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Shopgirl Emily joins a sex club
Emily Davis sat on her bed holding the card. Similar in size to a credit card, it was grey with the letters “VB” entwined in a holographic image in the centre, which seemed to revolve as it caught the light. It was beautiful she thought. Emily had no idea what the letters meant, but she knew what the card was. It was a membership card for a very exclusive club. A sex club.

The banner across the top of the card read “The Secret Life” and had a small red heart next to it with a tiny letter “F” inside, which Emily assumed stood for “Female”, as it was a “Female” who had dropped it in the shop where she worked. Initially believing it to be a credit card, Emily went after the woman, but when she realised what she held, she deftly pocketed it and returned to her counter.

The “Secret Life” club was a well-established venue in the city where Emily lived, and carried a dubius reputation. The clientele were secretive and anonymous, and the place had been raided on more than one occasion amid claims of prostitution and other unsavoury practices. But no evidence had ever been found, and the club was allowed to flourish. This did not stop the rumour mill however, and many lurid tales of what went on in the club, had reached Emily’s ears. At first shocking, and then exciting her. She passed the club twice a day on her journey to and from work, and she had always longed to see inside, and now she had the means to do so. But dare she?

She knew that the membership card would soon be reported as lost, so she only had a very small window of opportunity. It had to be now.

Pulling the bottom drawer clear of her bedside table, Emily took a small package and placed it on the bed. Hiding it from her parents was paramount. They were nothing if not strait laced, and she didn`t relish the awkward conversation that would ensue if she were confronted with her little purchase. She mentally chastised herself for her cowardice. She was Twenty-One years old, and perfectly entitled to wear whatever she chose. But still she hid.

It had taken her three whole weeks to pluck up the courage to enter the shop, and she had quickly left without buying when she saw what was inside. Although there were lots of pretty lingerie in the window, it was a sex shop in all but name, with racks of magazines and sex toys openly displayed. The lingerie section was at the back, but she never made it. Embarrassed beyond belief, she turned around and headed straight back out. There were men inside, and she remembered their wry smiles and amused expressions. She didn`t know what was going through their minds and decided that she didn`t want to know. It was seedy and horrible.

But it was the only place in town where she could buy what she wanted. Mail order was out of the question to avoid nosy parents, so she had to go back.

Steeling herself, she headed straight for the lingerie. There were no other customers there, and it became apparent that the male customers made it no further than the porn mags and sex toys. The range was extensive, and ran from the pretty, sexy, stuff, to the more extreme fetish wear. She knew that her sexual experience with men had gone no further than the occasional fumble, but why would a grown woman want to dress as Alice in Wonderland? Emily found it all bizarre and confusing, but she knew what she wanted.

She selected three bodysuits, each more revealing than the last. The sensible part of her brain was telling her to go modest, but her “Inner Whore” as she called it, won out and she went extreme.

Now, alone in her bedroom, she stood naked before the mirror. Her “C” cup breasts stood proud and firm with little or no sag, and the fat lips of her shaved pudenda, nestled sweetly between her muscular thighs. She hated the thought of hair between her legs and had begun shaving it as soon as it started to appear at age 11. Her pussy was high slung and prominent, with a significant split, and she wondered if that was completely normal. It looked almost swollen. She ran her fingers lightly over the soft flesh and felt a familiar tingle pass through her body. After almost being raped by a drunken reveller at a New Year’s Eve party, she had turned her back on sex and contented herself with her fingers when things got too much, and things were getting too much a lot lately. She thought.

Her sex drive had returned with a vengeance, and she knew that if didn`t get fucked soon, she was going to go insane. Sure, she could get laid anytime she wanted, but sex against a wall, or in a car, had never appealed, and she wanted her first time to be special, memorable even. She needed someone who knew what they were doing, and that eliminated virtually every male she currently knew.

Emily stepped into the body stocking, and pulled it to her waist, marvelling at how well the stocking cupped her pussy. She pulled it up, over her tits, then slipped her arms through the thin shoulder straps. She looked stunning. The body stocking, she had chosen, was made entirely out of black fishnet, and was completely see through. She loved the way it crushed her tits to her chest and she noticed how her hardening nipples now pushed through the strappy material demanding attention. She could probably have done with a slightly larger size, but she liked the way it encased her body, and especially the way it supported her tits.

She flopped back onto the bed spreading her legs before the mirror. The hole in the material seemed larger over her pussy. She grinned to herself as she realised why that was. It was big enough to enable a man’s cock to pass through. She could be fucked while wearing it. She pulled the material taut over her ass hole and realized that there was a larger hole there too. She almost blushed at the thought.

