He pulled his coat collar up to shield himself from the driving wind, the night had been warm and pleasant as had the day that preceded it, but dark clouds – easily visible against the night sky – now threatened to turn the London street on which he walked into a deluge.
He turned onto the driveway of one of the houses, a non-de building which served as this section of the company’s headquarters. Bursting through the door he waited a few seconds, adjusting to the change in air pressure and brushing a stray leaf off his sleeve.
“So, how did your project go?” the stern voice of his superior echoed off the wooden floors.
“He did it, sir.” Came the reply as he recovered from the surprise of the sudden voice. “and in spectacular form. He performed better than even our most optimistic projections.”
His superior raised his eyebrows in approval. “That is good news. Have you set up the meet?”
“Yes sir. We have the option of going under the guise of reporters, or we could use a sponsor as cover”
“Good,” more musing from the usually gruff section manager, “Is the asset in place?”
“Yes sir, asset reports she has become part of his entourage.”
Another look of approval, two in one conversation was almost unheard of. “Excellent. Oh, one more thing, I’ll be joining you on this one. It’s been a while since I got my hands dirty.”
After a long night of revelries, our party – which had grown considerably in size since Jack and his group’s arrival – left the player’s lounge in to the cool, early hours air of Cardiff. It had been a long and alcohol laden five hours since the game had finished and although a lot of the crowd were a bit worse for wear, our little inner group and I were riding a happy little buzz.
The sixteen people that stepped off the bus all those hours ago had swelled to almost forty, the vast majority of the extras being happy gamblers who had won big on the back of my success, others had been swept up the party and a few just wanted to latch onto a winning team riding high. But whatever the reasons, their addition had made the night all the better with new friendships being forged and laugh’s echoing into the night in every direction I turned.
Rachael had – through blushed cheeks – told me all about her little tryst with Tiffany in the bathrooms earlier, far from being moment of heated passion, it had been a first-time deal for both the ladies, never going further than some heavy petting and wet fingers. But both women seemed to have enjoyed it and both seemed equally keen for more.
“So are you two an item?” Tiff asked Rachael quietly, nodding in my direction. I didn’t think they realised I could hear them but did nothing to interrupt.
“Erm… to be honest, no.” Rachael replied after a little hesitation. “Don’t get me wrong, part of me would love to take it there. I mean, who wouldn’t? He’s funny, easy to be around and dynamite in bed.”
Tiff giggled at that. “Not to mention hot” she added… I couldn’t ever remember being referred to as ‘hot’ before.
“But I’m just coming out of the end of a bad break up, my ex was… not a nice guy… at all… and part of me doesn’t want to jump back into another relationship.” Rachael finished, I could feel two pairs of eyes burning into me.
“How does he feel about all that?” Tiff asked after absorbing what Rachael had told her.
“I don’t know,” Rachael said, pondering her next words carefully, “I think he understands, but at the same time I see the way he looks at me sometimes. The problem is that I like it. I want him to look at me like that but if I let that part of me take control then I know I will fall for him… hard”
“Why is that a problem?”
“Because I told myself I wouldn’t fall for the first guy I met after the break up and he is literally the first guy I laid eyes on.” That got a laugh from the both of them. “Besides, I am enjoying things the way they are for the moment, no pressure, no strings and I think we are both happy to share… not that I would want another man in my life at the moment anyway.”
Tiffany giggled getting the message, “oh darling, you’d make my day if you were talking about me.”
“I was.” Another giggle, although I couldn’t tell who it was from
“What about Jessica?”
“Yeah, aren’t you two… you know”
“With Jess?” Rachael laughed, “Nooo. I’ve known her for years, she’s more like a sister to me, don’t get me wrong, we’ve planned on sharing James and we both … pleasured him… earlier, but I don’t think I could I could ever touch her like that or….”
“play” Tiffany finished after Rachael had trailed off. “well. Id be more than happy to play with you, and of course, James would be welcome at the party. Hell, at this rate, he’d be the guest of honour.”
“I think I might have to take you up on that.” Rachael purred, “Especially after that thing you did with your fingers.”
I took the opportunity to join the conversation, playing ignorant, I walked over to the pair and patted Rachael on the ass before putting my arm around her waist, a small shriek of surprise coming from her as I did. “And what are you lovely ladies talking about?” I asked, already knowing.
“As a matter of fact, we were talking about you” tiffany replied with a grin. I had to admire her confidence for such a young age.
“All good I hope” I responded.
“Oh yes, Rachael was telling me how good you are in bed and that she is planning a threesome with you” she answered, again surprising me with her blatant honesty. I looked at Rachael expecting to see a blush but instead found her wearing a devilish grin.
“Tiffany here has asked to join us. Any thoughts?” she asked
I looked the younger of the ladies up and down, her skin-tight dress hiding little for imagination and those blowjob lips set in an almost perpetual pout. “Don’t tease me,” I answered feigning modesty, “I am nowhere near lucky enough to have two beautiful ladies after me, I thought I was doing well with just you.” I tickled Rachael quickly under her ribs, eliciting a shriek of laughter and her jolting to pull away.
“Ooh, he a charmer as well” Tiffany smiled at the spectacle.
Escaping my grasp, Rachael slid over and ended up standing next to Tiffany, “oh yes,” she smirked, “this one had a very talented tongue”
“Does he now?” tiff asked, folding her arms and pushing up her large fake tits. “I wonder when I will get to have a go on it.”
Rachael laughed. “What do you think honey,” she said, addressing me in mock formality, “would you like Tiffany to join us for some fun tonight?”
“I can’t think of anything I’d like better”
“Excellent” Rachael beamed before leaning in closer to Tiff. “Cos that cock was definitely made for two”
Tiffany’s eye grew slightly and she flashed her gaze down to my groin. “It’s delicious!” Rachael added a grin spreading across both faces. “Now, let’s all say our goodbyes. I’ve been gagging to get that dick in me all night.”
“you have?” Tiffany said in playful indignation as they both turned away towards the crowd, “Ive been wanting to fuck him for a week!”
I smiled to myself as I watched the pair leave. No sooner had they slipped into the crowd, I felt a sharp pinch on my ass. Turning to find the grinning culprit standing seductively with a hand on her hip. “Jessica my darling.” I greeted her charmingly.
“Young Master James” she smiled back, that nickname growing on me as fast as Jedi Jim, “How is our champion feeling after his big win” at that moment, Abbey appeared at her side, her black swim suit replaced with form filling jeans and a woollen jumper, her hair pulled back into an elegant looking pony tail. As attractive as her long legs and ample amount of showing flesh had been, this new look showed off a modest and elegance that made me catch my breath.
“Im good,” I replied, suddenly running out of long words, “A good game, a nice win and excellent company, How about you lovely ladies?”
Both women looked at each other briefly. “Jess has offered to give me a ride home, but I had a really good night, thank you for inviting me” Abbey said.
“Turns out this one,” Jess added nodding to Abbey “Isn’t just a great model, she has a bit of a head for business as well, I might have some work to throw her way. So, it’s been a productive evening as well.”
I smiled again, “Well, I’m glad you’ve both enjoyed it.”
“We’d better get going then sweetie,” Jess said to Abbey, the younger woman nodded, leaned in to give me a quick hug and turned to walk towards the castle. “and you…” she added leaning in for a seductive kiss and another pinch of my ass, “have fun with Rachael and Tiff.”
My surprised look made her laugh as she also turned to walk away. I watched her sultry swaying ass as it faded into the distance.
“Hey buddy, leaving so soon?” Jacks voice snapped me out of my gaze
“’fraid so,” I replied, quickly composing myself. “Sitting at a table and staring at pieces of card can really take it out of you.
“Not to mention the five hours of solid drinking” Jack joked back.
