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It's time for Sara to head back to the university in Virginia. Driving on 95 with a short skirt and no panties always leads to fun times. And now her younger sister is with her.
“Mom, Dad, I’m home.” It was almost midnight when Sara came through the front door. The trip from Richmond had taken almost 9 hours, and she was exhausted. It wasn’t the drive that had worn her out, but the two hours she spent getting fucked by the blackmailing truck driver at the truck stop outside of Philly. She’d been talking on the phone with her boyfriend, Brian, and he’d worked her up into a quaking orgasm while she was sitting in stopped traffic on I-95, waiting for an accident to clear. “Hey, that’s cool”, you might think. It was, until Sara realized a trucker beside her had filmed her entire masturbation. Thirty miles up the interstate, their paths crossed again when she stopped to gas up. He’d spotted her, and threatened to post the video all over the internet. With career plans to get her degree and eventually run her dad’s big accounting firm in Hoboken, she couldn’t risk it going viral. She caved to his blackmail demands and spent the next two hours getting pounded by Cliff’s 8” cock in the sleeper of his Kenworth.

Her pussy ached from the fucking that Cliff had laid on her, and she smelled from their sweat. Hugs and kisses to mom and dad, and the 19 year old slowly climbed the stairs to shower and hit the bed. Her pussy ached. The cool water ran over her 5’10” tanned body. Sara inherited her mom’s sizable breasts and her dad’s long legs. She had long blondish brown hair and a matching full bush. Women wished they had her body…and so did every man she saw. Once all soaped up, she ran her hands over her tits. Her nipples were still tender from Cliff’s sucking and biting. She trimmed around her soapy bush to keep it neat, and to keep it within her panties. She’d had a small patch of hair when she’d returned to Richmond to start summer classes at the university, but then she met Brian. He was a 29 year old hardbody painting contractor and he talked her into letting her bush grow. She loved the looks of it now, and as she was toweling off, her younger sister popped open the bathroom door. “It’s so good to have you home, Sara, I’ve missed hanging with you this sum….Oh my God look at your pussy.” Lauren was pointing at Sara’s full bush, somewhat in shock. Sara looked down, laughed and whispered “Brian likes it that way” and gave a little snide smile. Lauren snickered as they walked into the bedroom.

Sara and Lauren had two weeks to enjoy what was left of their summer and spent most of it laying on the beach or hanging with their friends. Their two weeks together passed quickly. Sara told of her sexual adventures with Brian and all their sexual exploits through the summer. She told not a soul about being blackmailed by Cliff, not even Lauren. Maybe in due time, but certainly not yet.

They spent their Friday afternoon packing up Sara’s ’99 red Toyota Corolla, or Red as they called it, for the trip back down I-95 to Richmond. Sara would continue pursuing her accounting degree and Lauren was starting her first year with an undecided major. She was almost 2” taller than Sara, had the same nice, firm, round breasts, and legs that went on forever! Those legs, and her skill on the volleyball court, had landed the 18 year old a full scholarship at the university in Richmond.

It was close to 10 on Saturday morning when Sara and Lauren headed towards Red for the 5 hour drive south to Richmond. Mom and dad had said their goodbyes last night before heading to the shore for the weekend. They knew Lauren was in good hands, and that Sara would get her set up in her new dorm. The car was jam packed and both seats had been slid forward. Sara crawled in, and being 5’10”, had her legs spread two feet apart, but her knees still pushed against the dash. She pushed back hard on the seat, click, one notch further back was all it would give. She was buckling her seat belt when Lauren climbed in. “Holy shit, I can hardly fit in here with the seat like this” but Lauren had no choice. She squeezed both legs against the door but it was so uncomfortable she was forced to sit with her legs spread wide. She looked down at her short black stretch mini and saw that her white lace thongs were showing, and turned to comment to her sister when she noticed Sara’s bush clearly visible. “What the hell, you’re not wearing panties! Are you really going to drive like that?” Sara’s frayed, short jean skirt couldn’t hide her delicious light brown bush.