She clutched at her tits and rubbed the palms of her hands over her swollen nipples. She longed to have a mouth licking and sucking at her tits. What would it feel like? She had tried sucking her own tits, but it was hopeless. something was missing.

Rolling onto her stomach, she pulled her knees to her chest lifting her ass in the air and began a gentle stroking motion along the entire length of her slit. She teased the tight rosebud of her Anus, before pushing into the hot slippery hole of her cunt. She made lazy circles at the entrance before delving a little deeper to the taut rubbery seal of her Hymen.

She had been in this position many times, and each time had been tempted to plunge her fingers deep into her virgin pussy, and each time she had baulked. She wondered if she could do it now, but no. She contented herself instead, with a gentle clit rub. The rupturing of her Hymen would happen soon enough she reasoned, possibly as soon as tonight.

The thought both excited and terrified her. Would it hurt? Would she bleed? Would she even be expected to have full sex, or could she get away with some touching and kissing?

She didn`t think so. None of the stories she had heard had ever mentioned those things, and she knew that she had to be prepared for things to get heavy. Very heavy indeed.

She felt the first butterflies in her stomach, and sat on the bed, all thoughts of her impending orgasm now gone. The micro text on the back of the card stated that only nudity and/or fetish wear was permitted in the club, but luckily, she had a large trench coat to go over the body stocking which should suffice.

What the hell are you doing Emily? She thought to herself. This is crazy, reckless, dangerous even. If things were to go wrong, nobody would know where she was, and nobody could help her. She was on her own.

She knew that the chances were that she would never even get into the club, and that reassured her a little, but knew that she had to try. If she let this opportunity pass her by she would never forgive herself. It most certainly would not come again.

It was Saturday night, so she knew that the club would most likely be busy. Hopefully she could lose herself in the crowd. Emily took a deep, nervous breath and started to get ready.

Emily had the Taxi drop her a street away from the club, to give her time to compose herself, and to ensure her anonymity. The city centre was busy, with early evening revellers heading to the local pubs and clubs, and Emily eased through the laughing throngs, before standing with trepidation before the large oak door which led into the club. There was a magnetic card reader on the wall to the left of the door, and Emily ran the membership card quickly through it, fully expecting a red light. The light turned green, and the door opened with a gentle click.

Emily was confronted with a lush, deep red carpeted staircase leading to the first floor. The walls were mirrored, and she caught sight of a very nervous Emily staring back at her. The staircase opened into a small reception area, with a frumpy looking, middle-aged woman seated behind the desk.

“Card please.” She murmured, as she absentmindedly struggled with her crossword.

Emily handed it over. The woman examined it in some detail, as if it was the first one she had ever seen. Emily had an almost overwhelming desire to bolt, but somehow stood her ground. “Need any help. You know, with the crossword. I`m not bad.”

The woman looked at Emily in bewilderment. “I just need to scan you in. I won’t be a moment.” Then she disappeared into a back room.

Emily rolled her eyes to the heavens. Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! You`re in a sex club and you`re offering to help the receptionist with her fucking crossword! For fucks sake Em!

The phone rang in Frank Chapmans office. “Hi Frank, it`s Sue from reception.”

“Bloody hell, I know it`s Sue from reception because your name comes up on my phone, yet you still feel the need to bloody well tell me.”

“Mr Grumpy. Anyway, we have a situation down here. There`s a young woman trying to get in on a stolen card. The initials on the card are VB.”

“Veronica Bernstein.”

“The one and only. V`s already inside. I issued her with a new card only an hour ago.”

“And you didn`t think to cancel the old one?”

“For fucks sake Frank, of course I did! But she came in through the front door. You know how dodgy that card reader is. You could get in with a bloody Costco card.”

This was true, thought Frank. He had been meaning to get it fixed, but the regular clientele now used the rear entrance to avoid prying eyes.

“What do you think? Another reporter?”

“What else.” Replied Sue. “She certainly looks the part.”

Frank flipped the CCTV to the camera overlooking reception. Sue was right, she did look the part. Trench coat, nervous. Just another young reporter trying to make a name for herself. Frank sighed. Ever since the existence of the club had become common knowledge he had been besieged by the fuckers. They had tried everything to get inside and had even rented the building opposite to see who went in and out. First the local rag, and then the nationals.

“Sue have Jermaine search her. If he finds any cameras, wires notepads etc, have him throw her into the street. And I mean throw.”

Jermaine was one of the bouncers, or doormen as they liked to be called now. Completely trustworthy and well paid to remain so.

A moment later the phone rang again.

“Hi, Frank, it`s Sue fr-.”

“For fucks sake Sue.” Interrupted Frank.

“She`s clean Frank. Nothing on her.”


“Not a thing.”

“You`re sure?” Replied Frank, a note of disbelief in his voice. There had to be.