“You staying out to party?” I asked him
“Not really, most of the people are heading home. I’ve got a small group coming back to the Oak for an after party… party.” His words slurring a little.
“and will the lovely Chantelle be joining you?” I asked with a shit-eating grin of my own.
“of course,” he answered with a grin of his own, “it was her idea. Apparently, she wants to go for round two”
“Well...” I laughed, “let’s just hope five hours of solid drinking doesn’t… dampen your spirits.”
“Pah, who do you think you are talking to?” he joked, puffing out his chest and punching himself in the peck king-kong style. “I am a rock!”
“That’s ok then, as long as it’s not one of those droopy soft rocks” I joked back.
At that moment, a hand appeared on his shoulder, snaking its way under his arm and around his front as Chantelle appeared behind him. “So, are you joining us Jim?”
“Not tonight I’m afraid” I answered with a smile.
“That’s a shame, the more the merrier” she responded with a wink that only I could see. “A few of my friends have been asking to meet you.”
“I’m sure I’ll be able to come next time”
“Promises promises,” She flirted back with another wink before turning Jack back towards the bus, his booming laugh filling the air as he they both bid me goodnight.
“well that sounded like an interesting conversation” Tiff said suddenly from behind me, I turned to find her and Rachael smiling at me.
“What can I say, I’m a man in demand.” I quipped back.
“maybe we should go” Tiff joked, “with the three of us there its guaranteed to turn into an orgy. And apparently Chantelle fucks like a porn star and loves anal.” Rachael burst out laughing as Tiffany finished speaking, me not far behind.
“Not tonight my little sex fiend” Rachael finally said between laughs, “Jim here has already promised his dick to us. And I intend to collect.”
“Very good point.” Tiff answered with a laugh of her own. “now, let’s find us a taxi to get us home.”
A few minutes later we hailed down a cab, Rachael got into the front to direct the driver – a driver who turned out to be one of the few female taxi drivers in the city – whilst Tiffany and I hopped into the back. We hadn’t driven a mile before Tiffany was rubbing my thigh seductively whist Rachael chatted to the driver in the front.
“I can’t wait to get you inside me” Tiff whispered, leaning into my ear. “Especially after hours of listening to Rachael talk about how good you are with that dick of yours” she gave my already solid bulge a quick squeeze.
“I hope you two are behaving back there” Rachael’s voice said from front.
“Not really, I’m finding it very hard to resist the urge to suck this man’s dick.” Tiffany responded causing the driver to scoff.
“Don’t be cruel to our lovely driver here” Rachael joked back, “I’ve already asked if she wants to join us, but apparently she’s married, which means no regular dick for her. Teasing her now would just be mean.”
“Oh, don’t mind me,” the driver answered quickly, “I’ve always liked to watch, suck away darling”
Rachael and Tiff burst out laughing whist I was still trying to understand what was happening.
“You heard the lady,” Rachael said still laughing, “Give that man a blowjob, let’s see if those lips feel as good as they look. And keep your hair out of the way, we want to be able to see the action.”
“Don’t mind if I do” Tiff exclaimed, her hands already working me out of my belt and lowering my zipper. I looked up to see Rachael looking back at us, her eyes filled with lust as the taxi driver adjusted her rear-view mirror to watch the action. Being heavily outnumbered, and never one to turn down a beautiful woman – let alone three - I raised my hips and allowed my pants to be removed. My cock was already rock hard and sprang back up as the elastic of my boxers released it.
“Wow, he’s packing.” The driver purred, licking her lips.
Tiff let out another giggle as she admired my cock, “I swallow.” She whispered into my ear, giving my lobe a quick lick and moving her head down. “So what’s it going to be ladies…” she asked the two women in the front, her mouth agonisingly close to the head of my dick, “shall I give him a nice slow blowjob, or is it going to be a porn star style deep throat mouth fucking session?”
Rachael and the driver looked at each other for a second, “Well, we already know you’re a bit of whore…” Rachael said with a wicked grin.
“This is true” Tiff answered with mock casualness.
“…and whores don’t give nice slow head.” The driver finished, “they suck dick like a porn star and get that cum as quickly as possible. Now get on it whore!”
The two women in the front laughed, Tiff shrugged and in one motion swallowed my whole length. Rachael had to adjust herself and add pressure to get me into her throat, Jess couldn’t manage it at all and the blonde in the bathroom didn’t even get close without a lot of help, but Tiffany was a different beast entirely. She took every inch of me without so much as a heartbeats hesitation, as if she practiced every day before breakfast. No sooner had her lips made contact with the base, she was pulling back off and swirling her head around the tip.
Her hand came over and started to squeeze and massage my balls as once again she impaled her face on my manhood. The speed of every repetition almost making me dizzy, this girl was a born cock-sucker.
“Holy shit” I exclaimed, my head falling back into the car seat as the sensations below consumed me.
“Fucking hell that’s hot” Rachael cooed, openly fingering herself in the front seat.
The driver’s eyes were shooting between watching Rachael masturbate and watching Tiff fuck her own face with my dick. “Wow, that girl knows what she is doing”
“Yup,” Tiff responded, taking the time between frantic sucking to reposition herself on the back seat, “I am the blowjob queen!” with that she swallowed my rod again, this time her tongue slipping out at the base to lick my balls. I groaned in appreciation. Whereas Tiff had started her onslaught by simply leaning over me, she was now on her knees on the backseat, her head in my crotch and her ass sticking out proudly into the air. As her head bobbed with more and more fervour, her dress rode up further and further onto her hips, eventually displaying an almost non-existent black G-string.
Unable to resist the temptation – and also wanting to reward the enthusiasm of her ministrations – I worked an arm underneath her, past her huge fake tits and cupping a hand around her pussy. The moan of approval that reverberated up my shaft signalled me to continue. Sliding the material to the side, I quickly found her clit and started rubbing it furiously, matching the speed of her head movements. Another moan into my shaft gave the other two women an idea of what I was doing.
“How do those fingers feel, darling,” the driver asked seductively, finding it hard to concentrate on the road. Rachael had also increased the pace of her own fingers.
“Fucking awesome!” tiff responded between moans, taking another break from her incredible blowjob, “Looks like I’m not the only one who knows what they are doing!” With that she inhaled me again and returned to the task at hand.
“sure you don’t want to pull over somewhere quiet and get your lips on that bad boy?” Rachael asked the driver between pants. “It’ll be our little secret.”
The driver seemed to genuinely consider it for a moment, “I can’t” she answered with no small amount of regret, “I’d love to get my hands on him, but I have another call straight after this, I couldn’t spare the time.”
“Maybe something quick before you leave then” Rachael responded, still trying to pimp out my dick to a stranger. The driver grinned but didn’t answer, instead turning her gaze back to the mirror to watch Tiffany working her magic as I slipped two fingers into her wet slit. I was amazed with how tight she was and instantly started looking forward to getting my cock in there.
The frenzied assault on my manhood would have been good under most circumstances, but Tiffany’s technique was extraordinary. The swirling tongue on my balls, the varied levels of suction, the indescribably ease in which she pulled me into her throat, the moans of pleasure from my fingers, the way she dragged her tongue along my shaft as she came up.
I was being milked.
It didn’t take long for her efforts to have the desired effect.
I started thrusting up into her mouth, involuntary grunts emanating from my throat as this seductress worked her magic on me. “Uuurgh, he’s getting close” Rachael said, two fingers now pummelling her own shaven cunt and her feet resting on the dashboard in front of her.
“mmmm hmmm” came the response from my groin as Tiffany increased her pace and the strength of her suction.
“Oh fuck yes! Im almost there… almost…. Fuuuuuuucccccckkk!!!” I roared as my orgasm rushed up my shaft and exploded into Tiffany’s mouth. She slurped and sucked for all she was worth, her head still bobbing relentlessly as my balls emptied themselves into her. A few seconds later her pussy clamped down on my fingers as she had her own earth shattering orgasm, I was amazed to watch her ride it out without ever breaking the suction around my manhood.
