Isabelle's panties soon followed suit.

When her underside was completely bare, Isabelle went crazy. She fought against Evan as hard as she could. Kicking, twisting her hands, and even biting. It didn't work at all, but Evan enjoyed watching the girl twisting around trying to defend herself. Within just a few moments, she slowed down, getting tired from all the pointless struggling. Evan removed his belt, then unzipped and dropped his pants. Evan put his hard cock on Isabelle's pussy. It was pretty dry, so he spit on his hand and got his cock and her pussy wet with his saliva. Evan placed the tip of his cock on Isabelle's pussy.

Isabelle, in one final attempt to escape her situation, bent her knees and tried to fall down. Evan quickly reacted and grabbed her throat once again, and pulled her up. She found herself pinned even harder against the wall, with Evan's twitching member at the entrance of her pussy.

Evan gripped her wrists tightly with his right hand, and her throat with his left. He forcefully pulled her back onto him, and slammed forward at the same time.

"FUCK! HOLY SHIT!" Isabelle screamed as loud as she could. Before she didn't want anyone else in the building to notice her, but now, she didn't care. Evan's cock was huge inside her tight hole.

Evan wasted no time to start fucking Isabelle hard. Evan slammed his hips against hers, driving his cock deep into her tight pussy. Evan put his body weight against Isabelle's, pushing her into the cold wall. Evan moved both of his hands to the collar of her black hoodie. In a swift motion, he ripped Isabelle's hoodie in the front. Quickly, he undid her bra and forced that off her, too. When Isabelle's hardening nipples were pressed against the cold surface of the wall, she let out a yelp, followed by continuous moaning.

"Oohh, fuck, fuck, fuck..." Isabelle muttered and moaned quietly.

Evan could tell that Isabelle wasn't really fighting him anymore, so he move both his hands to her breasts to massage them. His rock-hard member was still plowing into her now not-so-tight pussy. Isabelle gave off a loud moan every time he thrust into her. She put her now-free hands against the wall and pushed back against Evan.

"So you want how you can stop time now?" Evan slammed deep into her pussy and stayed there, pushing her hard against the wall.

Isabelle hesitated, then realized what she was doing. She snapped out of the trance she was in, and started to resist what was happening to her. She once again started kicking and struggling. It was no use. With Evan's large cock in her pussy, she couldn't really focus on anything.

"Ohh... fuck you..."

Previously dry, Isabelle's pussy was soaking wet. Evan pulled his cock out to see her glistening juices. When he pulled out of her, he heard her moan, seemingly in disappointment.

"If you answer my question, I'll continue fucking your slutty pussy," Evan bargained.

"Why the fuck would I want you to continue sticking your... thing in me?!"

"Maybe because you like it?"

Isabelle didn't respond.

"Ok, I'll stop then."

Evan held his hands up and Isabelle crumpled to the ground, then turned around to lean her back against the wall. Almost immediately after sitting down, she moved her hands to her pussy and started fingering herself. Evan stopped her right away by grabbing her hands and pinning them against the wall above her head. Isabelle struggled for some sort of relief.

"I WORK FOR WESAVAND!" Isabelle screamed.

Evan let go of her hands. He backed away, then his eyes filled with anger. His smirk was wiped off his face, replace by an emotionless expression.

"Wesavand?" Evan repeated softly. Isabelle didn't respond, as her fingers fluttered down to her dripping hole, where she was busy finger-fucking her pussy.

Isabelle stuffed as many fingers as she could into her loosened hole. Her mouth was wide open, but she didn't make any noise. She had three fingers inside her, bringing her to the point of climax. It wasn't long before she threw her head back and screamed. Her pussy contracted and she squirted all over the floor. Evan watched Isabelle slow down, then pass out. He couldn't let that happen. He walked over to her and tried to slap her awake. He had to ask her more. When it didn't work, he easily picked up her small body and turned it against the wall. His cock was still hard and wet from Isabelle's juices.

Within a second, Isabelle was wide awake and screaming. Evan had just shoved his cock deep into her tiny asshole.

"OH FUCK! EVAN! STOP IT!" Isabelle attempted to push herself off of him, but he was too strong for her, and she was in too much pain from the brutal ass-reaming she was receiving from him.

"Why is Wesavand after me?" Evan said with unusual calmness while continuing to ruin her asshole.

Isabelle couldn't respond, due to the pain from the brutal punishment she was receiving. Evan just fucked her asshole faster. Evan looked down at his cock, forcing its way in and out of Isabelle's tight hole. Every time he pulled out, the skin on the inside of Isabelle's asshole clung onto his cock.