Sara smiled as she put Red in reverse, “Yep. I have no choice with the seat up so far. And, yeah, I’ve kinda gotten used to going commando and I love the air blowing on my bush. It kinda turns me on …. and besides, the truckers seem to like it too.” She winked at Lauren.

Lauren smiled but was confused by her comment. “The truckers? What the hell did they have to do with anything?” She was as ditzy and oblivious to her surroundings as her sister.

Lauren looked down at her lace panties, and muttered to herself, “It would take a lot of wind to blow what few pubes I have!” Lauren kept her puss trimmed, except for a teeny landing strip. No way could she play volleyball with a bush like her sisters. She tried to close her legs a little tighter but there simply wasn’t enough room. Off they went.

In New Jersey you’re not allowed to pump your own gas, so when they pulled into the Shell station the tall black attendant got up from his seat and strolled to the pumps. When he reached the driver’s door he snapped to attention when he saw the two gorgeous young ladies, one showing her bush and the other nice white panties. He stuttered “Ummm, what’ll it be today girls?” Sara’s bush stood out clearly, outlined by the snow white bikini lines that clashed with her dark tanned legs. As tight as she squeezed the steering column with her legs, her treasure could not be concealed. “Fuck it.” She relaxed.

“Fill it up and clean the windshield please.” Sara was becoming moist as she felt his dark eyes on her hairy twat, but Lauren was not feeling so secure. Squeezing her legs tighter, she grabbed her purse and held it, blocking her crotch. The pump seemed to take forever. She watched the bulge in the attendant’s jeans grow as he leaned in to clean the glass on Sara’s side. Sure, it was pretty dirty but he was taking his sweet time and enjoying the view of Sara’s bush. He pulled out his phone, as if checking something, but then Sara heard the camera click, aiming straight at her bush. She was somewhat embarrassed, but she was also now officially wet.

After making the attendant’s day, they pulled onto southbound I-95, music blasting, and the wind blowing their long blond hair. Red’s A/C hardly worked so the windows would be down for the whole trip. It wasn’t long before they heard the first trucker blow his air horn as they slowly passed. Sara watched out of the corner of her eye as the rig sped up beside them for another peek. She immediately knew he was enjoying the twat shot and asked Lauren, “Did you hear that?”

“Yeah, a truck blowing his horn, so what?”

“You know what they’re doing, right?”

“Ummm, no, what?” inquired Lauren, looking puzzled.

“They’re thanking us for showing them our pussies!”

“Oh fuck, are you serious?” Lauren yelled as she squirmed in her seat trying to squeeze her legs together, and yanking her black miniskirt down as far as it would go, but to no avail.

“Come on, relax. Those guys work hard and get lonely out on the road. Seeing some young pussy gets them all worked up. Just think about all the hard-ons we’ll be responsible for on this trip. We’re going 70 miles an hour in Red, there’s nothing they can do but look!” Sara knew that was a lie. She looked over at Lauren and could see she was trying to make sense of everything her older sister was telling her. They motored on.

As they passed Philly, Sara’s phone rang. She glanced down at her phone. It was Brian. She pushed the bluetooth button on her earpiece, “Hey babe.”

“Hi Honey, just checking in to see what time you’ll get back to town? I miss you.”

“Probably 3 or 4 more hours depending on traffic.” They chatted another couple minutes and Brian said he’d see them soon. Before she could tell Lauren that it had been Brian calling, her phone rang again. Without looking at her phone, she answered, “Yeah babe, what ya need?”

“Hey Sara, it’s Cliff, how are you baby? And you know what I need!” said the deep voice on the other end of the line.

Sara’s throat tightened as she said “oh I’m fine”. What could she say? Cliff was calling for one reason and one reason only. He wanted her young, tight pussy and if he was calling then he must be somewhere on 95.