Eventually, after she had come down from her high and with my cock wilting in her mouth, she pulled off with a pop. Looking up towards the ladies in the front, she opened her mouth to show them the large pool of ejaculate, closed her lips and swallowed with an exaggerated gulp.
“Fuck, he really does taste amazing” She purred, licking her lips.
That was enough to send Rachael over the edge as she had her own screaming orgasm. Her hips bucking but fortunately not spraying the windscreen with ejaculate of her own. Tiffany grabbed her hand as her breathing subsided, bringing Rachael’s fingers to her mouth before sucking them clean.
“Oh my fucking god! That was the best thing I’ve seen in years” the taxi driver exclaimed, her own breathing shallow and ragged. “You are taking my number and next time you are out and need a ride, I’ll make sure I’ve got a clear schedule!” this was an order more than a request, but one which we all seemed happy to oblige.
I looked out of the window to see familiar streets passing, we were only a few minutes from home, so I helped Tiffany straighten out her dress as she tucked me back into my boxers.
“Don’t put that thing away just yet” Rachael said to Tiffany, “Our driver here was promised a quick sample remember.” Tiffany giggled and left my belt and zipper undone as she sat back up. We pulled up outside my house, Tiffany got out first, Rachael leant over to the driver to plant a lingering kiss on the older woman’s lips before getting out, I followed quickly after. Not knowing what I was expected to do, I stood there for a few seconds awaiting instructions.
“Quick, get around to her window” Rachael whispered, making sure any nosey neighbours were none the wiser. I did as instructed, my softening cock already getting its second wind as I approached the driver’s door. The driver looked around quickly, making sure there would be no witnesses to her act of adultery as Rachael fished my cock out of my pants from behind. The door opened just enough to fit my frame in as the driver bent over, licked my head and sucked me into her mouth.
With the impossible angle, it was inevitable that she wouldnt swallow my whole length whether she was capable or not. But with a few inches inside her mouth, she swirled her tongue around furiously, bobbing her head at a steady pace and bringing me back to full mast. Less than two minutes was all she could afford to spend with us as she tucked me back into my pants and closed the door. “it been years since I’ve felt a man get hard in my mouth” she purred, a beaming smile across her face.
“well any time you’re in the neighbourhood…” Rachael responded with a grin of her own. With that, the driver pulled off and disappeared behind two red brake lights into the darkness.
“I cant believe you just did that” Tiff laughed.
“Shame..” Rachael responded with a mischevious grin as I was led to my front door, “…I’d love to know how many women this man can satisfy in one go.”
“I have plenty of friends who can help with that” Tiff winked as I unlocked it and was dragged inside.
“Well, you’d better get arranging then. I like to share and the more the merrier” Rachael laughed, repeating my statement from earlier as we got into the living room. “Now, strip!” For my part, I hadn’t been able to utter a word since my orgasm, the night – along with my life – had seemed to have developed a life of its own and I was merely along as an interested party to observe.
I wasn’t about to start complaining… my life seemed better at my life than I was, so I gave him the wheel.
I was shoved onto the sofa and Rachael dropped onto the place next to me, her hand instinctively reaching over to stroke the bulge in my pants as Tiffany stood before us. In one exotic motion, she pulled her skin-tight white dress over her head revealing the black lace G-string and a push up bra. Not that she needed to push anything up. Her fake tits stood large and proud in their constraints- easily double D is size. She reached to the front opening clasp
I had never seen Tiffany topless but her chest seemed to be flipping a middle figure to gravity with its refusal to drop even an inch after the bra had been removed. Somewhere in the back of my mind I questioned why she even bothered to wear one – it obviously wasn’t for support. Maybe theatrics.
“What do you both think of my big, fake tits?” she asked in a seductive drawl as she pressed her arms together pushing her already substantial cleavage closer together and further up her chest. Tiny nipples crowned her glorious peaks. These weren’t your typical, perfectly spherical comically fake breasts seen in porn films, these were… elegant, almost natural looking… almost.
“Fucking wow!” Rachael growled from the seat next to me, her hand still on the bulge in my unfastened jeans, the other working up the inside of her own thigh blazing a path to its promised land above. A slight gasp escaped her lips as Tiffany lowered her panties, the soaking string clinging to its prisoner as the fabric was pulled down. I was surprised to see how ‘into’ this Rachael had become until I realised that her own fingers had found their target and was slowly rubbing small circles around her clit.
Her eyes were glazed with lust and pleasure, the hand on my dick had released its grip and found its way into the open fly, rummaged around for a good grip and pulled my manhood through the opening and was stroking it slowly. Tiffany – her mouth twisted into a hungry smile – bent over at the waist, lowered her head and licked a line from the bottom of my balls and up the shaft, Rachael’s fingered making way for the new arrival as it approached.
Her tongue flicked off the head before I had time to properly appreciate the sensation and then, like a tiger stalking its prey, pounced on her intended target. In a motion that I can only describe as carnal acrobatics, she hopped to the right – still bet almost in half, arched her back and pressed her head between Rachael’s legs. The sudden movement - combined with her hand being serendipitously removed from its nest and a tongue being inserted into her folds – pulled a sharp breath into Rachael’s lungs as her eyes rolled and her grip on me tightened.
It took a minute or two of glazed looks, head rolls and wet noises from between her thighs before Rachael came back to her senses. “Fuck me! This girl is good with her tongue!” she gasped.
“you’re preaching to the choir” I smirked back.
Her eyes dropped to the granite-like phallus in her hands, she had stopped stroking – her mind to occupied with the pleasures being dished out by Tiff. A grin appeared on her face as he leant towards me, her mouth tantalisingly close to my ear, her hot breath dancing along every nerve ending on my neck. “Do you know how wet I got watching her suck your dick?” she purred, her hand restarting its movement. “I’ve been wanting to get this in me forever, I don’t care which hole you put it in, but let’s start with this one.” She licked my neck before lowering her head down and taking me in her mouth. With a little more effort than Tiffany had needed, I was soon nudging against the opening to her throat, she relaxed and let me enter, my full length engulfed in the hot wet mouth as her head slowly raised back up - her tongue performing magic against my cock – before sliding back down with tortuous intent.
For my part, all I could do was hang my head back and enjoy the sensation. Tiffany’s skills in the car had only been about half an hour earlier so I knew I had time to enjoy myself, but looking down at the brown hair slowly rising and falling, my eyes roving down over her gorgeous cleavage and her luscious body to the blonde hair furiously nodding into her sex – I had my doubts that I would last very long… or that I wasn’t already dreaming.
Tiffany had sunk down to her knees by now, throwing her entire concentration into the task at hand – or tongue. Rachael’s movements had sped up, not to the face fucking frenzy of the taxi but enough to completely change the nature of the feeling. The slurping and smacking sounds from her pussy combined with the moans of pleasure being hummed into my dick was quickly increasing the temperature in the atmosphere. It was Rachael who broke first.
“Stop stop stop,” she panted, sitting herself upright. She’s already cum once and the moisture was plain to see on Tiffany’s lips and chin as she pulled herself from between Rachael’s legs. The redness of her cheeks showed the extent of her exertions. “I want to watch you fuck him!” she hissed.
Tiffany didn’t need a second invitation. With a wry smile she pulled my jeans and boxers off my ankles as Racheal pulled my shirt over my head. Before it had even passed my head I felt the weight change around my waist as tiffany straddled me and it wasn’t off my raised arms before she had gripped my cock, adjusted its aim and sank all the way down.
