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In case its not clear, the first few lines are a text conversation, formatting it to make it look like an actual text conversation is above my pay grade though. Enjoy.

Kelly: Hey did you study for this quiz at all?

You: Not really, I was just getting ready to. U?

Kelly: I've been up all fucking night. I still don't understand it. I'm in the class room now, want to come help me study?

You: Sure. B there in a few.

I locked my phone and hoped off my bed onto my dorm room’s dirty floor. I quickly started to throw my text book and notes in my backpack.

My roommate was in class for the next two hours, so I had been watching porn with the volume up loud and no clothes on. Really enjoying myself. It was only afterward while I was cleaning up that I realized I had a calculus test in the next hour and I probably should have been studying instead of looking at sex on the internet.

I had been pulling out some of my class notes when my phone buzzed with a text from Kelly, a very attractive girl in my calculus class. The professor in that class was a huge asshole and Kelly and I spent most classes sitting in the back of the lecture hall, making each other laugh at his expense. Kelly liked to silently harass him for having a microscopic dick in his pants, something that I found incredibly enjoyable to listen to.

I finished putting everything into my backpack, slung it over my shoulder, checked my pockets for my phone, keys, and wallet, and then left my small dorm room. I went down a few flights of stairs and walked out my building into the chilly weather. I dug around in my bag until I found a sweatshirt, I pulled it over my head, hoping it didn't smell too strongly of weed. I put music on and threw my headphones in while I walked across a lawn heading towards a building that was named after some great mathematician.

It didn't take long to cross my school's small campus and reach the building where my class was. The building was pretty quiet while classes were going on. I walked quickly through the halls, a little anxious to see Kelly. When I got to my destination I pushed open the door to the large stadium style lecture hall. The lecture hall was empty except for one girl sitting in the back of the class, feverishly looking through a pile of papers.

"Hey." I called out as I walked up the classroom's stairs to where Kelly was sitting.

"Oh hey." She tried to get up from her seat, but knocked over her stack of notes in the process. She ignored them for a moment, "How's it going?" She asked, and then before I was able to respond she said, "I need to study." And sat down again.

I laughed to myself about how stressed she seemed.

Kelly was wearing a white knitted sweater that I had seen her wear a few times before. It made her look cute. Like the kind of girl you would want to cuddle up with and watch a movie.

She was also wearing a very short skirt that I had never seen her wear before. It made her look sexy. Like the kind of girl you would want to pound into until your dick fell off.

"You must be freezing in that skirt." I said sitting down in the uncomfortable metal chair next to her and pulling out my own textbook and notes.

"Yeah it's a lot colder out than I thought it would be." She said, "I'm trying to impress a guy though." She leaned over in her chair and picked up the papers that had fallen to the ground.

"Nice." I said like a fucking idiot. "Did it work?" It wasn't for another few hours that I realized I was the guy she was trying to impress.

"I don't really think so." She said putting everything back on the desk in front of her.

"That sucks. I think you look really good." I also sounded like a fucking idiot saying this, but in my head it seemed like a smooth line.

"Thanks." She said and as she turned to her text books I noticed a smile cross her face.

We talked for a while about math, going over the formulas and steps for the various things on the test. Neither one of us really knew what we were talking about.

While we worked I noticed that Kelly was nonstop sucking down coffee in a travel mug. Her coffee intake was so strong that she brought it up, "This is like my fourth or fifth cup today, I'm trying to jump start my brain."

I laughed.

"It's not even good coffee." She added, "Here try a sip." She offered me the mug.

I took a sip and came close to spitting it out. I'm no coffee snob or anything but what she had in that cup was closer to hot dish water than Maxwell House. "That's fucking horrible." I said handing it back to her.

"Yeah I know." She took another sip before saying, "The worst part is it's not even doing anything for me anymore. It's just making me have to pee really bad.

I checked my phone and saw there were only fourteen minutes until class started. "You should probably go soon, right?"

"No, I have to study. I'll be able to hold it until after the test." She said.

