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This is my very first sex story I am revealing, to anyone other than an ex of mine. I do hope you like it.
Upon her balcony in a night do I see?
A beauty beyond Melody
In stars as perfect as marble statue
Curves as if born of sea foam
Skin so perfect to shame the moon
Her hair as Golden as the suns amber rays
And so flowing as to be silk made of wind
The Aphrodite of my common toils
To this angel do I gaze upon
Day in and day out till her prayer upon the balcony.
Perhaps she'll see me here
In the cherry grove stunned by her
Yet do I wish for such a glance?
For if she doth think me a fool
Then by what hopes do I live on?
Against the king is this treasonous thought

Oh my I have been seen,
Shall I speak? Call out of my eyes sin and
Beg of her forgiveness?
What is this? She is not mad, but glad
Slowly the oceans of flame, her eyes
Search me with passion,
As her gown rolls off her shoulders
Such a scandalous image of skin
My instincts are barely manageable
Her elaborate lace tight to her skin covers her
And so slightly, White clothes in blessed sin
Am I mad, she does beckon me to her chamber.
What no duty of a servant with such a grin
Oh and so teasing her tongue lapping at those lips

With great haste do I flee upon
The stairs, to her chamber door,
I do tap gingerly the wood
Her sweet melodic voice calls me in.
Tainted with saliva thick and rich of lust
For a girl of her status must
But wish her fathers head to give such chastity to me.
By duty I am bound to turn away
For I am alleged to the king not his daughter
Yet I must obey that of higher rank
And obey such a pleasing intention
I know not if it is in my power to please so great
So I should by all rights not see as I do
Oh and what wonder has no words to describe

M'lady sprawled out on her sheets
Her velvet blankets embracing her body
A chest of China dolls
A mountain of teddies and plush
A fountain of wealth in arts and trinkets about
A tiara framed upon her dresser
Not but a pampered babe
And yet so fine and a woman
On the purple satins of the rich oak bed
Four draped posters about her
And pillows of goose downs
I am not worthy of such purity in sight
Just with the ere of her room
Let alone her form

Her hair is tossed about the bed
Her head propped by pillows to stare me down
Her face exquisite but my attention moves fast
To the areas so hidden and favoured
The long slender neck
Decked with a tight lace collar and a gold chain
Upon which end lies the blue stone
Europe’s Devils eye warding off sin in sin's own respect
To supple shoulders and slender arms
She teases as she runs her fingers
A skating figure eight about her breasts
Playing with the frills of her lingerie
She guides my eyes with her hand
Down her curved side
To her wide hip, and across to the meet of her legs
As she then, like the break of dawn,
Does split them apart so wide the white of her lace
Is almost wasted by its scandalous cutting
Down her legs I run quickly to the final stop
Her glass slippers with sharp heels

"And what do you expect from me dressed as you are?
I your mistress do but order those rags off my prize."

Oh and how upset will father be
When finally I am wed
How then shall some old man butcher me?
I saw mother hanging in the closet
No such rich bastard will have me.
If my freedom as a bird and babe is not
I shall ensure my loves cast to those who cherish me
I am a princess and loved, I do hope rumours spread
How wondrous is that?
Many a man seeking me of peasant class.
Of course I shall only to this one be
So unladylike, for no man that breaths
Can compare his form, a gardener
And yet so much a knight
Of no wealth but with more class then a duke
Will he alope me after my rejection with the nobleman
Whom my father insist's
Face will look less of puke if I let him claim me
What rubbish is that, such aristocracy
And all over what supple blood I am about to lose.

Oh, how sweet a form, never did I imagine
That under such rags laid such beauty
More carved then a statue is he
And so sweet his blush of inadequacy
Oh what a twinkle in those eyes and that smile
Still without nay wooden teeth
And those lips of lushes roses
I shall twitch about just to watch him tremble
Oh my and how cute those dimples
Here it is, alas I shall see the gift,
Hidden just below that chest of bronze
Ooo my my how odd a thing
Not at all flowing as my body
But so perfect, stronger it seems than arms
And designed by God for my pleasures alone
Ah and those great hands weathered like stone
So wise and aged in remarkable youth
Despite his tongue his body is so much more the beautiful.