‘Tight’ is often a word used to describe the feeling of a woman’s pussy… It’s a stupid word, if it was tight then it would be painful, I’ve always thought that ‘snug’ was a better word. That implies more of a form fitting size. The feeling in my cock as a reached the depths of Tiffany’s pussy changed my mind immediately. Her sinking down had been an effort – albeit one which Tiff had managed with ease. My dick had had to push its way past the clenching walls of her womanhood and they had to stretch to accommodate the new visitor. Her eyes had bulged and the drawn in breath had lasted until she was firmly impaled on my full length. “oooooh FUCK ME!” she panted as she adjusted to the size, “it feels so much bigger in there!”
Rachael tried unsuccessfully to stifle a giggle as she laid back against the arm rest to watch us, her hand once again moving south to pick up where Tiff had left off, she bit her lip and watched as Tiffany raised herself up about half my length before slowly and deliberately sinking back down. She lent back, her hands resting on my knees and her tits thrust outwards, my hands instinctively moved up to cup them as her ascent up my pole started again. Her mouth pressed into a permanent O and long, drawn out moans ever increasing in volume, it only took a small pinch of her nipples after the fifth or sixth bounce to send an orgasm crashing through her body.
She held her breath for a few seconds, her body vibrating on my dick as the pleasure rendered her unable to speak or move. “UUUUUUuurrrrggghh my fucking god!” she moaned as she released all the air in her lungs at once. She looked down at me in with a mixture of awe and lust, a slow devilish grin spreading across her lips, “I am going to fuck the ever-loving shit out of you!” she hissed as she resumed her motions. Her pace picked up immediately and within a few seconds she had gone from slow and deliberate slides on my shaft to frenzied bouncing on it. Her hair flicking wildly around her head, her tits bouncing despite their density and her hips trying to slam me into the sofa as if I were a nail that needed hammering. Rachael had turned from gently rubbing her clit to furiously jamming two fingers into her glistening pussy with so much speed and force I marvelled at how her wrists hadn’t broken yet.
Each time our eyes met she would wink or seductively lick her lips, a look of pure carnal pleasure etched into her pristine features. Tiffany screamed out as her second orgasm slammed into her, this time she kept her pace and rode me through its entirety, her scream cresting into a wail that slowly subsided into a high-pitched moan. “Oh mother-of-fucking-god! Good dick! Good fucking dick” she growled to no one in particular.
Her bouncing stopped, her hips sank down to where I was deepest inside her and she started vigorously grinding onto my dick. Her chest was flush red from her climax and her breathing was short and shallow but she steadily increased the pace of her hips, angling them forward to her clit rubbed along my pelvic bone with her motions. Her eyes met mine for a brief second – hooded and full of lust – as I theatrically licked my thumb and pressed my hand down onto her, my palm cupping her mound as my wet thumb pressed against her clit. “Oh you sonofabitch!” she growled as the sensation overtook her. Less than a minute later her third orgasm clamped down the walls of her pussy, almost forcing my cock out. “Uuuuuuuurgh”.
To her credit, most women would have given up by now or at least relinquished control after such exertions, but not Tiffany, she simply leant forward, her heaving tits just inches from my face, and stared twerking her has up and down as hard and fast as she could.
I guess youth has its benefits for women as well.
Seeing those glorious globes swinging invitingly in front of my face was an invitation to tempting to refuse. I latched on to her left nipple and started licking and sucking for everything I was worth.
“Yeah, suck her tits baby” Rachael’s raspy voice came from my right.
A growl from above me “… like how I ride that fucking cock with my slut pussy” Tiff hissed though clenched teeth. “I’m gonna cum all over that big fat piece of meat, then your gonna fuck her ‘til she’s blind!”
“Oh fuck yeah” Rachael moaned, “I cant wait to get him inside of me!”
“I fucking bet you cant…” came the growling voice from above as her motions became more frantic, “but you like watching him being fucked by a slut don’t you?!?”
“uuuuuurrrgghhhhhh” Rachael moaned in affirmative as she started to cum.
“Turn you head!” Tiff ordered me, pulling her tit from my mouth, “Watch her cream on her own fingers from watching you being ridden by a dirty slut!”
I obeyed and turned my head. It would have been rude not to.
Rachael’s head was thrown back as her pussy visibly clamped down on her fingers, small trickles of her nectar were dribbled down the inside of her thigh as she panted through her orgasm. I felt the walls of Tiffs pussy increase their grip on me as her own orgasm approached. I started jackhammering into her while still watching Rachael ride out her own climax. “That’s it! Fuck me hard! Give it to me! Ooooohhhh FFFFFUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK!” Her shouts merged into a roar as her fourth and largest orgasm rendered her utterly immobile on my shaft. We all held our collective breaths as the the two women came down from their highs.
I was suddenly grateful for the mind-blowing blowjob earlier. Even though the whole episode has lasted barely more than ten minutes, I was certain that I would have blown my load in less than one had I not already had by own release… and I still hadn’t given Rachael her well deserved attention.
Tiffany was the first to exhale, blinking her mind clear as the fog of her pleasure subsided. Rachael was still panting heavily. “Let’s get this man to a bed” she said after a few deep breaths. “He has work to do!” The next few minutes were a blur of activity as naked asses and bouncing tits giggled their way up the stairs to the master bedroom… Rachael had shed her clothing at some point before we left the sofa although I couldn’t tell you when exactly.
We assumed the position almost instinctively. Tiffany jumped onto the bed on her back and spread her legs, Rachael crawled between them and started returning the oral favour that Tiffany had shown her earlier. Rachael’s ass wiggled invitingly in the air until – with one swift motion, and a nice firm slap – I sank into her. Her squeal of surprise quickly morphed into a guttural moan as I broadly stroked in and out of this vixen’s dripping hot sex.
My thrusts became harder and before long I was pounding into her, her muffled groans and grunts only adding to the sensation she was applying to Tiffany’s pussy. Between her own moans, Tiffany was shouting encouragement at both of us and was soon screaming out another earth-shattering orgasm. That was enough for her. “My pussy cant take anymore!” she panted as she pulled away from Rachael’s apparently talented tongue. “You two are gonna ruin me at this rate!” she giggled to herself as she crawled down the bed to get a look at me pistoning into to Rachael with all my strength.
One of her hands snaked down between Rachael’s legs and started strumming on her fully swollen clit, while the other snaked around me, between my legs and started cupping my balls. “Oh, he’s nice and full baby!” she moaned to Rachael. “He’s gonna pump you full of his spunk soon!”
That – along with Tiffany’s fingers - was enough to send her over the edge. She screamed out an earth-shattering wail as she squirted her pussy juice onto my cock and Tiffany’s hands. “Fuck yeah, squirt for him! Soak that cock! Make him cum so I can lick it all out and stick my tongue down your throat! I bet you taste good together!”
Yup… that was enough for me.
I might have said something, I might have roared out my impending orgasm, I might have started whistling Dixie for all I know, but the orgasm set off fireworks behind my eyes and I blacked out for a few seconds. All orgasms are pleasurable, but the strength and duration of that one was more that my brain could handle.
When I came two I had slipped out of Rachael and was standing a foot or two away from where she had sprawled forward onto the bed. I could see my semen start to sneak its way back out between her folds as Tiffany took me in her mouth, bobbing a few times to thoroughly clean me off before turning her attention back to Rachael. She attacked her pussy tongue first, sliding into her before camping her mouth around Rachael’s lips, licking and sucking with an enthusiasm my mind couldn’t comprehend. Rachael’s moans and squeals of pleasure told me that it was not unappreciated.
After what felt like an eternity of watching, Tiffany disengaged from Rachael’s pussy and crawled up the bed, Rachael kneeling up and turning to meet her. “Let me taste what my cum filled cunt tastes like slut!” she growled before they threw themselves into a kiss which threatened to destroy what little sanity I had left. I could see the saliva, pussy juice and semen dance back and forth as their tongues snaked around each other. Eventually they broke apart, swallowed and simultaneously broke into fits of giggles as they looked at me.
