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So, I’m trying to write stories that are more plot thick, so the set up may take a while. But I think it’s worth it, because the characters get fleshed out better which leads to more satisfying scenes. And warning, there are action and fight scenes I will include in this story where people fight with swords, and yeah some people die, but nobody dies while having sex, I’m not into that so chill.
The heat of the sun beat down on the tired figure as he strode forward, his steps nothing but shuffling of feet as he wandered the desert plains aimlessly. Had it been days? No surely weeks had passed, or even months perhaps. Or maybe it had only been hours since he began walking, and the angry mob still followed hot on his heels, shouting and cursing his name.

It didn’t matter to the lost warrior. All his life he had only known one thing, and that was war. He had been raised to be a soldier, far braver and more skilful than any before, which he had become for a while. He had been a presence on the field of battle that could inspire thousands of men whose faces he never knew or would ever know, and a hero to so many.

But now he was tired. He wanted no more to be a part of this world nor the wars the ravaged it. There was no more purpose in his life; everything he had ever known was gone because of the sword that hung from his belt. Collapsing on his knees, causing billows of dust and sand to blow up at his face, the warrior bowed his head. He was too defeated to even cry, all he could do was wait for the inevitable death that would surely claim him in this desert.

Had the warrior not believed in the mysterious ways of the universe, he would not have believed the bright white light that appeared in front of him. He raised his head and looked up. It was a portal, a rip in the very fabric of reality that opened before his very eyes. Even in his defeated state, the warrior could not help but smile, marvelling at his luck. It seemed that he was still favored, for he had asked to no longer be a part of this world, and the world had listened.

Forcing himself up to his feet, the lost warrior staggered into the portal.


“Hurry up Enoch, I don’t have all day.”

Julie frowned as her little brother scrambled toward her, running ahead of the crowd of children that were just now making their way out of the small church. Enoch had told her that he would be done with school early today, that he’d only have a few hours after lunch for lessons, but still he had kept Julie waiting for nearly half an hour.

“You said you’d be done early today.” Julie scolded as Enoch arrived at her side, and the two began walking.

“Father Dresden was not feeling well today, so he told us he wouldn’t be able to teach history,” Enoch explained meekly. “But then Father Herman decides to use that time to extend his mathematics lessons...”

“Well, whatever it is, you’re still late, and now so am I.” Julie said as the two hurried through the fields of grass that led to the walkway back to town. “I told you I needed to go out tonight didn’t I? If I hadn’t promised mom I would take care of you, I’d have just left you to walk back home today.”

“Sorry.” Enoch said softly.

Julie’s little brother was not a quiet or soft spoken kid. He was regular by all means, and had many friends in school when they lived back home. But ever since they were forced to move away to Grasmere because of the war, Enoch had been slightly more withdrawn and shy around others. Julie guessed that it was probably because he felt homesick and displaced, nothing uncommon for boys his age to feel when they’re forced to move away.

But Julie, meanwhile, was already sixteen, and ready to explore the world. She was finished with her mandatory education and was free to do as she wished. Had the war not forced her to move away from home, Julie would have perhaps left home anyways, to see the world outside of her hometown and meet new people. There was a lot the world had to offer, and Julie was not afraid to go out and see it.

“Where are you even going anyway?” Enoch asked.

“I told you, to town.”

“But where in town?”

“That’s none of your business.” Julie chided and the conversation ended.

The walk home from the church was long. Because of the rising number of refugees entering or passing through because of the war, Grasmere had to make several changes to accommodate them. The local church, which was just on the outside of Grasmere, was converted into a makeshift school during the day and afternoon for the growing population of children in the town. Boarding houses were also set up in shacks previously uninhabited for the older refugees, while the children were received by foster families who’d care for them during their stay. Julie was supposed to be boarding with the other older teens, but because she’d promised to take care of Enoch, she was staying with the fisherman, Hamden’s family that fostered her brother.

Honestly, Julie just didn’t understand why Enoch was so homesick. This was the perfect opportunity for him to make so many new friends and explore so many new places. They had lived in the capital before, which was so boring. The countryside was so much better.

