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Scarlett and I get to know each other a whole lot better.


I had been promised that the carpet repair would begin at 8:15 and Dave was there almost on time at 8:20. He had brought a helper, a recent graduate of the high school and a roll of carpet for a patch. Dave and I hugged as we always did when we met, and I led him into the bedroom. Of course, he knew where to go. Not only had he been to the house for parties, but he had installed the original carpet about six months ago when Lori decided that she wanted carpet in the bedroom. They moved the bed out of the way and Dave cut a perfect rectangle out of the blood-stained carpet. “I’ll want to check the floor Sean. I’m sure that the blood went all the way through the carpet.” He was right. Even I could see the stain on the heavy foam base.

“We’ll take the padding up, too, Sean. I doubt that it went all the way through, but better safe than sorry. Blood on the wooden floor could result in mold which would cost you a lot more than some carpet padding, especially since I’m not charging you for it.” He cut the padding and his helper gathered up the scraps, carrying them to the truck while Dave removed what looked like a hundred staples. A few minutes later the helper brought in a roll of new pad and a staple gun. Dave cut the pad to fit and once it was installed he measured and cut the carpet to fit. Strips of double sided tape held the patch in place and Dave expertly ran his hands through the nap to blend the fibers together. Even I couldn’t tell that a patch had been installed when he was done.

I wrote a check and walked him to his truck just as Scarlett arrived. “Damn, Sean—you don’t waste any time, do you?”

“She’s my nurse, Dave. I needed someone to put some ointment on my back and she volunteered.” We were still talking when Scarlett approached. I handled the introductions then stood there silently until Dave took the hint and drove away.

“Is there anyone here you don’t know, Sean”

“Sure, but Dave was a classmate. He never had any thought of going to college. His dad owns the company and now Dave is his partner. He still goes out on some jobs. He says it’s to get away from his wife who works in the office, but he’s just kidding. He loves her and his two daughters like you wouldn’t believe.”

I took the small suitcase from her hand. It was the first time I had seen her when she wasn’t wearing scrubs and the sight was worth waiting for. I led her to the green bedroom and once she had put the clothes away she rushed to my arms with a kiss that I had prayed for. Scarlett held my head, her fingers enmeshed in my hair, as our tongues dueled in our lust. She broke it—too soon in my opinion—to tell me I needed her treatment. I agreed even though I would rather kiss her than have her rub my back, as good as that felt.

We had the routine down pat by now and Scarlett was done with me in only fifteen minutes. She went to change into her bathing suit and once she was out of my bedroom I pulled my running shorts up my legs. I slipped on a pair of flip-flops and hustled down the stairs to the family room where I took several bottles of water from the refrigerator and a bag of ice from the freezer. Once out the glass door I opened two umbrellas and pulled two chaise lounges under them. I grabbed two big towels from the pool locker and was placing them onto the lounges when I heard Scarlett walking down the steps from the deck above.

I turned around when she was about three steps from the bottom. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Scarlett far exceeded my wildest imagination. I knew that she was taller than Lori by a couple of inches and she was thinner, something that was hidden by her scrubs. Her legs were impossibly long and shapely. Her hips were feminine, but not too wide. Mostly, my attention went to her incredible breasts. They were smaller than Lori’s, but not by much and they were firmer, by far. I thought that in another twenty years Lori’s would sag badly, but Scarlett’s would still be relatively firm.

She laughed when she saw me. “You can put those eyes back into your head now, Sean.” She tiptoed up to kiss my cheek then turned away to remove her cover-up. Her bikini was tiny—pale yellow with small black polka dots. Thin straps around her neck and back were tied in bows as were the two thin ties on either side of the bottom. I was still taking in her beauty and her sexiness when she asked, “Lotion me?” I gulped a few times before taking the bottle from her hand.

I thought it would be safer to start at her feet. I’m not normally very interested in a woman’s feet, but Scarlett’s were really beautiful—small, slender ankles, and straight toes showing her delicate bone structure. Slowly, I moved up each of her calves, but gasped when I reached the top of her thighs. “It’s okay, Sean. You can touch me there. My skin is really delicate on my thighs and I hate the idea of a bad sunburn there.” I moved my hands up all the way to the cloth once she had spread her legs a bit.

I was somewhat relieved when I reached the top of her bikini bottom, but that was short-lived because once I looked up I saw that Scarlett had shed her top. Her conical breasts were staring me right in my face. On the one hand it was like a dream come true, but on the other Scarlett and I really didn’t know each other very well and I didn’t want to mess up our relationship taking unwarranted liberties. “I hate tan lines on my breasts, Sean so I always sunbathe topless. Well, I do when my aunt and uncle aren’t around. Go ahead, Sean. All you’re doing is applying some lotion like I do with your butt. You’re not feeling me up and turning me on.”

Rubbing some lotion on my hands I got to work, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t stop myself from running my thumbs around her areolas and nipples, probably a few too many times. “Uh… Sean—let’s remember that you’re applying lotion, not trying to turn me on.”

Then I told a tiny lie. “I don’t think you’d like sunburn on your nipples. I think that might really be painful.” That was my justification and I was sticking to it.

“Well…maybe you’d better do them again. What do you think?” I was thinking that I loved having my hands on her breasts as my fingers ran around her areolas repeatedly. I felt great when Scarlett let out a little moan—just enough to tell me that I was getting to her. I turned her around and proceeded to do her back. It was a lot safer back there and I could feel my raging erection slowly deflate. Once done with her I applied some lotion to my exposed skin.

Scarlett pulled her lounge out to face the sun while mine faced the other way completely under the umbrella. It was mid-June and the temperature was in the high eighties. Only minutes later my Penn State Wrestling tee was soaked through with sweat. Looking over I could see that Scarlett was hot. (I know—a terrible pun) The difference was that she could jump into the pool. I still had to be cleared by Doc Crawford and that wouldn’t happen until late Tuesday afternoon at the earliest.

I was half asleep when I felt Scarlett reach over to hold my hand. She looked over at me and smiled when I gave it a slight squeeze. Then I closed my eyes and drifted away. We stayed like that for about an hour until I felt and heard her rise from the lounge. She placed her sunglasses onto a table and walked to the pool, stepping into the deep end. It wasn’t long before she began to swim laps.

My pool is free-form, but mostly rectangular and made of gunite—a semi-liquid concrete that is sprayed onto a frame of rebar—but it is big. I also like to swim so my pool is sixty feet long by twenty wide with a depth of ten feet at one end sloping up to three near the other where there was a set of stone steps. There was a diving board that I rarely used, but was popular when I held parties in the back yard. I knew I’d have one in another nine days on a Saturday morning and afternoon.

Scarlett showed an excellent stroke as she did thirty laps. I was counting and I doubted that I could keep up with her even though I swam regularly. I moved to the pool steps, my legs into the water to my knees. When she was done she smoothed the water out of her hair and sat in my lap, soaking my tee and my running shorts. I wasn’t shocked, but I was a bit surprised when she gripped my head and pulled me into another long deep kiss. I gazed into her eyes when she broke it and I thought at the time that I could see all the way into her soul. I liked what I saw there. I liked it a lot.

Standing, I carried her back to the lounge where I had her stand so I could dry what I thought was her perfect body. I was almost done when she pulled my tee over my head and pushed the shorts down to my ankles. I’d have to say that I reacted strongly. Scarlett smiled, even as she told me, “I just wanted to see what you’ve been hiding from me.” Then after a quick kiss, “There’s no reason why anyone would want to hide such a beautiful cock.”

I had been told many things about my cock, but never that it was beautiful. I knew it was longer than average at seven and a half inches and thicker at almost six in circumference. I recalled measuring it one night way back in eighth grade and, if anything, it was even bigger now. I had used it quite a few times since then and I’d never had even a single complaint although I had always thought that what I did with it was more important than how big it was.

It was almost time for lunch so I suggested some hot dogs on my grill. It was custom-made—my own design--roughly double the size of normal propane grills. I had made the actual cooking surface myself from the highest grade stainless steel. The heating elements came from two Weber units and the whole six-foot wide apparatus was enclosed in a large stone frame that had two side burners over a set of shelves on one side of the grill and a small refrigerator on the other. The entire grill was covered with a curved and hinged section of shiny stainless steel, as well. I had made that, too. I fired up one side of the grill and let it warm up. Ten minutes later I put the dogs—Nathan’s finest--and rolls onto the grill while Scarlett broke out last night’s salad and dressing.

