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Toman faces loss with supreme anger.

Gwendydd - sister

Morgenau - brother

Morial - brother

Morien - brother

Mordaf - brother - Naci's father

New Council Members







Clondal - female

Lyndeth - female



It had been two days since all three of us had returned. Rigal and Naci were still out of it. The healing, plus pain had obviously been far more than both could take. I needed both of them up when we started to plan what we were to do next. I just hoped that Ukobach didn't have enforcers after us. That would be bad considering the shape we were all in.

Though Rigal was now with us, I still set out everything I could to warn us. I tried to flex my arm feeling all the healing that Naci had tried to do. She'd taken quite a bit of the pain, though the bone still wasn't completely whole. Releasing a sigh I knew that the show we had put on had to be convincing. Otherwise all of this would be for nothing.

I finished with what I could do, and then went back into the mage house. I sat there for the longest time just looking at Naci. I had to admit I was starting to feel a hell of a lot more for her. I shook my head was I following in love with her? As I had told her, I had been hiding for so long I wasn't too sure of what any feeling was now.

I jumped when Naci stirred in her sleep; rushing to her I looked her over making sure she was alright. Breathing a sigh of relief I sat to think things through. A noise in the other room of the mage house drew my eyes to the doorway. With a groan of pain Rigal appeared still not feeling the best. I held up a hand then pointed outside. Nodding he followed me out.

Both of us sat before a single word was spoken. I had managed to make us something to drink.

"So you think that your father was convinced by our performance?" I finally asked after a few moments of silence.

Rigal seemed to be deep in thought before he turned to me, "Almost any other I'd say yes. That slimy bastard I can't be that sure of. The fact that you took out his arm pushed your point more in our favor. As for the rest it's really hard to say. You know he's going to try and contact me soon."

"Yes, I've thought of that. Are you going to be able to convince him? I mean you are supposed to be without one of your arms." I asked Rigal hoping that we could pull this off.

"I've got no problem there. As much as I hate that son of a bitch, my anger can mask almost anything." Rigal replied his face twisting in a mask of anger. "With all he has done to my mother I've got no problem helping you end him."

I nodded; anger was at times one of the best motivators. The only problem with it is that no one can maintain it as long as they want to. Though I knew that Rigal had been feeling it a long time could even he hold it a long time?

I was about to speak again when I heard a soft groan from the mage house. Springing up, I was beside Naci in moments. As her eyes fluttered open I saw a huge smile come to her lips.

"I hope you are better husband. I put quite a bit of my energy into your healing. Though I am afraid I am not strong enough to completely heal you." She said quietly.

"You did exceptionally well. Considering I am far more powerful than you I am surprised you got as much done as you did." I told her which caused an even wider smile to light her face up. "Though you did expend more energy than I felt you should have. You almost completely exhausted yourself. Please, don't push that far again."

Naci was nodding when her head suddenly snapped up as she was staring into my eyes. Her mouth dropped open as she stared harder then she was nodding her head. "I will be more careful my husband, my love." This last a barely audible whisper.

I swallowed hard when I heard these words, why was my heart hammering away so hard in my chest? "Thank you Naci, I worry about you when you push so hard."

Again Naci was staring at me then a sly smile replaced her first smile. "I will work harder not to worry you husband."

I was staring back at Naci, my eyes squinting, as I was having a hard time with the whole conversation. Shaking my head I thought to let it go, problem is would I remember later? For some reason I seriously doubted it.

I brought a bowl of what I considered mush for Naci to eat. Taking a sniff I saw her nose wrinkle a bit, and then she took a spoonful. The grimace I saw cover her face let me know it was awful. Sighing I nodded as I took the bowl from her.

"I'm sorry Naci cooking isn't one of my strongest talents. I just wanted to make something to get you stronger." Shaking my head I watched as she took the bowl from me again forcing another bite in her mouth. Wincing as I watched her swallow quickly to avoid the taste. A moment later I saw her eyes fly open as she stretched her arms and legs.