After an hour of walking along the path, both Julie and Enoch finally arrived back in town. It was already dark by now, and Julie could see the town’s nightlife already in full swing. Torches were lit all along the streets, so that the night was fully illuminated, the tavern was already filling up, and people were chatting one another up on the streets, with handsome men in their finest tunics trying to woo the beautiful local women.

“Hey, Enoch.” Julie said as she pulled her brother to a corner.

“Yeah? What is it?”

“We’re back in town now. You know the way back to the Hamden’s place don’t you?” Julie said as she ruffled his red hair.

Enoch looked at her puzzled. “Aren’t you going to walk me home?”

“Do I really have to though?” Julie shrugged. “It’s just on the outskirts of town, not very far and impossible to get lost finding it.”

“But you always walk me home.” Enoch pouted. “Why did you even have to pull me to a side anyway?”

“So I don’t get seen walking with you, get it?” Julie quickly ushered the boy away. “Go on now, go I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

Sighing, Enoch reluctantly began to walk away. Good, finally Julie would have some freedom and time alone to do whatever she wanted to. Walking back out to the streets of the town, Julie looked around, trying to decide where she would go first.

As she walked the streets, wandering around for a little while, Julie spotted a group of three men checking her out as they stood by a corner. The three of them seemed to be in their early twenties and were not a familiar face from around here. She thought that maybe they had just moved here or were just visiting. Either ways, Julie noticed that their clothes were made of fine materials, meaning they were probably expensive.

Looking their way, Julie gave them a knowing smile as she spun around, giving them a good look at the curves of her body. She turned back to look at them. Their eyes were fixed on her body, and she shot them a sultry look. Taking this as an invitation to approach, the three of them talked amongst one another for several seconds in whispers, before finally stepping forward.

“Hi,” The first one said. “I just couldn’t help but notice that such a beautiful girl like you was spending her night out in town all alone. I’m wondering, do you want to join us? We’re just visiting, and I’d love to get to know some of the locals. Especially one as pretty as you.”

Julie giggled and felt herself go red. Of the three, this man seemed to be the leader of the group, and he was the one Julie was most attracted to. He had bright blonde hair that was combed back neatly and soft brown eyes that would melt any girl’s heart. To add to that, he was muscular, his arms and chest bulging out against his tight shirt. The other two were handsome too, with greased back dark hair and piercing green eyes, but Julie didn’t care for them much.

“What’s your name?” Julie asked.

“Daniel.” He responded. “And you?”

“Julie.” She smiled and he took her hands, kissing it gently. Julie giggled.

“It is a pleasure to meet you Julie.” Daniel said. He motioned to his left and then right. “This is Jacob and that’s William, my two dear friends. Will you join us for a drink at the tavern? I’d love to get to know you better while the night is still young.”

“But of course.” Julie’s face flushed red. There was just something so attractive about him. “Lead the way, sirs.”

Daniel took her arms in his and together, they walked the streets of Grasmere toward the tavern.

“How long are you staying in Grasmere?” Julie asked as they walked.

“Not long.” Daniel replied. “We were just passing by, on the way back to our homes. We leave tomorrow again, but we probably will come by Grasmere more often over the next few months.”

“Oh, where are you from then?”


Julie raised her eyebrows. She knew where Norwich was, it was a large docking town just soutwest of Grasmere. If Daniel and his friends were from there, she realized that they had to be upper class men. Glancing down at their fine tunics once more, Julie wondered just how rich they were, and if they’d be interested in just a simple girl like her.

Finally arriving at the tavern, they found a table for the four of them amidst the crowd, who were drunkenly singing and shouting, with the occasional hearty laughter rising out from the middle of the crowd.

“So,” Julie said as they were served their mugs of beer. “Tell me more about yourselves. What is it that you do?”

“Well, to be honest,” Daniel began to say. “We were just on our way home from the eastern frontier.”

Julie’s eyes went wide. “The war? What were you... Are you soldiers?”

“No, of course not!” Daniel laughed. “My father is a general in the war against the Escanans. I went to visit the frontlines to see my father. I didn’t see much fighting or do much else save for helping to inspire the troops, and now I’m on my way home with these two to accompany me. I guess you could say they’re kinda like bodyguards.”

“Wow.” Julie leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table. “Son of a general...”

Okay, Julie knew for sure now. This guy was the rich kid of an army general.