We ate huddled over one of the small tables by the lounges, chatting and laughing until we were interrupted by my phone. “It’s Fred,” I told her. “He told me he’d call when something happened with my case.” I answered the phone then listened for several minutes. “Fred, I hate to say this, but I have to meet with her about her clothes. I don’t want her complaining that I stole them or her jewelry and the sooner, the better.” I listened again and agreed with his suggestion, ending the call with my sincerest thanks.

“He phoned to tell me that Troy’s arraignment had taken place this morning. Bail was set at $500,000, exactly what the DA requested. He also told me that Lori and Michael were arrested on Tuesday and waived extradition so they’ll be here in custody tonight. He was going to pick me up here tomorrow morning, but I suggested that I meet him at his office around 9:30 so I could accompany him first to the jail and then drive to court. I hope my annulment will be done by then. His brother Roy will have it moved back to around eleven so I should be back by one or so. After lunch why don’t we go to Zern’s and see what we can scare up for dinner.”

“You know, I must have passed that place a hundred times, at least, but I’ve never been there. Why don’t I remove her clothes from the closet and dresser while you’re at the jail and court? Can you get some boxes for them? If you were going to take them locally you could probably use trash bags, but if they have to be shipped you’ll definitely need some boxes.”

“That’s a great idea. I’m sure I can pick some up at the U-Haul on Route 100 down by Pottstown. I’ll do that on the way back from Fred’s office. If you get here at the regular time I can take you out for breakfast after you ‘lotion me.’ I think you’ll like Zern’s. I’ve never seen another place like it. I think you could buy just about anything there. There must be at least a dozen butcher shops run by farmers and selling beef, lamb, pork, or chicken, or even eggs from their farms. There are stalls where you can buy clothing of almost any kind. I even had my hair cut there when I was a kid. Mostly, though, I like to stand at one of the corners and people watch. You’ll see…it is an amazing place.”

My comment about “lotioning me” made Scarlett laugh. “I’ll lotion you any time you want and any part of your body you want.” Then she laughed again before giving me a quick kiss. We closed the umbrellas and dumped the towels in the hamper as we walked up the stairs to the bedrooms. I kissed her again as she disappeared into the green bedroom. It shared a bathroom with my office. I walked into my bedroom and then into my shower. It was big enough for two and I had often shared it with Lori, but who could know now when it would be shared again?

I showered and shaved, dressing in a deep purple golf shirt with narrow horizontal stripes of white and black by Greg Norman and tan linen slacks, tan socks and my cordovan loafers. I was reminded of my conversation with Scarlett when I pulled the socks over my feet. A quick combing of my generally unruly hair and I checked to make sure that I had handkerchiefs, wallet, and keys before walking to the living room to await my date. I saw Scarlett laugh when she saw me. We were an almost perfect match, except that her purple silk blouse lacked stripes, her Capri’s looked like they had been spray painted onto her body, and her sandals were tan—identical to her slacks.

We held hands as we walked into the garage where I asked her, “Truck, SUV, or Porsche?” It was her first time in the garage and the first time she had seen my prize car.

“Oh my God, Sean—I can’t believe it. What is it? Is it fast? I can’t even begin to think what this cost.”

“Well, you know it’s a Porsche. Technically, it’s a Turbo Cabriolet which is just a fancy way to say expensive convertible. Cost…One eighty-one, plus tax, but it’s not mine. It belongs to my company.”

I held the door for her as she slipped into the plush leather seat. “Yes, but you own the company.”

“That’s true,” I said as I moved behind the wheel, making sure we were both securely buckled in. The turbo-driven engine whined as I backed it out of the garage. “Yes, but as company property I can take about thirty-eight thousand in depreciation annually for five years which I couldn’t do if it was my personal property. Thank God for accountants. They know all of this tax stuff; how to get as much as possible while paying as little tax as possible.”

I drove a few miles west on route 73 then south on 100 until we reached 422 where I turned west toward Reading. I could really open it up on this road, but I knew that it was a notorious speed trap in several areas so I merely drove along with traffic, even going slower in one section where I knew the speed limit dropped to 40 for about a quarter mile before going back to 55 again.

Looking across the console I noticed that Scarlett was unusually quiet so I asked, “Are you okay, Scarlett?”

“Yes, I suppose, but I have a question for you. Your wife badly betrayed you. Are you going to have trust issues with women in the future?”

“No, I learned an important lesson from my dad a long time ago. He told me that you don’t punish the whole class for the misbehavior of a few. My dad’s a smart man—Mom, too. They both taught calculus and trig. They’re probably the hardest courses in high school for most kids other than physics. Lori cheated on me and, yes, she did betray me, but all of that is on her and nobody else.”

“Then, I have to tell you something…something important. I didn’t tell you everything about my parents. Not only did they abuse alcohol and drugs, but they were also swingers, although according to my aunt they mostly just cheated on each other. Both of my parents suffered from advanced syphilis when they died. Do you know how that can affect your brain?” She continued when I said I did. “I made up my mind that day that I was going to wait for Mr. Right—the man I would love and marry and spend the rest of my life with before having sex.

“I’m not stupid, Sean. I know what I look like. Men hit on me every day—doctors, nurses, technicians, salesmen, even patients and their relatives. Most of them are married so I know that they only want to fuck me. I’ve had a lot of first dates and some seconds, but most men lose interest before the third when they discover that I’m not putting out under any circumstances. There have been times when it’s been challenging, but I don’t regret that decision. I’m waiting for the right man, period.”

“Well…a twenty-five year old virgin is unusual these days, but I support your decision. You should never do something, especially sexually, unless you feel totally comfortable with it.” I smiled then and reached across the console to hold her hand and show my support.

I had thought that the trip might take about forty minutes and I was right. We drove into the large parking lot at Stokesay Castle just five minutes before our seven o’clock reservation. “Do you want to get out at the entrance? I never use valet parking when I drive this car. I’m always afraid the valets will spend an hour or more driving all around town. I’m going to park in the back of the lot.” Scarlett decided to stay with me so I parked about two hundred feet from the door and we walked together toward the old restaurant.

“I can’t believe that it really is a castle, Sean.”

“Yeah, it is. I think you’ll be able to read all about it on the menu. Let’s go in. I asked for a table in the library. I’ve always found it to be the most romantic part of the castle.”

“Oh? Is romance on the menu, too?”

“Asks the woman who dropped my shorts so she could check out my equipment.”

“That was scientific research.” She tried to sound serious, but couldn’t hold back a grin and a giggle.

I gave her butt a little pat as I whispered, “I majored in a science, you know. It never was as much fun as you handling me.”

“Yes, I noticed there was quite a chemical reaction—exothermic, judging from what I saw and felt.” I just shook my head as I held the door for her. Five minutes later we were seated alone in the small library. Two walls were covered with floor to ceiling bookshelves, while a third was mostly taken up with a large stone fireplace. Two large windows with leaded glass panes occupied the fourth. We ordered drinks—margaritas on the rocks for both of us—as we checked out the menu. We each had the lobster bisque, which I knew from past visits, was truly outstanding with lots of lobster bits in the creamy broth. For an entrée I had the filet medium rare with steamed lobster tail, promising to share with Scarlett. She chose the seafood trio—seared scallops, seared crab galette—a lightly breaded crab cake—and lobster medallions. I had enjoyed that several times, although the last was with Lori and Marge just a week before our “wedding” so my memories weren’t totally positive.

Our drinks were great and the meal was even better. I did share my lobster tail and in return I was given one of Scarlett’s scallops. As great as the meal was, the company was even better. Scarlett reached across the table early on to touch my arm and later, once we had finished our meal, to hold my hand. Maybe we were going to have a real relationship, after all.

The sun was just setting when we returned to the car. We were seated and on our way to Nightclub Reverb when Scarlett asked, “Don’t you worry about someone stealing this car? I mean, it’s incredible.”

“Truthfully, I don’t. Most cars are stolen so they can be sold as parts and there isn’t that big a market for Porsche 911 parts. Then, there’s the locking system. Once I lock the car with the remote the doors can’t be opened, even if you were to break the glass and reach in to the handle. It’s also impossible to start the engine, so I don’t worry about it. And it is insured. Let them worry. I pay enough although it really is the company. All three of my vehicles are part of my fleet which sounds more impressive than it is. I only have two medium capacity vans and two workers who double as drivers.”

I parked across the street from Nightclub Reverb. Reading isn’t exactly known as a hotspot of night life, but there are a couple of places where you can dance. On weekends they have live rap and metal bands and you can hear the music half a mile away, but on a Thursday night the music source is just the jukebox. I remember my dad telling me that in his day you could get three songs for a quarter. Those days are long gone unfortunately. I gave Scarlett a ten and pointed her in the right direction while I got us a round of drinks—my last. I was driving.

