Having been sent to Hong Kong to get away from rumours in London, Marget checks into a hotel that caters to ladies with certain tastes
Margret arrived in Hong Kong on a sweltering late summer evening in 1894, having taken the long voyage from England. Talk had begun to spread about some of the company she had kept back home and it was decided that she should go and stay with her uncle for a spell, who was a magistrate in Hong Kong. Fortunately for Margret her uncle was away seeing to some matter, and would not be back for a few days. She decided to take advantage of the unsupervised time to spend a few days at a hotel that catered to travelling women of class rather than going directly to her uncles estate.
Margret was escorted to the hotel by a travelling American businessman twenty years her senior who had flirted shamelessly with her through the voyage. When he dropped her off at the hotel and she was finally free of him Margret let out a sigh of relief. She had promised to keep in touch by letter as it seemed the best way to get him to leave, though she had no intention of doing so. A Chinese porter took her bags to the desk inside, where Margret was greeted by a greying matriarch with a light Welsh accent gone rough around the edges.
Margret presented one of her letters of credit, which was more than enough to cover what would be a quite modest price at home in London but was rather exorbitant for Hong Kong.
“And would you be wanting a lady’s maid for your time here ma’am?” The welsh woman asked.
“Of course,” Margret answered. It was the rumors of the particular lady’s maids at this establishment that had led her to choose it in the first place. “My understanding is that you have some that are able to help a guest with anything she requires?”
“Of course ma’am.” The woman rang a silver bell on her desk, and three Chinese girls came out from somewhere in the back of the hotel. To Margret’s English eyes the thee girls all looked the same, petite with short dark hair, small busts, toned bodies and tan skin. Margret had a hard time judging the age of Chinese women, but would have placed them a few years younger than her own twenty three. When asked if she had a preference Margret just shrugged and waved to the girl on the left.
The madam of the hotel led Margret to a luxurious suite on the second floor, followed by the lady’s maid. Her suite had a receiving room, a spacious bedroom with a large bed and a pair of reclining couches, and a tiled well appointed washroom with a claw footed tub. While she was inspecting the room a pair of porters arrived with her luggage, and Genevieve directed them to place them in the bedroom for her to unpack later. Once Margret had given her approval of the room, everyone but the lady’s maid left.
“What is your name girl,” Margret asked.
“My name is Mimi ma’am,” the girl told her in thickly accented but understandable English.
“Draw me a bath while I unpack Mimi,” Margret commanded. “Then you can help me bathe.”
While Mimi began running water into the tub and adding scented oils Margret began taking clothes and her effects from one of her cases, putting them haphazardly into and on top of the dresser in the bedroom. When she heard the water shut off, Margret undressed herself and went into the washroom. Unfortunately while the hotel had running water for the wash basin and tub, it still relied on chamber pots for other matters. While Mimi set out a towel and bathrobe, Margret squatted over the porcelain bowl and relived herself. Finished Margret went over to the tub and slowly lowered herself in, allowing the warm water to take away some of the aches of her long voyage.
“You can dispose of that,” Margret told Mimi, waving to the chamber pot, “then you can return to wash me.”
Mimi picked up the chamber pot and hurried out of the room. Margret heard the door to her suite close behind the girl, then open again some few minutes later. Mimi came back into the washroom carrying the now empty and cleaned chamber pot. She set it down in its place, the picked up a washcloth and came to the edge of the tub.
“You might as well take your clothes off,” Margret commanded. “There’s no sense getting your dress wet.”
Silently Mimi pulled the thin muslin dress she was wearing over her head to reveal a plain white shift underneath. She paused until Margret said, “The shift as well. Hurry up before the water gets cold.”
Mimi took off her shift to reveal a toned tanned body. She had small breasts capped with large dark nipples and she was completely hairless below her neck. Margret was intrigued. She had heard that some of the ladies of the night in London shaved completely, but here it was probably a matter of comfort in the heat. Mimi knelt beside the tub and dipped the washcloth into the water. Margret leaned forward to allow the girl the begin washing her neck and back. The soft cloth over Mimi’s firm hands felt wonderful and Margret let out a moan of pleasure. Once Mimi was done washing her back, Margret leaned back to let the girl work her front. Mimi wasn’t shy as she ran the cloth over Margrets shoulders, arms and stomach before soaping and massaging the English girl’s much larger breasts.
Too soon for Margret’s taste Mimi moved on and asked Margret to put up her legs so they could be washed. While Mimi washed her legs Margret began to idly run her hands over Mimi’s legs, admiring their smooth muscularity. She moved her hand to Mimi’s crotch, and Mimi obligingly opened her legs to allow Margret’s exploration.
“Do you shave yourself?” Margret asked.
“No ma’am,” Mimi replied as she continued to wash Margret’s legs. “One of the other girls shaved me and I shave her.”
