Thanks for the positive feed back, it’s been a couple of years since I wrote the first seven. I hope it has the same feel. Please tell me what you think
Chapter 8
I woke the next morning feeling like a new man. My cock was sore but I felt like I could take on the world. I was absolutely in love. In the shower I kept getting text alerts. I got dried off and picked my phone it was Lindsey.
: Oh my god! Im in deep trouble:
:what happened?:
:my dad came home and walked in my room!!!! :
Lindsey’s dad came back home the next morning. He had walked in to find Lindsey sprawled on her bed still in thigh high stockings hi heels and naked with an evening gown crumpled on the floor. And my tie was on her bed post. Lindsey grabbed her sheet to cover her self, chased her father out of her room yelling about privacy. It was obvious she had had sex with someone. She got cleaned up and when back in her room her father grilled her all morning.
Later that morning I got a phone call from Jack. “Hey Dale, can we meet for lunch or something? I need to talk to you.” He asked. I agreed and suggested we check out a bar about thirty minutes away near the beach. I figured if he wanted to make a scene that I wouldn’t want to be where people knew me. That afternoon we arrived right at the same time. I expected to be greeted with hostility. But instead Jack was up beat and right away started asking about how the Camaro project was coming. We walked inside and I gave him an update. We sat down and ordered drinks. It was just after noon so I just ordered an iced tea, jack went for glass of whisky. I knew he was a drinker but hard liquor at lunch seems a bit much. Jack isn’t a big guy by any stretch of the imagination, and I figured he would be that much easier to handle with a few drinks in him. We talked cars until lunch arrived. Then he brought up Lindsey. “So, I came home this morning, and apparently Lindsey had a boy over last night.” I acted stunned as he said it. “ and it was pretty obvious that… well, they, you know did it.” That last part he said quietly so the other tables didn’t hear. It was all I could do to not choke on the bite I just took.
“Surely you’re mistaken, Lindsey is so focused on school. I don’t think she would jeopardize Stanford for a boy!” I said trying to feign genuine shock. “How did you know she was going to Stanford?” Again I neatly choked. “Um,.. Sean. Sean mentioned it.“ I could feel sweat forming on my forehead. “Well. She does hang out with him in school, you don’t think Sean was over at our house last night?” Again I was having a hard time keeping my emotions in check. “No sir, I happen to know Sean was at his friend’s all night. In fact his friend’s mother Karen called me this morning and complained about them keeping her up all night.“ The only reason I thought that, was my neighbor said he heard a loud truck or something leave my house at two am and Sean’s pick up is very loud,” He said. My heart was racing. “And I found this,” He said handing me my tie. I just grabbed a tie the night before and happened to grab one with the Chevy emblem printed on it. It was one of my favorite ties. I called the waitress over; “Miss, I think I’ll have a beer now.”
Jack continued, “Well I’ve seen Sean wearing this tie at one of the band concerts. I even complemented him on it.” Luckily he was drunk that night at the band concert, that was me wearing the tie that he complimented me on, but I guess he didn’t remember. “Yah, but that’s not a one of a kind tie, Sean’s came from a department store rack that had dozens.” I said. The waitress brought me my beer. I downed it before she got ten feet away and asked for another. Just then I got a text.
Lindsey :I miss you already:
: just for you:
Then a picture loaded, it was Lindsey. She took a nude selfie. And I could feel the color leave my face. Jack asked, “ Is everything ok? You look like you seen a ghost!” I said I was fine and put my phone on silent and put it in my pocket. It buzzed several more times with texts. Trying to gather myself, the waitress gave me another beer. She set it down and waited by the table. I looked at her questioningly. She was being a smart ass and waiting for me to slam that beer too. I took a baby sip and we both chuckled and she went on her way. I was taking another drink when Jack asked me. “I know Lindsey looks up to you, maybe you can talk to her, and see if she will open up to you.” I nearly spit beer. “Sure, she has opened up to me a few times,” I said trying to keep a straight face. Jack continued. “Next Tuesday I won’t make the orchestra performance, I have to go out of town; I promised Lindsey I would take her out to dinner. Well. Maybe, if it’s no trouble, you could take her out with Sean. And maybe get her to open up about what’s going on. And find out who this boy is?” Not trying to sound too anxious I accepted.
On our way out Jack admired my car again. And asked to see how my Camaro was coming along. I agreed and jumped in my car. I texted my son.