We kept on cramming for the test and a few minutes later our classmates began to file in. As they began to murmur with each other, Kelly, whose leg was bouncing up and down at a steady clip, asked me, "Is it really cold in here or is it just me?"

"No, it's definitely pretty chilly." I said then looking down at her bare legs. I realized why she might be a little colder than everyone else. I decided to be a gentleman. I took off my sweatshirt and offered it to her. "Here, put this over your legs before you fucking freeze."

"Thanks." She said taking it and laying it over her hyperactive legs.

With two minutes before class was supposed to start the professor walked in and started passing out tests. Kelly and I silently wished each other luck and then bent our heads over the tests in front of us and began to try and do the impossible: Calculus.

I was in my third attempt at answering the first question on the test when I noticed Kelly's legs were just getting out of control. One of her legs was hopping up and down so violently that she kept hitting the bottom of her desk, making the work that she was supposed to be showing look like it had been done during an earthquake. She tried to pay attention to her test and get her body under control. I saw her take deep breaths with her eyes closed several times. About ten minutes into the test she seemed to have had enough. She raised her hand and when the professor made his way up the stairs to speak with her, she asked in a whisper that was loud with desperation, "Could I use the bathroom please?"

The professor smiled kindly and informed her, "I'm sorry, I can't allow that, to prevent students from cheating."

Kelly made another plea, "Please. I swear I really do need to use the bathroom."

"After you have turned in your test you are free to go wherever you please." The professor said and made his way back down to the front of the room so that he could look out upon his minions.

"Fuck you." I heard Kelly whisper quietly under her breath. She was shooting a lethal look at the professor's back.

I gave her a sympathetic look to let her know that I also thought this guy was a pretentious douche and was all too eager to exploit the small amount of power that he had been given. I didn't know if my face could express all that, but she shook her head and smiled before refocusing on the paper in front of her.

Her focus broke quickly and her leg began to hop all over the place again.

After another few minutes passed Kelly was unknowingly thrusting her left hand against her crotch to assist in the battle of resistance that her body was waging against itself. Her right hand was attempting to hold her pencil to keep up appearances that she was still trying to do math. Her body rocked back and forth in spite of itself.

"You okay?" I asked under my breath.

In response she looked up and made eye contact with me, I could see that tears were starting to form in her eyes, she shook her head no while biting her lip so hard that it turned white.

I watched the desperate dance that she was doing out of the corner of my eye, I was far more interested in what was going on next to me than what the test was asking me to do. I wished I still had my sweatshirt to put over my lap because I was beginning to notice a growing discomfort in my jeans as my dick unfolded itself (Lucky for me, I think Kelly was so distracted that she wouldn't have noticed if I was furiously jerking off next to her, so there was no chance that she would notice that her desperation to go to the bathroom was giving me a hardon). As it was, my sweatshirt had been shifted in between Kelly's legs where she was pressing it against her strained crotch so hard that it looked like she was trying to pack it inside herself.

I watched with more of an uninhibited interest while Kelly shifted and turned in her uncomfortable metal chair, rubbing her fine legs together with nothing but my sweatshirt separating skin from grinding against skin. Kelly took several quick, sharp gasps that seemed like a rushed attempt at calming, deep breaths. A few seconds later she let out a soft, mildly confused, mostly terrified "Fuck". I knew what it meant as soon as she said it.

She was no longer holding it. She was pissing through the light fabric of her panties. Her pee was then going right into the sweatshirt that was still tightly pressed against her crotch, my sweatshirt. Whatever liquids weren't absorbed by my sweatshirt (of which there was a lot) hit the metal chair she was sitting on and ran backwards, soaking her skirt and dampening her ass beneath. After trickling past her ass, the pee overflowed onto the classroom floor. I began to hear a pitter patter which quickly evolved into the sound of the world's smallest waterfall hitting the cement floor. I could only sit and watch as Kelly was consumed by embarrassment. Luckily there was no one other than me sitting close and everyone else in the class was so focused on their tests that they didn't seem to notice what was going on in the back of the room.

