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About six years ago, Kyle and his girlfriend Carrie, moved from the Fort Lauderdale area to Big Pine Keys, of the Florida Keys. Kyle had a successful remodeling and home building business going, but had always loved going to the keys and wanted to make it his home one day. Carrie was not really thrilled with the idea, since she grew up in The Fort Lauderdale area and all her friends were there.
About six years ago, Kyle and his girlfriend Carrie, moved from the Fort Lauderdale area to Big Pine Keys, of the Florida Keys. Kyle had a successful remodeling and home building business going, but had always loved going to the keys and wanted to make it his home one day. Carrie was not really thrilled with the idea, since she grew up in The Fort Lauderdale area and all her friends were there.

Kyle, who was 32 at this time, and Carrie 30, had been together over 8 years, living the last six with each other. Kyle wanted to marry her but Carrie did not feel the need for a stupid piece of paper saying they were together. That always sat uneasy in the back of Kyle’s mind, but he never mentioned it to Carrie, who can be a bit selfish.

Carrie, was the typical blond hair, blue eyed babe you see on any beach in Florida. Great tan, killer body. Always in need of attention from anyone who was around her. 5’ 6, 120 pounds, 34C boobs, and a great ass. Kyle, who stands 5’ 10, 180 pounds with brown hair and eyes, was in great shape too, since he worked in construction. Many of Carrie’s friends would flirt with him and would probably go to bed with him, regardless of their friendship with Carrie. But Kyle never strayed, or felt the need too.

Sexually, they were like any young couple when they first got together. They couldn’t keep their hands off of each other. Even after they started living together, they were horny for each other all the time. At least 5 times a week, and very experimental. He loved eating her, and she loved performing oral on him as well, and no position was out of the question, except anal. But, as with all couples, the sex starts to diminish a bit, and by the time they made the move to Big Pine, it was usually twice a week and mostly missionary position was all she wanted. Even the oral stopped on her part at least, but always allowed Kyle his fill of her pussy.

Also, a year before they moved, she started hanging out with a different crowd, which included going to nightclubs on the weekends. Kyle would go, but not always, and when he didn’t Carrie would get home well past 1am, and usually drunk. And she always dressed to the nines when she went out, which many a man enjoyed viewing. Kyle did hope that once they moved, she would settle down and hopefully want to start a family. Carrie had put off having kids, just saying she wasn’t ready to be a mom yet.

Chapter 1

Kyle found 2 houses for sale down there. One was closer to the town area and the second out by the Atlantic, with the beach about 100 yards out from the back door. The one by town really needed to work done to it at all. Most of completely refurbished in the last 5 years. The other one was a true fixer upper and needed lots of work, and was about 20 grand more expensive, probably due to the location of the beach. It was the type that looked like it belonged on a plantation. Both the back and the front had porches, for both levels, but they definitely needed an overhaul. The interior looked like its last update was back in the 60’s or 70’s. Of course though, Carrie wanted this one. So Kyle wanting to please her, put a bid in and was shocked when the owners accepted the bid for 25 grand less than asking price.

Kyle’s house in Fort Lauderdale sold quickly and he made a nice profit on it. So three months later, they made their move to Big Pine Key. Once they moved in, Kyle made up flyers for his fledgling business. He was glad that there was a big home center, lumber yard only 20 miles up the coast., so supplies should not be a big issue. And after two weeks there, Carrie landed a job as a secretary for a insurance business operated by an older woman, and what they come to learn later, her lesbian lover. Kyle also found work for this one couple a few miles away, who wanted a new kitchen in their home. So hopefully things would look up from here.

Carrie did bitch about how old the house looked inside and would be embarrassed to have any of her friends down there for a visit. Kyle said that they should start painting the downstairs rooms first, but any major renovations would have to wait for a bit. But Kyle already had a plan in his mind on what he wanted to do with the place.

The house on their left side was a rental property, and they had yet to see any tenants use it. On the their right side was a house similar to theirs. They had met the couple, who had a teenage daughter. Reginald and Isabella, and their daughter Katherine. They preferred Reg, Bella and Kate. Both of the adults had English accents, but Kate’s was American. She was quite shy too and hardly spoke. They just chalked it up to her being a teen.

Bella and Carrie sort of struck up a friendship and on many occasions they would go and relax on the beach. Now Bella was a looker too. She was 36, 5’ 4, and skinny. If she weighed 110, then it was soaking wet. Her boobs probably bordered on B cup, but most likely A cup, but she did have a nice, round ass, and loved wearing short shorts or thong bikinis when sunbathing. Her husband Reg, well he was tall. 6’3, but also skinny, maybe 170 at best, but was an ok looking guy. He was a Hedge fund manager for a firm in Miami, but did most of his work from his home. 2 or 3 days a week, he would venture up to Miami, and stay there, in an apartment they had there. Bella was a stay at home mom. They had been living down there for the past 12 years.

One thing Kyle did notice that Reg seemed more interested in Kyle than Carrie. Most guys just looked past Kyle and always concentrated on Carrie, and why not, she was a looker. Although Kyle was not a homophobic, it did give him the creeps at times, when they would do a BBQ or any other affair with their neighbors, that Reg always sat by Kyle and any chance he could, he would brush against him, or touch him. But Kyle kept his thoughts to himself and just went on without saying a word to anyone.

Now Bella, she was a flirt too, but very subtle, but liked to touch as well. Kyle did not mind this, and even thought that if he wasn’t with Carrie, he make a move on Bella. She always was very friendly to both of them, and like was mentioned earlier, she and Carrie got along pretty good. Bella also enjoyed coming over and visiting, even if Carrie wasn’t there. Her normal dress was a pair of cut off jean shorts, or some sort of short shorts that showed off her ass, and any top she wore, it was sans a bra. One thing Kyle loved was her accent. He thought it was very sexy to hear.

Chapter 2

Over the next year and a half, Kyle started remodeling their home. Kitchen first, then took the two bedrooms upstairs, facing the ocean, and made them one big room with a huge walk in closet and a master bath, complete with a big shower, and two big rain style shower heads. His thought was that they could shower together, but that has yet to happen.

His work was really going good too. He was able to secure enough jobs to make a comfortable living, and hire workers, so he could have two crews going at once. His demand really grew during the fall, when Hurricane season came. They may avoid one, but usually some high winds would still make damage to area homes.

Carrie was still not thrilled with living down there. At first she would go up for a day to her hometown and spend with friends. Lately, since the house was looking better, she had some of them down for a weekend stay. Kyle knew all the girls, 4 in all, and two of them were married. The two single one’s were polar opposite. Ginny was outgoing and always friendly, and Becky, well she was a bitch on wheels. A gorgeous blond, and very stuck up. Carrie had told him years ago, that if you didn’t have money, she wanted nothing to do with you, if you were a man.

