This is a fantasy not meant to be taken seriously. It contains elements of DDLG, incest and other "taboo" subjects. If that offends please just don't read. Its not real its just a fantasy story. Thanks. This is a diary of a consenting adult writing a fantasy. All characters are consenting adults
The Bouncey Game
It starts with an innocent game but it becomes an uncontrollable, forbidden lust. Laura and her Daddy fall for each other in the hardest ways...and with Mommy always in the next room, down the hall or looking out of the corner of her long can they keep this a secret?
It all started with the bouncy game...
My daughter was always a daddy's girl. She was always closer to me than my wife. She got older but she still loved sitting on my lap when we watched TV in the living room.... She'd get excited about her shows or just have tons of energy and I'd bounce her on my knee or she'd just pop herself up and down until she got tired and then she'd curl up with me or on the couch beside me or less often with my wife...
She did this for as long as I can remember and I never thought much of it at all. Then she started doing it a different way I knew eventually she'd get curious and have those natural urges and thoughts..but I never expected or thought it would happen the way it did...
She started calling it "the bouncy game" her bouncing on my lap and she had to do it almost every day! As soon as she was home from school and got to watch her shows. She got on my lap to work off some of that youthful energy!
She'd done it for years but...she was bigger now...still a little girl. But at that age were she'd soon make new discoveries....
This time she put her hands on my knees and bounced like crazy....and I had never had one sexual thought about my daughter but...she was there with her hands on my knees bouncing like crazy, hitting my dick! She was almost doing it like a grown woman would fuck in a reverse cowgirl! I was trying to just ignore it and play on my phone but....against my own attempts to think about something dick started getting hard
...she had to feel it....she kept bouncing making little noises...she stopped for a second and literally rubbed her little baby butt right against my half hard cock! Which then almost got fully hard! I was frozen and shocked and trying not to make anything of it...she went back to her bouncing and I forgot my wife was even there reading her book in her armchair diagonally from us on the couch!
"Laura!" My wife said in a slightly raised voice.
"Stop that." She said.
"Get off your fathers lap. I don't wanna see you doing that again."
"Why??" Little Laura whined.
"Because I said so young lady."
She Then shot me an angry look very briefly...then went back to reading.
Laura sat down on the couch and didn't say another word but made a bit of a pout.
I went back to playing on my phone and waiting for this erection to go away!
" I don't see what the big deal is baby."
I said to my wife later in our room after putting Laura to bed.
"Look she's growing up and..I just don't want her having those kind of sexual thoughts about you. She's gonna have them but.....what she was doing today.... we can't let her do that." My wife complained.
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at her.
"I understand and fine I'll talk to her and I just won't let her do that anymore."
"Good thanks. I'm sorry its just made me really uncomfortable, she's a little girl! And for a second looked like she was fucking you!"
she almost sounded jealous!
"Babe its fine I got it. Its really not that big a deal."
She laughed a little. "I guess you're right ...."
We dropped the issue right there but I could sense there was some jealousy in her tone....
If she only knew what was gonna happen next....
Daddy & Laura:
"But why daddy!?'
She whined at me as I drove her to school the next morning.
"I always play the bouncy game! I love it! It makes me feel good ! I think about it at school and look forward to it!"
"Sweetie your mother doesn't like it and you can't do it anymore and that's that!'
"But daddyyyyy!!"
She was almost in tears.
I didn't know what else to say.
after a second Laura spoke again.
"Daddy... mommy said she didn't wanna *see* me doing it again! So....I can just do it when she's not around! She doesn't have to see it and I can still play!"
She smiled big like she'd found some kind of treasure!
"Please daddyyyyyy!"
Fuck. This was wrong it was already getting weird to me. She had to have felt my was natural to be curious but this was starting to head down a road I knew I shouldn't go down...this was bad. And what was worse....I didn't wanna resist....I was starting to become attracted to her. As she sat there her long brown pigtails and those big brown eyes and that way she said daddy with so many y's! I couldn't resist. It was just a little game she'd get tired of soon! No big deal and no harm would come. I gave in.
"Okay baby but only when mommy is not around! Ok?"
I said nonchalantly trying to keep acting like this wasn't a big deal at all.
"Yay!! I love you daddyyyy!"
She hugged me and kissed my cheek and I dropped her off and went on with my day. the whole time visions of my daughter wouldn't leave my head.....I actually looked at her ass as she got out of the car and watched her jog away
..the way those pig tails bounced....
My wife worked afternoon and nights several days a week. It was about half and half she was home with me and Laura. I had weekends off and she worked mornings then. so there was plenty of time with just me and my daughter.
The next few weeks went by without any incident. The bouncy game was never mentioned when my wife was home. But every day she wasn't Laura had to play for at least 10-20 minutes. After the first two times I knew I had to jerk off before. Laura was getting pleasure from this game she couldn't know about masturbating yet but her little girl parts where rubbing against my cock and she liked it even if she didnt know why. I couldn't let her dry hump my hard dick so I'd excuse myself to the bathroom and rub one out(imagining a little girl with pig tails sucking me off or spread eagle on my bed of course) , then smoke a cigarette to let my boner die down before I'd let her play. She didn't say anything but she noticed the difference.....she wanted that hard thing...but still she'd bounce away and rub her little girl part on my leg instead! I couldn't win.
One day before our daily ritual I went in the bathroom to jerk off while laura waited in the living room with a juice box.
I sat on the toilet and started to jerk it with some lotion. My wife had been on her period and she didnt like giving blowjobs as much as she used to so i hadn't came in a few days....I was really into it and I leaned my head back and closed my eyes as I jerked away...the cool lotion felt great and I stroked my cock imagining a little girl with pig tails riding it....a little girl who was in the next room..... fuck i couldn't keep these thoughts out of my head! But they were just thoughts...just a fantasy. that's it.
I was so into my masturbation I didn't even realize I hadn't locked the door....
Yay yay! Mommy left for work as soon as I got home from school! I kissed her cheek and said I love you and daddy gave her a grown up kiss on the lips! And she left! I skipped to the kitchen and daddy gave me a juice and said he'd be right back! And then I could sit in his lap and bouncy time! mommy's gone so I can bounce all I want I smiled giddyly.
"Be right back baby then you can bounce." daddy said as he went down the hall...
I sat and quickly finished my juicy box.
I decided I wanted my teddy bear to bounce with daddy and watch cartoons so I went down the hall to get him and walked past the bathroom were I heard some funny noises......
Hmm mm daddy was in there....he always goes to the bathroom before the bouncy game now...??
I stop and listen to the funny wet sounds coming from the bathroom they're pretty quiet but I hear them....what's daddy doing.....??
My curiosity is too much....hmm I get the urge to peek in... daddy's not just peeing in there....
Oh gosh! He left the door unlocked! I turn the knob and quietly crack it open so I can see in....daddy's sitting on the toilet....