Me :Are you Home yet!?:
Sean :yes:
Me :Grab my other Chevy tie and put it in your room now!:
Sean :ok…… Why?:
Me : when Lindsey dad asks you about the tie, just tell him that yours is in your room and go get it for him!!!!:
Sean :ROFL!!!!! You busted dad?????:
Me :STFU! Just do it!!!!!:
I had another tie that was similar to the one he found, similar enough to be mistaken for the other by most people. I got home and we went out to the garage. We looked at my car but I could tell something was on his mind. Sean cam out of the house, Jack went right up to him holding the tie. “Is this yours!” He asked with a bit of anger in his voice. Sean looked closely at the tie. “No sir. This is like mine but a little different.” “Different how?” He asked. Sean pointed the the GM label on the tie. “ This one is licensed GM, mine is a cheap Chinese knock off, I’ll show you.” He said and went inside. He came out with the other tie and showed Jack. Jack apologized to us both and asked Jake if he knew about Lindsey seeing anybody in secret. Sean played his part well and told him he didn’t know of anybody. When Jack turned away Sean just smiled at me and shook his head. I walked Jack out to his car and told him I would have a talk with Lindsey.
Once Jack was gone I opened up Lindsey’s texts. More nude selfies and some suggestive emojis. I called her up and told her to wipe those pictures from her phone. And told her never to send nudes, you never know when someone might get ahold of your phone. The last thing I wanted was her naked body to end up on the internet. She apologized and asked when we could see each other. I told her about what her father asked of me. “Oh baby! I hope you open me up again!” She said seductively. I went and told Sean about Tuesday night. “Mom wanted to take me out for dinner after..” He said.
That Tuesday night rolled around, Lindsey rolled up in her little BMW and got out looking absolutely stunning. She started walking over, she looked so innocent with both her hands on her violin case in front of her as she walked towards me, she suddenly put her head down and veered left to walk by me. She picked her head up just enough for a cute smile and a wave. Just then I herd Karen’s voice. “That girl has it bad,” She commented. “It’s just a crush, it will pass,” I offered. “No, it’s not. And it won’t.” Karen said.
We walked in talking about an upcoming fund raiser. Karen sat with me in the audience. She said that she had talked to Jack this weekend. He told her about the tie he found but left out the part of finding his daughter having just been up the night before having sex. I played dumb as she went on about how he accused her boy of being Lindsey’s boyfriend. “We all know who she’s in love with,” She said in a half joking, oh I feel sorry for you, sort of way. We chuckled and the performance began. Lindsey was center stage, she played her opening part with such emotion and passion the entire audience were on their feet at the end applauding even as the rest of the orchestra were playing their part, drowning them out till she took her seat in the first chair. As the night went on Lindsey had two more solos that brought the room to their feet. She was a superstar! Karen leaned in, “My god she is on fire!” Then she looked at me suspiciously. “Something definitely is going on with her.” Thankfully the auditorium was dark, I could feel my face getting red.
At the end of the performance all the parents were having punch and cookies in the band room with their kids, Sean himself had a fantastic night and was being congratulated by one of the other dads. Just then tiny cold hands covered my eyes from behind. “Guess who!” Lindsey said. I turned around and congratulated Lindsey on another amazing performance. “Did I perform good?” She said seductively. Again I could feel my face redden. But we were out of ear shot of anybody else.
Just Karen came over with my ex wife. Lindsey was giving me a longing look as they came over. I was trying to act cool. My ex came over, she looked at me and looked at Lindsey, then at me again with sort of a “What the fuck is this?” look. I just shrugged like I didn’t know what was wrong. One of the other moms called Lindsey over. Lindsey excused her self and Karen told my ex that Lindsey just had a little crush on me. My wife shot me a look. I ignored it. Sean came over and said he was ready to leave. When he went with his mother Karen said, “So you got the house to your self tonight?” I said yes. “And I heard Lindsey’s dad is out of town,” She said with a look of suspicion. I just shrugged. Lindsey looked over at me, then at Karen, who still had that suspicious look. Lindsey snuck out of the party without saying goodnight. Once everyone was gone I stayed to pick up and lock up.
