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These two don't spend a lot of time fooling around, they get right down to business and go hard. Enjoy.
Dennis slid open the glass door of his quiet home and stepped into the heavily wooded backyard. It was a crisp fall Saturday as Dennis surveyed the many layers of fallen leaves that covered his yard. The chilly air cooled his lungs as he took a deep breath, examining the work in front of him. He had been putting off raking for weeks now, but as all the trees were almost bare, he had talked himself into getting it done this weekend.

Dennis trudged across his lawn through the leaves to the shed. He flipped the latch and retrieved the rake he had bought his first year in this house when he was faced with his first fall. He had moved into this, his first house, a few years ago, that autumn had been quite the surprise for him as he realized the true cost to owning your own house. His backyard was littered with trees, which were great in the summer because the yard was shady, keeping it pleasantly cool even when the temperature was unbearably high. The consequence to having such a shady backyard was obviously a yard caked in leaves come fall time, as Dennis had learned the hard way.

His friend had suggested he try a leaf blower, but that wasn’t really Dennis’ style, they made too much noise and if he really thought about it, raking wasn’t too bad. Well, not when you rake the way Dennis raked.

He took a sip from the travel coffee mug he had brought out with him, filled with a fresh cup of coffee and a few shots of whiskey. Dennis had learned quickly that drinking made raking a lot more tolerable. Dennis was just sinking his rake into the corner of his yard when he heard the screeching of a poorly oiled door sliding open.

He looked around and saw his neighbor, Chelsea, walking out into her own backyard. Chelsea had moved in a year after Dennis had. They had talked a little more than neighbors normally did and Dennis might even go as far to say that they were friends. They were both dreadful at grocery shopping and often found themselves asking each other to borrow all kinds of things. Dennis had stocked her with more salt, flour, toilet paper, sugar, oil, and whatever else that he figured he probably owned half the ingredients in her kitchen. The nice thing was that she returned the favor whenever he found himself in need. Just last week Dennis had a girl stop by for dinner. Dennis ordered some take out and thought he was all set until they sat down to eat and he realized he didn’t have any wine. He had raced next door and asked for anything Chelsea could spare. She didn’t ask a single question, just turned and grabbed a corked bottle from a collection of different alcohols. It had been half full, but it had been a life saver.

Chelsea was wearing worn out boots, some light blue jeans that were covered in stains, and a pink windbreaker that didn’t seem to be as bright as it once had been. A yardwork outfit if Dennis had ever seen one.

“Hey.” She said walking down her porch to the small rock wall that divided their two yards.

“What’s up?” Dennis asked, stopping his raking. Chelsea’s outfit wasn’t even a little revealing, but the raggedy look of the clothes that were covering her toned body made Dennis stare anyway.

“Looks like great minds think alike, I was just getting ready to start cleaning the yard up.” Chelsea said.

Dennis laughed, “More like lazy minds, I’ve been telling myself I need to do this since September.”

Chelsea laughed too, “Same, somehow whenever I’m getting ready to go out, I always find something that I NEED to watch on Netflix.”

“I’ll just pass out whenever I know I need to do yard work.” Dennis laughed, “I’ll be going out to cut the grass, decide to sit down, just for a second, and next thing I know I'm waking up and it’s pitch black out.”

Chelsea laughed, “You want to work together? I’ll help you with your yard, you help me with mine.”

Dennis didn’t even consider it, “Sure.” then handed her his coffee mug and said, “And a little bit of Irish coffee will help both of us.

Chelsea took a thankful sip and then winced as she swallowed, “Damn that’s strong.” She took another sip and then gave it back to Dennis. “I’ll grab my rake.” Chelsea went into her own shed and came out with a rake, then stepped over the small rock wall into Dennis’ leafy back yard.

“I was going to start here,” Dennis said pointing to the corner he had begun raking, “And I was just going to try and collect everything in the middle.”

Chelsea nodded and then was visibly hit by a great idea, her face lit up and she asked excitedly, “Can we make like one giant leaf pile with all our leaves?”

Dennis wasn’t about to disappoint someone who was so clearly this excited, “Yeah sounds good.” Admittedly, he kind of liked the idea too.

