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Everyone is trying to figure out what happened at Carly's party. Where does everyone stand, and who is responsible for what?
Carly and Zane

After Carly’s party finally died down, she cornered Zane at the far end of the pool for a good long talk. She wanted to know everything that happened in that bedroom. Zane knew that she wanted to know about Bella, but felt he had to point out that he was back there with Julia for quite a while as well. So, when she asked him what happened, he asked

“With who?”

Carly smiled, tilted her head and said

“Please, anybody can guess what happened between you and Julia, although I can’t guess what was taking you so long. I want to know what you did to Bella that made her leave here in a huff, ready to burst into tears. You should have seen her, it was awesome!”

They were sitting on the loungers farthest away from the house, at the far end of the pool. Carly pulled hers up as close to Zane as she could and was sitting on the edge, hanging on every word Zane said.

First, he explained the little photo shoot, and showed Carly all the pictures. Carly, of course, had already seen all of the pictures, and copied them off his phone when he handed it to her just after fact. He didn’t know she had done that. Still, Carly loved hearing him tell her about them.

“She had her bikini off in like, three minutes. She found the nudes of Julia and Natalie and figured I was collecting naked cheerleaders, so off it came, just like that” he said, as he snapped his fingers.

Carly just shook her head and responded “That figures, the little slut”

Zane continued showing her pictures, with a little narrative along the way.

“In this one, I was grinding my cock up between her ass cheeks, it would have been so easy to just pin her down and...”

“So why didn’t you, Dammit!” Carly demanded.

Zane answered “Because we want to humiliate her, not rape her, and when I do fuck Bella, I want her to beg me for it”

That statement made Carly squeal with joy, she shot up off her chair, then climbed up on top of Zane, straddling him. She demanded he finish his story, as she started grinding against his groin.

The combination of the pics of Bella, which she had to admit were actually sexy as hell, along with Zane’s narrative of the events, was making her so horny she could hardly stand it. Add to that the total rush of her plan coming together so perfectly, and working so well, it made her want to fuck his brains out right then and there.

Zane continued. He told her how Bella had her legs spread wide, and his fingers up inside her. He had gotten so horny fingering her that he decided to hell with waiting, he was going to fuck this bitch right now. Then he made a critical error. He touched her clit and sent a shiver throughout her body. That snapped her out of it. She realized things had gotten way out of her control and pulled back. So, Zane went in a different direction and distracted her another way. He wound up shooting a huge load of cum right down her throat. Then he showed Carly the video.

The video sent Carly off the rails. She watched for a few moments with her eyes wide and her mouth open. How had she not seen the video? She copied all the pictures, even the ones of Julia, and Natalie, but somehow, she’d missed the video.

She was so turned on at that moment that she just attacked Zane. She put the phone down, pinned him to the lounger and started kissing him, and touching him. She had his cock loose in seconds. Then she reached down, pulled her bikini to one side and mounted him. Zane was surprised. Excited, but surprised.

As she started to ride him and grind his cock as deep as she could take it, she demanded he tell her the rest. She would pump on him hard for a few strokes, then stop and ask a question. “Why did you let her leave?” “Why didn’t you just fuck her?” “What did you say that had made her completely melt down?” Zane was having a hard time concentrating with Carly grinding on his cock.

He managed to tell Carly the last few things he said to Bella. The part about how HE was the one who would decide who would be captain next year was brilliant. The last bit about making sure her birth control was up to date was just vicious and mean, and almost made her orgasm right then. Carly held him down and rode him hard, without another word, for another ten minutes.

When he let out a little yell as he shot his load into her, the back lights came on. Carly quickly jumped off him and adjusted her clothes while he did the same. Carly’s mom came out a moment later looking to see what was going on. Carly was able to pass it off as just Zane helping her to clean up.

Zane finally left after a very crazy day. Of all the girls he’d thought he might fuck today, Carly wasn’t the one he expected. Still, despite that mind-blowing performance to end the day, by the time he arrived back home, his mind was on Julia.