Now Ginny was 5’ 6, 120 pounds, blond, blue eyed and very good looking too. She was a huge flirt and had often try to come on to Kyle. She told him once that if Carrie and he ever broke up, she’d be right there to sooth his feelings, and fuck his brains out. In fact, the last time they were down, which was a week before, she was in the kitchen, bent over looking for something in the fridge. She had on a red thong bikini.

Both Carrie and Kyle were in there too, and then Ginny backed up, and right into Kyle, with her ass directly on Kyle’s pelvic region. Carrie saw that and laughed, but then said, “Shit Ginny, you get him hard and you will have to take care of it.”

Kyle shook his head and just walked away, before anything more could be done or said. Had he not been with Carrie, he would have enjoyed having sex with Ginny. From what Carrie had told him in the past, she was a nympho, and loved sex with men and women. Kyle had always wondered if Carrie might have a bi streak in her as well. Not that it would matter, for her, sex was just something she had to do anymore. He was lucky if he got it once every two weeks now. And talk of kids wasn’t even worth the effort.

But, for Kyle, he was true to her and his business, which was really starting to take off. He was even looking at jobs down in Key West, which was a 45 minute run. He also started pouring himself into work a lot more too. At first, he tried hard to make it an 8 to 4 or 5 type of work day. But with him and Carrie arguing more and her disinterest in life, he was working longer hours now.

Over the next year, his business had him living quite comfortably, and even Reg and Bella wanted him to remodel some things in their home. But now, Carrie was going up to the Lauderdale area at least once a month, and instead of going up on Saturday and home by noon on Sunday’s, she was leaving early Friday afternoons and spending the whole weekend up there, and arriving home late Sunday evenings.

For about 6 months, this put them into being there over 3 years, of Carrie taking her little trips up north, Kyle had had enough of it. He came home that one Friday to find a note from Carrie, saying she was headed up to Lauderdale and would be back Sunday.

“Fuck” he thought. She was just up there two weeks ago. It started going through his head that maybe she met someone up there. “Well” he thought, “When you get back, you either start acting like you want to be with me, or leave” his thoughts swirled in his head.

Later that evening, Kyle was sitting out by the pool having a beer and listening to some music when his phone beeped with a text. He figured it was Carrie, but then saw it was from a number he didn’t recognize, but was from the Lauderdale, Pompano Beach area.

So he opened it and saw it was a video of some sort. When hit the play button, his heart sank to the ground and felt like throwing up. He then screamed out “Fuck” over and over.

Chapter 3

Next door, Bella and Kate were sitting around their pool as well. Reg was up in Miami still. Kate was going to be a senior this year. When Bella heard Kyle scream and cuss, she looked at Kate, and told her to wait here that she was going to see what was wrong. Kate was fine by that because she did not interact with people well. She only associated with one girlfriend and her cousins, who live up by Miami.

Bella ran next door and found Kyle still on his patio. His head was down and he was holding his phone as he sat in his seat, but she could tell he was very upset. She walked up to him and pulled a chair near him, as she listened to him sob. It was breaking her heart to see him like this.

“Sweetie?” she said. She always calls him Sweetie now. “What’s wrong? What has you so upset”

Kyle just sat there and did not answer. But after a minute, he handed her the phone. Bella took it from him and opened the text and hit the play button. She was stunned at what she saw.

Carrie was on her hands and knees, on some couch, while she was being fucked by some guy. On the same couch was another girl facing her, getting it as well, and both girls were kissing. Then she heard the one girl ask Carrie about Kyle.

“Fuck Kyle. He took me down to that god forsaken island. I gotta get out of there soon. Oh yeah Johnny. Oh Fuck Yeah Baby. Fuck that pussy. That pussy is yours for now on Baby”

Bella turned it off, not caring if there was more to it. She put the phone down on the adjacent table and took his hands in hers.

“Oh Sweetie. I am so sorry. You don’t deserve this at all. I’m here for you” is all she could think of saying to him.

Kyle started to get up, but then sat down on the ground and started crying. Bella sank to the ground too and pulled him into her and mothered him. Holding him tight and letting him cry it out. She held him without saying anything to him. They sat there for almost 45 minutes without saying a word until Kyle finally spoke.

“I’m sorry you had to see me like this. But thank you Bella, you are a good friend. What am I going to do?”

“No Sweetie. No thanks needed. You are a good friend to me, us, and anytime you need to talk, you just ask. As for what you do? I don’t know what to tell you, except get some rest tonight and calm down. Never say anything while you are upset. Come on, let me get you into bed and try and get some sleep.”

She helped to his feet and guided him inside and up the master bedroom. This was the first time Bella had ever seen it, since it was remodeled. “Man, this looks great. I definitely need him to redo ours.”, she thought. She also noticed that their bed faced the window that looked out to the window at her house and her bedroom.

Kyle sat on the bed and Bella told him to take off his shirt, then lie back on the bed. When he did remove his shirt, she saw his tan, muscular body, his 6 pack abs, and had some very naughty thoughts then, but tried to hide them.

She kissed his forehead, then turned out the lights and went home. Arriving back home she saw that Kate had turned off the outdoor lights and went to bed. Bella then locked the door, turned off the kitchen lights and headed to bed herself. As she walked past Kate’s room, she could hear moaning. She smiled inwardly that Kate was taking care of her needs. Bella had taught her that masturbation was natural and a good thing and even showed her how to use toys. They even masturbated together, and played a little with each other. Was it wrong? Yes, to some it would be, but not to Bella. She knew her daughter was an introvert, and a very “plain jane” type of person, and finding a guy to please her would be a long shot, at best.

Bella stripped down and crawled into her bed alone, again. She took out her favorite dildo and turned it on and started rubbing her clit with it. Her thoughts went to Kyle and his sexy body. Although she had never seen him naked, Carrie used to tell her how big he was. 7 inches, and as think as an English cucumber, with a big mushroom head. It wasn’t the size of it that mattered, it was Carrie saying how well he used it, and his tongue was to die for.

Bella thought about how Reg used to be a tiger in the sack. He wasn’t big like Kyle, only a bit over 5 inches, and not all that thick, but it felt good to Bella. They did anything and everything sexually. She even enjoyed anal with him, which was all he wanted now. They even tried swinging a couple of times. They met this one couple a few years back, down in Key West and had a blast. The woman was bi and introduced her to that world, and she loved it. But was thrown for a loop when Reg and the guy blew each other. She was open minded enough to handle it, it just looked weird to her to see that. But Reg really liked it. They started seeing them for a few months, but then it grew old, and they hadn’t seen them in years now.

Bella’s thoughts also started looking at her life right now. Reg and her are down to maybe once a month sexually and always anal. Then she wondered, “does Reg have some tart on the side up there?”