“Frank she`s virtually naked. Unless she`s got a camera stuffed up her wotsit, she`s clean.”

A possibility, considered Frank. Cameras were small these days. “You`re sure Jermaine’s been thorough?”.

Sue chuckled. “Too right he has! She`s been well felt up, the perv!”

What to do. “Sue let her in. We need to know what her game is.”

“No Frank you can`t It`s- “

“It`s cool Sue. I`ll sort it.” Frank replaced the receiver, pondering his next move.

Emily was mortified. The doorman’s hands had been everywhere, and now she stood alone in reception awaiting the receptionist, wearing nothing but her bodysuit. Had she had her coat, she would have bolted no question, but her coat had been taken from her, along with her shoes. The big black doorman stood a few feet away, eyeing her with undisguised contempt.

She had little doubt that if requested, he would throw her back onto the street dressed exactly as she was now. Emily shivered at the thought. It was still daylight outside and there was nowhere to hide.

The receptionist returned with a smile that was anything but friendly. “Thank you, that`s fine. Jermaine will show you inside.”

Jermaine pushed open the double doors and allowed Emily to pass. The receptionist made no attempt to return her membership card, and Emily decided not to ask. She was getting a very bad feeling about this.

Emily found herself in a plushily carpeted corridor with computer generated flames leaping up the walls. The corridor was short but wide, with double doors at the end. Emily glanced back at Jermaine, who ushered her through.

Emily found herself in a huge circular room furnished with a dark red carpet which felt luxuriously deep beneath her toes. Small tables were scattered haphazardly about the room as were sofas, with raised divans between them. The lighting was subdued and the music mellow, and some vintage porn film was playing silently on the multitude of screens hanging from the walls.

The club was busy, with most of the sofas and divans occupied by naked and semi naked bodies. Everybody seemed to be on first name terms and seemed completely at ease with one another.

A woman wearing nothing more than a leather thong strolled passed Emily, leading a naked man by his erect cock, her heavy breasts swaying as she walked. She laughed, as she was stopped in her tracks by a younger male, who greeted her by squeezing and mauling her tits. They kissed deeply as she gently wanked her captive.

Emily swallowed hard.

“The club rules are thus.” Began Jermaine. “The drinks from the bar are complimentary. That means they`re free. You can have sex wherever, and with whomever you wish. Sex toys are supplied, or you can bring your own. Lube is also supplied. You will find them at various stations around the perimeter of the room. See those doors?”

Emily noticed a series of brown wooden doors set into the wall equally spaced around the room.

“These are playrooms. Doors with red handles are voyeur rooms. Go there if you like to watch or be watched but would like a little privacy. Doors with yellow handles are private rooms. There are no locks on these doors. A red tag means occupied so you do not go in. Got it?”

Emily nodded.

“And finally, anything goes. The only safe word we use here is no. No means no. You will respect the wishes of other patrons at all times. If anyone hassles you, you see me. Got it?”

“Got it.” Replied Emily.

Like a ghost, Jermaine was gone.

I need a drink. Thought Emily. The bar was located at the far side of the room, and as Emily made her way there, she drew a few smiles and admiring glances from the regulars. She did her best to smile back but was very pleased when she reached the bar.

Being virtually nude, didn`t bother Emily much. She knew she was a looker, and could tell from looking around the room, that she was a match for any of the other women present, and she was quite possibly, the youngest. It was her lack of experience that troubled her the most. The sheer confidence and self-assuredness displayed by those around her, made Emily all too aware of her own inexperience.

These people knew what they were about. Obviously experienced in all things sexual, these people would identify her sexual immaturity immediately. Would they laugh at her? Would they laugh when they saw her virgin blood on her first cock? Emily was becoming more and more nervous but could think of no way of extricating herself from the situation.

Frank Chapman stood in the shadows watching the hot blonde sitting on the barstool, a naked Veronica standing beside him.

“So that`s the bitch that stole my card is it Frank?”

Frank sighed. “Let`s just say found, for now shall we V?”

“You think she`s from the press?”

“I thought so at first. But now I`m not so sure. Truth is, I don`t know what the fuck to make of her. She’s got no recording equipment of any kind, and she`s so young. You would think they would send someone older to a place like this.”

Veronica laughed. “They get fucked young these days Frank. She`s probably had more cocks than me.”

“I doubt that.” Said Frank truthfully.

“No, you’re right.” Grinned Veronica. “Let me speak to her. I`ll get the truth out of the little Bitch.”

Frank watched as her naked form slinked its way across the club, hips swaying seductively as she walked. He never got tired of watching her. Even at forty-five she still had it. She could have any man in the club, and pretty much had done so, many, many times. There wasn`t many women left either, he thought ruefully.