Woooow!!! Oh my gosh!!! Golly! I knew daddy had something in his pants i knew boys had different parts than girl! But goodness this took my breath away! Daddy was stroking his thing with his head leaned back and eyes closed. it was huge!!! Probably as big as my arm I thought! And it was covered in white lotion. i could smell its sweet vanilla flavor from the door. I keep peeking thru the crack. I wanted to be the one stroking daddys big thing like that!! I had no idea what was going on but i liked it! And down there between my legs...I was getting wet! Golly what is happening?! Eeeee! All these confusing new feelings and things but I like them so much!!
I quietly close the door and skip back to the living room. Daddy obviously didn't want me to see him doing that but I had! I knew there was something in his pants! And now I'd seen it! I couldn't believe how big it was!
I finished my jerk off session with thoughts of my daughter. Blowing this big load all over her while she was on her knees in front of me. My big warm load shooting out getting in her hair and all over her cum stuck in her pig tails and dripping down her chin as she smiled that big smile and giggled and said "Thank you daddyyyyy!" Fuck what a good nut! I let my orgasm subside and then wiped off the lotion, flushed the toilet and washed my hands...fuck....
I sat there a minute then pulled my pants up. I got up and walked out...laura was on the couch...."one more minute baby!" I said to her as I went outside...I smoked my menthol on the porch quickly as my cock softened and then flicked it away and went back inside.
Little laura was on the couch with her teddy in her arms.
I looked at her. "OK baby ready for the bouncy game?" I said with a grin.
She smiled and looked down at the floor....something was different this time but I shrugged it off and sat down on the couch...
Laura got on my lap and went to do her thing. Boucing up and down on my lap. My cock was still a little sensitive but I didnt have a full on boner that she could feel. I'd let her do her thing until she was tired and then go on and hang out until my wife got home later tonight and I'd fuck my wife with forbidden visions of my daughter in my head. That was the way things were now and as long as it stayed that way...things would be fine...everything was fine.
Then laura spoke....
"Daddy" she said as she kept up her bouncing, Teddy bear in her arms.
"Yes baby?" I said as I watched my baseball app on my phone.
" were doing something in the bathroom....I'm sorry I peeked in and I saw you.." She said her voice shaking and nervous...her eyes faced forward.
I froze...
Laura keep bouncing. Up and down, up and down.. The she stopped and rubbed her little baby butt on my crotch....
"daddy....I know theres something in your pants....its something big....I don't know what it is but...i know boys have different parts ...i....I..." Her voice shook.... "I wanted to see it. ..I felt it before a looong time ago... I don't understand daddy but I wanna know about it...I...I.....I wanna see it."
I was paralyzed....this was it....this was the line. And all there was was if I was gonna cross it.
My beautiful adorable little daughter....her long pig tails. Her adorable big brown eyes...her tight little young body...she was like a little version of my wife...but so much prettier...cuter and my wife never made my blood boil like this...
I was the man. Im her daddy. My wife is a bitch. She complains too much. She hasn't sucked my cock in six months. She's a boring fuck. She isn't as hot as she used to be. She annoys me... I list off the selfish justifications in my mind.
And here I have my own little daughter I can control and dominante and probably do whatever I want with....and she's here in my lap asking about my cock....
I can mold her however I want. she's daddys girl....she'll keep it lust overcomes my mind...I want this. I want her. I want to fuck my daughter. She's mine. Its my house. Forget my wife, if I want this I'll have it! I deserve it!
"Baby..." I say as all these thoughts roll thru my head...
I'll only do it if she wants it. She's so young but she knows what she wants and doesn't. i won't force her to do anything. I love my daughter I won't hurt her.
"please daddy..." She says quietly....
"Just...let me see it."
We both sit for a moment. She stops moving and turns around. Big brown young eyes stare at me....
"Please daddy." The cutest most innocent voice ever.
"If you love me you'll let me see it!" She says suddenly and more demanding.
I can't resist...I jerked off not even 20 minutes ago...but I'm getting rock hard...
I finally speak.
"OK but you cannot touch it."
She pouts briefly but then stops
"Okay." She says.
"Just look at it. That's it."
"Okay daddy." Laura says quickly.
"And no telling anyone!"
"OK daddyyy!! Now show me!" She says in a bratty voice.
I stand up and laura sits back on the couch...
I slowly undo my belt...I know that there's no going back after this....this won't be the end of this....Laura's growing lust for me will grow faster and I'll not be able to resist this....
A tight little virgin daughter who worships me? or a bitchy wife I can barely stand?
Thats no choice at all.
I undo my button and pull down my zipper....
Laura bites her lip....her eyes are fixed on my crotch....
My pants slide down a little....
I'm rock hard.
I pull my cock slowly out of my calvin Klein underwear...the faint smell of the vanilla lotion still there.
Laura's jaw drops. Her eyes are as wide as
They can get!
She stares at it....its fully hard my full eight inch erection pokes out at that upward angle.
She takes it in and looks it over for a few moments before her big brown eyes look up at me.
"Daddy how do you walk around with that!!!??? Its HUGE!"
I stood there, Laura sat . Me with my pants half down my cock sticking out at little Laura. Her on the couch mouth still open as she took in her first up close look of her fathers cock and balls....
She wanted to touch it. To explore these new feelings and to see how it felt...
I wanted her to...but I had to show some restraint..
"OK baby now it has to go away."
She immediately whined.
"No daddy!!! Please i...I....just tell me what its called...what do you call it?"
Words like cock or dick were too vulgar for her....
"Its my pee pee." I felt silly saying that but it was the only term I could think of!
Laura giggled. "Daddy! pee pee sounds small and that thing is not small!! I wanna call it something else!"
She looked at me and gave a puzzled look as she thought...
"I know! When i was littler I couldnt say daddy I called you Dada, I can call your pee pee Dada cause it comes from you and I like the way that sounds better! Hello Dada! Nice to meet you! " she giggled again and inched herself a little closer to me. I'm still rock hard.
"OK baby Dada it is!" I chuckled a bit and shook my head. She was so cute.
"OK baby now Dada has to go." I pulled my pants back up. And Laura looked at me with some disappointment.
"I wanna touch it daddy." she stated very plainly as she looked up with pouty lips.
"I wanna do what you did in the bathroom. Please let me do it. You work so hard let me take care of that for you. I can't do much because I'm little but I know I can do that! Just teach me daddy and then I'll do it for you everyday if you need me too!"
Oh my god this little girl....
I had to give her something.
"Look if you're really good. Behave yourself and clean up around the house and your room....."
She beamed.
"I'll let you *watch me* do what I did.....just watch."
She was a little let down but still grinned big.
"I'll do that now daddy!!"
"Next time mommy is gone you can watch me do it."
She jumped up and down on the couch.
"Yay yay! Golly Thank you daddy I can't wait!" She skipped off to start cleaning her room.
I button my jeans and sit down. What have i done and what did I just agree too....
My wife got home later that night and everything went back to normal. We put Laura to bed. I acted like I hadnt shown my daughter my dick and agreed to let her watch me jerk off... And me and my wife went to bed and had some of the same old boring vanilla sex we'd had for the last few years. Sex I could barely cum from unless I was a little drunk but imagining that fresh tight little pussy down the hall helped me blow a good load into my wife's pussy that night....I fell asleep...more visions of my daughter in my head as I fell deeper into this obsession with her that would lead down a forbidden but so sweet road....