“That’s right.” Daniel winked at her.

“You must be so brave,” Julie cooed as she smiled at them in adoration. “Going all the way to where the fighting was the thickest, inspiring our brave soldiers to fight to defend our freedom.”

“Hey, don’t you think you owe me some thanks for that?” Daniel teased suggestively.

“Oh, I don’t know.” Julie shrugged playfully. “What could a little small town girl like me do to thank such a brave young man like you?”

His eyes went down to her chest for a second. “You could do lots, my dear.”

They all laughed as they continued to drink their beers. As the conversation went on, Julie found herself being more and more attracted to Daniel. He said that because he was an adult now, he had to help his father in the war effort, and that meant lots of traveling. He told her tales of his travels and adventures, seeing more cities and towns that she even knew of or learnt about in school. He told her of all the beautiful things he’s seen, the mountains, the forests, the wonderful and unique ways each different cities were built. Daniel was such a travelled man, well spoken and gentlemanly, who knew so much about things that Julie could never have hoped to learn.

“So I asked the man,” Daniel was saying about his time at the great temple in the city of Barchner. “Why are arches always used when building temples? He explained to me that the way arches rise and reach into the sky was very unique in architecture, and used mainly to symbolize religious themes of yearning to learn more of the divine.”

“Wow.” Julie giggled, impressed at his knowledgeability. “I would have never known that.”

“Now you do.” Daniel smiled as he finished his mug of beer.

They had been at the tavern a while now, and the night was getting late. Already, people started to trickle out, and this must have been Julie’s fifth or sixth serving of beer. Of course, she had tried beer before, it was something every teen did. But still, Julie was never one who handled alcohol very well, and was known to get wasted easily. Already, she was feeling slightly light headed and woozy, and was sure she was slightly drunk now.

“You’re really handsome, did you know that?” Julie asked as she looked into his eyes.

“Well, so I’ve heard, but thank you.” Daniel responded. He didn’t seem close to being drunk yet, and Julie wasn’t sure if he’d had as much to drink as her. “I’d have to say you’re really not so bad yourself, given you’re still a young girl.”

Julie felt a hand touch her knee from under the table, and knew that it was Daniel’s hand. The two stared into each other’s eyes for a good long time as he slowly began to caress her bare thigh, sliding his hand upward past her skirt. His hands felt good on her, perhaps it was in part due to her being drunk, but every part of her body was tingling with heightened sensitivity now. She let out a soft sigh as his hand went higher up her legs, closer to her young, pink, wet pussy.

It had to be the alcohol, Julie knew. She got drunk easily and would get wasted and do stupid things, but she didn’t want that tonight. She didn’t want to do anything stupid in front of Daniel, she liked him too much for that.

“It’s getting late.” Julie said abruptly as she stood up. “I’d better get home.”

The three men had been getting excited from Daniel’s soft caressing of the young teen’s thighs, and were clearly disappointed by her sudden decision to leave.

“Well, yes it is getting late.” Daniel agreed after several seconds. “And we all should begin to leave too.”

They stood up and placed several copper coins on the table, leaving a generous tip behind.

“And I have a long walk home anyways,” Julie continued to say. “I stay in the outskirts of town.”

“Oh is that so?” Daniel asked as the group left the tavern. The streets were already empty by now. “You’re going to walk pretty far away, all alone in the dark of night?”

“I guess.” Julie shrugged.

“Well, we can’t let a girl do that, can we?” Daniel asked his companions, and they both shook their heads.

“You guys are too kind.” Julie said. “You’ve already shown me a great night tonight, it’ll be one of those things I won’t soon forget.”

“I’m glad to hear you enjoyed the night,” Daniel said as they came upon a crossroad. To the left was where Julie would have to go, to the outskirts of town, and to the right was where the inns were and she was sure that’s where they were headed. “But I still can’t just let you go walking off alone.”

Daniel stopped, and so did his friends. Julie followed suit and came to a stop at the crossroad.

“Listen to me, it isn’t safe.” Daniel insisted. “I can see you’re already slightly drunk now, we can’t let defenseless, drunken girl go walking home alone in the dark.” There was a glimmer of want that shone in Daniel’s eyes. “What say you we just go back to my place? I have the biggest room in the inn, and it’s far closer than where you’re headed.”