“Fuck yeah! I haven’t jumped into a pile of leaves since I was a kid.” Chelsea said excitedly.

Dennis laughed, “It might be a bit different than you remember it.”

“Yeah, everything sucks more when you’re older.” Chelsea said correctly as she dragged her rake through the leaves, clearing a small patch. They worked for a while, clearing about half the yard and creating a large mound of leaves in the middle.

Dennis threw down his rake and said, “Beer. Beer?”

“Please.” Chelsea said leaning against her own rake.

“Gotcha.” Dennis said opening up his door and walking into his kitchen. He came back out with two cans of some Sam Adams Octoberfest. He popped the top on one and handed it to Chelsea before popping his own top and taking a long sip.

Chelsea gulped from hers gratefully. It was a bit chilly out, but she was still sweating under her windbreaker and the sweater she was wearing underneath, raking was hard work. She sighed, “Thanks.”

“No problem.” He paused, looking at the pile of leaves, “How’s work been going?”

“It’s been going pretty good.” Chelsea said, “Actually this happened to me the other day, I walked in on my boss fucking his ex-wife.”

“Damn!” Dennis grimaced, “Where?”

“The women’s bathroom in our office.”

“Animals huh?” Dennis said laughing.

“Oh, they’re bad. He was sitting on the toilet and she was blowing him with the stall door wide open.” Chelsea explained.

Dennis imagined it, “What did you do?” he asked.

“I had to pee. I walked right past them and went into the next stall. He saw me and panicked. He sent her home and called me into his office like half an hour later, begging me not to tell anyone.”

“Why does he care if it’s just his ex-wife?” Dennis asked.

“His current wife might care a bit.” Chelsea said taking a sip from her beer like she was Kermit the Frog sipping tea.

Dennis snorted into his can as he was about to sip from his own beer.

“He’s been super nice to me ever since, tells me to go home early, buys me lunch.” Chelsea said shrugging.

“There you go. Nice little scheme you got going on.” Dennis smiled.

“It’s pretty great for now.” Chelsea laughed. “Did you get laid the other night?”

“What do you mean?” Dennis asked, a little thrown off, but rolling with the punches.

“When you had that chick over and you wanted the wine. You get lucky?” Chelsea asked, then added quickly, “I assumed she was like a date or something. Either that or your sister. Shit, if it was your sister, forget the whole thing about getting lucky. Unless you’re into that, and judging by some of the websites I frequent, a lot of people are.”

Dennis burst out laughing, “It was not my sister and I’m most certainly not into that... Although some of the porn isn’t bad.”

“It’s porn. Even if it’s bad it’s not that bad.” Chelsea said making Dennis laugh again. “So you get laid?”

“I did actually.” Dennis said smiling a little at the memory, “Thank you for the wine, that shit was a life saver.”

“That wine is magical.” Chelsea said, “When I opened that bottle, me and some guy I met online drank it and we wound up fucking for hours.”

“Nothing like a bit of good sex wine.” Dennis joked.

Another half hour and two more beers later and Dennis’ yard was just about clear, except for the large heap of leaves they had formed in the middle of the yard.

“Whoo!” Chelsea yelled into the quiet afternoon as she swept the last few leaves onto the pile to join their fallen brothers. “Half way there.”

“Fuck yeah.” Dennis said giving Chelsea a high five, which should have been awkward, but wasn’t. As Chelsea walked over to the rock wall and stepped back over to her yard, Dennis hung back and slipped behind his shed for a minute.

“What were you doing?” Chelsea asked as Dennis emerged from behind his shed adjusting his pants.

“Taking a piss.” Dennis told her honestly, stepping over the wall.

“Awe, you should have told me. I have to go too. We could have gone together.” Chelsea said pretending to pout.

“Dagnabit. Next time.” Dennis said smiling. He was half joking, but he was also very interested in what fraction she was joking.

“Well I was going to go inside and pee, but I can’t do that after you just peed outside.” Chelsea said looking around. There were no houses behind her yard and the thick trees were a decent enough deterrent from nosy neighbors.

“Why not?” Dennis asked laughing.