The next few days went by like normal I still obsessed over laura and watched her little ass every time she bounced by and my wife was occupied with her book or whatever.
Then Friday came. My wife was working the night shift at the hospital. Perfect timing this week.
I got off and quickly got out of my uniform and comfortable. my wife was getting ready and Laura played in her room. I knew what was gonna happen. my daughter was gonna want me to fulfill my promise. I kissed my wife goodbye and she knelt down to hug and kiss Laura who looked over her shoulder at me with the most mischievous grin. Ugh this little girl.....
I went to the bathroom to shower and clean up(making sure I'd locked the door this time )
When I got out there she was standing right there.
"Hey daddy. Mommy's gone and I cleaned up really really good."
She had on a big white shirt that fit her like a dress, her little feet were bare and she had her hair in high pigtails just like I like.
" I wanna see you do it! I've been good and I deserve it daddy!" She smiled big as she said these words so proudly.
I was shirtless and wore just my boxers and shorts....
I grabbed Laura's hand and led her to the living room, to the spot where we played the bouncy game.
I grabbed a pillow and sat in on the floor.
"OK baby. Sit there and I'm gonna sit on the couch."
She smiled and obeyed and sat cross legged about two feet from the couch.
I dropped my shorts. My cock was already half hard just at the thought of this. I peeked out the window to make sure my wife was really gone....the driveway was empty.
"Mommy's gone daddy don't worry."
Laura chirpped.
I went back to the couch my dick swinging and my daughters eyes glued to it. I grab the lube from my shorts pocket and sit down.
I'm gonna jerk off in front of my daughter, wow.
I pop it open and squirt some on my hand and some on my hard dick.
Laura looks fascinated.
"What's that daddy?" In her innocent little voice.
"It makes it feel better and easier to do baby."
"Ooooooo" she purrs as she watches.
I make the first few strokes and spread the lube and its warming sensation all over my cock.....I'm more turned on than I've been in years since my little girl with her big brown eyes and piggy tails is right there close enough to jerk me herself. (I wanna let her but I repeat to myself not to...not yet.)
I look at her pretty little face but her eyes are glued to the spectacle she's seeing. My cock is fully erect and shining with the slippery lube as I jerk up and down...slow strokes.....I can see Laura's little pink panties the way she's sitting criss cross.
Laura moans quietly, I know she's wet. That fresh little pussy is right there. I could take it right now. I'm already lubed up....
I keep jerking and she keeps watching I haven't even thought about where I'm gonna cum yet! I fucked my wife last night but I always cum a lot! Fuck I don't wanna stain the couch....
Laura sits with her mouth slightly open. My cock has her in a trance.....i feel the cum welling balls get tight...fuck where can I cum? ....instantly I decide I'll surprise her I'll just cum on the carpet in front of her and make her clean it. Perfect, she'll get a surprise she doesnt know what cum is! And I get to bust this good nut!
Its about to happen.
"Ugh OK baby stay there don't move!" I say as I lean my head back and aim my cock downwards towards the floor.
I'll cum right in front of her she'll get to see daddy's big load.
Or so I thought.
"Fuck!" I grunt as I turn my cock downwards and feel the cum explode! My wife hasnt made me cum this good in years!
All this happened simultaneously:
I start to cum.
I jerk down and keep going.
Laura squeals loud!
I open my eyes and look at her as I keep jerking.
My first load hit her right in the face. I misjudged my shot bad!
Second shot lands on her shirt under her chin.
Without thinking I stand up, i keep jerking
Several more thick loads cover little Laura's face as she looks up at me shocked, her eyes wide but she blinks to keep it out of her brown cum is on her lips, cheeks, a big wad across her forehead and some in her pig tails!
"Daddy what is this? Its...its warm...and its gooey! It came from dada! I saw it come out ohhh my gosh....daddy its all over me!"
She's surprised but not upset....
I stand over her and the last bits of cum leak out and fall....
Again without thinking I say.
"Here Laura open your mouth and taste some."
She does as I say and sticks her little tongue out a bit.
Her face is covered! And the last drops I put in her mouth and gently rub it against her tongue to wipe the last drop off. My daughter has a big white wad sitting on her tongue...
"Swallow it." I instruct.
She gulps it down
"Ahhhhh! " she says.....
I look down at her. Like a little glazed donut! I definitely didnt mean to do this! But it happened I might as well enjoy it.
"Wipe it off your face and eat the rest sweetie."
"Yes daddy." She immediately begins wiping the thick cum off her cheeks and forehead and licks it off her little fingers. There's still some in her hair...
She opens wide and shows me her little mouth full of daddy's warm cum.
"Swallow it down princess."
She gulps hard! Twice! It took her two swallows! She then opened wide and stuck her tongue out to show me an empty mouth!
"All gone daddy!" She smiled big her face wet and sticky and a bit still dripping off her chin! Fuck I cum a lot....
"Daddy ....I feel it sliding down to my tummy...."
She touches her throat and chest.
"Daddy that was so good! I've never tasted anything like that oh! And it came out of dada! Why didn't you tell me I was scared when it started!!"
"I wanted to surprise you sweetie!" I said in a smartass voice.
"you sure did daddy! Wow that was the most amazing thing that's ever ever happened to me! I want more daddy do you have more in dada ???"
Greedy little girl. Already cock hungry.
"Maybe later baby...right now go get cleaned up, shower and wash your hair."
"Yes daddy!" she said as she bounced off with a tummy full of daddy's cum.
I walk naked to the kitchen and pour a glass of whiskey. And toast to the best orgasm I'd ever far.
This wasn't gonna end and it wasn't gonna stop and I didn't want it to.
I was gonna fuck my daughter. Sooner or later.
Laura comes back from her shower her hair down and damp and I finish my second glass of whiskey and grab her hand and lead her to her bedroom.
We both lie there naked and cuddle together. I kiss my daughter on her lips for the first time. She squeals and squirms quietly....
"I love you daddy." She whispers.
"I love you baby" I say back.
And we both fall asleep, naked together and her in my arms...
I decide I'm gonna teach Laura to masturbate. I wanna take her virginity so bad but I'm trying to hold back on that. She hasn't even sucked on me yet so I figure we'll work up to it. But in the meantime this little girls sexual energy is going crazy and if I don't let her cum some kinda way idk what she'll do!
So two days after her first facial (which she loved and wouldn't stop talking about when we're alone!) my wife leaves for her shift and its time for her lesson.
She begged for some more "dada cream" to taste so I jerked off while she sat on her knees and waited patiently and blew a big warm load straight in her little mouth which she gargled like mouth wash until it was all bubbles and then swallowed it down.
"I love the taste of your cream daddy!" She squealed.
"Its like warm yogurt! But a little salty and....I don't know...I just love swallowing it daddy I can feel it sliding down my throat!" She giggled and big brown eyes stared up at me. Fuck she was cute.
"OK baby I'm gonna teach you something now..." I say as I pull my boxers up
Laura looks up at me full of curiosity
"Okay daddy! What are ya gonna teach me?" She asks.