“Oh,” Julie raised her brows and smiled. “Are you trying to invite me back to your place, Daniel?”

“Perhaps.” Daniel leaned in suggestively. “The night doesn’t have to end here, you know.”

His breath was hot against Julie’s neck, and she could feel her heart racing. Daniel was almost irresistible to her, he was everything she ever found attractive in men, with a chiseled face and muscular physique, on top of a brilliant brain. She had never met anyone so refined and brilliant in her young life, and she almost wanted to just throw herself at him and give him her heart. But she knew she couldn’t do that. Julie wanted something real with him, a real relationship. She would not just be a one time fling as he passed by Grasmere.

“I can’t, Daniel.” Julie hesitated. “My younger brother, he’s at home, and I promised to take care of him. I just...”

“Oh,” Daniel said disappointedly. “A younger brother huh.”

“Daniel, I’m sorry. But I can’t.”

She was losing his interest, Julie could see it. Thinking quick, Julie decided that she’d have to just go for it now. Leaning forward also, Julie closed her eyes and planted a soft kiss on his lips. The emotions and sensual sensations her body suddenly felt almost overwhelmed her, but Julie managed to control herself as she pulled away.

“That’s all you’ll get tonight, Daniel.” Julie said sensually. “A kiss goodbye for safe travels. I hope you do come back to Grasmere quickly, so I can see you again.”

Julie was afraid that she did not play her cards right at first, as she looked into Daniel’s eyes. They were stern, but after a moment, they softened again, and Daniel smiled at her.

“I will have to a reason to look forward to returning here then,” Daniel announced as he took Julie’s hand and kissed it gently, causing her to blush more than the alcohol was already making her. “So that I may see the most beautiful girl in the world again. But for now, Julie, my concerns about your passage home still remains. Please, at the very least allow us to escort you home.”

He gestured to Jacob and William, who clasped at the sword at their sides.

“They are my bodyguards after all, armed and trained fighters. It’s the least I can do as a man.”

“Fine, I’ll allow it.” She smiled and let him take her arm. “Escort me home, my charming date.”

Daniel chuckled darkly. “With pleasure.”

The small group walked through the empty unlit path in silence, save for the short exchange of conversation every now and then between Julie and Daniel. Though Daniel had smiled at her earlier and seemed fine with her decision, she couldn’t help but feel that something was off about him. Maybe she had made him angry, she didn’t know. Julie was inexperienced with love, and totally clueless about how she was supposed to talk with older men. She just hoped she didn’t do anything wrong, she really liked Daniel and hoped that the two could pursue a real relationship. Maybe then she could finally leave home and see the world.

It had been about half an hour since they had begun their walk, and Julie knew they were close now. The path passed by a thicket of trees that Julie knew led to a forest further inward. She recalled that she had been told not to wander around in the trees as one could easily get lost in the forest.

“This should do.” Daniel suddenly muttered.

“Excuse me?” Julie asked. “I didn’t hear you.”

“I said this should do.”

Suddenly, Julie felt hands grab at her arms from behind as Jacob and William hoisted her off the ground.

“Daniel?” Julie asked, panicked.

But Daniel did not respond as he watched his two bodyguards carry her off into the woods, following closely behind them. Julie could only kick at the air and scream for help into the quiet and still night as she was carried away.

“No, no please!”

In her drunken state, Julie could not think straight. Her mind was racing. What did they want? Were they going to hurt or? Kill her? Why? Daniel had been so nice. She continued to kick and scream, but one of Daniel’s bodyguards had put a gloved hand over her mouth to muffle her screams so that no one would hear. She was drunk, confused, and alone in the woods with three men she didn’t even really know. Julie was helpless.

“This is far enough.” Daniel said after a few minutes of walking.

Jacob and William let her go as they dropped her onto the ground. She felt the wind being knocked out of her chest as she hit the ground with a loud thud. Before she could even recover from that, however, Julie felt the weight of a body press against her as hands pinned her wrists to the ground. She yelled in panic.

“Just stay still, Julie.” It was Daniel, whispering in her ear as he rubbed their clothed bodies together. “This doesn’t have to be painful for you.”

But she continued to struggle, all the while pleading for mercy. “Stop this, please...”