Now the toy entered her pussy and she started to moan thinking of Kyle’s cock sliding in and out, while they kiss passionately. She quietly moaned out, “Oh Fuck Kyle. Yes. Fuck me just like that” as she sped her hand up to help her achieve her orgasm. Then her body started to convulse as her orgasm overtook her being. Softly she said, “Yes Baby, I’m cumming. Fill me with your seed lover’”

Little did Bella know, but Kate was standing by her slightly open door. She was naked and playing with her pussy as her mom used her imagination to fuck Kyle. Kate was super horny now and went back to her bed and pulled out her toy and thought of Kyle as well. She would love to give herself to him one day. Let him make her a woman, and teach her about sex.

After cumming, Bella sucked on the dildo. She loves tasting her cum. She’d love tasting Kyle’s, but doubt that would ever happen. Why would he even bother with an older, skinny broad like her.

Chapter 4

Kyle awoke the next morning from a fitful night's sleep. His mind was like mush. The woman he loved cheated on him and made him sound like he was worthless to her. He usually went to job sites to check on them but did not feel up to it. All he did was sit around and mope, most of the day.

It was in the afternoon, he made his decision on what do do about Carrie. He was mad at himself for not noticing it sooner, that she really hated being here. He loved down here and figured he should just set her free to be the whore she really is.

He took out his phone and sent Carrie a text.

“Sometime today, or tomorrow, stop at a U-haul and rent a panel van, and come home with it.” then hit send.

About 10 minutes later, he got a response from her. “Why? What’s up?”

His hand shaking, he sent back a copy of the video. Then right after that, he sent another text.

“Your shit will be on the front porch waiting on you. Fuck me huh? Nope. That will never happen again. I never want to see you again, or hear from you.” then hit send.

30 minutes later, Carrie texted back. “I’m sorry, but let me explain”

Kyle just chuckled to himself, then texted, “Nothing to explain. You have no respect or love for me, so have Johnny take care of you now”

Carrie then tried calling, but Kyle just ignored her. After about the tenth time she tried calling, he shut the phone down. He then went upstairs and pulled out her suitcases and started throwing her stuff inside them. Once they were filled, he used big garbage bags. The only furniture she had was a bedroom suit in the guest bedroom. Once he disassembled them, he drug them downstairs and onto the front lawn, along with her suitcases and bags.

Kyle had hoped it would rain, but that wasn’t in the forecast for the next few days. That evening, Bella and Kate came over. They brought over some pizza, figuring he wouldn’t have eaten, and they were right. Both women had on shorts and bikini tops. Kyle wasn’t really in the mood for company, but could not turn them away, especially after Bella lent her shoulder and ear to cry on last night.

They all sat at the island and ate. Bella even let Kate drink wine, like Kyle and Bella were. There was some small talk, but nothing that touched on the main subject. Kyle did ask Kate where she planned on attending college. Kate smiled a little and said that she was going to do it online from the university of Phoenix. She wants to be an interior designer. Kyle was impressed, but not surprised by her staying home and not going off to some school.

Kyle responded by telling her, “Good. I may need an interior designer soon. Maybe after you graduate next spring, you come work for me and learn the trade too. You can be like Joanna and I’ll be Chip Gaines.”

“Really? I watch them all the time. She is so cool and knows so much.” she said with a smile on her face.

This was the most emotion that Kyle ever seen come from her. Even at birthday parties that he and Carrie came to for her, she never showed much emotion. Bella was beaming when she saw how Kate’s face lit up. Then Kate asked if she could watch some TV. Kyle told her where the remote was, in the family room area, and off she went.

After she was safely out of earshot, Bella spoke. “You do realize that she’ll expect you to hold to those words.” she said and Kyle nodded in agreement.

“I see that you made a decision about her. I hope that was after you slept some, and not rushed into?” she asked.

“I thought long and hard about it. This relationship was doomed before we ever moved here. She never wanted to marry, nor have kids. She bitched the whole time she was down here, and sex was basically off the boards anymore. Now I can see why. All I was trying to do was build us a good life. I loved her completely, but I have to admit, even that has waned over these last 5 or 6 months.” Kyle told her.

Bella reached over and grabbed his hand and squeezed it. “Sweetie, then there is no need to look back. Just look forward. I know there is someone who would appreciate everything you do. I know I would. Did you talk at all?”

“No. I texted her to rent a U-haul, then sent her the clip, and told her to come get she shit and I never want to see her again. Of course she tried calling like 10 times, leaving voicemail for me to call her so she could explain.” he informed her.

“Explain what? Not much to explain if you ask me.” Bella retorted.

“My thoughts too. Hard to explain away another mans cock fucking your pussy. Sorry. That was crude of me.” he said

“Oh Bollocks. Trust me, I say worse. In fact I like to say fuck. So you can use it around me anytime.” she said and giggled.

Kyle looked her and asked ” Bollocks?”

Bella laughed, “You Yanks would say Balls. We proper English say Bollocks.” she said with that aristocratic English accent, then laughed.

Kyle laughed for the first time today, and it felt good. Then asked, “Not to be nosey, but where is Reg?”

“Oh. He’s has some business up in Miami and won’t be back until Tuesday.” she spoke with a dejected tone.

“Are you alright Bella?” he asked, after noticing her tone and her eyes shifting to the floor.

“Its. nothing” she said. “Bullshit. Bollocks. Tell me. I can be here for you as well.” Kyle stated.

Bella looked around to make sure Kate wasn’t nearby. “He has been staying away a lot more these last 4 or 5 months. Nothing I do is good enough for him and he gets on Kate all the time about her introverted ways. He hardly speaks to her anymore, and she doesn’t care anymore. Honestly, I think he has some tart up there that he’s fucking. And to be truthful, I don’t care anymore.”

Kyle reached over to her and squeezed her hand now, and said, “Oh God Sweetie, I am so sorry. We are a pair huh?” then chuckled. Bella chuckled too and nodded in agreement, trying not to cry. Then she changed the subject.

“So. You still want to redo my kitchen? I hope so, and I think I want my bedroom enlarged like you did yours. God that looked fantastic.” she asked

“Sure. I mean if that is what you want. With the hurricane season coming up, how about we wait, until November to start. That’s just a few short months to go. I can clean up some of my projects now, and hope we don’t get nailed with anything to bad.” he told her.

Bella thought that was a splendid idea. Just that alone brought a smile to her face. It was getting late now, and their chit chatting about the remodel was dwindling down. Bella went to the TV room and got Kate and told her that they should get going. Kyle showed them out the French Doors to the patio and Kate surprised Kyle by giving him a big hug, and her reciprocated and hugged her back. Bella and Kyle hugged then and kissed each other on the cheek.

Both were inwardly surprised because Kyle felt blood start rushing to his member between his legs, Bella felt her own nether region begin to get warm and slightly damp.