“Cause then I’d look like a bitch.” Chelsea said walking over to a patio set in her yard. She sat down on a half metal half plastic chair. Dennis strolled over and sat across the glass patio table from her. “And I’m no bitch.” She said adjusting herself in her chair and shimmying her jeans down to her thighs. Dennis could see the cloudy outline of her crotch through the distortions of the glass table. “I do this all the time when I’m sitting out here.” Chelsea said.

Dennis laughed, “It’s alright. I do worse in my backyard.”

“Like what?” Chelsea asked, her pussy was exposed to the nippy breeze, but she didn’t seem in any hurry to pee and put it away just yet. She stared at Dennis with real interest, apparently very intrigued by what he might be getting up to next door.

Dennis smiled, considering if it would be alright to tell her the truth, he decided he might as well. “I jerk off sometimes...” he admitted, then quickly added, “Like at night, late at night, I’ll just come out sometimes and do it and just finish right in the grass.” He hesitated, gauging what Chelsea’s response would be to this. He didn’t quite know what to expect her to say or do, whatever he thought might happen, was not what happened though.

“Coward.” She said.


“You wait till night. I finger myself out here in broad daylight all the time.” and Dennis began hearing the soft splatter as Chelsea began peeing into the grass below her chair.

“Really?” Dennis asked, glancing at Chelsea’s eyes before staring through the table at her crotch as he watched a stream of distorted liquid shooting from Chelsea’s pussy.

“Oh yeah.” Chelsea said. And then putting a hand to her crotch she said, “I’m just out here all the time like, Yeeeaaaahhh” she swirled her hand around in tiny circles making her stream of piss do a few messy loops around the ground beneath her.

Dennis laughed while his pants pitched a tent. This was all happening very fast and Dennis didn’t really know what he should be doing. All he knew was that he liked whatever was going on. “I think I’ve seen you sitting outside reading before.”

Chelsea laughed, making her stream quiver with her body’s slight movements, “I’m not reading. I hide my phone in the book and watch porn while I fuck myself.”

“I’d be super freaked out that someone would come out and see me.” Dennis said thinking about it.

“That’s most of the fun. Plus, I have you and the Ramirez’s on either side of me, it’s like what are either of you going to do?” Chelsea said indicating the two houses on either side of her own while her stream of piss began to eb a bit.

“Well, I’ll probably jizz in my pants if I see you out here fucking yourself.” Dennis said, hoping he didn’t do that right now. “and Mrs. Ramirez will just offer you some food cause you look hungry.”

This made Chelsea laugh hard and as she did, her body squeezed out several strong bursts of pee that splattered noisily off the wet ground beneath her. Mrs. Ramirez was their seventy-eight-year-old neighbor who loved walking around the neighborhood with bowls full of food. She was a sweet lady, but sometimes being fed the neighbor’s left overs got a bit annoying. Chelsea’s stream tapered off to a trickle which slowed to a drip as she asked, “So have you really never jerked off outside during the day?”

“Nope.” Dennis said straining his memory for anything he might have forgotten. At twenty-six years old, you can’t be expected to remember the details of every time you’ve ever jerked off right off the top of your noggin.

“That’s wild. You should do it after we finish my yard.” Chelsea said, she liked where this afternoon was taking her and her neighbor, but she also wanted to make sure he held up his end of the deal and raked her yard.

“Ahh, sure”. Dennis said staring around, looking at all the windows he could see in the daylight, there weren’t really that many, but it still made him nervous.

“Let’s get back to work then.” Chelsea said standing up while her pants were still down around her thighs before pulling them back up, briefly showing Dennis her pussy, finally unfiltered by the table. Dennis wasn’t able to see too much, just the beginning of the slit between her legs. Her pussy lips were thin and glistening with tiny droplets of pee and Dennis could just see where her sensitive clit was hidden away between the warm folds of her pussy.

“Yeah. I’ll get beer.” Dennis said. When he tried to stand up he was met with an annoying obstacle. His dick was absolutely throbbing against his jeans. He did some quick thinking and went with the tried and true method of tucking his boner into the waistband of his boxer shorts before walking back to his house to get the beers. The waist band tuck made it so much more comfortable to walk that he almost forgot about his dick’s incessant begging.