I grab her hand and pick her up off her knees and lead her to her bedroom...
I haven't seen Laura naked since she was really little and I had to help give her was the time. I wanted to see my adorable developing little girl in all her
Naked glory...
"Take your clothes off baby." I instruct. I had literally JUST came. But I felt my cock throb anyway.
Little Laura did as I said she pulled her shirt over her head exposing her chest to me. She was still pretty flat chested her tits hadn't grown in at all but there were two very little lumps and her small pink nipple's poked out just a bit. Far more attractive to me than my wife's big but slightly sagging tits that I'd seen a million times. Then she pulled her shorts down and her pink panties to reveal to me her most attractive feature! Her pussy was so tiny! And it was smooth completely hairless not like my wife's or a grown up womans where she shaved and it was still rough or a little course. Lauras little kitty was smooth as her ass! Not one hair and her little lips tightly pressed together, I instantly started touching her.
She cooed a little as my hands ran up and down her stomach and chest and then I knelt down to see her pussy.
" you like my body??" She asked nervously.
"I love it sweetie"
"More than mommy's??" Her voice shaked.
"Yes baby much more than mommy's"
I kissed her right above her little pussy. It didnt smell or anything she'd obviously been keeping herself clean. Good girl.
"Daddy I'm tingling..." She chirped.
"Down here like whenever I'm around you or when we do things I just feel this tingling in my no no place."
Fuck my wife for ever telling her her pussy was called a "no no place".
"That's not called your no no place anymore baby." I said sternly
"Its called your kitty."
"But mommy said...." She started.
I cut her off right there.
"I don't care what mommy said. I'm your daddy and you listen to me not her! From now on that's called your kitty. Actually....."
Laura looked down at me as I kept rubbing her and planting soft kisses on her stomach.
"Its MY kitty. Because you're mine Laura."
I said sternly. "Do you understand me?"
Laura was breathing heavier.
"Yes daddy...its your kitty....I'm yours I belong to you daddy..." She said weakly.
"Good girl. Now I'm gonna show you how your kitty works baby. Lay on the bed and spread your legs."
She did as she was told. I got behind her so her whole body was between my legs. My cock was hard again against her little ass.
"OK baby I'm gonna show you how to do this and then I wanna watch you do it."
"OK daddy." She purred
I put my hand between her legs and gently rubbed her little clit in a slow circular motion.
She instantly gasped and moaned.
"Oh my gosh daddyyyy! That feels really good ! Really really good!" Laura moaned her breathing getting heavy again.
"That's your button sweetie. When you rub it it makes your kitty tingle harder doesn't it?"
"Yes daddy!"
I kept rubbing, my fingers were wet from her little girl juices. Fuck my wife's pussy was never wet like this! We were gonna have to wash these sheets!
I did it for a few minutes as Laura leaned her head back against my chest and I kissed her neck and cheeks. She was in heaven with these new feelings she might've rubbed herself before but she didn't know how to properly until now.
I stopped.
"Okay baby now I wanna see you do it."
"Okay daddy I'll try but..."
"We're gonna keep it up until you get it right sweetie I want you to do this until you get a totally new feeling..."
I was struggling to try and explain an orgasm to my young daughter..
"It'll be like an even harder tingle than you've ever had. Youre gonna love it baby and keep rubbing when you feel it. You'll see and I'm gonna watch just think about me and dada and my cream ok?"
"Yes daddy." She purred.
I stand at the edge of her bed and watch my little daughter her legs spread wide as she rubs her little clit in circles like I showed her...she does it and moans and coos and purrs as I watch....her fingers making wet sounds as she masturbates for me.....she moans louder and rubs faster...her fast deep breaths fill the room...
Then it happens...I can't believe it! she squeals loud and rubs her little button and ...oh my god! She squirts! Two big streams of clear liquid shoot from her kitty as she screams "DADDDYYYY!!!" At the top of her lungs!
Her squirt goes all over the bed and she leans her head back and rides out her first real orgasm!
I'm shocked that she could do this. Its the most incredible sight...I wanna jump on her and fuck her right there!
"Daddy! What happened?? Did I...did I pee? It felt so good...I ...I..." She says out of breathe.
"No baby you did Amazing! you came sweetie! And a lot of girls can't do that its called squirting. Mommys never done it. You're a very special little girl baby...."
I say as I look down at her naked little body....her smooth wet princess parts....the bed with the long wet spot from her squirting...
She giggled. "Daddy I can squirt and mommy can't! " she said as she giggled.
"Mm mm come lay down with me daddy!"
She reached her arms towards me and I got on the bed and cuddled up with her my hard cock poking out.
She instantly rubbed it through my boxers.
"Its big again daddy..." She whispered in my ear.
"Can I have some more cream from dada?'
I wanna teach her to suck my cock but something restrains me ....I grab some lube and decide I'll let her jerk me off.
I squirt some into her hands after I take my boxers off and throw them on the floor.
Laura gets between my legs as I lay back on the bed my big hard cock fully erect again! (This little girl just kept me going! It hasn't even been an hour since she swallowed my cum!)
Laura giggles and smiles as she starts rubbing my cock with the lube...she's having a night full of firsts! She strokes it both hands at once. Her little hands are so small she can stroke it with both and still have cock to spare....that'll be fun when I finally let her suck me...
"Mm mm that feels so good sweetie!"
I say and then moan as shes strokes and twists her hands...I pour more lube on the head of my cock and it drips down to my balls and covers her small hands.
"Am I better at it then mommy daddy?"
She says as she strokes my cock and without me telling her she reaches down to rub my balls.
"Yes baby! So much better! " I moan..
"Baby ....the cream is gonna come soon! Don't stop keep jerking when it comes out!' I say as my balls get tight and I feel another orgasm coming..
"Yes daddy yes..I wanna see it come." She says as she keeps stroking with one hand the other on my balls. Her eyes fixed down on the big cock she's jerking.
Mmmmm fuck here it goes!
I moan as another load shoots straight up and then lands in her hair! She squeals!
"AHHH! DADDY! ITS RAINING!" she squeals and giggles but keeps jerking me as smaller shots come out and fall all over her little chest and then her hands. I blow probably four good loads for my daughter.
"OK baby OK stop jerking daddy now....its sensitive..." i say out of breath.
"Hehehe" she lets out an adorable little girl giggle as she starts rubbing my cum all over her chest and licking it off her fingers.
I lay back and sigh hard. Whooo this girl has drained me!
I check the clock by her bed. Fuck its getting late and my wife is gonna be home at 6am.
"Daddy we made the bed all wet! " she said with a big grin.
"Haha yes we did sweetie. OK take your sheets and blanket and put them in the laundry machine I'll get you some more out of the closet I need to go shower baby..."
"Can I shower with you daddy?" In her perfect innocent voice. Big brown eyes that I couldn't refuse.
"Of course baby."
So me and my daughter showered together, a long hot shower full of kisses and rubbing and her giggles filling the air. It took all I had not to take her virginity right there. But I felt I had to wait. Just a little longer.....but soon I would truly make her mine.