Suddenly, Daniel grabbed her hair and slammed her head down on the ground, stunning her.

“Listen you stupid bitch.” He whispered in her ear. “If you keep struggling, something might just happen to your little brother, understand? Maybe I’ll just break your arms and legs, and bring you back to your house so that I can make you watch as I do really terrible things to him and his small little butt, before I rape you anyway. So just stop it, because either way, I get what I want!”

Daniel grabbed at her body, groping the two well rounded mounds on her chest and tearing the soft fabric of the blouse that she wore. Julie sobbed as she felt his hands pull off the skirt that she had been wearing, and begin to grab at her virgin pussy and soft but.

“Your body is amazing.” Daniel grunted as he thrust his crotch against her creamy naked thighs. Already Julie could feel his hard cock pressing against his pants. “Is your brother’s butt this petite and tight? I just might have to make a detour to your home after I’m done here anyways.”

“No!” Julie said desperately. “Don’t hurt him, please! He’s just a kid!”

Daniel snickered sadistically. “That’ll be up to me, bitch. Heh. And to think I almost skipped this shithole of a town to head straight home. God, how peasant girls like you are even blessed with such beauty eludes me.”

Daniel fondled her nipples between his fingers for several seconds, before suddenly squeezing them tightly between his fingernails, causing Julie to squeal

“Please! D-Don’t hurt me!” Julie begged, sobbing as tears fell down her face.

“Oh, I don’t know about that.” Daniel said as he began to unbuckle his trousers. “I think that this will probably hurt a lot.”

Julie felt the tip of a hard rod pressed against the entrance to her pussy, and immediately she knew that it was Daniel’s hard cock. She struggled and tried to squeeze her legs shut, but Daniel was too strong. Pinning her down, Daniel lined up his engorged cock, and with one single thrust, entered into Julie, taking away her virginity.


Julie screamed in pain as she felt her hymen tear and the cock penetrate her. Daniel was inside her now, she could feel his warm cock inside her body, and there was nothing she could do to stop him. Julie could only sob and moan in a strange mixture of pain and pleasure, as tears fell down her face and blood trickled down her legs.

All the while Daniel was raping Julie, both Jacob and William were watching over them, hands at their swords and eyes glued on the brutal rape in front of them. Daniel was obviously no stranger to sex, and thrusted his big cock violently into the younger and smaller virgin girl, tearing her pussy open. Finally after several minutes of this, Daniel began to buck harder against Julie, who could do nothing but scream harder as the pain grew sharper, and Julie’s rapist finally climaxed, cumming inside her bleeding pussy.

“Oh yeah.” Daniel groaned after the orgasm had subsided. “Oh fuck, that was one of the greatest things I’ve ever felt in my entire life.”

Pulling his soft dick out of a sobbing Julie, who could only lay on the floor helplessly as he wiped the blood of his dick and smeared it across her naked chest, Daniel pulled his pants back up and got dressed.

“It’s really a pity.” He turned to his bodyguards and then glanced back at Julie. “She is a beauty.”

He seemed to think for several seconds.

“But It has to be done. Jacob, William, kill her.”

Julie was shaken out of her sobbing at this words, and let out a scream of terror.

“No! Daniel, why? Please don’t, Daniel.” She wept. “Please don’t do this to me.”

“Yeah, boss, why do we have to?” Jacob asked, annoyed. “All night we have to watch this hot little gold digger strut her ass around you, and then you made us watch while you deflowered that perfect pussy. Now we just kill her?”

“We can’t take any chances.” Daniel replied resolutely. “If word gets out, my father could be ruined.”

“So we just kill her?” William frowned. “It’s not fair, Daniel. At least let us have a piece of that sweet ass before we throw it away.” He unsheathed his sword. “You now I like things a little bloodier than society would accept anyway. This would be a great chance to indulge.”

“Maybe we could take her at the same time.” Jacob snickered. “I wonder how tight a virgin’s asshole is. Could my sword maybe fit in there?”

“Fine, fine.” Daniel relented, sighing as he waved them forward. “Do whatever you want. Just kill her and bury the body later. Make it quick, because I want to pay a visit to her brother too before we leave Grasmere.”

“No, Daniel you promised! Please, I beg you, don’t hurt him!”