"I will admit husband, the taste could be much better. Though I have to admit that the effects are fantastic! I'm not sure I want to know exactly what you have in this, though I have to thank you. I feel much better already," here she lowered her head as she whispered, "Thank you my husband."

I felt myself blush, though for the life of me I had no idea why. "I need you, if we are to finish this." I told Naci seeing her look at me closer, and then an even larger smile spread across her face.

"I need you also husband. Never have a doubt that I am with you in everything." Naci said then stood leaning over to kiss the on the lips. "Everything."

I couldn't move as I felt rooted to the spot. I also noticed that Naci was walking unsteadily as she moved off from me. Finally I went back out only to be greeted by Rigal's huge grin then the shaking of his head as he stared at the both of us.

I was about to speak when Rigal's face went tense, he waved at everything then put a hand over his eyes. Nodding I waved my good arm feeling my power try to move everything. Damn it! I was still about half power as half the camp near Rigal vanished. Growling I concentrated harder finally getting the second half to vanish. Nodding to him, then I was gone.

[Rigal!] Came the screaming thoughts of Ukobach. [I need you back here NOW! How can I expect to maintain control if I only have one arm?!]

Growling Rigal's thoughts screamed back, [Deal with it you putrid piece of shit! I'm still operating with one arm you can do the same. Now leave me the hell alone, I hurt that son of a bitch I want to finish him before he can heal. That bitch wife of his is a healer though I doubt she can do much as strong as he is.]

[Strong?! That bastard seed isn't strong, where are you getting these illusions?] Came Ukobach's thoughts.

[Come on! He took your damn arm as if it was nothing. He's a hell of a lot stronger than you are. Face it his power is growing and you know it. I AM the only one who can take him. Now shut the hell up, let me do my job you ass!] Rigal's thoughts shot back.

I was trying to speed up my healing as I tried to also listen in on what was going on with Rigal. I had already gotten all the pain to fade with the arm bone three fourths healed now. I was pouring on the power when I felt a portal open near Rigal. What the hell was going on?

I opened the mage eyes more as I saw a different type of portal open. That's when I felt a lot of power start to come through. Swallowing hard I could feel at least ten enforcers with Ukobach as he stepped out. Damn it I wasn't ready.

Appearing near our old camp I tried to open another portal as soon as Ukobach stepped out. Luckily I got the first nine sent back when the second portal faded. Growling I threw up a shield as I appeared in the camp freezing Rigal and the enforcer. Damn it I could feel my power starting to fade some when Ukobach started to open up on me. Hitting my shield I saw the shots flying in several directions including toward where I had left Naci.

I tried to fire back finding I had to drop my shield to even do anything. It was almost the moment that I actually got a shot through hitting Ukobach that I heard Naci scream then nothing. I reached out to her feeling nothing.

"So it appears that I got one of you wild magic users. Good better to kill you before you can breed more monsters like yourself." Then Ukobach made the mistake of laughing about the situation. I felt my anger flare pushing my power up, then double then triple. Ukobach's eyes went large as I was getting through more and more several places now bleeding on his face and one arm. "My work is almost done. When you are ready to die come for me. Like Merlin you have lost the one that was perfect for you. Like him you are just as pathetic!"

I growled as my power rose further, causing Ukobach to curse as he grabbed the enforcer. Then he tried to get Rigal as I started to fire faster. "Fine, keep the bitch! He's past his usefulness anyway." Ukobach said as he spat at his son. Turning he was entering his portal as I struck him in the back singeing him. I smiled as I heard him scream even as I watched the portal slam shut.

I turned toward Rigal a look of extreme anger on my face. Growling at him, I waved a hand appearing in what was left of our mage camp. Falling to my knees I only stare at the massive devastation. I reached out trying to feel for Naci shocked when there was nothing. Looking around I found several articles of her clothing burned almost beyond recognition.

I waved my hand as I tried to watch what had happened. I dropped my head when I saw Naci watching the blasts her mouth dropping open as they started to hit in the camp. Then to my horror I heard her scream when they hit where she stood.