We cleaned up and I put her to bed with fresh sheets that weren't covered in little girl squirt or daddy cum. She knew we couldn't sleep together like that so I kissed her goodnight put on her nightlight and went to have a glass of whiskey...
I finished my drink and went to my bed after doing the laundry. My love affair with my own daughter was heating up and all I was worried about was keeping it a secret from my bitch wife, and hoping Laura's tight kitty could even take my big cock....
I clocked out and got in my car to head home. 5:36am the clock read. I had texted my husband and he told me everything was fine Laura was being well behaved. He hadn't been texting as often lately...but I shrugged that off and just assumed he was reading or watching baseball or working on paperwork for work like always.
As I drove home though I couldn't get the strangest thought out of my head....I thought about that bouncy game Laura used to love to play...her bouncing up and down on my husbands lap. She hadn't done it since I told her not too. She was getting older, sexual thoughts were gonna come but she couldn't look at him like that. She'd always judge other men based
On her father but she shouldn't have her first sexual fantasies about him! That was just wrong right?
But as I thought of that Idk how the idea creeped in my head. I imagined my husband on top of Laura fucking her, just going at it like he'd fuck me.
Ugh why was I thinking this? It was crazy he'd never!....but they were alone a lot. So were her and I we both spent a lot of time with our daughter...
But he could. He could be fucking her....he could've done it just a few hours ago while I was at the hospital. Telling her to keep it a secret...."don't let mommy know"
I didn't have any reason to think this. I tried to shrug it off. But even as I walked into our house I took my shoes off and changed out of my scrubs... was so faint, like barely even there. I wouldn't even have noticed it if I hadn't been looking for it. But it almost smelled like sex in the house....
That musky sweaty smell when two lovers just go at it. The smell of pussy and cum mixed was so so faint. I might've even just imagined it...
I climbed in bed beside my husband, careful and quiet so I wouldn't wake him.
He wouldn't do it. He'd never actually fuck our daughter...
Would he?
Me and Laura didnt play together for another week or so. Not that she didnt want to she did but I told her just go masturbate. She would pout a little but I explained to her we had to be careful. And just make sure this all stayed a secret. I even told her specifically to lie to mommy if she ever asked about this. I told her the questions mommy might ask and what to say, how to act and to act surprised but keep herself in control. I had her practice in the mirror even.
My wife was getting suspicious idk how she could've had any idea. But one day when id dropped laura off at school and came back home she started asking what I do with laura when she's not home, what do we both do. I said I work on work stuff, read and she plays or watches TV with me. Then my wife said.
"Have you ever touched her?" she said. Her tone was accusing. i knew my only defense was to explode and get very angry at this accusation.
"Are you out of your mind? How dare you even ask me that! ' I say firmly but in a controlled voice. I'm not a violent or abusive guy but...I had to protect this secret.
"What do you think I am?! If your gonna accuse me of doing something like that you'd better have a damn good reason...
Well??" I said with a slightly raised voice.
She stared at me hard.
"She's my daughter I love her and I'd never fucking do that. I can't believe you'd even think of this why??" I stared harder. This bitch was not gonna make me break i told myself.
She sighed. "I don't know babe I'm....I'm sorry. I don't know why I even thought of it.." She came close and hugged me. She cried a few tears. I'd won.
I held her close. "Its OK baby ...but don't ever say that again." That was a warning not a request.
"I love you." She said as she wiped her tears.
"I love you too." I lied.
I didn't love her anymore. I loved Laura.
My daughter was taking my wife's place.
Laura & Mommy:
UUuuuugghh I wanted my daddy
I wanted daddy!
He hasn't touched me or let me play with dada or anything in a week! He said we have to be careful to keep it a secret. I understand this is a special thing and no one can know. I hadn't told any one although I wanted to so bad. I wanted to tell my friends at school and even bring my best friend Mary Beth over for a sleepover so me and her could play with my daddy! Ughhh that would be so much fun!
Daddy deserves it he works so hard and I bet he'd love another cute little naked girl to do whatever he wanted to with.
Mary Beth is blonde with blue eyes the opposite of me but she's so pretty too!
I didn't like the thought of sharing him but I'd do it for my daddy! Hehehe
Maybe one day but for now my lips were sealed even tho I wanted to yell at mommy about how much more daddy likes me now. She's old and I'm little and cute and that's what daddy likes!
Daddy likes little girls not mean old women!
But i knew that it was true so that was enough I could just smile behind mommy's back about it.
She picked me up from school and I got inside and went to my room. I sighed daddy was at work all night tonight. Maybe tomorrow when mommy left we'd get to play.
I took off my shoes and got on my bed. Time to play with my kitty like daddy showed me! I hadn't been able to squirt again I needed my daddy for that but I could still give myself little "cummies" that's what daddy called it! The hard tingles that shot thru my body and made me shake and moan.
I knew there had to be more things daddy wasn't showing me yet....but I knew he would soon!
I slid down my little princess panties and lay with my legs spread and start rubbing my little button imagining daddy standing there naked. Jerking his dada until it sprays the warm cream all over me! Eeeek! I need him so bad...I'm so wet as I rub and the tingles shoot up my body from between my legs. I hold my teddy bear as I rub myself in circles like daddy showed me....
Then a knock at my door.
"Laura honey can I come in?" its Mommy.
Boo. I was so close to my cummie.
"Hold on mommy! " I rush to put my shorts back on and lay back on the bed
"Ok come in!"
Mommy comes in and sits on my bed right where I jerked daddy off last week!
If only she knew ....
She asks how I am and we talk about stuff for a minute or two. Then she asks me in a low but serious voice.
"Laura I have to ask you something and please tell me the truth."
"Ok mommy." I've been waiting for this to come I knew it would happen.
Daddy told me to practice what to say in the mirror. Don't let my eyes or my voice show that I'm lying.
"Has your father ever touched you? Like on your chest or your no no place? Ever? Even just once?"
I act surprised. "No! No mommy. Daddy has never done that! why would he mommy?"
Daddy told me to say that.
"You're sure Laura? I'm just asking because daddy's should never do know that right honey?"
Mommys voice shook
"Yes Mommy." its bad to lie but daddy said this lie is okay. If daddy says its OK then it is.
"Daddy has never touched me mommy. I promise." I say calmly and clearly.
Mommy almost looks disappointed but I won't ever tell her. I love daddy most. Ill do anything for daddy. I'll lie for him, I'll touch him, I'll let him touch me whenever and wherever he wants!
I'm daddy's girl.
"OK sweetie I just wanted to ask because you're growing up and some daddy's aren't as good as yours is."
She hugs me and kissed my cheek.
"I love you sweetie...and don't tell your father I asked you this please?"
She gets up to walk out my door.
"OK mommy I love you too."
I don't love mommy, I love daddy.
She closes the door and I take my shorts off and rub my kitty again and imagine daddy and his big dada rubbing against my kitty....
I decide I'm gonna let Laura suck me off. I haven't had a blowjob in almost 9 months! And she's ready she can jerk me off, she can masturbate. She's swallowed my cum and now its time for her to learn to give me head.