As he went back into his own yard and into his kitchen. Chelsea stuck her hand into her jeans and felt the crotch of the panties she was wearing. They were absolutely soaked. This was the result of two things. She hadn’t bothered to wipe herself off at all when she had finished peeing and all the little droplets that were still stuck to her pussy had immediately been absorbed into her panties as soon as she pulled them back up. But it was also because of how turned on she was. For some reason peeing like that, with Dennis watching her, while the two of them just casually chatted, had made her pussy slick. She couldn’t wait until they finished her yard and she would get to see him jerk off out here.

“Here you go.” Dennis said, coming back into her yard and handing her another can of beer.

“Thanks.” Chelsea said taking a sip.

Dennis took a sip from his and then used his shirt to wipe the grim from his face. As he did this, the bottom of his shirt was lifted and the tip of his dick, still poking out of his waist band, was exposed.

Chelsea’s eyes popped as she saw this. “Hey there!”

“What? Oh shit. Sorry.” Dennis said laughing at the look of interested surprise on Chelsea’s face.

“Let’s play a game.” Chelsea said making direct eye contact with Dennis.

Dennis wasn’t going to say no to playing any game that a girl proposed after seeing his dick.

“We split the yard into these quarters right here.” She drew imaginary lines with her arms to divide the yard up. “I’ll do this quarter and you do that quarter. Whoever finishes their quarter last has to do the other half of the yard with just their underwear on while the other one watches.”

“Deal.” Dennis said laughing.

Chelsea picked up Dennis’ rake for him and made to hand it to him. “On your mark, get set, go!” She said and threw his rake over the rock wall and into his yard.

“You mother fucker!” Dennis laughed as he ran to retrieve his rake while Chelsea got started on her corner feverishly. By the time Dennis got back she had already cleared a decent patch. Dennis set to work quickly and after a few minutes he had caught up to Chelsea. Trying to be discrete Chelsea shuffled a rake full or two of leaves over onto Dennis’ side. Dennis saw her doing it out of the corner of his eye, because try as she might, she wasn’t very subtle. He ran over to the invisible line that divided their two quarters. Chelsea retreated as he ran over and she began to rake her own side again, pretending to be innocent. Dennis, wasn’t sure what he should do, so he pulled out his dick. Chelsea watched with rapt interest as Dennis stood there for a few seconds before a stream of piss began to flow out of his dick and splatter across the leaves on her side.

“You mother fucker!” Chelsea yelled, smiling and running toward Dennis with her rake raised over her head. Instinctually Dennis wheeled toward her and as she ran at him, he sprayed her pant legs with piss. She paused, looking down at her pant legs and allowing a shudder of delight to pass through her body, before turning to stare at Dennis.

Dennis was caught between being genuinely horrified that he had just pissed on his neighbor and finding it absolutely hilarious that he had just pissed on his neighbor. His dick was now pointed at the ground, still pissing.

“You mother fucker.” Chelsea said shaking her head. Then she charged again, this time not stopping when Dennis put his dick up to defend himself. Her jeans got splattered with his piss as she jumped on top of him, bringing him to the ground on his back, with her sitting on top, straddling his crotch. She couldn’t believe how wet this act had made her until she realized that the warm moisture she was feeling was not because of her excited pussy at all. She was sitting on top of Dennis’ dick and he was still pissing. Dennis’ hard dick gave him very little control over where his stream was flowing. In the same way that Chelsea could feel his liquid warming between her legs, Dennis felt his stomach and shirt being doused.

Chelsea reached down and pulled Dennis’s boxers up so that he was peeing into those instead. Although the crotch of her jeans was pressed so tightly against his dick that he was still warming her while the piss ran down his own hips and soaked his ass. Chelsea put her hands on Dennis’ shoulders to pin him to the ground, she bit her lip in concentration.

Dennis’ mouth dropped open as he felt a fresh wave of wet warmth spread over his crotch. He looked down his chest to Chelsea’s pants and could see a dark wet spot spreading steadily across the lower half of her jeans, spiderwebbing down her legs. As she continued to pee on him, Chelsea began rocking back and forth across the hard dick still tucked away in his wet boxers. This wet dry humping wasn’t the most comfortable thing in the world, but Dennis wasn’t about to stop Chelsea, she seemed like she was really enjoying herself. She had her eyes closed and her head bent, so that her hair fell over her face. She changed speeds and regularly adjusted herself slightly, so that she was rubbing herself against him at constantly changing angles. As she kept going, Dennis stated to feel the friction working for him too. Chelsea picked up speed and began yelping with the thrills brought on from an orgasm. Dennis was just about to join her in cumming when she stopped and rolled off him.