As the owner, Frank tried to remain aloof from the goings on in the club. Of course, various members had tried to fuck him, but he had always turned them down, and now rarely left his office, relying instead on Jermaine and Sue to deal with issues. But this piece intrigued him. He watched carefully, as Veronica approached the bar.


The voice close to her ear startled Emily, and she turned to see a tall statuesque blond standing beside her.

“Sorry did I make you jump?” Laughed the woman, putting her hand on Emily`s shoulder.

“Oh, just a little.” Smiled Emily.

The woman was beautiful without a doubt, thought Emily. Her hair was cut in a Bob, and her lips were a deep red and heavily glossed.

“You`re new here.” The woman stated, visually devouring Emily`s exposed breasts.

“Yes it`s my first time. I`m Emily” Responded Emily, offering her hand.

“My dear.” Smiled Veronica. “That`s not how we greet each other here.”

Veronica leant forward and kissed Emily on the lips. It was a gentle, lingering kiss, and Emily felt herself blushing uncontrollably.

“You`re shy! How wonderful!” Laughed Veronica, clapping her hands in delight. “I take it you have a patron?”

“A… what?” Stumbled Emily.

“A patron dear. The person who introduced you?”

“Oh, yes of course. He`s not here. He`s working away.”

“Shame on him. Letting you come here all alone. What`s his name perhaps I know him?”

“It`s Humphries. Ken Humphries.” Said Emily, desperately trying to think on her feet.

Veronica thought for a moment. “Hmm, I don`t think I know him. Is that his real name or his pseudonym?”

“His what?” stammered Emily.

Veronica sighed and rolled her eyes. “His pseudonym. We don`t use our real names dear. I`m quite sure that Emily isn’t yours.”

“No of course not. It`s his pseudonym.” She knew that if she said it was his real name, she would have to think of another, and things were complicated enough as it was.

“Never heard of him.” Stated Veronica, her bright blue eyes glittering with malice.

“He doesn`t come here much.” Was all Emily could think of to say, and she said it weakly and without conviction.

Veronica pushed her forefinger under Emily’s chin, forcing Emily to look her in the face.

“Kiss me.” She commanded.

Veronica leant forward and licked Emily`s lips with the tip of her tongue, gently, as their lips came together.

Emily felt a delicious shiver pass through her body. She didn`t dare return the kiss in fear of looking foolish, but instead allowed the older woman to posses her, opening her mouth to the insistent tongue and meeting it with her own, albeit tentatively.

Lost in the kiss, Emily barely noticed the woman’s hand moving softly along her inner thigh, heading for her bare pussy. Almost too late, Emily snapped her thighs closed, trapping Veronicas hand a bare inch from her unprotected cunt.

Veronica broke the kiss, now nuzzling the nape of Emily`s neck, and then the lobe and the delicate shell of her ear. “Open up for me Emily. Let me feel your cunt.” She hissed softly.

Emily tried desperately to relax, but in all of the fantasies that she`d had about this place, it had always been a man she had been with, and now she had a woman old enough to be her mother, forcing herself upon her.

It was hopeless. This was a part of sex, and she was just going to have to accept it.

Emily lay her head upon Veronicas shoulder in resignation and allowed her legs to fall apart, and Veronica found her hand full of fresh warm cunt flesh. The thin fishnet material of Emily`s bodysuit did nothing to protect her from Veronicas gentle manipulations, and Emily gave a soft moan of pleasure, as Veronica began stroking her hard-little clit.

“There, that`s not so bad is it?” Whispered Veronica, as she hooked a finger into Emily`s warm wet hole and began to push inside.

Emily, still sitting on the stool, wrapped her legs around Veronicas waist, opening herself fully to the woman’s expert touch. There were sensations coursing through her body that Emily had never felt before. Strong pulses of pleasure that rippled through her stomach and made her push herself further onto the older woman’s penetrating fingers.

Suddenly Veronicas insidious progress into Emily`s hot liquid interior was stopped. Veronica tried again but could get no deeper.

“Oh. My. Fucking. God.” Exclaimed Veronica, withdrawing her fingers. “You`re a fucking virgin.”

Emily`s shame was complete. “I`m sorry.” She muttered climbing from the stool. “I should never have come. I`m going home.”

Veronica pushed her back upon the stool. “You`re going nowhere. Why are you here? Tell me everything and leave nothing out.”

Knowing she had no other options, Emily did as she was told.

Frank watched as Veronica came towards him, looking very much like the cat that got the cream.

“Frank, you are not going to believe this.” She grinned.

“You`re sure V? She`s here to get laid?”

“I`m sure Frank.” Said Veronica, having relayed Emily`s confession. “It`s not a phrase I like to use, but she`s absolutely begging for it.”