A moment later Rigal appeared as the tears started to fall from my face. "I suggest," I said taking a deep breath. "You best not get near me. I will honor my promise to you; your mother will be free soon. I suggest you hide 'til you are better." I stood turning toward him my eyes glowing with the excess power I was keeping in. "I will kill him have no fear." With that I waved my hand vanishing not noticing that all my wounds were completely healed.

Rigal could only stand there his mouth open. I had vanished into time without a portal a first for me. Though when another portal opened in front of him his shock got even greater.

I felt I was traveling for days when I appeared in the magic world before a well guarded building. There had to be more than a hundred enforcers there. All of them bristled when I appeared though for about three fourths of them that was all. The rest I started to fling in several directions as I steadily advanced on the building. As the last hit the wall slumping down I ripped the front of the building off.

I could see more than a dozen spells to keep who was in there prisoner. Grunting I ripped all those to shreds. The older female held there trembled as I waved a hand at her sending her to a place I knew she'd be safe and undetected. Smiling I thought that ought to piss him off royally, then I waved a hand vanishing. I might not give a shit about the enforcers though I'd probably kill the next bunch I met.

I again appeared at the edge of a forest. Looking around I could see that past the edge it was considerably darker. Nodding I thought the Dark Range, perhaps here I can expel the excess power that I could feel clawing through my veins.

I took a step forward seeing at least twenty sets of eyes appear. Growling I slashed at them hearing several screams of pain. Almost all the eyes owners fell out of the tree line into the light bursting into flames. Shrugging I made my way into the trees not caring if I had to destroy everything in order to grow stronger.

It was almost two hours later when I stopped before a great lake of water. Behind me there was a path of a great many dead creatures. I'd hardly slowed up as I moved forward, though the deeper I got, the more I killed it seemed the less I had to kill.

I took a step onto the water when several arms rose out of it to try and pull me down. Making a chopping motion several screamed though a few continued to grasp me. I felt my anger and power grow again suddenly the rest let go shrieking in high voices.

Making my way forward I was stopped several times. Inciting my anger even more as now a trail of blood lay on top of the water all around me. Obviously something or someone was afraid that I'd make it to the island I was starting to see ahead of me.

I shook my head as it seemed each step I took seemed to attract more and more powerful creatures. They all seemed bent on trying to put a stop to my progress. That wasn't about to happen I needed this and more if I was going to get all of the anger out of me. Plus the fact that I felt that I was punishing wickedness helped a lot also.

I remembered what Merlin had told me about Morgan le Fay, about all the evil that was in her. I nodded my head, good I'd destroy her that would make my power high enough to take out that piece of garbage Ukobach. I almost smiled at the thought of destroying her; at least she and Merlin would have a chance together again.

Not so for Naci and me, I was at a point that it was going to be a very long time before I passed. Looking around I thought I might come back here after I destroyed Ukobach. So far there wasn't anything here that was even half my power. I'd probably become too powerful. Not that it really mattered, the one person I cared more than any other was gone.

Advancing forward again I shook my head when I met her, I expected she was going to be like going against Merlin. Though she was going to be completely evil like Ukobach.

Plus with Merlin dead there was really no sense in trying to save her. She had nothing, nor no one to go back to. Unlike me who had family though, how would I be able to face them? Then there was Naci's father I'm sure he wouldn't want to ever see me again.

I imagined that all of Naci's Uncles and her Aunt might want my head also. Letting out a sigh I wondered if

history was repeating itself. It had started with the only friend I had turning on me, now it appeared Naci's family was going to also.

As I was drawing closer to the shore I thought about Pops I was sure he wasn't that happy about the whole situation. Then I thought about mother I had promised to bring father back. I also knew that this would probably be the last thing I did before I was destroyed. With a determined step I finally made the shore.

Several creatures rushed out of the trees towards me their mouths salivating to taste my flesh. Making slashing, chopping, and smashing motions I watched the first line drop like stones though in several pieces. Repeating the motions I watched twice as many in the second line also fall just as fast.