I also realize that I haven't even tasted her pussy yet! I used to love to eat my wife out when we were younger but I hadn't done it since ...fuck. Laura must've been a baby last time I did it. Back when my wife gave me blowjobs like hugs every time I got off work and at least two or three times a week in the morning I'd wake up to her gagging herself on my cock. She used to be so good. But now I had her replacement to train. Younger, much cuter and willing to do whatever I said.
I was getting my cock sucked by my daughter tonight. She wouldn't know what to do and I doubt she can even come close to a deepthroat but we gotta start somewhere.
I'd worked the day before and got home late. Laura told me that my bitch wife asked her if I touched her. She told her no like I said and she believed it.
"Don't worry daddy... "she whispered in my
Ear as my wife made dinner before she had to work the night shift.
"I told her you'd never touched me like you told me to, she believed it daddy...our secret is safe." She whispered and then kissed my cheek and I slyly rubbed her baby butt as she moved to the other side of the couch.
"OK guys dinners ready!" My wife said from the kitchen
We sat down and had a nice family dinner of steak and rice and veggies and Laura had her apple sauce and graham crackers for dessert. I sipped a glass of whiskey after I ate and my wife put the dishes in the sink.
"Laura help daddy with the dishes please?"
"Yes mommy!" She chirped
"OK my loves I'm off. Laura don't stay up late , listen to your father and be good."
She said.
I hugged and kissed her on the lips. Laura was behind her and stared and gave me the slyest little look as I hugged my wife.
She went out the door and I heard her car pull off. Finally.
Laura was doing the dishes by herself.
"Baby pour daddy another glass please?" She did as I said and poured me a half full whiskey glass and put two ice cubes in it.
My little bartender haha.
"Take your clothes off."
She turned around from the sink and smiled big and giggled then stripped right there. Cute little nimples and her hairless kitty on display instantly. Her hair was back with a black band holding it out of her face. No piggy tails tonight. Her feet were bare as usual. I took a big sip.
She turned around to keep cleaning and I stared at her smooth little baby butt.
I sipped my drink as she finished her chore.
"Hurry up Laura when youre done we're going to the bedroom."
She turned and beamed at me.
"Where you and mommy sleep?!"
She said quickly and in her best impression of a naughty grown woman's voice.
"Yes baby."
She had no idea she was gonna get to suck her daddy's cock. She probably thought it was just gonna be another daddy daughter masturbation session....she'd love this even more...
I got up and walked to my bedroom. This was a little risky. We'd never played in my room. But it was just gonna be a blowjob well a training session blowjob haha
But right then I decided that when I did take Laura's virginity it would be on my bed. Where me and my wife sleep right there I'd take my daughter and make her mine and then let my wife come sleep on the same spot. And hope she could smell it...
I got to the bedroom and dropped my clothes quick
Laura wasn't far behind. She came in bouncing like usual her naked little body shaking just a little her flat chest, perky nipples and that little girl pussy that drove me wild...she stood there and stared at me her eyes going up and down. My cock already fully hard.
"Get on your knees." I say in my strong daddy voice. That voice that makes little girls wet and obey me instantly.
She drops to her knees but her eyes never leave mine.
I walk closer to her until I'm right in front of her. I lay my cock across her little face . fuck its bigger than her head! It covers her face the tip is past her forehead and my balls are right by her chin.
"You ready for something new sweetie?"
I asked in the daddy voice.
"Yes daddy" she says in a voice barely above a whisper. My cock is intoxicating to her. And now she's got it in her face.
"Lick daddy's balls baby."
I instruct.
Her little tongue comes out and she nervously licks them like she'd lick an ice cream or a lollipop. Mmmmmm its been so long since I've had my balls licked!
She's so cute. My cock covering her face as she licks my balls! She's actually doing well I'm surprised!
"Now lick dada baby. Up and down..."
She takes a long lick from the bottom of my balls allllll the way up to the very tip of my cock I feel my little girls wet tongue! Mm mm mm so good...
"That's a long way up daddy!" she says with a smile and goes right back down and licks up she does this a few times a little faster. Baby steps for the baby girl.
"OK baby now take dada and hold him and suck on this part.." I show her the head of my cock.
"Its the tip its called the head of dada. Just suck the tip and get it wet with lots of spit baby."
She does as I say and sucks on the tip like its a candy. And then she pushes spit out of her mouth and gets it really Wet! My daughter is a natural cocksucker! She sloppers a little and sucks and pushes spit out....
"OK now move your tongue around the head while its in your mouth Laura." She looks up in my eyes and does its. Swirling her little tongue. Fuck it almost looks like the head of my cock is filling her mouth! Spit oozes down her chin and out of her little mouth...her big brown eyes are fixed on mine as she tries to take a little more in her mouth...she gags almost immediately didn't even get a third of it down! It was cute to see her try tho.
She catches the excess spit from her gagging in her hand and rubs it on my cock jerking up and down as she looks up at me red faced and catching her breath.
"Daddy i love this! Does it feel good for you??" She asks innocently
"It feels amazing sweetie! "
"I know I'm new at this but I'm gonna get good for you daddy! I'll be the best for you I promise!' She says and then immediately goes for it again.
She gags again, same results haha cutie pie! Her face is red and she goes back to the licking and sucking the tip. Her eyes are watering and Spit drips down her chin....
I wanted to cum but i also wanted to finally taste my daughters had been a while but I bet i still had it. I used to be the man! I always ate girls out before sex.... before I met my wife and settled down. I always had them screaming and squirting and Cumming on
My chin I could make a woman lose her soul when I ate her out...let's see if I still got I thought these thoughts Laura dutifully kept sloppering on my cock.
"Hold on baby before daddy cums I wanna give you a special treat..."
Her eyes got wide my cock head still filling her mouth.
"Lay on the bed."
She did as I said a little of her spit dripped
Off my cock and onto the floor. My balls were still wet from her licks.
Laura spread her legs and I got on the bed after her and crawled closer...
Mmmmm there is was. That tiny hairless little virgin pussy. Young and small and fresh and all for me. I got closer and I could smell her natural sweet scent. Not like my wife who needed wipes and lotion to smell good. Laura's smell was sweet and intoxicating.
She was breathing heavier...I go in and lick up her amazingly small and unbelievably cute little am I ever gonna fit my cock in her? A finger would have her screaming her head off!
I lick up and down and taste her...better and sweeter than any girl I've ever had!
"Mmmmmmm daddy! That's really good!"
I hadn't even reached her little clit yet....
I moved up and started making little circles around it.
"DADDY! OHMYGOSH!" She inhaled sharply and ran her fingers through my hair...
I kept going and sucked gently as I licked.
I was eating my daughters pussy.
The most delicious pussy I'd ever tasted and I'd had more than my share!
But shes my daughter, my little girl.
Of course she's the best.
I suck gently on her clit and slowly press one finger into her virgin pussy. She's unbelievably tight. This is the first time anything has penetrated her. She screams but manages to form the words. "Don't stop daddyyyyy!"
I press forward and find her small g-spot as i suck.
Its too much for this little girl.
she's done for.
She squirts all over my chin and chest.
