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This is a fictional story of three country brother's kidnapping and training a beautiful raven haired Latina girl to serve them domestically and sexually. Juanita is tortured and fucked repeatedly by three brothers and is gang banged by six dogs.
One Slave for Three Brothers

This is a fictional story of three country brother's kidnapping and training a beautiful raven haired Latina girl to serve them domestically and sexually. Juanita is tortured and fucked repeatedly by three brothers and is gang banged by six dogs.

Three brothers , Jim, Jack, and John, inherited the large cattle and horse ranch they grew up on when their Father died two years ago. A few months after the Pa died Ma passed away they are left alone to work the stock and fend for themselves domestically.

They enjoy the ranch outdoor work as they are accustom to it but became very weary of the house keeping, laundry and cooking of which they had very little experience. Sitting at the dining table eating a meal they prepared they realize the steak, potatoes, gravy, beans and biscuits are not near as good as Ma always made for them. Jack said that the meal was filling but not very tasty. John pointed out that the house is always a mess and the laundry has piled up again.

Jim spoke up telling them that they need to hire a good looking live in house keeper. John smiled and told him he just wanted some live in pussy. Jim pointed out that they have no female contact since each of them gets to town once every three months. They decided to place an add in the local paper and on the web for a domestic maid for them. After receiving a few applicants which half were rejected by the brothers and the others turned the job down.

Juanita saw the add and needing income in the worst way applied for the job. She met the brothers at the ranch house one evening. They explained that she would live in the main house using their parents old room which she liked very much. They told her that she would be expected to prepare three meals per day, keep the laundry done and the house spotless clean as their Ma did. She told them that she had been cooking and cleaning since an early age and is a very good country style cook.

They asks when she could start and told her what they will pay which is better than most domestic maids got paid. She told them she had to take care of some personal business and will let them know when she can start in a couple days. They agreed and she left.

The brothers laughed. Happy they found such a beautiful young Latina to care for them. Jim told the others that he had a big boner the whole time she was with them. John told him that is all he thinks about and that he is surprised he did not have half the mares stump broke. They laughed and Jim blushed. Jim went to feed the six dogs as Jack and John cleaned the kitchen. John told Jack that Jim was not the only one with a big boner while the raven haired beauty was there. Jack grinned and told him she had been in danger with three big boners with her.

Juanita (Nita) thought about everything involved at the ranch but is very reluctant to live in the same house being the only female with three young and probably horny men. She had noticed the bulge in each of their wrangler jeans during the interview. She is smart enough to know that at some point one or all of them would expect sexual favors from her. She smiled thinking that any one of the young hansom ranchers might be a good thing. She is still afraid of being in the same house with three of them. After thinking about it for a couple of days she waited until after dark when she thought they would be in the house near the phone. She called and Jack answered the phone. She told him she will not be able to accept the position as their live in housekeeper but she would consider commuting daily for them.

Jack offered her double the salary if she would agree to live at the ranch. She refused his offer and told him that they should find someone else suitable for the job. Jack thanked her for calling and hung up the phone angry. John ask what was wrong and Jack told them she had changed her mind about the job and is not coming to work for them. Jim became angry and told them that they should kidnap the little bitch and make her their slave. They laughed at the comment and retired for the night.

The next morning at breakfast John told his brothers that he had checked Nita's resume and found she has no boyfriend, family live in state and no job.

He told them that he had thought seriously about Jim's idea of kidnapping her into slavery and thinks it might be a good idea. He noted that she is jobless with no income and struggling to get by. He has the idea that she barely has food or a decent place to live. Jack said he thought that they would be doing her a good deed by taking her giving her a place to live, clothes to wear and food to eat. They slowly finished breakfast and cleaned the kitchen as it became daybreak. As they walked to the barn the decision to kidnap her was agreed on.

They finished their chores as day turned to night and drove into town, got a burger to wait for Nita to get settled in for the night. They arrived at her resume address. There are no lights on in the house or the garage apartment where she said she lives. They waited for any sign of movement. Nita walked toward her garage apartment thinking that her life is shit. She is tired from working her ass off at a small grocery store all day for a dozen eggs, half pound of bacon and a loaf of bread which she is carrying in a small bag. The brothers noticed her coming up the street to her apartment. As she approached the four door pickup Jim jumped from the pickup toward her.