"If you can't answer me right now, I guess you'll have to answer when I finish." Evan continued fucking Isabelle in her sore asshole.

Evan ravaged her. He was grabbing her stomach, tits, mouth, anything he could hold onto to slam her down harder onto him. After what he had just heard Isabelle say, he couldn't care less about the pain he caused her.

Evan's thrusts didn't slow down at all, if anything, he just sped up. After what seemed like hours of agony for Isabelle, Evan grabbed her by the hips and slammed himself deep into her, practically picking her up and dropping her asshole onto his cock. He shot his pent-up load of cum deep into her bowels, shooting numerous thick ropes into her. He held onto her hips for a few minutes, then dropped to the floor. Isabelle soon followed. She lay on her stomach with her legs spread apart so her asshole was exposed. It was a gaping black hole, and every time she contracted the muscles in her asshole, she prolapsed a little and groaned.

Evan stared at her, wondering if he should fuck her again. Even after he came in Isabelle's ruined asshole, he was still angry, if not more.

"From now on, if you ever decide to not answer one of my questions, I'm going to fuck your worthless asshole even harder than that."

Isabelle whimpered a little, not able to speak.

"Why... is Wesavand... after me?" Evan kept clenching and unclenching his fists as he went to sit down on his desk chair.

Wesavand was the company that stole Evan's cure. Wesavand stole Evan's only way out of living a miserable, poor life. Or so they thought. Evan swore that he would get vengeance on the people who tried to take advantage of him. Why not start with Isabelle right here?

"TELL ME WHAT ELSE THEY WANT FROM ME!" Evan screamed. "They didn't take enough the first time?"

Isabelle seemed to fit two and two together. She sat up and stared at Evan.

"You were... you were the guy that created the cure for Alzheimer's?" Isabelle looked like she was in complete disbelief. She winced from the pain as she got on her knees and put her hands on the floor in front of her. "Oh my god... I'm so sorry! Please! I didn't know it was you! I just work for the company! They don't tell me anything!"

Evan started to realize that Isabelle may have also been someone else that Wesavand took advantage of. They used her to get to him. He couldn't come to forgive her for working with them, but he was able to understand the situation.

"How are you able to stop time?" Evan asked. This was the big question. Evan realized that if he was smart enough to use create time-manipulation, someone else probably was, too. And of course, Wesavand got their hands on them.

"I... I don't know. A few weeks ago, I got injured in a car crash. My family couldn't afford the treatment, so I thought I would die or be crippled for the rest of my life. Some guys came into my hospital room one night and offered to give me a surgery for free, but it would be in a facility far away. I didn't even stop to think about it and accepted. I didn't even tell anyone."

Evan tried not to show sympathy for her, so he just said coldly. "What happened after that?"

"I don't really know. I was taken out of the hospital and put into some truck, then I was drugged up and I was knocked out for a long time. When I woke up, I was in some strange room. It was like a hospital room, but there were no windows or tables, just a bed, which I was on, and some doctors looking over me. They told that I was healed, but they had also taken the liberty to 'help' me some more. They didn't tell me what they did, but they tortured me after that."

Evan looked over Isabelle's naked body. Her skin looked perfect, not a single scar anywhere. "I don't see any scars."

"It wasn't physical torture. They brainwashed me. They only let me remember that I had a family and that they healed my injury. I don't even remember the name of the town I grew up in!" Isabelle's eyes started watering. She quickly wiped the moisture away with her hand. She was still on all fours on the ground in front of Evan.

"Get up and take a seat." Evan decided she had gone through enough, it wouldn't hurt to let her sit down.

Isabelle slowly stood up, legs shaking. As she shuffled over to Evan's bed, a little bit of Evan's cum dripped out of her asshole with every movement. She grimaced as she lowered herself onto the bed. Her asshole was still recovering from the brutal fucking she just received. She continued her story.

"After I could barely remember my own name, they told me that I was in a Wesavand laboratory. I'd never even heard of the company before. They also told me that I was working for someone very important, someone who was able to stop time. Apparently, whenever they stopped time, time would automatically stop for me, too. A few days later, I was healed enough to get out of the hospital bed. Some doctors came into the room and briefed me for a 'mission'. Someone else besides whoever it was I was working for was stopping time, too. I had to find out who it was. They covered my head so I couldn't see anything, but I was taken on a plane and flown here. From what I could hear, there were a lot of other people like me on the plane. They were all sent to find you."