“Wow.” Said Frank running his fingers through his thinning hair. He carefully watched Emily as she sat with her back to him at the bar. She took a quick glance at Frank and then quickly looked away. Her nervousness was palpable. “V, I think she would rather be anywhere than where she is right now. She looks ready to bolt.”

“She`s nervous Frank. She`s scared, excited, frightened, all at the same time. Bloody hell Frank, she`s twenty-one and has never had sex. Can you imagine what that must feel like? She`s really built herself up for this. I don`t think she can wait another day. If we don`t fuck her someone else will. Either way she loses it tonight.”

“Shit V. What do we do?”

“We fuck her Frank.” Smiled Veronica. “And I know just the man to do it. “

Emily ordered another drink. Rumbled after only five minutes. All she had to do was keep her frigging legs closed, that`s all it would have taken and she couldn`t even manage that. So much for winging it Emily. Way to go.

She glanced over her shoulder and saw Veronica talking to some guy in a suit. The only fully dressed person in the room. Must be the manager, she thought. Veronica seemed to think she could swing it for her. Emily wasn`t so sure. But at least everything was now out in open. They knew the lot. That in itself was a relief.

Things were getting increasingly sexual in the club, and she noticed that many of the private rooms had now been taken. She took a very nervous sip of her drink.

“Hi I`m Melanie.” Said a voice next to her.

Emily was presented with a short naked brunette, probably early thirties, with large breasts and a trim waist. She had an open friendly face, and Emily decided that she liked her. Emily introduced herself.

“It`s just that I`ve been watching you from across the way.” Continued Melanie. “And I think you look really hot. I- well my husband and I, were wondering if you would like to come and play for a while. I was thinking that maybe you and I could play a little first.”

Emily felt that she should have been shocked by the woman’s direct approach, but she really wasn`t. However, she could only nod and smile.

Melanie helped her off the stool and led her towards a large sofa, where her naked husband reclined, stroking his formidable erection which curved hard onto his belly. Emily glanced across at the suit, who nodded once and smiled at her.

Emily gave a sigh of relief. It was going to be ok.

Emily sat on the sofa and was immediately pushed back, so her head rested on the man’s lap, the base of his cock hard against her cheek. Emily felt the straps of the bodysuit being pulled from her shoulders, and felt it travel down her body, freeing her breasts and belly, and over her hips and legs, before being cast aside. Emily was naked now, and a laughing Melanie pushed between her legs and lay on top of her, tits on tits and her hairy mound rubbing vigorously against Emily`s bare pussy.

Emily turned her head slightly and kissed the base of the cock. She so desperately wanted to take it in her mouth and suck the fat ballooning knob, but the large organ curved away from her and she was unable to reach it.

Melanie went to work on Emily. Kissing her neck and working her way down to her succulent pink nipples, licking and sucking the hard-little buttons of flesh. Emily lifted her knees and locked her legs tightly around Melanie`s waist, exposing more of her neglected pussy to Melanie`s humping cunt.

The pleasure was becoming intense. Emily`s tongue was now licking as much of the straining shaft as she could reach, which wasn`t very much, but it was enough. She loved the smooth silky skin, and the hardness just below the surface. This was the cock that was going to take her virginity. Rip her up. Force its way into her hot unsullied hole. Emily felt an orgasm building in her loins. I can`t come like this can I? She thought. At the hands of another woman? But she knew that she could, and it was going to happen very soon.

Melanie pushed Emily`s legs back against her tits, opening her fully, and thrust her eagerly licking tongue amongst the soft folds of her cunt, ravaging her hole and erect clit. That was the trigger.

“Oh my god.” Gasped Emily, as the intensity built, and finally exploded, tearing through her body at lightning speed, causing her to squirm twist and finally scream her pleasure into the cock against her face.

“You squirted me. You little minx.” Laughed Melanie, with a line of pussy juice running from her shoulder to her tit.

“Oh my gosh, I`m so sorry.” Said a horrified Emily, putting a hand across her mouth.

“Don`t be.” Said Melanie, scooping it up, and rubbing it into her nipples.

“Sorry to break this up, but we have a little surprise for Emily.” Said Veronica, suddenly beside the sofa.

Melanie smiled and shrugged, as Emily was pulled unceremoniously to her feet and dragged along by Veronica.

Looking over her shoulder at the man still stroking his cock. She called: “You can fuck me if you want.” As she was pulled along. Further away from his cock. Her cock, she reasoned. She didn`t know what Veronica had in store for her, but she felt like she was being deprived of her first fuck.

Emily was dragged to the other side of the room where she eventually stood before a naked black man, his oiled powerfully built body, glistening in the subdued lighting.