She screamed, dropped her groceries, and tried to run as Jim grabbed her hair and held a fowl smelling rag over her nose and mouth. She struggled trying to scream for help until everything went black. Jim picked her petite body up putting her in the backseat, tied her hands behind her, her ankles together, blindfolded and ball gagged her. As John drove back to the ranch Jim fondled her legs, ass and pussy enjoying it very much. He has watched and jerked off to many bondage sex videos on line and he is finally acting on his desire to tie and fuck a beautiful woman.

Jim has to restrain the need to raise her skirt, rip her panties off and fuck her on the backseat as they go back to the ranch. When Nita slowly regained consciousness her back is against a post inside near the back of a huge barn. Her wrist are tied together above her head to the post. She feels several strands of rope around her neck and the post. Her body weight on her wrist, arms and shoulders. She pushes up with her feet tied together to the post relieving some of the pressure on her arms and shoulders.

Jim removes her blindfold and ball gag. She screamed for them to untie and let her go. The three brothers stood shoulder to shoulder before her with frightening looks. She stopped screaming at them and Jack moved close to her and said. “Nita, we offered you a good job. You as much as said you would work for us. Then you turned the job down which disappointed and angered us. Why did you do that.” With anger in her eyes and voice she said. “I realized that you wanted me as a house keeper and a sex toy for the three of you. I am not a whore and you can't make me one.” John said. “Nita, we wanted you as a housekeeper willing to let you agree or refuse to have sex with any of us. We agree you are a very beautiful sexy woman and we all wanted to fuck you, but would never have forced you.”

Jim spoke up. “Nita, you did us wrong by not honoring your commitment to us. Now you will submit to us as our domestic sex slave or you will be punished severely.” She spat at him and said. “Fuck all you bastards. I will never submit to slavery. If you don't let me go now I will see to it that you all spend the rest of your lives in the pen for kidnapping. If I don't poison you first.” Jack told her. “You can make it a lot easier on yourself if you just agree to our terms and obey us. We are going to take what we want with or without your consent. Don't force us to break you with pain.” She yelled. “YOU WILL KILL ME BE BEFORE YOU BREAK ME! I WILL NEVER BE YOUR FUCKING SLAVE!!!”

Jim grabbed her blouse and ripped it open and tore her bra apart leaving her naked from waist up. She stared defiantly at him without as much as a whimper. He used a knife to cut her skirt from waist band to bottom hem letting it fall to the barn floor. Her faced turned dark red with anger but she never uttered a sound. This angered Jim and he grabbed the waist band of her panties pulling up hard forcing the crotch to cut into her pussy and clit. She is forced to arch her pelvic up and out to avoid some of the pain on her clit. He pulled harder and she gritted her teeth to keep from screaming in pain until the fabric ripped apart releasing the pussy wedgy. She slumped with a sigh of relieve as he dropped the ruined panties on her skirt. He used his knife to finish removing her blouse and bra, blindfolded, ball gagged her and tied a double strand of rope around the post and her waist running the lose ends between her legs dissecting her pussy lips and painfully cutting into her clit. He wrapped rope around her chest and the post below and above her tits pulling it tight before putting a double strand directly over her nipples pinching them between the two ropes.

He slapped her across the left cheek and back handed her right cheek telling her she will have a better attitude in the morning and the three brothers left the barn leaving her painfully tied to the post. After they left the barn she groan and cried. She had no idea how long she had been tied to the post when her body slowly started to betray her mind turning the pain into slight pleasure and arousal. Her nipples started to tingle and her pussy twitched on the crotch rope as it leaked juices. She growled in anger and shook her head trying to deny what her body was doing. There is no way she would get any pleasure out of being abused like this.

Exhausted sleep finally claimed her and she dreamed of them using all her holes for their pleasure. She awakened when she felt them untying her from the post. As she came awake every muscle in her body screamed with pain. They sat her on a bale of hay giving her water and bread. She took it and held it for a minutes looking angry at them she threw the water and bread at them. She yelled. “FUCK YOU ALL. I WILL STARVE BEFORE I AGREE TO SLAVERY.” John grabbed her jerking her to her feet making her sore muscles burn with pain. She gritted her teeth but did not make a sound.