I was really pleased when one slow song after another came through the speakers. I started out with my hands in the traditional position until Scarlett laughed and whispered, “I’m not putting my hands on your back, Sean. Mine are going around your neck and yours can go on my hips and butt.” Then she moved in really closely, her body molding to mine.

The crowd seemed to be made up of small groups of men and a smaller number of women, all of whom seemed to be on the prowl. Several men asked to cut in while we were dancing, but Scarlett politely refused every time, telling them that she only danced with her boyfriend. She also refused when we were sitting at our table. We held hands then, too and she had initiated our contact then, as well.

We were dancing our last dance when she moved up to kiss me. That wasn’t so surprising; we had kissed several times over the past few days. What surprised me was that she ground her pussy into my thigh through the entire dance. I wasn’t sure what to make of it considering her remarks about waiting for Mr. Right. It was almost midnight when I started the Porsche and we headed home.

“I’m not a tease, Sean. I plan on taking care of you once we’re back at your house. I’m sorry, but it’s only going to be my hand. One of these days I’ll probably use my mouth, but not for quite a while.”

“Will you let me do something for you? I have hands and a mouth, too, you know.” I could see her smile and was reminded of Meatloaf’s “Paradise by the Dashboard Light.” Scarlett’s hand rubbed the back of my neck all the way home. I had just opened the car door for her when she jumped into my arms. Her hands found my head as her sweet plump lips found mine. A second later her tongue was in my mouth. I kissed her back with a passion I thought had died when I learned of Lori’s treachery. We were mid-kiss when one of Scarlett’s hands found my swollen cock. She rubbed it several times before whispering, “Take me inside, Sean. I won’t fuck you, but we can still pleasure each other.” I picked her up and carried her into the house straight to the family room, stopping just a few feet from the couch.

I gently lowered her feet to the floor even as our kiss lingered. Breaking it, Scarlett whispered, “Take my top off, Sean. I want to feel your hands on my breasts.” Moving back just a bit my fingers went inside her tight Capri’s to pull the silk shirt up and away. I had it over her head and on its way to one of the chairs as I deftly opened the clasp on her bra. “Experienced, I see,” Scarlett kidded.

“I did major in Mechanical Engineering, you know.”

“I didn’t realize that bra opening would be a part of the curriculum.” Then she kissed me again and began to pull the shirt over my head. By then I had opened the button and zipper on her Capri’s. Unfortunately, I had to end the kiss to pull them over her hips and down her long slender legs. I had just removed them when she began to work on my slacks. They were easier; they simply fell to my feet and I was able to step out of them easily.

I took in Scarlett’s beauty in the light of the quarter moon as it shone brightly through the glass doors to the pool. “Can we go out to the spa,” she asked. I wasn’t supposed to, but I was thinking with the wrong head as I led her outside, lowering her carefully into the water. I joined her after setting the timer. I sat and Scarlett surprised me by straddling my hips and trapping my rock hard cock between us. We kissed again and she led my hands to her breasts. I massaged them slowly, running my fingers over her areolas and nipples. It wasn’t long before she began humping my cock. If she wasn’t careful she could lose her treasured virginity in a heartbeat.

No such luck; she rubbed up and down as her passion soared. Suddenly, her back arched—her head thrown back in orgasmic bliss as she screamed into the night. She was like a rag doll now, unable to coordinate even her simplest movements so I stood and lifted her easily as I strode from the spa with Scarlett in my arms. Once I had two towels from the pool locker I sat her on one of the lounges to dry her body. I carried her inside once we were dry.

We sat on the couch caressing and kissing each other and we had been there maybe twenty minutes when she began to jerk me off. She moved to straddle me again as her hands did their magic on my organ. I hadn’t had an orgasm since the night before the wedding—thirteen days ago—when I had masturbated thinking about my beautiful bride. Talk about destroying one’s dreams!

Now I was with a woman I could easily learn to love. She was gorgeous, intelligent, and funny. And, let’s not forget sexy. We seemed to be compatible, having many likes and dislikes in common. All I had to do was become Mr. Right, but who could know how to do that? Scarlett must have recognized the signs because she moved a bit back just as my hips drove up, forcing my first thick rope of snow white semen more than three feet into the air. Seconds later the scene repeated itself. The sensation of the orgasm lasted for more than twenty seconds before I sagged back totally spent into the couch.

“Stay here and rest a bit, Sean. I’ll get something from the little kitchen you have down here.” She kissed me again then backed off my lap, returning shortly with several paper towels, one of which was wet. She wiped me down and dried me. Then she held me, rubbing and kissing my cheek as I slowly recovered from my incredible experience.

We had been there quite a while when I moved from the couch to the floor between her legs. I pulled her forward to improve my access to her body. Beginning slowly, I stroked her sides and back while kissing her thighs. I swear—I had never known such silky soft skin as I found there. Teasingly, I moved toward her core giving her lighter and lighter touches with my lips, even blowing gently onto the sensitive skin. She was shaking wildly and moaning non-stop and I still hadn’t touched her pussy. That would come next.

By reaching under her legs I was able to open her completely to me while enabling my hands to roam and explore her breasts again. I learned then that her nipples were hard wired to her cunt. Touching her areolas and rolling her nipples between my fingers drove her wild. It got even better when my tongue found her labia. I started at her anus and moved up almost, but not quite to her clit. That caused a massive shudder to pass through her body so I did it again. Her skin tasted slightly of chlorine, but that was to be expected after being in the whirlpool.

I licked her for more than five minutes before moving to her hot wet velvet vise. Her pussy was soaking wet with delicious nectar by the time I pushed my tongue into her. I felt like the little Dutch boy with his finger in the dike. There was no way to hold back the tide of her sweet juices. I quickly found her G-spot, that tiny rough patch just inside on the upper surface of her canal. Rubbing that with the tip of my tongue caused her to gasp and moan, her breathing becoming rapid and irregular. She was really out of it when I finally moved to her clit. My touch was feather light as I tongued her. Scarlett reacted immediately, shaking and gyrating wildly, her head thrown back onto the couch. She lost it completely when I sucked her clit between my teeth and gnawed.

Scarlett’s scream was easily twice what she did earlier as she thrashed and flailed in uncontrolled ecstasy. On and on it went until she went totally still. I stopped then to find that Scarlett had passed out. After a gentle kiss I picked her up and carried her to my bed. I placed her in the middle then pulled the quilt over our bodies. I had just lain down onto my back when Scarlett, still unconscious, crawled onto my body, her head on my chest and her oozing pussy over my thigh. I fell asleep almost immediately, a huge smile on my face.


If anything, Scarlett was even closer to my body when I woke early the following morning. My left hand was still on her back and my right on her soft, but muscular butt. Turning my head I saw the clock read 7:02—fairly late for me even though we had gotten into bed late—at almost 2:00.

Feeling Scarlett stir I leaned down to gently kiss her head. That seemed to help her to awaken.

At first she seemed to be disoriented, but settled down when she saw my face. “What happened, Sean? How did I get here? Did…did you?”

“To answer all of your questions—I think you must have had the great grandmother of orgasms downstairs on the couch. It’s a good thing my nearest neighbors are more than a half mile away. You screamed something wicked when you came. You passed out so I carried you up here to bed. I thought it was safer than trying to wake you so you could go home. You were pretty much out of it. You actually climbed onto my body, not that I’d ever object. As to your last question—no, I didn’t do anything while you were unconscious. I wouldn’t do anything like that to a woman I hated and I certainly don’t hate you; just the opposite, actually.”

“I’ve never had anyone do anything even close to that to me before. I readily admit that probably more than ninety-nine percent of my orgasms were self inflicted. The few I’ve had from men have been mostly so-so. All men want me to suck them off, but there aren’t many who are willing to reciprocate.”

“I guess you’re just lucky now. I thought that eating you was incredible. In fact, I’d like to do it again, like a few thousand times.” I was grinning as I looked up at Scarlett. That made Scarlett smile just before she leaned down to kiss me. “Morning breath,” I whispered as I tried to turn away.

“I don’t care. If you ever want a repeat of last night you’ll turn around to kiss me right now.” I’m no fool so I turned and welcomed Scarlett’s hot sweet lips to mine. Based on this experience I knew that I’d never turn down a kiss from Scarlett ever again. It went on and on. Our tongues wrestled, and as they did, Scarlett began to rub her hot wet pussy up and down my thigh. I thought then that my virgin would be one really hot lover once she had met her Mr. Right.