“Now look at him Emily. Isn`t he magnificent?” Veronica said, awe in her voice. “And look at that prick. Isn`t it just the most wonderful thing? And guess what Emily. It`s all yours.”

Emily shook her head, panic creeping into her voice. “I can’t Veronica it`s too big. It`ll tear me. Please don`t make me.” It wasn`t a prick or a dick. It was a schlong, a limb, spearing out from his groin. His balls were the size of hen`s eggs, now pulled tight against his body.

“I`m not going to make you do anything dear.” Smiled Veronica. “You can either take his prick, or you can fuck off. It`s up to you.”

As he stepped towards her out of the shadows, she recognised his face. Jermaine.

Leaving wasn`t an option anymore. She knew she had to see it through now. Even if it killed her, she was going to have to take it.

Jermaine regarded her with an expression little short of disgust. He seemed pissed that she was even standing before him, and highly inconvenienced that he was being asked to fuck her. But still his cock remained massively erect.

He lay down on a conveniently placed divan, his heavily muscled legs, hanging over the bottom of the bed. He retracted his foreskin, causing the knob to bloom even larger, and pointed his huge erection at the ceiling.

“Pick the bitch up and drop her on my cock.” He commanded.

A crowd had begun to gather, and Emily felt hands on the back of her thighs. Strong male hands. Emily took a deep breath and nodded her assent, as she was hoisted into the air, her legs lifted and parted, and carried to the waiting cock.

“You`re a fucking lucky bitch Emily.” Veronica hissed, as she aimed the giant cockhead at Emily`s vulnerable open hole. “Never have I met a man who shoots more spunk than Jermaine here. He just comes and comes. He`s going to fill you up. You`re going to remember this for the rest of your life.”

And without further ado, Veronica gave a curt nod to her two accomplices, who dropped Emily straight down onto the thick spearing cock. For a moment, a millisecond, Emily`s entire weight was centred on that thin web of skin barring the way into her cunt, and then he was through, the huge cock barrelling its way into her depths, forcing apart the walls of her cunt that had never before parted to the invading cock.

Emily screamed. A white-hot blast of pain hit her behind the eyes, as she squirmed and twisted her body, desperate to escape the impaling cock which filled her unused virgin channel.

Emily was held, and forced lower until their bodies met, and Jermaine’s entire prick was embedded in her hot liquid cunt.

In truth, Jermaine was in pain. He had been unprepared for the cock stripping action of her tight cunt as his organ plunged into her body. But he had to admit that it made a nice change from the loose, well-travelled cunts that he was used to. As she moved madly on his burning shaft, Jermaine felt the spreading lips of her pussy caressing his balls, sliding over them, lubricating them, almost sucking them into her body. God, what a beautifully fat cunt she had. He was going to enjoy this.

Emily had stopped moving and was gritting her teeth against the pain, her heavy tits heaving as she took deep breaths, praying and hoping that he wouldn`t try fucking her yet. She needed to get used to having it inside her. She needed the pain to ease a little.

A gentle round of applause went around the room, and she managed a smile. It was done. She was now officially a woman. Her breathing began to slow, as she leant forward on her hands offering Jermaine her tits, gasping as she did so, feeling the shaft rasp painfully along her torn hymen. She eased back down.

Jermaine seized her tits hungrily, kneading and pulling, sucking hard on the nipples, distracting her momentarily, from the burning pain between her legs.

She moved to kiss him, to push her tongue between his lips, but he turned his face away. He didn`t want to kiss her. He wasn`t interested in her lips. He just wanted her tits and cunt, and in a strange way, that was ok. She wanted to be used by men. She wanted to be nothing but a sleeve for their cocks. She wanted them to empty their balls in her.

She leant back and closed her eyes, tilting her face to the ceiling. Composing herself, she began to move. Gently at first, just as much as the pain would allow, and then after a time, with greater urgency, flexing her hips and driving herself up and down on the vicious spike. She had no interest in her own pleasure, only in forcing Jermaine to give up his spunk. To shoot inside her, to have it pour into her unprotected womb. She had to complete the union.

Jermaine felt it too. This was the tightest, slickest cunt he had ever been inside, and he`d been inside a few. The walls of her pussy seemed to roll around his cock as she moved, teasing, and caressing it in her sleek wetness. Jermaine could feel his orgasm building, but it was too soon. He desperately wanted to prolong this, but she was moving too much. He tried to hold her still on his throbbing tool to allow his passion to abate, but she wriggled free and drove herself up and down with renewed vigour, taking his entire length deep inside her body.

It was too late. Gritting his teeth, Jermaine`s entire body stiffened, stomach muscles trembling as he began to orgasm. His mind, his being, his entire world, was centred around his throbbing spasming tool, as it began to pour, jerk, and spurt his spunk into Emily`s unprotected hole.