Carly could not have been happier. To her mind, Zane’s play on Bella was brilliant. Everything he’d said was theoretically wrong as to how the secret vote worked, but he had set himself up as having total control over the vote, whether there was a tie or not. Implying that he had control of all the seniors made it look like it would be impossible for her to become captain without putting out. He could make sure she didn’t get any votes at all. As far as Carly was concerned, her party was a raging success.

Bella, Stephanie, and Nikki

If Carly and Julie were the queens of the seniors, then Bella and Stephanie were the queens of the juniors. Stephanie was loved by everyone. She was sweet, friendly, always helpful, and truly the best friend anyone could ever ask for. On top of that, she was just plain beautiful. Bright green eyes, long wavy brown hair, a huge perfect smile and big dimples on her cheeks. She had a slim tight body with larger than average tits, but not too big. She was perfect.

Nikki, was Bella’s other best friend from as far back as grade school. She was tall and slim, had black hair in a short pixie cut that made her just the cutest thing you’ve ever seen. Add to that the big brown puppy dog eyes, and she could be irresistible. The three of them were as tight as could be. So, naturally, they were the first place Bella went when things seemed to have gone so horribly wrong.

Bella told them what had happened at the party. How Carly had lured her into the room with Zane. How he had pulled her bikini off and forced her to let him take pictures, and especially how he had threatened that if she didn’t have sex with him he could make it so she wouldn’t even make the team next year. She skipped the part about sucking his dick. By the time she had finished her tale, Stephanie and Nikki were listening with their mouths open, in shock, and swearing revenge upon that son of a bitch. How the hell does he think he can he and get away with that?

Nikki was outraged. Who the hell did he think he was? She suggested getting their boyfriends to beat the living shit out of him, but Bella quickly nixed that idea. She had been naked in bed with another guy, and he had pictures, her boyfriend didn’t need to know anything about this.

Nikki still demanded “We need to get him. We need to beat him at his own game and let everyone know what kind of shit he’s trying to pull”

Bella explained, just as Zane had to her, that everyone would just deny it. No one would ever believe them and the rest of the underclassmen would just go on fucking him hoping to make captain themselves. If any of what he had said was true, then she really didn’t have any choice. Who would think a little shit like him could come up with this. Despite the position he had put her in, she still thought of him as a nobody. He can’t do this to me. He’s not smart enough to do this to me.

They spent the rest of the night trying to comfort Bella and reassure her that she wouldn’t have to sleep with Zane to become captain. They brainstormed as to how they could expose him. Maybe they should call the cops? No, they could never prove anything and would probably end the whole cheer squad entirely. Maybe they could catch him in bed with a guy! THAT would be hilarious. They plotted all kinds of sick, twisted revenge, usually ending with someone chopping his dick off. By the end of the day some of their plans were so outrageous that they almost peed themselves laughing. Finally, Bella was laughing again, maybe it wasn’t as bad as she thought. But deep down, she still couldn’t see a way out of it. All of the seniors were his friends. If she really hoped to make it, she was going to have to fuck him.

After Bella finally went home, Stephanie and Nikki continued to talk. Something about Bella’s story just didn’t seem right to Stephanie. She knew Zane, and what Bella said just didn’t seem right. She also knew Bella, and Bella usually only used the parts of a story that helped her. Zane was pretty popular at school, probably half the junior class would jump at the opportunity to be with him. She couldn’t even imagine him going to all that trouble just to fuck Bella, she was definitely not his type. She couldn’t imagine him doing what Bella had said either. She definitely couldn’t imagine that he would threaten her. Nikki, of course, believed everything Bella said, word for word.

Stephanie was skeptical. In the time she had known Bella, she had seen her do some pretty sketchy things. She had pulled pranks and blamed them on others. Some of those pranks really hurt some people too, or badly affected their reputations. Some of them had gotten people into real trouble, one time the cops were called and the next thing anyone knew the police dogs were sniffing lockers. She had broken up boyfriends and girlfriends just for kicks. She had used and teased so many boys and then just brushed them aside that there was probably an army of guys who wanted to get revenge on her, but Zane?

The biggest problem was that Stephanie had been there at the party as well, and she didn’t see any of this happen. From what she remembered, Zane had disappeared with Julia for most of the afternoon. None of this made sense. However, one thing in particular that Bella said had stuck in Stephanie’s head.