“Enjoy the show?” Rachael purred seductively.
I tried to move my lips by my brain seemed busy so they shut again.
“I think we broke him.” Giggled Tiff.
“Well that’s what he gets for being so dammed good with his dick!” Rachael answered, adding her own giggle to the conversation.
“You’re telling me! That was some of the best sex of my life!”
“Just wait ‘til you’ve got him to yourself. He almost left me unconscious!”
“Uhm” my lips and brain suddenly realised they were slacking off work, needed the paycheque and got their asses back on the job. “I… um…” maybe they quit.
I managed to drag myself onto the bed and lay on the middle as my senses came back to me. The girls snuggled down next to me, out rhythmic breathing calming the air as my mind cleared.
As the three of us lay in our nakedness – Rachael curled up on one side of me, her arm across my chest and one of her long, smooth legs draped over mine, Tiffany laying on her back on the other side of me – I marvelled at how comfortable the whole situation seemed. There was no awkwardness or jealousy, no need to fill the silence with unnecessary conversation, the three of us were perfectly content to just… be with each other.
It was Tiffany who spoke first. “So, when are you two gonna sort your shit out?” she asked, raising herself onto one elbow to face us, the awkwardness suddenly injected into the air.
“huh?” Rachael questioned, looking to be as confused about the topic as I was.
“You two are crazy about each other, it is obvious to everyone.”
Rachael pulled herself away from me and propped herself up on her own elbow, mirroring the position of Tiff. Her blush was obvious, even in the low light. Knowing her feelings on the matter from overhearing her conversation earlier in the evening, I decided not to put any pressure on her.
It was Rachael who responded first, though, “I don’t know what you mean.” She lied, having no confidence whatsoever that the lie would be believed.
“Bullshit!” Tiffany retorted with a laugh, “you, my girl, are in looove” she joked, drawing out the last work to emphasise her point.
“Well, even if that’s true – and I’m not saying it is – He certainly isn’t.” she motioned to me.
The simple truth of the matter was that I had fallen for this girl in a big way. Everything about her drove me crazy and in the times where I would normally be revelling in the attention of numerous beautiful women, I had often found myself thinking only of Rachael. I smiled, enough so that both girls would know the answer without making me actually say it.
“Either you are blind or stupid, this boy…” Tiff leaned in and kissed me on the cheek, “… is what the rest of society calls… Smitten”
My eyes met Rachael’s, her blush growing to meet the realisation that Tiff was right. “Is that true?”
I nodded. Part of me wanted to say something, part of me wanted to shout my feelings from the nearest rooftop, but honestly… I didn’t trust my voice to convey the sincerity of my emotions… so I just nodded.
“See! I told you” tiff exclaimed in excitement, “Don’t tell me you don’t feel the same way. You love him, don’t you?!?”
“Its not that simple” Rachael said slowly, her head dropping, “I… don’t trust myself”
“Your ex was an asshole” Tiff finally said after a long pause. “I’ve heard the stories,” I hadn’t heard any of the stories and my curiosity was starting to pique… “I’ve heard what he was like. Your feelings now have nothing to do with him being a prick. Now, it’s all well and good playing the field and getting back in the game at your own pace… but… sometimes you’ve gotta take a chance.”
Rachael’s eyes rose to meet mine again. Still not being able to say anything, I smiled warmly.
“Now, say it!” Tiffany said, breaking the silence. Rachael and I both looked at her, trying to figure out which one of us she was talking to. She had been addressing Rachael. “You love him don’t you.”
The silence of her pause was deafening, I swivelled my hand around and held onto hers. “No pressure.” I whispered.
Finally, her lips started to move. “Yes, I’ve fallen for him.” Her smile growing to match my own.
“And you love her, don’t you?” Tiff was addressing me now, although none of us expected a different answer to the one I gave.
“Yes.” I said as I watched Rachael’s smile grow even larger.
“Really?” Rachael said sounding genuinely surprised. her eyes glazing over.
“Of course,” I answered, trying my best to sound surprised by the question. “how could I not?”
Rachael started to look like she was about to reel off a long list of reasons why not before Tiff cut her off. “and remember, he’s not your ex.” Rachael’s lips sealed again. You could almost see her thinking. After a minute or so of silence I couldn’t wait any longer, I lifted my head off the pillow and pressed my lips softly against hers. The kiss was nothing if not affectionate and that is exactly what I wanted to convey. Her initial surprise faded away as she melted into the kiss, the intimacy and affection of my actions being mirrored back by her. It was a long and prefect moment and as it finished, we both turned to meet the beaming grin of Tiffany.
“I am the fucking guru!” she laughed as she dropped back onto the pillow.
“So how did someone as young as you become so ‘all knowing’?” Rachael asked laughing, her laugh conveying nerves, relief and excitement at the same time.
Tiffany just shrugged. “Like I said, it’s obvious to everyone how you feel about each other. Well, everyone except you two dumbasses.” We all laughed at that one before the conversation returned to topic.
“So now what?” Rachael asked, that one was aimed at me.
“Its up to you” I answered honestly. “I can wait for as long as you need me to”
“Oooof,” Tiffany snorted from behind us. “You’d better get on that soon, I know a long line of girls who would be married to him by now.” Another laugh from us filled the room.
“Ok, I’ll give it some thought.” Rachael said after we had calmed down. “I know I need to get over myself, I know I am being stupid and yes…” she nodded to Tiffany “…I know I ve fallen for him and I’d be stupid to pass this up. But I need to sort some things in my own head out before I commit.” I nodded and smiled in agreement. Tiff on the other hand was not giving up so easily.
“Dammit woman!” she exclaimed, “What is there to sort out?” what could possibly get in the way of this?” Rachael turned to look straight at Tiffany.
“Well, to start with, how do I feel about the girl I fingered, fucking my boyfriend while I watched?” Rachael replied with a slight grin on her face. “What about the legions of other women that want to suck his dick and fuck him senseless?” Tiffany squirmed a little under the questions. “Let’s just recap this evening, shall we? Me and a friend gave him a blowjob at the same time… that was planned by the way, then you and I got talking, ended up in the bathroom where we fingered each other – my first gay experience by the way. We then went back to the balcony where, between watching my boyfriend display his genius, I was actively participating in a conversation with about 10 other women about how much we all wanted to fuck him”
Tiffany was starting to get the point, but Rachael kept of regardless. “Then we leave the hotel, get in a taxi, I instruct my lesbian lover to suck my boyfriend’s dick in the back of the cab while I watched and masturbated, all the while trying to talk the driver into joining us for a gangbang. We get home, I dragged my boyfriend around to her window so she could give him a little bit of head and left her with an open invite to join us next time. Then me and my lesbian lover take him inside and fuck him… and each other… to within an inch of our lives… oh and let’s not forget you sucking his cum out of my pussy! Now, how do I feel about all that?”
“ah… Yes… Well, those are all good points.” Tiffany finally answered with a laugh.
“Now, doing all that with a fuck buddy – which I have never had before by the way – makes me adventurous and fun. Doing that with a man I’m supposed to be in love with is… I don’t know… different?”
“Is it?” Tiffany answered with a question of her own.
“What would you call it?”
“I’d still go with adventurous and fun.” Tiffany replied, before turning to me. “Let’s just say that you and Rachael start dating, you become serious, would you give up all these other women?”
“In a heartbeat.” I replied without hesitation.
“And what if she wanted to carry on as we have been, what if she wanted to share you?”
“then it would only ever be on her terms.”
“Exactly,” Rachael interrupted, “I need to figure out what those terms are, where do I feel comfortable drawing the line. I just have to think about it.”