“I’m pulling out of Baltimore and thought this was the day you were heading back to Big R town. I was wondering where you were? And tell me the truth honey because I can get on the CB and find out if you’re around in short order.” Cliff smiled to himself knowing full well his statement was complete bullshit.

Sara’s boyfriend Brian always called her the “ditzy blonde” and laughed at her gullibility. “We’re 25 miles from Baltimore heading south.”

“Great! Wait, did you say WE?”

“Yes, my little sister is with me. She’ll be going to the university this year too.”

“Even better! I’m heading south and will take my time. Keep your eye out for my rig. Oh, and you’re not wearing panties, are you?”

“No, of course not.” Sara smiled and could feel herself becoming aroused.

“And you’re going to give me a show, right?”

“Oh, if you insist” Sara said laughingly.

“OK babe, put the hammer down. I’ll be looking for you.” Cliff hung up and glanced down at the video camera in the seat beside him. “Oh yeah, let the fun begin.”

“Who was that?” inquired Lauren.

“Oh, a new friend”, then she paused. “Look, I’ve got be honest with you, we’re going to have to stop and see this guy, OK?” Sara opened up and told Lauren the whole blackmail story. Lauren listened intently, eyes wide, mouth open, and not saying a word. She also was sure to include the multiple orgasms she had enjoyed in the sleeper of Cliff’s truck, and Lauren could tell she wanted more. Sara finished and looked over at the shocked look on Lauren’s face.

“So what the fuck am I going to do while you fuck your trucker dude?”

“I don’t know Lauren, I just don’t know”. They rode on, in silence. “Or maybe you could join us” Sara thought to herself and smiled. She wanted his cock inside her. She’d behaved since Cliff fucked her for the first time two weeks ago, and while she would be fucking Brian when she got back to Richmond, she wanted a cock inside her… now.

Sara pushed Red faster down 95. She was making good time and knew she was speeding towards a good fucking! She should be dreading it but her pussy was getting more and more excited as the mile markers clicked by. Truckers continued to lay on their air-horns as the two gorgeous blondes passed by and they even tried to box them in a couple times for a closer, slower look. Sometimes Sara let them for a mile or so but always managed to break free and drive on. She could tell Lauren was starting to like the attention as well, as she’d often look up at them, smile and wave. Sara’s excitement continued to rise.

As 95 turned into 495, just north of DC, Sara noticed the familiar black Kenworth pulling the flatbed up ahead. It was Cliff. She told Lauren that she’d pull up beside Cliff, but that somewhere further down the interstate, he would give her the order to exit.

Cliff glanced in his side mirror and thought he recognized the little red car approaching. He reached down and grabbed the video camera. As it drew closer, he knew it was her….them! His cock began to swell. A minute later Sara eased Red up beside the big Kenworth. She could barely see Cliff because of the angle, but Lauren looked up and saw an older, but strikingly handsome man. He was smiling, waving, and pointing a video camera at them.

She turned to tell Sara that she thought he was kind of cute, and stared in amazement as Sara was already rubbing her wide-spread tanned legs, and beginning to slowly stroke her pussy. She turned back to Cliff and could see his wide-eyed stare as his video rolled. Suddenly Lauren’s pussy began to twitch and grow wet. “Holy shit, this IS exciting” she yelled to Sara.

Sara glanced over, “Don’t be such a prude! Take off your panties!”

Lauren thought for a minute as they rode side by side down 495. She could feel her pussy getting hotter and wetter. “What the fuck, why not” she thought. Hiking up her skirt, she clawed at her thongs. Her long legs were spread so wide, she couldn’t get them past mid-thigh. She lifted both legs up onto the dash and yanked her teeny white lace thong off of one leg, then the other. As it fell to floor she spread her legs wider, leaving them on the dash.