Stephanie and Carly

The next day at lunch, Stephanie met up with Carly for a little chat. She didn’t beat around the bush, she just came right out and asked

“What the hell happened with Zane and Bella at your party?”

“Bella? You mean Julia.” Carly answered, seeming genuinely confused.

“No” Stephanie answered. “I mean Bella”

Stephanie then explained that Bella had come to her and Nikki in a panic, telling the story of how Zane had jumped on Bella in the back bedroom, and that he said if she didn’t fuck him she would never be captain.

Carly sat there with her mouth open and eyes wide at what Stephanie was telling her.

“What?!” she asked. “Is that why Bella went storming out of there in such a hurry? She never said anything to me, she just grabbed her stuff and ran ... oh my god”

Stephanie believed Carly’s show of emotion. She actually seemed surprised at Stephanie’s question. Still, she wasn’t sure.

“Bella said you lured her into the bedroom with Zane.” She said.

“What? How?” Carly replied.

“She also said that Zane told her the girls who set this up would never admit it ... did you set her up for Zane to force himself on her?”

“OH MY GOD! NO! OF COURSE NOT!” Carly replied.

“How did I lure her in there? I didn’t even KNOW she was in there. I went in there to get him and Julia OUT of that damned bedroom before my mother walked in on them. If she caught them in there I’d be off the squad myself! Bella said I did that?!!”

Carly’s outrage was real, and so, very convincing. Stephanie immediately started apologizing for accusing her of such a thing.

Stephanie still wanted to know, supposedly Zane had said “the girls who set this up”. Who else could he be talking about, and what did they set up?

Carly thought quickly and answered “Knowing Bella, she probably set the whole thing up herself”

Stephanie had actually considered that idea. Was this another of Bella’s games?

Carly and Bella

Later that day, Carly caught up with Bella. Carly ran up to her and, without leaving her any chance to run away, took her by the hand and pulled her aside to a quiet corner. She started apologizing to Bella for what had happened.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t know any of that happened. I didn’t even know you were in the room with him. Why didn’t you tell me?”

She went on to explain how she had gone to get Zane and Julia out of the room before her mother found them. Carly never realized Zane was still in there, or that Bella had gone in there with him.

“Why did you go in there with him?” Carly asked.

Bella was a little calmer about it now, a few days later, and accepted Carly’s claim of ignorance. She also ignored Carly’s question as to why she went in there. She knew that Carly had nothing to do with her going into that back bedroom, but as far as anyone else was concerned, she was sticking with her story. Bella did tell Carly about everything else Zane had said. Carly listened to Bella’s version of the story and then calmly, but selectively, attacked Zane’s “facts”

“First of all,” she started, “Even if he were the secret vote, which he’s not, he’s got that all backwards. All of the seniors vote, AND the coach and faculty advisor vote. The secret vote doesn’t even matter unless there is a tie. It’s most likely he wouldn’t even get to vote anyway.”

Just as Bella had ignored her question, Carly avoided the part about who might have set her up. It certainly didn’t appear that she had anything to do with it. She also ignored the idea that all the seniors would vote the way Zane asked them to, which they would.

“He also said that he was fucking you, your sister, Julie, Sara, Natalie and half the damned squad, and that he could get you all to vote against me if he just asked” Bella added

Carly let out a small shriek. “WHAT? ... My SISTER? He better not be TOUCHING my sister! I’d kill him myself! Julie maybe, but my sister, no fucking way. You actually believed that?”

They discussed some of Zane’s other alleged conquests and decided that there was no way all of these girls were sleeping with him. With Carly’s help, Bella just couldn’t accept that he could get all those girls in bed. Sure, he’s pretty hot, but not that hot. Then again, he had gotten her into that bed pretty easily. She didn’t want to admit, even to herself, that she had been enjoying it.

They hugged again and made up, not that there had been any argument in the first place, but at least now Bella wasn’t blaming her. As Carly had her hands wrapped around Bella, all she could imagine was all those nudes Zane had taken of her, and that video of Bella sucking his dick. Such a little slut.

Still, she did have one tight little ass...