After they left, Kyle went to his computer and searched for a software package. Found the one he liked best and bought it. It definitely will be a big help for work, if nothing else. He then cleaned up the remnants from dinner, and made his way to the shower.

Meanwhile, Bella was getting ready to turn in as well. Kate had already went to her room, as soon as they got home. The hallway was dark, as she past by Kate’s room, who’s door was not closed fully. She could hear Kate moaning again, and softly talking.

Bella was stunned when she heard Kate say, “That’s it Kyle fuck me. Pump me with that big cock.” That immediately turned on Bella. Knowing her daughter felt something for anyone was a big thing, but knowing she wanted Kyle turned her on even more. She stood there for a few minutes and listened to her daughter moan and finally cum, then headed for her room now.

Kyle finished his shower and dried off. He exited his bathroom and headed for the bed. His lights were off already when he climbed in bed. He slept naked, like he has since his high school days. He thought of Bella and how he started to get hard when they hugged. He closed his eyes and grabbed his cock and started stroking it to hardness. He hadn’t had to do that often, but seeing he wasn’t getting laid anymore, why not, and the thought of his sexy neighbor helped too.

He then opened his eyes and looked out the window at Bella’s window. He gasped when her saw her there, taking off her shorts. Her top was already off. Then she removed her thong. This was Kyle’s first look at her naked body. That just made his cock even harder. Her breast were not big, but enough to give shape to any top she wore. Her nipples were brown, which Kyle liked, and she was completely shaved, just as Carrie is. Kyle found that a great look. Carrie had Kyle shave his area too, when they first started dating, and he has kept it that way ever since.

Kyle watched as Bella pinched one of her nipples, and her other hand rub her mound below. She stood there staring off into space as she pleasured herself. Then he watched as she crawled up onto the bed, her ass in plain view. He could make out her slit and both holes, but seeing the distance between their houses, was far greater than being there in person, it was still a gorgeous sight. He started pumping his cock harder, as he then noticed her taking out something from a drawer. He saw it was a dildo, but then her light went out.

Bella continued to pinch her nipple as she slowly fucked her dildo, wishing it was Kyle cock doing the work. She thought he was such a sexy man, and she knew she shouldn’t think like this, at least not yet. Maybe after she divorces Reg, she would try for Kyle. Even if they were just fuck buddies. She could easily handle being his fuck buddy.

Both had each other on the mind as they orgasmed that evening. Both had one of the hardest orgasms they ever had while masturbating.

The next day, a van pulled up around 2pm. Kyle had left earlier for a few hours, hoping Carrie would come early and get this stuff and not have to talk with her. Kyle then saw Ginny get out of the van, and a guy who was driving it. She came to the door and knocked. Kyle decided he better answer it. If it had been Carrie, he would have gone out the back door and head over to Bella’s and hang there until she left.

“Hi” Kyle said, as he let Ginny come in.

“Oh Kyle I am so sorry she did this to you. She called me last night telling me everything and begged me to come get her stuff. I’m only doing this so you don’t have to see her. I like you Kyle and she was so fucking wrong. I told her after this, never contact me again.”

“Yeah. I told her the same thing. So you weren’t with her that night?” he asked

“Honestly Kyle. I don’t hang with that crowd. Those are friends of that bitch, Becky. I haven't hung out with Carrie in months. Those people are bad for her. They are into weed and coke. She’s lost two people now because of that shit and what she did to you. How did you find out anyways?”

Kyle pulled his phone out and showed her. She gasped a few times, then said, “Oh wow. What a slut. She’s even going bi now too. I had no idea about this. I do know Becky always bragged about some of the wild parties she’d go too and how many guys would fuck her. Who sent it to you?”

“God only knows. I didn’t recognize the number, do you?” he asked

She looked but then said no. “Well someone had it in for her. Honey, I am serious, you ever need a friend to talk with, call me. You are to good of a man to have this done to you.”

Kyle thanked her, then decided to help them load the stuff up. Ginny said she was taking this to where Carrie told her to go and drop the van there. She may not even lock the thing up, then leave. Kyle did learn the guy she was with was Ginny’s brother Tom.

Bella texted later asking how he was doing, to which he replied he was hanging in there. He asked the same of her, and she replied with the same answer he just said. He went to bed early that night, since he had a crappy weekend without much sleep and he needed to be at work early the next morning.

A few days later, his package arrived. He looked it over and started reading the book that came with it. He was pretty computer savvy and figured if he could understand this, most anyone could. He also noticed that Reg was home, but Bella still checked on him daily.

That Friday evening, Kyle noticed that Reg’s car was gone, so he figured it was a good time to go see Bella and Kate. He had drawn up some plans for her house and wanted to see if she liked what he envisioned. He was greeted at their deck door by Kate, who had only a long t-shirt on. Kyle thought she probably had her bikini on underneath it. Kyle saw Bella in the kitchen pouring those two some wine. She saw Kyle and mouthed if he would like some and he nodded yes. Bella was out a minute later, and the three of them sat at Bella’s patio table.

They sat at the table and went over the plans. Kate was taking keen interest in what he was explaining. Bella was loving it and said she couldn’t wait to get this going. She already told Reg about it and he was ok with getting it all done. But the way she said it, may it sound like she really didn’t care what he thought.

Then Kyle brought up a bag that he had carried over and handed it to Kate. “This is for you.” he told her, and Kate opened it took out the book, and then the software package. Her eyes got so big when she figured out what it was. Bella had no idea what I gave her, but smiled when she saw Kate get up and give me a big hug, then a kiss right on the lips.

“Thank You so much. Thank you. But why?” Kate asked

“As you can see, this is the type of software they use on those home improvement shows, and if you are going to work for me, one day, you will need it. So you better start learning it Cutie. Cuz when we start this project in November, you will also help me by using that stuff.” he told her.

Kate started to cry. Then said she was crying because no one has ever been this nice to her, besides her mom of course. Then she hugged Kyle again, and left for inside. Kyle looked at Bella and gave her a look of “is she alright?”

“She’ll be fine Sweetie. Just so you know, she has a crush on you too. But her own dad doesn’t pay any attention to her, so by you doing this, is making her happy and I thank you for doing that.” Bella said, but holding back that she has a crush on him too.

“By the way, I hired a private detective to find out what mister wonderful is actually up too. You know, he took off again today for 4 days. He said it was a big deal he has set up and needs to finalize it over the weekend. This time though, he had to fly up to Jacksonville. Somehow I do not think he’ll be there. Soooooo. How much will this cost me?, or I should say Reginald” she laughed when she said it.

Kyle told her it would be about $90 grand to do it right. New everything in the kitchen, which included knocking out the one wall to open up the space to the living room and dining room. Plus converting the spare bedroom into one big bedroom for Bella, with her existing master suite. She’s also get a big walk-in closet and a bigger master bath .