Emily noticed the change. Jermaine was staring at her with glassy, lust filled eyes. His jaw was set, and his teeth clenched. His thighs quivered between her widely spread legs, as the huge organ began to pump its load into her lust wracked body. She felt the hot spattering’s deep inside her cunt, and a spreading warmth moving swiftly through her loins.

She remembered Veronica saying that he came like a bull, so there was still time. She knew what she had to do next.

Lifting herself clear of the gushing cock, she positioned the cockhead against the star of her Anus. Relaxing as best she could, as she allowed gravity to aid its penetration, as she slowly slipped down the thick shaft, the tightly clenched ring of her ass reluctantly expanding, and allowing the spurting cockhead to enter her virgin interior. Their combined juices, lubricated, and eased her descent until their bodies bumped together, Emily now fully impaled on the still cumming organ, as it jerked and poured the last of its essence inside her stretched asshole.

An almost reverential silence descended on the room. Frank and Veronica looked at each other open mouthed, quite unable to believe what they had just witnessed. A gentle ripple of applause began which quickly escalated into full blown cheering, as people began congratulating Emily on her bravery and fortitude.

Emily smiled in spite of her exertions and received a smile and a respectful nod of the head from Jermaine, whom she felt, no longer hated her.

Emily leant forward resting her body against Jermaine, her mouth nuzzling his neck, and her tits crushed against his powerful chest. She could feel his softening cock slowly being expelled from her ass. She could feel it making its slow progress down her rectal tube, before exiting with a gentle plop, and a sudden gush of sperm. She felt the tight ring of her ass snap shut behind it, only not quite as tightly as before. It would never be the same again.

She felt hard male hands on her hips lifting her to her knees, and a hot hard cock probing in the cum soak crack of her ass. She rose obediently to her knees, arching her back and lifting herself to receive him. She didn`t know which hole he wanted to use and didn`t care, as Jermaine`s fingers began playing around her wet pussy hole and hard little clit.

The cock hovered around her pussy, before suddenly pushing into her well lubricated ass. He was a little smaller than Jermaine, and for that she was grateful, and the large amount of natural lube, meant that he entered easily, and with almost no discomfort to Emily.

He worked quickly, using short jabbing thrusts. Like a rabbit, thought Emily, as Jermaine`s fingers brought her closer and closer, to orgasm.

And then they were coming. Emily gasping and rolling her hips, massaging the pulsating cock buried deep in her ass, and her assailant, pulling her back onto his cock as he emptied himself into her already slick asshole.

“She still has a virginity left if you want it Frank.” Whispered Veronica.

Frank Chapman tore at his clothes. He had to have her. Of all the erotic scenes he had witnessed in the club, this was without doubt the most erotic, and he didn`t recall ever being this turned on.

Naked now, he pushed his way through the crowd and stood before Emily, as Jermaine politely rolled away, leaving her on her hands and knees, facing Frank`s formidable cock.

The thick cockhead brushed her lips, and Emily knew what he wanted, and what she had to do. Wrapping her fingers around the base of his shaft, she suddenly realised that she didn`t have a clue what to do next. She glanced quickly left and right seeking inspiration, when she suddenly heard a familiar voice close to her ear. Veronica.

“Lick it Emily. Lick that fat knob.” She said softly. “That`s it. All around. Make him want to come in your mouth.”

Emily obeyed. There was a dribble of pre-cum leaking from the tip, and she quickly licked it away.

“Now let him into your mouth Emily, wider now.”

Emily did as she was told and felt the hot silky glans slide over her tongue.

“Now suck him Emily, show him how much you want it. Turn your mouth into a cunt and drain that cock.”

Emily did her best, and she quickly found a rhythm. She could hear Frank groaning above her, and when he came, she found that she could swallow with ease, allowing the thick wad and hot gooey strands, slide effortlessly into her stomach. She found that she loved the taste of come. The salty earthiness of it. She licked and sucked hard, fully draining Franks cock, before feeling it soften and fall from her mouth.

Emily Davis sat on the front seat on the upper deck of the bus as she made her way home. Her body stocking hadn`t been found, and she was naked beneath her long black trench coat. They wouldn`t even let her take a taxi, and had instead, ushered her onto the last bus of the evening.

Reaching into the deep pockets, she felt the rough edges of her new membership card. Given to her by a very appreciative Frank. It wasn`t the standard grey card that she had used to enter the club, but a gold one, which not only entitled her to unlimited use of the club and its facilities, but also access to affiliated clubs the world over. This was more than she could have hoped for.