Zane and Julia

On Thursday evening, Zane and Julia went out on their first official date. It wasn’t anything big or exciting, they actually just went to the local mall. It sounds boring, but this is a huge mall. There are carnival rides, a video game arcade, bowling alley, ice skating rink, a go cart track, and a multi-screen cinema, and they were ready to try some of everything. The whole point was time together.

When they first arrived, they went to the bowling alley. They didn’t bowl though, they actually played pool for a while. Zane liked this because it afforded him the chance to lean over her and help her with her shots. Julia liked that too. They spent a lot of time lining up shots, and when they did, they took a long time to make those shots. They both really enjoyed rubbing up against each other like that. Julia’s heart fluttered every time he pressed himself up against her. His cock pressed up against her backside felt like it had to be ten inches long! At least that’s what Julia thought.

With the level of contact escalating, they decided to take in a movie. They didn’t pick one that either of them really wanted to see, they knew neither of them would be paying any attention to it. Apparently, no one else wanted to see it either as the theater was mostly empty. They just wanted a dark, quiet place where they could make out and grope each other for a little while, and that’s just what they did! Julia was getting comfortable with him and coming out of her shell a little more. She found herself getting more and more aggressive. Her hands were just as curious as his.

As soon as the previews started Zane pulled her close and started kissing her. Julia remembered this part from the party. She liked this part. When the main feature started and the lights went all the way down, his hands instantly started to explore. Julia loved when he touched her. She loved when he fondled her breasts. It felt so good to have him kneading and squeezing and teasing, so when he went to open her shirt, she didn’t even try to stop him. She closed her eyes, continued to kiss him, and let her hands roam about his body as well. This seemed like a lot for a first date but considering what they had almost done at Carly’s party, this was fairly restrained.

By the middle of the movie, her shirt was open, her bra was off somehow, she wasn’t even sure how they had accomplished that, and he had been sucking on her nipples every chance he got. Julia loved it, but she still made him come back to reality every now and then when she thought people might be looking, not that she cared if they did. She was so infatuated with him that she welcomed his hands, or lips, anywhere he wanted to put them. It exhilarated her any time he touched her. She knew that she would probably do anything he asked. As his lips played over her breasts and sucked her hard nipples into his mouth, she wanted to fuck him, right then and there, and it had nothing to do with any secret vote.

Julia herself wasn’t exactly innocent. Her hands had found the front of his pants and managed to unzip him. With a little bit of exploration, she finally found out how big that thing he’d been hiding was. It still felt like ten inches to her. She loved the feel of it in her hands. She loved the sounds he made as she started to stroke him in the dark. She was a little disgusted when she made him cum, but she still licked a huge glob of it off her hand in the dark. Then she leaned over and quickly licked him clean.

Inevitably, the movie ended and they had to compose themselves. They couldn’t very well walk out of there half naked. Julia wanted to stay and continue, but it would have to wait. Where else in this mall could they be alone in a dark, quiet place?

After they left the theater, they walked through the mall hand in hand like the mushy, infatuated teenagers that they were, horny as hell and all over each other. Every once in a while, they would stop and kiss, or just sit and gaze into each other’s eyes. Just your typical teenage romance. No schemes or plots being hatched. No revenge being planned. This was genuine.

As chance would have it, who should they then bump into but Stephanie and Nikki. Stephanie was cheerful and friendly, as usual. Nikki, however, instantly saw an opportunity.

With a big fake cheerleader smile, Nikki said “Hey look who it is! I guess you finished with all the juniors, so now you’re going through the sophomores, right?”

Stephanie turned to her, surprised, “Nikki!” she exclaimed.

Julia looked at her, confused, and wasn’t sure what to say.

Zane raised his eyebrows, tilted his head, looked at her and said “Excuse me?”

There was no mistaking what Nikki was saying, and no missing the instant tension between the two.

Before Stephanie could interrupt, to diffuse the conversation, Nikki added

“Well your little play on Bella didn’t work so I assume now you’re going after all the sophomores like poor Julia here”

Now Julia was getting pissed off too. She wasn’t sure what the hell Nikki was talking about, but she knew she needed to be punched in the mouth. Julia was not really shy and quiet all of the time.