She finally broke the kiss after about five minutes. Our faces were bathed in spit and I smiled up at her when I said, “I think my thigh is leaking.”

Scarlett’s face showed her surprise and shock, but she also laughed. “I don’t think that’s your leg. You seem to have quite the effect on me.”

“I thought that was my line.”

Once she had placed her hand on my hard cock she agreed. “Doesn’t this thing ever go down?”

“Sure…it’s quite manageable when you’re not around. What do you say we get up and get a shower? I need a shave and then we can have breakfast. I’ll take you to The Bear’s Den. It’s a nice place and the food is good.”

“I know one way we can save time.” She jumped out of bed and led me to the bathroom, sitting on the toilet to pee while I walked in. I was sure that my face showed my surprise so Scarlett commented, “It’s only a normal bodily function, you know. Everyone does it, so what’s the big deal?” She stood up and walked to the shower. “Your turn now.” I was still shaking my head when I stood up to the bowl. I wasn’t used to such familiarity so I needed a few seconds to start. Scarlett had the shower warmed up by the time I had finished and flushed.

“Okay. Sean…let’s go. I’ll wash you first and then….” I swear she laughed at the expression on my face. This was the same woman who had told me that she rarely had a third date. I stepped under the spray as Scarlett ran the soap over my body, spending a more than appropriate amount of time on my cock and balls before reaching around me to scrub my ass. She finished with another searing kiss before handing the soap to me. It was a lot of fun, but truthfully it would have been a lot faster had we taken two separate showers.

Once we were dry I took two dry towels and placed them onto the bed. Scarlett rubbed the ointment into my wounds, telling me that she would have plenty of time to make the bed after our breakfast. Once we were dressed I drove her to The Bear’s Den only a few miles away in Boyertown.

We had been seated only a minute when Marianne, who my family has known since she was a child, brought us menus and coffee. In doing so she brushed against my bicep. “Damn, I wish I had something that hard in my life.”

“Marianne, you have a husband and four children.”

“Still, I can dream, can’t I?”

“You’ll have to take my word for it,” Scarlett said, interrupting and squeezing my muscle, “but it’s easily as hard as this and probably even harder.” I doubted that my face could have been redder than it was at that instant.

“Damn, I really am jealous.”

“Let’s get to ordering, shall we?”

“Want your usual?”

“What’s that, Sean?”

Before I could answer Marianne jumped right in. “Three egg bacon and cheese omelet, side of bacon, side of sausage, hash browns, and coffee.” I wondered if I would be able to get even a single word in on this conversation. When I saw the expression on Scarlett’s face I was wishing that we had eaten at home.

“Sean, I didn’t do all that work on your back so you could have a heart attack and die. You have a stressful career and people who rely on you for their jobs so you need to eat much healthier.” Then she turned to Marianne. “We’ll have the half cantaloupe, oatmeal with one percent milk and a whole wheat English muffin.” Marianne looked at me and I just nodded. She gathered the menus and walked back to the kitchen.

“Scarlett,” I said, using just about the lowest voice I had, “Isn’t it customary to actually have sex with someone before commenting their equipment?”

Fortunately, mimicking my level of voice, Scarlett replied, “We did have a form of sex, didn’t we, Sean. I told you yesterday that it was nothing to be ashamed of. To tell the truth, it’s the best one I’ve ever seen or touched.” She might have continued, but Marianne reappeared carrying two cantaloupe halves. We ate in silence. The melon was good, but not as good as those I usually pick from my garden. The oatmeal—well, it was oatmeal. I paid the bill, left a decent tip for Marianne and Scarlett and I returned to the house. I noticed that Scarlett seemed a bit down.

I had stopped at the garage when I noticed a tear in Scarlett’s eye. “I’m so sorry, Sean. I realize that I’m a nobody here, but I forget how many people you know. I hate the idea that I might have embarrassed you.”

“I would prefer that our private lives remain private between us. Agreed?”

“Yes…no more blabbing—I promise.”

“Okay. The problem isn’t how many people I know; it’s how many people know me. Some know me from my childhood here, my wrestling, and even my family. Others know me from my factory. The expansion has been in the local newspapers for months. Others know me from local charities that I support like Little League, Community Chest, or the senior citizen center. I’m on the high school’s scholarship committee and some people want me to run for the board of education.

“I probably didn’t know seventy-five percent of the people in The Den this morning, but I’ll bet that almost all of them know who I am. I really enjoy being with you, Scarlett, but some things like the size and hardness of my erection should be knowledge only you and I share.”

“I really do agree, Sean. I wasn’t thinking. I will in the future. I promise.” Then to seal the deal she leaned across the console to lay another big kiss onto my lips. I let her into the house before phoning Fred about our arrangements this morning. After another kiss I promised Scarlett that I’d be back as soon as I could.


“Hi, Spence,” I said to the deputy at the desk. “Fred is expecting me.”

“Morning, Sean; how you feeling? Fred told me to send you back. You know the way.”

“I’m doing better, thanks. How are Sheila and the kids?”

“Great—found out Monday that we have another one on the way.” I smiled appropriately and shook his hand before walking through the door to the detectives’ area. The sheriff’s headquarters was in Reading, but there were a number of substations scattered throughout the county. Fred was the ranking deputy here in Boyertown and even though he had repeatedly told me that they took their orders from Reading, I knew that was total bullshit. The deputies here looked up to Fred, following his orders and ideas much more than they did with the elected sheriff. Not only was Fred the ranking deputy here, but he had the highest arrest and conviction rate in the entire county. He greeted me warmly when I plopped into the chair in front of his desk.

“A little change in plans, Sean. I have to stay in the jail. Troy wants to see me.”

“What does he want? A deal?”

“Yeah, he’s terrified from what I hear. I guess he wants to tell me something that he thinks will help his case. What could he say? We have everything on DVD.”

“Maybe it’s something that happened before the wedding.”

“Could be; let’s get going, okay?” We drove in separate cars—out Route 73 to Route 12 heading south. We drove around Reading before turning right onto Route 183. I followed Fred into the lot reserved for deputies and attorneys. I locked everything other than my driver’s license and my keys in the truck’s cab.

Again following Fred I emptied my pockets and walked through the security area. Fred led me to what he called an interview room where we waited until Lori was brought from her cell. She looked like shit when she was brought in. Her hair was dirty and matted and her orange jumpsuit made her body look lumpy. She was looking down until she was seated. Then she saw me for the first time.

“Thank God you’re here, Sean. You have to get me out of here. This is all a terrible misunderstanding.”

I took one look at Fred who had a seat in the corner, more or less out of the way, and then I laughed. I laughed my ass off. “Just a misunderstanding, eh? I suppose my champagne was drugged in error and then my genitals were caged in another error. You must have been having a really bad day because you shocked my balls about twenty times in what was obviously another set of misunderstandings. I assume that Marge whipping my back more than 4,000 times was yet another misunderstanding, too. What kind of crimes are they Fred?”

“I’m Lt. Fred Ryan, Ms. Canning. I’m the deputy leading this investigation. I’m sorry to tell you that all of the things that Sean mentioned are Class A Felonies, punishable by as much as twenty years in prison, although the cock cage and shocking him are also sex crimes—sexual battery. You’re facing one count for locking that monstrosity on Sean and one for each time you shocked him. So far as the whippings, you’ll be charged with conspiracy—one count for each time the whip touched his back. That’s more than 4,000 counts.”

“So much for ‘a misunderstanding,’ Lori, but that’s not why I came. I have all of your clothes and I don’t want them. I also don’t want to be accused of stealing them or your shoes or your jewelry so just tell me where to send them and I’ll gladly leave. It’s bad enough that you fucked up four lives. I don’t need you fucking up mine any worse than you’ve already done.”

Lori’s head was down when she spoke. “I guess you’d better send them to my Aunt Marie. Your mother might still have her address. She lives in Delaware and she came to the wedding.”

“Yeah, well…I have to speak with my folks about returning the gifts. Knowing my mom she’ll already have the whole thing organized.” I got up to leave, but before I did there was one more thing I had to do. Fred passed the envelope to me and I turned back to Lori. “Take a good look. This is what my back, butt, and thighs looked like when your cunt mother finished with them. Kind of reminds me of hamburger. Great, huh? You’ll probably get twenty years, but I have a life sentence with a body that I can’t show anyone at the beach or pool. How will I ever find a woman who will marry me with a body like this? Good bye, Lori. With luck I’ll never see you again other than at the trial. That I’m definitely looking forward to.” Fred and I exited the room together.