Laura sprays me with her sweet liquid, her little girl juices. I never even knew girls this young could orgasm! But she was shaking and moaning like crazy! She held my head and I lightly licked her as her orgasm faded...she was out of breath, gasping as I moved up to kiss her on the lips and let her taste her little kitty.
"I love you daddy!" She says breathless between kisses.
"I love you little girl"
We tongue kiss, deep and passionate.
I reach down and jerk my cock a few times and raise up and blow an enormous load all over Laura the first shot hits her face and she instantly licks it up and the rest covers her chest and some lands on her kitty.
We both stare at each other breathing heavy and covered in each others cum on me and my wife's bed...
We stare in each others eyes for a long moment....our juices dripping off each other. This is a purer love and more intense lust than I ever thought Possible.
Finally I say "OK baby we've gotta clean these sheets before mommy gets home."
Laura laughs.
"We always make a mess daddy!"
She smiles big.
"I'm daddys little squirter !" She says as she pats her kitty.
I laugh as we get up and wipe ourselves off. She starts to get everything in the laundry and I grab another drink.
Next time...I'm going to take her virginity. it's time for this love affair to go to the next level....
A few days pass like normal. We're a typical happy family. My wife makes breakfast and dinner we play with and take care of Laura and I act like everything is normal...
Then comes the wife leaves at 8pm to work her night shift. She'll be gone all night until 8am tomorrow. This is the night. Im going to fuck my daughter finally...
I think back to about a year ago when Laura accidentally popped her cherry while riding her bike. She cried a little and my wife cleaned her up. I knew she'd be ready for me now.
We have dinner together the three of us. My wife cooked and Laura happily helped. she knew we'd be alone tonight and she'd get a night full of our special time. But she had no idea I'd be fucking her tonight...
The dishes get put up, table cleaned and I give my wife her goodnight kisses. I can't wait until she's out the door
Lauras on her knees before my wife can even start the car!
She drops in front of me and starts undoing my belt.
"Mmmmm dada needs a good sucking!"
She says and out pops my half hard cock which quickly gets fully hard as Laura licks from balls to head twice, big brown eyes staring up at me.
She goes for it and puts almost half my cock down her young throat. Instant gag spit flies out all over my balls and her face gets red and she goes back to just sucking the head.
I moan and enjoy this she's so cute she tries so hard! But I'm just too big for her to properly deepthroat but her little hands and enough spit make me explode every time! But not yet. I love head but I want pussy now..
"Laura baby, go put your hair in pigtails like I like." I say.
Laura looks up, mouth full of cock.
She stops and let's it go with a pop noise.
"Okay daddy!" She says as she gets up
"Pink bows baby. And bring your teddy to my room. And no clothes little girl. Hurry up." I say sternly with my daddy voice.
"Yes daddy!" She squeaks she's already heading down the hall.
I hold my pants up and walk to my bedroom. I get naked and kick my clothes to the side.
I stand and look around the room. There's a picture of my wife on the dresser. I turn it towards the bed.
"You get to watch this honey." I whisper to her photo.
"Daddy." Laura says quietly.
I turn around and there she is.
Completely naked, her teddy bear covering her nipples but that little kitty on display for me.
High pigtails with pink bows in her hair.
Bare feet. And her brown eyes on me.
We stare for a long moment. Father and daughter both naked together.
"You're gonna put it inside me aren't you daddy?" She says shakily.
"Yes I am sweetie." I say plainly.
"I'm scared daddy."
She clutches her teddy bear.
"I know baby but just trust me."
I walk towards her and lean down and kiss her on the lips
And press her little body with her bear to mine.
We kiss for a long moment.
I have to savor this. She'll never be a virgin again. And this is a night we will both never forget.
"Its so big tho daddy! I'm little! How will it fit??" She asks I can hear the fear in her voice. She looks down and touches my cock and slowly rubs it with her little hand
"Daddy will make it fit baby. I'll go slow and gentle I promise. You can do this for me right sweetie?" I say gently. Her hand is on my big cock
"Yes daddy. Anything for you."
My heart is pounding in my chest!
I have my teddy held in one arm
My other hand is holding Dada
Its big and thick and warm and hard and it makes my kitty tingle.
Daddy just told me that he's going to put it inside me. I had guessed this was how things worked with boy and girl parts but I couldn't imagine my big daddy's thing going inside me!
But daddy said to trust him and I will.
We stand there naked in his and mommys
Bedroom and we kiss. Grown up kisses the kind he gives mommy.
Daddy moves dada between my legs...
I get on my tippy toes and straddle dada.
Its so big!
Daddy tells me to move my hips back and forth. I do it and slide on dada he doesn't try and put it in but mmmmmmm...this feels good!
"Daddy! That's feels amazing!!" I say as i look in his eyes.
He moves his hips too so dada is rubbing hard against my kitty!
I feel like I can just sit on it and rock back and forth. I swear I'm so wet I must be dripping. I feel my juices slide down my leg...
"Daddy....daddy please! I'm ready for you..."
I say to him. I want it. It'll hurt but I can take it for my daddy.
"Please daddy!" I plead with him looking into his green eyes and I give him my best pouting face. the one I've always used to get what I want.
Daddy takes my hand and leads me to the bed that he and mommy sleep in.
Its my time to take her place. I please daddy now. Not her.
I hope she knows it, I want her to know.
I want her to watch!
I look over at the dresser and mommy's picture in a frame is facing the bed.
I point at it.
"Look daddy....mommy gets to watch us." I say with a naughty smirk.
Daddy smiles and kisses me on my lips.
I rub up and down on dada.
Daddy's on top of me and I'm so wet and excited...I can hardly breath! Its finally happening! The moment I wanted but I never knew what exactly was gonna happen until Now! It was here!
I grab my cock and rub it against her little virgin pussy. Shes so wet already.
The head of my cock barely spreads her little lips and I rub it up to her clit and down her small pussy...
I look in my daughters eyes....her big brown eyes are so wide as she stares at me.
She bites her bottom lip.
"I'm gonna put it inside you baby. Its gonna hurt just keep your eyes on me sweetie." I say in a calm voice even tho my heart is pounding too.
Laura can only nod.
I slowly push my hard cock inside her. The heads just inside and Laura digs her nails into my back.
I push just a little further. Barely an inch and a half.. And I've got 8 to give her.
She tries not too but she screams.
she wails.
"Its okay baby just breathe!" I tell her
I push my cock barely a quarter way in.
She's tighter than any woman I've ever had!
Laura let's out a loud shrill scream!
I push in a little further.
"DADDYYY!! Please it hurts !" her eyes have tears in them
"Just look at me baby its your first time its supposed to hurt but you can do this princess!" I say as I look in her brown eyes.
Shes trying so hard she's such a good girl ! I put her teddy bear in her arms for her to hold.
"Just hold your bear baby and keep your eyes on me.."
I try to go slow in and out. ..
She's trying to keep it together as my big cock splits her open.
She's too little for this but we both want it this is the moment these months have been building up to...
Oh my god!
I knew my daddy was big. I knew it would hurt.....
I knew it'd be a totally new feeling.
But dada was splitting me in half!
It was in my stomach! It was so big!