Finally the third line stopped hesitating at the tree line. I shook my head as I did a sweeping motion clearing a great many from in front of me into the water. A great clamoring back to land was cut short as almost all of the creatures were dragged down. Shrugging I smiled, it served them right trying to take me on. As of yet I hadn't even powered up half way.

As I started to advance again I felt a hell of a lot more power than I had before. Nodding I could feel that it was familiar and a lot like Merlin's power. I guessed she would be considering she had spent as much time with him.

The thing was I thought that by now she'd have moved out to attack me. From what I could feel she was stationary. It felt almost as if she was at the exact center of all of this. Smiling I thought about all of the evil of this place IF she was the center then when she was gone perhaps it would disappear also.

Hmmmm I thought, that would be a great legacy to leave if I really cared. I was about to take another step when I felt the fatigue well up in me. That's when I felt that I had been moving forward for over a week. Again? What was going on that I was missing time as it passed? It had only felt like seven hours not seven days.

I looked inside noticing that I had a time stop spell on me. Alright when had I done that? Then I looked back blinking in shock at the massive amount of dead and dying creatures that were behind me. Turning back I shook my head as I headed straight for the large power that I was certain was Morgana.

This time it took a whole day to walk the miles to where she was. Finally breaking into a clearing I was shocked at what I found.

At first I thought there were two trees in the center of it. Looking closer I could see two faces in the trunks of the trees. Looking closer I could see that the one that looked like Morgana was far easier to make out.

Firing a bolt of energy at Morgana I saw her face become clearer then went back to what it had been. It was at that moment I heard a voice in my head. [You are far too late to save her she is mine!]

"Save her?" I stated then started laughing. "Oh no, I am here to destroy her for what she has done."

I heard a laughing as I powered up firing an even stronger bolt at the Morgana tree. Again her face became clearer as her head turned toward me. [Stop this you haven't the power.] Morgana thought to me.

I started to laugh, "I am far more powerful than you think, or is the trail of death I left not enough to convince you?"

I heard a scream from I guess it was the other tree as several branches started to reach for me. Then the scream grew louder as the branches were crushed as soon as they touched my shield. "Told you, you piece of filth. I am a hell of a lot stronger than you think. I am here to destroy Morgana, get in the way, I'll destroy you also."

I turned back toward the Morgana tree though there was far less of the tree part. Firing a blast twice as powerful I felt Morgana's own shield start to snap up.

An evil smile crossed her face as more of the tree disappeared. "So boy," came a quiet whispering voice. "You think you are more powerful than I am? We shall see soon."

I sighed mightily trying to anger her more, so far I had only gone half power hardly worth the time to come here. I guess I was going to have to make her as mad as I could. "You, powerful? Please I've felt the creatures coming here have more power than you."

"You impertinent, impetuous boy! I have more power in my hand than you do in your whole body!" Morgana said her voice growing stronger as I felt her power, good I thought. Even as I watched her legs were starting to fuse back together as one. From the waist up she was pretty much human looking. Good I thought finally I'll have a chance to destroy her. I just hope I can hold off destroying her long enough to get my power higher.

I released a slightly stronger blast that barely singed her arm. Morgana's eyes went wide then a smile dominated her features. "So you can hide your power, I think I'm going to like killing you the most." Even as she said this she pulled one of her legs out of the ground her power rising as her leg did.

Smiling, I released an even bigger blast that had her ducking. Nodding she released her first blast toward me expecting me to obviously bounce it back at her. Smiling at her I just moved aside letting her blast fly past. She nodded as I could see that she was slightly impressed.

The first tree had regrouped and was reaching toward Morgana. I could hear the thoughts of it screaming that Morgana was its. Then to Morgana and the first tree's surprise the branches were again shredded a few feet from Morgana.

I made a motion toward the tree freezing it. I felt it wouldn't last long though I felt it would be enough to finish this with her. When I turned back to Morgana she was staring at me it seemed she was at war with herself as I heard her whisper.

"You know him, please help me. He wouldn't have let you come if you couldn't help." She asked of me. Damn it not again. How in the hell do these females keep getting me like this.


2018-08-03 11:33:39
Your stories are great can't wait for the next chapter

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