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I hope you enjoy my story and of my twisted mind :) English isn't my first language so there might be some grammar mistakes in this story.
One month has passed since Sebastian’s encounter with the wild mosquitoes, the mosquitoes keep sucking his precious sperm to feed on their larvae, the boy’s balls are non-stop producing cum every day thanks to the mosquitoes’ aphrodisiac saliva.

His testicles are producing a trillion sperm cells per day to satisfy the demands of the mosquitoes´ sperm who are constantly hungry to eat the boy’s little swimmers. They wrap their tails around the boy’s sperm’s tails to catch it and tear a hole inside the sperm’s head to kill it, so they can eat it

Now the mosquito population had grown in that part of the forest from a couple of hundred to thousands thanks to Sebastian’s cum that was being extracted every day

Not only the mosquitoes were looking for living shelters or hosts. Many insects around the forest were suffering mutations due to meteorite that had crashed in the forest, this meteorite contained some alien parasites that depended on other species to survive, they have been slaving planets for decades to survive, first they come out of the meteorite and infect the animals around them, preferably small cause they’re easier to control, they let the animal eat them and once inside they travel to the animal’s brain and attach themselves to it and start giving instructions to the body, eventually the animal becomes a slave of the parasite and succumbs to it losing any kind of power to control its body.

The parasite needs plenty of nutrients to survive, it needs sugar-rich-fluid-fructose proteins and minerals, but now with Sebastian as a living shelter and food provider that would no longer be a problem to the parasites, now the parasite entered Sebastian’s body by making the mosquito insert its long proboscis inside the boy’s hairy navel, now inside of his body the parasite traveled to the boy’s brain and started attaching to it.

Once there it extended its long tendrils around Sebastian’s brain, taking full control of his actions, now the boy could no longer control his body, the parasite only allowed him to have external pleasurable sensations

The parasite gave orders to the boy’s skinny body to stand up and lay down on the muddy ground, more worms started entering the body through their mosquitoes that they were controlling, their proboscis aimed at the boy’s belly button and from there they started traveling to the organs, specifically the intestines so the worms could live there and reproduce by depositing their eggs, the eggs would eventually come out by the boy’s hairy pale anus.

Many worms would deposit their eggs around the boy’s glans, the eggs were quite sticky, so they would add pretty well without problem to the boy’s glans and corona, this part was quite warm and humid, perfect for their metamorphosis, the worms created a transparent case around the boy’s cock head by using their sticky spit.

Here the eggs would be safe from any disturbance from the exterior and safe from bugs, the worm in the brain would release a huge amount of dopamine, Sebastian couldn’t move a single limb, only feel pleasure, he could feel how his cock was getting extremely hard, twitching and with its foreskin pulled down.

His cock began dripping pre-cum inside the white egg-case, the worms inside his ass started bloating and rubbing his prostate to give him a better erection, his cock was fully hard and twitching ready to cum, Sebastian could feel a burning sensation around his body, his cock was as stiff as a rock, he started dripping way too much pre-cum inside the egg-case almost as if he were cumming, his balls were also twitching of ecstasies, only a small moan of pleasure he was able to emit.

He wanted to resist to the parasite but it was useless the parasite released a huge amount of dopamine and made him cum uncontrollably, the transparent-egg case filled rather quickly with a burst of white liquid, the boy’s cum would be used to keep the egg-case stable and alive to keep nourishing the eggs, the egg-case would consume the boy’s semen’s nutrients to make sure the eggs grow well and healthy. Now his testicles were free of any mosquitoes’ sperm therefore making the boy fertile again capable of producing a trillion swimmers per day to feed on the egg-case. All this was part of the alien worms to survive in this new planet.

After a couple of weeks and orgasms, the eggs had hatched and new wormies had been born, but there was one that grew up bigger than the rest. This worm was extremely huge, fleshy, pink with long tendrils. It only had one mouth and it seemed to lack internal organs, it could move by its own, it started moving towards the boy’s cock and introduced its mouth inside the boy’s stiff cock.