He dragged her by the hair to a cross beam above them, tied a long rope to each her wrist, pitched the ends over the beam so that when he pulled them tight her arms stretched above and out. John pulled hard on one rope while Jack pulled hard on the other. Nita gritted her teeth making no sound as the ropes pulled her wrist up and out raising her body and feet about a foot off the barn floor. She hurt so bad she needed to scream but refused to give them the satisfaction. They did not bother to blindfold or gag her wanting her to see the punishment coming. She tried to kick Jim as he approached with the bull whip and Jack grabbed her ankles tying them together. She hung helplessly from the beam swaying back and forth.

Jim looked at her. “You will submit or wish you had.” She spat at him. “I will die first you sadistic bastard.” He drew the bull whip back, she tensed preparing for the whip to strike. She thrashed in her restraints not making a sound as the pain flew from her nipples through her body like a bolt of lightening. The pain was so incredible it took all the will power she could summon to keep from screaming. He bull whip her from her tits to her knees leaving angry red whelps and a few cuts from the sadistic beating. She thrashed and ground her teeth together clenching her jaws so hard they hurt almost as much as the beating but uttered no sound.

His arm tired from whipping her, he let it drop down holding the whip firmly. He told her.”I will break you or kill you, bitch.” She hung limp from her wrist and weakly said. “Fuck you. Kill me. You will never break me.” At that point she wished for death or at least fainting. Tears ran down her cheeks making her mad not wanting them to see her cry. She took the severe beating without a sound to defy them but could not hold back the tears of pain. Jim pitched the whip to Jack. “Whip her back until she breaks, Jack.” He started whipping her from the back of her knees up to her shoulders making her flinch with each blow of fire to her body. When he reached her lower back she fainted.

Jack dropped the whip and let her down to the barn floor. She lay still unconscious. Jim said lets hang her up by the feet and leave her all day.” John stepped forward. “Jim, you are better breaking young horses than any of us and you would never treat one of them as bad as you want to treat this young girl.” “John, we have to break her or kill her. She will get us all arrested for kidnapping.” “Jim, I know that but I don't think beating her will do anything but kill her. Then we will be guilty of kidnapping and murder.” “You know when you break a young horse you have to be stern but not mean and you always pet him after you have to correct him for something.” I think we should do like some of your porn sites do. Work on her with both pain and pleasure.” Jim grinned at him and said. “Big Brother, I think you're right. I would never be cruel to one of my young horses. I just let my anger get the best of me.”

They pad locked a chain around her neck to a barn support post. They left food and water where she could get to it and left her while they tended their stock animals. When they came back to her the food and water had not been touched and she lay on some loose hay sleeping. They woke her lifting her to her feet. She is very shaky and weak from the abuse and hunger. She stared defiantly at each one of them. Jim smiled and said. “You have to admit she has spunk and determination. I would keep any horse with her will power and determination.” Jack and John laughed. Jack said. “I think little brother has found his true love.”

John smiled at her picking up the food plate and water holding it in front of her he said. “Nita, we can be real nice to you if you let us. The only thing is if we let you go you will go straight to the police.” She yelled. “AFTER YOU KIDNAPPED ME, BEAT ME NEAR DEATH, HANGED ME FROM THE RAFTERS, TIED ME TO A POST AND LEFT ME ALL NIGHT. YOU DAMN RIGHT I AM GOING TO SEE THAT YOU GET WHAT YOU DESERVE.” She regretted the outburst as soon as she said it thinking she just signed her on death warrant. John replied. “That is what I thought. We are not going to kill you like you're thinking, but we can't let you go. That means we have to keep you with us.” “You can make it as hard or as easy as you want.” You are going to do as we say or we will punish you.” You might not submit to be our slave but the circumstances has sealed your fate as a willing slave or a hostile slave. That will be your decision.”

She said. “I will never willingly serve you all as a slave or anything else and I will take any chance I get to get away from you.” John sat the food and water down as she licked her dry lips. He looked at her and offered her the water.

“If you are smart as I think you are at least drink the water you will need it to take what we are about to do to you.” She looked at him. “What are you going to do to me now.” He replied. “We are going to tie you to that saw horse and fuck all your holes until you black out or submit to us as our willing slave.” She told him as she took the water. “I will never submit to you three ass holes.” She drank all the water without taking a breath and tried to hit him with the glass. He blocked her attempt twisted her wrist forcing her to drop the glass. He grabbed her by the hair, dragged her to the saw horse and tied her face down, arms to the front legs and ankles to the back legs. Her ass is up and her head hung down at the opposite end of the saw horse.