“Hmm. I think after the bath I would like you to shave me. It must help with the heat in this dreadful climate.”
“Of course ma’am. Would you like to to wash your intimate areas ma’am?”
Instead of replying Margret opened her legs wide to give the girl the access she needed. Mimi’s hand and the washcloth disappeared underneath the water. Margret enjoyed Mimi’s ministrations for a few minutes as she lay in the tub with her eyes closed and legs spread. Eventually though she decided she wouldn’t be able to finish just from that, and besides the water was getting cold.
“That’s enough for now. Fetch me my towel and robe.”
Mimi hurried to do as Margret commanded. Margret stepped out of the tub and allowed Mimi to rub her down with the towel and trap the robe over her shoulders. “ You can shave me now,” Margret told the girl.
“Shall I get dressed ma’am?”
“No no. You’re fine as you are.”
Mimi went to a cabinet and pulled out an ingenious little folding table that she set up and had Margret lay face up on the padded surface. While Margret got herself comfortable, Mimi took a razor similar to that a man would use for shaving his face, but smaller and more delicate and ran it over a piece of leather to hone its edge. She then filled a small bowl with warm water and soap and used a badger hair brush to work it into a thick lather. Mimi took the brush and applied the soap to Margret’s left underarm, covering the fine auburn hairs there. With a few deft strokes of the razor all the hair was gone. Mimi repeated the process on Margret’s right, then used a warm towel to wipe away all the remaining soap and hairs.
Mimi then moved to the other end of the table and had Margret bend her knees so that the soles of her feet rested on the table. Again Mimi worked quickly and efficiently, lathering, shaving and speaking Margret’s calves in quick succession. She moved slower and more carefully as she removed the fine hairs from Margret’s thighs.
When she was done with Margret’s legs, Mimi asked, “The rest was well ma’am?”
“I think so yes. That’s the whole point of this isn’t it?”
Mimi fetched a small pair of scissors, and used them to trim Margret’s pubic hair very short, giving both her and Mimi a clear view of Margret’s crotch, her lips starting to pull apart slightly and coated with the telltale moisture of her arousal. Once Mimi had trimmed Margret as short as she could using the scissors, she took the brush and thoroughly covered Margret’s crotch in the shaving soap. Gently pulling the lips of Margret’s sex taut, she ran the razor over them, leaving them bare. She carefully moved the mirror polished steel into all of the outer folds and crevices, and when she was done, Margret’s crotch was a bare as a child’s.
“Roll onto your front please ma’am,” Mimi said, and Margret did so, curious as to what was coming next. As Margret lay on her stomach, she watched over her shoulder as Mimi spread apart the cheeks of her buttocks, placed a dollop of lather on her anus the quickly removed the small amount of hair there with the razor.
Mimi then had Margret roll back onto her stomach and applied a soothing scented oil to all of her newly denuded skin. Margret left Mimi to clean up and went to the bedroom, where she lay down on one of the reclining couches. A couple of minutes later Mimi came into the room, still naked.
“Is there anything else I can do for you ma’am?” The Chinese servant asked.
In response Margret spread her legs, allowing the dressing gown to part and show off her naked and aroused sex. “I’ve heard that all the lady’s maids here are experienced in providing satisfaction with your mouth?”
“Yes ma’am.” Mimi came over and knelt in front off the reclining sofa so that her head was at the same level as Margret’s crotch. She placed a hand on each of Margret’s thighs, then began to run her tongue over the now hairless skin. Margret let out a groan on pleasure as Mimi plied her talented tongue to the outside of Margret’s sex, causing her to become even wetter. When Mimi parted Margret’s lower lips and artfully pushed her tongue into the waiting hole, Margret squeezed her thighs together, trapping the younger girl’s body between them. As Mimi licked up and down, occasionally darting her tongue inside Margret closed her eyes and allowed herself to be pleasured.
After a time, Mimi began to focus on the nub of pleasure at the top of Margret’s slit with her tongue, while she slowly inserted first one, then two and thee small fingers into Margret. Losing her composure, Margret grabbed the back of Mimi’s head to push the girl’s mouth harder against her as she began to buck her hips. Mimi sucked Margret’s now prominent clitoris into her lips, circling it quickly with her tongue, and pushing Margret over the edge. She orgasmed with a tightening of her whole body, almost crushing the Chinese girl with her thighs.
When Margret was spent she relaxed and pushed Mimi’s head away. “That will be all for now. I will summon you again when I need something else.”
Mimi got up and bowed to Margret, then left to go get dressed. When the servant was gone and Margret had composed herself, she sat down at the desk in the suite’s receiving room, still wearing the gown. She began to catch up on some of the correspondence she had neglected on the voyage. She was especially eager to write to Jane and Alice, the two girls who’s company had resulted in her temporary exile from London. Perhaps they would be able to come and stay in Hong Kong as well, and the three of them could share the pleasure of a lady’s maid.