It started applying pressure on his pale cock, trying to absorb every drop of semen of the boy, to Sebastian it was like a pussy or better, this worm was squeezing his cock.

The insides of the worm were warm and tight, the insides of the worm were mixed with its own corporal liquids and the boy’s cum. Once the worm had finished milking Sebastian, it stored his cum inside of it and left the boy alone. The teenage boy was being used as a living shelter and food provider, he wondered in his mind when all this nightmare was going to stop, but at the same time, he didn’t want it to stop due to the amounts of daily dopamine released in his brain by the parasite on his brain.

Not far from where Sebastian was located, there was a woman passing by, a local woman from the area gathering logs for her home. Little did she know that nearby was located the meteorite and the parasite had already infected plenty of insects and fungi around the area where she was, it was common for the locals to eat fungi in the forest, the woman was quite weary and hungry after a couple of hours of collecting logs, she picked up a small fungi to eat it, now she was infected with the alien parasite which was making its way to the brain.

The woman started getting dizzy and couldn’t control his body, in just matter of seconds, the parasite had already extended its long tendrils around the brain taking possession of the host. The woman didn’t know what was happening, she couldn’t neither move nor talk.

The parasite gave orders to the host to take off her clothes and lay down on the muddy soil, once naked on the soil, many parasites started wriggling on her body and entering through different openings, two parasites entered through her dark skinned pussy, it was hard to enter through it due to resistance it presented, but the parasites used their sticky fluids to enter through the hairy dark skinned pussy, once inside the parasites discovered the vagina was quite warm and sticky, perfect to establish a colony.

The woman’s pussy started squeezing them inside but this was no problem for them, once they made their way ahead they found the cervix, the cervix identified them as exterior agents who must be destroyed, it started releasing mucus to protect itself from the parasites, the parasites started wriggling around the cervix and destroyed the mucus-shell with their mouths, they ripped it apart and left it defenseless. Now they could enter through it, with a little of struggle but they made it inside they continued inside exploring her new host and found two ways

Unaware of which way they should take, the two of them took different paths to see where they would lead them, they started traveling through the girl’s Fallopian tubes, once they reached the ovaries they found them rather warm and perfect to create a parasite farm, but something unexpected happened while they were there, one of the ovaries released an amber orb, the parasites started scanning this orb in their respective ovum, they concluded it was high in proteins, water, minerals, fructose and other components, they started devouring it as fast as they could, this orb gave them enough energy to keep them alive and stay there forever. What the parasites didn’t know was that the woman was ovulating and what they had just eaten were two of her egg cells

Now the parasites who were in the ovum to establish a new parasite farm had a good source of nutrients, they would just have to wait until the woman released more orbs to eat them, the parasites loved eating, but could adjust their bodies to spend weeks or even months without eating, the worm inside the woman’s brain started releasing dopamine to maker horny, that way her pussy could squirt much more and give food to the parasites who were outside

More and more parasites surrounded her body and started inhabiting her belly button, it was full of bacteria and it could protect them from the cold others preferred to live around her bushy pubic area, this part of her body was quite humid and full of mud, here they could live and reproduce without any problem and some parasites in the boobs started biting it to produce a reaction on them so the woman could release her milk which would help them reproduce

This woman couldn’t move nor speak, she was only allowed to have external sensations, she was a slave of the parasites just like Sebastian. She was going to spend the rest of her life here, being milked and used as a living shelter. The worms in the brains of the boy and woman could communicate telepathically, they started exchanging information of their hosts and found out they were of the same species. They wonder if they could make them reproduce to create more slaves with the boy’s super fertile amount of heathy little swimmers and the girl’s amber orbs rich in proteins…. just perhaps.

Daniel MarcelliniReport 

2018-08-08 23:02:50
Good story, yes looks like a winner here. Another sequel in the works. Good idea with the meteorite. Allows the mutations. Experimentation of the eggs and the little swimmers. Sebastian and this girl are forced to have sex and the worms observe the power of Sebastian's sperm. Perhaps the human race is subjugated or does it survive. Good job, bro.

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