This was a lot of information for Evan to take on. Someone was out to get him, but they didn't know who they were out to get, and Evan didn't know who this enemy was.

"I remember the school making a big deal out of some exchange program, were you one of the 'students'?"

"Yeah, it was decided that since I was fifteen, it was perfect for me to be in a school."

"Fifteen, huh?" Evan broke out of his emotionless trance and chuckled.

Isabelle blushed, seeming to just remember that she was still naked in front of Evan. "I wouldn't have tried to hurt you if I had known how smart you are. I can't remember well, but I think I remember your cure helping someone that I knew. And I understand why you did what you did." She subconsciously flicked her eyes down his body, stopping on Evan's cock glistening with her juices. She quickly looked up to see Evan staring right into her eyes.

"Uhhm," Isabelle cleared her throat and looked away. Evan smirked.

"Do your supreme overlords keep tabs on you?" Evan asked, with a slightly mocking tone.

"No. I was supposed to contact them if I found anyone that I thought was suspicious so they could send more people to look into it, but I thought I could take care of it on my own. I thought if I took care of the job, they would let me go back home."

"Well, you're lucky I was the target. If I was someone else, it may have ended up being a lot worse for you. You probably hate Wesavand as much as I do, if not more, so I guess we have a common enemy here. After I get revenge on those assholes at Wesavand, I'll help you get back home."

"Thanks, Evan. For everything."

Evan smirked. "Everything?"

Isabelle blushed, then suddenly remembered she was still naked and tried to cover her reddening body with her small hands.

"I didn't say you could hide yourself," Evan teased, "Put your hands on the bed."

Isabelle followed his command and slowly put her hands down. Evan stood up from his chair and stepped in front of her.

To Evan's surprise, Isabelle reached her hand up and held Evan's cock. "Yes. Thank you for everything," she whispered timidly.

Evan relaxed as he felt Isabelle's warm mouth engulfing his growing member. She took no time to get his cock wet with her saliva. Her head moved back and forth, eagerly taking in Evan's cock. She could taste her own ass juices mixed with Evan's cum. She didn't mind the strange flavor, though. She looked into Evan's softened eyes, trying to please him to the best of her capabilities. Though she couldn't move her lower body without feeling the soreness in her asshole, she put a lot of effort into moving her upper body and head to please Evan's cock.

"Damn, you're good at this," Evan groaned.

With that comment, Isabelle felt happy she could please him. She bobbed her head faster on his cock. Evan could feel her tongue flicking from side to side on the bottom of his cock.

"Oh fuck," Evan grunted. He put his hands behind Isabelle's head and started fucking her face.

Isabelle opened her mouth as wide as she could so that Evan's cock could go as deep as possible, all the way into her throat. Satisfied by Isabelle's wonderful mouth, Evan quickly started to cum. He thrust his cock as deep as he could into Isabelle's throat and drained his balls of all his cum. Isabelle gagged and choked on his thick member, which was twitching and spurting hot cum into her throat. She continued to look into Evan's eyes, and he could see her eyes water.

When Evan felt sufficiently satisfied with Isabelle's mouth, he stepped back and slowly pulled his cock out of her mouth. Isabelle's lips were wrapped around his shaft, so there was an audibly smack when the head of Evan's cock popped out.

"Holy shit, that mouth is wonderful. You had a lot of boyfriends in the past?" Evan teased.

"I've had a few boyfriends, but I never gave them any blowjobs," Isabelle responded timidly, feeling somewhat aroused but somewhat insecure.

"Damn. This was only the first time you've done that? Well, that was great," Evan complimented.

"I want... to try my best... to... please you," Isabelle looked down and turned bright red. She was speaking quieter than a whisper.

Evan put his finger under her chin and lifter her head up, so that she was looking at him. He moved closer to her face. Isabelle closed her eyes and moved her head up to meet her lips with his, but her eyes flung wide open when and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

With an almost fatherly tone, like he was speaking to a pet or a child, Evan said, "Good girl. I can tell we're going to have a lot of fun together."


2021-01-05 12:10:39
I would love to see MANY more stories in here Sci-Fi-ish about these same people.


2020-08-29 22:51:14
Does this continue?


2020-08-29 22:50:50
Does this continue?


2019-05-29 08:07:16
I really hope most, if not all, of the girls he goes after are virgins. Was really disappointed that Isabelle, who's 15, wasn't even a virgin.

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