I could see Tiffany gearing up for another tirade but decided to cut her off. “I am happy to wait, whatever you decide... goes”
Tiffany visibly shrank away from the argument as Rachael smiled, this time it was warm and deep, I leant in for another kiss and my affection was immediately returned by her. “Now, its late and I need my beauty sleep.” She purred as she snuggled back into me. Tiffany nodded in agreement and moved into me from the other side, her hand holding Rachael’s as they both rested on my chest. It was the perfect way to fall asleep.
I slept in well past midday the next day, both women having already left by the time I arose. A note was on the pillow beside me as I stirred.
‘Another incredible night from the god of sex’ I read aloud, a smirk on my lips as I remembered Jess screaming that same phrase a little over a week ago. They had obviously shared that piece of information. ‘We didn’t want to wake our champion but both had plans today so we left you sleep. We both look forward to seeing you again soon.’ Two kisses in two different shades of lipstick were emblazoned on the bottom of the note.
P.S. You still get to have fun with other women and I promise I will think about things and make a decision soon. Love Rach. I couldn’t help but beam at the last part.
The rest of the day was quiet, I sent a message to all three of my girls thanking them for a great night – Rachael’s including a caveat about her not having to rush to a decision - and another to Jack thanking him for bringing the crowd whilst also probing for information on how the rest of his night went.
‘Jack is busy licking my pussy atm. He’ll get back to u later. C xxx’ came the reply a few minutes later, I laughed out loud at the message, obviously sent by Chantelle. I went about the rest of my day. A few hours later my phone beeped again, it was a message from a number I didn’t recognise.
‘Hi, Its Chantelle, I took your number off Jacks phone. A friend of mine stayed at the pub with us last night, we’re both still a little drunk and was wondering if she could come ‘round and fuck you, I can watch or join in or whatever. Let me know asap, we’re going home soon.’
Another message arrived before I could finish reading the first.
‘she said she doesn’t mind just giving you a blowjob.’
I wasn’t sure how to answer, part of me was still exhausted from last night, another part of me felt like taking Chantelle up on her offer would be like cheating on Rachael. It was a strange thought, we weren’t together, she seemed happy to pimp me out to other women and she had more or less given me permission to do what I wanted… but still, the thought was there. Besides, I definitely couldn’t do anything with Chantelle, I wouldn’t do that to Jack.
I made my decision and sent a message back to Chantelle. ‘sorry ladies, not sure I can manage sex after last night. Was a very late one.’
15 minutes later there was a knock at the door, I opened it to find Chantelle and one of the other slutty girls with her. “This is Bethany,”
“Err… Hi Bethany”
“Hi Jimmy” she smiled as they both stepped inside. Both girls were clearly still a little drunk as they stood facing me. Chantelle was still wearing the same bright green skin-tight dress from last night, although she was obviously not wearing a bra anymore. Bethany was wearing almost the exact same thing, except her dress was silver with tiny black flecks throughout it. I recognised Bethany from the previous night and possibly from the Wednesday before, but I couldn’t remember us even having uttered a single word to each other. I had to wonder what it was about me that made women suddenly want to throw themselves at me.
“So…” Chantelle broke the silence “Blowjob?”
“I…. uh….” I had suddenly run out of things to say.
“you said you couldn’t manage a fuck - I’m not surprised after you took Tiff home - but you didn’t say no to a blowjob” Chantelle explained matter-of-factly. I couldn’t really argue with her logic, but I still couldn’t find anything intelligent, or even coherent to say.
“So, do you want me to suck your dick?” Bethany asked a wicked smile across her lips.
“Erm… sure.” Was all I could muster. Bethany shrieked with excitement and dropped to her knees in front of me. Pulling down the shorts I was wearing immediately.
“wow, she said it was nice.” Bethany purred, stoking my dick slowly and bringing it to full hardness.
“Wait, who said?” I asked confused.
Both girls looked at me as if it was the stupidest question in the world. “Tiffany did, duh” Chantelle replied, the expression showing her young age “she called us earlier, she said you guys fucked last night along with that Rachael woman and that you were really good in bed.”
“Well, her exact words were that you were ‘un-fucking-believable’!” Bethany said with Chantelle nodding in agreement.
“Then she said we should give you a go if we had the chance” Bethany added, still working on my manhood, “…so here we are.” With that my resistance broke as my whole manhood was swallowed by the brunette on her knees. All I could do was let out a loud groan as Chantelle chuckled at my reaction.
Rachael had been the best blowjob of my life in that alley the week before. Tiffany was a class above – assumedly down to her admitted swathes of experience - but this little minx in front of me was giving her a run for her money. “fucking hell. Do you girls take classes or something?” I squeezed out between gasps and moans.
Chantelle just shrugged. “A girls gotta know how to suck dick, and we’ve both sucked a lot of dicks”. Her eyes then returned to the spectacle before her as Bethany reached new heights of oral excellence. Chantelle’s eyes filled with a look of lust and she slowly pulled up the hem of her skirt, revealing the shaved pussy that Jack had been knuckled deep in a week ago, slowly rubbing her fingers through her slit, she started lazily stroking her clit as she watched Bethany’s head bob and twist on my pole. “what’s he like?” she asked Bethany after a few minutes of watching us.
“mmmmm” Bethany moaned as she pulled off my cock, the welcome break giving my orgasm time to recede. “she’s right, he does have a really nice dick. Its … like… the perfect size and shape. I guess we’ll see in a minute if he tastes as good as she makes out.”
“aaah,” Chantelle’s knees wobbled a bit as she forced down her own orgasm before looking back up at me, my eyes jumping from one slut to another. “Sure you don’t want to fuck?”
“I can’t, it….. aaaaaahhhh” I was interrupted by the sensation of my dick being buried in Bethany’s throat again.
“Okay, gimme some of that” Chantelle announced to Bethany as she dropped on her knees beside her. Taking my dick in her hand and removing it from Bethany’s hungry mouth, aiming it at her own.
“woah wait.” I pulled back, “what about Jack? Im not going to do that to him”
“Jack?” Chantelle said looking confused. “Jack had three of my friends suck his dick last night and he fucked at least that many of them, we’re not exclusive, just like you and Tiff. Hasn’t he told you?” I shook my head stupidly.
“Men!” Bethany chimed in with a giggle. “If I was a guy and had four girls blow me in a matter of hours, it would be on the national news by now.”
Chantelle smiled before diving onto my cock herself. Bethany went down to my balls, licking and sucking them with force as I received my second double blowjob in as many days. Whereas Rachael and Jess had shared my cock between them, there was no such intimacy here. Bethany and Chantelle were acting like they happened to be sucking the same dick at the same time. Begrudgingly passing it back and forth between them. One of them would perform mind altering oral skills on the shaft for ten or fifteen seconds while the other worked on the balls, then they would swap. It was a strange sensation but no less pleasurable for it, it was abundantly clear though that these girls were far sluttier than their outfits had foreshadowed.
I knew I wasn’t going to last long and announced my impending orgasm to the duo before me.
“Whoever is on the dick gets the prize. That’s the rule.” A voice said from below, I had no idea who it belonged to. My mind was suddenly filled with images of slutty girls in a room deciding on the codes of conduct for these sorts of situations, but I didn’t argue with their logic
As it happened, it was Bethany who was ‘on the dick’ when the prize arrived. I erupted into her with all of the force built up by oral skills of that quality. A huge amount of cum splashed into her mouth, so much that she couldn’t swallow all of it and the remnants trickled between her lips and down my shaft. Three full gulps later she pulled off, panting at her excretions. Chantelle didn’t miss a beat and latched on, again taking me to the hilt, sucking the last drops of semen from my head and licking up the mess that Bethany had left.
“Fucking wow! He really does taste nice!” Bethany exclaimed.
Chantelle continued to coax the last few droplets out before pulling off. She swished her own prize around her mouth in the same way you would sample wine before swallowing. “that is the best tasting cum I have ever had!” she said almost casually, the pair of them raising to their feet.