On my way out to my car, I noticed Karen parked across the street. I supposed she was thinking I wouldn’t see her. Sure enough, I pulled out and in my rear view I could see I was being followed. I pulled in my driveway and my gate to the back was shut but I could see a car parked back by my shop. I had given Lindsey the gate code and let her know where I kept the spare key to my house. I got out and left my car in the driveway not wanting to open my gate to the back. As I made my way to the door, I could hear a car turn the corner. I went inside and peaked out the peep hole. Karen drove by slowly, then went home. The second I turned around Lindsey leapt into my arms. She was in very sexy green bra and panties. She clung to me like a little monkey holding my face and kissing me with fiery passion. I came up for air and said, “I told your dad I would just talk to you”. “No, you told my father you would get me to open up, and that’s what I’m about to do!” She dropped off me, grabbed my tie and led me upstairs.
Before we got all the way in Lindsey was unbuttoning my shirt and frantically pulling it off, it was a cold night and I had an under shirt on. “Really? Another one?” She said anxiously wanting me undressed. I yanked my tee shirt off and picked her up and tossed her on the bed. “Oh yah!” She exclaimed “take me baby!” She begged, half sarcasm half excitement. I pulled my belt off and unbuttoned my pants, but I slowly unzipped my fly. Slowly I let my pants fall. I hooked my thumbs in the waistband of my boxers and paused. Lindsey leaped off the bed, got to her knees, yanked my boxers down and wrapped her lips around my cock.
The rest of the world melted away and it was just Lindsey and I alone. Lindsey hungrily sucked my cock. I tried to get her to get up on the bed but she swatted away my hands in a playful manner. She just kept getting better and better at head. And she seemed to really enjoy doing it. I’m not sure if it’s because of how good it made me feel or that she loved the act itself. But she continued for some time till I was weak in the knees. Finally I lifted her up by the shoulders and tossed her on the bed three feet away, she looked at me with this adorable sexy pouty look. I melted at the sight. I went over to the bed, I yanked off her panties, I just noticed she still had her heels on. I left them on and grabbed her hips and pulled her sweet freshly shaved pussy to my mouth. She laid her legs on my shoulders. I kissed and licked the sweetest pussy in the world. I don’t know if it was the same for her, but I could have licked her all night long. Licking and sucking at her smooth lips, her little labia, proud swollen clit. Lindsey was cumming loudly. The poor girl, she was resting just on her shoulders and neck, and I had lost my self on her crotch for so long she had to be sore. I let her down easy and kissed my way back up her trembling body. She unclasped her bra and tossed it aside. Kissing up her quivering stomach to her tender breasts, one at a time I sucked each one into my mouth completely. Continuing up to her sweaty neck I finally returned to her waiting lips.
Lindsey was so beautiful, so passionate, so much more than I could have ever wished for. I rolled over bringing Lindsey on top of me, she picked her knees up, took one hand and guided me to her wet opening. She was so short I couldn’t get halfway in while we kissed. She rocked back and forth taking as much as the could without breaking the kiss. I moved us up to my headboard. When I scooted I went deep for a brief moment and Lindsey gasped sharply and gave me a shocked then a lust filled look. Like this with me sitting up against my headboard Lindsey could take what ever she wanted without having to stop kissing. She put both hands on my face, pulled me in for a kiss, and slowly raised and lowered her self. She began to reach her peak quickly, soon she couldn’t kiss any more and she held her hands on the side of my neck tightly and began to ride me hard.
She pulled me in forehead to forehead, looking me deep in the eye with a lust filled determination in her eye, her pace quickened then became erratic and she jerked, stopped, and with a surprised look had a massive body shaking orgasm. While it went on she dug her nails into my neck. I could tell she broke skin. When it subsided I rolled her over on her back and let her come down as I slowly worked in and out. I took it easy with her, letting her body tell me when she was ready to continue.
Lindsey came back around. She began rolling her hips as I dipped in. So I picked up the pace and depth. Her next orgasm came quickly but didn’t hit as hard; I pushed through building up speed and stroke length. Before long Lindsey was taking all of me. I fucked her hard and long. I hadn’t fucked like this since I was Lindsey’s age! My orgasm began to build, Lindsey’s body began to respond too. Her pussy began to get even hotter and she clapped down, that brought my orgasm on hard. Lindsey was screaming as a monstrous orgasm washed over her. I filled her with hot cum and we kissed deeply as we both came crashing back down to earth. I rolled onto my back, Lindsey laid across my chest sweating and out of breath. I looked over at the clock, we had been at it for two and a half hours. Surely her father had to have called or texted by now. I nudged Lindsey to check her phone. But she was out. I went downstairs and out to her car looking for her phone, I came back in and it was on my kitchen counter in her bag, sure enough she had three missed calls from her dad. And one text asking why she didn’t answer.