Kelly sat there and let her bladder relieve some of the pressure that she had been putting it through for god knows how long. If she hadn't been so mortified about wetting herself in public she would have been immensely relieved to finally let herself pee. I watched without even pretending to pay attention to my test as the pond under Kelly's seat began to grow too large for itself and a river formed, trickling and weaving quickly down the rows, heading for the front of the class. Kelly and I seemed to realize at the same time that this would only result in one thing, a big old puddle of piss pooling up right at the front of the room.

She began to flee, trying to quickly throw her things into her bag.

"Leave it. Just go." I whispered to her. She didn't even take a second to consider my suggestion before taking off for the class's door, wrapping my sweatshirt around her waist to conceal the very obvious wet spot she now had on the back of her skirt.

As she left, the door swung shut behind her, it made a loud clap that caused the whole class to look up. They didn't take long to examine their surrounding before they dove back into the test they were consumed with.

I tried to turn back to my own test in front of me, but the puddle of piss that was right next to me, coupled with the unignorable boner that was now causing me physical pain as it thrust against the denim of my jeans, made it very hard to concentrate on math. The test went on for another fifteen minutes before the professor told everyone to turn them in. I was able to answer one question well enough to the point that I think I'll get partial credit. Not too bad considering my test taking environment. As the other students in the class got up and brought their tests to the professor they noticed a mysteriously large puddle at the front of the room. I heard people asking what had happened as they stepped around it. I walked past them and the puddle pretending not to notice, but mentally marveling at just how much liquid Kelly had been keeping inside herself. I turned in my unfinished test along with the test I had taken off of Kelly's desk. She had actually managed to answer three of the problems.

I went back to my seat to grab my things before leaving. I looked at Kelly's things spread all over the floor around where she had been sitting. I couldn't just leave them there for when the next class came in. I carefully tip toed around the wet spot under her chair (her pee might have turned me on, but I wasn't trying to get it on my shoes) and put her text book and notes into her backpack before slinging it over the shoulder that didn’t have my own backpack on it.

As I walked out of the class I took out my phone and sent Kelly a text saying, "I have your things. I'll drop them off wherever you want." Then I put my headphones in and went to get something to eat.

I was walking out of the campus pizza shop with a slice in my hand when my phone vibrated in my pocket. Kelly had texted me back. I opened the message quickly, it said, "Holy fuck. I can't believe that just happened. I'm so embarrassed."

I started to text her back telling her that no one figured out what happened when I got another text from her, "Thank you. I'm back at my apartment now. Would you mind dropping my stuff off there?"

"No problem. Where is it?" I sent back.

She sent me an address for the apartment complex that was right off campus. The places there were much nicer than the dorm rooms on campus and you didn't have to share them with some random person that the school matched you up with. I told her that I would be there in a few and started walking briskly in that direction. It was still cold out and now I was without my sweatshirt. I finished my slice of pizza as I walked off campus.

A few minutes later I was in the lobby of Kelly's apartment building ringing her buzzer. She buzzed me in and I took the elevator up to the fourth floor. When I got off the elevator I turned the wrong way in the hallway and wound up walking around the hallway lost for a minute before I found her apartment. I knocked on the door which was quickly answered by a freshly showered Kelly wearing lime green panties and a plain white t-shirt that had two distinctive points that could be nothing other than her unbraed nipples. "Hey." She said and then walking away leaving the door open behind her, "Come in."

I followed her into the apartment, briefly checking out her ass which had begun to swallow up the lime panties, as I closed the door behind me.

"What did everyone say when I left?" She asked sitting down on her couch in her living room. It was a nice place for a college student, there was a large flat screen mounted on the wall, a bookcase that looked meticulously organized, and some nice curtains hung on the windows. These were details that I had never seen from someone who still called themselves a full-time student. My dorm room had posters for my roommate's favorite soccer team and we had duct taped a blanket in front of the window so we could sleep in on the weekends.