Jim blindfolded her as Jack took his clothes off and moved behind her. She bit her lip to keep from screaming from surprise and pain when he drove his 9 inch hard cock balls deep in her pussy. She thought her pussy tore the pain is so intense. He started fucking her hard and deep forcing her body to betray her as the pain shifted to pain and pleasure forcing an orgasm to grow in her pussy. She felt the orgasm racing to freedom when Jim pulled her head up by the hair forcing her mouth open and drove his big cock into her throat making her gag. He pulled out as she retched up the glass of water. He stood back until she got her breath and rammed back in her throat fucking her without mercy. She fought inside to kill the orgasm rushing through her body until both Jack and Jim pushed deep in both ends squirting big loads of cum in her. Their cum filling her triggered the orgasm in her cunt forcing her to moan tense up and gush cum around Jacks cock.

Jim pulled out of her mouth and she spit out the cum that did not go down her throat. Jack jerked his cock out of her pussy and she squeezed all his cum out that she could. She had a mixture of her cum and Jack's running down her legs as John rammed his big hard cock deep in her dry ass sending extreme pain through her ass and guts. She tried but could not keep from screaming with the unbearable pain in her. His pre-cum lubed her ass tunnel helping the pain to weaken intensity and she grunted with each hard thrust of the huge cock in her ass. He fucked her harder making the pain worse than before as the opening to her ass had tore when he forced his cock in her. The pain got the best of her and she passed out.

They laid her on a bed of straw between two post tying her wrist to one and stretching her body tight tying her ankles to the other. They left her there for the night. When she came to she felt something near her pussy. Looking down she saw a cat licking the cum from her thighs and pussy mound. Her first thought was to scream at him to scare him away but his tongue was soothing to her sore legs and cunt making her lie still until the cat cleaned her and walked away. As she lay there, sore muscles stretched to the max as if on a dungeon rack. She started to cry from the pain in her body and the desperate situation she is in with the three brothers with no choice but to keep her prisoner or kill her.

She finally rationalized she would not get a chance to escape if she keeps fighting them but her pride and stubbornness did not want to give them the satisfaction of thinking they broke her will. She kept thinking she would rather die than submit to them. If she could push them far enough they might kill her and her torture would end. She cried her self to an exhausted sleep.

When they came to her before daylight the next morning with food and water she could not resist the nourishment her body needed so badly and quickly ate the breakfast and drank the water and juice without saying a word to them. Jim ask her if she is going to thank them for feeding her. She frowned at him and said. “Fuck you, ass hole.” He replied. “I don't like your disrespectful mouth, bitch.” and forced a ring gag behind her teeth buckling it tight forcing her mouth painfully wide open as John forced her hands behind her and tied them to keep her from fighting Jim.

They hoisted her feet in the air toward the cross beam above. She hung by her ankles, blindfolded, hands tied behind her moaning from the painful muscles in her whole body. She wanted to give into them but her stubborn will power would not let her. She fought to endure the pain as she hung helpless at the mercy of the three sadistic brothers. Jack released his cock and slid deep in her throat through the ring gag. She gagged on the huge cock and he drove deeper holding her head against his balls with her hair until she about passed out from lack of air. He pulled out and let her gulp air into her lungs before pushing deep in her throat again repeating the process of before. Pulling out just before she could black out. Jim beat her with a leather belt across her back, ass, and legs as Jack and John took turns fucking her throat. She tried to scream from the excruciating pain in her throat and back side. She jerked and thrashed in her suspension as they continued to torture her. Finally she fainted going lifeless as she hung upside down.

She came to draped face down over a low short bench, her body hurting like it was on fire. Her wrist are tied to anchors in the floor each side of the bench, her ankles tied to a spreader bar exposing her ass and cunt. Her pussy opened like a flower in bloom. She felt a wide leather strap around her waist holding her tight to the bench. She tried to pull free but could not move any part of her body more than an inch. She is still blindfolded with the ring gag holding her mouth wide open. She heard Jack say. “If she is going to act like a bitch we will let the dogs fuck her like a bitch.” She struggled against her restraints and screamed trying to tell them they could not let dogs fuck her. John turned one of the dogs loose as Jack drove his cock deep her her throat.