"Madame.. May I, ah... Thank god for such a nod,
Your beauty blossoms so great,
I can't but utter words past it"

I do remember one advice
If you wish to court love
Thus must be done in confidence
As so I decided
In all that I am unworthy
Shall I feel worthy in my duty
Now how shall I but make her twitch and writhe
And oh my, this is well beyond I
For she shakes all over
Waving her knees,

Now do I press my lips
Deep into hers
My hips tight on her
Tickled by the frills of her cloth
My chest so close I do feel
Deep imbedded within it her nipples
And through her silken lingerie.
As we do kiss and our mouths open
Do her legs lock my hips tighter
As do my legs hold hers in place.
My arms reach over her
And fondle the hair by her ear;
As do hers hook 'round me,
Entertaining themselves on my rippled back
Our kiss becomes passionate
I taste fire in her thickening saliva.
Our tongues do mate like snakes
Our lips swollen red
Oh me and my her teeth pressed hard
Into my churning tongue.
I now think it's safe to declare
That our kiss is no more.
It is all her nibbling at my mouth
Breaking my lips and bleeding my tongue.
How it makes me wild,
Such precious pain by her fangs.

"My dear wolfish hulk,
Your mind is sick well with love
For how much do you hump
As I do cause you pain."

Ah, and do I do let him go
He does love me so.
For it isn't lust that makes
So gentle an ogre or bear
Into so affectionate a slave.
Hm, that is a great sound,
My slave, my husky slave.

He knows not how well it is
When his tongue heavily pets
My neck and shoulder and
Edge of my breasts.
How well does he tease though in fear not confidence
His tongue lapping like a pup
All about my neck
To the border of my lace.
Oh, and how I do surge
When he nudges at me so gently and firm
Better still when he nibbles about my ear.
Who'd have thought teeth and ears,
So well do fit.

"My sweet kitten princess
Of furless honey skin,
May it be that you wish
But the pressures of my mouth
Against another part?"

In answer to this she does amaze
She reached for the letter opener
With it cut her bra,
Then with me kneeling upright,
She leaned up and slowly
Traced a bloody heart over my own.
It did sting, as it drizzled blood
Though such a blessed pain
It did make my heart desire her the more.
At my stun was I rolled over
She shimmered down me
Till it was that her lips touched my new heart.
Lapping up the blood
So gingerly like a kitten,
She could feel, I am sure
Me driving my organ deep into her belly
Though it dare not be my intention
And further not what followed.

I had never more than dreamt
What M’lady has done for me
I have dreamt it every night
She was better than any dream
I prayed for her kiss
And now know it will remain
I cannot survive without her now
M'lady has my allegiance and my soul

She takes more as her lips scarlet by nature
Further scarlet dripping my fresh blood
Slither down my form, slowly
My body remains still and firm
As she passes though she drains
But all my strength, my statuesque form
Melts away to twitching arching,
Seiurus pleasures. Her kisses
How they are burned to their spot
Tattoo’s of blood carved gently into me.

Her ginger hands give me a glimpse
Of what she intends. How unbearable
Her royal touch, on my most sensitive area
Not pleasing, toying, and swimming
Both my short staff, and my insides with it.
Vile, despicable Eve, how dare she
How dare she draw such sweet sin
Such angelic demons.
Her sorceresses kiss, winding up me.
If it were any longer I'd be mad,
She so slowly so exotically
Tortured me with pleasure.
Atop her short tower did she demand,
That my pleasures be washed down,
With tempest seizures, of unholy joy.
Her tongue darted about my tip
Searing pleasures with every blow
Her gripped like a vice at the base
And never has a vice been so massaging
Her velvet touch played just below
Her newest toy. Yes her toy,
I am hers, my every part her playground;
I am spoiling the princess with a gift!
And so well does she play.
She leans in seems to swallow me all at once,
Only an inch with her lips, only
But a man has she swallowed whole.
Once within her mouth she eases pressure
Those heavenly tiger teeth
Slowly slicing me, her bite so deep,
So much pain, searing,
Bleeding Pleasures of a slave.
Her magery is not yet done,
Faster and deeper does she devour me
Quickly and expertly she wields me
I toss about, All I can keep control
Is to not drive into her throat.
I feel a rush come over me,
Followed by an eruption of seed
And in all awe M’lady likes it.
She swallowed it all and drank
As though I were a bottle filled with honey.
She flew up over me, almost a phantom
Her lace tickling what nerves still work in me.
She grabbed my head and kissed me,
With such passion and fire, I could taste
Both my bittersweet juices, and her desire.