"Honestly no one noticed." I answered her question and sat down on the other end of the couch. I was sitting, but I wasn't relaxed.


"Yeah. Like when you left no one really cared. They did notice the puddle at the end of class when everyone was leaving but they probably just figured something got spilled, you know." I tried to comfort her a little with what I thought was probably the truth. "What did you do when you left?"

"I ran back here." Kelly said leaning far back into the couch.

"You ran all the way here like that?" I asked, it was a pretty far way to run, I probably would have got winded about half way through.

"Yeah. I used to run track in high school." She said. That would explain her toned legs and round ass. "I got here and jumped right in the shower and peed for like ten minutes straight."

Between her minimal clothing and her bringing up peeing again, my dick was starting to make me uncomfortable again. I adjusted my place on the couch and asked, "Did anyone on campus notice you running around covered in your own piss?"

"I don't think so. I tied your sweatshirt around my waste and it just looked like I was out for a jog." She turned to face me and now it looked like her protruding nipples were pointing right at me. "Speaking of your sweatshirt, I'm not gonna lie. The thing is kind of soaked."

"I kind of figured it would be." I said, laughing a little.

"I'll show you." She got up and walked across the living room towards the bathroom.

I stood up and followed behind her. When she reached the doorway she stopped short and I bumped into her. I reached out my hands and caught her around the waste to keep her from toppling over into the bathroom. She wouldn't have toppled anywhere, it was a light bump. I wondered if she had felt my semi-hard dick poke the small of her back. I knew that I had felt and enjoyed the contact. My hands lingered on her hips for a second before I lightly took them off. "Sorry." I said as I did so.

"I thought I smelled something." She explained her sudden stop, ignoring what had happened as a result.

I sniffed the air and when I didn't smell anything out of the ordinary, I asked, "What kind of something."

"It was probably just the pee." She said gesturing towards the sink which seemed to be filled with the cloths she had been wearing in class.

"Ahh." I said taking in the sight.

"Yeah, so," She reached into the sink and with the tips of her fingers she brought out the sweatshirt I had lent her earlier to keep her legs warm, "It's pretty wet." She displayed it and I could see where the pee had soaked in.

"That's fine." I said.

"I was going to put on a load of laundry, since it seems like I have some stuff to clean now. Do you want me to put it in with that?"

"Yeah that would be great." I said, "If you don't mind."

She laughed, "I pissed on your sweatshirt. The least I can do is wash it for you."

It was a fair point. "Sounds good then." I said laughing.

She threw the sweatshirt back into the sink with the other wet cloths. What happened next was the hottest thing I had ever seen in my life up until that point. Kelly raised the fingers that had just been holding my sweatshirt, which was covered in her pee, up to her mouth and licked them clean like she was eating some good barbeque.

My mouth dropped open.

"What? I'm weird." She said slyly walking past me towards her bedroom. She came back out carrying a hamper overflowing with dirty cloths. She brought it back into the bathroom and threw the cloths from the sink onto the pile. With some effort she carried the hamper towards the kitchen where she had both a washer and dryer. I would have offered to help her carry it, if I hadn't been too busy admiring how her panties tried in vain to cover her ass. With every step she took more and more fabric seemed to be swallowed between those cheeks. I followed her into the kitchen trying to do the mental calculations to figure out exactly when there would be no more fabric left. However, like I said, I suck at math and trying to think of anything while looking at her ass was an exercise in futility.

As I rounded the corner into the kitchen a pair of panties fell off the top of the basket and hit the floor with a splat. "Could you grab those?" Kelly asked, she was focused on setting up the machine. I bent down to pick up the runaway panties and realized the reason they had made that splat noise. They were soaking wet. There was a wet spot on the floor from where they had landed. I briefly considered sticking them in my pocket and taking them home with me. That would have been weird though. I had them clasped in my hand with the tips of my fingers like she had held my sweatshirt. I swung them around and dropped them back on top of the laundry basket trying to make sure they didn't drip onto the floor. What happened next was even hotter than the last hottest thing I'd ever seen in my life. She grabbed the hand that had just let go of her panties and brought my fingers to her mouth. She put my thumb and index finger in her mouth and sucked on them with her eyes close. I almost doubled over with an unexpected rush of pleasure.