“Sure we can’t tempt you with a fuck?” Bethany asked. “with a dick like that I’m sure you can satisfy two dirty sluts, I’ll even let you cum in me” the last part said by someone too young to have had that experience often, but with a wink that suggested she was keen to try.
“and I know Jack told you I take it up the ass,” Chantelle added, giving her input in the attempt to convince me.
“sorry ladies, I think I’m spent.” I said as my knees gave out from under me and I slid down the wall to the floor. “maybe another day.”
“Okay.” Bethany said as casually as if I’d told her to wait for ice cream. “text if you want more. Bye”
“see ya” Chantelle echoed as they both walked out of the house.
The entire event had taken less than ten minutes and we had never gone more than six feet into the hallway. “What… the fuck… just happened?” I said aloud, body and mind still in a state of shock.
I crawled back to the living room, my legs refusing to take the weight of the body above it and ignoring the commands my brain was sending. Finally I made it to my phone. I sent the same text to Tiffany and Jack.
‘I’ve just had two visitors, care to explain?’
I only had to wait a few minutes for the first reply. I looked at the screen and seen it was from Jack.
You’re welcome bro. lol.
His answer raised a good question. How exactly did I feel about what had just happened? Rachael had made it clear that – for the time being at least – we were only fuck buddies and had no commitments to each other despite our mutual feelings. Tiffany had obviously set the whole thing in motion which proved she didn’t have a problem with it and Jack had helped her, besides, one of them had to have told the girls where I lived.
Tiffany’s reply came a little while later.
Hehe, hope they gave you a good morning. No cumming in Bethany though, she’s not on protection at the moment, your super cum will knock her up. Make sure you get a good blowjob off Chantelle before she leaves, she gives the best head in our group. I’ll try to get by some time in the week so we can fuck each other senseless again… mwah.. T xxx
Well, I guess that answered that question.
A quick bit of maths and I realised that my manhood had been in the mouths of seven different women in less than 24 hours, Rachael and Jess had shared me in the dressing room, the blonde host in the player’s lounge, Tiffany in the taxi, the taxi driver outside the house and now Chantelle and Bethany had added their names to the list. Not to mention three separate pussies. That had to be some sort of record, Bethany’s word echoed in my mind, “maybe I should call the national news” I thought aloud.
I replied to Tiff a simple, ok, see you soon. Then sent Jack another message. I think I’m gonna need a little more info on what happened last night.
It turned out – over the course of several messages – that the predicted orgy at the Oak had indeed taken place. From the vague and incoherent details I squeezed out of Jack via text message, there were three guys and seven girls basically sharing each other around. It had evolved into something of a speed dating scenario with each guy taking a seat and one or two girls having their way with him before everybody swapped. My mind raced with images of what it must have been like and a small part of me regretted not joining them until I had to remind myself of the night I had experienced for myself. Either way, our conversation ended with promises of a proper catch-up and the possibility of joining a repeat performance on another night.
I would be lying if I said the rest of the week was anywhere near as exciting. More flirty messages were exchanged with Rachael along with a couple of phone calls. Tiff also then messaged a few times throughout the week but never made it for the promised sex. I didn’t hear off Jess at all despite a few messages to her to see how she was, and Jack was still making no sense in his messages. But other than that, it was fairly routine.
It was a strange feeling to be calling this normal now. Having two girls stop by for a casual blowjob, exchanging racy messages with two other woman and worrying after another would’ve been far beyond anything I could’ve imagined only a short time ago. In contrast, work was just as boring and infuriating as it had always been, Tae Kwon Do and Hap Ki do lessons - which were significantly below my level of skill - provided nowhere near the release of energy as it usually did and as always, there was nothing on tv. The week dragged itself along with the snail’s pace I quickly grew to despise.
I had been asked to work Saturday evening so Friday was my only chance to get to the Oak. None of my lady friends were available to join me so I resigned myself to spending the night trying to get a straight story out of Jack. The story – strangely enough – was pretty much the exact one I’d received via text and I had to marvel at my translation skills with Jacks messages as I sat at the Oak later that Friday night.
Once again, the pub was quiet, most of the customers only popping in for a quick drink before heading into town and the clubs so although it wasn’t empty, there was never more than a handful of people in the building at any one time. The subject of our conversation remained exclusively on the events of the previous Saturday.
“Dude, It was insane!” Jack exclaimed, his arms gesturing his excitement at the previous week’s memories. “I’ve watched a lot of porn in my time, but nothing prepared me for that.”
“Chantelle gave me a few details.” I joked, wondering how he would respond to her visit now that sufficient time had passed.
“tell me about it, I went home hoping to get more of that ass” he answered with no hint of malice, leaning onto the bar between us. “instead, I get sat in a corner and she starts introducing me to her friends, they say hello, drop to their knees and…. Well…. Let’s say I was a very happy man.”
“I bet” I laughed, feeling more comfortable about Chantelle’s visit.
“so next morning after a bit more action, I find her going through my phone. Turns out that Brittany girl had her eye on you all night and Chantelle wanted to hook her up” more energetic arm movements. “I did one better and gave them your address.
“err, yeah… thanks for that… i think” I responded. “and her name was Bethany” his booming laugh filling the room.
“She was one of the few I didn’t get to meet properly, she was a little too wasted by the time we got back here, the whole thing would’ve felt a little… rapey. So, Chantelle put her to bed before the action started.”
“You definitely missed out” I winked at him with a smug grin.
“Was she as good as Chantelle?” he asked returning my smile, “that girl has serious skills.”
“trust me, it was too close to call.”
“Shit. Really?” his surprised tone echoing my own thoughts from that Sunday morning.
“there must be a school around here somewhere that teaches them those kinds of skills, Chantelle, Bethany, Tiffany… they are all professional cock suckers.” I joked.
“Wait…” a sudden realisation interrupting his laugh, “Tiffany? I thought you went home with Rachael.”
“I did.”
He looked at me confused for a few seconds before realising what my ever-growing smirk implied. “No fucking way! Both of them?” he asked in amazement, I nodded “You really are a lucky sonofabitch, first winning the game and then…”
“Hey!” I shot back in mock anger, “there was no luck involved in winning that game!” I joked.
He held his hands up in surrender. “Okay Jedi Jim, it just means that you really are a fucking master” he laughed before pouring another drink. “talking of games, what’s the plan for next week?”
“I’m not sure, Ive gotta be in London on Friday afternoon, I’ve already sorted the time off, so I guess I’ll just see you on the Saturday.”
“Sounds like a plan. I’ll sort the buses for Team Jim, see if we can’t break in that little suite they’ve given you” A smug grin spread across his face. “Now… Get the fuck out of my bar, I gotta lock up” he joked as I finished the last of my drink. The time had flown by since my arrival but before long I was sat in the solitude of my living room.
After sending out a few quick goodnight messages I retired to bed. I had been under the covers for a whole thirty seconds when my phone beeped back at me. Another message from an unknown number.
I thought you were gonna text me for more. It said.
Who’s this?
Its Bethany, the girl who sucked your dick last weekend, I thought I would have heard off you by now.
Sorry Bethany, I didn’t get your number, my mind wasn’t exactly functioning properly after our last meeting.
Aww, how sweet. So what are you up to?
Just got into bed
Fancy some company? I still want that fuck
After all the talk of sex for most of the night, it wasn’t a hard decision to make.
Sure. Come on over.
Half an hour later, a brown-haired head was bobbing up and down on my dick. A short time later, her bald pussy was sat on my face, then riding my cock. As I bent her over, pounding my swollen member into her incredibly tight slit, Tiffany’s warning came flooding back into my mind. So, despite her demands to be filled with cum, I spun her round and emptied my balls over her face.