Zane turned to Julia, took her by the arm and they turned away, heading off in the opposite direction.

Stephanie had turned a slight shade of red, embarrassed by what her friend had just done.

As they walked away, Nikki shouted after them “He’s not going to vote for you, don’t believe him!”

Nikki and Zane

Seeing Zane with Julia had given Nikki the inklings of a plan. She was going to follow him. Stay on him. Catch him any time he was with any of the cheerleaders and let everyone know what he was doing. She was going to cock block him. Every chance she could. It wasn’t a good plan really, it had to backfire eventually, but she still thought herself devilishly clever.

Nikki started sitting wherever Zane was at lunch and adding little digs to his every conversation. She would show up right behind him when he was walking through the halls talking to any of the other girls, and she always had a snarky comment to add. She felt she was getting to him. Nikki was very happy with herself. All she was really doing was pissing people off. She was coming off as such of a bitch, and people were starting to notice. Bella thought it was hilarious and encouraged her to keep it up.

One morning, just after Zane and Natalie pulled into their customary morning parking spot at the school, who should pull up and park right next to them but Nikki and Bella. Fortunately, Zane and Natalie had already had their morning rendezvous at their other favorite place to park before coming to the school, so they were just parked, and talking before going in to class. Still, Nikki had to add her comment.

“OOOOh so it’s true about you two, you’ve been fucking him for nothing Nat, he’s not really gonna vote for you”

Natalie just looked at her like she was crazy. You could almost hear her thinking “What the fuck is wrong with you”

Nikki was getting to be a problem.

Zane decided Nikki had to be dealt with. Later that day, he found her and dragged her aside for a little conversation. Nikki went along with him willingly, smiling and smug in the knowledge that she was getting to him and ruining his scheme. Zane wasn’t angry though. He seemed very calm, almost amused, as he started the conversation. He had spoken with Carly earlier, and already had a plan of his own.

“Okay, what’s your problem?” he said

“You are” she answered. “Bella told me all about what you did at Carly’s party”

“And just what did I do?” Zane asked.

“You know what you did. You threatened to get her kicked off the squad if she didn’t fuck you”

“and you believed that?” he asked.

“I believe my friend, yeah” she answered. “And then I see you hitting on every girl in the entire school, probably threatening all of them with the same thing. You’re so pathetic.”

The fact was, Zane had not actually hit on anyone since the whole secret vote rumor started. He just sat back and let the interested parties come to him. In fact, the only girl he’d had sex with specifically to gain his vote, was Natalie. The rest was all just rumors.

“I didn’t hit on YOU” he answered.

“That’s because I’m to smart to fall for your bullshit” she shot back.

Zane smiled at her for a moment. He knew that Nikki really did believe everything Bella had told her. Truth be told, Nikki wasn’t really all that bright. She was pretty, she was a good loyal friend, but just not that smart. Bella was the brains of that operation, and that was what Zane was going to use against both of them.

Zane looked at her and asked “So, if you believe all of that. If you really believe that I somehow have the power to get her kicked off the squad, do you really think it’s such a good idea for you to be harassing me like you are? Don’t you think if I could get her kicked off the squad, I could do the same thing to you?”

Nikki had indeed not thought of that.

“You wouldn’t dare!” she screamed back at him.

“Why not?” he asked. “Is that really a risk you want to take? Maybe I should make you the same offer, you do still want to be a cheerleader next year don’t you?”

Then he added one more thing, the seed that he wanted to plant in Nikki’s feeble little brain.

“Nikki, you’re doing exactly what Bella wants you to do. You’re doing her dirty work for her. AGAIN. When are you gonna wake up and see how much she’s been using you for all these years?”

“What?” she asked. This line of thought confused her.

“When was the last time something worked out for YOU, if it didn’t work out for Bella too?” Zane asked.

“When was the last time Bella did something just to help YOU?” he added.

“Now she’s told you a story, you believed it and you’ve been acting like a total bitch. I won’t have to do anything to you, no one’s even going to want to talk to you after the way you’ve been acting. So, you’ll end up being the bitch, and Bella will come out smelling like roses, as usual. Keep it up”

Zane gave her a smile, then turned and walked away. That should give her something to think about.