The pleasure I felt with daddy's tongue or fingers wasn't here
All I felt was pain. And daddy on top of me telling me it's okay...
I grabbed him hard. Tried to focus on his loving green eyes...
I love him. I trust him. Ill do anything for him.
But he's hurting me more than I've ever been hurt.
He's too big...
But I keep saying to dada rips me apart....
"I can do this. I can take it...I can take my daddy....if I don't he'll go back to mommy...and I won't let that happen!"
So I bite my lip. Look in daddy's eyes, squeeze my teddy bear tight and I say the words even though my kitty is pounding with pain....
"Don't stop daddy!" I say breathless.
Shes too tight. Im barely about to get half my cock in her. She screamed and then bit down on her lip. Tears are coming down her face.
I can't hold it in any more.
My cock explodes as Laura stares into my eyes and she holds her bear tight
I shoot the biggest load ever straight into her little pussy. I go in and out a little as I enjoy the best orgasm of my life! I cum harder than ever as I look down at my daughter , her face red and her cheeks wet with tears. Her big brown eyes wide with shock at the feeling of my cum shooting up inside her hits her.
My cock is so sensitive and her pussy is squeezing it! I feel like I've been cumming for over a minute as i feel the last of the load come out inside her.
I pull out and release my huge cock from her kitty's tight grip and Laura let's out a huge sigh of relief.
I'm out of breath .
I lean down and kiss her.
She stops crying.
"Daddy I did it...."
She says weakly.
"I am so proud of you sweetie. I love you!"
I kiss her again.
"I love you daddy." she says as my massive load of cum leaks out of her little kitty onto the bedsheets.
The smell of sex has filled the room.
I lay beside her and hold her as she cuddles up to me her teddy bear in between us.
I wipe the tears from her cheek. And we kiss and I hold her in my arms.
"Daddy....does this mean I'm not a little girl anymore....?" She asks me.
"No baby you're still a little girl and you'll always be my little girl! But you're special because most little girls never ever get to do this with their daddy's." I tell her.
"You're the best daddy hurt so much but I loved it...I just wanted to make you happy and make you feel good...did I daddy?"
"That was the best feeling I have ever had sweetie." Its the truth!
"I'll get even better daddy I promise I'll get used to it...I'll be better for you than mommy could ever be." She says to me
I kiss her again.
"Mommy could never do what you do for me sweetie. You're my world princess. Don't ever forget that....I don't really love mommy anymore even if you hear me say it to her. I only love you."
She squeals and grabs my face and kisses me.
"I love you daddy! Only you forever and ever!"
I set an alarm on my phone so we'll have time to clean up in the morning and me and my daughter fall asleep naked together, her laying right where my wife sleeps....
I get through my shift pretty normally handling all my work the way I always do...
But those thoughts....the ones I tried to ignore creep back into my head.
Something isn't right.
When I'm at work my husband barely answers my texts....
Laura ...she's won't talk to me like she used to
I caught her the other day...staring at me and smirking and she looked away as soon as I looked at her...
Even her hugs and kisses...they dont feel genuine....
My husband the last time we had sex.....
I could just tell he was thinking about someone else like it was like our sex was disappointing to him...
They're alone a lot...
And a few days ago I walked in our bedroom after I got off..
And there was a wet spot on the carpet.
Very small but it was there.
And that smell.
Under the air freshener (which I noticed and would so conveniently cover the smell of sex)
I could smell it. I know what pussy smells like and that aroma of spit and sweat....
So faint but it was there...
I stop lying to myself and i acknowledge the reality.
I drop my papers on my desk and stare out into space for a while.
He's fucking our daughter.
He's probably fucking her right now.
That pervert. That asshole liar! I can't believe him. The room starts to spin. My vision gets blurry and tears well up. My hands are shaking... Its like a nightmare but I'm awake...
Two tears stream down my face from each eye...
How? Why ? How did this happen why did this happen!
I get up and go to the bathroom so no one can see me.
I quietly cry.
Am I not enough anymore?
Does he hate me?
A million thoughts run thru my head...
After a long while I collect myself.
I wipe my eyes and clean myself off.
I can't accuse him again without proof
I need to catch them.
In the act so he can't deny it!
This is about to be the hardest thing I've ever done...
But I need to literally walk in on my husband fucking our daughter.
I have to see it. I know its happening but I won't truly believe it until I see it.
I woke up the next morning next to daddy.
I woke him up with kisses and he smiled at me and we got up. We had about two hours until mommy got home
Daddy took the damp sheets to the laundry room and I sprayed air freshener in the room and took our clothes to be washed.
Daddy just had his boxers on and all I wanted to do was suck him off again.
I hugged him and kissed him and pressed my naked body against him. Daddy laughed and said we had to clean up and get the sheets back on the bed.
He told me to go get cleaned up and he'd take care of everything.
I walked to the guest room which has a full length mirror.
I was still butt naked and my kitty was sooo soo sore.
It really felt like daddy had torn me in half.
I could hardly walk straight.
I stood in front of the mirror and examined my naked body.
I'd taken my pig tails out to sleep so my long brown hair covers my nipples when its in front of me.
I looked myself over....
What does daddy see? Why does he like me so much?
I always thought mommy was very attractive
She has a full figure. Her breasts are Big and full and firm. I'm flatchested and havent developed yet.
She has a big round butt.
My little butt is heart shaped but small not like the girls I've seen on TV that grown up boys like.
I guess I'm cute since everyone says I am and I guess I look like a younger version of my mommy....daddy obviously liked her at one point so that makes sense why he'd like me more.
I look myself over. Move my hair and examine my little nipples...
I turn and look at my little butt
I look at my swollen sore kitty.
i know one day I'll grow hair down there but it hasn't come yet. I'm completely smooth down there...
I spread it apart and look at my kitty's lips....its small. Its cute. Even I can see why daddy would like it so much...
I look down my legs which makes up most of my short height.
My feet are tiny and my nails painted with glitter like my fingers....mommy did that for me last week.
*sigh* I dont know I just think I don't measure up to mommy or any big girl even though Daddy says I do.
All I can do is please him the best i can. Do whatever he says. Let him do whatever he wants to me.
Even if it hurts or even if I don't really like it...
I decide right there. I put my chin up and admire my reflection.
I'm cute.
I'm little.
I'm what daddy likes !
I won't let daddy get bored of me or go back to mommy or my new worst nightmare: another little girl...
unless I'm there...then maybe that'd be okay....for daddy's birthday or fathers day or something just because he'd love it. And he deserves it.
I think for a moment...maybe that wouldn't be so bad....I could play with her ...and I know daddy would love not one but TWO little girls to do whatever he wanted with...
I smile in the mirror and rub all over my body.
I'm gonna be good enough for daddy.
I'll do whatever it takes.
I whisper to myself.
"Your time is over Mommy...."
I say quietly and full of sass.
"Daddy is MINE now."
I smirk in the mirror. Then walk back to my room to get dressed...
For nearly a week, all my votes have been "Bad Token" Anybody knows what's going on? The story is very unique, considering the age & sexual development of the girl.I see he says Pt 2 posted. Going to check it out !
Dudley DowrongReport