Bella laughed at the price, “Damn, I was expecting $200 grand. That’s what I told Reg and he agreed. I know you want half the money upfront, so write it up for $180 grand, and then he’ll pay you what it really cost, upfront. That way if my suspicions are correct, and I kick his ass to the curb, at least the remodel is done and he can withhold any monies from you.”

Kyle laughed, “Nothing worse than a scorned woman. Poor bloody bastard” he said in a very poor English accent. Bella was howling with laughter. That put her back in a pleasant mood again. Kyle too, was in a better mood.

“You know, even if he was to up and leave me, this work will still go on. I’d just rather spend his money doing it. He may think he has all the money, but being married to a finance person, you do learn tricks. I have invested my own money over the years, but I also know how to hide it, for just in case. In fact, if he was to just up and leave, I could easily live on my money the rest of my life.. I hope I can trust you to never say anything either.” she said.

“My lips are sealed. I never heard a thing.” Kyle said then chuckled.

Bella got up and and bent over to retrieve his glass. Her blouse was quite loose and he had to turn away when he saw her breasts. To him, they were even better up close, but he didn’t want to be caught sneaking a peek.

Later that evening, he was in bed again and got to see her when she came out of the shower. She had a towel wrapped around her. She let it drop and climbed into bed and turned off her light. Kyle spent the next 15 minutes pumping his cock, wishing now, it was inside Bella. Bella had hoped that Kyle was in his bed and could see her naked, as she slowly brought herself to orgasm again.

Chapter 5

It was towards the end of October, and the Keys were spared any bad storms. They had one that produced some high winds from a hurricane that didn’t come close to them, but nailed the east coast, up by Jacksonville.

On one Saturday afternoon, Kyle had an unexpected visitor, Ginny. She said she was on her way down to Fantasy Fest in Key West. She said she goes there every year and stays with friends down there. Somehow, Kyle could picture Ginny getting her tits painted and walking around town like that, and probably fucking some random guy.

“Oh God Kyle it is so good to see you. I was hoping maybe you’d like to go down with me and have some fun.” she said.

“Sounds tempting, but I am really busy right now and can’t afford the time off to do that,” he lied as he said it.

“That’s a real bummer. I was hoping we could make it a fun weekend, and truth be told, finally hook up in bed.” she honestly spoke.

“Ginny. Really it is not you, but I am trying to forget anything that dealt with that life before, and I am not looking for a relationship, or even a sex buddy. I hope you understand.”

“I do. Really I do. I hope you find what you are looking for one day Kyle. You are a good man.” she said, as she kissed him then turned and got on her way down to Key West.

During this time too, Kyle had seen Bella on many occasion naked, up in her bedroom, but only one more time of her masturbating. Bella was also getting a little show too, sometimes seeing him come out of his shower and walk around naked, which aroused her quite a bit. “God. I need to feel that inside me soon.” she thought to herself.

The weekend after Ginny’s little visit, was a special one. Kate turned 18. She was opening up more now, since Kyle gave her that software. She had learned how to use it and was always asking him over to show him what she had in mind for her mom’s bedroom and bath. Kyle was very impressed with her work. She also asked if she could work with him too, so she could learn the carpenter side of the trade. Kyle figured, why not, she is extremely smart, and if it helped bring her out of this shell she lives in, all the better.

As was his habit now, Reg was going to be gone that weekend. Not that he paid that much attention to either lady in the house, but missing his daughters milestone birthday just seemed so wrong, and it did piss off Bella. Reg just said “business comes first Love”. Bella returned with, “Stick your business up your arse”.

Bella stopped over Kyle’s after he came home that Friday, from work. She told him all about her conversation and argument with Reg. She started to cry, and Kyle just folded her into his arms and let her cry it out. She felt so good in his arms, and he knew that he was having strong feelings for her. After a bit, she moved back, just enough to look up at him, her arms still around him and his around her.

“You make me feel so good Kyle. I know I shouldn’t bother you with my problems, but you are the only friend I truly have, and you always listen. That’s more than what I can say for that Bastard.” she said, still sobbing some.

“Bella. You too are my only friend down here and you always listened to me, when all that shit took place earlier this year. I won’t lie Sweetie, I care deeply for you and I don’t like that you are upset.” he said as they looked into each others eyes.

Bella put her lips on Kyle's and started to kiss him. She let her tongue lick his lips, and soon had them parted and inserted her tongue into his waiting mouth. As their kiss became more passionate, their hands started to wander over each others body.

As they kissed, Kyle thought, Oh Wow, she is such a hot kisser. I wish I could take her upstairs and make love to her all night.”

Bella also was caught up in the moment, “Oh God, please take my dress off and make love to me. Your cock is so hard. My pussy is yours” she thought to herself, as she drove her tongue in even deeper, to wrestle more with his.

They were then brought back to reality, when the doorbell went off. They broke their embrace, and straightened their clothes. Kyle went to the door and saw that Kate was standing there. He invited her in and she asked is he had seen her mother. Kyle said yes, she was in the bathroom. When she returned, Kate spoke.

“Mom, are you alright? I know dad really pissed you off.”

“Yes Honey. I am alright now. He had no right to leave this weekend, since it is your 18th birthday.” Bella said.

“Honestly mom, I don’t care. I like when he isn’t around. He treats me like I am some alien anyway. Didn’t you just love how he handed me that credit card and said happy birthday. No hug. No kiss, not even a card with it.”

Bella could see the hurt in her girls eyes though. She too was glad he was gone, and to be honest, was glad Kate came over when she did, or her and Kyle may have done something neither is ready to do just yet. She so wanted to show him how a real woman makes a man feel, and hopefully, he would show her how a man could make a woman feel.

Kyle then spoke up, “Well, since your big day is tomorrow, how about you two lovely ladies come here at six and I’ll make dinner. Anything you heart desires Katie.”

Kate giggles, and said, “Oh wow, nobody has called me Katie since I was little. But, only you can call me that. As for dinner, I don’t know. Steak? Is that okay?”

“Steaks it is, with all the fixings too. Wine as well. But don’t get drunk, or I’ll take advantage of you now, since you are an adult.” Kyle said, joking with her, but also flirting a bit, letting her know she is now a woman and not bad at that.

Kate isn’t ugly, by any means. She just isn’t into makeup and flashy clothes. Is she model perfect, No. She is 5’ 6, about 135 pounds. Her tummy is flat, but her thighs are thick, and does have a nice round bubble butt. Any man would be pleased to hold on to that while making love. She did inherit her father’s red hair and fair complexion, and is loaded with freckles. Her breasts were bigger than her mom’s, easily a C cup, and very firm looking.

Kate’s face turned bright red when he said this, but them giggled. Kate felt her nether region start to go damp. “Oh God, I wish you would take advantage of me.” she thought. Bella just laughed after she saw her daughter get all flustered. But she was happy that Kyle paid attention to her.

