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19 years old, just finished her first year of college, and a summer session to speed up her degree. 5'10" firm 34C breasts, a frayed jean skirt and no panties, and with her long tanned legs she crawls into her small red Corolla for the ride home to Jersey. The truckers were in for a treat!
It was already past 3:00 when Sara left Brian’s apartment, walking briskly to her car. He had begged her to come by for a quickie before she headed back to her home in north Jersey, and she was glad she had. She’d met Brian two months earlier when she returned to the university in Richmond for summer school. She was determined to get her accounting degree in 3 years, complete her masters, and she’d be set to take over her dad’s accounting firm in Hoboken. Brian was a 29 year old painting contractor and he, high on his stepladder painting the ceiling of her apartment hallway, had caught her eye when she stepped off the elevator. She was the only one on her floor at the time, having returned a week earlier than all of her classmates. Small talk led to coffee, which lead to dinner, then resulted in wild passionate lovemaking for the entire summer session. Brian being 10 years older, had diligently schooled Sara in all the ways of lovemaking. She loved his rugged 6’ muscular body and he was first attracted by her long tan legs. Although highly intelligent, she was ditzy and one of the most gullible girls he’d ever met. He loved her for it!

Mid-August in central Virginia was sweltering and Sara was sweating as she squeezed her tall frame in her cherry red ’99 Toyota Corolla. “Red” as it was affectionately referred. After 218K miles, the A/C on Red, the hand-me-down from her ever-thrifty dad, barely worked so the windows were down as she turned onto I-95 for her 5 hour drive home. That’s 5 hours on a good day. On Friday afternoon at 3:15 that time could double if there were accidents. Sara smiled looking down as the wind blew the raveled edge of her jean skirt and she felt it on her bare light brown bush. She’d left her thongs on Brian’s bedroom floor to give him something to remember her by before she returned for the fall semester in two weeks. Being 5’10” with exceptionally long legs, keeping her legs together in Red was simply not possible. The best she could manage was one tight against each side of the steering column. Her car was her private space and she wanted to be comfortable and cool as possible. She spread her long legs, hiked up her jean skirt and pushed on the accelerator.

Traffic moved pretty well through DC and Baltimore. She’d heard a few truckers blow their horns as she passed, but being a “ditzy blonde” as Brian called her, she was oblivious as to why. Her cellphone rang and Sara touched her bluetooth earpiece to answer. It was Brian. He’d just noticed her pink lace thongs lying beside his bed and had to call. He missed her already. In the short two months they’d been together, Brian had learned he could bring Sara to orgasm just by talking. Sara explained that she was nearing Wilmington and traffic was slowing down because of construction or an accident. Brian had noticed truckers eyeing her wide-spread, tanned, long legs when he ridden with her. Knowing she was cruising on one of the heaviest truck traffic roads in America, in her short jean skirt, and panty-less, was all he needed to start talking dirty to her. “Not now Brian, traffic is heavy and is coming to a stop” Sara whispered with a smile. Brian continued, “reach down and rub the inside of your legs”. Sara obeyed. Traffic had come to a complete halt and Sara shoved the car in Park. “Now slide your fingers through your bush”. Sara obliged, and felt herself getting wet. Oblivious to everything around her, she vigorously fingered her wet cunt as Brian coached excitedly in her ear. Traffic hadn’t budged. Sara fingered her hairy blonde bush harder. Faster.

Cliff had been on the road for seven hours and would end his highway shift somewhere outside of Philly. He’d picked up his loaded in SC that morning and had to be in Vermont by noon on Saturday. An easy trip. Having worked in an electronics store straight out of high school, he tired of cranky customers after 10 years, and decided to hit the road. He got his CDL and joined a trucking firm out of Georgia. East coast trips from Florida to the northeast and home every other weekend. He’d been driving his black Kenworth for five years now. His CB rang out that there’d been a bad accident near Wilmington and be ready to sit for a few. As traffic slowed, Cliff noticed the blonde in the little red car easing up beside him. As she pulled alongside, Cliff looked over in amazement at the long tanned legs of this gorgeous beauty. “Oh fuck, she’s not wearing any panties!” She was laughing and having a fun conversation on her phone. He watched her rub the inside of her long legs then, with traffic at a complete stop, put the car in park. Cliff reached down and grabbed his video cam. Ten years in the electronics business and he had every toy possible. He stretched his leg and rubbed at his crotch to allow his erection to extend. Video rolled, zooming in, then back out again, as she rubbed her light brown bush, then in went one finger, then two. Cliff was about to lose it as he watched her body jerk with orgasm. “Holy shit!”

Brian gave his orders louder and faster, “both fingers, slam that pussy. You’re cuming, cuming, cuming”. Sara could take it no longer as she banged her fingers into her dripping wet pussy and erupted in orgasm. She let out a long moan and Brian smiled on the other end of the phone as his mission was accomplished. “Oh my God, I am soaking wet Brian, what have you done to me?” Brian laughed, “Love you baby, have a great trip”, and hung up the phone. She raised her hand and tasted her cum. Sara was ringing wet with sweat, and her crotch soaked with her sweet cum. Reaching into the back seat to find a towel, Sara glanced out the passenger window and spotted the truck, then the window, the smiling driver, and then … the camera. “Oh shit, how long has he been there? What has he seen? What has he FILMED?”

Sara forgot about cleaning her cum-filled crotch and squeezed her long legs as tight to each side of the steering column as she could. She yanked at her skirt to pull it down as far as possible. At least her bush was now covered. Sara’s heart raced thinking what she should do, what COULD she do? The truck in front of her edged forward and Sara yanked Red into drive. She eased forward and watched in the sideview mirror as the driver waved goodbye. “Whew, thank God that’s over”.

Or was it?
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