Once in the hall I asked, “How much bail is she going to get.”

“Probably at least $500,000 or more. The only one who might get less is Michael, but I doubt it.” Fred turned out to be quite the seer. Lori’s bail was set at $750,000 and Michael’s at $500,000. All four of them would be guests of the county until the trial. Lori would likely be an old woman by the time she got out and Fred agreed that Marge would probably die in the state penitentiary unless she developed some terminal disease like cancer. Really sick inmates were released all the time.

I thanked Fred for his help, reminding him about next Saturday’s get together, before I walked away. I felt a lot better when I drove to the courthouse to meet with his brother. I wasn’t exactly dressed for court, but Roy explained that I had to wear a certain kind of clothing because of my wounds. I was sworn in by the clerk and then the judge asked me a lot of questions—had any of this been consensual and, of course, the answer was no. He asked if the DVD’s presented an actual and true portrait of what had occurred. I swore that it did. Was the marriage consummated? Again, I told him that it wasn’t—not before the filming had occurred and certainly not after. Finally, he asked how I was feeling. “Better, Your Honor; I’ve had an RN from the hospital in Pottstown coming twice a day to apply an ointment to the welts. It’s helped with the pain and the healing, too.” The judge had made his decision. I was a single man again—thank God! I thanked Roy for all of his help and reminded him of next Saturday. He told me that he couldn’t wait.

I stopped at the U-Haul and bought a dozen boxes along with three big rolls of strapping tape. I phoned Mom on the drive home and asked her about returning the gifts—checks, cash, and objects that would have to be shipped. She was way ahead of me. Everything would be delivered to Sandra first thing Monday morning.

Surprisingly, I was back at home just after noon. Scarlett had removed all of Lori’s clothes from the dresser and closet and had folded everything. Jewelry was placed into plastic zip-lock bags as were her cosmetics. I made the boxes from the folded cardboard, taping the bottoms together and sealing the tops once Scarlett had them filled. All told we used eight of the twelve boxes and two rolls of tape. I carried everything into my home office so I could move them to my office tomorrow morning.


Scarlett and I walked to the rear of the yard where we picked three quarts of strawberries and two cantaloupes. My tomatoes and green peppers were at least a month away. So was my sweet corn—six rows twenty feet long with plants that were still only forty inches tall. I explained that I needed at least four rows in order to ensure that the corn would be pollinated fully. I had a very high chain link fence around the perimeter of the yard to keep animals out and for deer I used liberally sprayed concentrated fox urine. Scarlett laughed when I told her about it. Maybe tonight I’d show her the source of much of my fertilizer.

During a lunch of sandwiches and garlic pickles Scarlett asked if she could move a few clothes into the dresser and closet. “I’ll need some clothes if you invite me to stay over again.”

I had to laugh. “I didn’t realize that I had invited you last night, but it’s a good idea. I enjoyed having you in bed with me even though we didn’t make love. It was the best night’s sleep I’ve had in weeks. Would you like to stay again tonight?”

Scarlett’s answer took the form of a long deep and passionate kiss. I took that for a yes. She broke it a few minutes later, telling me, “I was hoping you would ask.” Then she kissed me again.

I broke it this time to suggest that we go to Zern’s. We both hit the bathroom even though there are clean restrooms there then I drove all of half a mile to one of the large parking lots. We walked in holding hands. There are a lot of entrances and they’re all numbered for convenience and to hopefully minimize losing newcomers to the market.

Zern’s is one of the oldest farmer’s markets in the country, dating back more than ninety years here in Gilbertsville. The market opens at 2:00 on Friday afternoons so they were just getting started when I led Scarlett through door number thirty. “Remember that if we get separated for some reason. My truck is just outside the door. Okay?” She nodded so I held her hand as we stepped into one of the main corridors.

“I’d like to get us a nice steak for dinner. Is that okay with you? How about some burgers for one night during the week? Maybe we can find some homemade bread to go with dinner and some pastries like a Danish or a bear claw for tomorrow morning’s breakfast.”

“What about some tomatoes and peppers for salad and potatoes? Will they have some?”

“You’re in for quite a treat,” I replied. “I used to get a lot of my clothes here and even an occasional haircut when I was a kid. I think you could buy almost anything here. Last year I bought an almost new socket wrench at less than half what a new Craftsman would have cost. We’re not in any hurry so why don’t we take a stroll through the aisles and then we can come back to the shops we’re interested in. Sound okay to you?”

“I think I have to tell you that I have the shopping genes in my body. I love to shop.” Oh well, at least she warned me. There was a crush of humanity when we reached the long aisle. Scarlett had my hand in a death grip as we walked in pace with everyone else. We stopped a few times, mostly so we could look at meat. We saw what I thought was a really good deal on ribeye steaks—a decent price for custom-cut well marbled beef. Farther down a shop had some great lamb chops about two inches thick. We sampled some bread from an Amish shop—cash only, of course. Amish don’t use electricity or drive cars. Even here in Montgomery County one could see the occasional horse and buggy on the roads.

We did buy the ribeye, cut an inch and a half thick and a pound of ground beef. The lamb chops were too good to pass up and Scarlett was thrilled when I told her I wanted to share them with her. We bought a loaf of crusty bread after the woman salesperson told us how to heat it before eating. Scarlett had a bag full of tomatoes and green peppers, two of which had begun to turn red. I was picking out some radishes when Scarlett almost ran to a booth that was selling hand-made woolens. She tried on a tam in what I thought was a black watch plaid. It looked great on her and it fit well so I bought it as a present. She wore it even though the building was quite warm.

We were just about to turn around and leave when I heard, “Uncle Sean! Uncle Sean!” Looking behind me I saw my sister Gail, her husband Pete Roberts, and my nieces Andrea, seven, and Virginia, five. They were running to me so I picked both of them up even though my hands were full, holding our purchases. I loved kids and it must have shown as Andrea and Ginny hugged and kissed me. I had just put them down to hug my sister and brother-in-law. No sooner had Pete hugged me than he pulled away to apologize.

“It’s okay, Pete. I had a guardian angel come in every morning and every evening to rub some ointment into the welts. I want to introduce you to Scarlett, my very own special nurse. Scarlett, this is my sister Gail and her hubby Pete. And down here are my two favorite nieces—Andrea and Ginny.” She shook hands with Gail and Pete and knuckle bumped the nieces.

“I like your hat, Scarlett,” Andrea told her.

“Your uncle Sean just bought it for me. I’m glad you like it.”

“Uncle Sean buys us a lot of presents even though Mommy tells him he’s spoiling us.” We all had a good laugh at that. I remembered my dad telling me about an old TV show that featured the host interviewing young kids. Dad told me that they always said the “darnedest” things. I was just about to remind Pete and Gail of the party next Saturday when Andrea just had to tell Scarlett how much she and Ginny loved me.

“Yes, Andrea; I think your Uncle Sean can be very lovable sometimes.” I laughed, but then I noticed how Gail and Pete were checking Scarlett out. Her hand was holding my elbow possessively and when I glanced into her eyes I saw something I thought was special.

“I have to tell you that I’m a single man again. I was in court this morning with Roy Ryan for an annulment. That was probably the shortest marriage on record.” We chatted for a few minutes until Gail told us that they had to get back to their shopping. We left after a final round of hugs. A few minutes later we were sitting together in the truck.

I was just about to start it when Scarlett surprised me by moving up to sit on the console. When I turned into her she slid into my lap, smiled broadly then pulled me into a long sweet kiss. “Thank you, Sean for bringing me. It was so much neater than I could have imagined. And thank you for my tam, too.” Then she kissed me again. It seemed like the most natural thing. I loved kissing Scarlett—touching her, too.

A few minutes later we were in the kitchen—Scarlett putting the veggies into the refrigerator and me sealing the meat into plastic wrap. I left the steak on an open dish, planning to rub in some salt and pepper before cooking it later on.

“Why don’t we go down to the pool, Sean?”

“Okay, I’ll just change into my suit and meet you there in a few minutes.”

“I was thinking that…maybe…maybe we might skip the suits. Just think of the fun we’ll have lotioning each other.”

“What ever happened to my timid virgin?”

“She’s still here, but she’s not quite as timid as she was even yesterday.”

“Okay, I guess, but we’re both staying under the umbrella except when we go into the water. After last night I don’t think it will be a problem.”

