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Bianca see's the same delivery van and likes to use racing the van as a way to reward herself. Lydia likes to go out and ends up going home with a girl.
Bianca. Lydia. Isabelle. Stephanie. Sophia.


This is my first serious piece of writing in quite a while so apologies if I write terribly. Please provide feedback whether you enjoyed it or not. There are 3 more main character chapters for the initial introduction.

Bianca I

The morning air was cool on her mostly exposed skin as she rounded the final corner on her morning jogging route. She liked running early in the morning, there was barely a soul in sight and it gave her plenty of time to think.

The sun just beginning to rise shone low amber rays onto her bronzed skin as she ran headlong into it. The streets were still sleepy this time of morning.

Only a single plain white postal delivery van pottering along the road slowly, stopping occasionally. She liked to make a race out of it, trying to keep up with the van.

The van was always there, trundling down the road in his van at this time of day. Sometimes it made less stops, sometimes it made more, she always however loved to get an eyeful of the delivery driver though.

She counted it as a victory when she was able to get home before the van reached her house. So when she saw the delivery van it always gave her a boost of energy as she raced it down the street.

Today she had won, a quick glance back as she passed the white van pulled up two houses before hers. She would reward herself this morning.

Sometimes she would let herself lose on purpose, it was a way of teasing herself, she didn't want to make it too easy. Same would be the case if the van stopped too much, it wasn't a challenge that way.

She liked to push herself, and would not reward herself unless it was a challenge for her.

She bounced in the door and through the house to the kitchen. She made herself some cereal and toast, washing it down with a mixture of mango and orange juice.

With food sorted she stripped down and went to the shower, her reward for beating the van was to give herself with a morning orgasm. While she let the hot water wash over her body she played with herself.

She pictured a great number of things happening to her, the hands of different men that excited her, actors, boys from her college, the delivery driver of the van.

Her juices flowed and washed away with the water, but in her excited state it did not take her long to bring herself over the edge. The particular image that got her over burnt itself into her mind, being tied up and used, like a toy, helpless, forced to do the bidding of a man she’d call master.

In her fantasy she was a slave, taken in the night or in the day, or really at any time in anyplace. She was tied up so that struggle as she might she could not escape her bonds. Then she was left for a period of time, how long changed with the day but always she was desperate by the time the assailant returned.

She would struggle with renewed vigour when the man returned, trying to escape his touch. But when he touched her it was always like lightning, a bolt shooting through her, all her nerves alight with anticipation. Just the mere idea of contact in this intense situation excited her desperately and she rubbed, teased and played with herself all the more when she visualised this.

He would begin to touch her body, examining her all over, never speaking, making the silence all the more intense. The only sounds in this void of space were her own, whimpers and moans reacting to the stimulation that he gave her, the showers cascading water was a sound so distant it was scarcely noticeable.

When his inspection was complete to his satisfaction, he would use her mouth like a fleshlight, forcing himself inside her roughly, over and over again. She would try desperately to opening her mouth as wide as she could, never able to fully accept it in her mouth voluntarily. The result was that she would gag messily all over the cock in her mouth and all over herself as well.

If she ever spluttered or gagged, which was a frequent occurrence, she was slapped hard in the face. She pictured one side of her face bright red from the abuse and even found herself slapping her own wet face as her body wracked itself with a powerful orgasm.

She finished her shower in her post cum haze. Feeling rejuvenated she towelled herself off, applied some makeup which covered her light pink cheek and dressed.

She quickly packed her bag for classes, noticing she was now running late. With that done she was out the door, ready for her day.

Lydia I

Waking about 11am Lydia came to with a light headache. She had been out the night before and partied hard. She stretched out, rolling herself out on the bed, trying to stretch all muscles awake.

Feeling the soft sheets she was wrapped in she suddenly realised this wasn’t her bed, she’d gone home with someone last night!