The two ladies stayed for a bit longer, then left for the evening. Kyle headed off to bed, after showering around 10pm. He had a busy morning ahead of him One of his crew was finishing up some storm damage and he needed to make sure the customer was happy. As was now becoming habit, he crawled into bed and looked over at Bella’s bedroom.

Her light was on, but she wasn’t in the room, or at least, not in view. Then, Kyle got an eyeful. It was Kate, naked, and crawling into bed, then Bella right behind her. Kyle couldn’t believe his eyes right now. He had heard that Europeans had a different view about sex, and even family members getting together, but never would have thought this about Bella and Kate. Kyle was a little pissed at himself for having the blinds all the way down, but the slats open, so he could still see, but not as clear.

Bella and Kate were on the bed, laying on their sides facing one another. They were talking, while caressing one another. Kate spoke first, asking,

“Mom, do you find Kyle attractive? I mean sexually attractive?”

“To be honest, Yes Baby, I do. But I will never cheat with him.” Bella said.

“I think he is such a hunk. Mom. When he hugs me, I get so wet. Then when he said he would have to take advantage of me, if I got drunk, I really wanted to rip my clothes off then.” Kate said.

“Baby. It’s ok to have thoughts like that. He makes me wet too, just feel right now.” Bella said.

“I wonder how big his… you know.. His thing is?” Kate asked.

“It’s called a cock honey. You can say it.” Bella said with a giggle.

“Oh God mom, I would love to feel his cock inside me. I am so tired of dildo’s and watching porn. What’s the best position for you know, doing it.” Kate asked.

Bella chuckled, then told her, “I know what you mean about being tired of dildo’s. I shouldn’t tell you this, but when your dad and I do it, which is maybe once a month now, he only wants doggy. Doggy is fine when you are super horny and you want it deep and hard. But when I want love making, I prefer him on top, my legs wrapped around him, and then if you are lucky, and there is a round two, me on top, so I can control more of the action and my orgasms.”

“Do you think I am a slut, wanting Kyle like I do?” Kate asked.

“My God, No Baby. You are a woman, you have needs, and I bet he’d be perfect for you for your first time. I’m sure he would be gentle, and loving, and make sure you achieve an outstanding orgasm. A good man always makes sure his partner is satisfied before he has his own orgasm.” Bella said.

Bella then turned off the light. Kate giggled and asked, “Do you think Kyle can see in here?”

“Oh God. I never thought of that. But his blinds are usually down, so I doubt it.” Bella said

The Kate leaned in and kissed Bella. Both found that they needed that. As they kissed, their hands caressed each other, until they both found each other’s wet slit. Each lifted their top leg to give better access. That is until Kate asked if she could eat Bella. Bella said most definitely, as long as she could return the favor. Kate agreed and Bella suggested 69ing. Bella then explained how to do it. Once Bella rolled on top of Kate, she lowered her mound to Kate’s waiting lips and tongue. Bella then started tonguing Kate’s sweet pussy. The girls ate each other for a good twenty minutes, both achieving two orgasms.

Kyle was bummed when the light went out, and now was wondering what those two minx were up too. He came twice this night as well. Thinking the whole time how great it would be to have mother and daughter in bed with him.

Chapter 6

The next evening, both ladies showed up just before 6. Kyle had already made their salads and had the baked potatoes in the micro. The grill was heating up when they came through the French Doors.

Both were wearing flowered sun dresses, since it was still in the 80’s. Luckily at night, it was cooling down into the 60’s, so windows could now be opened at night. Both dresses plunged some and showed off cleavage, which Kyle definitely appreciated. Kyle was dressed in khaki shorts and a light blue polo.

“Hi neighbor” Bella said. They exchanged hugs and kisses on the cheek. Kyle would have preferred another passionate kiss from Bella. Kyle went to the deck to start cooking the steaks. Kate started setting the table, so Bella joined him on the deck.

“I must say, you two ladies look very pretty tonight” Kyle said.

“Why thank you Sweetie. You look handsome as well, like you always do. Please tell Kate that though. Coming from you will mean a lot to her.” Bella said.

“I will, I promise. Oh, I did get her two gifts. I hope she will like them. The one is kind of corny though.” Kyle said.

“What did you get her?” she asked

“Not saying, so there” and stuck his tongue out at her.

“Be careful with that tongue. I may have some use for it later.” then she blushed and said, “Sorry. I shouldn’t have said that” but she thought he should know that she wanted him.

“Could that mean our tongues should maybe meet later on? I would enjoy that a great deal, again.” he told her.

“One never knows Sweetie. I did enjoy it too. Oh Christ Kyle. I am growing quite fond of you, and if I wasn’t married, I’d love to be with you.”

“Good. Because I am feeling the same about you as well. So in good time me lady.”

She then asked, “Did Reg send you the check for 90 thousand?”

“Yes he did. It’s cleared in a special account just for your project.” he told her

The steaks were done and they went inside. They all enjoyed dinner and Kate was telling Kyle about how she is starting to tackle the kitchen, on the software. He offered suggestions to her, and why it should be done one way or the other. Kate just sat there and soaked it all in. Bella was loving it because her girl was finally coming out of her shell, at least around Kyle.

Her thoughts then went to last night and the love making her and Kate shared. She then thought how wonderful it could be if Kyle could join them in something like that. He seemed open minded. But first, just let Kate enjoy the fuss Kyle makes about her. She also had to smile when Kyle told Kate how pretty she looked tonight. Kate did get real bashful then, but snapped out of it.

After dinner, Kyle brought out three cupcakes. Each had a candle in it. So he lit them and started to sing happy birthday. Bella joined in, and Kate just rolled her eyes. She blew out the candles and thanked him for being so nice to her. Then Kyle went and got a wrapped box and gave it to her.

Bella and Kyle stood next to each other as they watched her open the box. She was quite excited, then saw what was in the box. It was a carpenter's tool belt and a hammer.

“Oh my God. This is so cool.” she said as she put the belt on and then stuck the hammer in its holder. She was beaming now. Kyle thought it would be a corny gift, but now, knew better. He told her there was one more gift in the box, so she looked and took out a smaller box.

She opened the felt covered box and saw a necklace. It was a gold chain with two trinkets on it. One was a gold hammer, and the other a gold saw. Kate was absolutely besides herself. She asked her mom to put it on for her, then ran to the half bath to see it in the mirror. She was beaming when she came back. She headed straight for Kyle, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips. Her lips rested on his for longer than a kiss like that should have, but he didn’t care.

Kate then said, “Oh My God. Oh My God. You are the best Kyle. I love it.” then kissed him one last time. Bella was happy too. She has never seen Kate show so much emotion about anything. She has never been like that with Reg around. Maybe this is what she needs, a real man. A man who actually pays attention to her. In fact, she thought she needed that too.