“Oh Sean, I’m so, so sorry. I wasn’t thinking too clearly last night.”

“I wasn’t complaining. Just check everything out when you apply the lotion, okay?”

Scarlett gave me an evil grin when she replied. “That’s not all I’ll be checking out.” Then she took me by the hand and we walked down to the family room, leaving our clothes on the sectional. Once outside and under the umbrella I pulled Scarlett into my arms. She came eagerly and when I looked into her eyes I was thrilled with what I saw there. I could see her honest emotions, her trust, and—although our relationship was in its infancy—I thought I could see her love. God only knows, I could use a little love right about now. She would have pressed her naked body into mine had there not been something in the way. “Tsk. Tsk, Sean; I guess I have as much an effect on you as you do on me.” Looking down, she took my ultra hard cock into her hand before bending down to gently kiss the reddish purple head. My organ pulsed and bucked in response.

We applied sunscreen to each other and—yes—I did spend an incredible amount of time on her breasts and nipples. I kissed her labia just before covering them in the thick white lotion, thinking that I’d love spreading another thick white liquid all over her gorgeous pussy. Once we were done I placed towels on two lounges and carefully lowered my body onto one. I was just about to close my eyes when I felt Scarlett’s hand on my arm. “Roll onto your side, Sean.” I was surprised, but pleased when she joined me, wrapping her lithe body against mine.

“You know, Scarlett that you’re going to lose your virginity one of these days if we keep on doing stuff like this and what we did last night. I doubt that either of us is made of iron. We’re only human and we’re going to lose control.”

“Well…I suppose I could do a lot worse, but I doubt that I could do much better.” I wasn’t sure what she meant by that so I remained silent even as Scarlett pressed those delectable breasts into my chest. Instead of a nap I spent the next hour kissing, touching, and doing almost everything sexual other than intercourse with Scarlett.

She initiated the sexual activity by pressing my mouth to her nipple and encouraging me to suckle. Believe me on this—I needed no encouragement. Her breasts were magnificent and so sensitive to my every touch. She moaned appreciatively as I massaged both breasts and worried her nipples. When I moved one hand to her sex I found it gushing. My finger entered her easily and she arched her back in ecstasy. Next thing I knew she was on top of me and flipping around into the traditional 69 position.

I knew that Scarlett had very little oral experience and she had already told me that it would be a long time before she’d even think of sucking me. Thus, I was amazed when my cock slowly disappeared into her mouth—her hot wet mouth with her active tongue. The sensations pulsing up and down my organ were heavenly.

While Scarlett was occupied with my cock I began to attack her cunt. First, I sealed my lips around her entire organ and sucked mightily, drawing blood into her sensitive tissues. Next I licked using the broad of my tongue. Last night I had barely missed her rosebud, but now I teasingly ran the tip of my tongue around the wrinkled surface causing Scarlett to gasp loudly even with my cock almost completely in her mouth.

Scarlett was more than wet now. Her pussy was flooding her thighs and my face and it got worse when I drew my tongue’s tip lightly over her clit. I would have continued, but Scarlett’s mouth had done its work too well. Knowing that she was a neophyte I tried to warn her. “Scarlett…Scarlett, I’m…oh God!” Pulses of thick white semen rushed from my cock straight to her stomach. All told I sent six long ropes into Scarlett’s mouth before the orgasm ebbed. I was a sweaty exhausted mess when Scarlett released my organ from her mouth with a smile.

I was gasping for breath when I asked her, “I thought you…told me it would…it would be a long time before you…you know, so why?”

“Truthfully, I’ve been feeling kind of guilty about what I did to you this morning. I really am sorry—about that, but not this.” She was smiling now. “Some of the other nurses have talked about it…how it tastes. Some of them like it, but others have said they hate it. I can’t speak about anyone else, but yours tastes really good. I think I’ll do it again—real soon.”

“I’m glad, but I didn’t take care of you.”

“I’m not worried. There’s still tonight.” Then she moved down to kiss me again. The taste of my semen on her lips dissuaded me not at all. I loved kissing her and I demonstrated that desire many times over the next hour. I barely reached the towel on what was supposed to be Scarlett’s lounge, pulling it to our faces that were completely covered in our mixed saliva.

Finally, I whispered, “I don’t know about you, but I’m a sweaty mess and I could really handle a quick swim.”

“Let’s go, but I don’t want you to actually swim—not quite yet. Your back still needs to heal some more. Swimming can be quite strenuous. You need to use all of your muscles, you know.” We were walking down the stone steps hand in hand when she continued. “You know, Sean, I’ve seen some wrestlers on TV—not those idiots who are supposed to be professionals--but the Olympics and even the NCAA tournament on ESPN. They all have over-developed muscles in their necks, shoulders, and arms. You’re muscular, but overly so like they are.”

“I have my dad to thank for that. He has the same body type that I have. Nobody lifted more than I did in high school or at Penn State. I still bench press 400 pounds when I go to the gym, but my muscles are longer than most people’s. Strength is important in wrestling, but quickness is even more. Heavy thick muscles just slow you down and they can restrict your movement. Ever hear the term ‘muscle bound?’”

“I have heard of it, but I’m not really sure what it means.”

I used my bicep to demonstrate. “Feel my muscle.” Scarlett did, but the one she felt was several feet underwater. I just shook my head as I laughed. “The one here on my arm.”

Now she laughed. “Spoil sport!”

“As I flex my arm the muscle body grows in thickness until my hand touches my shoulder. But, if the muscle was much thicker—muscle bound—it could actually stop my arm long before my hand could touch. The same can be said for legs and neck, and even back muscles. My favorite move was to entice my opponent to try for my leg then pull it back as I pivoted around behind him. Then I’d grasp him around the waist and body slam him to the mat. No matter how often I did it I was always able to trick the next wrestler because most takedowns involve grabbing the leg to unbalance the opponent. It’s even called the ‘Sloan Takedown’ because of my success with it. Not many do it though because you have to be really quick to be successful. I used to practice it fifty times a day…minimum.”

“Want to body slam me? Would that mean you’d be lying on top of me?”

“That part sounds good, but you’d be hurting too much to do anything.” She was laughing again when I pulled her under, bringing her lips to mine. Her legs were around my waist with my hardening cock trapped again between our bodies. We held the kiss for an awfully long time, but the word ‘awful’ never came to mind although I did think it would be an awful shame if I never made love to this gorgeous creature.


We left the pool to shower together around five. I took the steak out of the refrigerator on our way to the bedroom, allowing it to warm to room temperature before seasoning with salt and pepper. Once out and dry I asked Scarlett where she would like to eat—dining room or pool deck.

“Can we stay naked if I say pool deck?”

“We can, but it may get cool before too long.”

“That’s okay I’ll have my…. I’ll have you to keep me warm.” I chuckled as I dropped my shorts and tee shirt back into the drawer. I started the grill and made the salad while Scarlett set the table, walking down and up the stairs more times than were actually required. She only took one item at a time, stopping behind me to fondle my cock and balls every time she walked behind me.

“You could take more than one thing at a time, you know.”

She reached up to kiss me, telling me, “I like my way better. I need a free hand, although…. I suppose I could use my mouth if my hands were full.” And damned if that wasn’t what she did just a few minutes later, first licking my throbbing manhood and then sucking one of my balls into her mouth. That got a reaction out of me—did it ever!

The ribeye was just perfect—cooked medium rare just the way I--and apparently Scarlett—liked it. I had sampled the tomatoes while making the salad so I knew they were tasty. That was one of the advantages of local knowledge. I knew the farmer hated hydroponic crops. If you’re not familiar with the term it refers to plants grown in mineral and fertilizer laden water as opposed to soil. It’s fast and efficient, but the tomatoes taste like cardboard. His tomatoes were always grown locally in soil. The ones I had bought were an early maturing variety.

Scarlett and I were seated next to each other and she nudged me when she spilled some salad dressing onto her breast. I immediately leaned over to lick it clean, adding a few licks and suckles to her nipple. She really was becoming incorrigible because a minute later she intentionally dropped a small piece of green pepper onto my erect penis. She looked at me with a wry smile and then bent over to lick my shaft. I was glad the meal was just about over because after that it went to pot almost immediately.

She jumped up and pulled me to the spa. I turned it on and joined Scarlet in the hot frothy water. She straddled me as she had last night and she was so active rubbing her clit over my cock that she was pushing gallons of water out onto the deck. That only increased when I massaged her breasts and gently pinched her nipples.