Chelsea giggled as she got to her feet, picked up her rake, and began furiously clearing her quarter of the yard again. Dennis had to remain lying in the leaves without moving for a minute or two before he was confident he could stand up without sending his dick over the edge that Chelsea had brought him so close too. He couldn’t believe this had all been a trick so that she could finish first (in more ways than one).

Once Dennis got back to his feet he picked up his own rake and began trying to clear his part of the yard, but it was clearly too late, Chelsea was almost done with her quarter. A few minutes later Chelsea threw her rake to the ground and raised her arms in celebration as she had just cleared the last of her section. “Take em off.” She called to Dennis.

Dennis had a sour face on as he took his sweatshirt and shirt off over his head, but really he was glad to be rid of the dirty cloths, they had been nice and warm when him and Chelsea had first soaked them, but they had quickly become cold and damp.

Chelsea was thinking along the same lines as she tugged her own jeans down and stepped out of them, leaving them in a wet heap on the brown grass that had been hidden under the leaves. She left her shirt and jacket on because neither of them had actually gotten that wet throughout this whole business and it was still pretty cold out. So, it was in a pair of pink panties with small green spots on them and her light pink windbreaker that she watched as Dennis undid his belt and let his jeans fall to the ground. He stood in front of her in nothing but his drenched boxers. He drained the last of his beer and tossed the can onto the pile of leaves they were building in Chelsea’s yard.

“Don’t worry, I’ll get some more.” Chelsea said placing a hand on Denis’ firm chest before sauntering up the steps to her own house. Dennis watched her ass cheeks rise and fall, concealed in those bright panties. As he watched her walk, Dennis noticed the panties sneaking their way in between Chelsea’s ass cheeks. Chelsea opened her door and stepped inside her house, Dennis saw her sneak a hand behind herself and pull the wet fabric from between her rounded cheeks.

Dennis casually swept a small clump of leaves onto the pile while Chelsea was inside. When she came back out and tossed him a can of beer she said, “I’ll get a fire going while you finish the yard and then you can finally jerk off outside while the suns still up!”

Dennis popped the top on his can, drained half of it, and then, like Popeye after eating spinach, he began racing around the yard at an almost super human speed. He was a flurry of flying leaves and vicious rake swings. While he ran around the yard trying to get all the leaves to move at once, Chelsea walked casually to the back of her yard where she kept a small wood pile. She grabbed a couple logs and positioned them in her fire pit on top of a pile of twigs and paper. Chelsea lit a piece of paper with a Bic she had in her pocket and tossed it onto the fire. She spent a few minutes poking at the logs in the pit, making sure they were being properly exposed to the flame and there was enough air flow to keep the fire lit.

Dennis finished up the last of the yard just as Chelsea was getting the fire to become self-sufficient. He collapsed in a lawn chair next to the fire pit and emptied his can of beer. He reached down for his shirt to mop the sweat from his face but realized he was still only wearing his boxers. Chelsea saw his struggle and was kind enough to help him. “Here” she said taking her jacket off and pulling her own shirt over her head. She tossed the shirt to him and put her jacket back on over the red bra she was wearing. She leaned back in the other lawn chair by the fire and put her feet up on the edge of the pit, spreading her legs so that Dennis was able to see the barely concealed outline of her pussy through the cloud of smoke rising from the fire between them. Dennis used her shirt to slowly wipe the sweat from his face, careful to keep at least one eye on Chelsea the whole time.

When he had finished she asked, “You ready to jerk off now?”

Dennis laughed, “I’ve been ready since you walked outside like two hours ago.”

“Go for it.” Chelsea said leaning forward a little.

Dennis didn’t need any more encouragement than that, he quickly pulled his boxers down, revealing the boner they had been poorly concealing since he sat down. He began stroking his dick slowly, getting into his tried and true rhythm. He was very used to doing this alone, but something about having an audience made it feel very different. He made eye contact with Chelsea who was staring, transfixed at him while he pulled on his dick. “You want a closer look?” He asked since she was leaning so far forward that her hair was almost falling into the open flames.