The rest of the evening, that sat on the deck and drank wine and talked. They talked mostly about some of Kyle’s projects. Kate did ask if she could help when he started demo day, as she called it. Kyle said sure, as long as she didn’t have school that day. She said, who cares, I get straight A’s, I can afford to miss a day. Bella agreed with her summation, so that was settled. I’m sure his crew wouldn’t mind the cute redhead working with them.

It was after 10 when Kate said she was tired and was going to bed. Bella chuckled to herself, and knew full well her daughter was going to fuck herself silly with her toy. She was too, when she left her in a bit. But first, she needed to kiss him one more time, like yesterday.

Once Kate was gone, and they cleaned up the patio table, Kyle turned off the lights, so all the light they had was from the moon, which was quite bright tonight. Bella wasted no time in coming into his arms, wrapping her own around his neck. She looked up at his eyes, and just knew they were going to kiss, and kiss hard.

When his lips met hers, rockets went off in her head. Her tummy felt like a truck load of butterflies was just released. Their tongues sought each other’s out and wrestled. She loved the taste of his mouth, his soft lips caressing her. She instinctively brought her hands down and ran them across his chest, then down further and found the hem of his shirt and stuck her one hand under it, so she could feel his skin.

They both moaned together as they kissed. Her Hand slid all over, exploring his hard chest and belly. Kyle’s hand found her ass cheek and started rubbing it gently. He knew she was either wearing a thong, or none at all, as he pulled her into him.

She gasped some when she felt his hardened member poking her in the belly. Her pussy was now dripping with her juices. She knew if she wasn’t married right now, they would be upstairs making mad, passionate love to each other, then top that with one wild fuck after another. She knew right then that she needed a lawyer, and needed him soon. Life is to short to pass by without this type of passion these two were embarking on.

Kyle too, knew then that he wanted her. Not just for sex, but to be with all the time. He and Carrie never had passion like this, not even close, and not even when they first got together. That was more sex than passion. He has never felt this way about anyone.

“Oh God Kyle, Sweetie. We better stop. But be forewarned, once I am a free woman, I am all yours, if you want me.”

“You have no idea how much I want you, and not just sexually either.” he replied to her.

They kissed lightly one last time and he watched her go back to her house. His balls ached now and his cock was screaming to be released from this confinement. He went up to his room and stripped down. Then moved over to the window and raised the blinds up and opened the window. The breeze felt so good against his hard member.

Kyle then lay in bed and started replaying their kiss. His hand started stroking his cock slowly. He wanted this to last. He was just starting to get into it when his phone beeped. At first he was going to ignore it, but then thought he should see who could be sending a text this late at night. He saw it was from Bella, so he opened it.

Bella* “Are you in bed?”

Kyle “Yes. are you?”

Bella “Yes. I just wanted to say thank you for you being so thoughtful of Kate. It means a great deal to me and her.”

Kyle. “ No thanks needed. I enjoy seeing you both happy and smiling. You both are beautiful, inside and out.”

Bella “ Awe. Sweet dreams Kyle”

Kyle. “ Of you Sweetie”

Bella's fingers feverishly worked her clit to an orgasm, after reading his last reply. Kyle came soon after replying to her.

Chapter 7

Over the next two weeks, Kyle pretty much stayed to himself. Yes, he lusted for Bella, and in a small way, lusted for Kate as well. But he knew they should watch what they were doing now. Bella had received a report from the private investigator, and it was all the ammunition Bella needed to throw Reg out and file for a divorce. That happened the week before and when Reg was gone on one of his little trips, Bella came to Kyle to show him. As she entered Kyle’s house, she was fraught with emotion.

“Oh my God Kyle, look at these. The private investigator just sent me these and a full report.”

Kyle started looking at them. It was pictures of Reg with his lover. But the thing that floored Kyle was that the lover was not some hot bimbo, no, it was with some young guy. Pictures of them holding hands on some beach, then of them kissing. But the ones that would nail the coffin shut were the ones in Reg’s apartment bedroom. Lord knows how the PI got these pics, but somehow had. It showed the two having sex in various positions, both performing oral on each other and then both having anal with one another. To Kyle this was gross. “Why would he do this to her” Kyle thought to himself. “A beautiful wife, and actually very sexy, but to want another man. No sense. Makes no sense at all” his thoughts continued.

“ Oh My God Bella. I am so so sorry. What the fuck is wrong with him.” Kyle asked.

Bella came to him and hugged him and broke down crying. Kyle just held her tight and let her cry. Kyle then picked her up and moved her to the couch, where she clung hard to him and continued to sob, yet not say anything. After a good 30 minutes, she spoke.

“Oh Kyle. I’m not crying because of what he has done. I’m crying for being the fool who gave him my life. I left England for him and then moved down here, even though I was happy up in the Miami area. This marriage has been over for a long time now, so I am glad this will help put an end to it. It’s just all these years I put into the marriage to make it work, to make it a loving home. I’m so sorry I am dumping on you like this.” she said

“Stop that. I am here for you. Dump away.” he said as he kissed her forehead.

Bella then told him she was going to bare her soul to him, and she did not want any secrets from him or skeletons to crawl out of the closet, later in life. She went on to describe how the last four years have been hell for her. His treating of his own daughter, the lack of any love for her, and even the lack of sex, except for maybe, once a month and it was anal only. No foreplay, no nothing, not even kissing. Then she went on to tell him about the swinging they had done. It was then she started to question his sexual orientation, when her and the other lady witnessed their men enjoying oral with each other. She did explain that she too, enjoy being with the woman as well. But, there was no way she’d ever want a woman before a man. It was just experimenting for her, though she did experience some of the best orgasms ever.

As Bella laid open her soul to him, Kyle gently stroked her hair. He wasn't’ shocked at all that they tried swinging. In fact, he had hoped Carrie would have enjoyed something like that, at one time. When she spoke of this, Kyle thought of anything to make sure he did not have an erection. Bella was sitting in his lap then, with her head turn and resting on his shoulder. She was wearing this pale yellow summer wrap, and he doubted highly she wore anything else but a thong under it.

“Kyle. I need to tell you this, and when I am done saying what I need to say, if you find me repulsive, please don’t say anything, just get up and walk away from me. Promise me that.”

He promised. Bella then went on to tell him how Kate came to her a couple years back, asking about sex. She said her girlfriend, Liz, and her talked all the time about, but neither knew what to do, especially about masturbating. So Bella said she showed her, and encouraged her to always ask questions, and feel free to watch porn, so she could see it happen. Bella also told him about buying her a toy, and showed her how to use it. That escalated in them both making love to each other. This only happened when Reg was not around. She told him that this has become a regular thing for them, and hoped he did not think of her a bad mother, and a whore.