“I told you I wanted to feel you cum in my pussy” she complained with a mock pout as she rubbed my juices into her mouth
“tiffany warned me about you” I laughed, “I can’t be knocking anyone up just yet.”
“I can’t believe that bitch told you that” she laughed as I tickled her. “what a spoil sport! But five screaming orgasms will do for now” she joked.
“are you staying the night?”
“Not tonight sorry baby,” she said as she stood up, pulling her crumpled thong back up her silky-smooth legs. “I just came over for a booty call.”
“a booty call, eh? Don’t think I’ve ever been one of those before.” I laughed
“Well, you’d better get used to it stud” she quipped back as her mini skirt followed her thong up her legs. “and I will be getting that spunk in my cunt before long.” With a wink and a kiss she was gone.
As I laid in bed, images of my many ladies parading naked through my head, I wondered again what had happened to make my life so different. I guess it was one of those rhetorical questions that I would never fully answer. But I fell asleep thinking that it was a wonderful question to have.
A week later I was sat in a small room at the Ritz London. It was 11am, I was feeling fully refreshed from a night spent in possibly the most comfortable bed ever created by man. Another boring week had preceded the previous night, no more booty calls and little more than a few messages off my ladies. Rachael couldn’t make it here last night, neither could Tiff, neither one could get the time off work. Even Chantelle and Bethany were taking the bus down later this afternoon and infuriatingly, I still hadn’t heard off Jess. I had almost expected company from the moment I had learnt about the complimentary suite, but it had never materialised, even the complimentary limo to the hotel from home was spent alone. Either way, right now I was still sat in a small room.
In front of me was a medium sized wooden table and on the other side of that were two men. They had introduced themselves as Michael and Steven - no surnames – and they were about to conduct an interview on behalf of Card player magazine.
“… of course, none of what we discuss in this interview will be released to the public until after the competition has finished.” Steven – the chatty one - was saying, I already knew this from the contracts I had to sign before the interview. “So, what we’d like is an informal chat about how you do what you do and how it feels being the favourite.”
Normally, this would have been a perfectly normal and reasonable thing for a journalist from one of the most respected gambling publications in the country to ask. Except this guy was full of shit.
“I can’t see any problems with that” I played along. I had spotted the lie almost as soon as they had started talking, neither one of these men had the first clue about poker and kept referring to the Royal flush I’d had in one of the previous games. A Royal flush is the best known and highest hand in the game, I had never been lucky enough to hold one… ever.
What really made it obvious though is that Steven kept shifting his eyes, up and to the left – accessing the part of the brain responsible for creative thinking, also used for lying. If they were going up and to the right, - the part of the brain responsible for memory – I wouldn’t have thought anymore about it, but this guy was a truly awful liar.
The next clue had come when they had mentioned hearing about the paper I had written in college. I had called it ‘the fallible art of lying, interrogation techniques for law enforcement.’ – a title they had quoted word-for-word - It had been picked up by the legal community very quickly and as such, it had been removed from the public domain, any search for it now would come back empty – unless you were in law enforcement.
“So, what can you tell me about the way you seem to be able to read people” Steven asked, another clue… neither I, nor anybody else had ever said a word to anyone involved in the tournament about being able to read people.
“I’m not sure really,” I lied, shifting in my seat to look more engaged with the conversation than I actually was. “I guess I just have an eye for detail, I notice things that most people don’t normally see.”
“And how does that translate into playing poker?” Steven asked, the stupidity of the question baffling me for a few seconds.
“its like any card game…” I answered after a short pause, “If you can find their capacity to flux, and catch them on the fly, then you can net yourself the pot.” The answer was nonsense. It wouldn’t have made even a modicum of sense to anyone who knew even the first thing about poker… or the English language.
“interesting…” Steven mused writing feverishly in a notebook, clearly not having the first clue what I had just said, “…very interesting.” Michael – the quite one – flashed a little smile, he was also writing in a notebook, although at a much calmer pace.
“Is there anything else you can tell me about that, our readers would be very eager to learn your methods.” Steven continued.
“Not really, bit of a trade secret I’m afraid” Part of me was enjoying stringing this asshole along, but a bigger part was wondering who they were and what they wanted. “I suppose I could tell you a little bit more, but first…” I paused for a second, looking intently at both men, “…first, you can tell me who you really are.”
Steven scoffed, stuttered a few syllables out before trying to recover. Michael – the small flicker of a smile now spread to a full grin – shut him off. “That’s enough Blake.” He said to his colleague before turning to me, “Very impressive Mr Donovan, Very impressive indeed. When Blake here first brought you to our attention, I was a sceptical to say the least, but now you have my full attention.”
I sat back into my chair, folding my arms and looking at the older of the two men as he spoke. Even in this small room, he had an air of authority about him and clearly commanded the respect of the younger Steven – or Blake, or whatever his name was.
“I have been doing this job for over thirty years, in that time I have conducted hundreds of interviews just like this one and in all that time, nobody has ever called us out on our first meeting. Now, you knew we weren’t who we said we were as soon as we sat down, Blake’s questions were a bit haphazard and I’m pretty sure your last answer was a reference to ‘back to the future’. But you knew before that didn’t you”
I shrugged, not giving anything away, although I was a little surprised that he had picked up on the reference, maybe even impressed.
“So what gave us away?” he asked again. I decided to play along and listed off all the clue’s I had picked up on, giving a special mention to the mistake they had made with my college paper.
“Well… shit” Steven/Blake muttered when I had finished speaking.
“you haven’t told me who you are yet?” I pointed out. “I’d guess you are part of the legal system with your access to my paper, except this isn’t their usual mean of communication. So I would have to say you are part of the intelligence services.”
Michael’s smile spread, I had obviously hit on a few truths with that last statement. “Mr Donovan, have you ever heard of the Stone Masons?”
Obviously, I had, but still, the reference was obscure. “A stone mason can never answer yes if they are asked if they are in the Stone Masons” I replied after figuring out what he was trying to say. His smile grew wider.
“You are a man of many talents Mr Donovan” Michael said as both men stood up to leave, conspicuously lacking in an answer to my question. “We will be watching your progress with great interest. It was a pleasure to meet you.”
I shook his outstretched hand then did the same with the younger man before they both left the room. I didn’t get long to contemplate what had happened before another set of Journalist came bursting into the room. This interview, along with the three that followed it were fairly standard and soon enough I became lost in the world of complex body language theory and poker tactics with people who had spent a lifetime watching them.
It was 2pm when the procession was called to a halt and I was shown to the restaurant. As my complimentary steak was placed in front of me, my mind drifted back to the two men in suits. My brain kept spinning in circles, like a tire trying to find traction on ice – working frantically without making any progress. After finishing my meal and sporting a new headache, I decided to put the whole episode out of my mind. The game would be starting in a few hours and I was anything but focused. If I didn’t get my shit together soon, then this would be a very short night.
I received a text from Rachael at about 6pm, they had arrived at the hotel and had been shown into the bar, apparently, they weren’t allowed to see any of the players until the game had ended.
Oh, well that sucks, been looking forward to seeing you all day. I sent back
Aww poor baby, I was looking forward to helping you relax again as well.
Don’t tease me, this is hard enough as it is Lol
Pun intended? Sorry baby, but rules are rules. Besides, we have the whole night together after the game. Just the two of us.
Sounds good, how is everyone?
Everyone is great, I had a nice chat with all the girls on the way here, they told me about you being their booty call. So at the moment you have about 10 horny women down here all wanting to use you for their own personal pleasure.
Yeah, Me and Tiff, Bethany and Chantelle and the rest of their friends.
Tell Jess I’m very disappointed her name isn’t in the list.
Jess couldn’t make it. I don’t know what’s wrong with her recently, she’s been acting weird.
I haven’t heard off her since the Cardiff game.
Me neither, I had to go around her house to find out what was going on.