She felt the dog licking her ass and pussy as she wiggled her ass attempting to avoid his lapping tongue licking from her clit to her ass hole. The dog tongue triggered unwanted arousal in her body making her leak pussy juice causing the dog to lick harder driving his long tongue up her hole. She moaned as pleasure rushed though her pussy and tried to push back on the attacking dog tongue. Jim pulled the dog back and lifted his front paws over her hips. The leather strap preventing him cutting her with his claws as he gripped her waist humping against her legs and pussy shooting pre-cum. He hit the opening to her cunt a couple times shooting lubricating pre-cum in her opening. Jim took his cock and helped him drive into her opening.

She screamed on Jack's cock as the dog cock drove balls deep in her. He fucked her like a jack hammer triggering an unwelcome orgasm making her squirt cum. The long thick dog cock was bigger than anything she ever had in her. The pain turned to pure pleasure making her grunt and moan as he fucked her hard and fast. She felt the huge knot banging at the opening to her cunt stretching her pussy opening a little more each time until it popped through forcing her to scream with pain and pleasure on Jack's cock deep in her throat. She is getting fucked at both ends by man and beast and starting to like it as she had one orgasm after another. She did not want to succumb to the pleasure forced on her but could not deny it. The dog rammed deep, held tight and shot load after load of cum deep in her womb forcing her to have a body wracking orgasm that would not stop. She screamed on Jack's cock sending him over the edge spurting cum down her throat into her stomach.

Nita, Jack and the dog moaned through individual orgasms. She is knotted with the dog for 10 to 15 minutes before his knot and cock popped from her cunt letting his and her cum flow out.

As the dog walked away Jim helped another dog take his place. She screamed as the second dog drove his huge cock painfully in her abused cunt. She grunted and moaned as the dog fucked her forcing her to continuously have a train of orgasms. His cock drove in and out of her cunt easily banging at her tight opening with the big knot until it popped in and swelled to the size of a baseball making her scream. John plunged his huge cock down her stretched throat fucking her as the dog fucked her pussy. She stopped trying to fight the pleasure and enjoyed the rough fucking forced on her. The dog drove his cock into her womb and started dumping loads of cum in her making her scream on John's cock as the most powerful orgasm took control of her pussy and body. She convulsed, moaned and squirted as the orgasm lasted long and hard. John could not hold back and dumped his cum filled balls in her throat and stomach.

When the dog's knot finally gushed from her cunt letting a river of cum flow from her pussy Jack helped a third dog mount her. As the third dog mounted humping in search of her pussy Jim slid his cock deep in her throat making her moan as he fucked her throat. She screamed bloody murder when the dog found his mark in the wrong hole ramming deep in her tight ass hole and started fucking her hard, fast and deep. She screamed on Jim's cock until the pain in her ass turned to pleasure the dog fucking her like a jackhammer trying to get his huge knot in her opening. She started cumming hard and long relaxing enough that his knot forced through her tight sphincter forcing her to scream with more pain triggering Jack's orgasm sending loads of cum down her throat into her swelling stomach. As the dog's knot swelled to the size of an orange she scream with another long hard squirting orgasm. The dog drove deep in her colon releasing spurt after spurt of cum into her stomach with Jim's cum.

Nita passed out with an over load of pleasure and pain. She came to when the fourth dog rammed his cock deep in her cunt. She grunted and moaned with more forced orgasms until his knot was forced painfully in her cunt and swelled to the size of a tennis ball putting pressure on her G-spot as his hairy balls rubbed her clit and he dumped load after load of cum into her womb triggering the tidal wave force orgasm making her squirt a huge amount of cum. As the fourth dog finally pulled his knot out with a plop cum flowed from her well used pussy. She slumped on the bench and the fifth dog mounted her.