Stephanie and Zane

Stephanie was troubled. Bella kept acting like a sad whiny little child. The constant chant of “Oh poor me, a boy wants to fuck me” was really just getting on her nerves. She knew that Bella had to be bending the facts, but after talking with Carly, she couldn’t figure out where. She also couldn’t figure out why. Did Zane do something to her? Was she just trying to get revenge for some perceived wrong done to her? Stephanie was tired of hearing about it.

The next chance she got, Stephanie grabbed Zane for a little chat. She decided to go right to the only other guy who was in the room.

Stephanie asked “Zane, can I ask you a question?”

Normally she would just ask, so this immediately got Zane’s attention. “Okay” he answered tentatively.

“Did you really threaten to get Bella kicked off the squad if she didn’t fuck you?” she asked.

Wow! She really didn’t hold back! Zane drew back, his eyes widened.

Zane obviously didn’t want to talk about this where people might hear them. He got up and pulled Stephanie along with him outside to the parking lot where they could talk.

“Did she tell you that?” he asked.

“Yup, after Carly’s party” she replied. “She said you pulled her bikini off and made her take pictures, then you climbed on top of her and told her that if she didn’t fuck you, you would make sure she didn’t make captain, and if she said anything about it that you’d get her kicked off the squad”

Zane’s first response was “Well that explains why Nikki has been acting the way she has, she obviously believes that lie, do you?”

Stephanie answered “I don’t know what to believe, that’s why I want your side of the story”

Stephanie wasn’t herself. She was usually very bubbly and perky, today she seemed very down, very distant and pre-occupied. Could she really be that upset over this? What had Bella actually told her?

So, Zane told her. “Look, I was in that room waiting for Carly’s mom to clear out before I went back out to the party. Bella walked in and started posing and telling me to take her picture, I have no idea why. The next thing I knew her bikini was off and she offered to let me take pictures of her naked, what guy is gonna turn that down?”

Stephanie answered “Oh I do not believe that. Bella would never do that. Not after her last time with the naked pics, her father would kill her”

Zane thought about it for a second, then pulled out his phone and brought up the pics of Bella. It would be good that somebody else knew about them, he could use Stephanie to get deeper into Bella’s head.

He started showing her the pictures and said “Does this look like anyone was forcing her to do anything?”

Stephanie had to admit, Bella looked like she was having a good time. A lot of the pics even looked like the two of them had been having sex. That was lie number one.

“And that’s all she told you?” Zane asked.

“She told us you said if she didn’t fuck you she would never make captain”

“So she skipped the blowjob entirely then?” He asked.

“What?” Stephanie asked, clearly a bit incredulous.

“Yeah, here’s what really happened. She came in there, stripped naked and told me I could take pictures, then she gave me a blowjob and said she’d fuck me if I promised to vote for her for captain”

“Come on Zane there is no way Bella would do that, she doesn’t even give her boyfriend blowjobs” she answered.

Zane knew that she wouldn’t believe him so he had already loaded the video. This would be even better. As far as he knew, Bella didn’t even know that he had video of her sucking his dick, she had her eyes closed almost the whole time. He knew that this would get back to her. If she was scared of what he would do before, the idea of him posting this video somewhere would just take away any last ounce of resistance she had left.

He showed Stephanie the video.

Stephanie watched for just a few moments, amazed and disgusted at the same time. There was no mistaking that it was Bella in the video, she could only assume it was also Zane. That was lie number two.

After a moment, Stephanie let out a disgusted grunt and handed back his phone. Clearly watching her friend suck someone off was not her thing, but she did have one more question.

“Bella said you told her that the girls who set this up would never admit it. Who set this up?” she asked.

“Who set what up? I never said that, I don’t know what she’s talking about. She’s the one who came sneaking in there to find me, how could anyone set that up? She probably set the whole thing up herself, or she’s just trying to find a way to blame it on someone else as usual”

Again, that idea had already occurred to her.

As they returned to classes Stephanie still did not seem at all her herself, she was clearly preoccupied with something. Was this really bothering her that much? Was Stephanie going to be a problem too?