"My slave, my toy, my blessed boy;
I do believe you've given me quite a game,
I yearn to feel you play, show me dear
How much you love your kingdoms
Sacred flower."

Oh my how much I desired his kiss
I felt in his lips he wanted to,
I must have done well, I sense a need
A servants need to repay.
And oh what fun it is to play with him,
Carve him, hurt him, pleasure him, own him.
I can hear the joy in his voice
As he does mumble of my beauty,
Joy as I, quite incredibly did roll him,
And raised my knees to my chin
Oh, I love it when he looks at me,
Perhaps I am cruel, oh but I love his eyes
I must see them longer. So I kicked him
Sliding him off my bed. He keels now
On my chamber box, as he caresses my feet.
And his eyes violate me so pleasantly,
With a free voice is he quite a charm,
Now confident, and aroused,
I didn't conceive there were so many ways
To call me beautiful, more over
By one who can't read.

He finally was silenced by my apparent beauty
Or perhaps more likely the sent of me,
As I am dripping wet from his affections.
I feel his tongue tickling my foot,
He is worshiping me as though worthy of only my sole,
He seems to catch wind I do not wish to be tickled,
I feel his blessed lips climbing up my leg
While one hand fingers around the edge of my panties
He plays with the lacy frills
I do believe he hasn’t touched lace before…

I hand him the letter opener I carved him with,
Just as he approaches the meeting of my legs.
He slows down from dreadfully slow on my hips
He now loves my tremble.
Alas, he takes the tool, he cuts of my panties,
Soaked in cum, he licks them,
And wipes my honey about his face.
Then he rubs the dull side of the blade,
In my crevice of skin.
He slides the blade through his mouth
And cleans it of cum. I can take it no more,
I grab his head and thrust it into me.

Now he begins to lick me,
First at random without pattern at all
Massaging around my tense organ.
But gradually he finds my clitoris
Once he sees how it makes me move,
Oh it’s unbearable to think of that sinful Joy.
He rubs faster and faster on it
His fingers vibrating all my flaps of skin.
My swollen clit red from his kisses,
I smash myself into him.

He beams at me with his fiery eyes
He is laughing as I scream shutters,
And foul words from his touch.
Finally I feel it within me a spinning
A storm like none before
A rush of liquid in me, every fluid pulsing
What energy!

“My dear have I satisfied you too soon?
Or may I please more?”

Her answer was shocking,
She didn’t speak but hollered.
More! Then she grabbed my head
And pulled it to her lips,
Her kiss was as hot as flame,
And I think all the warmer by the tastes
Of her bittersweet honey’s on my tongue.

I slid my organ in hers,
Immediately there was a rush
We pounded and pounded
We couldn’t stop.
I had no more control
Quickly it came.
Her tense body wrapping up my narrow pike
I should have licked to try her out more.
To cum again and again.
But she was tired and quite faint.

I saw her blood blessing the sheets and myself
I saw the look of terrible pain
With my very first blow
And I felt the twitches of violent pleasure
Ripple through her flesh.
Almost in time we screamed,

“God, Fuck Me!”

As we shot hot sticky goos
Into and around each other.

My love, my slave boy,
I felt his hot jet of honey sweet
And steaming flesh,
Puncturing my innocence and my
My very heart, mind and soul.
I would ensure he be my personal attendant
I will bless him for what he has done.
Again and again each night,
Shall he make me cum a new way.
Till there are no more ways,
Then shall he be blessed with
Sons, and Daughters, and Royal name!
My sweet Slave King!

Anonymous readerReport 

2010-07-27 20:38:50
i agree, but my what a poem. you have one helluva talent there!


2006-11-01 14:30:05
i know... join the poetry club if you want 2.


2006-10-28 22:17:17
if you wanna write poetry join the poetry club don't do it here


2006-10-28 06:44:33
we r here for stories not poems

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