She screamed with more pain in her sore pussy as the dog drove deep in her cunt and fucked her hard. The pain turned to more pleasure and her screams became moans and grunts with the forced orgasms hitting her one after another. She screamed again as his knot was driven in her attacking her G-spot. She groaned as another volcanic force orgasm took possession of her body making her shake and gush cum. She is beginning to loose any assemblance of reality from exhaustion as the fifth dog forced more cum in her ballooning belly making it cramp from the overload of cum. She lay still waiting for the knot to shrink and exit her pussy thinking her continuous fucking is over not knowing there is a sixth dog waiting to take her abused cunt.

She felt the sixth dog mount her and she lay still so exhausted and used she had no strength to resist even if she could. He humped her finally ramming in her ass hole. All she could do was grunt at the sudden pain and fullness in her ass. She moaned and grunted unable to cum any more as the dog fucked her ass until he forced more cum in her cramping belly. She passed out from pain and exhaustion. When she regained consciousness the blindfold and gag were gone she lay on a thick pile of loose straw with her hands tied to a post. She blinked to focus on her surroundings. The three sadistic brothers were sitting by her waiting for her to come to. Jim forced her legs apart, forced a hoe handle in her sore abused pussy and tied her legs and ankles together to the hoe handle sticking out of her pussy so if she tried to move her legs it will cause much discomfort and pain in her cunt.

John told her she should get as much rest as possible because tomorrow night they are going to fuck all her holes and let the horses fuck her like the dogs did. She said. “Please have mercy. Don't let the horses fuck me. I promise to be good and do what ever you say.” He asks. “Do you agree to be our slave girl.” She did not reply to his question but ask. “Please may I use the bathroom. My stomach is cramping very bad.” I am very hungry and thirsty. May I please have food and drink.” He said. “We will see what we can do about the food and drink.” She asks. “What about the bathroom?” He replied

“You can hold it.” She groaned. “Please sir. Let me use the bathroom.” The three sadistic brothers left the barn turning the lights out leaving her tied, with a hoe handle stuck in her cunt and her belly cramping making her need to shit. She lay as still as possible crying trying not to shit on her straw bed. She held it as long as possible but finally let it go shitting cum and shit.

She was crying laying in a pool of cum and shit when Jim came in the barn turning on the lights. He smelled the stench as he approached her with a big plate of food and a large glass of tea. Sobbing she said. “Please Jim, I will be good. Please untie me and let me clean up and get out of this smelly shit, please I beg you.” Jim asks. “Do you promise to be good and stop fighting us?” She replied. “I promise. Please untie me.” He untied her, took the hoe handle out of her cunt, retied her hands behind her, took her to the horse washing stall, looped a rope around her neck tying it to the anchor in the wall used for tying a horse's lead rope to. He turned the water hose on and started spraying her from head to toe with the cold water. She squealed at the first spray of cold water on her feet but got accustom to it and enjoyed it as he worked up her legs and body. He dried her with a horse blanked, took her back to the straw. Using a pitch fork he shoveled the messy straw away from her area and put fresh straw down for her before spreading the horse blanket over the straw. She stood, hands tied behind her, smiled at his work for her.

He untied her hands and let her sit on a hay bale and handed her the plate of food and tea. She finished the meal in short order and ask if his is going to tie her up again with the hoe handle in her pussy. He told her he thought the neck chain would do for tonight. Putting the chain back on her neck and the post with padlocks, he left her on the straw bed for the night. She slipped into an exhausted sleep wondering what torture is in store for her tomorrow.

Thank you for taking time to read this story of fiction.

I hope you take time to vote and comment.


2021-04-06 12:39:52
What a sexy story!! I often fantasize about being used like this. Super hot!!


2020-12-10 00:45:03
I have read this story more than once and do hope you will be writing a sequel to it. Would love to know how things are going for Nita and the brother's. Do they continue with the BD/SM...hoping for more of this story. Love your writing. Step Daughter's Desires has been one of my favorite series. Thank you sir!


2020-11-05 18:12:42
I have been enjoying all of your stories that I have read. This one in particular and hope there will be more chapters. Would love to see how Nita's life with the brothers continue


2018-09-29 01:32:02
Just wanted to let you know I saw your comment on my story and to say thank you. I am registered so I can leave a pm but honestly I just wasn't up for playing " what the heck was my password again?" Lolol.


2018-09-29 01:31:55
Just wanted to let you know I saw your comment on my story and to say thank you. I am registered so I can leave a pm but honestly I just wasn't up for playing " what the heck was my password again?" Lolol.

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