Stephanie and Bella

The truth is, Stephanie had been having an awful couple of weeks. It seemed as if her life was spinning out of control. Issues with her family made home stressful. Her parents were fighting a lot. Her boyfriend was being a total ass. Things were all just piling up on her, and cheer was her one safe space. All these silly rumors about the secret vote were amusing, and it was hilarious watching the more gullible members of the squad fall all over Zane because they thought it was him and he could help them out. But anyone with half a brain could figure out that the secret vote was like Bigfoot, it didn’t exist.

Now Bella was bringing all her damned drama into it as usual. Bella, Bella Bella, it always had to be about Bella. Did she really buy into the whole secret vote thing? Was she that stupid? Then again, Bella did seem genuinely upset when she had come to them telling her story. She had actually cried real tears. Bella wasn’t that good of an actress. Was someone really trying to set her up? Poor Stephanie couldn’t even think.

The next time she was alone with Bella, Stephanie decided to get some answers, real answers this time.

She asked “Bella ... what really happened at that party? Why would you even go in that back room with Zane?”

“What?” Bella asked. “I went in there to return his phone to him. The next thing I know he’s pulling my clothes off and trying to climb on top of me” she said.

“How did you have his phone?” Stephanie asked.

“Carly dropped it on the counter and asked one of us to return it to him after her and Julia came out of there” Bella answered truthfully.

“Wait, one of us who?” Stephanie asked.

“Sara, Ashley and I were in the kitchen refilling snacks when Carly, her mom, and Julia came out of the back room” she answered.

A light went on in Stephanie’s head. Carly put his phone on the counter? Sara? Ashley? Was Carly really part of this after all? Were they all setting her up? Would they do that? And if so, why? Of course, she knew why, but before she could think about it anymore she had to clear up one more thing.

“So why did you go after Zane then? Are you believing the whole secret vote bullshit?” she asked.

Bella got very defensive. “I didn’t go after him! He practically tore my bathing suit off and the next thing I knew he was on top of me on the bed” she said.

Stephanie just looked at her with exasperation and said “Bella, I saw the pictures of you and him in that bed, it looked like you were having a pretty good time to me”

Bella screamed “What? Where did you see those?”

“Zane showed them to me” she answered.

“Great. I suppose he’s showing them to everybody now.” Bella said, sounding defeated.

Then Stephanie said “If I were you I’d worry more about the video than the pictures”

That caught Bella by surprise. “What video?” she asked.

“The one of you sucking his dick” Stephanie answered.

“I DID NOT!” she said angrily.

Stephanie just looked at her and said “Bella, I saw it. It’s obviously you, and your definitely ... doing that.”

Bella didn’t know what to say.

Bella was dumbstruck. She just sat there, staring, in shock, at what Stephanie had just told her. Her mind was racing. How could he have video? Her thoughts went into overdrive. What was he going to do with that? If that ever got out ... her life would be over. Literally.

Bella was trying hard not to burst into tears again.

After looking at the facts, and gauging Bella’s reaction to the video news, Stephanie decided this was obviously not one of Bella’s scams. She had clearly fallen for the whole secret vote scam, and tried to get on Zane’s good side. Now with that video, Zane really could get Bella to do probably anything he wanted. Still, she was tired of Bella’s constant drama. She just wanted things back the way they always were. She offered Bella the only advice she could think of at the moment.

“You know Bella, there’s an obvious way out of this” she said.

Defeated, Bella asked “What’s that?”

Stephanie answered “Just fuck him”

And then she added “I' did”

Red CzarReport 

2020-12-19 02:07:24
Thanks for your comments everyone! Feel free to PM me, I love to hear from readers.
Lots of other stories posted at Wrist and Storiesonline

Red CzarReport 

2018-10-21 05:16:22
Thank you DBuck, I'm glad you are enjoying them!


2018-10-17 19:44:42
I think this is great! and you are a great writer.
@albetofatto, If you do not like RedCzar's stories, then why do you keep coming back, reading and giving negative votes. You have given a negative vote on evry one of RedCzar't stories...TROLL


2018-08-13 06:57:24
More please, how long? :)


2018-07-30 18:24:20
Lol how many alts are you gonna make to upvote this trash?

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