Kyle kissed her forehead again, “I do not think that at all Isabella. I think of you as a loving mother, a good person, and slowly becoming my best friend. You love her and were only showing her what she needs to know. Better than some boy, taking advantage of her and making sex a bad experience for her.”

Bella kissed him on the lips, then spoke, “Oh Baby, you have no idea how that makes me feel. I was sure you would run. You are right though, some stupid boy would make it a terrible experience for sure, especially since she is so shy, well, except around you.”

“Since we are in full disclosure. I did have a brief affair, before Carrie, with a married woman. It was a house I was remodeling. But never had one since, although there is one particular married woman I want to be with.” he said as he winked at her.

“Ohhhh. Do I know her?” she cooed

“Intimately. But I have to admit to something else, and it may just make you mad, or upset.” he said

Kyle went on to tell her how he has seen her on many occasions, naked, in her bedroom, and even had the luck to see her masturbate. She giggled and wiggled her butt on his lap, which was starting give rise to his cock. She asked if he masturbated then as well. He said that he had. She playfully slapped his chest and asked why he did not have his light on, so she could watch. He laughed, but said he didn’t want to viewed as a pervert, peeping tom. She too, copped to seeing him naked too, and loved what she saw. But then Kyle said what he viewed the night before Kate birthday dinner he prepared.

“Oh My God. You saw that?” she asked.

“Yes. It was so sensual, and I dare say sexy. It was until you turned off the light.” he said and chuckled.

Bella laughed then, “Pervert! No really, you’re not. Kate even asked if you could see us together. I said probably not, since your blinds were down. Had I left it on, you would have seen us 69.” she said and wiggled her butt more, feeling his hard cock pushing up and into her ass.

“Fuck Baby. You are hard. Did you cum that night? We came twice. Who were you thinking of then?” she asked, as she felt her pussy get wetter and wetter.

Kyle smiled, “Truthfully, both of you. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have thought of Katie like that, but seeing her naked, she is beautiful too, how could I not.”

“Bollocks. Kyle she so wants you to be her first. I honestly want you to be her first. I want her to know what it is like to make love to a man, not just fuck, like a guy her age, or slightly older would be like. Right now you are the only man she trust, and she adores you. If that does happen, she wants me there with you two.” Bella said.

“Wow. You are serious, aren’t you? Could you share me like that?” Kyle asked

As she slid off of him and sat on her haunches facing him, she replied, “Yes. I could, and will. But only you”, then leaned in and kissed him.

Their kiss became more passionate. All Kyle was wearing was a pair of swim trunks. Bella’s hands were running up and down his chest, and even played with both nipples, making them hard. Her hand then went south and rubbed over his aching, hard member.

“Oh God Sweetie. Can I take it out and hold it, Pleaseeeeeeeee?” she asked softly.

Kyle just kissed her harder, in response. Her hand pushed the waistband down and freed his swollen member, then encircled it with her fingers. As she did that, Kyle reach up and unbuttoned four of dresses buttons and slipped a hand in and felt her naked breast. He gently squeezed her breast, then rubbed her nipple, which was hard as stone now. Her hand started stroking his cock, as they both moaned into each other’s mouths. Then she broke the kiss, and looked into his eyes.

“You have no idea how bad I want you to take me upstairs and make love to me right now. I am seeing a lawyer tomorrow, and once I am legally separated, that is exactly what we are going to do. Make love all day and fuck our brains out. But right now, please don’t stop me from doing this.”

She lowered her head and began kissing the head of his cock. She purred out, “Your cock is so beautiful, so beautiful” as her lips then slipped over his purple head. Kyle had to remove his hand for her to have better access to it, so he lifted the dress off of her ass and started rubbing it. When his fingers found her crack, he found that she was not wearing any underwear. Her slit was soaking wet now, as he started to rub her engorged lips.

Bella was sucking his cock now, while her hand pumped it as well. Kyle’s mind buzzed with thought of how great she felt. Better than Carrie ever was doing this. His fingers found their way inside her hot little slit and started matching her strokes, with his own inside her.

“Oh God Baby, that feels so good” Kyle moaned out

She too was moaning from what his fingers were doing to her. She then started speeding up. She wanted his seed in her belly. Bella always enjoyed eating cum, and she wanted him to know that she loved doing that.

“Oh God Bella, I am going to cum” he softly said, warning her of his impending orgasm.

Bella’s mouth tightened around the head while her hand picked up speed. Kyle just let his fingers rest inside her, knowing he was going to blow any second now. Kyle let out a loud groan and started pumping his cum into her waiting mouth. Bella swallowed every bit that he gave her, which was 6 ropes, although a little dribbled down his shaft. When he finished, Bella licked up the remaining off of his shaft.

Kyle then pulled her up and kissed her deeply, which at first shocked Bella. Reg would never do that. She knew he could taste his own cum on her lips and tongue, which excited her even more. Kyle then pushed her back on the couch, as he got on his knees on the floor. He pushed her dress up over her waist and started kissing her inner thighs, and then her slit.

Although he would usually spend a great amount of time, licking a pussy, he knew she needed her release now too. When his mouth started sucking her clit, that was all Bella could take and her orgasm took hold of her body. Her hips moved up and down as her moans got louder and louder. Kyle could taste her womanly fluids as they rushed out of love canal. Her orgasm lasted damn near a full minute, before her body started relaxing. Kyle then laid on top of her. His cock still hard, as it lay firmly on her mound. They then started kissing again. Kyle could feel the heat emanating from her womanhood, and knew with just a slight shift of their bodies, he would enter her.

Kyle kneeled then and looked down at her. To him, right now, no woman was sexier. She smiled up at him, as he grabbed his cock, and rubbed it up and down her slit. She moaned, then said,

“Oh Baby. We can’t. Not just yet. I want too, I really do. But it won’t be long, I promise”

“I know Love. They were just kissing, like we just did.” he said, using his poor excuse for an English accent.

“Such a Cheeky Lad.” she said, then laughed, and watched as Kyle pulled his shorts back up and pulled her dress back down to cover her.

They stood an embraced. They just held each other for a good 10 minutes, until Kyle finally spoke.

“Have you told Kate yet?”

“ No. she wasn’t home. I will as soon as she does later. Promise me, you will be there for me.”

“You know I will Bella. But, for the next few weeks, or until it is legal, we need to be careful how we are viewed in public. We’ll figure out how to stay in contact with each other until then.” Kyle told her.

“ I know, and you are right. Call me later. Dumbass won’t be home for a few more days.” she said, as she walked out the back door.

Later, Kyle went to a store and picked up 3 cheap cell phone, that don’t need the big cell providers. This way, if they needed to communicate, there would be no trace of that on their regular cell phones. He just hoped that this would end well, for the three of them. He didn’t think he could take another heartbreak, so soon after Carrie.

Matthew HughesReport 

2018-07-26 20:01:16
Awesome story keep it up, I hope for a chapter 3.

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