"So," She said turning back to the laundry machine, "Do you want to hang out here while it washes or do you have somewhere else to be?"

I had a class in half an hour. "I'll hang out. I'm free all day."

"Good. Me too." She said closing the lid of the washing machine and turning it on. "Want to get high and watch a movie?" She walked by me towards the living room, as she did so she swayed her hips and gently rubbed against my dick again. I couldn't feel much under the thick denim but I definitely liked what I did feel.

I shook my head and walked behind her. "Absolutely."

She tossed her laundry basket back in her room and jumped on the couch. She reached into a draw in the table next to the couch and pulled out a pipe and about a small bag of weed. "You pack, I'll choose." She said, handing me the tools in her hand.

"Sounds good." I said sitting on the couch and getting to work.

She started scrolling through Netflix, she spent about a minute searching a few different categories and quickly judging a bunch of movies, "Lord of the Rings is on Netflix now." She said, "Do you want to watch that high?"

That sounded fucking awesome to me. "That sounds fucking awesome to me." I told her.

She put it on and I passed her the pipe which I had filled to the brim with weed. She fished a lighter out of the same draw the pipe had been in and lit it as the elf lady began telling us the history of middle earth. She passed it to me and I passed it back to her after taking my hit. By the time Sauron had gotten his hand sliced off the bowl was kicked. I wasn't complaining, I was very high. I glanced over at Kelly, from the look of her I could tell she was feeling as high as I was. She watching the movie so intently that her mouth was hanging open. I couldn't help myself, I laughed.

She wiped her head around, waking up from whatever daze she had been in, "What?" She asked smiling.

"You just looked really into it." I said chuckling.

"Well yeah. It’s a great fucking movie." We laughed a lot at this.

A minute later Kelly stood up stretching her arms, she walked over to a wicker basket filled with blankets under the TV. She grabbed a blanket from the basket and wrapped it around herself as she shuffled back to the couch. "I can't believe I pissed myself today." She said as she stretched out on the couch. She lay down with her head in my lap. As her ear came down on my lap she noticed what my jeans had been concealing for a while now. I wasn't hard anymore but I still had a half-chub going on.

She lifted up her head and turned to look at me. "Well hello there." She said playfully. Then while we were still making eye contact she lowered her head down to my lap again and started to gently rub against me. The feeling drove me crazy. She put her mouth on the bulge that my dick was making and gently bit down. Just like that my half-chub was gone and I was back to being very hard again. She turned back to the tv and watched two of the hobbits set off Gandalf's giant dragon firework. While she was watching her hands were gently working the button out of my pants and pulling down the zipper. When she did this my dick popped up like a daisy in spring.

Kelly pulled down my jeans and boxers, finally giving my dick the freedom it had been trying to get since we were taking the test earlier and giving her full access to my dick. With her eyes still focused on the movie she began to slip the tip of my dick into her mouth. She started off slowly and at points it felt like she was more focused on the movie than the dick in her mouth. After a minute she started to show more of an interest in my dick and started sliding more and more of it into her mouth. She steadily increased her speed and dick intake until she found herself with the entirety of my dick in her mouth, to the point where it was like she was kissing my trimmed pubic hair.

She was slowly deepthroating it, holding her mouth in place until she needed to gasp for air. She started to go faster, bobbing her head down and swallowing up my dick, then sliding her head back up and breathing. Soon she was doing it so fast that her throat was making an involuntary, "Glurg glurg glurg" noise. She was sucking my dick like someone who knew how to actually suck dick. She was salivating all over me and giving me the wettest blowjob of my life. Strings of drool hung between her mouth and my dick whenever she rose up for air.