Her body was like a whip, arching back then bending forward in rapid succession. I was worried about her safety until she froze for just a second before screaming into the night. Her orgasm continued as long as I manhandled her nipples—maybe twenty seconds—ending only when I released her tender nubs. I picked her up and carried her to the lounge where I carefully dried her body and her hair before seeing to my own needs. Once done I lay back on the lounge, pulling Scarlett to me.

We lay there for perhaps an hour kissing and touching and loving each other. However, all good things must end. The temperature drops radically once the sun goes down and we were getting cold in spite of Scarlett’s earlier comment. “I think we should go in, but first I’d like to check on my tenants.”

“You have other people here? I’ve never seen anyone.”

“Not people—no—but probably more valuable than rent paying tenants. C’mon, I’ll show you. We don’t have to dress. Nobody will see us.” I walked her through the garage, turning left toward the back of the house. I stopped under a gable and pointed up. “Watch your step here. Their bathroom habits leave a lot to be desired. Stay away from that white stuff.”

“Ewww, what is that stuff? What’s up there?”

“That’s the best, the most concentrated fertilizer you can find. It’s so strong that it has to be diluted with water although I compost it. It’s bat guano. See that square box with the thin slot at the bottom? That’s a bat house. I have another on the other side. Last time I counted there were about two dozen bats living in there.”

“Ewww, again; why on earth would you want to have bats of all things?”

“Because each one of them will eat as many as 1,500 mosquitoes and moths in a single evening. There are a lot of heavy woods here so there are a lot of insects, especially moths and mosquitoes. Have you noticed many tonight?”

“No…but bat poop? Yuck!”

“In some places where they have big caves and millions of bats there are actually people who mine the guano and earn enough selling it to support their families. It really is a great fertilizer. Wait until you see my tomatoes.”

“I’m thinking of passing.”

“I’m sure someone with your background in biology understands that the plant only takes the nutrients—the nitrogen and potash—from the soil. I usually shovel a thick layer of compost over the garden in the fall and roto-till it in late winter so I can plant in the spring. By then almost all of the compost has decomposed. Okay, let’s go in. My butt is getting cold.”

Scarlett laughed again. “We can’t have that, can we?” I took her hand and led her back inside. We spent a good half hour in the shower, enjoying the hot water spraying over our bodies. It was hard to believe that I had escaped Marge’s torture less than a week ago. I’d gone from Hell to Heaven in that brief period of time. Tonight I did wash Scarlett’s hair, adding conditioner before rinsing it clear.

We dried each other and I sat her on a stool that I kept in the bathroom, using the blow drier on her lustrous hair. Scarlett kissed me then laughed as she told me that I had missed my calling. “You should have become a stylist.”

“Yeah, right—aren’t all those guys gay?”

“Hmmm, not all of them, at least I don’t think so. Truthfully, I’ve only had female stylists and all they talk about is their boyfriends—even the married ones. Oh…sorry.” She knew I was thinking about Lori when I heard that, but it no longer hurt me to think of her. Now I realized that she was just a cheating scheming whore. Scarlett and I climbed into bed a few minutes later. It was still early so we watched TV. I flipped through some of the channels, stopping on a nature show on Smithsonian about bats. Scarlett laughed as she elbowed me in the ribs.

I was just relaxing and almost asleep when I heard Scarlett swear. “Stay right here, but don’t fall asleep. I forgot all about your ointment.” She was out of bed in a flash and back less than a minute later with a big bath sheet. She was all business now, but she no longer used gloves, not after swapping bodily fluids with me several times over the past few days. “Sean, I want to speak with one of the dermatologists tomorrow about your scars. I want to find out if Mederma will flatten them. I know it’s usually used for surgical scars and it’s very effective on them.”

“Aren’t you going to be in the cath lab all day?”

“Yes, but I’m transitioning to regular surgery so I can spend more weekends with you. Mostly tomorrow I’ll be training my replacement so I should be able to find some time to get away. It’ll be a Saturday, but I think there will be someone on call. I know we have two burn victims in the hospital and they’ll need both surgeons and dermatologists. Okay, Sean…I’m done.”

“Thank you, Scarlett. Thank you for everything. You’re the most upbeat and energetic woman I’ve ever met.”

”It sounds like you’re dumping me.”

“That’s never going to happen. I’ve had lots of girlfriends in the past. Girls often threw themselves at me in high school and college, especially when they learned about my All-American status. Yes…lots in the past, but if I never have another after you I’ll still be extremely satisfied.” Scarlett’s eyes were the size of quarters then she smiled and flipped me over so she could kiss me. In fact, she was all over me, rubbing her breasts into my chest and dry humping my thigh with her pussy. I could barely break away to suggest that we go to sleep. We had to be up early tomorrow morning. I had set the alarm for 5:30.


We had everything done in plenty of time so we stood outside with me leaning against Scarlett’s fender and Scarlett leaning against me for a long deep kiss, my hands exploring her sensational ass. She was just about to dry hump me again, but stopped and giggled. “I’d better not. I’ll be leaking if I do and I’m sure to be embarrassed.” I stopped her by kissing her again. We were both sorry when she pulled out of my driveway, waving as she drove toward Route 73 on her way to Pottstown.

I returned to the house to change the sheets and make the bed before cleaning up the kitchen. The cleaners usually came on Friday, but had to reschedule due to an employee injury. I was done by 7:30 so I drove all the way to my office—only three-tenths of a mile.

I can get a lot of work done in a short time if I have no distractions and a Saturday morning was perfect for that. I made a cup of coffee as I dug into my inbox. A lot of it was mail that I could dispose of quickly—most of it into the circular file. My trash can even had a painted label—CIRCULAR FILE—in big yellow letters on the side. There were memos from Angus telling me what had been done every day since the wedding. That reminded me that I had forgotten Lori’s clothes. I reminded myself to put them into the truck bed when I got home.

I spent the most time on a Request For Proposals from Toyota. They were interested in valve springs. Individually, they weren’t much—probably not more than ten cents profit per unit--but Toyota wanted ten million a year for ten years. I knew that I had a patented alloy that would be prefect so I sent a voicemail to Angus telling him to see me first thing Monday morning. The final hour I spent on a report from the architect for the expansion. I was adding two buildings—10,000 square feet for a larger furnace that I used to cast molten metal. Currently that operation was at the rear of my one factory.

Moving it to its own structure would give me more room for storage and additional stamping machines. The other building—100 wide by 600 feet long—would go parallel to the existing structure. Both would be pre-fabricated from insulated panels twenty feet high by eight feet across and eight inches thick. They were light in weight in spite of their size, being made of strong aluminum sheets bound on both sides to insulating Styrofoam. I knew the building would be installed by a major manufacturer of these structures. That was the simplest part of the job.

The area was currently heavily forested with large oak, maple, and black walnut trees. More than five acres would be cleared. The larger logs would be sold to a sawmill about twenty miles away in North Coventry Township on the other side of the Schuylkill River. The smaller trunks and all of the branches—large and small—would be stacked at the rear of the clearing. My friends and I would turn them into firewood next Saturday morning. We’d done this before—several times. Scarlett would entertain the wives and kids at the pool until we were done then we’d have hot dogs and hamburgers with soda and beer plus whatever salads the wives would bring.

I finished my work by 12:30 and I had a thought. I sent a text to Scarlett as I closed up the office asking her if she would like to go out for dinner tonight. She texted back—does that mean I can stay over again? My answer was simple—I hope so. Then I drove to The Bear’s Den for lunch. I was just about to order a double bacon cheeseburger with fries when I recalled what Scarlett had said about eating healthier. I had a chef’s salad and a glass of iced tea. For dessert I had the melon plate.

The afternoon was spent at the pool, but it wasn’t the same without Scarlett. What a difference a week could make in my life. Boy! Wasn’t that true! My ordeal with Marge had taken a week and my time with Scarlett was the same. One of the differences was that I was looking forward to many more weeks with Scarlett. I hoped never to see Marge or her evil spawn again—not alive, anyway. If I went to Marge’s funeral I’d go just to make sure she was really dead.

I was showered and dressed by the time she arrived at 7:30, running again into my arms and kiss as soon as she was out of the car. We kissed for several minutes before Scarlett pulled back to whisper, “I missed you terribly, Sean.”

“Yeah, me too. I went into the office this morning, but spent the afternoon at the pool. It wasn’t the same without you.” Then I leaned down to kiss her again. Finally, I led her inside so she could change her clothes.