Not only had she gained a card, but a job also. Upon hearing that she was a business school and advertising graduate, Frank had immediately offered her a position, as it was his intention to expand his business into other towns and cities and would need someone to help with that. The only condition of her employment was that he got to fuck her anytime he wanted.

She had accepted immediately. Frank seemed like a nice guy, and she wasn`t sure if he was joking or being serious about the last bit but decided that it didn`t really matter. He could fuck her if he liked.

He wanted her to start cataloguing membership details and dealing with various mundane enquiries, so he could pursue other things, and she was happy to do that. It would mean she would get to see the most private details of the members, including their real names and addresses, and that level of trust and responsibility really appealed to Emily. She would, of course, have to invent a suitably respectful job to tell her parents about.

If her prudish straight-laced parents knew the truth, she would probably be disowned. Oh, the shame it would bring!

The noise on the top deck on the last bus home was cacophonous, as it usually was on a Saturday night, with drunken youths fooling around. But Emily remained alone on the front seat.

Loosening her belt, she unfastened the buttons on her coat, allowing it to gape open. She could see her partial nakedness in the windows reflection, but the youths behind seemed oblivious to her naked state.

She knew that if she was discovered, she would likely be fucked some more, and she really didn`t want any more cocks tonight. She guessed she had taken around four or five in each of her holes, and three in her mouth. Endless cocks had creamed her skin, spattering wetly across her forehead, nose, and mouth. Across her tits and belly, and running down into the fat folds of her pussy, where eager fingers had rubbed it in.

Her ass and pussy were sore now, and still leaking cum. She ran her hands lightly over her sore tits, watching as the dried cum flaked off and landed on her pussy. Even the dried stuff was trying to get in there, she thought wryly.

She rebuttoned her coat and tightened her belt as she saw her bus stop approach. Her mother would be waiting with cocoa.

Barbara Davis sat alone in the big house that she shared with her husband Robert and daughter Emily. Robert was having a late drink with friends at his local, but she knew the real reason he wasn`t there. He couldn`t face Emily tonight.

Their shock and horror was total when they saw her sitting on that bar stool in the club, her tits and pussy on display, and available to whoever wanted them. They had moved quickly into one of the private rooms, where they had remained, only emerging to watch big black Jermaine take her only daughters virginity.

As she watched she had felt hands on the back of her thighs pushing her legs apart. She had leant forward on a table offering her cunt to the unseen probing prick. He had entered her suddenly, fucking her as she watched her daughter Emily riding Jermaine’s big fat cock. And she came, as Jermaine came, feeling the unknown cock spurting his juice into her well-travelled cunt. What kind of slut mother was she, getting off on watching her daughter take her first prick?

She shook her head to clear the image, but it was immediately replaced by a more disturbing one. Still in the throes of her orgasm, she watched her husband Robert pushing his way roughly through the crowd, his large erect organ swaying before him.

Barbara thought to call to him, knowing his intentions, but knew that that would alert Emily. Positioning himself directly behind her, he pushed forward spearing into her ass, thrusting hard and fast, desperate to orgasm before Emily could see her assailant. He came hard, gasping and wheezing as he poured his incestuous spunk into her, Emily coming too, on Jermaine`s busy fingers. And then he was gone, disappearing back into the crowd, his mission accomplished.

They had left the club by the hidden rear exit shortly afterwards.

Barbara didn`t really mind Robert fucking Emily. She was there to be fucked after all, and why shouldn’t he have his fun? But it did mean that they were going to have to be much more discreet now, and only attend the club when they knew that Emily would not, or could not, be present.

Glancing at the clock, she knew that the last bus home would have gone, so she looked out of the window, and saw Emily making her way slowly home under the glare of the streetlights. She knew Emily would want cocoa, so she went into the kitchen to prepare things.

Emily put her key in the door, head full of membership lists, and the secrets contained therein.



2018-09-16 22:38:38
Excellent story. Definitely looking forward to Part 2. “Emily put her key in the door, head full of membership lists, and the secrets contained therein.” It will be interesting if she discovers the secret life of Barbara and Robert.


2018-09-01 10:19:24
part 2 coming soon!!


2018-08-31 17:22:49
I am intrigued! I was concerned about losing interest with how it began. The cut scenes made it interesting. I appreciated at how you reminisced at each scene to cover the gaps without having to go into detail.
I can see this becoming a very provocative series. Im looking forward to seeing Emily blossom into the sexual titan you have primed for her.
As a lover of quality erotic story telling, I enthusiastically await the next chapter with high hopes.
Thank you for the time you have, and will, spend.


2018-08-23 13:58:06
This is a story that deserves a continuation.


2018-08-23 13:51:53
Very good story. Thanks for sharing. At you going to do a part two?

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