She nodded and slinked over to where he was sitting. She stood over him, looking down on him with his dick in his hand. Dennis looked up at her and saw her carefully spit a small glob of saliva a few feet above his dick. She had good aim and it landed on his fingers, a string of drool still dangled down from her mouth. She laughed as she wiped her mouth while Dennis rubbed her saliva over his cock while he jerked it. It felt so much better that Dennis was about to ask her to do it again when she reached a hand into her pink and green panties and swirled it around. When she pulled her hand out again it was wet and glistening in the afternoon sunlight. She used a few fingers from her other hand to scrape her pussy juices off her fingers and onto Dennis’ dick. He wasn’t sure whether it was straight pussy juice or if there was some pee mixed in, and he didn’t really care either. It felt incredibly slick and he was feeling close to cumming again, this time he wasn’t planning on letting anything stop him from orgasming. His hand got quicker and he began to squirm as his body prepared itself.

“You gonna cum?” Chelsea asked.

Dennis nodded.

“Stand up.” She whispered. He did so and she wrapped him in a tight embrace, careful to give his hand enough room to do what it needed to do. She kissed him, a long and wet kiss before she swiped her tongue into his mouth. Dennis was in euphoria when she broke the kiss long enough to whisper, “Cum in here.” into his mouth. He felt the waistband of her panties brush against the bottom of his dick. She had stretched them open for him, so he could cum on her pussy and in her panties while she was still wearing them. He held onto her shoulder with one hand to keep himself steady as his other hand completed the last few pumps he needed and then began to aim as his cum started to shoot out. The first few shots hit her directly in the belly and trickled down to get caught up in her small amount of pubic hair and run along the seams of her pussy. A few more drops landed directly in her panties which held them there as they seeped their way down and pooled where her pussy met the fabric. As the last few drops were shaken from his dick into her waiting panties she leaned up and kissed him again, releasing the waistband of her panties and moving her entire body right up close to his as she felt all his hot cum glazing her pussy.

“Fuck.” Dennis whispered when they finally broke from the kiss. Chelsea was still holding onto his chest as he slipped his messy dick back into his damp boxers. She closed her eyes, enjoying the sticky warm cum she could feel oozing around her pussy. Her bare legs were chilly but the heat coming from her crotch might have been the hottest thing in the back yard, roaring fire included.

“I have to pee again.” Chelsea said, pouting at Dennis.

“Are you going to tackle me again, cause that could start hurting soon.” Dennis said smiling.

Chelsea glared at him for a moment before cracking a smile too, “Maybe later. I have a different idea now though.” She turned around so her back was facing him, “Pick me up.” She put an arm on his shoulder and hoisted herself up. He grabbed her legs, taking a leg into each hand to form some kind of an uncomfortable chair.

“Like this?” Dennis asked

“Spread my legs out more.” She said, “and take a step closer to the fire.” With her ass practically hanging over the fire Chelsea pulled her panties to the side to reveal her cum coated pussy, she then closed her eyes and concentrated on squeezing the correct muscle to force herself to pee. A second later the fire gave a slight hiss as a few drops of pee fell to the hot flames. Then she was actually peeing, a full strong jet shooting from between her legs. It was too strong though and shot over the fire pit, landing in the grass beyond. Dennis took a step back as Chelsea scooched herself so that her stream would be going down. Instead of hitting the fire this time, her stream was too short and splattered Dennis’ cold bare feet. Chelsea adjusted herself again and this time hit the fire with the full force of her stream. Smoke rose from the fire as it popped and sizzled while her pee turned the hot logs a soggy black. Chelsea watched her stream hitting the fire for a few seconds and then glanced over her shoulder to see that Dennis was transfixed while watching her pee. She moved her hand to his jaw and steered his mouth to hers, kissing him deeply while she continued to flood the fire. He seemingly got distracted by the kiss and gently let her down. She got to her feet and turned around so that she was facing Dennis, maintaining the kiss the whole time while her piss now ran down her legs and hammered against the ground, splattering against their shins and turning the dirt at their feet to mud. As her stream died to an ignorable dribble she broke her kiss with Dennis and looked up at him, then, with her legs still glossed with her pee she asked, “You want to jump in the leaves with me?”

