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This is my first story on here, I know some of you will like it and a good many of you will hate it. If ANY of the tags or themes disturb you, please move along; or at least don't come bitch at me about it. If you like what you read, let me know; I have more to write if people want more. If you have some constructive criticism or advice, let me know; you can't get better in a vacum.

Thank you and enjoy.
So, this is the story of how I die; I'm not sure I'd that should make you sad or not. I guess it all depends on the type of person you are. For some a light going out is sad, some of you might be happy because there's one less idiot in the world. And some of you might get aroused, 'cause my death was anything but ordinary. I guess I should introduce myself, my name is Alexis and by everyone's reaction to me I guess I'm attractive. I'm about 5'8" and 121 Ibs. give or take and have about a 34D bust, my waist is around 24", and my hips are about 36" with a bit of a bubble butt. My hair's dark brown with some red highlights, I have brown eyes, and pouty full lips. My story begins with me trying to keep up with fads and doing my best to be cool. In this I case I was trying to camp, more exactly I was trying to glamp; the biggest and last mistake of my young twenty-five year old life.

So I'm out camping on an extended weekend and I've gotten lost hiking and the sun is going down. I'm aimlessly wondering around hoping to get my bearings hoping to make it back to my camp before it fully dark when I hear a noise from the woods.

"Hello," I call but there's no answer, "hello, I could really use some help; I'm lost and all alone out here."

Suddenly there is a roar and a bear steps out of the woods and he takes a couple of steps towards me. I'm not sure but in my head he's a grizzely bear and he's going to kill me and eat me, and all because I've got to be trendy. He let's out a roar and takes a swat at me and barely misses ripping my head off but rips my flannel shirt. And that's when I notice it, his penis is HARD; and again I'm not sure if it's my imagination or not, but it's the biggest cock I've ever seen or imagined. Now I'm in a whole new world of trouble and I don't know what to do and I'm regretting this decision more and more. I Try and run but he swats at me again and contacts with me just enough to throw me into a tree knocking the wind out of me.

I'm laying on the ground winded when I here him thud to the ground and approach me on all fours, fuck I think to myself. I try to crawl away but can't manage it before he's on top of me, oh shit I think starting to panic. The bear paws at me again managing to roll me over and tears the top of my pants, he seems to know what he's doing and what he wants. Because he paws at me again and pulls my cargo pants down mid thigh, showing off the top of my stockings, and my panties down to where the waist band is just above my mound. The bear paws at me once more and my womanhood is exposed to this horny beast, holy shit I think as the cool evening air hits my pussy.

Unsurprisingly but still to my shock and horror the bear positions itself to mount me, and he does. Holly shit he's fucking huge I think as I scream til my throat is horse and I scream some more, no one hears me; it's just Barry the Rapist bear and me, Alexis the idiot. He's grunting as he humps into me and to my surprise and shame, I like it. Oh fuck I sigh in my head, he's bigger than any of the toys I have at home, maybe just a little too big. Amazingly I find myself thrusting against Barry, to my shame and immense pleasure, "oh God yeah," I moan out loud. Barry senses this and really start to take pleasure from what he's doing to me, giving me even more pleasure, he's pushing me along the the forest floor at this point.

To my shock and horror my moans and groans join Barry's grunt, I've gotten my ruined pants down to my ankles where they're pooling around the tops of my boots. I find my hand snaking it's way up under my shirt, it slips under my bra and starts playing with my breast when I realize something is wrong. My brain registers that the bear is hurting me, causing damage, but my body seems to know where this is going and has shut down my pain centers and turned up my pleasure centers. I am ashamed that this is the BEST sex I have EVER had, I'm cumming on this bears cock almost continuously at this point, and part of me is sad that this is most likely the last sex I will ever have.

Barry is hitting all the right spots at about this point and I am beyond caring sadly, " oh God, fuck yeah, tear me apart you fucking animal". I can tell we're building together so I pull my shirt up and bra down to feel the cool night air on my hardening nipples and wrap my arms around his forelegs. "Oh fuck yeah, fuck, fuck, fuck," I'm matching his pace and rhythm when it happens, we cum together; the only time I get to cum with a partner, to squirt, and it's with my bear rapist. He jizzes deep inside of me, IF he could impregnate me I'm sure I would be, and I have such a powerful orgasim that it's the one and only time I squirt. I push up into him, on Barry's cock, against he powerful thrusts and scream in ecstasy; fuck does this feel like heaven.

As I die squirting while I moan and groan, feeling this bear cum inside of me, I realize this I how I will be found, WELL used and pleasured by a bear; but I guess there are worse ways to go, he could have ate me. I find myself wondering though, what will whomever find me think? Will they be said for the beautiful dead girl, happy that this idiot girl got herself killed, or aroused by my ample breast, leaking pussy, and nyloned encased legs? Will they think I'm a rape victim or will they somehow know I had sex with a bear. And when they do find out I had sex with a bear will they release it; and if they do, what will people think of me? Sadly I can't say as I care; it was the GREATEST sex of my life and I'm dead now, they can't bother me.

Samantha LarsonReport 

2018-06-11 20:26:17
You should have tried a dog! They don't kill you at the end, but the climax is AWESOME!!!

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