Cliff’s cock was about to explode. Not only was his gorgeous Sara fingering away at her cunt behind the wheel, but now her passenger sister was proudly flashing her almost shaved pussy. Cliff could make out a small patch of hair in the white triangle of her bikini tan-lines. He yanked at his belt, then zipper, and freed his manhood. He knew there was nowhere private they could get off of 495 so he kept going until he saw the 95 south exit. Sara had already reached orgasm and Lauren was busy sliding her fingers over her smooth twat. This kept on for another 20 miles. Sometimes they’d have to pass to make way for passing traffic, then they’d pull over into the left lane to let Cliff pull up beside them again. He didn’t know how much longer his cock could take this torture. The sign ahead read “Dale City Truck Plaza” so Cliff motioned for the girls to take the next exit. He’d had to lay the video camera back in the seat a few miles back. He couldn’t rub his throbbing cock AND video them at the same time.

Sara and Lauren eased into the Truck Stop and pulled into a passenger car parking spot near the truck lot. They were both dripping wet and Sara was ready to formally introduce her little sister to a real truck driver! They crawled out of Red, and stretched their cramped legs. Sara could feel cum trickle down the inside of her leg and knew there would be more to come. “Lock your door, Lauren, I’m taking you to meet Cliff!” Lauren smiled back nervously as her pussy encouraged her onward!

The air brakes hissed as Cliff saw the girls walking towards the rig in his side-view mirror. His pants were undone and his cock throbbed against the steering wheel. Sara crawled up into the cab first and bit at her bottom lip when she saw Cliff’s hard cock. “Get in and pull the door shut” she whispered to her sister as Lauren made her way up the steps. Lauren eased down into the passenger seat and her eyes immediately locked on to Cliff’s enormous dick. She’d only been with two boys during her senior year of high school. Both had smaller dicks and they lasted only a few minutes, leaving her dissatisfied with sex. She had never really been fucked….but she knew that was about to change!

Sara jumped into the sleeper and started pulling off her clothes. Lauren followed and by the time Cliff swung around in his seat, they were naked on his bed. He unbuttoned his shirt, stood, and his pants dropped to the floor. Lauren was nervous but her eyes were frozen on his cock, and Sara noticed. “Go ahead, suck it.”

Cliff turned, and lay on his back. Lauren climbed between his legs, cautiously licking at his manhood. She then took it in her hand and licking the head, began to vigorously suck. Not to be left out, Cliff grabbed Sara and pulled her hairy bush onto his face. She was wet from her freeway finger-fucking and her cum tasted delicious as Cliff tongued away. He could feel the pressure building in his cock and he pushed Sara aside. He wanted to shoot his first load into Lauren’s fresh, tight cunt. He grabbed Lauren and spun her around onto her knees. He slid his cock down the crack of her ass until he felt her hot, dripping hole. With one smooth, parting motion, he nudged inside her. She let out a yelp as Cliff worked the head back and forth, pushing deeper inside with each slow stroke. Sara rubbed his balls and watched Lauren’s eyes roll back in her head. Cliff was still barely halfway in when Lauren had her first orgasm. Her whole body shook and as she came, she thrust her hips back, taking all 8 inches of his thick cock. Cliff pumped harder and exploded inside her as his hips slapped against her ass. Lauren collapsed forward as Cliff squeezed out his last drop of cum. His cock plopped out of her gaping hole.

Sara took the opportunity and grabbed Cliff’s softening cock in her mouth. She sucked and sucked until she could feel it start to swell again. Cliff moaned as she swallowed all 8 inches deep into her throat. Their cum tasted so good and it was driving Sara crazy. She felt a hand on her ass and jumped as Lauren’s tongue spread her quivering cunt lips. Cliff’s left hand found Lauren’s dripping cunt and he pounded away with three fingers. Within minutes all three were cuming again. Screams and moans filled the sleeper.

As they all lay there in complete exhaustion, Lauren whispered to herself, “Oh my god, what a way to start my first year of college!”
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