Truth be told, Dennis didn’t. He was wet, cold, sticky, covered in more bodily fluids than he had thought two people were capable of producing, and still furiously horny. He didn’t care about jumping in leaves, the only thing he wanted to do was plunge himself into his neighbor and fuck her until the sun went down. But he said, “Of course.” and smiled at her. He reached a hand down between her legs and wiped it along her pussy. Then he brought his dripping hand up and rubbed it across her bare chest. Small droplets of pee trickled across one of her boobs. Dennis watched them sparkle slightly in the afternoon sunlight before saying, “let’s go.”

Chelsea leaned in and kissed him again, pressing her wet chest to his. Then she turned on her heel and took off running. Dennis watched her take a few paces, her ass had almost eaten the entire back of her panties, she didn’t seem to care about that very much as she flung herself into the pile of leaves. Dennis jogged after her and jumped lightly on top of the spot where she had disappeared in the leaves.

He heard her rustling around underneath the leaves. He stood, lightly perched over her when he was struck by a devilish idea. It took only a few seconds before Dennis’ naked dick was sprinkling a light stream of piss on top of the pile of leaves. Dennis’ dick was hard, but he still used a hand to maneuver it up and down the pile of leaves, trying to coat as much of it as he could.

Underneath the pile, Chelsea thought it sounded like it was raining as she heard the patter on the leaves above her. After a few seconds some of the liquid seeped through the many layers of leaves and dampened one of her breasts. She swiped a few drops of it with a finger and licked it off. As soon as it hit her taste buds she realized what was going on above her. “You bitch, you’re pissing on me!”

Dennis laughed, “Where should I piss then?” He asked.

“Right here.” Chelsea stuck one of her hands through the leaf pile. Dennis didn’t take long to hit her target. As soon as she felt his piss touch her hand she brought it back down inside the safety of the leaf pile with an excited squeal. Her other hand shot up on the other side of the pile waving temptingly at Dennis who was holding his dick as if it were a ray gun. He swiveled around and shot her hand. This hand retreated and the first one poked up right in front of Dennis. She leaned forward so her whole arm emerged from the leaf pile. Dennis swiveled around and shot at this target too, but this time when he made contact with Chelsea’s hand she did not pull it back, but actually moved it forward, following the trail of piss back up to the source.

When she found what she was looking for, she wrapped her dripping hand around Dennis’ dick and began pumping it for him while he continued to empty his bladder into the leaves on top of her. He didn’t know it, but he was splashing the leaves directly in front of Chelsea’s face. Chelsea pulled his dick a few times, turning it slightly as she did and getting the palm of her hand in the way of his stream so that when she placed it back over his dick it was wet with his own piss again.

Dennis’ stream slowed a little. His hard dick made for a slow but steady stream as he was almost finished emptying himself. As this occurred, Chelsea emerged from the pile of wet leaves like a zombie rising from the grave. Except she had no interest in eating brains, only giving head. She lifted herself up to her knees and directed Dennis’ dick into her mouth, the slight stream of pee splashing her chin before she got it in. Chelsea began rocking her head back and forth. Her cheeks were inflated like those of a hamster and it was clear she hadn’t made up her mind about what to do with the pee that was squirting into her mouth. She just kept trying to give a blowjob while her mouth became increasingly fuller. It seemed to be working out for a few seconds, she had a good seal around his dick which prevented any piss from escaping. Chelsea had only really been taking in the head and upper shaft of Dennis’ dick, and as she became more confident in her ability to give a blow job with a mouth full of piss, she got a little too cocky. She tried to take more of him into her mouth and choked. She must have swallowed some of the piss down the wrong pipe because the next second, she was grabbing Dennis’ dick and trying to suppress a cough. All this did was force the cough out her nose, sending two nostrils full of piss out with it. The piss sprayed out of her nostrils and splattered all over Dennis’ pubes and balls while Chelsea coughed her large mouthful of piss back onto Dennis’ dick. She coughed and spluttered for a few seconds, trying to catch her breath and then looked up at Dennis. He was standing there frozen, unsure of what had just happened and with no idea of what he was supposed to do next. After a second of unsure eye contact, Chelsea took action. She directed Dennis’ dick back into her mouth and began swallowing it in its entirety with ease. It was much less of a challenge now that she wasn’t choking on a mouth full of piss. She still had a small amount of pee left over in her mouth and as she forced her face down on Dennis’ dick she pushed it out of her mouth, it bubbled, frothed, and foamed around the base of his dick.