:sorry phone battery died I’m fine and in bed:
Instantly her responded
:ok we will talk in the morning:
Lindsey’s bag was an overnight bag. She was well prepared to spend the night and go to school in the morning. I went back upstairs and Lindsey was in the shower. I got in with her, we cleaned up only to get dirty three more times that night. In the morning I woke up and realized that I’m not an eighteen year old kid any more. Lindsey had already showered and was dressed for school. I made us breakfast. “I could do this for the rest of my life,” I thought to myself watching Lindsey eat breakfast.
Lindsey kissed me one last time before going to school. I went to work with a renewed sense of purpose. The day flew by due to how busy I was. I didn’t realize that I had stayed till sunset. I finished up a few things , locked up and stopped by the hardware store on the way home. I had them make a new house key. It was about time Lindsey had her own. When I got home Lindsey texted me.
Lindsey :thanks for answering my dads texts last night:
Me :it’s no trouble, did you talk?:
Lindsey : just a little, He is to involved with work now I don’t think he cares anymore:
Me :that’s great. I have something for you next time we get together:
Lindsey: (roster emoji) ?
I just laughed. I got home and went into Jakes room, grabbed his remote for the gate to the rear of the house and put it with the key I had made. Then my house phone rang, it was my ex wife. “Have you lost your fucking mind? Fucking around with teenaged girls? What the fuck is wrong with you? “ I interrupted. “First off, what the fuck are you talking about, second what the fuck business is it of yours who I fuck around with?” We yelled at each other for about ten minutes. She had a talk with one of the other band moms and apparently it has been going around. She accused me of fucking Lindsey from day one. I denied everything and called her a whack job. I red her the riot act about fucking around behind my back. She continued accusing me and added. “And your boy Sean won’t give you up! What, are you paying him off?” I told her to drop it and hung up. I was going to have to call Karen.
After a lengthy conversation with Karen about rumors going around, she confirmed there has been talk. A couple of the parents that are hardly around heard about Lindsey’s crush and exaggerated every time they told the story. It was getting to the point that I needed to step back from helping with the school. Karen did confess to following me home. But she apologized for doubting me. I felt bad lying to Karen. She has been a good friend through this and my divorce.
Lindsey texted me later that night. She was going to have an hour or so to stop by. When she got there I already had the back gate open, I show her how far she need to pull in to not be visible even if the gate is open. We went inside and she immediately wanted to go up stairs. I told her Sean was home and I would rather not while he was home.
I handed her the house key and gate remote to keep. She actually teared up. It didn’t seem like a big deal to me, just a way to be more discreet. She kissed me hard and long. “There’s something else.” I said I led her to the stairs. “Hey, I thought we couldn’t?” She asked with a wicked grin and bit her lower lip. I brought her to my bedroom. I had emptied all the bathroom drawers my ex used to use for her personal stuff. And showed Lindsey, “these are for you. If you want, I’ll send you a link to my Amazon account. Just put whatever you need in the cart and I’ll have it shipped here.” I turned because she grew silent. She leapt into my arms crying and kissing me frantically. I laughed, “Hold on, there’s more.” I led her over to where Sean and I had brought a new dresser into my wife’s old walk in closet. My ex had left it a mess, discarded clothes and papers and empty boxes. I spent an hour and got it cleaned and ready. “Anything you want to bring over, this closet is yours.” She was giddy with excitement.
Lindsey pulled me in again and we stood and kissed for a few minutes. I didn’t even realize we were stepping towards my bed, it was probably subconsciously. Lindsey sat in the edge of the bed with a ready look on her face. But her phone went off. It was her dad.
“Yes daddy. No daddy. No I just went to a friends house I’m on my way home now. I know daddy! I KNOW!” And she hung up. “Well my dads home and I have to go.” Her voice quivered a bit on that last part. I walked her to her car. We kissed for a few more minutes and she left in tears. This was frustrating. Moreover if I was going to continue this relationship, I was going to have to get into better shape. The next morning I called my personal trainer. I told him that I was seeing a much younger woman. And I needed to be able to go three times a night and not kill my self. We met at the gym the next day, he had a book on testosterone and men over forty. He completely changed my workouts, and gave me an entirely new diet plan. To keep up with an eighteen year old firecracker was going to mean a lifestyle change.
Big Bob DReport