She pulled my dick all the way out of her mouth eventually and held it with one hand while she put one of my balls, then the other in her mouth. My dick, which thought it could never feel anything better than the sloppy head I had just got, flinched at this new pleasure. She let my balls pop out of her mouth, slippery with her drool, then rose up and kissed me. I kissed her back, grabbing her by the waste and bringing her body close against me. I've heard friends of mine say that after a girl gives them a blow job they would never kiss her. I don't think my friends have ever gotten a truly excellent blow job before. After what she just did, I would have done absolutely anything she wanted me to.

While we were kissing, Kelly reached one hand down to her underwear and pulled off the lime green panties. She rubbed her finger against her pussy, her finger was quickly slathered in the juices that had secreted out of her. She brought the finger up and held it in front of my face. I leaned my head forward to suck it clean, but before I could reach it, she popped it in her own mouth. She took the finger out of her mouth and offered it back to me. This time her finger went in my mouth. I gently sucked on it until she pulled it out and moved her hand down to my dick. She lined my dick up with the pussy that was looming over it and then slid down until she was sitting on my lap. Between how wet I was from the blow job and how wet she was from being turned on, I slid right in.

Kelly began working the muscles in her legs. Her up and down thrusts were a little sloppy at first and there were a few times where she went up too far and I slipped out of her. After a minute of being on her knees she decided to really go for it and got up on her feet so that she was squatting. She lined up my dick again and took off. Her hands clutched the back of the couch while she worked her toned legs performing rapid squat thrusts. I sat there and tried to hold out on cumming while all this was going on above me. Her ass clapped against my legs with every time she came down, she then used her powerful legs to quickly pick herself back up.

She bent her head down and kicked it into another gear. She closed her eyes and rode me with a purpose. She gasped loudly with every thrust and just when I thought I was about to cum she lifted her legs up higher, letting my dick escape her, and squirted her own cum onto my stomach. Her legs were shaky as the waves of pleasure ricocheted around her body and she sank back down.

I kept myself between her legs rolled her over so that she was laying on her back and I was the one on top. I lined up my dick with her hypersensitive pussy and started pumping into her hard and fast. I was on the final stretch and I was sprinting towards an orgasm. I lifted one of her legs up and laid it on my shoulder so I could get a better angle. She clutched the edge of the couch with one hand and the wall with the other trying to hold herself in place.

I felt myself hit the point of no return and knew I only had a few seconds left. I doubled down and tried to thrust harder and faster until the waves of pleasure from my own orgasm began to hit me and I had to stop to enjoy them. I collapsed on top of her, letting my dick throw its strings of cum inside her.

The movie was still going in the background. After a minute of laying on top of her I left my spot between her legs and flopped back onto the couch with my soft dick now laying wet against my leg. When she saw this Kelly got up and bent her head over my dick. Taking it into her mouth one last time to clean off the mixture of my cum and her pussy.

When she was finished cleaning me off she got up and took a step away from the couch. She turned away from me and spread her legs out wide before leaning over to touch the ground. I didn't know what she was doing at first, I watched her asshole flex as she strained her muscles. I wondered if she might be trying to take a shit on the floor before I saw her pussy begin to drip. Thick droplets of my cum leaked out of her and fell from the lips of her pussy to the carpet. Every time she flexed her ass, more cum seemed to leak from inside her. When she had flexed all the cum out of herself that she could manage, she reached down and wiped her messy crotch with her hand, then licked it clean.

She backed up and sat back down on the couch, letting whatever was left in her just seep out and absorb into the fabric.

Frodo was in the Elf city by now. I checked my phone. My next class had started a few minutes ago. I was alright skipping it though. Sitting next to this naked girl and relaxing after one hell of a fuck session was definitely a better use of my time then whatever would happen in class.

"Want to smoke another bowl?" Kelly asked, she was still sunk deep into the couch.

"Absolutely." I said reaching over and picking up the pipe and weed from the table. I hoped that my sweatshirt would never get dry.

P.S. If you liked this, click my username up top and check out some of the other stories I've written.


2018-09-06 22:24:08
I love your writing please keep going this and all the others are amazing!!!

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