Julie continued to beg for her life as the two sword wielding men approached her. In their eyes she saw a insatiable hunger and perverted lust, and she knew now that this would be her last night on this world. She cried and sobbed and promised to stay quiet, to not tell a soul about this, promised to do anything they wanted.

The two bodyguards grabbed her by her ankles, and Julie screamed into the night sky, begging for help, for someone to hear her. But nobody would. She was in the middle of a forest, with the closest person probably being miles away, sleeping soundly. She could feel a sweaty cock being pressed against her still raw pussy and screamed as she was penetrated once more.

“That’s right bitch, scream!”

A hand slapped Julie across the face, leaving her dazed as she was savagely fucked. The hand came back and hit her again, and again, and again.

“I said scream!”

She was kicked in the stomach, causing her to double over in debilitating agony. The cock left her as she clutched her midsection in pain, and she could feel them rolling her over so that her face was on the floor and her ass stuck up in the air.

“That’s it, slut. Spread those cheeks nice and wide...”

Hands pinned her to the ground as someone Julie couldn’t see spread her cheeks wide open, revealing her pink and untouched anus. Julie shivered as she felt the cold touch of sharp steel pressed against her hole, and she knew immediately that it was a sword. They really were going to fuck her tight asshole with a sword.

“I’ve heard all peasant girls are real sluts. I guess this’d be a nice way to go then.”

“Please,” She sobbed, too drained to cry and scream anymore. “Please...”

But there was no pity in the two stoic men. They stared down at her with blank, unpitiful eyes, unmoved by her pleas. Julie closed her eyes, weeping, scolding herself for having been so stupid to trust these total strangers, for being a stupid teen who thought she knew what the world was like.

Just then, however, Julie heard the sound of rustling leaves and quick approaching footsteps. At once, both Jacob and William dropped Julie to the ground and readied their swords at a figure who emerged from the darkness of the trees, behind Daniel.

“What the...” Daniel only managed to say as he spun around, pulling a dagger from his belt.

Before anyone could react however, the figure drew his sword, the shrill ring of the metallic blade being filled the night as blood was drawn. Daniel collapsed to the floor, the dagger still clutched in his hand.

Immediately rushing forward, Jacob and William savagely assaulted the figure with a barrage of attacks. William leapt forward, swinging his sword at the figure, but it sidestepped so that the arc of William’s sword just missed him. Before William’s blade had finished its swing, the figure grabbed his shoulder with his left hand and stabbed him with the sword in his right hand. William’s eyes went wide as the blade went clean through his abdomen and was swiftly pulled out. Without pause, the figure discarded William’s limp body to the ground.

Jacob screamed as he swung his own sword at the figure, which the figure parried, and then stepped around so that the overhand strike Jacob delivered next missed. The figure stepped with his blade and brought it down hard on Jacob’s knee, slicing through the skin and bone and forcing him to one knee. Jacob continued his attack however, and thrusted his sword at the dark figure, who spun away so that the strike missed him, and used the same spinning motion to bring his sword around in a deadly blow as he decapitated Jacob. The lifeless body remained on one knee for several seconds as his head rolled away out of sight, before it crumpled to the ground.

Julie wanted to scream again, but could only manage a whimper as the figure wiped the blood off his sword and approached her. She could make out some of his features now as he stood over her and sheathed his weapon. To her surprise, he looked much younger than she had expected, and actually seemed to be her age.

“Are you okay?” The figure asked. His skin was pale, with dark set eyes and dark hair that shimmered it’s true color of brown in the moonlight. “Did they hurt you?”

Julie, finally regaining her senses, realized that she was naked in front this other boy no older than her, and began to cover up with the scraps remained of her clothes.

“I-I’m...” Julie began to say as tears filled her eyes. “I’m not fine.”

Collapsing on the ground, Julie lost consciousness as the mysterious figure stood over her. Looking around, he saw nobody here. It was dark, he was in an unfamiliar place, with no idea where he should go to seek help, and with no one to be seen about.

He wrapped the unconscious girl with her torn clothes as best as he could so that she kept so measure of modesty after what had happened to her, and carried her off into the woods. It seemed that he would have to take care of her, until he can figure out exactly what had happened when he entered into the light, and where exactly he was.
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