“I have some more out in the car, Sean, but they can wait until after dinner.” I was going to give her privacy, but she asked me, “Why? Haven’t you already seen everything I have? You know, Sean, I have to trim my hairs…you know…my pubic hairs tonight. I’ll shave it all away if you like and I could do you, too.”

“I’d prefer you didn’t, Scarlett. I learned recently that Lori kept her pussy bare because Michael wanted it that way. I’m afraid that seeing you shaved would bring back some very unpleasant memories. I like you trimmed the way you are and I’ll do the same if you want.”

“I’m so sorry, Sean. I seem to be apologizing a lot lately.”

“There’s no reason why you should apologize. You had no way of knowing.” She had stripped out of her work clothes, including her bra and panties. Now she stood before me in nothing but her skin and hair. “Damn, but you’re beautiful…just perfect in my opinion.”

She stood up to kiss me. “I’m glad you approve. It’s all yours, you know.” I didn’t know—not for sure, but I sure as hell liked the idea. Scarlett asked me what kind of restaurant we were going to so I told her it was a steakhouse so fairly informal dress would be fine. She wore a coral top with a scoop neck that just showed her fantastic cleavage along with black Capri’s and, of course, black sandals. I led her to the garage at 7:55.

“We have an 8:00 reservation, but we can be late. I know it will be held for us.”

“Let me guess—a friend.”

“Actually, more a friend of my parents. He’s known me all of my life. We’re only about five minutes away if we hit the lights right. We can take the Porsche because the parking lot is big enough that I can hide it.”

I roared out of the driveway to my private road, turning left on 73 toward Boyertown. I pulled into the parking lot at The Pit Stop less than ten minutes later. We were given one of the better tables—in the rear corner away from the kitchen –where we could talk and have some privacy. The waitress had just given us our menus when I saw him walking down the aisle.

I rose and he hugged me, greeting me as he had for more than twenty-five years. “Oh…I’m sorry, Sean. I should have remembered your injuries.”

“That’s okay, Nick. I’d like to introduce you to my very special nurse. Scarlett, this is Nick Poulos, a life-long friend of my parents and the owner of this fine restaurant. In spite of that, I’ve probably eaten here a hundred and fifty times.”

“You can be such an asshole, Sean. You know that?” He acted angry, but he was smiling the entire time. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Scarlett. Anyone who is willing to put up with Sean is A-OK in my book. Sean, I’ll have Maria bring you a bottle of wine on the house.” He shook our hands again before telling Scarlett that he hoped she would enjoy her meal.

“You know, Scarlett, I don’t know your surname.

“It’s Davies…Scarlett Ann Davies.”

“Okay…S…A…D; there’s a misnomer if I ever heard one. You’re the most upbeat woman I’ve ever met.” We sat back in our chairs to peruse the menu, but other than the daily specials, I knew it by heart.

“Are you hungry, Sean?”

“Yeah, seems that instead of a double cheeseburger and fries for lunch someone convinced me to have a chef’s salad instead.” Scarlett beamed then leaned across the corner of the table to give me a quick kiss.

“I was wondering if we might try one of the starters. Ever have the bacon wrapped scallops here?”

I smiled; that was one of my favorites. We agreed on that, salad—Scarlett’s with hot bacon dressing and mine with bleu cheese--and the prime rib medium rare with baked potato. Maria told us she’d bring a bottle of Nick’s best Cabernet. Scarlett’s tone was hushed as she asked, “She won’t get into trouble, will she? I mean, giving us a really good wine?”

“I don’t think so. She’s Nick’s niece. I often kid him that a person has to be Greek and a relative to work here.” A minute later Maria was back. I was more than a little taken aback when I saw the label on the wine. It was a Tierra Roja 2014. I looked at her when I asked, “Does Nick know you brought this wine?”

“He gave it to me, Sean.”

“Okay, then.” She opened the bottle, giving me the cork to smell. I passed it to Scarlett while Maria poured a small amount for me to sample—like I was going to turn back a $155 bottle of wine. I had to admit; it was great with a deep rich flavor—probably the best wine I’d ever drunk.

Scarlett apparently agreed, smiling after her first sip. “What were you talking about, Sean? About the wine, I mean.”

“I’ve seen this in our local shop. I know the owner and his son. The son is now a dentist here in Boyertown. He showed me this wine and told me that if I ever wanted to impress someone this was the wine to give them. I almost fainted when I saw the price--$155.”

Scarlett was clearly shocked, but after her second sip she commented, “It’s worth it. This is great wine. We’ll have to thank Mr. Poulos if we see him again.”

“That’ll be great, but don’t call him Mr. Poulos. He’ll skin me alive. I already had that happen once.” Scarlett took my hand and held it until Maria delivered our scallops. I was surprised when Scarlett refused to let go of me. Instead, she fed me carefully—delivering three succulent scallops to my mouth, each time with a kiss just before and just after. I knew quite a few people in the restaurant, but I wasn’t at all embarrassed. Who would be embarrassed having a goddess like Scarlett kissing them? Who could possibly?

Scarlett loved her salad. The hot bacon dressing was one of my favorites. The prime rib was outstanding, but I knew it would be. Our pieces were also somewhat larger than normal, but I knew that would happen, too.

“Want dessert,” I asked.

Scarlett laughed. “You have got to be kidding. This is the biggest and best meal I’ve had in years and the wine was just perfect. I honestly can’t imagine putting another thing into my mouth?”

“Oh yeah? I can think of something I think I can get in there.”

Scarlett had a wry smile on her face as we exited. We ran into Nick in the

lobby. “I hope you enjoyed your meal, Scarlett.”

“I did, Nick. I thought everything was perfect. The food was even better than we had at Stokesay Castle. Sean took me there on Thursday. It was an excellent experience, but I’d much rather eat here and I’m going to tell everyone at the hospital. And thank you so much for the wine. It was the best I’ve ever had, but that shouldn’t surprise you. Most of mine costs less than ten dollars a bottle.”

“I’m really glad to hear that, Scarlett. Please come back any time, but drop this loser so you can be with a real man.”

I laughed my ass off. “You know very well that Victoria would cut your balls off, Nick.” He joined Scarlett and me in laughing.

“I have to try, don’t I? Have a great evening, both of you. Will we see you on the Fourth?”

“I’m sure you will, Nick.”

I led Scarlett out to the car. Looking up to the lights that were shining down to the blacktop we could see hundreds of moths and mosquitoes. Scarlett laughed. “Never a bat around when you need one.” Then she kissed me and urged me to take her home. “There’s something I just have to have in my mouth. I put the pedal to the metal and we literally flew out of the parking lot. There wasn’t much traffic at this hour. They roll up the sidewalks early in the Boyertown/Gilbertsville area.

I had the Porsche in the garage and was ready to lead Scarlett into the house when she surprised me by kneeling on the hard concrete floor to take me into her mouth. It was so intense that I had to lean against the truck’s door to support myself. I thought I should warn her, but when I did she completely ignored my words, swallowing every bit of my spunk, even pulling the very last drop up and licking it from my rapidly declining organ. I sank down, my ass resting on the “running board” I’d had installed.

Eventually, I managed to stand and led Scarlett into the house and upstairs to the bedroom. There was no need to shower so we stripped off and I lay on the towels I had placed earlier while Scarlett applied the ointment to my back. “I spoke with two surgeons and a dermatologist this afternoon, Sean. They all agreed that Mederma would help with your scars. Your back will never be beautiful, but they will flatten out considerably. One of them suggested plastic surgery. He thought that it might be covered by insurance due to the circumstances.”

She had me stay face down on the bed while she went to wash her hands. My back was dry by the time she had returned. Leaning down to kiss me she told me, “Unless you have a refill, I think that tomorrow will be your last day for the ointment. Does your back still hurt?”

“No, it itches every now and then, but it doesn’t hurt when I lie down and it feels really good when you’re on top of me.”

“Then I think I should get my clothes off, don’t you?” She kissed me again then jumped off the bed while I dropped the towels to the floor and pulled the quilt down so Scarlett could join me. I pulled the quilt over us as we began to kiss once again. Damn, but I loved kissing this woman.

Dudley DowrongReport 

2019-07-15 14:04:11
The story started as a downer, but after meeting Scarlett & the arrests, it has become VERY upbeat & much more likable & more realistic. The loving interaction between Scarlett & Sean demonstrates how delightful & "clean" a relationship can be when respect, will power, & mostly LOVE can overcome the lust one might feel toward another wonderful person. Obviously, neither wants to derail the possible future they can see for & in one another. Not a fuck buddy, but a life buddy.
I love it, as I said in earlier comments Thanks again.!!

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