She heard water running from the ensuite and she froze, suddenly feeling her nakedness all the more. A figure emerged in the doorway, I lithe figure wrapped in a sheer silk robe emerged. Delicate features, large soft eyes and a warm smile bounced over to her and into the bed with her, suddenly those large eyes all the closer, Lydia was able to appreciate the mix of colours that made up the girl’s eyes, so vivid catching the light rays coming from the late morning sun.

The familiar smile transported Lydia back to the night before, she had been with some girlfriends at a local Latin dance club, she had been sipping at drinks all night, putting them down only to dance to her favourite tracks.

Often guys would buy her drinks, she’d flash them a seductive smile and dance for a short while before moving on, drink in hand. What caught her off guard was when a short blonde with a beautiful smile approached her, having purchased a second cocktail. Most guys bought her a beer or cider if they were slightly more thoughtful, but this cocktail was one of her favourites and the best one the club offered.

The blonde was wearing a short dress far more scandalous than Lydia thought she could dare to wear and its small size stood in contrast to the thick velvet choker with neat metal ring that cling to her neck.

No words could be heard above the music but Lydia followed the gorgeous girl through the crowd to a VIP section, waved through by a muscular bouncer who recognised the blonde. They went through the VIP to an area with small booths where they sat to drink their drinks. Mimicking the blondes actions Lydia placed her drink on the table and extended her hand to accept the girls out turned arm.

The rest of the night had been a blur of pleasure and entertainment, she had learnt this girls name, Sophia and danced with her all night, drinks kept coming, Sophia must have a tab at the bar or something because they seemed to have no end.

At some point in the night she must have accepted to return to Sophia’s place. As her mind returned to the present moment, she felt their lips meeting, a warm kiss that set her toes tingling.

They made out for several minutes, Sophia slipped her way out of her robe, and under the covers while never breaking the kiss with Lydia. Lydia felt thin fingers tracing their way down her nude body, they excited the nerve endings on her breasts, quickening her breath. They traced patterns across her taught belly.

She drew a deep breath as the fingers gently combed her neat bush and parted the lips of her pussy, and she gasped as she felt two fingers penetrate her.

Sophia began to lose her semblance of gentle and delicate around now however as she penetrated Lydia with increasing persistence. Before Lydia could fully comprehend what was taking place she realised she could feel the thumb of Sophia’s hand inside her accompanying many fingers. She had to verify this was real, she looked between her and Sophia, beneath the sheets, breaking their kiss for the first time since it began.

Indeed, although contorted to make the angle of maintaining the kiss possible, Sophia’s fist was entirely embedded in Lydia. It moved around inside there and Lydia’s pussy pulsates in response, the small had giving her intense pleasures. As her orgasm mounted she squirmed about, an intense feeling that she needed to pee beginning to become overwhelming while her orgasm continued to grow.

She tried to call out and warn Sophia, but she could only moan. She tried to squirm free but while small, Sophia kept her firmly in place.

Unable to deny her orgasm any longer she came, and came hard. She convulsed as she came and too her horror she began to pee, at least she thought. The pee sprayed from her like a gushing she couldn’t control, it sprayed out over Sophia and drenched the sheets around them.

As the orgasm subsided, Lydia caught Sophia quietly muttering to herself “she will be perfect” which was of slight concern for Lydia, but quickly forgotten when the next thing Sophia did was begin to lick the juices from her hand, just retrieved from inside Lydia.

“I didn’t expect you’d be a squirter”, she giggled seductively, it was so erotic to see this girl relish her juices, she was no longer embarrassed in the moment about peeing either. She had heard about squirting and even seen it in a porno or two, but she’d never imagined anyone she knew would be able to do it, let alone herself!


2018-10-23 18:50:41
@bisara there will definitely be more. I am thinking of rewriting at least one of the girls(Sophia) first chapters so that one might take a little to come out.

Isabelle & Stephanie's Introduction chapters will be put up for the site approval today so you should be able to read that whenever the next round of approvals goes through.


2018-10-22 06:55:57
Oh please tell me this small teaser has more coming, I am so wanting to know what is in store for Lydia, and Bianca seems so set on being taken as a slave, you can't be so cruel as to leave me gasping for more after that brilliant start.

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