She pulled her head off his dick and gasped, “Fuck me.”

Dennis dropped down into the pile of leaves as Chelsea laid back. Dennis used his hand to steer his dick into Chelsea. Once her felt himself slip inside the tight ring of her vagina he pulled his hand up and placed it on the ground to steady himself as he began thrusting into her at an angle. Trying to force his dick to rub her G spot. Chelsea was immediately going wild. She had been so turned on all day that at this point all she needed was to look at a bowling pin the wrong way and she would be sent over the edge. She thrashed her head from side to side, getting dead leaves tangled in her long hair and not caring even a little.

Her crotch tingled intensely and her body shuddered. She was acutely aware of everything around her. The dampness of the leaves as they dripped onto each other. The way each dead leaf was poking her and crinkling and crunching with her every movement. And the movements of Dennis. She could feel every small quiver of his body. Could feel the wild effect it was having on her own body. She felt as if his very heart beat was pulsating inside her, each thump making her body tense and her mind euphoric.

Dennis buried his dick into Chelsea as she gushed with juices. He stopped trying to rub the upper wall of her pussy at an angle, bent himself down low, and started firing into her furiously.

Chelsea tentatively stretched out her arms and began heaping leaves on top of them. Her whole body seemed so tensed with pleasure that her control over her arms looked like that of an infant.

Dennis felt the leaves close in on them as Chelsea did her best to cover them. He didn’t care that they were still damp with his piss. The only thing in the world that Dennis cared about was fucking Chelsea until he came. He continued to pump into Chelsea at his furious pace for almost another minute before he felt his brain go into panic mode about where he should cum. He ignored the warnings and continued going. He felt himself hit the point of no return, but kept going. Every time he thrust himself into Chelsea he knew that he could just stop and let his dick shoot into her, but he pulled himself slightly out, only to force his way back in, trying to concentrate as much pleasure into this moment as he could, before it was over. Dennis thrust into Chelsea and felt the first rope of cum shoot out of his dick. Chelsea obviously felt it too because she gave another shudder. Dennis pulled out again and then pumped himself back in, determined to keep going until he could do so no longer. He was able to pump in two more times before finally collapsing down and letting his body convulse with the power of his orgasm. Shooting his load deep into Chelsea.

When he felt what he thought would be the last shudder from his body, he slid his wet dick out of her slick vagina and rolled next to Chelsea. She didn’t move. Just laid on her back, surrounded by leaves and warm thoughts as she felt his cum begin to leak out of her vagina and drip down her crotch into the dead leaves. She let this happen naturally, keeping her hands above her head and enjoying the slow griminess that was setting over her.

The sun was just starting to set over their quiet neighborhood. Chelsea felt her stomach grumble. She thought this was funny, she couldn’t have felt fuller if she had just eaten two large pizzas.

The two neighbors said some interesting good byes to each other and decided that they would take care of the leaf clean up tomorrow. And hey, maybe if it worked out, they could help each other with their yard work again tomorrow.

(If you enjoyed this, leave a like and check out the rest of my stories. If you didn't... thanks for reading I guess)


2021-08-21 06:13:46
Absolutely hilarious , I giggled my way through this wonderful story almost wetting myself, being a bit of a water sports girl I found it quite a turn on, I've not done anything quite as adventurous outdoors but have been a regular participant indoors.


2021-04-12 15:20:18
I have sent this to my girlfriend, and asked her to help with raking and ...
This story is so silly, and so sexy and lotsa fun.


2021-02-13 07:55:12
Simply AWESOME!!!!!


2020-08-07 00:48:55
Epic! One if my favs!


2018-11-06 22:52:29
I read this in class and by the end I was wet lol love the story keep up the great writing:)

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